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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso. khrystyna porubiy works in the news studio. a grandfather and his two-year-old granddaughter died in a fire in the lviv region. the fire broke out in a three-room wooden residential building in the city of sambir. the emergency services managed to save one of the residents, the state emergency service reported. unfortunately, after the fire was extinguished, the bodies of an elderly man and a little girl were discovered. five employees of the thermal power plant were injured as a result. enemy attack -
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dtek reported. noting that it is about ted in one of the front-line districts. the company's equipment was damaged as a result of the attack. this heating season, the occupiers have tampered with the power grid more than 30 times. due to the night enemy attack in odesa, 58 houses remain without heating. as reported in the local thermal energy company. debris of the downed shahed hit the thermal chamber. communal workers will undertake restoration as soon as they are allowed to... the place of shelling . in the primorye district , several high-rise buildings, shops and cars were damaged by the wreckage of the shahed. rescuers evacuated 130 people. the entrance was already on fire and we grabbed the things that were there, i was still on the street wearing boots and a jacket, jumped out and stood, looked at how to go to the shelter, if it was he who still needed to go there, then a third flight came, we were already there. everyone stood behind the house and bent down
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so that it wouldn't fly at us, we will find out about who needs to be resettled, who needs to be provided with temporary housing, who, well, as in the previous ones, we know that many refused, they came to visit relatives there to meet acquaintances, so now we will clarify all these questions. a large-scale russian attack on kharkiv, 17 people were injured, two women aged 39 and 43 are in serious condition, at this... 13 people are in the hospital, oleg senigubov, the head of the region, said. russian terrorists shelled the kholodnohirsky district on the outskirts of kharkiv with s-300 missiles. as a result of the hits, the medical clinic was destroyed. it is a private facility and no one was there that night. also, the building of a communal institution, almost two dozen residential buildings were vandalized and 14 cars. the headquarters of assistance to the victims was deployed in the city. three people were injured due to. enemy shelling in
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the kherson region. the occupiers targeted residential quarters in several cities and villages, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the regional military administration, informed. in total , the russians shelled the kherson region 75 times. a large-scale fire in russia, in the city of shakhta , rostov region, the avangard plant for the production of polyester fiber caught fire. according to preliminary information, two people were injured. the production building was destroyed. about this reported in the russian emergency service . according to local residents, the sounds of explosions were heard before the fire. the plant either flew or something exploded. well , there are some traces, what kind of traces? us president joe biden invited congressional leaders to a meeting to discuss aid. country, -
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white house spokeswoman karin jeanpierre said. according to her, biden will emphasize how important it is to move forward on this issue. let me remind you that the american congress cannot agree to the bill on national security, which, in particular, includes military assistance to our state. all because the republicans want to include in the law clauses on strengthening border and migration measures on the us-mexico border. germany will allocate 7 billion euros for military aid to ukraine this year, german chancellor olaf scholz said during a telephone conversation with us president joe biden. the website of the german government reports that world leaders have agreed to continue to support ukraine financially, militarily and humanitarianly. in the european commission is beginning to form the procedure for ukraine's accession to the eu, she said.
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president of the european commission ursela fonden. she also noted that the european union will simultaneously start working on its own reforms in order to be ready to accept new members. let me remind you, the assessment of reforms. ukraine, on which the start of negotiations on joining the european union depends, is expected at the end of february. we are starting the process of screening ukrainian legislation and forming a framework for negotiations. the hearts of millions of ukrainians were filled with joy and hope when we announced the opening of accession negotiations. the people of ukraine fought hard to achieve this not only on the battlefield, but also through the work of democratic institutions. a russian mi-8 military helicopter crashed in the capital of kyrgyzstan. the incident happened near the village of dostuk during a training flight. this is reported by the local press. according to the sources of the kyrgyz publication, one person died as a result of the accident. at the same time , the ministry of defense of kyrgyzstan announced
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only about the victims, the exact number of victims was not named there. in the press they write about seven or eight victims military. of a separate mechanized brigade, they showed how russian vehicles were being shot at on the outskirts of avdiyvka on american bradleys. our defenders came up close to the bmp that had been abandoned by the occupiers and destroyed them. it is reported to be the work of one of the best bradley crews of the 47th brigade, called barbie, by the call sign of the commanding officer. the situation in the temporarily occupied ukrainian territories is getting worse every year, the russians are intimidating and punishing the civilian population,
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the main intelligence agency informs about this ministry of defense of ukraine. we will ask our correspondent dmytro didore for more details, he is with us live. my friend, i congratulate you, what is the current situation in the territories captured by the russians and... what methods of propaganda do they use? i congratulate khrystyna, and i also congratulate our viewers, indeed the situation in the temporarily occupied territories is getting worse every year, since the russians have completely failed in both passporting and keeping this russian measure in the minds of ukrainians temporarily. occupied territories, that's what they talked about today with the spokesman of the main the intelligence department of the mine defense of ukraine and also with the spokesperson of the center of national resistance, that's what they told us that the passporting in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine really failed, the russians
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are trying to hide it, they say artificial figures that 90% have already been passported, but they use repression against ukrainians , which do not want to touch. book with this two-headed chicken and they say that even the heating or electricity is turned off, those who refuse a russian passport are denied access to medicine, education, of social services that are available in these temporarily occupied territories, and even because passportization failed, they are rotating officials, local officials in the temporarily occupied... territories, and also the russians record the intensification of the resistance movement of ukrainians, and today they talked about this in detail, that all the operations of the defense forces of ukraine, they take place thanks to the help of local residents in the temporarily occupied territories and
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even talk about their successful shooting down of targets or defeating russian targets, all this helps our ukrainians, as well as security forces, say that they do not have enough representatives of the russian guard or the fsb, who control the local population and ask moscow to increase the presence of these security forces in the temporarily occupied territories, since the local population does not obey them, there was also a lot of talk about the election of the so-called president of the russian federation , that they will take place already this year, and now in the temporarily occupied territories they are actively collecting signatures for... his nomination to the post of president of the russian federation, and russians on temporarily occupied territories will create such a picture for and for the west and for their citizens that everyone is so waiting
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and electing vladimir putin in the elections for the president of the russian federation, they will also illustrate a foreign subpoena for the west, what exactly will they do, let's we will hear "kosyans are now starting to activate and actively include their so-called agents, the influence of bloggers, pseudo-journalists on the territory. the eu and other countries in order to legitimize as much as possible, try in the eyes european environment, western people, these so-called elections, they will try to bring these people to that, show polling stations, this picture, there will be a series of google tables, press conferences, briefings, blogs. russians in the temporarily occupied territories, they even hide behind locals, placing their equipment and personnel in
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schools, kindergartens and hospitals , and they say in the main intelligence office that the situation may worsen in the future, there may be more repression and torture. christina, thank you dmytro, our correspondent dmytro didora told what the current situation is in the territories occupied by the russians. such was the morning in ukraine, i say goodbye to you, until tomorrow, stay with us. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. ukraine. peace formula in davos: zelensky against freezing the war, will russia be invited to the peace summit? the black day
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of russian aviation, which means the loss of planes a50 and il-22m for the russian aerospace forces? trump is in control. after winning the republican primaries in iowa, the former us president once again boasted of his friendship with putin. we talk about this and other things in the future. next hour with our guests people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko, aviation expert valery romanenko and diplomat volodymyr yelchenko. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine rostyslav pavlenko, yaroslav yurchyshyn and vadym galaychuk. however, before starting ours big conversation, let's watch a video of how the assault brigade spectacularly disintegrated near bakhmut 92. russian dance, similar to the t-90m breakthrough. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on facebook and youtube, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms, like this video and participate in our vote. today we ask you about this, or? the world is ready to end putin, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube,
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choose either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think and agree with the statement that the world is ready to end putin, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​call, all calls to these na... numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and we already have our first guest on the phone, a people's deputy of ukraine, a colonel of the security service of ukraine, roman kostenko, mr. colonel, i congratulate you and thank you for being here today with us, good evening, let's start our conversation with davos, today the president of ukraine spoke at the world economic forum. spoke about the predator putin and that the world should understand that this predator is very
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dangerous for everyone around him, he called, meaning zelensky, the participants of the economic forum in davos to continue supporting ukraine in order to achieve a just and stable peace. let's listen to what zelensky said. this year should be remarkable. could the freezing of the war in ukraine be its end? i don't want to settle truism that any frozen conflict. will eventually flare up again, and i will remind you that after 2014 there were attempts to freeze the war in donbas, there were very, very influential guarantors, guarantors of this process, the then german chancellor and the french president, but
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putin, putin is a predator who is not satisfied. frozen product, mr. colonel, is the world ready to put an end to putin's predator? yes, here, let's say, this question is like this, it probably cannot be said for the whole world at the same time, and we see that the positions of different people, if we talk specifically about leaders who represent their states, then... here we need to talk about each one separately, someone is already ready, and from my point of view, there is the recent speech of the prime minister of great britain in the parliament, he also called putin, let's say, a person who is an international criminal, and he is no longer ashamed of it, and it can be said that they
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will support us, and they understand that the further existence of putin. and his regime in general, he threatens the national security of all of europe, in all of europe and directly in great britain, they understand it , we do not fully see it, what the united states understands, it is somehow reflected in them directly, they have now moved into their internal political processes, but many of their experts, including in national security, who were before that , and now there are also analysts, they are trying to shout about it and say that ... paid more attention to it, and not to internal issues, because there may be issues that will be very difficult to rewind later, so some countries are really ready , and some countries are not ready, we see what is happening even with our closest neighbors, what is it like to put an end to putin, here there should be coordinated work of everyone at the same time, and not like, for example, that somewhere
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they do not give us weapons, somewhere they pay for oil, somewhere for some... guilt to the russian federation, somewhere they turn a blind eye to the supply of some dual purpose goods, or turn a blind eye to the fact that some country transits these goods through them. thus, of course, we will never get a quick victory, so it must be a comprehensive, coordinated, decisive decision by all, then we can say that everyone is ready to put an end to putin, but it's hard to say yet. well, that is, mr. colonel, i understand that... there is no such formula that the victory of ukraine equals the defeat of putin. well, why is such a formula possible if putin, i mean , the world, the world is not yet ready to fully accept this formula, because they think that ukraine should win, but russia should leave and actually remain in the state in which it is there is,
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because if there are no proposals for demilitarization of... nazification, deputinization of russia, it means that in in principle, the majority of the world is ready to agree that there is already a legitimate president, well, he made a little mistake there, as they think, you are right here, that there is no single vision of victory, as, for example, there was in the second world war, that there should be a flag over reystago, there is no such thing, everyone has their own, someone is more about the economy, someone about politics, someone about their own elections. and where even those countries where ukraine was in the first place a year ago, now we need to put in a lot of effort in order to be at least on the third, and this question is somewhere it is natural, we are shifting, because, well , the world is structured in such a way that it is generally complex, including a democratic one, a lot of diplomatic efforts are needed to make sure that we
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are constantly on the agenda, even here if we say ... about our government, well, here it is necessary for everyone to work on this, not five or six managers, not only some individual, individual people, but for the whole country to work, so that we are on the agenda, so that the information field is saturated various events that it is quite difficult to hold on to it, and we have to understand this, especially since we are in the most covert war in modern history, and the information and... and diplomatic spheres occupy very large , very influential places in it. mr. colonel, let's return to ukraine and to the decisions that the verkhovna rada of ukraine voted today, in particular. the draft law on the digitization of the ukrainian army and on the electronic register for military registration and the automatic receipt of certificates of a participant in hostilities,
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there are many regulations on how to transfer to electronic form, this entire array of cases of conscripts in ukraine, i know that you had a separate opinion, a separate opinion about the fact that this cannot be done, because the servers can already be located abroad according to this draft law or law , and this is dangerous, because this database is large, which will be collected, which will be digitized, may become the subject of attention of foreign special services, in particular russian, and this burdens the national security of ukraine. please explain your position, tell me what kind of bill it is the law already, and what... to every military conscript, that is, now there will be some kind of unified base, it will not be necessary to carry a military card with you, and summonses will
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come where and how? well, here we need everything in order, for which account of a separate base, for which account to carry or not to carry a ticket, then everything will depend on the further fate of another draft law, for example, on mobilization, which is also promised to be carried there on... closer to february 6 , if i am not mistaken, now they are talking about such terms, it is specifically stated there that every serviceman has to carry a registration document with you, remember, yes, it is called a registration document there, and a military id, if he is a conscript, not a military serviceman, but a military conscript, well, a military serviceman must carry a military id with him at all times, yes, that's why they should wear it, that is, if we talk about specifically... this bill , we must understand that this bill was registered, i'm not mistaken, in november of last year, was in the first reading, it was aimed in particular at make a base
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conscripts, er, and er, to make a base there for combatants so that all servicemen could receive them automatically, there was no need to collect a large pile of documents, as is already happening now. i just know religious workers who have been working there for a year and a half with me, and only recently some of them got it there, because they have already changed glyantsev four times, then glossy, then matte , then in a green t-shirt, a t-shirt, then in other t-shirts, and all these questions were constantly changing and could not get, now that's all there will be a general database, and this is a positive thing that is in this draft law and from the very beginning it was laid down, then when they started... these, let's say, faltering with the draft law on mobilization, there were many norms before the second reading , which did not exist before, and he began to regulate other
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areas, including the register of conscripts, and in principle its creation, it is correct, er, it already functions there, we partially protected it, but there was a question of its saturation information, now they want to do it in such a way that... the information was pulled there automatically from all existing database registers, including the voter register, and exactly the question you were talking about about clouds from the very beginning , the ministry of defense wanted to place the voter register abroad as well, so that you understand, i guess the most secret information available in the country is precisely the question of mobilization resources, mobilization resources are also human resources. what is the economic resource there, the industrial resource that we have in order to carry out mobilization, because when you are planned
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some kind of attack, then the country, the aggressor, it not only studies your army, basically it needs what you can do to mobilize quickly and what resources you can attract and according to this it just plans the attack, that's why the committee did... yes , so that this particular register remains with us, because , i will repeat from the very beginning, we wanted to give it away, here we pay tribute to oleksandr fedienko, who is also for this norm, he is also a deputy of our committee, who supervised for this norm, and we left it on the territory of ukraine this base of military personnel. of course i was against it that combat control systems, secret and in general, let's say, secret information be transferred to... to servers where private servers are located, they are manipulated there, they say that these are nato servers, no, it is a question of private servers that will be
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abroad, and we will still pay for it. funds, because in our country, according to the law, it is forbidden to keep secret, completely secret information in the clouds, because it is unreliable, and it is recognized, who manipulates, says, but there nato keeps the countries, so they keep them on their servers, and we'll be on someone else's, and it's a matter of national security, so i was against it , and i'm against it now, i think that for us, these are simple solutions that can lead to disaster in the long run, and i think that yes, it's expensive, but we... we have to make sure that we have our own servers on which we have to keep this information, yes, they say that a rocket can fly, but it is possible, and israel lives in such conditions, as do other countries, no one keeps secret, completely secret information abroad, because it depends on it the life of the country as a whole, i'm not talking about individual lives, but the life of the country, mr. colonel, what about the introduction of an electronic registry that changes for everyone?
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conscripts, that is , it simplifies the state's ability to mobilize, it simplifies the search for a person who lives in one place and is registered in another, correspondingly , is registered in the tcc for another, which, what opportunities does this give for the state, which obligations to a conscript, or let's say, what opportunities he has, well... this norm was still called unconstitutional, just and the legal department of the verkhovna rada, which will now be, let's say, the custodian of the most information of this state about its person, let's say, even more than in other bodies, including law enforcement, because they will be charged with all the information that there is, who will be better off, of course, she will know everything about the person, where this person studied, where she is, what
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certificates she has, for example, and it will simplify life, if we say how it will simplify the life of tsc, now that's all , for example, a military accounting specialty is calculated, for example, if a person once served in the army at the age of 18, received a special rifleman, he will be recorded there for all 20 years that he is a rifleman, if he is in the reserve, he will be added to the register, for example, during this time he became, i do not know, got a pilot's license, or became a pilot, or became a good one. he was a manager there or there, i don’t know, he learned to drive a boat there, and when the tsk calls him, they will see all this from these registers, all his certificates and will be able to make a decision about where he will go and what he will do will be engaged, it is from one side, from the other side, for example, you had a third child there and you also receive a reservation, you do not need to take a certificate to go and carry it to the tsc, it will automatically be added to the register
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and... the tsc opens, i see, yes, colonel kostenko roman vasyliovych is not subject to mobilization there, because he just had a third child, well, or other reasons, and it will be easier, we cannot say that it will make life 100% easier, but a lot of pocket money, a lot processes and campaigns of the tsc, it is natural should clean up mr. colonel, the analysts of the american institute for the study of war say that the russian army is preparing a scale...offensive actions between january 12 and february 2, when the weather is expected to make it difficult to defend ukrainian positions, is there such a danger in the understanding of the ukrainian military and armed forces of ukraine, is this danger any day, not only from january 12 to february 2? well, really, i will say here that in principle the russians can, for example, they are
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now constantly. is trying to push us in the kupyan direction, and this is a fact, and what is meant by offensive actions , if we take some strategic offensive actions with large breakthroughs, then at the moment this is an unlikely option, what the intelligence says, for example, at the moment, if we are talking about simply active actions, which in principle and now are going, it’s really the russians , they lead them, well, almost every day , of course, everything depends... on the weather, even here, as we see, how things are working now in the south, and we are working, we see what is happening at our bridgeheads, then the russians tried these bridgeheads for several more days to storm with equipment, they were practically all destroyed by our drone operators, and what we see now is that they are advancing in small groups and, but again, our drones and
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fpv and... resets are constantly destroying them, that is, they are constantly.


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