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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 9:30pm-9:59pm EET

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theoretically, i imagine that they are listening to something there or, well, i don't know, they are filming, i don't use drugs, no, i don't drink alcohol, well , that's how it happened historically, and i don't smoke, well, maybe they hear some conversations that i'm having on the phone or through messengers, i simply can't, but sometimes when you mention the president's office, you must be confused, well, i don't know what you can do. what can they find out, apart from what i already publicly write and say, that is, but to be honest, i am saddened by these stories, why, because you mentioned the employees of our tv channel, when we started talking from lviv, portnikov moved to lviv, and since he was listened to, as he confessed all the time and various videos were recorded, then during the revolution of dignity, his personal private life was thrown away. in the apartment
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, which he filmed in lviv, they also found it by listening to the devices, and then the zbu came, they took these number recorders or i don’t know what he had lying there in the apartment, no one gave an answer to these questions, what they were listening to, what they wanted to hear, because he was literally here for a few minutes that's why i wrote on facebook about what he says: i never engaged in journalistic investigations, i... never revealed any corruption scandals there, but the fact itself, i always engaged in political analysis, what they wanted to hear, is also not unclear, sir, sir olezhe, this is what happens to journalists, well, obviously it happens to politicians, i assume that at some point they are told, listen, here in the folder, here are the photos, you can find the video. ... on the flash drive there are photos or
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there are some conversations, transcripts, we are about you we know everything, it is clear that what you can want from journalists, and what this story shows about the government, about the state of society, that the government is as accurate as it was 10 years ago, that it listens, eavesdrops there, trying to throw some history into the media space. in order for everyone there to discuss bigus, to knock on the door of yuriy nikolov, who conducted a large investigation into the ministry of defense and found out that they bought eggs for uah 17 a piece, that is, what do they want from journalism? well, listen, there's a lot here it has already been said, and in this broadcast, many others who have already preyed on society on this topic, of course, it is not shameful to listen. and
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criminal, but it has always been and we also understand that, unfortunately, such a story has always happened and happens, and accordingly, the services should work to prevent it, and not, on the contrary, tolerate such actions, here there is absolute solidarity of society with journalists- the investigators that these are unacceptable steps, and that this idea with ah , they are all drug addicts, so they are not needed listen, she didn't take off in society, and on the contrary, now she is hitting the authorities with a ricochet and putting their position... justification and proof that they have nothing to do with it, it just speaks well enough about us, society did not succumb to manipulation , and this is the good news, the bad news is that such practices, their return now our life with the force of antiquity, they are connected with the fact that the political struggle has returned in its pre-war forms, in low, primitive, black, and illegal forms for... actually national security and
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defense, because it is clear that such political competition, which works according to the luz model, in which no stone is left unturned in the struggle, it is currently a threat to the existence of the state itself, when we are in the very crucible of war with a more resourceful enemy, and it is bad news for us that this is not the only moratorium, in particular on political competition, which has taken off in the 23rd year, and we do not have... a stable or forming before our eyes some kind of, gaining its legitimacy, model of political competition in the conditions war, because everything it will be the same, and we cannot put a pause on political competition in the conditions when we have entered the phase of a protracted war, such a short war, a blitz cry, and its quick repulsion for a year, for a year and a half, was enough for a moratorium in society, political life simply froze, and that which could not be frozen simply went... beyond the ceilings behind closed
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offices for discussion, in particular in the parliament without cameras, but from a certain moment it returns by itself, and if there is no such model, it is not built new, then... this political struggle returns to the old forms, and now we are also observing the layering of several crises at the same time, in particular the political one, and accordingly, then sparks start to form and along the lines of the government, the opposition, the journalistic environment becomes more and more a position of substituting the opposition, that is, monitoring and controlling the government, the government in such a case in the media he actually sees political competitors and the opposition, not... a part of society and a third force, and in such a case, all the shameful post-soviet and soviet hebbish methods are turned on, which simply even in surnames still remain in in power, and they have existed there for 30 years without change, no matter who is in power, it's just that even these
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personnel, who only know how to work, they have not been cleaned anywhere in the system, not to mention the institutional, regulatory and other changes that would have us today to protect against this, therefore positive. the news is that the society reacted in a sufficiently mature manner, although here there is something to cross a little and to work on, and from the side of the mechanism and model of life during the war, here we are two, as a society and as a state, as elites, we we do not have this political model competition not at the expense of national security and defense in conditions of war. thank you, mr. oleg, mr. oleksiy, we are talking about the fact that this... may be the result of internal politics or the result of internal, internal clashes of those people who were under the crosshairs of our colleagues, journalists, investigators, but we practically do not we hear
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another version, which may well be that similar, similar stories could also be used by the russians, because this is... an attempt to throw in compromising material or create some kind of situation and strengthen the split between journalists and the authorities, this can also be one of the elements of russia's subversive work, and it is quite possible that its federal security service can also be behind all this, as an option, i am inclined to the fact that... the internal situation prevails here, but can there be external factors that can push or instigate this, because honestly, i have been working in journalism for 30 years and it is practically the same with every government, you start writing something, you start saying something, i also do not conduct an investigation , i don't run
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any anti-corruption programs or anything else something, but i am faced with one and the other. they listen, they look, even during yanukovych's time , i still had a tag when i moved from ukraine to another country, they always took me into some office and tried to find out if i was serhiy rudenko, and this also happened when i was already publicly i started talking about it, i say, well, as much as possible, i cross the border and every time i am mistaken for some recidivist and they say, well, we made a mistake there, it must have been, so i say, i already have a passport, you already have one... there are data, you see who it is, who, then i have people who worked in the special services, they said: you just had a label on you, and you had to, well , be responsible for what you do, for what you say, they just fixed you and each time they brought you into the office and held some kind of conversation with you there, sir oleksiy, well, this is such an interesting
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question, in fact, i am 25 years old, i am like you serhii, i have been in this field for a long time, but you... letter, i am a political technologist and have seen a lot, thank god that there are generations like oleg, it is wonderful , he explained everything in principle, that is , really, i already sometimes, sometimes it seems that in we don't have normal political experts of the younger generation, i see oleg and understand that there are still, yes, he said everything correctly, if there is no political life, if there is no opposition, if there is no parliamentarism, if... there are no parliamentary parties, if there is no of political activity, then of course the last such outpost of democracy, the outpost of freedom of speech, these are journalists, this is normal, this is the column that should bring this flag,
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so to speak, of our desire to see life better than it is, and we are seen on as an example of the same russia, so... they didn't crush anyone, they were journalists, so of course this speaks very badly about our country, in fact, in fact, because of course, be it. only this case with bigus and with nikol, it should be a matter of journalistic investigation, precisely because of the inadmissibility of such measures against journalists in general, in principle, i'm not talking about the moral side, everything else, we 've seen it all, well, this is this it is so normal for our country that i am not even surprised, the mechanisms that were used for ten years they... this is purely hibyan absolutely mechanisms, we remember
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the publications about journalists, oppositionists in russia, when i went to a prostitute there, and in your video, something else immediately appears there, well , drugs are not the worst from a moral point of view for our society, everything here is clear, everything is so clear here that one does not even want to know whether the russians are interested in this, well, of course they are interested, interested in any conflict in... inside the country, moreover, interested in to be ukrainians saw that all those who speak the truth in ukraine, yes, are trying to at least do something in this delusion, an absolute all-round victory, all that we already are, that we are idiots, russians are morons, degenerates, and in general we are already holding councils tomorrow in moscow, it is desirable that it... those people who voice it, that it be drug addicts, it is even more desirable that they are homosexual, sexual, it is even more desirable that they
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are still there beating their children, pedophiles, in general, this would be an ideal option, just an ideal option, all the mechanisms are all clear, absolutely, i am to all my exes i told my wives that, god forbid, if i become famous and popular, i didn't become that way, because many things can come out, which, so to speak... i wouldn't want them out, but it's desirable that they influence, because we have to understand , what is it, if we want to go to europe, the private life of a non-political person is simply a law, so a journalist is not a political person, absolutely, even though he is, if he does not violate the laws, in principle, yes, by the way, i want to make such a definite exit, so that all the special services would immediately understand and so on, that's how i am
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i have an incurable disease , i am treated with chemical cannabis, this is how i use it, this is how they bring it to me from america, thank god, friends who do this, this is how i do it, thank god, it seems that yesterday our president allegedly signed this law, thank you it's very hard for him, but... i hope that it won't be a punishment, that marijuana is a drug, so to speak, so all that i see, well, for me it's on the one hand, well, it's clear that it's funny, with on the other hand, it's terrible, it's terrible, because it's clear what will happen next, there will be a crisis, this, this is a sign a huge crisis, it's just that if they can't find other ways of communication than... to discredit journalists, i would say this
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word, but i don't want to say it, because it's on the air, yes, but it starts with the letter p and ends with the letter t for our government, it's complete, i 've been in business for 25 years, when this word came, it came under yanukovych, under others, i remember it, everyone went through this fact, yes, when they understand that everything is over, they start using it , well... unfortunately, we, our country, pay a huge price for all these moments blood, and all these moments, of course, they don't just pass like that, because what nikolov does, what bigus does, you can ask them many questions, ask many questions, but they do much more than anyone does for a huge number of our poor elite, you can't find another word, also hrinkevich, so some... happens in our country, during the war, of course, this is a great crime against those,
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first of all, who are fighting at the front, well, against everyone the whole society. colleagues, let's take a short break, we'll be back on the air in a minute. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags, not for my patient. back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with doolgit cream, whatever you want, i'll pick it up. dollheit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. for muscle spasms dolgit antispasmody dolgit antispasmodic tablets for muscle and calf relaxation kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes heart rate contractions, increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on fkalkalor of 20% in
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of 20% in pharmacies psylinik, pam and oskad. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, and during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether you trust investigative journalism, yes, no, if everything is quite simple on youtube. choose yes or no if you are sitting in front of the tv watching our telecast pick up the phone and vote if you trust investigative journalism 0800-211-381 no 0800 211382 call all calls to these numbers are free. we have on air today political experts oleg sahakyan, oleksiy
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holobutsky, viktor boberenko, people who know how ukrainian politics works, people... understand how the political agenda is formed, and people who clearly understand how journalism works, because each of them is active in working with journalists during election campaigns, i think , surely any of them out of the three can give an answer, how the editorial office of the middle works, not only i can talk about it, gentlemen, but we started talking about this... political component and about the fact that the government that is currently , it must somehow react to what is happening, and it cannot be like that during war, that unknown to journalists come to knock on doors there and scare the sick mother of journalist yury nikalov, it cannot
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be that someone sneaks up to you, starts filming your private life. and to show this private life without the permission of a private person, if of course it is not a crime and does not violate the laws, why do you think, mr. viktor, there is no unequivocal reaction from the guarantors of freedom of speech in ukraine and people who answer to the person, at least one who had to react to this and say: listen, this is... a question of our future in general state, because next to our victory and our movement towards victory, it is important for us to preserve democratic values, because what is said and what is not said in ukraine is heard and seen by our western partners, yes,
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that's right, western partners they see and understand everything very clearly, and i would say why the government does not... regulate very well for this government, said the first whisperer in zelenskyi's ear , such a bohdan was at the fair, and when he said that we don't need journalists, we will be with the people ourselves speak there directly there type through otsiks, actually, this government is doing this , they don’t need it, they need a channel or a single marathon, yes... where there are temniks and where are there, well, everything is correct, yes, everything is recorded, yes, but other journalism, including investigative journalism, they not required. not only that, they are creating their own journalism there, they are now reporting to you from sumy, so that you know that
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2 billion subventions have arrived in sumy, and the local government has created, if its own office, and it will now investigate how money is spent, well, so that you understand the degree dna, that's why i looked at the matchmaker. this was their cultural entertainment, or they watched the 95th quarter and formed their political culture through the 95th quarter, and this was just a technology, a very cool technology, it worked, we are witnesses of this, and you wrote a whole book about it , well somewhere like that, that's how it works, it works exactly like that, that is, i am here with all due respect. to oleg, oleg said that if society didn't believe in all this nonsense, yes,
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er, but we are now talking about the better part of society, and 42% who still trust the only marathon, 42%, according to the latest social research, they probably believed that these 42% believed that such a race... nikolov there and about whom they do not tell, they will say, well , damn, what did we doubt, that’s what everyone is like journalists are an ancient profession there, but somehow, that is, some part of society will believe this, because they want to believe it, because that is why they do not work with journalists, and yes, thank god that you and i will be watched in g7, yes , thank god, when n before that, you are kyiv experts, yes, and i am regional, so my advantage over that
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if an ambassador comes to the region, then he goes to meet with the regional administration, with the mayor, there is something else, and he sits behind me for dinner, and i tell him what they are, they are there like telling how beautiful, white, fluffy they are , and i tell what is happening in reality, and the same... there, well, i can’t call her from the osce, and so on and so on and so on, for whom do i do examinations there , including for money, so i tell how expert, what is really happening with my expert opinion, where i will evaluate each one conditionally there from zero to 50 points, i argue , write down the arguments, why did i put zero here and 10 points here and somewhere, thank you. and they don't need all this, mr. viktor, mr. olezh, if you were to advise the current president of ukraine, maybe
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you are, i don't know what, what you would advise him to do in this situation, because, well during the war, these kinds of stories that unfold around journalists, they can lead to a sharp drop in support for zelenskyi, if journalists will ... actively talk about it, talk about it, because, well to tell us that we are all drug addicts, well, that is quite true, a simple and stupid technology, and it is unlikely to work, i agree with you, well, if the only news is going to talk about it, probably somewhere in two months they will stop there too people also understand and perceive it, well, those who can believe it, perceive it, they are not the target. the audience, let's say, of the work of journalists in general, and they also believed, therefore, in a similar way, that for the most part, after all, people in the media, the information they hear, they perceive through
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prism, whether it confirms them, perceptions, or in the best case, beliefs that they already had before or not, and string their own beliefs on this belief through this prism of the perception of this or that information, if it is so bright and loud, and not unambiguous , and i am not a consultant for the current president. as a matter of fact, he was not a consultant for the previous ones, but of course he interacted with certain authorities and in certain matters it is clear that he communicates certain ideas, in particular to the current government and in particular to the office of the president, wherever it is the interest of the ukrainian state, because expertise and expertise, it involves interaction with various political subjects, you know, as in the joke about political scientists, never listen to political scientists during elections, because they are definitely working with someone during the elections and will be for someone campaign, and if they do not work with anyone. in these elections, especially don't listen to them, it means they are so bad that no one needs them and they don't get paid, so it is clear that all of us in one way or another intersect in political life, with politicians of different
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of a completely different kind. the quality of the expertise of the intellectual scale by representatives of our political environment, if we talk about very briefly, if possible, mr. oleksiy, 20 seconds, and the recommendation was simple: to come out now literally even earlier today, and to say that i saw information about something like this, it is absolutely shameful, and i personally appeal, as the guarantor of the constitution , to the law enforcement agencies to do everything, and it is an honor for you to find the mandir now, because i... how is it that in ukraine someone listens to journalists, especially to joke here, drug addiction topic, well , you know, i have met with this, listen, we definitely have to find who did it, and to journalists, to other investigators, this is also a matter for you in the honor of your professional flail, investigate, we will find it together, because there is no such thing should be modern in ukraine, that's all, he took a stand, joked, took control of the situation, the best
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way out for any politician, thank you. thank you volodymyr oleksandrovich, just a free recommendation from oleg sahakyan, absolutely free. mr. oleksiu, i understand that you have already decided that this is the beginning of the collapse of the government zelensky, because this is happening right now? i am not saying the beginning of the collapse, this is the beginning of the collapse of our democracy, which in principle, in principle, was not special, right? the 24th year will be a significant year, we are now at a crossroads, a concrete crossroads, where we have the opportunity to follow a path, nevertheless, yes, very difficult, very difficult, zelensky will have to make very difficult decisions, it affects his environment, it concerns his principle of work, it is necessary to deny completely what he said at the last press conferences, yes, my team is great , we cope with everything, we need to... doubt,
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whether we cope with everything, or whether we are doing something right, and this idea, which basically came from what i understood when i was lecturing, 20 seconds in you are there, because we have to finish, this is the idea of ​​the national government, this is the idea, because in principle, we now have a really remarkable situation, what we see now in the magazine. this is the beginning of the end, the beginning of the end of our very weak democracy. thank you. oleksiy holobutskyi, oleg sahakyan and viktor boburenko were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. during the program, we conducted a survey, we asked you whether you trust journalistic investigations, so the results of the survey are 94% yes, no - these are the results of the survey of those who watched the television broadcast. in addition, on youtube we have
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a ratio of 88 about... 12%. friends, i'm putting an end to this, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your loved ones, it was a verdict program, conducted by serhiy rudenko, i'll say goodbye to you until 8:00 p.m. the next day. there are 20% discounts on anti-catarrhal in ap. plantain to you and savings. vinyl agency represents 20.


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