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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we start the information day with news. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. a large-scale russian attack on kharkiv. at this moment, 17 victims are known. two women are in serious condition, and a total of 12 people are hospitalized. at night, russian terrorists shelled the kholodnohirsky district on the outskirts of the city with rockets, oleg senigubov, the head of the region, said. as a result of the hits , the medical clinic was destroyed, it is a private institution there as well. was no one there,
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the building of the communal institution was also vandalized and high-rise residential buildings, someone may have shrapnel injuries, someone may have an explosion, explosion injuries of a different nature, that is, it may continue until the morning, and by the morning this figure may change, it is in people who were at the epicenter of the explosions, these are the people, as they were... on the street at the time of the explosion, as well as in the building, odeshchyna was also seriously affected by the night attacks, three people were injured, our air defense forces shot down 11 shaheds over the region. most of the drones fell into the water, the southern defense forces said. drones were flying at a critically low altitude from the waters of the black sea. unfortunately, there is also destruction. in the primorye district, shahedov's firecrackers damaged several high-rise buildings, shops and cars.
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rescuers evacuated 130 people. the enemy also attacked nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region with artillery and drones. two private houses, two non-residential buildings, a garage and a minibus were damaged. power lines were affected - said the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. previously, no one was injured. twice during the night it was loud in the belgorod region of russia. first the local air defense allegedly shot down seven rockets of the vilkha volley fire rocket system and four drones. later, two more drones and four rockets were destroyed. the russian ministry of defense announced. according to governor vyacheslav hladkov , the residential sector has been damaged, and one of the villages has been cut off. no one was hurt. 40 rockets velika.
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scalp ranges and several hundred bombs are transferred to ukraine by france. new military aid is due to arrive in the coming weeks. this was announced by emmanuel macron. the french president also announced his visit to ukraine in february for completion of a bilateral agreement on security guarantees. the spresso tv channel is starting a new collection for our defenders, the soldiers of the rvp, the legendary 95th. the airborne assault brigade needs a mercedes springter assembly bus. the defenders use the vehicle to deliver ammunition to the settlements as soon as possible, which destroy the russian invaders and their armored vehicles. our goal is uah 2,000. get involved, because your help is extremely important. any donation will help buy a car for our defenders. you can see all the details on the screen. i wish you health.
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we, the soldiers of the 95th brigade, are asking for help with donations to collect beads for our unit, now it is a very difficult period at the front, not only because of the advance of the vorks , not only because of their pressing, the weather you understand, you see for yourself, the machines break down very quickly, and we have to work , we have to protect the homeland, we do everything for this, we ask you to help us, help volunteers, glory to ukraine, the presidents of ukraine and poland held a meeting during the economic forum in the swiss dovos, informs the office of the head of state. they discussed further defense support for ukraine and coordinated joint positions on the eve of the nato washington summit. andrzej duda assured volodymyr zelenskyi that poland's policy towards ukraine will be stable and will continue to be aimed at support. he also informed that in a few days...
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the prime minister of the country , donald tusk, is going to kyiv. there is good news from the ukrainian-polish border. protesters unblocked the checkpoint. dear hours. the night before , polish carriers ended the campaign protest registration and clearance of ukrainian trucks is carried out as usual. this was reported in the state border service. let me remind you that this was the last of the blocked checkpoints. earlier , ukrainian border guards reported on the resumption of full-time work in korchov, krakowiec and hrebeny raviruska. dozens destroyed. zoos and thousands of animals killed by war. despite everything, many four-legged animals can be saved. ukrainian soldiers and volunteers take them from the front line and hand them over to local zookeepers. tailed, who found refuge in the bilotserk zoo, lyubov gerashchenko will tell. the terrible
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consequences of the war affected not only people, but also animals. a large number of them died due to shelling or improper care. so often the army... cows and volunteers take animals from the front line and transfer them to different parts of the country. the white church also became a home for many destitute creatures. according to the director of the local zoo, the furry animals were evacuated by the defenders of the 72nd brigade together with the police. currently, we have somewhere there are about 20 animals of immigrants. from near bakhmut, from korakhiv, i want to say, they also brought near kherson. they traveled, delivered to us there and delivered a squirrel, and some animals were also delivered there, i want to say a lot, at the moment we are keeping animal migrants here. all these animals have their own tragic history, for example, the beautiful crane, which was delivered from bakhmut, probably
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lived with local residents. when the military found him, there were only ashes on the site of the house, and one bird remained alive. chickens there were also many different birds. and there was one beautiful crane left, because it was a boy, because the girl had been killed, it was lying next to her, and it is not said to her that she does not even have a leg, but they brought her here, we took her out, fed her, now for the time being she is with us separately, should such animals look for a mate, there, for example, swans, because they are paired animals, of course animals need to be looked for, everything needs a mate, no less moving story in the bakha fox, also from bahmut, it was raised by ukrainian soldiers. in the trenches and accustomed to hands, now rudenko she is vaccinated and even has a passport, but walks on a leash. some people don't understand , because she was trampled in a trench, some people start to complain that we mistreat little animals, well, i want
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to tell you, if she grew up, lived with people in a trench, then she also only has to get used to people , which we don't let out, because there are always leashes. a male llama yasha from kurakhovo, donetsk region, also arrived at the zoo. at one time there was a horse farm there. parnokopytny was taken away along with several sheep. now the animals have gotten used to it, have passed quarantine and coexist perfectly with their neighbors. this is our front-line soldier. well, he arrived, he got used to it, literally in a couple of hours they got to know our residents. that is, there were no problems , there were no problems with him, and there are none now, predators, they are a little, well, stressed, after transporting them under stress, it happens that they do not want to eat for a day or two , and then they get used to it, get used to
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new home, there is enough space in the zoo for other migrant animals, there are notes, a dozen parrots, almost 20 decorative chickens, goats, as well as other small furry ones. and birds, in addition, visitors can admire rabbits, chinchillas, guinea pigs, degas, peacocks and pheasants, regardless of where the animals came from and under what circumstances, the important thing is that they are now safe. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. this concludes the episode, read more on our website, also on our social networks. join, put your preferences. next on the air, welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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congratulations you at this early hour for espresso, and this morning we will try to put together a picture of the night for you, which would be as loud as possible and started with... long before the people of kharkiv, for example, were getting ready for sleep, it all started with shelling in the middle of the place kharkov, then the air defense forces worked all night in the south and southwest direction, we already have information from them that mostly drones, shahedis were flying, and from them, well, ours worked seriously air defense, 19 out of 20 were destroyed in the air, the alarm continues in the south, we ask residents of odesa to be especially attentive. the air force
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reports danger, in particular for bilhorod dnistrovskyi. as for odesa and kharkiv oblast, we will talk about this in a little more detail on our airwaves today, we are waiting for activation from these regions, in fact, to find out what the consequences of the night attacks were, as roman already said, on kharkiv oblast, the center of kharkiv was hit, there was a hit and likewise... there is destruction in odesa, there is destruction, there was actually an attack by drones, not missiles, because kharkiv, the s-300s traditionally fly from the belgorod region of the russian federation, odesa is mostly drones recently evacuated more than 100 people, but there are also victims in the south and in the north, we will talk about this in more detail in our broadcast today, while we add to our guests. and alaverdy, as they say, loudly in the air and the belgorod people's republic
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, as usual, their governor actively writes on twitter about how they shoot down missiles, this time they were not talking about ukrainian drones, but about ukrainian rockets, there in the alder tree, they shoot down, in a word, study ukrainian words, how true this is, no one can say, but the video of the people show that it was loud enough in the morning in russian belgorod. in the meantime, let's see what happened in the south through the eyes of the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council. viktor dodokalov is in touch with us, mr. viktor, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. what happened in berdyansk, they say, something in the port area? so they say, and judging so far, what it is so, because we have it. so often the last ones, recently cotton, but it pleases
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because the local population is waiting for these arrivals so that the occupiers do not feel comfortable there, and the port, being a military object and sacred for the occupiers, it was, is under the gun of our defense forces, well, accordingly , the personnel that are stationed there and the anti-aircraft defense, everything is very interesting, and the personnel in particular. it is most likely that it was affected in the first place, because after the arrivals, the entire center, the lower part of the city was blocked, or simply blocked berdyansk, where ambulances, fire trucks and so on flew, that is, we understand that they were effective, well, this cotton was effective, it is most likely that recently drones have been flying around oberg. around berdyansk in the area, and the occupiers report that the legendary air defense
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has worked, but they do not clarify that the role of air defense is sometimes performed by their orcs, or are at least the preliminary figures for the good results of this cotton already known? here, you know, the numbers may never be known. knowing how the occupiers try to always this information to hide, we can say that... the results are good, certainly in the context of personnel, but they will do everything possible so that no one finds out, they will take them around different hospitals, field hospitals, and accordingly they will to cremate them, to bury them somewhere, it is not clear where , so that no one knows how many of them died , but we know that they were there, dozens or hundreds of personnel were stationed there on the territory of the port, and we know for sure that they were repeatedly before... this, when the air alarm sounded, they ran straight into the city with
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territory of the port, because they were afraid, that is , we can safely say that from five, there should be 10 units of 3 or even more. mr. viktor, they use the berdyanskyi port only as a military base, or as a base for transshipment and transportation of stolen ukrainian grain, and if indeed grain trucks are entering there now, then it is open. is happening, or do they hide the names, as, for example, is happening in kerchitka? and, well, first of all, they hide about grain carriers, about ships in general, because they used them in their time at that time, well, including... it seems, in the port of mariupol, they took them from owners from other countries, changed, painted over the ship numbers, and turned off the transmitters that give information about the satellite, where this ship is located, well, accordingly, they also try to hide this and that moment and even load them at night exclusively so that the local population does not see,
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but everyone hears, because it is very good to hear what is happening there now, well, what is happening in the port, and as for... .port usage yes indeed, it is logistics and military, and for theft, anything, because their logistics generally suffer from landlocked, we remember the railway that they tried to build in the south, we remember that they widened roads wherever they could in two , by three and four times, the width of the roads was increased, and they do not have time, their weapons do not have time to arrive, their equipment... does not have time to arrive, they cannot be blamed for not using the port infrastructure, but as of today, maybe there is no of a ship that is moored there or stands somewhere on a raid in our port in the bay, maybe berdyansky doesn’t have a ship, but it’s a matter of time, sooner or later he will come, because they know that they will need another weapon, and they are gathering not only grain, they scrap metal is collected,
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some looted property is collected in them, that is, what they take to the port, accumulate there, they take everything out accordingly by ships, because they take it. much more than by land, and if they transport all that amount by ship, then why do they need these extended logistical routes, the railway, how they use them now , do they use them, and that, because they , they transport by ships, and when it flies through the port, they transport by land, they try to just make alternative routes and foresee alternative routes, just when they - you know, they sensed that there was a problem even when the beauties. were going to moscow, everything happened to them in the occupied territory as well, that is, the roads and paths were all unblocked, because the traffic jams were unbelievable, just there for 3-4 days people were standing somewhere in uzbichy and they couldn't pass, that is, it's all a disaster for them , because of one kershchen bridge , anything can happen to them in the south
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of the zaporizhzhia region, and today they, they are trying to predict one... two lane so that another convoy could pass from mariupol to berdyansk, or to the territory of our district, or to the territory of the zaporizhzhia region in general, that is, they did not worry about civilians, there is no increase in passenger traffic, there is no increase in cars at all, or civilian people, the number of contingents is only increasing there, that's why they really need to stop them all, drive them all to uzbichchi, so that then people stand and wait for dozens of trucks to fly by. with ammunition, they dragged a platform there, platforms with tanks and so on, that is, these are exclusively military tasks for them. mr. viktor, while you were talking with oksana, i was carefully studying the map, zooming in with the mouse, you can zoom in like that, until i found a hut, in which, with the light hand of the poet oleksandr yervanets, i once got to rest in berdyansk, and i remember that i found
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this hut, it is east of ee... prymorska square from the bychko monument and i remember that these are all people who lived one way or another from holiday season to holiday season, well this there was such an income, and everyone was fed on that, but what about now, well, they left first of all, and well, as someone registered there with passports, he went, he received some help from the occupiers, some 10 thousand, which they gave, as if socially to... i can, someone went somewhere to work, part-time, but we understand, that, well, i don’t, i don’t know, it’s impossible to single out any specific statistics, but we can definitely say that, well, i’m telling myself that i don’t know, the city of kyiv turned into an urban-type village for a day, somewhere in the east of the kharkiv region, and by the standard of living,
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by the level of services, communication, the internet, the presence of people, and so on. further, that is, it’s simple, well, it’s just life there, some people have left, and the center of national opposition tells about some youth houses from the russians, such young people stayed in the city, if they stayed, then what are they there besides young people can have agitations according to the russian measure of putin in these houses, but they have these youth houses, there are all similar events and promotions, it is very reminiscent of some... you know, a flashback to the communists who imagined themselves there, or rather made mobile movie theaters, propagandistic ones , they drove something there, they drove, the youth of the train. it also happens in them, so that everyone is in the same symbol, with the same slogans, with the same election of the president, whom they have never elected at all in the last 25 years, and
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they tried to pick up these young people at once, and this, as it turned out, was a huge problem for the occupiers, and when i look at certain photos there, i understand that they did not add such an asset of the youth who went to these their there... at the dna level of these biological organisms to organize some pioneers, komsomol members, to knock on each other, to what extent the youth of berdyansk
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have deviated from this soviet standard in 30 years, we have not had any research, so maybe you, according to your observation , are playing a favorite russian game, knocking on a neighbor, here the youth of berdyansk succumbs to occupation, so that's the point, no, i wanted to say that this number. these young people who left, who were there, just stayed, i don't know what, what happened to them there, that they turned out to be russians like that, it's within some statistical error, it's just , well, it's a unit compared to that, to that the amount that was there, that is, there is no mass, there is no such thing there, you know that there really is some youth there for united russia, or there is simply no youth there for russians, that is, they did not win over the youth and they tried to exclude them physically. break them by intimidating, realizing that, well, rather, talking about the fact that there will be torture for those who did not cooperate, for those who did not go there to study, to study, they
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physically went to homes, drove them to schools, drove them to institutes or to some occupation educational institutions, but it did not work, because young people identified themselves, identify themselves as ukrainians, and they, and they do not understand the position of power, they are you, they grew up in... their native country, they also saw the maidan, they saw that it is possible to expel the dictator, they did not see that it is necessary to bow to him, they do not understand it, that's why it is very difficult for the russians with our freedom-loving people in the occupied territory, i don't know how our people have been holding on for almost two years, but in the russian-speaking region for a second, well, that's great, in fact, we understand that the youth are actually also those people who they know where to find reliable information, they obviously use it, thank you, mr. viktor, viktor dudukalo for... the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council was with us, we are going for a short break now. the only thing i noticed is that among the guards the message is the same in the occupied berdyansk
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itself, they are gathering cossacks there, dressed up, you know, russian cossacks, in an interesting fact that was verified yesterday, it turns out that this terrorist group around khomeini in iran, well, that is , these guardians of the islamic revolution were born from the fact that iranians at one time... they watched how the russians made the eyes of the cossacks in uniform and wanted to make one for themselves, they first made a real iranian corps of cossacks in uniform, just like what they want to do in berdnyansk, what did it grow into, well, it grew into what it is now and there is in tehran, in the form of guardians of the islamic revolution, now we have a pause, after which we will talk about what is happening in odesa and odesa region, because there were explosions in the morning. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it ship district, kherson, live access. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling. the main thing is on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every day. on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. 93 a separate mechanized brigade cold yar is in dire need of fivi drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, glory, vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become languages ​​for many
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relatives, as well as distinguished guests. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. we are coming back, good morning to those who are joining us at this moment, and we are adding to our conversation, deputy of the odesa district council, volunteer valentina shults. ms. valentina, we welcome you to our broadcast glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, we ask at once, i cannot say that it is a good morning in odessa. and actually i see that we are asking to tell about it, what are the consequences, we have seen video, now we will also show our tv viewers how people are literally being taken out of their houses , supporting them by the arms, that is, we assume that the stress is crazy, in addition to the fact that there is huge destruction, well, i see several hits, tell me, actually, let's say this, we know, that
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these were hits on residential buildings. houses, these are not military targets at all, this is a five -story building, others, can you just tell us more about which district, what the results of the destruction were, we know that 11 drones were shot down over odesa overnight, but as we can see, not all , a yes, it was very noisy in odesa, although some sources there write that all 11 drones were shot down, but so far official... there i have not seen information specifically about odesa, well, so far they write that it seems that one of the wreckage fell on an object of civil infrastructure, namely a residential building, and this will be commented on by the competent authorities, at the moment it is known about three victims as a result of the night attack, they are receiving medical assistance,
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and in the footage you can see that the medics very, oh, medics, i'm sorry, i didn't sleep at night, the ministry of emergency situations very much the fire was quickly extinguished , and now it is known that 130 people were evacuated from this particular building, because we can see that the shutters were knocked out, and there was a fire, and they write that in lamak sheshahedu , there were gas pipes and that became another such uh cause of fire and well such a big fire. ugh. ms. valentina, and this morning's alarm, which fortunately ended when rockets were reported in the direction of bilhorod dnistrovskyi, now there is information about what is likely.


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