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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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does the kremlin and vladimir putin repent? sami, you yourself absolutely rightly noticed that there are certain messages for a certain audience, and first of all, i would not draw attention to these specific words of our minister of foreign affairs regarding the fact that we are ready to fight at least with shovels, although in fact it is indeed, we understand what it is used for. exactly such messages, but regarding your specific question, unfortunately, we still see this attitude in the countries of our allies, not only among the political elite, but also among the general public the population is very cautious about how the victory
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of ukraine is seen in these countries, and what will be considered this victory, and the reluctance to talk about the defeat in russia, as such a factor that, according to many, can still be discovered among our partners well, a kind of pandora's box, that is, russia is still considered quite powerful. state, and too big to fall, simply, and this prospect scares our partners, this prospect is incomprehensible to the absolute majority of the population in the eu and actually in all countries of the world, and therefore unwillingness to talk about the need for just such a scenario, russia will lose.
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the collapse of russia, controlled by some such process, which would allow us to talk about the possibility, well , to help the russians in order to destroy this inhuman, cannibalistic, i would say, regime , and try to become a normal state, as far as the technology of our war is concerned, well, ukrainians not alone anymore surprised the world, first of all, of course, by how selflessly our army fights, how selflessly the people joined this struggle, but also by how quickly we are mastering its technological, new ways of waging this war, and here one cannot fail to mention a very recent example,
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experts emphasize that this is the first time in the history of mankind, when such an object, such the target, that a50 radar plane, which , according to its functionality, is basically one such huge locator, which must, well, not attack itself, any movements in the radius there n k to see, quickly interpret, send appropriate command signals , even here the russians did not manage to outwit, so to speak to say, the technological solutions that are currently available to us, ukrainians, so , returning to the shovels, well, i would support the minister here, to really say that we will not give up under any... circumstances,
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absolutely correct, but also to emphasize the fact that the ukrainian army, well, it is a completely different army, and to talk about the achievements we have on the battlefield, which of course, which, of course, we owe to our partners as well, but we turned an idea of, well, not only the capabilities of the ukrainian army, but what they are there is this war. and about the capabilities of the russian army in principle, more precisely about the lack of most of those capabilities that the russians liked to talk about, and about the fact that the prospects of russia's victory in ukraine are precisely because of its technological backwardness and because of a very fast ukrainian, armed forces of ukraine, and...
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in terms of technology, such an advantage over russia is the key to our victory. thank you, mr. vadim, today president zelensky spoke in davos and explained his participation. dreams of the world economic forum about what he sees the future of ukraine, the world, and russia , instead, the russian president said that what can be discussed with the ukrainians, they do not want to go to negotiations, and he said very offensive words to the ukrainian negotiators, and to the ukrainian authorities in general, let's listen to what he said how he complained about the fact that ukraine withdrew from... the negotiation process, which was in april of the 22nd year. now publicly said, in particular, the head of the same negotiation group, he is, among other things, the head of the ruling party in the parliament, in
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council, said: yes, we were ready, we missed it because the then prime minister of great britain, mr. johnson, came and persuaded us not to implement these agreements. kiki says no, and says directly: if we had gone for it, everything would have ended a long time ago, a year and a half ago. well, that is, putin said that the negotiations that took place in istanbul were completely satisfactory to the russian side, that is , our rejection of the path to nato, the reduction of the armed forces of ukraine, and there are many different points. mr. rostislav, this rhetoric that is heard now. from the mouth of putin, this means that from with this position, they still want to convince the world so that the world agrees to this and in the end will do everything to freeze this conflict, although zelensky says that we are against freezing the conflict, but this is
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what putin wants, or putin generally seeks the destruction of the ukrainian state and the destruction of ukrainians as such simply. obviously , it is the second, he does not hide it, after all, today he either slandered or said specifically, probably more likely, the second, that he is conquering the country, he always seemed to liberate us, if you believe him, now in principle, more frank assessments were made, but the fact is that any peace initiatives should begin with what the aggressor stops. for carrying out aggression, conducting hostilities. we do not see this. instead, at his previous press conference, he again spoke about the so-called denationalization, denazification, so that it does not mean, and other unclear things, which actually mean
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the destruction of the ukrainian state, the subjugation of ukraine to russia and its immersion in the russian world, and the actual destruction of us as such and in these conditions, i think that he... rather further puts on the fear that this power , with which he threatens, should blind everyone, first of all ukrainians, and incline others to accept such scenarios, here it is most important for us to focus on thwarting such his plans, focus on to strengthen the defense, defense lines of fortification, to strengthen the possibility... of ukraine in the production of means of destruction, obtaining such means from partners, the production of drones and other opportunities, which will just show that all this is the same boast, as kyiv is known in three days, as the destruction of the so-called ukrainian air defense and other
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things that putin likes to brag about, but which later turn out to be outright lies, and only in this way can we break this enthusiasm of putin. who is trying to convince the world that sooner or later he will still win, but what putin is saying means that he is not going to back down, he is not going to stand down, he is not going to negotiate with anyone, he mentions there, today i listened to the decree zelenskyi, although there were decrees under kuchma, and there were decrees of prime minister kuchma, well, he doesn't know of our history, what can be done here, i.e. there is no decree, there is a decision of the national security and defense council that... not to hold talks with representatives of the russian federation until russia leaves the territory of the ukrainian state, and since zelenskyi constantly says about the peace formula, it is obvious that it is necessary to talk
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about the peace formula for ukraine not only for the forms, but probably for the whole of europe and the world, because putin threatens not only ukraine, but also the whole state, mr. yaroslav. is such a proposal from the ukrainian state possible and an articulation that is new the new security system should still be discussed. well, it is simply a sin for ukraine in this situation not to take the initiative in this situation, because we suffer from the fact that the security system, which existed since 1945, is broken, and we must be the initiators of the adoption of this great vision of the future security architecture without russia, but taking into account putin's aggressive policy. in fact, together with the forces of our own
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parliamentary delegations in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe and in the parliamentary assembly of the osce, in other structures already we are working on consolidating the positions and explaining that the ukrainian peace proposal is peace for the entire event for the actual expansion of the security zone, that is. on a huge, huge space, these are opportunities for georgia, for belarus, in the end , for probably deputized russia, which is home to a huge number of peoples, groups, ethnic groups, more than 30% of them are not russians, but do not have any rights, in general, they are now being used as cannon fodder in this unjust war of conquest, which putin recognized today, and this is probably the only thing that he... if he told the truth , then of course, in principle, formulate a ukrainian
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peace formula, it is good that it exists, it is good that we are coming out with this proposal, it is critically important, because there are actually requests, and we are now we hear in the united states, in europe , yes, what are our plans, yes, here, and i fully agree that in order to be understood in the world, it is necessary to speak not only about our issues, because if it did not sound cynical, but someone else's grief it hurts a little, so there was really close attention to the offer of ukraine and the request for our position at the time of buchi, erpin, izyum , other tragedies of a genocidal format, now, in view of hamas there, the elections in the united states, other geopolitical challenges for us to stay on trend, and for our offer of peace to be... tangible and and perceived by the
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world, of course we must talk about a consolidated security zone, about the interest in ukraine restoring its sovereignty and control over ukrainian lands, not only for the baltics, not only for eastern europe, in principle for the entire western world, it is clear that those things which periodically appear in the western media that if ... suddenly putin succeeds in ukraine, the question of the next victim is literally just the choice of ukraine from the former social camp or any of russia's neighbors, and on the other hand, how will china behave in taiwan, especially taking into account the fact that it was not pro-china politicians who came to power there, that is, we really need to fit ourselves into the global agenda, in which we already are, that's why... emphasize that we are not only for himself, in fact, about what is always in rhetoric, but it is necessary
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strengthen, that friends, we, in fact, this is the line of opposition to the democracy of totalitarianism, this is the line, if nato does not want, conditionally speaking, simply to increase security infinitely in the new, budgets in the new arms race, in the new arms race, well, yes, let's go now... let's stop it here and now, the third war has begun, the third world war has begun, someone is trying not to notice it there, but there is a chance that it will pass with less losses than the first and second worlds, although, of course, unfortunately , again we are in the thick of things, so i agree to emphasize on because this is a peace proposal not only for ukraine, the occupied territories, let's remember transnistria, let's remember... abkhazia, ossetia, let's remember occupied belarus, we as a country did not
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recognize the results of the elections, that is, it is about a systemic problem, and we have ways to solve it solutions, and we offer them, and they are in the ukrainian, in the ukrainian peace plan proposal. thank you, mr. yaroslav, gentlemen, after a short break on our tv channel, we will return to our conversation. nothing has happened yet, not yet, constipation, oh, normact, my dear, take normolact, normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes the work of the intestines. restores the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normakt and everything will work out, there are 20% discounts on bronchipred in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces
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that all of ukraine sings along to. the special guest of the concert is the lviv men's academic choir. dudaryk chapel, tickets for karabaskom, live sound, there are discounts for psyk, 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in
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a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign. inclusion experts from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. friends, we work live, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko. today we are talking about the formula for peace, about how the world sees the future without putin or with putin, since we ask you during this broadcast whether the world is ready to end putin, we suggest that you give and define your answer about this, yes, no
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, it's quite simple on youtube, if you're sitting on the air and watching us on the air, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think that... ready to end putin 0800-211-381 no 0800-211-382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today, we have people's deputies of ukraine, vadym galaychuk, rastislav pavlenko and yaroslav yurchyshyn on the air. gentlemen, i also wanted to ask you about all these endless stories that are starting to spin up in... the media about journalists and about the events that are happening around journalists, because literally the day before yesterday , unknown people staged a provocation against a journalist, an investigator, a co-founder and editor of our money yuriy nikolova, a person who wrote about abuses in the ministry of defense of ukraine, in particular regarding these famous or
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infamous eggs for 17 hryvnias, unknown people came, broke into his house... yura was not at home, there was a mother, they were scared, they left a message on at the door, where they called the journalist a traitor. in parallel, a video was uploaded to the network, which was recorded by unknown, somewhere employees of the bigus-info investigation project, probably using narcotic substances, the head of the project, denys bigus, recorded a video address to the audience with explanation and assured that everyone who cooperates with bugesinfo will surrender. tests for drug abuse, but all these events forced the mayor of kyiv, vitalii klitschko, to declare that the leadership of ukraine is destroying democratic principles, in particular. oppression of independent media and journalists who do not like the authorities because they criticize its actions. mr. vadim, first of all, i have a question for you, as a representative of the mono-power, the mono-majority, do
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you accept klitschko's criticisms of the government, and should we consider what happened around bigusinfo and yuriy nikolov, as oppression of independent media and journalists. well, i still don't see any connection between the fact that the mayor of kyiv, mr. klitschko, blaming the authorities for the events that you just mentioned, i am here, of course, i will not take the blame from my colleagues, first of all yurchyshyn's colleagues , who, i am sure, has already collected enough information about these events, but i will only say that our partners all note how surprised they are by the fact that
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ukraine, despite the terrible war with russia, despite the state of war, on constant attacks, on public tension, is preserved as a democracy and a fairly, fairly free country, quite... everyone who is engaged in such an important job, informing society about various events, including criticizing representatives of various authorities, feels at ease in this country . therefore, i once again hope that these events will be investigated immediately and in great detail, society will receive information about who, for what, for what purpose organizes such events, let's not forget what is unprecedented in
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in its intensity, the war in the information space, unfortunately, quite often we see that our enemy manages to carry out quite successful attacks, we will say so in this article. therefore, i am sure that the authorities, first of all, of course, law enforcement agencies, will do everything necessary to ensure that the society receives answers to the questions, and what happened after all, and of course to bring to justice those who are guilty of these events, is also the responsibility of the authorities and... i have no doubt that law enforcement agencies and in general, representatives of the authorities will cope with this. thank you, mr. vadim, mr. yaroslav, the question for you, as the head of the parliamentary committee
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and the specialized parliamentary committee, regarding freedom of speech, have you already considered these issues or discussed among yourselves what is going on in general, that is, yuriy nikolay bigusinfo is well known . and the person and the companies that investigate and conduct the investigation, of course these events cannot be put on the same scales, but the fact that they happen in a row, that is, all these events, are happening alone on the one hand, it indicates that it is probably not by chance that this is happening and it is not by chance that telegram channels that are close to the power structures disperse, in particular, stories about the same yuri. attack, because bigus himself admitted that he is now looking into what happened there
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with his employees' vacation and the alleged use of narcotics? well, let's start with an assessment, if the policy of the mayor of kyiv, in fact, well, without receiving information from law enforcement agencies, it is still better... not to start political criticism yet, especially at a time when it is clear that we will have a very scrupulous attitude towards freedom of speech on the part of both society and our international community itself, we have facts, let's say, that demonstrate negative trends, so vadym is quite right that reporters without borders in 22 compared to the 21st year , it was shown that ukraine has made some progress, but i... have great skepticism that in the 23rd year we will be able to show this positive trend, because in fact, we remember the 22nd year a lot who gave, let's say, tentatively good grades,
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considering the fact that... this is how we faced a full-scale aggression from a much stronger adversary. now regarding what my committee is actually doing. we turned to the law enforcement authorities from two points: first, yuriy nikolov, with whom we are in contact, and i got in touch with yuriy as soon as i learned about this situation, in fact, i received assurances from the national police, who reacted quite quickly about that they will study the material and, based on the available grounds , open it. own investigation into this the incident, in my opinion, is fully covered by article 171, paragraph two, and possibly also paragraph one, and since there was a group together , it looks like a previous conspiracy, regarding the obstruction of the journalist's activity, actually through attempts at physical influence, regardless of whether he was at work wasn't he at work, but we very
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often see how journalists... are influenced in this, ah, because of such intimidation, right? here is the second point, regarding, ah, the situation around the bigus corporate body, no one can break the law, here and in this in this case, the assessment of the actual behavior with drugs can be given there by those who have the right to give it, but here is the fact that we do not understand at the moment who authorized the surveillance. according to journalists, is this actually operative activity, and then how did it get into public sources, and therefore, actually we, now i personally also turn to the security service of ukraine in order to find out how and in what directions this action was taken, thank you, these materials were actually received, there is, let's say, such a moment,
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and... it really turns into a very negative a trend to which the authorities must react, it will not be possible to remain silent here , because the fact that it appears on anonymous channels, which are often mentioned, again with arguments, without arguments, we will not actually talk about it here, the authorities do not denies, but in connection with certain information campaigns, that is why a proactive position is important, only in this way will the authorities be able to show that we are interested in... to give hope, because a huge number can attack investigators and journalists, when i they asked yes, and to whom it was yura who crossed the road like that, well, in fact, he crossed everyone, and, because he exposes a lot of people, there were complaints against denys bigus in the previous government, in this government, and god willing, it will work, it will be in the next one as well authorities, it's normal, it's not normal, it's when there is no reaction, mr. yaroslaviech,
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we're just running out of time, sorry, i still have to give mr. rostislav a word about these situations. please. well, look, obstructing the activity of a journalist and intimidating a journalist is a crime. illegal surveillance, collection of materials, and their publication is a crime. will there be any reaction from law enforcement agencies, other than some general reassurances? i doubt it very much, because, as already correctly said, so far we see in telegram channels that do not just associate. with the authorities, or so it is believed, and who participate correctly in campaigns against opponents of the authorities and in campaigns to praise the authorities themselves, that is, it is very likely that we will not see any such meaningful actions of law enforcement agencies, the refusal will continue, and, unfortunately , all it seems that there will be further provocations against journalists, under the assurance that
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there is nothing of the sort. it did not happen, and in the end, unfortunately, these two cases are not the end of the problem with freedom of speech, we, gentlemen, are currently working on the air of a channel that is disconnected from digital broadcasting , just like the other two channels, direct and fifth , and this is an absolutely illegal action, continues, in addition to the enthusiastic evaluations of our partners, we remember that the report of the european commission clearly in that big 159 pages very clearly, for example, it is stated about problems regarding... the inclusion of opposition channels about other issues of freedom of speech , sorry, we have to end our broadcast, we would like to talk more about it, but we will definitely do it in another broadcast. rostislav pavlenko, vadym galaichuk and yaroslav yurchyshyn were guests of our program today, gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, during the program we conducted a survey, we friends asked you whether the world is ready to end putin, as shown by the results of our television.


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