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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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at the party's july congress, and let me remind you that the us presidential election will be held on november 5, 2024. well, what is interesting is that a number of criminal cases involving donald trump did not prevent him from confidently winning the wyoming primaries. last year, donald trump was charged in four criminal cases. the first of the trials is scheduled to begin on march 4, but could be delayed due to defense appeals. and even if trump is trump will be found guilty and sentenced to prison. this will not deprive him of the right to be elected. here are these actual laws in the united states. ihor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, joins our broadcast. good evening. we have, good evening. good evening, mrs. vlasto, good evening to all viewers. and you, and you, you have a day. so. the first simple question is, as of now, what are donald trump's chances of winning. you mean in the elections in november? yes, yes, in the elections. in november
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right? i think trump and biden are 50/50 at this point, meaning he can win the election, he can lose, well i think it's too early to judge, it's just early, because a lot will happen before november, but it is generally clear that the election results, they will be very tight, and the winner is the same, by the way, as in the 20th year, as in the 16th year. .. maybe he will get a maximum of about 100,000 more votes somewhere, but in the swing states, in which it is impossible to predict the election results, these are only five or six states. and this promise of trump to quickly end the war, it enjoys trust in the united states, even among his voters, does it make an impression on his voters, and in general, to what extent is trump currently using the ukrainian factor during his campaign?
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well, his voters are so specific, their , they, they believe absolutely everything he says, it doesn't matter what he says, what's really going on, that is, his voters live in their own virtual reality, and that virtual reality is donald trump, and they nothing more is needed, that is, he is the only source of information for them about everything that happens in the world, in america, in their own lives, they will rather tell him. than, than his own feeling from his everyday life, as to whether he doesn't use it that often, by the way, yesterday he mentioned ukraine again in the same context in which he mentions it, but last time, well it was, i think, no less than a month ago, he mentioned her, that is, he just yesterday remembered everything, everything, everything, that means, all, all, all urgent problems, modern times, he remembered
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yesterday, he said that he, he will decide everything, he is the only one, who, who can decide everything, and otherwise, otherwise, it’s all over, but i understand that as of right now, uh, right now i'm not talking about the july presidential election, not the november presidential election, but before that, when the republicans decide on their candidate, as of now, he looks like the most likely candidate from the republicans, or not so? yes, of course , yes, he is the undisputed absolute frontrunner, and according to all the polls, he is preferred by up to 60% of registered, republicans, average republicans, who actually choose a candidate for president, because in the primaries and caucuses they vote, registered members of the republican party in this case, well, in some states , independent voters can vote, say in new hampshire, where there will be primaries next week.
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it's independent voters who can vote either in the republican primary or in the democratic primary, they have to choose which primary they want to participate in, but he is absolutely the undisputed leader, and to stop him, i can't even imagine what can prevent him from winning the nomination, except for court convictions, if there are any, maybe, maybe someone will change his mind about supporting him, although i think that it is unlikely that ... his nuclear electorate will turn away from him, it does not matter what happens, what else is known about him, it can affect, if there are court sentences, it can affect on independent voters who will vote in the elections on november 5, they may turn away from it , that is, there may be many such factors until november, so i think it is too early to predict what will happen in november, and that's it to everything... we understand that help
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ukraine from the congress has not yet been approved, not voted, what is happening there, are there any already visible prospects, when the congress can vote... vote for this aid, and to what extent now the congress, indirectly, probably, or directly, i do not know , you tell me, can donald trump's popularity during the primaries be affected? so, there is good news that came out this morning on our now american, it's news that president biden will meet today at the white house, with congressional leaders, with the speaker house of representatives, with leaders. of the two parties in the senate and with the leader of the democratic minority in the house of representatives, and maybe then the heads of the relevant committees will join this meeting, and it will be primarily about helping ukraine, and about unblocking this bill, which
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the republicans are holding hostage to the bill on additional appropriations and to ensure the national security of the united states, this bill contains. appropriations for aid to ukraine, israel and ivan and for strengthening security on the southern border of the united states. this is good news, because if the president is involved in this, then he thinks it is important, and maybe with his participation it will be possible to finally reach a compromise that the six senators, three from each party, who already for a month and a half they are conducting negotiations regarding. a compromise regarding the demands that the republicans put forward on the introduction of changes to the immigration legislation, that is, it has nothing to do with ukraine, israel, taiwan, of course, but it is a demand of the republicans that to consider this bill, and regarding the influence
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of trump, trump's victory, his possible future victories, of course, this influence on the adoption of this bill is negative, and the less victories trump gets, and the longer the adoption of this bill is delayed, the worse will be because trump's influence simply on the republican legislators, even indirectly, it will increase if trump switches to the primaries, and the republicans, the republican legislators will simply, they, they will be afraid to vote for any that trump does not like, because they will be afraid that he can take and expose them. the district of some of their candidates, who will certainly win both the republican primary, and then he and the election, and these moderate republicans, may simply be thrown into the political results, so it is very important that this bill be considered as soon as possible, before trump will get
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several victories in the primaries, because his position will be strengthened by his influence directly and indirectly on the republican legislators. increase with with each of his victories in the primaries. thank you very much for such a detailed comment. ihor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, was in touch with us and told us about the progress of the pre-election campaign in the united states and how it all affects the congress's vote on aid for ukraine. thank you. us secretary of state anthony blinken said at the world economic forum in davos that negotiations on... a long-term truce between russia and ukraine will not begin in the near future, answering when asked whether russia and ukraine are close to negotiating a stable, long-term ceasefire, blinkin said he does not see it. look, at this moment
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i don't see it, we are always open to it, attentive to it, because the ukrainian people want it more than anyone else, but on the part of russia there must be a readiness for interaction, the goodness of... good faith negotiations based on basic principles that were called into question by her aggression. the theme of the war in ukraine at the forum in davos was noticeable, but not dominant. this is stated in the new york article times, officials and businessmen from europe and around the world continue to express support for ukraine and are concerned that it is losing external financial support, but at the same time they are publicly and privately insisting on a diplomatic end to the war, the authors of the publication write. in his speech, zelenskyi promoted the ukrainian peace plan and called for stronger sanctions against russia, but unlike his speech at the forum in davos last year, zelenskyi did not call for the provision of weapons for new offensive operations, according to the materials of the new york times. joining our broadcast is oleksandra ustinova, people
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's deputy, voice faction, head of the temporary investigative commission on issues of monitoring, receiving and using international material and technical aid during martial law, and i will add that you are also present. in davos, or at least were there these days, i congratulate you, that’s right, lasta, thank you, good evening, so look, the western american media primarily write that zelenskyi... is trying to keep the attention of political leaders on the war, but against the background of the war israel and hamas, let me remind you, hamas is recognized as a terrorist group in europe and the eu . and maybe even a third plan for the world? in fact, yes, i can say that in comparison, for example, with last year, when the forum was held, where all attention was focused on ukraine. and i simply remember how huge halls gathered, even just to
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listen to president volodymyr ukrainir online zelenskyi, now the situation has changed a little , but i cannot say that the focus has been lost in ukraine on ukraine, the feeling has been lost, as i said today in several speeches in my urgency, i.e. the need right now and right today, i.e. the feeling when we need it right now now aid and arms, and in fact it... shows that the world has relaxed a little and thinks that no matter what they do, ukraine will still hold on, because there is some understanding that if the ukrainians persisted the beginning of the war, the ukrainians will withstand anything and will be able to fight, and they have to explain that the war has changed a lot, and actually the conditions of the war have changed a lot, and what the russian army was like at the beginning of the invasion and what the russian army is now are two different armies and two different approaches, respectively at all my speeches and meetings here, i urge the vydovoys... first of all, to focus on ukraine, and this especially applies to our european partners, because in reality
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, berlin, or even zurich, i apologize, is not as far from moscow as they it seems especially with ballistic missiles, when i explained to them that i had traveled 12 hours to be in warsaw, and if i had come an additional four hours, i would have been in berlin, and we already know cases when russian missiles fell on the territory of poland, then it is very close, and they should understand that right now europe should be primarily interested. in order to help ukraine. and to be honest, i was very pleased with yesterday's statement , primarily by germany, which was supported by some other european countries, regarding the need for an audit arms, or rather arms supplies to ukraine. a little ambiguous, i can say, it is very good for us, because the same germans realized that they supply most of the weapons, and if a year ago the europeans officially announced to us that they would supply ukraine with 155- caliber ammunition, then only a third was supplied and most of them were delivered by germany,
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that is, germany is actually almost the only country that fulfilled its obligations to take over. accordingly, germany and several countries, for example, the same netherlands, latvia, those who supported them said that we now need to talk about how much other eu countries are helping, because some of them have stocks, some of them have the opportunity to buy weapons, and this is now the internal audit of european countries, who supplies how much and who. .. how much this supply can increase, and it's good that germany was actually the organizer of this audit, because they are primarily interested in having more ukraine help another country. no questions about the audit to us. i can say that at the end of december we, as the temporary special commission, which i head, on the supply of weapons to ukraine, met with all the military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces. none of them expressed concern about any smuggling or inefficient use of money. oh , sorry, not money, but... military aid in ukraine, that is, they trust us , they see how effectively it is used, just like last year in
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2023, the europeans spent quite a large amount of money to conduct an audit, as ukraine uses weapons and yet they did not find any violations, not only did they start to raise the question, why are we spending money on this, if each individual country has honestly told us that we have no questions for ukrainians. and what is happening now, i have another topic, i want to leave it to us. literally two minutes, you, since you are in davos right now, and while there is a huge ukrainian delegation, here in ukraine, you probably know, they are discussing a return to the yanukovych era, when ukrainian independent journalists are under pressure, many suggest that it is possible, it is possible exaggeration, but assume that it will also affect the reputation of the country outside its borders, and it will almost affect aid, well , maybe it is already too much, maybe not, i don't know if they are talking about the pressure on the independent press in ukraine, or if they ask you about it ? i can say that no one asked me about it, but i believe that what is happening is simply unavoidable, because
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these are the first steps towards usurpation, totalitarianism. in fact, if it is true, if under the editorship of bigus-info, who made incriminating stories about all political forces, about all politicians in this country and showed their non-involvement and independence, if they are being watched, i think law enforcement should step in because it's unacceptable, i'm someone who... i was under such surveillance myself at one time when i was an anti-corruption activist and i was followed everywhere like that the so-called journalists, in fact, they were either employees of the sbu or provocateurs paid by them, one of them, for example, there savlad filimonka has now become a drug addict and is robbing stores in sweden, having fled the war, so i can say that such things are unacceptable, i hope so an analysis will be conducted and analyzes will be conducted by law enforcement agencies, who exactly carried out nsrd, who owns these films, and the guilty will be punished, otherwise
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sooner or later these questions will begin to be asked of us in the international arena. i understand you, thank you. very much, oleksandra ustinova, people's deputy, voice faction, told live from davos what kind of mood prevails there, including. thank you very much. finally, i urge you to subscribe to radio liberty's website . in this way, you will support independent journalism. radio liberty works exclusively in the interests of its audience. you can leave your comments, retorts and questions under this broadcast. subscribe to our social media pages. in pharmacies plantain, vam and eschadnik. new york of the 19th century, it is luxury, scandals and
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intrigues. gilded age from hbo. look. all seasons of exquisite drama in ukrainian are subscribed, turn on aristocratic on mego. there are 15% discounts on strength detox at psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi visits with workers visits of the baltic countries. security, integration into the eu and nato. work in the field of rap and drones, further coordination of european support and , of course, our great gratitude for the uncompromising support of ukraine during all 10 years of the war, and especially now, after the start of a full-scale invasion, is how the head of state described the goals of the visits. on january 10, president zelenskyi visited lithuania, in vilnius, the head of the country, gitanas nauseda,
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announced a package of long-term aid to ukraine in the amount of 200 million euros. on january 11, the president of of ukraine was in tallinn. ukraine greatly appreciates that estonia supports us, shows its leadership in many ways. estonia has already provided 17 packages of defense support to our state and our soldiers. you have shown your leadership by offering all of europe cooperation in providing our artillery. projectile coalitions. we also appreciate the fact that you have chosen a very thorough, long-term... approach to the financial support of ukraine and determined a four-fold amount of aid for our country. answering journalists' questions, president zelenskyy said that ukraine deserves an invitation to join nato at the 2024 summit in washington. i am sure that ukraine, as no one deserves, first of all, ukraine is a strong
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army, which will definitely strengthen especially. eastern europe, nato countries, an army with military experience, with not theory, but practice, already an army that used nato weapons during the war on the battlefield, and not only in military training, and we know all the advantages of these weapons, and all the disadvantages , we know the difficulties. on the battlefield at any time of the year, unfortunately, this experience is the life of people, and nevertheless, this is a fact, because when we talk about the level of our army, or compatibility with noble standards, then i see that we are absolutely ready. by 2027, estonia is ready
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to provide ukraine with eur 1 billion 200 million in aid, the president of estonia said. karis at a press conference in tallinn. we must increase military production within the eu, he said. speaking after talks with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, he emphasized that there should be no restrictions on the weapons transferred to ukraine. we also support ukraine and for the period from 2024 to 20207 we will provide 0.25% of our defense budget to ukraine each year and we encourage everyone else to also provide ukraine with as much aid as they can until russia stops its war, giving our support. we cannot prevent that in order to destroy objects on the territory of the aggressor in order to slow down the advance of russian troops, and
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therefore there should be no restrictions on those weapons that are transferred to ukraine. during official visit to the republic of latvia, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi met with the prime minister of latvia evika scilina. the head of state thanked her for the consistent and comprehensive support of our country from the government and citizens of latvia. under the conditions of full-scale aggression of the russian federation, i want to thank you for the military aid packages, in particular for the decision regarding the next large package. this is a very important decision for us now, when we need it. thank you for the humanitarian aid for ukrainians, - said president zelensky. during communication with representatives of zmi in riga, the head of state announced that the general provisions of the security guarantee project for ukraine may be made public in the near future. we have started work on security guarantees on the way to nato. it is not easy, but i think that in the near future we will be able to show society, not only ukrainian, the first such draft, not the whole, because there are closed norms, not
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public, but we will be able to show general things, i think that the assessment will be positive, - said the president, according to him, security guarantees include not only the provision of weapons, as well as financial, it and cyber support, and is a step on ukraine's path to a security alliance. the baltic countries were and will remain. at the forefront of world support for ukraine in the war against russia, this is explained not only by long-standing relations, but also by a common past. lithuanians, estonians and latvians, like no one else, know what russia is like, what its attitude towards other nations is, and how the aggressive policy of the russian federation is implemented in practice. vilnius, stalin and riga understand that they may be the next ones moscow wants to take in three days. victory ukraine is a guarantee of its own security. that is why they also support our euro-atlantic aspirations. on the night of january 8, the enemy launched
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a massive attack on ukraine, using cruise, aviation, ballistic, anti-aircraft, guided missiles and attack uavs. critical infrastructure facilities, industrial, civilian and military facilities were attacked. according to the information of the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine , 59 air vehicles were recorded. du enemy. as a result, the defenders of the sky destroyed eight attack uavs shahets-136-131 and 18 kh-101, kh-555, kh-55 cruise missiles. according to the message of the air force. it should be added that not all enemy missiles that could not be shot down reached their targets. the air force spokesman, colonel yuriy ignat, commented on the results of the air defense on the air of the telethon. today there was a large number of ballistic missiles that...were fired over the territory of ukraine, these are daggers, and missiles that are flying are already entering the target according to ballistics, this is the kh22 missile
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, you can also see six iskanders, also s-300, s-400 , this is all that flies on ballistic trajectories, it is necessary to understand that such targets can be shot down only by means that can do it, these are such systems, in particular as patriot, that is why such a result today, because many already say, well... not too high a percentage of shooting down, the percentage of shooting down remains the way it was, in the end for the x101 missiles, i would like to shoot down more of them, of course , but 18:24 is also, well, a pretty good result, considering the amount of air attack that the enemy really launches over ukraine, well and plus a night attack of eight of shaheds in odesa region, one in mykolaiv region, seven in odesa region were all 100% destroyed by defense forces. this time, the enemy attacked... different regions of ukraine, in particular , ballistic missiles were directed at the kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhia and khmelnytskyi regions. about 50 countries
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, including the united states, great britain, australia, canada and the european union, issued a joint statement condemning the supply of arms between north korea and russia, including moscow's purchase of north korean ballistic missiles and their use against of ukraine. we are deeply concerned about the consequences of this. cooperation for security in europe, on the korean peninsula, in the indo-pacific region and around the world, said a joint statement signed by the foreign ministers. they emphasize that the transfer of ballistic missiles, along with any other weapons and related materials from north korea to russia, grossly violates numerous un security council resolutions. we are closely monitoring what russia is giving north korea in exchange for these arms exports. we call upon the dprk and russia. adhere to the relevant resolutions of the un security council and immediately stop all actions that violate them, the statement says. as long as russia launches waves of missiles and drones
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against the ukrainian people, we will continue. let's support ukraine together. we also call on the dprk to respond to numerous proposals to return to diplomacy, the only way to lasting peace on the korean peninsula, the representatives of the countries added. we will remind, on january 4, the white house announced that north korea provided russia with ballistic missiles and launchers for use by moscow in the war against ukraine. and russian forces fired at least one of these ballistic missiles over ukraine on december 30. on january 6, from... according to the allies, russia launched not one, but several missiles obtained from north korea over ukraine. it should be added that north korean weapons were also recorded in another theater of operations. the other day , south korea's national intelligence service confirmed suspicions that hamas militants are using north korean weapons in the war with israel. there is indisputable evidence that it is in use palestinian fighters are north korean hand-held
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f-7 anti-tank grenade launchers. providing lethal weapons to moscow, first of all missiles, pyongyang thereby formalized the new message of evil. it includes russia, north korea and iran. these countries opposed themselves to the civilized world and the rules of coexistence in it. this axis takes part with its weapons in other military conflicts, in particular in israel and syria. close cooperation of these countries is not a challenge for ukraine, but for the world. and it is he who must give an adequate answer. its goal should be the refusal of the russian federation and that north korea from aggressive actions towards other countries. us president joe biden has called on republicans in congress to approve additional funding, including more than $60 billion for ukraine after a government funding agreement is reached in 2024. the corresponding statement of president biden was published on the website of the white house. now congressional republicans must
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comply. their work, stop the threats, shut down the government, and fulfill their primary responsibility to fund critical domestic and international priorities. of national security, including my additional request for funding to support ukraine. it's time for them to act, president biden emphasized. we will remind that back in october, the us president appealed to congress to approve additional funding, including more than $60 billion for ukraine. but it was not considered through. contradictions between republicans and democrats on the issue of border security with mexico. the us congress may resume consideration of this issue as early as this week. administration of us president joseph biden supported a bill that would allow the seizure of part of the $300 billion in frozen russian assets in order to provide them to ukraine. this is reported by bloomberg with reference to the letter of the us national security council to the senate committee on foreign affairs. the bill will give the executive branch
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powers. necessary for the confiscation of russian sovereign assets in favor of ukraine, the document states. as the publication notes, the white house's support for the initiative to transfer russian assets to ukraine is quite timely, given the blocking by republicans in congress, the allocation of a financial package of more than 60 billion dollars to ukraine, in part because of fears that washington is carrying too much of the financial burden. the white house now wants to coordinate the move with g7 allies, especially in europe. where about 200 billion dollars of frozen assets of the russian federation are stored and where less support their arrest, especially unilaterally, - note the authors of the publication. let us add that, according to the world bank's estimates, the restoration of ukraine may cost about 411 billion dollars. usa are working out alternative ways of providing further financial assistance to ukraine, and at the same time, the white house is increasing financial pressure on russia. using russian money to
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rebuild ukraine. it seemed fair from the very beginning, considering who started this war and what consequences russia's aggression has already led to. now it seems that lawyers have found a formula that allows you to use these assets without serious legal consequences for those who currently hold them, but even with this solution, the process will not be easy, as it involves a consolidated decisions of countries, some of which continue to sympathize with the russian federation. we will win, program. department of strategic communications of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. see this week in the collaborators program. who in the occupied territories became a deputy from united russia. you and i elect deputies to regional and municipal assemblies. but what do pseudo-politicians do? the process of collecting signatures in
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support of our greetings, i'm olena konona.


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