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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EET

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about the fact that nothing of the kind happened , and in the end, unfortunately, these two cases are not the end of the problem with freedom of speech, we, gentlemen, are currently working on the air of a channel that is disconnected in the same way as the other two channels, direct and p fourth, from digital broadcasting, and this is an absolutely illegal action that continues, in addition to the enthusiastic evaluations of our partners, we remember that the report of the european commission clearly, in that big 159 pages, very clearly, for example, it is stated about the problems of turning off opposition channels, about other problems freedom of speech, for this we must end our broadcast, we would like to talk more about it, but we will definitely do it in another broadcast. rostyslav pavlenko, vadym galaichuk and yaroslav yurchyshyn were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, during the program we conducted a survey, we asked your friends about whether the world is ready to end putin, as shown by the results of our television. survey, so 32%
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think yes, 68% no, this is the verdict of the program today, i say goodbye to you, bye next program at 20:00, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye. news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and now to the main events. in kherson , a local resident died as a result of another shelling, the regional prosecutor's office reports. the enemy covered the nest with artillery fire at about 12 o'clock, and they poured into the private sector. man. he was on the street at the time of the attack,
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he died immediately. private residential buildings and commercial buildings were also damaged. the russians injured two people in the dnipropetrovsk region. according to the prosecutor's office of the region, the enemy hit the marganets community of the nikopol district with a kabikadze drone. the drone flew near the car in which the 19- and 13-year-old boys were. both stayed. in the hospital, the condition of the teenager is very serious. three people were injured as a result of the night drone attack on odesa, one is in the hospital, her condition is assessed by doctors as moderate, our correspondent reported. the russians used 11 drones to attack the city, who attacked in odessa, odessa from the sea. air defense systems impressed everyone.
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targets, but five residential buildings were damaged due to the fall of the drones. four parked cars burned to the ground. a fire also broke out in one of the apartments. the main heat supply pipe was also damaged, as a result of which more than six dozen houses were left without heat. according to utility workers, the restoration process will last at least a day. i'm not going anywhere, i'm standing in a hole, i live in stalin's house. the hole is like this. black sea, this time they chose the maximum possible, in fact for them low flight altitude, and it is quite likely that this was one of the tricks, one of the ways to bypass the air defense systems, therefore the work of the air defense forces. call on ukrainians living
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near the border with the enemy to evacuate, as noted by the commander of the united forces serhii naev, this applies not only to the eastern regions, but also to the residents of chernihiv and sumy regions. every day, the enemy strikes these territories with fire strikes. in order for the ukrainian military to be able to provide a full-fledged repulse the enemy without harming our citizens, every ukrainian should listen to the advice of military administrations, - said naev. the line of the state border with the russian federation is a line of contact , there are military operations on it, air strikes are carried out, there is artillery fire, there are attempts to establish a sabotage and reconnaissance group , civilians have no place on the line of contact, where military operations are taking place, because the warlock is trying to hit our servicemen . civilians.
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he spied on ukrainian planes. the security service exposed an enemy informer on kirovohrad region. the attacker tracked the directions. and flight frequencies of ukrainian aviation near military airfields, also tried to identify ukrainian control points and warehouses with ammunition, sent the obtained data to the occupiers on social networks, cooperated with the enemy in this way for more than three months, the collaborator faces up to eight years behind bars. germany handed over a new package of military aid to ukraine, this is stated on... the website of the government of germany. the package includes eight armored personnel carriers, 25 reconnaissance drones, 16 trucks, cetros and five cars for the border service. ammunition for leopard-1 tanks, fifty communication terminals, materials for
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demining, half a thousand led lamps and almost 2,000 combat helmets. earlier , prime minister olaf scholz noted that this year... germany will increase military aid to our country almost twice, that is , the government will allocate more than 7 billion euros for it, instead of 4 billion, as planned earlier. a session of the european parliament is underway in strasbourg. this morning, the meps discussed the provision of financial assistance to ukraine the next four years, and also discussed how the european union can force the prime minister of hungary. viktor orban to stop blocking the pro-ukrainian initiative in the eu. tetyana vysotska, correspondent of espress in european institutions, followed the debate. she is now in direct contact with us. tanya, i congratulate you. tell me, please, what mood prevailed in the session hall and whether it is possible
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to expect that ukraine will receive the promised 50 billion euros from the eu already after february 1. greetings irina, greetings from strasbourg. european the commission expects that ukraine will receive 50 billion euros over the next four years, and also expects that during the extraordinary summit of the european union, which will take place on february 1, eu leaders will be able to persuade viktor orbán to remove his veto from this issue. this was announced by the president of the european commission, ursela fondelaien , this morning during meeting of the european parliament, she once again emphasized that the european union will continue to support ukraine as long as it needs. we must provide ukraine funding package for the next four years. i am sure that we will find a solution that will be supported by the leaders of all 27 states,
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she stressed. and actually the majority of the members of the european parliament present in the hall supported this idea. orbán's blackmail must be stopped. putin's friend. cannot continue to single-handedly block the european council, such statements were made by representatives of all the main, largest political groups of the european parliament, and in this connection the european deputies call on the european commission and the european council to start the procedure for hungary under the article parf2 of the agreement provoked to deprive orbán of the right to vote in the european. council, and may also prevent hungary from taking over the presidency of the european union on july 1 , 2024. accordingly, the resolution based on the results of today's debate is currently being prepared, it should be put to a vote tomorrow, and tomorrow we will see
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whether it will contain this same call to deprive orbán of the right to vote in the european council. but it is worth noting that right now during of the debate, hungary has already answered that it is still going to continue his blackmail, the european deputy from hungary, from orbán's fidesz party, balas gidvegi, took the floor, and he stated that hungary insists that a fund to finance ukraine should be created outside the budget of the european union, and the attitude of the european union towards hungary and the freezing of european funds for hungary, balas gidvegi called a dictatorship. so urban's blackmail continues, and we are waiting for tomorrow's resolution and the results of the european parliament vote. iryna. tanya, well , we will wait, actually speaking, we will add you to our broadcast. thank you for the positive news. it was our correspondent from strasbourg, tetiana vysotska, where
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the session of the european parliament is ongoing, and we are moving on. mass protests in bashkiria, thousands of people took to the streets in the city. baymak after the sentencing of activist fail alsynov, he was accused of extremism and sentenced to four years in prison. the authorities shut down the internet and blocked all entrances. to the courthouse, there are ongoing clashes with the police, who use tear gas and light noise grenades. the reason for prosecuting file alsynov was the denunciation of the head of the republic. he accused the activist of inciting ethnic enmity. also, according to some data, last year alsynov allegedly appealed to his compatriots not to go to fight in ukraine. such was the news at the time, we will continue to follow the events, and our
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team is already preparing the next issue for you on the 15th, literally in a moment, meet my colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliyarnyk. thank you, irina koval, thank you colleagues, journalists, what a brilliant issue , let's pick up the baton, and we'll try to add to you all the important informational occasions of the day, so bring it to you, dear tv viewers, in the spresso studio, marta olyarnyk and antin burkovskiy, and we'll start with the collection about for 93 of the kholodny yar brigade, we remind you, our tv viewers, that we... together with you will raise uah 5 million in order to purchase kamikaze drones for our defenders, who are actually
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fighting in hot spots and have passed through a lot of hot spots, more since the 14th year, this is the donetsk airport, this is ilovaisk, this is fighting for sumy region and kharkiv region, so these guys know and know how to practice kamikaze drones very well, in order to destroy the enemy, you need to purchase even more drones, so let's make it possible with joint efforts, you have the opportunity to join our collection thanks to the qr code. which you see now on your screens, conventionally or in a private bank, you can do it with just a few clicks, scan the qr code and make your donation, or you can rewrite the bank card numbers, so we will be grateful to you for any amount you send, every hryvnia very important, so remember that there are no such things as small donations, and we would like to thank all of you who have already joined this collection, and those who can possibly join, please join, and we also thank all our viewers who have already joined the previous ones espresso meetings. in fact, we have already been able to close many meetings thanks to you, so without you we
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cannot do all this, so we really hope for your support, with joint forces, as the classics said, one to the other and to the same, and accordingly, we hope, dear tv viewers, what will you respond to the regular collection of the espresso tv channel in support of our fighters, well, we continue our broadcast, mykola molomush, general of the ukrainian army, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005, is in touch with us. 10 years, glory to ukraine , mr. general of the army, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, so what, we would like to ask you to describe the current situation on the front line, in particular, we are talking about the east of our country, this is how heavy battles are being fought in the kupinsky direction, in the lymansky direction and in donetsk region, an extremely difficult situation, on the other hand, so many signals indicate that the enemy is going to move to the so-called long war, the war of attrition. not existential, well, in particular, this thesis is confirmed by the statement of the russian criminal,
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the former president of the so-called russian federation, dmitry medvedev, yes, who said that they are ready to return all the so-called russian lands, well, this is not a verbatim quote, but it is evidence of their criminal intentions well, first of all, we are talking about returning the land of kievan rus, and this is the moscow principality. that's why he made a mistake in history, and if we're talking realistically, then putin really lost in fact, the main strategic directions, can you hear us now, mr. mykola, there is no way to continue the conversation now , let's hope that the minutes, or even seconds, are counted before mykola malomush, the general of the army of ukraine and the head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005, will return to us. while we are waiting for inclusion, while we are waiting, we already have the opportunity to return mr.
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mykola malomush to our ether, continue, please, putin lost strategically precisely in his plan to seize our state, so today a new model and the main thesis that a protracted war can make ukraine disappear, sow distrust of the allies, or that, and against this background, he has already generated his large reserves for 2- 3 years will form. a new offensive strategy, and therefore today they are guided by the decision of the collegium of the ministry of defense, which was held in december of the 23rd year, regarding a protracted war until the 26th year and the basis... the strategy will be, it is the conduct of not only separate counterattacks, but deployment on separate offensives of large-scale precisely breakthrough formats, this was determined from the beginning of the holy crime, of course, we underestimated the efforts of the enemy, pushed them back to their original positions, in some directions, even won some directions, and it is clear that
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today the concentration of forces is renewed, because this is a direct instruction from putin, and literally yesterday on... these winter offensive operations began, which we have already said, will be with the onset of cold weather and when the ground will already be hard, they will also move with armored vehicles forces, and airborne troops, and of course the use of a large number of artillery, armored vehicles, but our forces there are powerfully restraining them, we were expecting such strikes near kupyansk, svato krymin, liman, and today we are conducting very active countermeasures to destroy, especially . armored vehicles, thanks to our western partners, we have those means that destroy the enemy and which today cannot have an advantage due to the number of tanks, battleships, bmps, self-propelled guns and the like, so we are causing huge, huge losses every day, so if we take the entire eastern sector, that's about a thousand a day, it's a huge loss, if we
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take 12 enemy brigades in a month, besides, hundreds, hundreds of tanks in a month. bmps , self-propelled guns, missile systems, this powerfully undermines all, so to speak, enemy positions, and therefore to launch a large offensive operation, as he plans, this period, literally, they wanted january, february, there is no chance, because there are still several powerful sectors , where we destroy the enemy and they try to advance further, the task next to liman today stands unblock just our forces near. andriyivka, near klishchivka, right at chasovoy yar , that is where the heaviest battles are taking place these days, but in order to push our troops away from bakhmut, because we are hanging on the heights, today we strike both at the bakhmut group of the enemy and according to the reserves that were sent in connection with the unblocking, which is about 40,000 representatives of the enemy
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forces, hundreds and hundreds of tanks, battleships, bmps, which are trying to attack. from this sector, we really destroy systemically every day huge the resources of the debt and do not allow us to advance, well, the maneuvers go somewhere 300-500 m maximum in this region, but no more, and the third sector, which is under the special control of putin, and he has held it for about three months, this is avdiyivka, he set the task to capture avdiivka even before the nomination of him as the so-called president, although this is not expulsion, it is just an appointment, until the press conference, before... the new year, now the question is being asked to capture avdiivka at least somewhere before the end of winter and move on on a large scale, we capture all of donetsk region, we devalue all these directions , and even his movements there, for example, today in the south-west direction, which we recorded yesterday, are literally several hundred meters, but we constantly carry out strikes from the flanks, from
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bodies, powerful artillery and rocket, long-range the systems are hitting the reserves that are brought here, and in fact... for many months, this criminal instruction of putin to seize this city, which is not of great importance in a military format, but it has a military-political format for putin, because the failure on the fronts and not the success of any particular sector is the failure of its entire policy, which is already being formed today in russian society, they already see that those super tasks of it, so-called special operations, and in fact aggressive war , are not implemented anywhere. in the same way today he saw that we are moving and can shut down the southern grouping and the movement to work at just the willow in the direction of melitopol, this is death for him and similar, why? because we go in after going through minefields after going through three line of defense, and this is already west from the flanks, it is super dangerous, because it blocks the eastern corridor, which they supply
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equipment, feed manpower and a lot of other things, so to speak, all the way to melitopol, and we landed. this is also in the kherson direction of our powerful marines, and this is another format of closing the group in the zaporizhzhya-kherson direction, blocking the eastern logistics corridor and the southern one from crimea, this is actually a trap in this region, and this is a prerequisite for then delivering powerful strikes and a matter of time, when we just destroy them there because they will be completely forced to give up or we like a way to break through, that's possible. it is expected because we have colleagues and even the latest extreme information indicates that president biden's national security adviser jake sullivan, i just know him well, will come with a mission to state that... that we should freeze the war too , to move to a large-scale defense, i believe that at the moment it is only one of the elements that we are using today along
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the whole line, because the enemy today is not such resources to conduct a large-scale defense, even in those points where i have named, he is either without prospects or will lose, we are destroying a huge number, so the defense we organized is what serin t can say to some extent. on the other hand, the second task is extremely important - it is the destruction of the enemy's powerful reserves in certain sectors, and especially where he concentrates large offensive forces , why, in addition to the fact that there is a threat of large forces in russia, but these are also huge targets, where the concentration of manpower, equipment, ammunition, warehouses, command posts and it's similar, because everything is close, and here they have to be beaten en masse, that's why they have to be beaten, mr. mykola, they have to be beaten, the question is what to beat them with, the question is, do we have something to beat them with? to the second part, in addition to defense and in addition to the destruction of reserves, what we have today is, of course, a new strategy for the introduction of war for the 24th year, a strategy that is already
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being discussed, which is being developed, this is new strategic offensive operations, not only defense, security on strategic perspectives, but precisely what will give the prospect of freeing the territories, for this new strategy and, accordingly, the preparation of our troops and reserves, the second component is that the supply of armed equipment by our... partners, 28 countries agreed, and in the coming days there will be another meeting of the ramshtai group, and at the moment, in a week we will already have new progress, although already 28 countries, namely germany, great britain, france, the scandinavian countries, a number of other countries, including the usa, will still provide us with equipment and even scholz, macron these days literally declared that they are these packages formed packages of 8 billion military aid and armored vehicles, and rockets, and ammunition, including 155 calibers, just the scalp of those french ones that hit 300 km, including the entire coast of the crimea,
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the black sea fleet and almost the entire territory of the luhansk, donetsk, zaporizhzhya, kherson regions can cover deep valleys, that is, the format of support, it will definitely be fiercer, i think, all the packages have been approved and the american contacted them with the republican democrats, they are fully set up for. to support ukraine both with money and concrete military packages. the germans, respectively, the europeans are given a new package, other countries that send us aid sectorally. the third component is our military-industrial complex, where you ask where it will be taken, and we are deploying drones once, missile systems up to 200 km, two, it is clear, ammunition, which today we ourselves produce with our partners three, respectively joint production with germany, with other countries of armored vehicles, this is... repair, and this is the production of tanks, armored personnel carriers, bmps, four self-propelled installations, this is the second factor, half a year, i think, we are already very active in this direction, by the end of spring,
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beginning of summer, our format will be very decisive in the security sector, provision of troops, and the fourth factor, which is procurement, rapid procurement, armament of equipment and especially the fact that with ammunition, with what to beat, in the markets of military trade, i am pregnant. markets, they are very mobile, they can be organized in a maximum of a month or a half, all types of weapons, and soviet production, as well as our separate, so to speak, weapons, and nato production, and funds that we we have and from our allies are sent there. this symbiosis of new strategies and all these formats of aid and the purchase of weapons, especially ammunition, will give the prospect of an advantage in specific sectors and on the fronts , and not only reserves, but powerful preparations for offensive operations. in an unconventional way, i emphasize, this is a matter for the headquarters , well, in general, i will say, not to storm the fields with the teeth of the dragon, but to conduct operations where there are none, we are hidden, for example,
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our marines also came from kherson, went through whole, so to speak, directions and hold strong even a whole division of the russian airborne forces, the russian fronts entered bryansk, bivogorod region, without any dragon's teeth, without any minefields, and the russian guard, the fsb, and the border guards had nightmares there. other , that is, we must also look for such options, as we say, breakthrough formats at the front, all special operations should not be in the trenches, but act at one moment in the same period in the rear, in the headquarters, in correspondingly different strikes from the flanks, well and of course, this is the use of all the power of long-range missiles up to 300 km to destroy deep tals, timers beat at 80 km, medium tals and all the power of the artillery technique. mr. mykola malomuzh hung out with us, but it was already time for a break, so unfortunately, we probably won't be able to return mr. mykola to our airwaves, but i think this is the most important thing that mr.
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mykola managed to tell us. general of the army of ukraine mykola malomuzh, the head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005 and 2010 was in touch with us, now we will take a short break, as i said before, and after that we will return to our studio, so stick with espresso. there are 10% discounts on hepar at psyllanyk bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on psyk, 10% in pharmacies. road guide to you and savings. attention, an incredible novelty from razpakuvi. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once. to myself and my husband. side zippers
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this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from. you draw your own conclusions.
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information day of the espresso tv channel in rozpala. well, the enemy regularly launched missile and drone strikes on our glorious odessa. we are now adding to our marathon maryna martynenko, spokeswoman of the state emergency service of ukraine in odesa region. glory to ukraine, mrs. maryna, we congratulate you. we are playing glory, congratulations. well?


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