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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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melah b6: melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 promote a full rest and restore strength melah b6. full sleep and recovery from bhfz. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yark is in dire need of efi drones. for effective hitting. against the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, to bring closer the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. searches in the dnipro district of kyiv, which the state bureau of investigation was looking for. this is interference with the administration of justice. this is
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a crime, but how did the law enforcement officers break the law? we have reached out to the state bureau of investigation for their explanation. on thursday , january 18, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. espresso tv information day is on. well, now we are adding yosif ziselsia, a public figure, dissident and human rights activist, co-president of the association of jewish organizations and gro. matwaat, executive vice president of the congress of national communities of ukraine, a member of the december 1 initiative group. glory to ukraine, mr. yosif, we congratulate you. good day, glory to the heroes. well, we have carefully read the address of the initiative group on the first of december, on war, mobilization and consolidation of our society, and in general we think that it is an extremely important address, maybe it is a little late, yes, but anyway...
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thank you for the fact that it appeared, well, and the key story, so marta and i literally discussed the main theses during the break, yes, well decided to turn to the first source , so for our tv viewers first of all, please explain, please, why, what was the point, so to speak, of putting forward this very appeal, with exactly such formulas, and what, in your opinion, may now threaten our sick people and our... state, which is experiencing far from the best days? well, first of all, i can disagree with you that it was late, because this is not our first appeal during these last two years, we have already addressed ukrainian citizens with various appeals and slogans about the war. now the need to apply again, it is explained in itself. not
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we see that many people in ukraine , many ukrainian citizens, they have fluctuations, such massive fluctuations, then they fall into euphoria, into the illusion that victory is about to happen, then they fall into complete disappointment, and this is a very negative complex of emotions disappointment , they stop believing, they lose hope that ukraine will win, although it was just not... but in them, and it has already happened several times, in these 20 months, 20, yes, more already, almost in two years, and since war is not a constantly unstable system, and there are different phases, there are better situations, there are worse ones, sometimes you have to advance, there is an opportunity for this, sometimes you have to retreat, the main thing is to win the war itself, and not... every
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battle that we have on a day there are up to 50-60 clashes with the enemy on various fronts, so we believe that it is necessary to appeal to the people, to calm them down a little, that in fact this solution to the problem of this war does not lie somewhere far from us, it is within us, as far as we we will be able to unite, consolidate as much as possible us... this level of social integration that calls for uniting in time of war, to the extent that we can implement it into concrete steps, to the mobilization of additional forces into the army, to the extent that we can raise our armaments, the production of our armaments, this is an important very part, an important aspect of this, but it almost does not develop, because our people who make... decisions in
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ukraine, they hope that they will be helped all the time, but we see that the sympathies of the west, the west also depends on the political situation in the west, in different countries happens. these are elections, each political force is looking for opportunities to improve its position before the elections, criticizes its predecessor, if the predecessors helped ukraine, then the opposition, which is now rushing to the elections, wants to take over power, it criticizes it, in particular, for helping ukraine, or if not for the aid itself, but for its amount, as the republicans have gotten away with in the united states now, they criticize biden that he did not... help ukraine, did not control this aid enough, and we need to help more, yes, like them, and a very clear, specific plan of victory is needed for, well, these are just political movements that prevent us from looking at the war more
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objectively and looking for the best way out in the strategy of this war and in tactics. and if we talk about what we lack now, what we need to focus on, what... we actually found this way, the way to victory and the way to unify our society and our political system as a whole, as you opinion , should this process look like at all and what are we missing? well, if we list, what should we do not enough, rather to list what we have completely as it should. we see that this war is very difficult, it is systemic. it is not accidental, we were doomed, in my personal, subjective opinion, we were doomed to survive this war, because our choice of freedom, independence and sovereignty already dictated that we would fight sooner or later, because when russia had already tried all possible
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means, all levers of influence on ukraine for 30 years, political, economic, bribery, blackmail, various political intrigues, fed the fifth column, which, unfortunately, we do not have small, this fifth column, all this did not lead to the results that russia was counting on, that is, it wants to establish full total control over ukraine, as it is another matter, if necessary, occupy, if not necessary, then impose its own power , which will obey them, and let the government sort itself out in this territory, this... a puppet government with those who do not agree with it and so on. here, and when they experienced all this, the 14th year of the maidan, the revolution of dignity, showed them clearly and clearly that ukraine still comes from russia, despite all the problems in ukraine,
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all the troubles, all the corruption, the disorganization of many state institutions, including mine. and they didn’t finish it, and so on, because we lack a lot of things, but we have the will for this freedom, and it was mastered already before the start of the war, in my opinion, somewhere around 30% of people in ukraine, that’s a lot, if if we had taken a similar indicator some 30 years ago, it would have been probably 5%, now there is no time to discuss all this, how these percentages are calculated, but... the important thing is that we are moving towards of what i call the national consensus. national consensus is when the potential of this social integration reaches 80%. when 80% of people living in this country are able to put aside all their affairs and take up
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the defense of the country, work for the front, and help the front. we still need to go to this, but we still lack this. well, what is called unity, although many politicians and journalists have announced unity, it has already existed for a long time, and we are holding on to this unity, i do not know how they calculated this unity, yes as i count, i am a mathematician by education, as i count, i see that it is developing, this unity is getting bigger, but it is still not enough, as i say, we now have such a unity that we can stop russia and an aggressive attack on us, and... and we still don't have enough of this unity to crush russia, just take it and break it. it is between these two situations that there is room for our improvement. yes, mr. yosif, we completely agree with you, unity is an important guarantee not only of the stability and
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stability of society before the challenge of war with by the russian federation, but this is also a guarantee of victory, but in the address of the initiative group on december 1, our so-called leaders are also mentioned, abstractly, abstractly mentioned, that is , without surnames, listen, let's listen to grigory skovoroda, the life of the ruler in restraint , renunciation by... getting rid of the superfluous, despite the cynicism of the morally rotten, who build their well-being in the midst of grief, others at the expense of grief, others, ukraine no longer had so many ascetics who believed in the saving power of the human spirit when the problem of preserving our values ​​and ukraine as that's what they are. inspired by the revolutionary maidans and the sacrifice of volunteers , they returned meaning to such concepts as conscience and honor, solidarity and self-sacrifice, will and rank, and thereby changed the face of the land of ukrainians. and set an example to the whole world, and speaking, mr. yosif, about the need,
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so to speak, of solidarity, the procedure is so mutual, that is, it is not only society that must be in solidarity with each other and with someone, it is also necessary to receive appropriate signals , in particular, from the side of our political community, abstractly taken, what to do with it, how do you like it feedback or they normally hear about the needs of society, well, you presented me as a dissident, i was a dissident, i am, and i remain and will be a dissident until my death, so i never count on who will help me there, especially from above from the authorities, i count on the unity of like-minded people, those who are our like-minded people, this is primarily civil society, these are volunteers, this is our army, which is heroically defending itself. now ukraine, all our allies, i am counting on these forces, because i
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see their real help, not abstract words, not political statements and so on. well, in my opinion, our government is not enough , to put it mildly, it is not enough, i can express myself more sharply that it does not do this at all, does not support what is inherent in civil society, in its patriotic thrust. on the front and in the rear, moreover, civil society always interferes with this type of power, it would like to control it, we see various draft laws about this, about humanitarian aid, about wanting to put everything under control, register everything and thereby simply reduce it to naught. thank you you, yosif, forgive us, we have to finish, because we have to go on a break already, yosif z. a public figure, dissident and rights defender, co-president of the association of jewish organizations and communities of the ukrainian armed forces,
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executive vice-president of the congress of national communities of ukraine and a member of the initiative group was in touch with us on december 1, and now we will have a few minutes' break, after which we will return. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety, melaman will help you cope with these challenges. b6: melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and give recovery to melamahs b6. full sleep and recovery from bhfz. there are 10% discounts on paracetamol darnytsia in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakalut active. lakalut aktiv actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lacalutactive - an action that you immediately feel... a novelty lacalut activ+ with two-phase technology and a plus of active ingredients
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verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for help me phone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 pm to 10 pm on espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is
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the information day of the tv channel continues. well, now we are adding alisa yurchenko, the deputy head, to our marathon. editor bigusinfo. glory to ukraine, mrs. alisa, we congratulate you. glory to the hero, i congratulate you. yes, well, fresh news arrived from the security service of ukraine. they started an investigation, initiated a criminal case, and let 's hope that they will find out who eavesdropped and followed the employees of the bigusinfo investigative journalism agency. that's it. i am currently visiting the press service of the sbu. according to this fact , criminal proceedings have been opened for illegal service according to article 359 of the criminal code of ukraine: illegal acquisition, sale or use of special technical means, receiving information. so, ms. aliso, what versions will be in your investigative team? who listened to you and who could
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edit this case, that is, we assume who. in fact, in our country, only one special service has the right, so i have the right, and some other bodies have the right, well, if there is a suspicion and, accordingly, procedural support, if they have such technical capabilities to listen to phones, that is great, but i am still i will not make versions, in any case, we are sorting it out now, of course i want to thank the service security for... the fact that they themselves registered criminal proceedings, without our statement, i emphasize, this is important, because our statement as victims will be, we are currently working on this and, in particular, we are in contact with the national police, our lawyers are dealing with this , and i hope that the national police will open its proceedings, already according to our statement, this is important, for now, probably, this is
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all the comments about the proceedings of the service without security. but by a strange coincidence it started in the most interesting place the connection is faulty, ms. alisa, everything is fine, the connection has stabilized, can you hear us? yes, i 'm with you, ta, ta, ta, go on, i don't know where you stopped hearing me, but then i'll repeat myself, on the broken criminal case, we're currently working with... in terms of opening criminal proceedings with the national police, and it is important to record this so that there is not only the case that was opened by the security service of ukraine on its own initiative, but also that the case is opened by the national police at our request, as victims, of course i want to thank the security service for the fact
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that they registered so promptly without our request, but i hope that the national police will also register. already at our request and will conduct his investigation, ms. aliso, look, the head of the project, investigations of biosinfo, denys bius, who is currently fighting, yes, he said in his video message that he has not published a video on this for almost two years youtube channel, but forced to come out and explain what happened, and well he's there, he actually said a lot of interesting things, but one of what i remember is... that he actually, well, he didn't even know how to comment on all this correctly, because the situation is quite strange, people who had a corporate party there had the right to do so, and they were spending time... is it necessary , but this is what happened from the videos made public, at least we can say about it that your team, there someone from your team used
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some narcotic substances, well , actually in general, were you personally at this party, the first question, let me explain , that it actually was, because the word party is already being heard here, in fact, we have it in the morning and somewhere before 5th until 6:00 p.m. there was a training, that is, it was a training specifically for journalists, specifically for those who are engaged in the production of journalistic investigations, who are responsible for finding topics, for checking data, for stories, for their presentation, i emphasize, only journalists and editors are engaged in this , operators do not do this, we studied, after that we had dinner and small greetings to each other, we, we have an old tradition, we make a secret santa and buy small gifts for 500 uah each and secretly give them there through the selection of the program
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secret santa, in fact, after that evening , we went to different houses, of course i was also there in the morning to study, and in the evening i spent the night there, denis, by the way, did not spend the night there, but i was in my house, so... and for for me, and for denis, and for many other members of the team, to see what we all saw on video was a revelation, and, uh, that, uh, there were also wiretapping of our operators, operators, that too there was an opening. actually, my position and the position of the editorial staff, regarding what we saw on the video and heard in the wiretaps, denys announced that, unfortunately, there will be staff changes in the camera crew, we are currently looking for camera operators, i want to emphasize once again that none of the journalists, those involved in content production, who
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are responsible for what will be shown on the air according to the content, in this video he does not use any drugs, and actually, well, i hope that you can put an end to this, this is all they were able to extract, they. several cameramen were filmed in the house, ms. alisa, i have a personal question for you, but we understand that journalists are in their personal time to spend as they see fit , and actually, if even more so, they even used some marijuana or something else there, well, this is their personal matter, so we understand that they are not in the performance of any of their editorial duties relations, but i'm interested in your position, do you think that journalists should somehow have... red lines that they cannot cross, even when they are not performing their duties, because, well, people call us the fourth estate, although no one chose us, yes, but it is customary to call us
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journalists as the fourth power, and the meticulousness towards them is also high, don't you think that there are certain red lines for media workers, which they cannot cross, even if they are not in the performance of their duties? yes, of course, and the actual decision to dismiss, emphasize... operators, that is, you see, we are talking about the fact that there are red lines even for operators, it says that red lines exist, they are important for us and in this case, we exempt those whose actions could theoretically fall under responsibility according to the law, that is, of course there are red lines, i emphasize once again, no one from... crossed the red line. well , in any case, we understand that the key problem is not the wrong behavior of the operators, it is who carried out the relevant
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illegal actions, and as far as i understand, this whole thing has been going on for a long time, and it is actually a scandal, so that if even operators are eavesdropped, i.e. not direct investigators, and i understand that there would be someone... there would listen to bigus, but if certain resources are spent, if these resources are in an unlimited number to write operators, then process this information, this is really an extremely alarming signal, but perhaps, ms. aliso, there were some additional unpleasant signals during your investigative activities, that is, there are cases that one part of our society likes, there are cases , which the second part likes, here... well, that's not what we're talking about, but if you listened for a longer time, maybe there were some other strange, strange signals. editorial staff
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of investigative journalists is definitely used to suspicious observation of his activities, professional activities, and not in his free time, constantly because of different presidents, it happened under the previous president, and it also happened under volodymyr zelenskyi. if we talk about something very relevant, then we began to notice another wave of observations after returning at the end of the 22nd year. to the investigation of anti-corruption cases, because for some time after the full-scale invasion we were fully engaged in the investigation and identification of the russians who invaded ukraine and, in particular, were in the kyiv region, well, but also in other territories of ukraine. actually, we are back to the anti-corruption investigations again, and we have started to have active such... activities with trying
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to get into our office at night or at least the entrance, even with some claims of undercover investigations, to break in or get access to some audio devices , which would provide sound in the place where we hold editorial meetings and so on, all this has been happening since the end of the 22nd year and... in principle, it is unpleasant, but we are before that got used to, because, unfortunately, this is part of the work of investigative journalists, it is something that accompanies us constantly, and i will repeat it with all presidents. yeah, to continue, to continue, i just wanted to talk about some of the potentially serious cases that you are currently investigating, that they are already ready for you, so to speak, and here someone decided to work ahead of time, the only thing, i will briefly finish
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about that , what now. because now we have become clear about the scale of this listening and observation, which intensified, let's say, from the end of the 22nd year, and recently especially, right in the 23rd, actually, that is, we understand that not only the team of journalists who are directly responsible for the content are listening, they are listening even to the technical staff, so to speak , operators who are responsible for let this investigation be beautiful. probably not only operators, because, but also other administrative personnel, because she found out even about the place of our meeting and found out about it in advance, and moreover, they installed video cameras there in advance in all the rooms where we stayed, and herself special operation on the day of our training and on the day of such an unofficial evening part.
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in fact, there were a lot of special services employees there, perhaps diluted there by ex-special service employees, they booked and rented it all for a few days, that is, i was there only to shoot this video that you saw on the angry tanks, dozens of people were involved, and it continued. for them, the rental of these premises lasted for several days, that is, the day before we moved in and a few more days after, because they could not immediately take all the equipment from the rooms where we were staying due to the reservation of other people who simply rented these rooms, that is, this is a special operation of such an unrealistic scale, because it was obviously wanted by ... someone very influential in
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this country. thank you for the detailed information, from the first hand, as they say, alisa yurchenko, the deputy editor-in-chief of biguzinfo, was in touch with us, and antin and i are already saying goodbye to you today, we will pass the baton to our colleagues and see you in this studio already tomorrow news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. let's start with the situation in the kherson region, where a local resident was killed
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and an elderly woman was injured as a result of another shelling. the prosecutor's office of the region informs. enemy.


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