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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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treats his subordinates very well, who listens, who cheers like a patriot, well , that is such a story, on the one hand, of course , it is clear that some of the authors who shoot documentaries want to present their heroes, especially those who died, in such a positive way as a memorial, but on the other hand, in movies like this, the volume of the character is usually lost, i.e. when we only get the good side of a person, it's usually... not interesting from an artistic point of view, and in the end, i wonder how this movie will end, just like the conclusions will be regarding the death of denys menastivskyi, how the authors will present this very moment, what topics they will raise, maybe some unresolved issues, that is, i just have to see it literally in, i think, in 20 minutes, i will already know, i think that everyone who wants to watch a film about denys menastivskyi can do so,
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but it will be on youtube, i don't know, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and you can watch it, get to know him too, and now i'm running to finish it, i wish you a peaceful p.m, well, it would be really interesting to see, the final point in this story is tragic and still hasn’t been put, let me remind you... in the summer , a helicopter over there over the breweries got busy, it fell, the people who were on the ground there in the kindergarten and everyone who was actually there died on the back of this helicopter, and i will remind you that yevgeny yenin, who was the deputy prosecutor general and deputy minister of internal affairs of ukraine, quite respectable, professional person who prepared a lot of ukrainian cases, which ukrainian cases were then considered, also died. in
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international courts, and it is true that denys monastyrskyi, yevhen yenin, and others who also died, employees of the ministry, employees of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, these were very unusual people, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they are lacking, young, ambitious , professional politicians, who are very necessary in times of war, because we see professionalism that very often due to incompetence , certain... industries suffer due to greed and selfishness and lack of understanding in general, where do you live, that there is a war in the country, the question is resolved, will ukraine or it won’t happen, because of greed, selfishness somewhere suffers, well, first of all, the front suffers, our troops suffer, of course the people in the body also suffer from the fact that somewhere there is no air defense, somewhere there are some other problems, somewhere the shelter was not prepared, somewhere the shelter was not discovered , people also die even because of this, and because of this, but we understand that because of all this , first of all, our soldiers suffer, who today due to difficult conditions at the front...
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due to difficult weather, difficult moments with health , with the constant attacks of the enemy, they keep it all, and somewhere someone, being unprofessional, not understanding the situation , not corresponding to the situation or position, because of these people, unfortunately, very often our soldiers die, such as yevhen yenin and denys monastyrskyi, well, first of all, the film about denys monastyrskyi, the minister of internal affairs of ukraine, before people's deputy of ukraine, these were people who were obviously important, i remember. eh, because he himself wrote it, did it, well, read it, so it was denys monastyrskyi who woke up the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi at night with the word it began, well, actually, when the president said that it was, and denys monastyrskyi replied to the president that since the invasion in various areas and the movement of enemy troops, it was obviously it, and that's how the president learned on the night of february 24 that a great war had begun, so eternal thanks...
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respect, respect to those who died in that tragedy, and to those people who, unfortunately, also died on the ground from the fall and fire of this helicopter, and now we will talk about the weather, natalka didenko, about the most important things that we should expect tomorrow , will tell us in detail. all synoptic. hello, dear ukrainians , we are talking about the weather that is expected for the next day, there will be some interesting information, but first we will talk, because we are talking about a little jump ahead of the noticeable cooling, another, but short-lived, uh, we will pay attention today our shoes, well, it would seem, nothing like that - related to higher mathematics, as they say, but nevertheless a few simple rules can help us a lot, well er... recommended by doctors,
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specialists, for example, those who work with blood vessels not very healthy, necessarily shoes should be loose, preferably a size even bigger, in the cold we also wear warmer socks, but even such a pause, such a gap between the shoes and the foot, it creates such a thermos effect and prevents the feet from freezing, well, they also recommend, for example , if the shoes have a zipper, then the fastener should not reach the bottom of the shoes, why, because the soles should be at least 1 cm to the beginning of the zipper, then the shoes will not leak. because now there are a lot of puddles where the snow melts, especially in places where people pass thermal lines, even in frost, this is important, and behind the zipper there must be an inner lining so that, again, moisture does not flow in and frosty air does not enter, well, also for
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stability, especially in icy conditions, of course, when walking and supporting the foot, it is recommended to wear orthopedic insoles, there are a lot of them on sale now, it will be useful in general and will reduce. i hope, of course such a winter injury or simply such a winter fall on ice is unpleasant. well, it is also recommended to pay attention to the drawing on the sole, it should be such in patterns, in ornaments, embossed and deep. in such shoes, you can walk on ice and it will not be slippery, again for our safety. well, we talked about shoes, about frost, i hinted to you so much, but for now... let's move on to our traditional subheading magnetic storms, and tomorrow, as you can see now and already see, i hope the forecast chart, no magnetic storms no dangerous events are expected, slight intensification is possible tomorrow, but again the situation is generally calm, so we actually
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calmly move on to the weather forecast for the next day on january 17, on january 17 it is colder in most regions of ukraine, we start the forecast. from the western regions, and there will be almost the only part of ukraine tomorrow, where there is a possibility, albeit small, of snow, the air temperature at night is low and even -2-6° at the maximum during the day. in the north of ukraine , the air temperature at night will range from 8 to 14 degrees below zero, i was talking about the cold, there will also be a gusty wind, the maximum during the day is -2 -5 degrees, no precipitation is expected. well, of course don't forget, it will be partly cloudy in the east of ukraine tomorrow, it may even be sunny during the day, the air temperature is low -3 -7 during the day, cold, frosty at night, and cold,
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frosty at night in the central regions -7 -12 to - 13-14 places during clearings, because the clearings will be both at night, and the clearing will be much more pleasant during the day, because... sunny -2 -5° in the center tomorrow at the maximum. in the southern part of ukraine, it is clear that it will be the warmest, traditionally. there is a slight frost at night, even +2 +4° during the day. in crimea up to +5 -6. and there is also a chance of sunny skies tomorrow afternoon in the south of ukraine. and in kyiv, in the capital, as in many regions of ukraine, cooling is expected. at night, the next night to -10-12, tomorrow in the day the air temperature fluctuates. within 4-6 degrees of frost, precipitation is unlikely in kyiv on january 17. on the night of january 18 , most regions of ukraine will still experience frosty weather, but on the day of january 18 , it will be +3 +8° almost everywhere. thank you very much, mrs.
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natalka, for the information about the weather, you see it is cold, i will only call for support. armed the forces of ukraine, our military , displaced persons, people who remain in the war zone , it is difficult for them, it is difficult for them, let's donate everything you can, because all of us together can only defeat this eternal, existential ukrainian enemy, the anti-ukrainian enemy, let's put it this way , thank you for being with us, the whole velikiyter program, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, then the verdict program, let's watch together, good evening, we are from ukraine.
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there are discounts on bronchi pred 20% in pharmacies plantain, you and save. there are discounts. on hepargin 10% in pharmacies plantain, pam and savings 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny
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yar is in dire need of fivi drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio liberty, the top guests every day are the ship district, kherson, inclusion on... live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. verdict
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with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new, two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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russian tv is getting further and further away from real life, in the last program i told you that we
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will most likely continue to talk about what is happening in the housing and communal services system in russia, and actually we continue, because the collapse of this very system covered half of russia, 43 regions were faced with heat, light and water cuts, and of course there were new collective appeals, new... enchanting, let's say, videos, but on russian tv you won't see them, well , we'll see them today. on january 15, that 's how everything is happening here, it's cold, it's cold, i'm even afraid to imagine something, our march
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forward will be without water. we sat down, put juice with water, listen, i didn’t do this, we freeze without central filling and hot water, help us, yes, help, we are cold, help! the russians' cries for help continue, they continue to freeze, but what are they being told on russian tv instead? and they are told there that the economy in russia is actually better than in the whole of europe, and in the first place and it is not just anyone who tells it, putin himself tells it, but before watching, i will tell you what you know in order to
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comply with the law on language, we now tried to translate this, these passages of russian. with the help of artificial intelligence, he does not know everything yet, but he is very persistent is learning, so tell us during the youtube broadcast what your impressions will be from this, well, let's listen to what putin says in the performance of artificial intelligence. special military operations require significant resources, our countries have enough money for everything, despite all the restrictions, all the difficulties we face, economies. russia became the first in europe, in terms of purchasing power, that is, in terms of the volume of the economy, we took first place in europe, purchasing power, we overtook all of europe, but on per capita, we still need to strive , so there is work to be done here, well, you see, the russians suddenly found out that they are the first in europe, but here there is, you know, actually
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such a big lie, because in reality... in terms of gdp per capita, russia is somewhere in the 60th place in the world and far, far, far away in europe, but of course they don't tell that, so they invented something about some kind of purchasing power, what else, they hint at the fact that that prices are low in russia, and that you remember that very recently the what are the problems with eggs in russia, they are nowhere, as it turned out not to be. but instead they told me that no, there are obvious problems in the states too, why should the russians really know what problems they have, if they can listen to what problems the states have. shortage of eggs in the us, something is happening to them all over the world, now here in america, the glory
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of supermarkets has disappeared, stores even had to introduce restrictions on the sale of eggs to one person. the cause of the crisis, the flu, according to which 11 large farms in the united states, and were forced to destroy millions of turkeys, millions of chickens are not dried, while statistics came out this weekend, we also know the problems with eggs in russia, here we have the cheapest ones, you know, these conversations about the fact that eggs turned out to be the cheapest, that 's it... a noticeable slide into the soviet union. everything was also very cheap in the soviet union. there was only one problem - there was nothing. well, even the proverbial sausage for 2.20 was not there either. well, that is, everything seemed to be cheap, and as if the purchasing power allowed to buy, but there was nowhere to buy. and judging by everything, russia somehow trying to fully revive all this.
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that is why they tell how everything is terribly cheap. they don't tell. also about whether it is on sale or not, but the russian propagandists did not ignore the problems with rats in britain. another calamity that cannot be attributed to cunning russia: armies of rats and mice. right now, britain is slowly but surely returning to the era of the plague doctor, the 14th century, when london was ravaged by rats. according to the daily mail, rodents do not like either poison or traps. the length of rats sometimes exceeds 50 cm. at the moment , there are about 250 million rodents in the country, which... literally storm residential buildings, trying to hide from the frost and find food. so, russian propagandists are very concerned about rats somewhere in britain,
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but they don't want to know about how the rats actually live, their native russians, and meanwhile the russians are actively talking about it this week. podulsk is close to moscow, and we are generally for... god, the people are absolutely as if they are in some kind of tundra, everything is in an unusable condition, the problem of housing renovation, it looks like it won't affect us at all, that is, we are fine, we have fleas on our noses, but this one is open, we go for the night, here she is tiny, she runs, here she is, try man, it is recorded, well, that's how rats in the moscow suburbs 50 km from moscow they bite people right in
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the buildings, but propagandists are interested in rats somewhere in britain, well, that's logical, also propagandists, i don't know , have been terribly interested in the health of lloyd austin, the us secretary of defense, for five days, and it directly... they are interested so much that this impression is stronger than anything else. news from washington, lloyd austin, who was reported to be suffering from prostate cancer, has been released from the hospital and will begin his immediate duties at the pentagon, although no, the pentagon has only said that defense secretary austin will be working from home for the time being. that is... to manage several military operations at once, the person who was in charge of the military department did not warn anyone, that is, he disappeared. why did this happen, why did no one,
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and no one in his entourage, even think to inform the congress and the president about the fact that the minister, therefore, really cannot accept a reverse, in relation to, therefore, those conflicts that... are actually managed by america in different parts of the planet, including nuclear security sesht, he is the third person in the country who has a nuclear suitcase, well, you know, well, as always , dmytro kiselyov was the most obnoxious in all this commenting, well, it's not for nothing that he is considered one of the main propagandists of russia, but he actually confirmed his reputation. the most disgusting propagandist. so. us secretary of defense lloyd austin is now wearing a pair of underpants. at the general's
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uncontrollable release of urine and it flows from it as if from an open faucet. this is a medical fact. in the best case, he will walk like this for at least a few more weeks, and most likely even longer. this is the result of a purulent-septic complication after surgery to remove the prostate. in... cancer, the minister was held at the walter reed national military medical center on the eve of ris2. such a radical surgical operation always takes place under general anesthesia and lasts more than one hour. complications after such operations occur in about 5% of cases, but usually passes quickly and at home. but it was particularly difficult for austin. in the medical center. they said that the general got there with nausea, with severe pain in the abdominal cavity, thigh and leg, lloyd dostin again did not report his disappearance
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to the white house, later he refers to the intimate nature of such an operation and complications after it, i wonder, and there bbc or cnn, they will comment on the disease in the same way and... to the hospital, for example, the head of the central bank of russia, nabiulnaya, because just these days she she also had an operation, and she is actually also sick, something tells me that no, no one else in the world will make such comments, and you know when the kremlin was also asked about nabiulina's illness, and it must be said that it depends on nabiulina's work now completely all russian. economy in general in the world, the head of the central bank of russia is considered to be the kind of person who, well, not to the greatest extent, contributed to the fact that
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the russian economy was still... afloat, so when the kremlin was asked, literally today, what do you say about that , what nabiulin, as if during an operation in the central clinical hospital, the kremlin said that this is a very personal matter, suddenly, and it is interesting now, and dmytro kysilov, these are all propagandists, they will probably tell the russian people honestly and everything, how and what ails nebi ulina, because everything depends on this person now... russians will tell about salaries and pensions yes or no, will they tell about lloyd austin again, who has some kind of relationship with russia, i think something, rather they will talk about loidoosyan, not about themselves own on biullin, or putin, who is also sick there from time to time, or do they still have other powerful people there that they don’t tell about them, well somehow they don’t tell and that’s all,
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so what is it, well and... more to the trouble russian propaganda this week added their interpretation of an article to a well-known russian publication , the german bilt, and here russian propaganda also simply started inventing stories and scaring something, suddenly decided to scare the russians with a war with nato. the threat of the beginning. the world is no longer embarrassed by the west, europeans are opening, well, in general, the way to hell, it's not a door, it's just a tunnel, let's germany prepare for war with russia, it will happen already in 2025, bilf publishes excerpts from the materials of the allegedly secret bundver document, which prescribes clear steps in the event of a possible conflict with russia federation. according to the scenarios and exercises of the bundesfer, russia
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will begin preparations. preparation for war against nato. already in a few weeks. we begin with sensational news: germany and the entire nato are preparing for war with russia. german edition bild refers to some secret document of the bundessphere, which considers a scenario that involves the deployment of hundreds of thousands of nato troops on the eastern border of the alliance, and in the summer of 25 - this is the inevitable start of a war between russia and the west. their target will initially be found mainly baltic. countries about how stubborn pilt is, large-scale russian-belarusian exercises will begin in october 2024, russia will begin moving military contingents and medium-range missiles to the kaliningrad region in order to provoke hostilities in the area of ​​the suvalki corridor, the belarusian army will help cut off the baltic region from the alliance. in a word, preparation for what the germans are so afraid of is, apparently, life. look,
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today the belarusian military came to russia for training. the operation should begin in the summer of the next 25th year. the russian ministry of foreign affairs called the secret documents last year's horoscope, denied the information, and is definitely preparing for war with the russians. that is, i did not understand, they have been fighting with nato for like the second year, even the third year, and why all of a sudden such excitement? moreover, here already jumped out... the so-called deputy zhuravlyov began to tell that these are all shameful provocations, and they are being provoked, and one should not engage in all these provocations. provocateurs, they are, of course, significant, and for this he is doing it to lead the schenatov troops there, to create tension there along the entire line of finland to the baltics. and here we are, how?
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to react to this, well, we can also gather troops there, yes, accordingly, where should we take them, that’s what they want, that we send our troops there from ukraine, let them gather there, whatever they want, for these provocations there is no need to react, just as, for example, they bombed bilhorod, why should we, as if in an emotional rush, go to the fortified kharkiv, very strongly fortified, that is, it provokes us in all directions, fine. that our ministry of defense understands this very well, we will not react to it, how they will provoke us to this, it is still unknown, but what will happen is 100% in general. i especially liked about how they will not be provoked and will not go to strongly fortified kharkiv, but what are they did, excuse me, february 24, 2022.
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somehow they were provoked.


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