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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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they can, for example, they are now constantly trying to push us in the kupyan direction, and this is a fact, and what is meant by offensive actions, if we take some strategic offensive actions with large breakthroughs, then at the moment this is an unlikely option, what the intelligence says , for example, at the moment, if we are talking about just active actions, which in principle are still going on, then really the russians, they are conducting them, well... almost every day, of course, everything depends on the weather, but even here, as we see how now works now on in the south and we are working, we see what is happening at our bridgeheads, the russians tried to storm these bridgeheads with equipment for several days, they were practically all destroyed by our drone operators, and now what we see is that they are advancing in small groups and, but our ... they are constantly trying
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to attack, to take active actions, but nothing succeeds, so this is their current tactic, they think that they have seized the initiative and are trying to constantly attack in small groups, destroying their infantry. thank you, colonel, for the conversation, this was people's deputy of ukraine, sbu colonel roman kostenko. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who ... watch us on social networks and youtube, please like this video so that it trended on youtube, well, subscribe to our pages on these platforms, besides , during our program, we conduct polls, we ask you about things like, is the world ready to end putin, yes, no, if you vote on youtube, everything is fine simply, either yes or no, if you have a different opinion, please write in the comments, we are interested to know your opinion, if you ... watch us on
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tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think the world is ready to end putin, 0800 211381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you you today with us, thank you for the invitation , good evening, mr. valery, a few days ago, the defense forces of ukraine destroyed two aircraft, important aircraft for russia, a50 and il-22m, this is one of the largest single losses of russian aviation in the war with ukraine, which for for russia, the loss of these planes means how quickly russia can... renew its resources
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and the capabilities that these two planes performed in the south, in the southeast, let's say. well , for the russian aerospace forces, this is a heavy blow, let's say, directly, and first of all, it is heavy in such a way, in human terms, yes, at one moment the loss is practically lost. here are at least 16 people, experienced officers , here are the ranks there, well, not lower than captain, and material losses in terms of material , such an aircraft costs somewhere from 400 million to half a billion dollars, here it is a very expensive machine, if it is of the first series, well, now they are divided thoughts, this is the very first or very last of the aircraft received. modernized
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a50s. ot. that is, if the former, then it is somewhere over 350 million dollars, if the latter, then these are already prices under a billion. ot. what is what russia lost, it lost the opportunity to carry out, so to speak, reconnaissance activities over ukrainian territory in the monitoring mode. now the russians have only seven such planes left, they were starting. war with nine, one was shot down in belarus, it is not known whether it was repaired or not, one was shot down, seven remained, the typical patrol time of such an aircraft in the zone allocated to it is four hours, with refueling 7 hours, but with refueling, well so far, such patrols have not been practiced, or they have been carried out as an exception, that is, even if the russians for... involve all
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the remaining aircraft, on the condition that 20% of the aircraft is a normal figure, are on maintenance, then only all six aircraft from... will be able to monitor each other on some section of the general front along the entire front line along the borders of russia and ukraine and even entering the black sea , so to speak, along the maritime border of ukraine, that is, the russians' capabilities in this regard will be very limited with such a number of planes, and what were these planes doing, well, they are in that in the area where they were patrolling, they could see from that route for... 300 km the flights of relatively large ukrainian aircraft, at 200 km aircraft of the fighter-attack type and somewhere at 100 km objects on the ground, the movement of armored vehicles, the launch of anti-aircraft missiles, and any approaches of our aviation to
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russian territory with the aim of launching cruise missiles. by the way, they warned the russian air defense about the launch of our drones. and cruise missiles, that is, the machine is extremely important, well, they guided the targets, as far as i understand, and the s-300 and others, russian fighters and bombers, on the targets they saw, which they fixed, i understand correctly, not certain, but in general, if the russians say that they will transfer control from the anti-aircraft missile complex to this aircraft, i do not rule out such a ... news, although it is not certain that the s-300 complex also has such a capability, but so far i have not seen any information confirming this, but when it came to receiving f-16s and the dates for their receipt began to approach, the russians said that they would to use these
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a50 planes to guide the f-16 and missiles of the s-400 complex, i.e. for hitting air targets. are they capable of working on ground targets? well, apparently they are capable, because from a height, firstly, they can see better, secondly, s-300 missiles, which are not highly accurate. and that is, to simply bring them into the area of ​​impact, i think that the a50 will be able to. mr. valery, with the beginning of the great war , the russians had a great advantage in the military air fleet, during the great war, according to... the statistics of the armed forces of ukraine, more than 300 planes, more than 300 helicopters were destroyed, what is the air fleet now owns, the military aircraft fleet is owned by russia, and how can it quickly renew its resources and is it possible now in the conditions
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of sanctions, in the conditions of those factories, some of which produced engines there on the territory of ukraine and supplied to... the russian federation, do they have such opportunities to create new combat vehicles and replenish the aircraft fleet? unfortunately, in the past, well, in the 22nd year, they produced 29 combat aircraft, this year, oh, in the 23rd year, you can already sum up the results, the russians said that they produced so, well, there there were no more exact figures, because they did not allow journalists to film. all the planes that were handed over to their air forces , that is, two planes were shown each time, but all journalists, well, most of them anyway, had a suspicion that they were actually handing over that number of planes, so for the past year the numbers vary from 22 to 26 combat aircraft aircraft,
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russia produced, in general, well , they handed over more than fifty aircraft to their air forces. but only of the latest types. su-25 attack aircraft suffered losses and the russian air force did not receive any new attack aircraft received also, apparently, the sanctions are in effect, because if last year they built six planes of the fifth generation su-57, sorry, six planes again in the 22nd year, then last year only two such planes were publicly transferred to the aerospace forces , and not at the end. in terms of configuration, because without full equipment with engines, as they call the first series, that is, not those that are inconspicuous. well, somehow the situation is like this, in terms of losses, well, losses were indeed incurred, but there is potential in them, and we must not forget that in
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at any moment they can transfer individual pilots, and individual crews, and a bunch of planes from the far east from... from the border with china, from other central areas to our front, and in general, while there are no active hostilities, well, you see , their aviation works, and on... fortunately, after a successful, very successful, that is, attack on the russians in the past, when three su-34 bombers were shot down, the number of dropped winged bombs weighing from 500, from 250 to 500 kg has decreased in ten years and even 1,500 for our troops, that is also a lot relief for our ground forces. mr. valery, getting a truck. weapons from our western partners and the main right to use these long-range weapons,
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long-range missiles, can solve the issue of aviation support for russia, that is, strikes on airfields located in the voronezh region, in the saratov region, that is, in those regions from which planes take off and which are launched on territory ukrainian cruise missiles? well, getting the taurus on with the maximum range is not the same as we were promised in case of what with a reduced range, and with a maximum range, also atakms, it would be a good option at all, the latest models of atakms, they are also long-range. the shadow storm is also an opportunity to increase the range, if we were given such an opportunity, then it would be possible to take out 90% of russian airfields in... that includes all the way to the mozdok airfield, where mig 31s are rising all the time, although there are only two of them there,
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and because which we have transport, industry is becoming, and the whole country is in the mode of air alert, well, nothing works, well, that is, if this issue were resolved, if they finally gave us a free hand, let's say frankly, they freed us with western weapons. and we could raise these airfields , because, unfortunately, drones can hit area targets, unfortunately, we cannot, well , drones, they are guided only by gps, as soon as they create an obstacle in the area of, for example, an enemy airfield, drones can then just fall on its square, and not specifically hit specific planes, and missiles could do just that, because they have a passive homing system, that is... then at the last moment they photograph the territory of this airfield,
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compare it with the reference images in their on-board computers, see the plane, compare that it is the plane and hit it directly, well, that's the difference, if you put such a system on a drone, then it will cost like a cruise missile, we must tell our tv viewers that mozdok is north ossetia, that is, from the caucasus. flying these migs 31k, which take to the sky and er patrol the black sea, and as a result of which an air alert is declared. they are on saturday and sunday quite often used there at 11 or 12 o'clock, this time. according to ukrainian intelligence, mr. valery, the occupiers produce about 115-130 strategic missiles and about the same number of operational-tactical missiles per month. x-31 and x-59 , we hear and know that north
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korea is now helping with ballistic missiles, well, at least this is what experts say, both foreign and the office of the prosecutor general has opened a case regarding the use of these missiles on the territory of the ukrainian state, that this means that the russian federation does not produce enough rockets which they use against ukraine and they take north korea, do they test these missiles here and in north korea they report that what are the results of the test, how do you explain the amount that they produce, which they launch at us, and the amount , which they can use from north korea, well please don't scare everyone with so much strategy. the russians are able to launch 130 missiles according to gur, 118, well, these are october
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data, even less than 116 missiles of all types, of all types, this includes the kha-101, and iskander, and dagger, and kalibr, in general, all types of missiles with such a long range, say, more than 500 km, that's a matter of course. pace, and this year , again in this year, in the 23rd year, the pace dropped, because, for example, in august they said that they were able to produce as many as six daggers, already... they only produced four, and in general, if to compare with airplanes, if the number of airplanes decreases, then, accordingly, so does the production of missiles, the production of airplanes decreases, then , accordingly, the production of missiles also does not increase in any case, because they require approx. of the same components, the same microcircuits,
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the same memory blocks, the same some valve matrices and similar equipment. similar electronic components, and of course, in these conditions, russia begins to beg and look for where to get them, they turn to such powerful missile countries and aerospace countries as iran, as north korea, and indeed, well, according to information, there is actually confirmation, all that is needed is legal confirmation that north korea has already provided its missiles, there is a kn-23 missile. and the russians have already released them on our territory, but not yet that these launches are single, so you're absolutely right to say that this is just a combat test for now. mr. valery, quite often during the last week, our leaders, military leaders and the political
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leadership of the state talk about reb systems, about radio electronic warfare, and we... do not know, in fact, whether there are many of these reb systems in ukraine or not, but just a few days ago, when i was looking at the statistics for the mass shelling, the mass shelling of ukraine on the night of january 13, i noticed that there were 20 missiles, which were not shot down, but they also did not fly anywhere, that is, does this mean that there is or is a new reb system in ukraine. which allows you to land these missiles , that is, not to use anti-aircraft defense, but by simply suppressing the signal or in some other way , simply placing these missiles somewhere in the field on the border between ukraine and russia, well, look, if you put most of the missiles, especially
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korean missiles, they are guided by gps, at least most of them. they use satellite systems. korean missiles use three satellites systems, this, russian glonas, ah, russian glonas, chinese beidu and american gps. russian rockets also use the european galileo system. so, that is, if you put obstacles in these systems, the signal, that is , change these signals three... board, which does not depend on gps, the deviations can be so large that they will no longer be able to return to the trajectory, to the correct trajectory, such an option is possible to set up obstacles, maybe
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we got some systems that allow us to interfere in general in the navy'. the price of the system or the communication system of these missiles, well, because some of the most advanced missiles can be retargeted directly in the air, and from the same ones, well, probably for 50 or so satellite systems, but you can retarget, ah, in general, i believe that the grouping of the means of reb in our country has not so much increased as, well, it has increased by itself, but the density of their location and... power has increased, because now it is this rap has already become, well, it can be seen that it has become effective, although earlier there were also cases when rockets fell anywhere, but this time the spokesman of the air force said that the rockets generally fell somewhere in the fields, in the forests, that is, really in their navigation
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system, some corrections were made to their routes and were not foreseen by those who launched them... well, you can see that in each, in each protocol of the transfer of some weapons to us from the united states or germany, the equipment of the reb is present , one way or another under this and that and the other position, there, for example, there is equipment for anti-aircraft defense, it is supplied and apparently it has reached such and such a density. effectiveness, that now we can already not spend missiles on shooting down russian means of destruction, especially it is effective against the shaheds. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, this. was valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you
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watch us live on youtube and facebook, please give it a like, don't be stingy in order for our broadcast to be promoted in youtube trends, and subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, whether the world is ready to end... what do you think about it dear friends, yes, no , everything is quite simple on youtube, or if you have an opinion, please write in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the world is ready to end putin 0800 211381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, we will pick you up at the end of the program. the results of this vote, then we are in touch with volodymyr yelchenko , diplomat, former representative of ukraine to the un, and former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you
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and i am glad that you are with us today, good evening, i also glad to be with you today. mr. volodymyr, today was a busy day in the ukrainian delegation, volodymyr zelensky spoke at the world economic forum in davos and spoke about putin. said that putin is a predator who will not be satisfied with frozen food, he means a frozen conflict, which is what most of zelenskyi's interlocutors there, as i understand it, operate with the concept that it is necessary to agree on something in some conflict in something and translate it into some new field, maybe in the field of frozen conflict, and of course the most important thing is that zelenskyi spoke at... at the forum in davos that a peace formula is needed, a global summit is needed, and this formula needs to be discussed, is it already obvious how you
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do you think, for the majority of participants, including this forum in davos, that the formula for peace, it affects not only ukraine, and that putin is a global problem, that it is not a problem of ukraine or elsewhere. the baltic countries or poland, and putin is a global problem that must be fought and fought by destroying putin's regime by destroying putin's russia? i think that such understanding is constantly found, but it is still not enough. why, because there is a so-called global south, not so many countries, well, this region, this global south presented at dovozki. but nevertheless, there are quite a few of them there, and we have not reached them yet, that is, we do not see such
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a universal, let's say, solidarity with russia, excuse me with ukraine, from the countries of the global south, some of them have changed their neutral position, well, since the beginning of the large-scale aggression, more or less in favor. ukraine, but the vast majority of these countries, it takes such a positive, neutral position, that is, it sympathizes with ukraine, whether they are in these countries, i mean, but not less, they have not yet agreed to our proposals and are not ready, as it seems to me, to take such a really active part in the negotiations regarding what will happen after the victory in... ukraine, here we are talking about its different conditions, different reasons, e- well, some of the countries believe that ukraine should still cede part
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of its sovereignty, and this by no means, of course, does not suit us, and our partners, that is, well, in summary, i will say that among our partners, i think that there is already universal support, there is no room to increase it, is there? that in the direction of ee... even greater military aid and financial aid, this is being done today, our diplomacy and the leadership of our state are working on it, but we still need to work with the countries of the global south. i hope that the dovovodsk forum and the meetings that our president has already had and will have within the framework of this forum, i would like there to be as many contacts as possible with the countries of the same global south, they need to clarify you have to work hard with them and push them, if not full support of our position, then at least an understanding of our position and readiness.
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to support us at future forums, or will it be something like a form where the peace formula will be lit, we know that the swiss have offered their territory for the future of such a summit of a kind, at one time they talked about such a summit on the sidelines of the un general assembly, i don't know, is this idea still alive, in any case, one way or another, such a forum should... take place, if not tomorrow, not in a week, then in a certain time, and here we will need the support of precisely those countries, of the global south, which we still lack today. mr. volodymyr, during his visit to switzerland, president zelenskyi hinted that russia will not be invited to this global peace summit, noting that kyiv prefers to see at the upcoming conference all states that
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respect the sovereignty and... territorial integrity of ukraine. today, vladimir putin also commented on the peace formula from ukraine and talked about why it cannot be implemented and why russia does not treat this formula in a special way. let's listen to what putin said. it is impossible to try to force us to give up the gains we have made over the past year and a half. everyone understands that... this is impossible, and they, the ruling circles in ukraine, understand, and the western elites understand, simply these so-called peace formulas, which are talked about in the west and in ukraine, are the continuation of the implementation of the decree of the president of ukraine on the prohibition of negotiations with russia. that's what it is, it's prohibitive demands for the negotiation process. mr. volodymyr, it is clear that putin does not know that
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there are no presidential decrees, once there were decrees of the minister of ukraine kuchma, there have been no decrees in ukraine for a long time, no one issues them, but less so, putin said that it is impossible to give up what russia already has, he cannot give up on that, and everyone understands that, i think so i understand that putin is saying that ukraine should make territorial concessions, or accept what they say. quite often a new territorial reality and says that the world understands it, or part of the world understands it, what do you think, but for most countries in the world, the fact that putin occupied and annexed ukrainian territory, or is this an answer to the fact that there will be no negotiations, and putin will never cede these territories, or
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it will be impossible for him to leave. to smoke, you know , this is exactly the root of the problem, that is why russia is not invited to the negotiations, because it is not clear what the subject of these negotiations should be, because we heard what putin said now, he said it, said before, but if we recall one of the last resolutions of the un general assembly, which received, if i am not mistaken, 143 votes. sy, where the direct text spoke about the inadmissibility of russia's aggression against ukraine , where it was said that russia is the aggressor, and where it was said that, well, at least those countries that supported this resolution, they absolutely do not accept the so-called territorial conquests of russia , which putin talks about, that is, the realities he talks about, i think they exist only
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in a fictional form. and in his head and in the head, let's say so, of the russian establishment, well, the vast majority of countries in the world, i will say that almost all, except those there are five or seven who support russia , i will not list them, they are known to everyone , everyone else does not accept this, will never agree with it, and therefore the question arises of what and with whom to talk at such negotiations, if there will be for... russia, so as long as the russian leadership does not change this position, i think that it will be able to change this position only after certain turning points on the front, that is, now, as i have already said many times, including and in your broadcasts, the main speaker is from ukrainian side are the armed forces of ukraine, when will we have certain successes, when...
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the russian leadership will finally understand that'


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