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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was serhii kryvonos, general of the armed forces of ukraine in the reserve, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are watching us now on the platforms in youtube and facebook, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, we ask you whether you trust'. investigations, yes, no, when we ask about journalistic investigations, of course we are we're talking about real investigative journalism, quality investigative journalism, not press releases, so we 're asking you specifically about investigative journalism, yes, no, or write your comment in the sub on youtube under our video, if you're watching us on tv, take to hand, please, phone or smartphone and vote if you trust the magazine.
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by investigation 0800 211381 no 08021382 calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. roman is next with us immortal, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to belarus in 2010-11. mr. roman, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey. mr. roman, begin. our conversation from macron's statement today , the french president said that ukraine will receive long-range missiles, we are talking about scalps and hundreds of bombs, scalps, macron promised 40, and how many hundreds of bombs are there, i don't know, maybe a few hundred, it is not specified exactly which scalp has two radii, 250 and 560 km. on
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250 are being exported, and 560 for the french and british armies. it is not yet known which samples will reach ukraine, but missiles with a range of 290 km already allow ukrainians to hit military targets on the territory of the russian federation. just a few days ago, when rishi sunak was in kyiv, the agreement he signed with zelenskyi also talks about... the provision of long-range weapons, does this mean that our western partners, first of all, germany, first of all france and great britain, so that they decided that ukraine should receive this one long-range weapons, long-range missiles in order to destroy military facilities located on the territory of the russian federation, well , most likely it is connected with what is in the game.
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december and january, in december of last year, and in january of this year, the world confirmed that in a duel with russia, it is necessary to transfer the war to the territory of the enemy, and you probably also heard, like our tv viewers, that, the secretary of state of the united states of america has already spoken about this, appealing to the question that how are you going to win when not to wage war on the territory of the enemy, exactly as chancellor scholz and the prime minister of great britain rishi sunak, they talked about ukraine's own right, ah, to wage battles on the territory of ukraine, to attack objects on the territory of russia and fight on the territory. russia, because of the fact that due to the signed
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bilateral agreement, and president zelenskyi and the decision-maker, there are norms related to missiles, stormshedov, taurus, scalp, what is stated by the majority and even the opposition , and what is said by the german parliament. by president macron indicates that little by little, the leadership, the political leadership of european countries, and the country's elite, the establishment, they are coming to the conviction that ukraine desperately needs such capabilities in order to fight and strike the enemy's territory, and...
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therefore, whether it will happen, let's say, during 2024, or will it happen in the coming months, it has already obviously become a matter of only... technical implementation, supply of relevant weapons, although i cannot help but recall the case of this situation, let's say, well, in matters of confrontation between taiwan and china, taiwan's need to curb the appetites of mainland china in... such weapons per year, as calculated by the headquarters of the armed forces of taiwan, is somewhere around half a thousand units, and with the fact that the number and percentage of hitting the object reaches somewhere
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around 98 , 97-98%, that's where the figure that president macron talks about, "well, if it is multiplied by at least 20 or 30, it would be possible to talk about something. such statements and such intentions of our western partners, or they are connected, mr. romano, with the fact that they themselves are already discussing what they eat will have to confront in a war with russia, that russia can attack the baltic countries." on poland, and in germany, and in poland, and in the baltic countries, and in sweden, they say that war with russia is possible in 3-5 years well, you and i, that is mr. sergey, as
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well as some of our viewers, understood long ago that putin does not have a complex that stops him from wanting to strike nato countries, their european regions, and in general his goal is war, endless war, and one must agree with the statement made in davos by president zelensky that putin and war is like synonyms, he cannot do without war, at the same time, ah, from my point of view, the current information wave that is passing through europe... it solves two issues, on the one hand, in the end, the european establishment, the elite began an attempt to speak honestly with the european, to stop flirting with him, especially on the eve of the elections to
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the european parliament, because this year the elections are in june, so the coming to his senses begins. and this is the first, second, ah, this information wave, it clearly makes it clear to ordinary citizens that these things should not be taken lightly necessary, and this in itself removes the question about which, ah, some in europe, and in the country, some talked about the fact that europe is tired of the ukrainian war, and... and it is very important that this way has been found an honest conversation with a voter, simply with a citizen of a european country, where they explain to him who putin is, what his plans are and how far he can go, if one does not
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prepare to confront this, one would not help ukraine , and it is very important that can actually the ukrainian diplomatic corps, they picked up on this one rhetoric and explained the thesis that was said in davos, that in order for this not to happen, let's stop it now, and in fact, even the secretary of state of the united states of america , anthony blinken, in these new year's and christmas holidays, giving several of his comments and interviews ... he also emphasized that if he is not stopped and stopped in the current situation and is not defeated, then it will be very difficult to continue to talk about the fact that
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his plans will be implemented step by step, step by step, let's say so to resist him, well, at least it will make it difficult opposition to the plans of the moscow führer, therefore , it is very important, from the point of view of the actual planning of such operations, i never had a doubt that... the aggressor, if he is not hit on the hands and does not defeat him, but always, any , any conflict, any war, it is a kind of provocative material and a foundation for further exacerbations, further captures, aggressive actions and so on, in fact, the imperial ambitions of the führer of moscow, they are... already far-reaching, and the one who believes that for putin it is a stoppage of recovery
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of the soviet union in territorial powers or the russian empire, he is wrong. nature is imperial in that, ah, it is very bloodthirsty, it will not stop before achieving... some realistic or phantasmagoric plans for imperial nature, constant aggression is important, because it ensures internal, ah, controllability of the political situation , i'm not saying external, from the point of view of fear, because fear paralyzes both the external mind and the internal mind, and it's so obvious that... that at the philosophical level, and at the political level, and at the diplomatic level,
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and it is obvious that the world needs to concentrate its efforts and do everything to defeat putin at this point, and it is not about restoring only the borders, the state borders of ukraine, because everyone is already beginning to understand this, including in the world. this will only lead to respite and the search for new directions of attack from the kremlin, so it is good that a conversation is now starting on this topic, it is good that they are still looking for answers, but it is very bad that isolationist notes and positions appear in the course of this discussion, well, similar trumpism, orbanism, fizo. slovak and yes further, i.e., these are weaknesses that can be clearly seen
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in many other states as well, the carriers of which are the alternative for germany in germany, the nazi movements, also in individual german states, and so on, i am not saying right-wing populist radicals or left-wing populist radicals, which also add to such rhetoric. which flirts with putin, which increasingly provokes him to ikhtamnet operations. mr. roman, andrzej duda, the president of poland met with volodymyr zelenskyi in davos, and they talked about the future of ukraine and poland, of course, but duda believes that the process of ukraine joining the north atlantic alliance can be launched even before the end of the war. let's listen to what he said. andrzej duda.
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ukraine must win this war, and victory in this war will mean the withdrawal of the russians from the occupied lands of ukraine. any other outcome of the war would mean victory for russia. if russia wins this war, it will continue its aggressive policy. and this is extremely dangerous for the future not only of ukraine, but also for the future of europe. because if russia will continue its ... aggressive policy, then it will almost certainly attack again, and we will get another war as a result of russian aggression, mr. roman, is it possible to wait at the washington nato summit, at least to invite ukraine to the north atlantic alliance? my conviction, a firm conviction, was and remains that this event itself was transferred from... vilnius to washington, the only thing that makes me
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a bit pessimistic - prospects, is this beginning of the signing of agreements on security and guarantees. ah, mr. sergey, here is an interesting thing, m, as if it were an international agreement, but it is not submitted for ratification. parliament and if it was limited to a two-year term, and all this leads me to think that a... as a result of the complex signing of these agreements, which have not been ratified by the ukrainian parliament and the parliaments of the countries with which they are signed, they can prepare for us, well , let's say , an intermediate answer, i am trying
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to speak as correctly as possible now, because such agreements, which are not submitted for ratification by parliaments, have a very clear, very clear name, and i i would recommend now to those who lead this process, to those who are working on it, to think about what i just said, because it will be very difficult to explain over time, actually, why such documents do not go through the ratification procedure, so, i hope... something about the fact that in washington ukraine will still receive an invitation to nato. i draw the attention of those who are involved in this process, that it seems to me that they are somewhat confused in carrying it out, carrying out its accompaniment. mr. roman,
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just a few days ago, one of the potential candidates for the post of president of the united states of america. the former president of the united states of america donald trump said that he can stop the war if he sits at the same table with putin and zelensky, and he knows how to do it, zelensky was asked, today he is in davosib, he was asked about , that he thinks it is possible that trump can stop the war if he comes to power. let's listen to what zelensky said. that is , he decided that if the conflict is not frozen, if putin is allowed to enter ukraine completely, then he will stop, because it will not happen, putin will not stop, the question now is what donald trump and the usa will do after that, because in this case, it
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means that europe has lost, lost. and lost the largest and most powerful army in europe, because it will lose ukraine. well, the translation was quite difficult, or the president spoke very hard, explained, well, the essence is clear, what will trump do, if putin does not stop after he comes to power and convinces putin, we can stop. something to say about what the united states of america will be like at the coming trump to power, to what extent will the mechanisms that exist and the safeguards that exist in the united states of america prevent trump from doing what he is saying now during the rhetoric in
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the state primaries? first, well, actually there are answers to this question, i recommend those who... want to find it, to read bolton, then the room where it happened, i think that is the name of this book, because donald trump has already managed to agree and solve all the questions with kim jong-un, with xi jinping, only bolton describes very well how angry trump is, and promising to solve the issue of denuclearization of the north. korea and find a solution to all the issues with china, as a result, all this turned into the fact that trump asked that both the wine-skinned kim jong-un and the red dictator xi jinping buy soybeans from the united states from the farmers, because then the farmers will support trump.
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that is, everything here is clear to me, including what trump says during the election process. this is just an election process. now for the actual steps. fortunately , the president of the united states of america has had enough a small maneuver, because since the time of obama, all these issues have been transferred to congress. and the current situation, it shows even more the influence of the congress. the only problem is that the election campaign and the situation in... the likan party, within the party itself, today brings certain problems, including for solving the issues of urgent assistance to ukraine in... accordance with the plans that he himself congress accepted, but i am convinced , i hope that the issues will be resolved there, especially since today is actually
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the meeting of president joe biden with representatives of both the majority and the minority, both in the senate and in the house of representatives, as for trump and the prospects, well, we still have to get to the finals, see who is there... maybe, as you see, mr. serhiy, from, mr. serhiy , excuse me, with the transition of power in the united states of america in 24-25 years, are associated, including even the possibility of an attack by the moscow fuehrer on europe, that is , in fact, trump and trumpism are a great test for the united states of america in the first place, but it's... the rights of americans to elect this or that president, they're for that and will bear responsibility. trumpism, as
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the brother of isolationism, is a very bad thing in the current conditions. and actually , both orban and fico are sick with this trumpism. and it is necessary to understand that this is a virus, it is a virus that was thrown by putinism, by moscow. and it is very contagious, because it seems to protect certain national interests, according to the rhetoric of kishenkov's patriotism, it carries with it a colossal problem in the civilized world, in opposition to an aggressor like putin, and it greatly harms the necessary unification of the european as well. community and the whole world, democratic civilized forces in opposition to the moscow fuhrer, the red chinese dictator, and the iranian ayatollahs, well
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, such as lukashenko and kim jong-un, who are a huge tragedy and a great trouble for the korean, north korean people, and the belarusian people, that is, in fact... similar figures are political, and i would even call them quasi -figures, they are currently very harmful to the unification of democracy, the unification of the civilized world against the aggressive, aggressive axes of evil. mr. roman, i wanted to ask you about one more event, how it will be to actually influence the development of the situation in russia, because today in bashkortostan, omon dispersed. in the thousands-strong protest that gathered near the courthouse where file alsynov was tried, these are eco-activists, a person who openly
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opposed russia's war with ukraine, he was sentenced to four years in prison for inciting international enmity, thousands of people came to the courthouse, started to protest, omon began to disperse them, they began to beat them there, somewhere around 300 people rushed to side with omon, can we expect that in in russia, something similar will happen in individual subjects of the federation, which sooner or later will lead to its collapse in russia, or at least the central government's focus on the situation in russia, not in ukraine. well, the fact is that if we take russia, then such national entities and republics as
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tatarstan, bashkortostan, they most self-identify as national groups, and even during the collapse of the soviet union, who remembers, they claimed and declared their own statehood. can we say that current events carry a potential threat to the putin regime. of course, yes. and these events take place not only in bashkokostan, they also take place in other cities. the other thing is that informationally, they don’t always make it to the pages of the mass media, because all this is very closely monitored by... it is suppressed by the repressive führer machine of the russian federation, i hope that the situation there
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, and... it will develop further, that more than the verdict, i had to get acquainted with some facts, accusations, with claims to pail halsymov, and it must be understood that this is a completely fabricated case, and the essence of it is precisely the claims against the leader of the protest movement for inciting inter-ethnic enmity. although, ah, the one who wrote these conclusions, well, they, they simply do not understand the elementary speech features of, ah, bashkirs, and, not being able to analyze them, therefore attribute both to the protester himself and to the entire group of activists who they were united by some interethnic slogans. and
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so on claims that in reality they do not exist, therefore, it is clear that the protest movement will accumulate there, but can it, let's say, in some way, in addition to the claims regarding the resignation of the head of the republic, lead to more serious things, well, let's hope for that, although, when today... on the video i saw how they were thrown at the gendarmes with gloves and hats, i understood very well that those metal shields cannot be pierced with a glove or a hat, well, this is such a light version of the maidan in bashkortostan and against the arbitrariness of the security forces in this situation, well, you know that, you can say it like this, there is a fish in the fish and god give
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them our calf. the wolf will eat, but of everything it is clear that the people want it, but there are no leaders there, and the organization of this protest is clearly visible, it wants to be better, and as the situation in russia worsens, socio-economically, it can very shortly lead to some kind of explosions, are they used to living as badly as they did not live there? a lot , and let's not even start, and you're all the same, well , the fact is that russia is not capable of organized protest, it is capable of rebellion, razin, pugacheva, and about the russian rebellion , everything has been said about it, it is so cruel that it in the end, it turns against the bearers of the ideas of this rebellion, you see, this is the key
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difference of the ukrainian protest. from a european protest of any european people, from a riot, because a ukrainian protest always has a goal, it has slogans, it carries a meaning, it is organized, and this, well, it is just a riot, and this riot will end with the fact that this the unfortunate man will be put in a cage, for me this image will haunt me all my life, like pugacheva, and they will be carried around and shown like an animal. and throughout great russia, thank you, thank you, mr. roman for talking to you, it was roman bezsmertny, a politician and diplomat, friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, we conduct surveys, today we ask you about this, do you trust journalistic investigations, yes, no , everything is quite simple, vote, we will also vote in the second part of the program, 93% yes, 7% no, in the second part of the program, which will start in 15 minutes,
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we will have political experts oleksiy. stay on our channel, do not switch, it will be interesting. how russia steals ukrainians from the occupied territories, how many such civilian prisoners are received and how to return them all? we are talking about this on bbc news ukraine live from london. i am yevgenia shedlovska. we return prisoners of war there, return them there. and so on, not a word is said about civilians , while relatives are looking for their loved ones in russian captivity, bbc journalists found confirmation that russia receives thousands of ukrainian civilians without a court charge, lawyers, law enforcement officers cannot get to them. russia is not...


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