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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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on a smaller territory than we are forced to give to the enemy, some kind of negative dynamics, and i cannot verify it, as they say, i shake my head, i will listen to what you say in your direction, what does it look like, there is an advance of enemy troops, 92 , a separate assault brigade has been working in the direction of bakhmut, in the south of bakhmut, for a long time, our smog of responsibility is krischiivka, andriivka, and the enemy is constantly, well, what... during the day it continues to carry out shock and noise actions, trying to regain the position lost in the fall, but no there are no territorial successes, that is, in this area , the line of defense is holding firm, ugh, it’s really true that they have become significantly more active over there to our left, our neighboring brigade, and they were under a lot of pressure, but our brigade came to the rescue and this issue was solved yazane, that is, there was a battle there the day before yesterday, nine units of equipment were destroyed only by our unit, sir? lesya, i, when we now
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talk about the front, and when, in particular, you and other fighters talk about what is happening there, i sometimes have the feeling that i am somewhere in the pages of herbert's dune, when all this is constantly flying and fighting from above, and i wanted to ask you how often collisions in the sky, collisions between equipment, between drones, than collisions of infantry below, well, we are separate. on the ground and we work on the ground, then we can say that eclipses in the sky happen very rarely, we can say that they do not happen at all, our task is to ensure that our infantry survives and that our infantry hold their positions, that is, our task is to work pre-emptively, and everything that creeps towards our positions must be destroyed, the command always decides in what way to destroy this artillery, shock pods or something else, well, that's how we work as a united fire brigade. it happens that at once several
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of our forces are working there, the artillery of free dust, this is our work yesterday, in the morning, it’s beautiful, but tell me, actually, when we see some videos, on which the drone worked so effectively on heavy equipment, in other cases it flies in two or three times and there, well... the maximum amount of smoke, that is, it’s just different charges that fly in, or are you somehow actually planning to blow up the tank like that, as far as i understand, it is the 72nd that flew apart in my opinion, so it is without many factors, many factors are present here, our pilots generally know where to aim in each model of equipment, there must be a full set of ammunition, not only the drone must be correct, and... and bk bk, because they are different
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, there are a lot of them, and there are three, three or four drones and no tank, if correct, well, a well-trained calculation, one of our best calculations worked in this area, and what the hell , you know, it was great that the custom, usually five to seven drones also have bombs, calculations, according to our laws, there are 30 of them, that is, when there was, when the column of equipment was placed, there was a breakthrough, our... was ready to work for a long time, well, intensively, and 27 drones , 27 bc were used in the column of equipment, that is why there are nine such results units, ugh, and that is professionalism and technical means , yes mr. hair, and before your video we showed this video that went viral last night, it is actually when our drone shoots down the fpv, the russian drone with a blow from above and it falls, just explodes below, without achieving any goal, here's a video on... how unique it is
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situation, do we need to prepare somewhere for the fact that in our units, such as yours, there will be separate specialized, as they say, operators of aerial drone battles, maybe this is another direction that is emerging, well, i will say so, drone operator drone fpv, when he will be a drone and if he sees another drone , the same mavik is there, well, it is not difficult to destroy it if there is such a task, because everything that the pilot sees, he also sees... and several people who manage the operation watch by operation, because we always work, no alone, there are many of us and we always decide what to do collectively, so if there is a task to shoot down a drone, then for dono fp to shoot down that mavik is not a problem at all, well, we already understood that learning to control drones is actually not an easy task, at all it is not easy, and the work of the drone operator, we also somehow saw, maybe it was even in the conversation with you a lot.
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difficult and dangerous, and now there is an initiative that the drones themselves should not learn to control them, but to assemble, at least, these drones, it was possible in fact in every apartment, and here... immediately a flurry of criticism about the fact that you need to know what to buy, what spare parts, what to fasten to what and solder correctly, how do you feel about this idea, this idea, he numbers suggested such a thing, well, an idea quite normal, i will tell you that we are already actively using communication with the locals, with civilians, who for us, for example, collect batteries, collect drones, and this is their initiative, the only thing is to give them these components, of which collect, so... it's in full swing, even high school students who are getting into electronics, such young engineers who will be engineers soon and will study, they can do it, it's not really df it's a lego constructor that needs to be made in a few movements and it's ready, here's
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a separate topic - assembling batteries, for example, batteries powerful and high-quality ones are needed, we try not to buy some ready-made chinese batteries there, but to collect from several e... small batteries, there is a large battery of 12 microamps, so that it flies longer, this can also be collected quite safely and qualitatively in home conditions, so that the initiative is normal, it is just necessary that there should be some curators who understand this and give the exact components there and an action plan, what needs to be done, yesterday the russian public began to spread the word about a new unique rap development that covers. true , a large territory and will protect them from ukrainian-fascist drones, as they said, fpv drones, well, i understand that there can be a propaganda component here and just a fake, but do you see something that the enemy in your direction has strengthened so much that they they can
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to cover your work with entire zones , as they tell their tele-plots, well, when they say technology war, this is a technology war, something on... some kind of new technology has been brought up, they are starting to use it on this stretch, we may lose a few drones there, until we understand that something has changed, we immediately look for a solution, how to get around it, it's electronics, it's a dead soul, you know it's dark there, you can always calculate what has changed and what needs to be done to get around it, there's some irresistible force we haven't met yet, that is, our intellectual potential is also quite powerful, and we find a solution to work, and you guys have increased the last time, when they started to push like this again along the entire bakhmud line, into action. of course, we are actively developing this direction, and not only technically, but also intellectually, our reb-specialists undergo training both abroad and in ukraine,
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in a permanent mode, you can't stop here for a single day. ma'am, drones are exactly what meetings are constantly being announced for, and we are now we are collecting for... and we know that kamin yesterday literally did not allocate an additional 792 million hryvnias also for strengthening the defense capability and actually it is about drones, we know that you also have your own fees, what are you currently collecting for, that's why have the greatest need, we constantly collect for drones, it is clear, it is clear, we use there 30, 20, 30, 40 pieces per day, so only. drone, everything else we have, we can buy for ourselves, and this is less important, drones, yes, and this example, i will interrupt you for the fact that, if one of our the audience wants to see how effectively the tower flies away in the russian t-72, then below we give, here is your collection, there are numbers, this is the
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option when you will be able to shoot and very quickly see the results of your cooperation with our defenders, yes mr. volosyu , he will continue, and if... you can tell me something else, something that i did not ask you about, and this is another component, we were told that artificial intelligence, the russians have already integrated it so much that they will soon be controlling swarms of drones, do you want encountered some russian swarm of drones, is it still in the realm of science fiction? well, fixing the target and not choosing several targets at the same time and gathering in swarms, in principle it is technically possible, we are very attentive to... these news and do everything so that our equipment is not visible at all, well, it is more the work of the artillery, which works and hides, works, hides, it has to be done constantly, so we try to be ready for any changes,
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so far there have not been any such changes, so that they do something coordinated with the game, well, such a direct was not, but in general danger. from the air is a great danger and all units, including ours, treat this with one hundred percent attention. and regarding the assembly, i want to say once again that we had 30 drones, not 5-7. this saved the lives of several dozen ukrainian soldiers, on whose positions this column advanced, because our unit was practically the only one, staffed, who could stop them, if they had gone further, there would have been a completely different pain, completely different losses, so the drones worked excellent, human potentials excellent, and the enemy was destroyed, not just stopped, it was completely destroyed, mr. ulytse, thank you for your service and thank you for participating in our program, oles malyarevich, sergeant of the assault company without... pilot aviation complexes achilles of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirka was with us on
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the yazku, this is the bakhmudskyi hot direction. a short pause, yes, we also have a short pause, then we will come back and add serhiy from hurets to our conversation, wait. there are discounts on citrik, 20% in pharmacies, plantain, you and oshchadnik, nothing has happened yet. not yet, tight, oh, normolact, my dear, take normolact , normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are discounts on paracetamoldarnitsa, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and thrifty, tired of heavy and bulky forks, then a compact and powerful saw strong unbox tv just for you, now you can cut trees and bushes with ease. the strong saw is so convenient to use for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your home or
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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we congratulate you, we immediately involve serhiy zgurets, the director of the information and consulting company defense-express, to the analysis of the situation. mr. serhiy, congratulations, good morning and glory to ukraine. raslav, good morning, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, we have little time, and many questions, since yesterday there has been a mass information attack that f-16s are already working in the air of ukraine, the russians are mainly dispersing them. well, when we talk about the use of the f16, we really expect them, they are about to strengthen the capacity of our air force, the training process of our pilots... in the united states in denmark, the infrastructure is being prepared for the use of these, but do you see confirmation that this has already been done something with the hands of the f-16, the ukrainians are simply silent, as they say in the kremlin, well, let the muscovites be afraid, and i understand that we have different variations of fighting the enemy, soon the f16 will be added to them, and they should also be afraid of these scalps, and macron
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announced , who will come to us himself, will sign agreements and 40 rockets, 40 scalps in the device. will transfer to ukraine as much as we have enough, and with the current intensity of missile use? indeed, the expected visit of the president of france in february to kyiv is connected with the signing of an agreement on security obligations, and just as it was done with great britain, there were indeed publications by the reuters agency, which will also be announced at this time. . about the transfer of an additional number of scalp missiles, this is actually the sister of the storm shadow, because these missiles are designed and manufactured by european by the mbda consortium, which includes germany, france, and italy, and these missiles are indeed already being used in combat from our
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124 aircraft together with british missiles, and here we see a breakthrough for the first time. that 40 missiles will be transferred in addition to the 50 that were previously transferred, this indicates that the number of kilos of missiles that we will receive from our partners is measured in tens, i do not think that the number of missiles from britain was more, and this indicates the fact that we have to use them sparingly enough, and yes just as with zacams, we remember that we were given only 20 of these anti-tank missiles, which actually does not allow us to systematically ensure the change. on the battlefield , we can hit important enemy targets point by point, but we cannot use them en masse, of course , given the limited number, this just requires, on the one hand, the correct tactics of use, which are confirmed by our armed forces, and also higher rates of production of supplies , and why is the number limited, why, for example, the message does not sound that
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several dozen bombs will be handed over to us there, but a few hundreds of scalps will be handed over. sounds the opposite, 40 scalps, and several hundred bombs , when we even watched the preparations for the second attack on iraq, there were thousands of rockets and tamagavkas and everything else, what is the problem with giving more, they are, well, when we talk about such things iraq, this is another story, it is really connected with the use of a significant number of cruise missiles, now we are hoping for help from our partners, who actually did not prepare for war, and therefore this is uh... high-quality, high-precision weapons are in in the arsenal of european countries in a limited number, and in fact now they are thinking about how to find a balance between what to keep in order to preserve their combat capability and what to transfer to ukraine, and therefore we have a number of missiles that is measured in tens, i think the same story in the case of a positive decision, it will also be with the tauruses, because now
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the same tauruses, which are considered the most perfect missiles in comparison with the scalps and stormshe. 500 were produced, 250 are now in such a working condition, 250 still need restoration, so even with the presence of these missiles, given this policy of demilitarization, half of the taurus missiles were not in a combat-ready condition, but the opposition's votes will be enough to convince the authorities in the bundestag and transfer to ukraine at least a small number of taurus missiles that we can use... become it is known where, i really hope for it, and here the main issue is not only the transfer of tauruses, but the transfer of tauruses with a range of 500 km, not 300 km with these limiting factors of political importance, namely with the maximum technical, maximum opportunities, because the appearance in the arsenal of the russian army of north korean missiles,
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which are launched from the depths of the territory somewhere within 300-400 km from of the russian territory allows us to ask the question that the most optimal way to protect against russian attacks is to strike at objects deep in russian territory, so just about 300-400,500 km under taurus is what we will need very much, and i repeat, now there are political circumstances that allow us to influence our partners to increase technical parameters without limiting their range characteristics, and what do we have to start these taus from now? that is, if, say , they are handed over to us, announcing or not announcing it officially, can we immediately put them into effect, not immediately, but in any case, we understand that there is practice. the adaptation of the scalpi and stormshedov missiles, although the german side says that the taurus is more complex than the missile, so it is necessary to prepare our planes there for at least six months,
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i think that, in principle, this all applies equally to the e-e block of such political military agreements there, i think that in the event of a political decision on the transfer, the pace of preparing our aircraft for the use of the tauruses will be no longer than it was with the stormshade scalps. i also wanted to ask you about... in general, in the military tactical situation on the battlefield, we understand that the front line is a very conditional thing, the gray zone is also a very conditional thing and everything flies very differently, shoots to a greater depth, to a smaller one, that is, it is difficult to draw such a line on the map, but in general you want to understand the dynamics, and in this case they will lead quote yuriy botusov, our colleague and warrior, he says that, unfortunately, they beat me like this. that in total, in some places we are recapturing territories, in others we are forced to retreat, and the dynamics are such that the delta is in the red, that is, we are losing more
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territories now than we are pushing and liberating, that's his assessment, and what is yours? well, now we are in the stage of active defense, in fact, it started in october, when the russians began offensive actions there on... and actually along the entire front line, starting from kupin, svatovo, there krymina avdiyivka, there and further down to the afternoon, this enemy offensive actually continues, despite significant losses, the command of the armed forces says that our task is to restrain the enemy and inflict maximum losses on him. currently, the intensity of hostilities is quite high, but in the last couple of days we have seen 98 hostilities, which actually even coincides with the period of the most active activities in the summer period. then this means that now after the frosts began, the enemy is starting to use pressure on our defense line again along the entire line,
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we also take into account the number of destroyed of russian personnel equipment, it has risen significantly again, which indicates that the intensity of hostilities is indeed quite high, but regarding the fact that we are making some concessions there, i would not actually make such categorical conclusions, because during this period . of the winter offensive , which actually began in october of the fall-winter season, the situation related to the front line remains fairly stable, which means that we have the prerequisites to deter the enemy, but we understand that the enemy has increased the number of personnel, has an advantage in artillery, about him equipment and so on, which in principle suggests that the issue of military-technical assistance remains extremely important for... the stability of our line of defense and minimizing the loss of personnel. mr. serhiy, we literally have a minute left, and the decision will be made regarding the fact that it will now be possible for defense and military enterprises to reserve
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the number of workers they consider necessary, there will be no restrictions, there will be no restrictions on salaries and the like. to what extent it can positively affect ours defense in general on our ability to produce something independently? well, this is an important question, because continue. for several months there was a situation when the enterprises that were involved in the execution of the state defense order, there were risks that certain categories were dragged out by mobilization and it was not possible to keep them in their workplaces, now i hope that the situation will be significantly improved, i think that this is a positive decision, and of course, in any case, it will allow our enterprises to more systematically produce new equipment, which... it is needed on the battlefield, now there is funding , there are prospects, there were problems among people , i hope that this solution to this problem of pulling out such people will finally be solved, i
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have such a mission to always monitor the enemy, then i looked at what they have there, oh what a terrible terrible story about how part of their troops on the frozen dnieper, because they are floating there, it was all covered with ice, how hard it is for them on the dnieper islands, it was all to tell how difficult it is to hold the section of the front where there is a bridgehead near well, it's not brave there, but from time to time they tell us that actions are being taken to expand the bridgehead, how do you see the future, but when the frosts have already hit, can something dynamically change there, or will it continue like this until spring? well, i wouldn't talk about the expansion of our classroom right now, because the weather also affected the complications of our logistics, because it's not easy for us to provide - our marines with replenishment, ammunition, and so on, because now, once again, it's difficult to get on boats to move, and this imposes...
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difficulties on our garrison, which receives our positions there. i think a certain time the situation will remain so difficult, but if we see the amount of enemy equipment destroyed around the same wells, then this bridgehead with the support of artillery from the right bank of ours, well, it fully fulfills its military tasks, but it must be understood that this is the price for obtaining this bridgehead and the destruction of enemy equipment remains extremely high even for our... military, we must always remember this , understanding the importance of this platform and the possibility of prospects for its expansion. mr. serhiy, you mentioned that, because i i will return to the previous question, about the fact that now there will be an opportunity to manufacture something ourselves, in fact, first of all, what should we manufacture, shells, mines, so what should ukraine start mass production in the first place? well, we have state ones. the programs
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that are currently being implemented are the missile program with the creation of long-range weapons, the issue of ammunition, the state program, which is also being implemented, the direction related to drones, is also a priority decision, we see statements about increasing the number, the direction of creating systems rap, yes itself is classified as a priority, so that , conditionally speaking, all these four components are a priority, plus the repair and restoration of those types of equipment that are currently used by the armed forces, all these directions are now well. dmytro chubenko, the spokesman of the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office, will now tell us about the consequences of the night attack on this city. we already know about one dead person. please tell me more. greetings, at 10 o'clock in the evening.
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the russian military launched a rocket previously from the territory of the belgorod region, this is again before the s-300 missiles, 17 people were injured as a result of the impact, there were two hits in the kholodnohirsky district, these hits were on the building of a communal facility and the second hit was on the ground nearby, as a result of these hits. the communal building of the communal institution and the building of the private hospital were significantly damaged, as well as about 20 private residential buildings of two or three stories in this area, because there is a low-rise development with such residential buildings, these buildings were damaged partially facades, broken windows, and all the injured persons mostly received acuborotraumas from the explosion.
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glass cuts closed brain injuries they are being treated now several people with minor injuries have been released from the hospital this morning thank you for the info let us know we only have 20 seconds literally are there any other suggestions as to what is possible people remain under the rubble, and as of now , the demolition of the rubble is almost over and... is there anyone else there under the rubble, that is, everyone has probably been rescued, huh, and that's good, thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro chubenko , the spokesman of the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office, was in touch with us, let me remind you that last night kharkiv and odesa were under rocket fire, missile strikes on kharkiv and drones were flying over odesa, 9:00 is approaching, that a time when we remember and honor with a moment of silence all
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those who died. at the hands of the russian invaders in the russian-ukrainian war, we remember all the dead civilians and soldiers, all our defenders. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine with a moment of silence died in the war started by russia.


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