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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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you yourself know that, wife, the wife did not say anything, and there i am, with me two sons, adults, we were already there in the evening, well, we already received weapons, ugh, february 24, the sons are still on this way with you, no everyone, one son serves in the presidential brigade, here is another... son , well, they still insisted that he be more learned, although he, how can i say, he shoots well, he knows all the martial arts there, well, he is educated enough there, well, they insisted that the war will end sooner or later, and the state will need specialists, scientists there
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engineers who will, well, restore this country sooner or later, well, it is necessary somehow, somehow , a little bit, but, well, how he is rushing there, i will go, i am with you, i will fight, i am what i say, wait, i say, you have another task, and hey, come on, here you are, he's a chemist, a biologist, that's it. and biolaboratories, of course, it is a harvest, if you are something like me, excuse me, now i will watch our interview, including, he is also helping there now, they are telling people there, when they use chemical munitions against us there, then we are helping , yes, how to protect yourself, how to ensure the safety of the soldiers there, he helps a lot there.
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well, this is a story either you are in the army, or for the army in any case, and now we have the opportunity to speak with an artillery specialist, artillerymen, gods of war, and they say that this war, well, practically supported this slogan 100%, what fell on the shoulders of the artillery, that's what they say, the main burden, it was like that, or it remains like that now, well, now it is, well, it was, well... it's not for nothing that i understand such a saying that artillery is the god of war, well, well it was, but now i would like it said, it's a war of drones and artillery, that's what artillery, drones and infantry are and a single combat control complex, they are not separate, well , it's impossible to distinguish between them, ugh, oh, because, the same. the commander of the calculation of even a separate
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gun receives streams from air reconnaissance from him, he sees his bursts of his shells, mines and he himself adjusts his fire, there is no way to adjust there with a whole battery there, to adjust two batteries there, but he himself works independently . and in fact, well, in the artillery there is such a position: commander of the first fire platoon, he is the senior officer of the battery, who adjusts the artillery fire, now we can say that each commander of the charge is the senior officer of the battery, he himself does the work, well , he makes the calculations, he himself corrects his fire there, but a mortar. but guns, here, and
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he himself is responsible for the work and impression of the target, but he needs aerial reconnaissance to work with him, drones that give him a real picture online, which he sees what is happening, and it is very complicated the process, but difficult, but... but, if already calculations, and intelligence are trained, they are online, he can ask there, well , less zoom, closer zoom will do, there he will look at the exercise on the left there, there is something else there, you understand how it all works, well, it works in a complex, it’s the same infantry, it's the same, well... well, how
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to say commander, company commander , platoon commander, he's in the same mode online, it doesn't even matter, he can be in the dugout, there 300 m in sight - positions, but well, if there is an opportunity, he will put a generator there, put a laptop, roughly speaking, he sees he sees his positions, he sees the work of our artillery, he sees the movement of the enemy, he sees that he can give commands to his units in the online mode, there to open fire, there , let's say, there is some kind of cross fire , and so on. i understood that now specifically you emphasize the need for artillery reconnaissance, its importance,
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a part of which is also aerial reconnaissance, a part of which are all those mavics that our people very often gather for, i am trying to simplify now and actually translate it into... the language of many those people looking at us and trying to figure out where to give it to them, but the interesting thing is, right now it's just a boom in use, a boom in collections, a boom in the production of fpv drones, first vision, fpv, first personal view, if i'm not mistaken, yes, why , some say it's because we may lack artillery capabilities. maybe there is not enough bk somewhere, there are not enough barrels and so on and so on, i have a question then, and why do the russians bet on them, because they have more artillery than we do, they definitely bet on fpv no less, well i’ll tell you, it’s a little bit,
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well, it doesn’t exist, well, there’s no reality, yes there is the presence of ammunition there or there and so on... it does not correspond to the development of fpv drones, uh, here are fpv drones - this is a guided munition, ugh, that’s it, and it can be classified as a high-precision weapon, you know, how if the fpv pilot of the drone, well, teach well, well, trained, then he must, well, literally...
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the operator must have, well firstly a very nice vestibular apparatus, ugh, because when it fpv the drone starts, it actually he flies, that's in his eyes, he sees how he is sitting there in some small plane and he flies, flies, flies, the little plane is there, he has it too.
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if an fpv operator has a drone, he can launch 50 drones in a day, he has one skill, if he launches a pronov there in a week, well, other skills, well, you understand, these are
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skills, that’s why you can say that someone is better, that someone who is better, who is not better, who , well, it is quite difficult, it is well... this is an experiment, ego, it is only on, well, in practice, you can get ego, no more. let's talk to you a little bit about the topic of recruiting in our country. i would like us all to use this term instead of mobilization, because recruiting is a more effective story, in my opinion, but i am equally aware that we will not get away with it exclusively, we need to talk about the mobilization of large numbers of people for so that our military leadership could plan something in general in this war, based on human resources, about your battalion and how it is engaged in selection... you, is there any concept of candidate selection at all, who do you like the most needed, how do you look for these people, if
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you are looking, is it easier to take those who are actually mobilized by the tskk, teach everything, share experience and work with these people, well , you understand how we already had the experience of recruiting people there, getting the tsk there, there is something else there, well... well, i am not saying that the survey is so bad, but it constantly needs a certain improvement, it is necessary to constantly adjust what we have mobilized, mobilized such and such people there, and we start them then filter, well in...
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what’s wrong, we, that is, we receive people from the tsc, and then we start to sort them, and it takes some time, and if you come, let's say, there are 200 people, and the battalion at this time is performing a combat mission, and you have two or three officers there who can filter them , then it also takes time , you see,
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well... well, this is the wrong approach, then let's talk about ensuring and supporting the professional development of servicemen of your battalion, well, continuous development, well , probably, well, probably yes, first of all, i said that according to my positions, well ...
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well, all the roth commanders were replaced by more there are young junior lieutenants, there are lieutenants, but those who already had combat experience there, were repeatedly wounded, and have authority in their team there, that's how much we spent last year, that's how much we appropriated. in my opinion, 21 soldiers and sergeants , or rather, we promoted soldiers to sergeants, then submitted, made an application, if he had a higher education, then he was assigned the rank of junior lieutenant, we have 21, already a junior lieutenant, i will clarify a little, if i'm
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not wrong, now the rules have changed a little, and now we have even without...
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a person has the opportunity to get a bachelor's degree, let's say. already being in the army, that's what i'm saying, now we 're almost there, 20, i think 21 people, we 've assigned a junior lieutenant, now five more people, well, five sergeants have gone to apply for the assignment of junior lieutenants and 12 we train at the l1 courses , and here are the ones later...
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the same is the case with all the others, that is , the command, battalion headquarters, we are the same, if a person there knows how to manage the troops, then we also begin to move them, and thus, well, as i say there, we need to get rid of this dinosaur, we need to hire more young people, to promote them more, and the only problem is that they need to be given a theoretical one. such academic knowledge, you understand, how well we teach them, we send them there and abroad, and here we constantly teach, teach and teach, a little about standards, and there is an opinion that the strength of the ukrainian army, of all our defenses, has become , that we
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are not completely standardized with nato, we have not completely moved away from the soviet... equals very often now russian standards, and this very often, well, let's put it this way, it uncoordinates our enemy, he does not understand what to expect from us, we are in such a half-state of the standards of those who wanted to join nato, there is even now such a term, if i am not mistaken, even a community with such a name, you understand, and this not bad , that is, it even supposedly helps us now, well, it really helps, but i will tell you that... that is, they are already, well, they are already online, but when i was studying with me , the plant commanders in germany were studying them there nato officers,
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and they showed them there from the phone there, as our drones fly online 24x7 and show the situation there, nato officers said they don't have such a thing, they said it's impossible, they say, well, it's online. we can even go there in the voice chat, say something there, say hello, send it there from germany , that’s what they say, well, it can’t be like that , you understand how they also study with us and they change the standards, because this war changes a lot, so what can i say we are something between soviet and nato. well, i wouldn't say, we are changing, well, probably we are doing something new, so i will say, it is not there
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there is nothing, how to say, in common with the soviet and snatov structures, we have something new, we proceed from the possibilities that we have, we proceed from the possibilities, as much as we have technology. how many personnel do we have, how much ammunition do we have, how much information can we receive , and therefore these entire complexes, you understand, just like us, based on these possibilities, we create our own, well, finally, probably briefly, as if for ukraine's victory in the war against the russian federation looked like you, because everyone is different they see, well, i will tell you... yes, the victory of ukraine in the russian federation is not, well, not a victory at the front, it is a victory in
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society, you understand, if society understands that this is their state, this is their country, that this their armed forces, well, we are one nation, then there will be victory, it is impossible to win. at the front, if society does not understand that we are one, we are one people, we are one people, which, well, well, we have the right to life, we have the right to our native language, we have the right to our culture, our customs, we have a right to our, well, i don't know, there rivers, lakes, forests, this is ours, you see, and no one can take it away from us. and if society understands this, then we, we will win. ugh. thank you for this very frank conversation. edward vilinskyi
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, the commander of the 23rd separate special purpose battalion, spoke with us about the challenges in the modern russian-ukrainian war, about the specifics of the work of an artilleryman in this war, in particular in this war. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and my colleagues and i will not stop recording. for you similar interviews in order for you to get acquainted with our military is even closer to new meetings.
11:55 am
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12:00 pm
we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. a grandfather and his two-year-old granddaughter died in a fire in the lviv region. the fire broke out in a three-room wooden residential building in the city of sambir. the emergency services managed to save one of the residents, the state emergency service reported. unfortunately, after the fire was extinguished, the body of an elderly man was discovered a man and a little girl. five employees of the thermal power plant were injured as a result.


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