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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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information day of espresso tv channel in rozpala. well, the enemy regularly launched missile and drone strikes on our glorious odessa. we are now joining maryna martynenko, spokeswoman of the state emergency service of ukraine in the odesa region, to our marathon. glory to ukraine, mrs. maryna, we congratulate you. we play glory. congratulations. well?
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we understand that another tragic news from odessa, the enemy actively attacked your glorious city, in particular with drones, in general, as far as we understand, there were several waves of attacks, but share, be kind, in particular, when it comes to the destruction or damage of our of civilian objects, everything that is possible, it was really difficult, and well, for the rescuers, especially, because the liquidation of the consequences fell the most at night. on their shoulders, when the calls to the 101 line already started, although the air alert was still going on at that moment, but the rescuers went to the place, because we were called to a residential building, and there was a threat that there were injured people, therefore , despite the continuation of the air alert, the rescuers went, upon arriving at the place, they established that there was a fire in a residential building the balconies
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of the third, fourth... floors of the five-story building were on fire, as well as an apartment on the second floor, four cars parked next to this apartment building were destroyed by fire , eight cars were also damaged by the blast wave, evacuation was immediately started, the building was 130 people were evacuated, our psychologists who worked with people arrived on the scene, because there were some residents, residents of this very building, who were very... very much in such a state of shock, as well as rescuers at a heating point was installed in the place so that people could apply, it took about an hour to completely eliminate the fire, then the firefighters went around all the apartments in order to understand that there was no one there, or well, that no one needed help, from 52 rescuers were involved in the emergency department, they worked, worked until the morning. already in the morning, the authorities already
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set up their headquarters there and worked, at dawn there was another flight, it was in one of the districts of the odesa region, in the bilhorodnistrovsky district, there was also a fire at one of the agro-industrial facilities, the belgorodnistrian rescuers are already there , yes, i have seen the video where you show the belgorodnistrian rescuers extinguishing the fire, fortunately the victims were not injured... they are not there, there was information that there were animals, but they were already there at that time were in the field, that is, all animals and people, all, all unharmed. i will just add to your exhaustive answer that due to the debris of the drone, the pipelines were damaged, and now 60 houses are without heat, at least this is what the head of the city's heat supply committee informs odesa, hanna pozniakova, and we will.
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to hope that heat will soon be restored to those houses, but i have a question for you, ms. marino, and it actually concerns the general work of rescuers in odesa, during a full-scale invasion, we know that very often flies to odesa, especially in at the frontline, at the port, give the locations, areas, how much did your work become complicated in general, when the full-scale invasion began and how many rescuers there are now, in principle. and resources to deal with the consequences russian missile and drone strikes , because we know that odesa is often enough the region where the enemy tries to target, and actually the air force partially succeeds in repelling these air targets, well, but partially these air targets do hit somewhere, yes the work has become very complicated and in general the work has changed a lot both for rescuers and, well, that is, all areas of our state emergency service, psychologists and everyone,
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because these were absolutely new challenges, but talking even with our rescuers, they say, yes, there have always been fires destruction, but there was never such a large... scale, and if basically there were always fires, it was the human factor, mainly the people themselves were to blame, which led to different scales there, to different consequences, here people just live their lives, follow some rules, norms, and someone just decides that people no longer have a home, or a person no longer has a life, work has become very difficult, but we have enough, today we have enough strength for... means, we have enough rescuers, us international partners are very supportive, for these almost two years we received very, very much equipment, last year for a few months before the new year we received more than 30 units of fire and rescue equipment, which were
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distributed throughout the region, and some were cars , that is exactly the tank trucks, which , for example, if we had a larger tank truck, for example, for... a ton, then we got two, which are 12 tons, very, well, that is, of a larger capacity than the ones we had , and they continue to support us and continue to help us, and this of course, it helps a lot, because we were losing, we were losing equipment, there were repeated, repeated strikes, when the rescuers managed to move to safe places, but they did not have time to remove the equipment from the epicenter of the event, and our fire equipment was just... bat, so this is a reinforcement for us, it is very important and we will get it, for which we are very grateful to all the civilized countries that have supported us all this time. yes, mrs. marino, we understand that it is necessary to restore the work of individual enterprises as soon as possible, especially with
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taking into account the damage caused to the city economy by the interventionists, both with the help of shelling, what is the situation in general with people and resettlement and the corresponding dopo. yes, i don’t know how many people have suffered such a plan of suffering, but the main thing is that the process of help continues now, as everything looks like now, i can’t say here unequivocally, because this is a bit not our direction, we are rescuers, that is, rescuers are people who come to the place, who eliminate, who rescue, and who are there all these the rubble is working on the spot, then it is your question, the authorities are responsible for it, when... there is no, for example, on the ground, like today, there is no longer a threat to people's lives and health, then the rescuers stop their work, and then other services start their work with the same resettlement and help and assistance to the affected residents. mrs. maryna, i would
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still like you and i to talk about the rescuers, because they are also living people who have their families, who have children, who are essentially forced to risk their own lives in order to save. another person's life, and i have a question for you: how many rescuers are there in odesa who were injured as a result of one or another attack or while performing their duties, or are there, unfortunately , those who may have died while performing such duties "companies, just so that our people also understand how serious the work of emergency workers is, especially in such a difficult period, that's about it, if i can honestly say." to tell you a lot, because we are constantly working with rescuers, and we are constant, we want what is happening to be seen not only in ukraine, i saw it all over the world, and now rescuers have a very, very difficult job, on december 29
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, when the flight arrived, this is exactly the video you are showing, it was a high-rise building, and the rescuer was driving on call to his home, he flew, there was shelling and it flew straight to his apartment, and there was his wife, a wife with a daughter, with a three-year-old daughter, the wife is also our colleague, just then she was on sick leave, the child was sick, and usually when they were hiding or in corridor or in the bathtub, this time they didn't hide because the child was asleep and that saved them, because the only part of the quart... that survived was exactly where they were, and our rescuer, he was going to the call to themselves home, not knowing whether they are alive or not, and we have a lot of such stories, we have a lot of rescuers who are displaced from luhansk region, from donetsk region, and who have already been displaced several times, because
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they are not the first , not the first time they run away, they don't run away, but they have to leave because of the war, and there are a lot of such stories, and... fortunately in we have very good psychologists of the state emergency service, who constantly work and support this psychological climate, because it is very important, it is important, rescuers. the first to see all this suffering, all these horrors that the occupying country brings us, and it is important for us that they hold on, we have a lot of rescuers whose wives and children have gone abroad, they also saved their families, saved , but of course we stayed and there was not even the smallest person there to go, we have a rescuer who has three small children, and he could go abroad he said no , as long as my country, well, this country needs
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me, i will be here, i will do everything i can, we have a very, very big job, a powerful job, carried out by pyrotechnicians of the state emergency service, who are constantly in rotation in the de-occupied territories kherson oblast, donetsk oblast, we have pyrotechnicians, who are also displaced persons from kherson oblast, from donetsk oblast, and are now traveling, demining their native territories like this. where they lived there, well, there are many stories, we have a lot, we have every rescuer from a hero, and about each you can tell, and we actually have a lot of such stories, our divers, who worked in the kherson region in the summer after the hreblikakhov gas station was blown up, came under fire in the same way, but continued to work, to date we have lost one of our pyrotechnicians who was demining... snihorivka in the mykolayiv region, and they ran into an anti-personnel mine, and unfortunately,
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he did not survive, he did not survive, he died, but we had losses, one person, a pyrotechnician, was wounded, but luckily everything is with them now in order. mrs. marino, thank you for sharing with us and with our viewers really, important stories, important people, because these are the kind of people that our state now rests on, really. thank you, maryna martynenko, spokeswoman of the main administration. the state emergency service of ukraine in the odesa region has been in touch with us, now we have a few minutes' break, after which we will return to our studio, so stay tuned to espresso, we will be back soon. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety, melamach b6 will help you cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contributes to a full rest and provides recovery. forces melamach b6 a full sleep and recovery from bhfz. there are
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grow. join us, stand up. part of our enable me ukraine family with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. the espresso information marathon continues, and now we will have taras zagorodny, a political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, in touch. mr. taras is already in touch with us, so we are adding him to our broadcast. welcome to the air espresso. glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. biguzgate. mr. taras, we understand that the story is extremely serious , our partners have already reacted, and here the story, you know, is not about individual journalists who sniffed or smoked something there, but about how it happens that in a warring state it can be disturbed, with on the one hand, the counterintelligence regime, and on the other hand
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, such things somehow, you see, get somewhere, worldwide. the internet network, as employees of the relevant, so to speak, services say, what kind of story is this in general? well, i will say my opinion, anyone , any pressure on journalists, this is unacceptable, especially on journalists, investigators, who perform a very important function, the function of exposing our officials, and they really don't like it when they start talking about them to write, to speak, because their sweet life is interrupted. because this is not the first case during this week that there was a story about journalist nikenov, when someone came there, something knocked on his door, in this regard it is also inadmissible work, because it is open surveillance, open surveillance, it is not known who did it, because we have to understand that, in
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principle, listening devices are in many of our countries. here, not only law enforcement services have it, and it is enough, well , somewhere in the middle middle financial and industrial group, i think that any security service has the appropriate equipment, in principle, it has not been a secret for a long time, so i hope that law enforcement agencies will find out who did this surveillance, because it is clearly illegal, because they... were filmed in a closed room, it's not some kind of public place, i don't know if it's in a park or somewhere else, it's definitely surveillance, it's definitely hairy illegal eavesdropping, and this should be evaluated, of course, by law enforcement agencies. well, at the moment, the law enforcement agencies have not yet given any assessment, but there is a reaction from the institute
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of mass information, there is a reaction from the media community, which calls for our international partners to react to this, because i, for example, had the opportunity to talk with natalya legachova, hego the media detector, and actually she talked about the fact that earlier there were attempts to communicate somehow not publicly with the authorities, somehow agree, somehow find points of contact, but it does not work, as we can see, it does not work out, and therefore, accordingly, we have to ask partners to influence in some way in such a way that, after all , no one tries to suppress journalistic activity in our country in any way, i would also like your... price on the occasion, on the occasion, on the occasion, on the occasion of what zelensky said yesterday at the dvozsky forum, 20 it lasted approximately 25 minutes speech, and already babel writes that last year in davos zelenskyy spoke more about weapons, and this year he spoke more about peace, although we understand that in his speech he also mentioned that putin is not ready for
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peace negotiations , that is, you know, zelensky's speech sounded somewhat controversial, considering that we want peace, but... we understand that our enemy does not want peace. how would you outline zelenskyi's theses at this davoi forum, what was most memorable for you and how could you interpret it? no, well, zelensky's speech, it is natural in such a tone, because everyone wants peace, western countries also want peace, if we constantly say that we want war, then this contradicts the principles on which they defend, including western civilization, everyone wants to see stability . and they want to see, to see how it will be built, yes, but when it is indicated that ukraine is fighting for... peace on its own land, and therefore in this case here, the more so is his peace plan, which he promotes throughout of the world, there was already a meeting of 80 countries, so it is absolutely logical,
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that he is just such a presentation with a specific indication that the aggressor is the russian federation and it does not want any peace, the problem is that why does it start saying that, because russia is actively promoting the narrative that it... wants peace, the only problem is that she wants peace on her own terms, which consists in actually occupying the territory of ukraine, yes, i think they will put forward additional conditions, do not doubt if such negotiations theoretically begin, but at this stage here i agree that russia will not have any negotiations news, because she is not ready for them yet, and she will be ready for some negotiations, only after nane. a significant blow to their economy, so that they do not have the opportunity to wage war, then they will be ready for some negotiations, now they
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are sure that they can defeat ukraine. look, i would like to return to our internal ukrainian affairs, a signal from the chairman of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk. so, stefanchuk stated that elections will not be held during martial law, i quote: since neither the constitution of ukraine nor ukrainian legislation, which was approved in peacetime not before. specifics of holding elections in wartime, we desperately needed consultation with partners who have such experience, there were many discussions, but at the moment the decision has been made that elections will not be held in ukraine during the martial law, but anyway, mr. taras, look, there is such a feeling of a certain political turbulence, on the one hand, we feel the vibration from our beautiful cabinet, and they also feel that they can be very powerful there... personnel shake-up, and it is possible to change completely, including the prime minister, and on the other hand, some kind of activation of certain circles on the ground, which also indicates
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that something is possible, so to speak, invisibly looming, and here so and so a comment from the chairman of the verkhovna rada, the second person in our country, from mr. ruslan stefanchuk, so what could happen with the elections, what are the possible scenarios in your opinion? well, disperse the cabinet. it is possible without elections, and it is high time, well, because mr. shmigal is frankly nothing, he fundamentally does not want to do anything, that is just such a position of a person, the issue of mobilizing the economy is not resolved, how they should decide, it depends more, you know, on the enthusiasm of producers, on the enthusiasm of the will in fact, including those who equally produce, build and so on, the unresolved issue of corporate income taxation, which we... constantly discuss with you, this issue has not yet been resolved, the employers' federation says that this issue has not yet been resolved, recently this issue also arose,
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it was also written in the press , that collateral, the secrecy of military-industrial complex enterprises, they are actually publicly available on the site, you can see where they are located, let’s say with geolocation, i ’m already silent, that in the tax office in the tax office you can buy a database of tax invoices and... find out by chains where what is located, which neighbors and destroy the military industrial complex enterprise, so i hope that they will finally solve it, well, the cabinet has definitely seen through it, well, in this state, well, it simply cannot continue, because they are absolutely incapable, or rather not incapable, they just don’t want to, well, i have such a situation the impression is that mr. shmygail simply does not want to do anything, everything is fine with him anyway, he did not sign up for it, he does not want to take responsibility for anything. and that is why i hope that a decision will already be made , at least half of the cabinet can be safely dispersed, i can even say who, it is a swindler, the ministry of economy is in question,
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yes, the ministry of finance, which also does not want to organize the financing of the economy in the normal sense, i would still the national bank changed because the national bank also changed itself behaves as if nothing is happening in the country and does not want to contribute to lending to savings. including the defense sector and the real sector of the economy, that is , our banks also live in such a reality that it seems that everything is fine with them, and what is happening in the country, which is bleeding, has nothing to do with them, it is it is necessary to stop, regarding the elections, regarding the turbulence, well , i will say this, there are some movements, someone is running, someone is thinking something, some such, well, i will say so, rumors. and specific movements are at least interested, someone is actively involved in sociology conducts, someone does and so on, well , it feels like everyone wants to be at a low
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start, and i... if anything, when they suddenly change their mind, yes, then the question will begin that, well, let's hold elections. and i would also like your comment regarding the statement of the former president of the russian federation, dmitry medvedev, who stated that russia will never disengage from ukraine and that they will find a way and cause to attack us even after 10 years, and after 50 years, and i would like you... you could explain to our viewers who it can be this moronic statement of his was calculated , forgive me for my words, because we understand that it did not surprise the ukrainians, but could this be a kind of message for our western partners that they say, no matter how much you help there ukraine, we will still continue to attack it, and we have enough strength and inspiration and desire for this, well, i would not underestimate it. in
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medvedev medvedev still performs a very important function in putin's government, he is an active accomplice in crime, the tone of his statements, so you understand, he explains that he doesn't want to be seen as a potential heir to putin, he wants to live quietly in his little house there with the ducks and so on, because he understands... he understands the structure of the russian government, he is a threat to any successor to putin because he is a former president and so he just wants to live, yes, enjoy life, and that is why he speaks so bluntly in such a tone that he will never be considered as a potential successor to the presidency of russia to the west to burn all the bridges, so what he says is actually true, they are scaremongers, of course,
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first of all... for ukraine, for the west, that is, we have all gone our separate ways, the russians understand reality existentially, they are not them , when they say that russia's ukraine is an existential danger to russia, it is true, we must clearly understand why, because you know how there is one such follower of dugin, holmagor, he wrote a year ago why, why, why they must destroy ukraine, he clearly describes that the very... the very spirit of ukrainianism in general understanding is freedom, it is an alternative , including for part of the population of russia, it will blow russia into the air, because, well , thought and idea, it has no borders, and it will, it will sharpen, sharpen the russian foundation, he then, until
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things, he said that you think that we... are already losing the border regions with ukraine, well, that is , belgorod, voronezh, and so on, the krasnodar region, and many other things, they are not lying here, why, because the problem is that ukraine is at the heart of the imperial myth of russia, and it did not even begin during the time of catherine ii or, peter i, they only formalized it, and also the moscow principality during the time of ivan kalita, here in the books. there is a lost kingdom and the drama of europe, there it is shown that the moscow principality still believed that it was from and and why it claimed primacy, because it was the heir, as they said, to the throne of kyiv and to volodymyr the baptist, and this is this, what is called the core of the empire in political science, we must
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understand this, and the core of the empire... can exist outside the borders of the empire, well, we understand who created whom, as they say, and who was the first who was after, but you already know that, they have to live with that, as they say, we have to do our own thing. taras zahorodnik, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, was in touch with us, well , it's already time for the news, so we'll pass the floor to iryna koval, the news editorial team has already managed to prepare its own edition, so iro, we'll pass the floor to you, well and tell us what this issue will be about. thank you mark. well, about the suspicion of hrenkevich, the situation in the kherson region and new schemes from the evaders, wait, i will tell you about everything in more detail in our issue.


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