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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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focus on one topic, this is the topic of the humanitarian password, so-called, this is a temporary permit to stay in the united states that migrants can get, and the biden administration believes that this is a very important tool to reduce illegal migration by encouraging those people who want to enter the united states can still enter the country legally by receiving this humanitarian password. the republicans are... saying that the biden administration is abusing this password, they want to restrict access to this password, who can to get it, and today lynsey graham is a republican senator who, as we know, is known for his support of ukraine, was not so sympathetic to ukraine, said that america comes first for him, and this is what he said about the negotiations. mr. president, there will be no agreement, there will be no money for either ukraine or israel. not for our own needs unless
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you stop abusing the humanitarian password and stuff. to president biden and my democrat friends who talked to me about ukraine. i agree with you on that of ukraine, but if you expect me to give you permission to do this, you are crazy. there is no way any of us will give you permission to continue importing people into ukraine through the humanitarian password, over 800,000 people this year, in fy2023. this has to stop, if this humanitarian password mandate means so much to you that you will let western europe fall apart, so be it. we have to make them do it because they have to want to change the system. yulia, if today's meeting in the white house is all doesn't lead to any progress, is there any chance that republicans and democrats will be able to come to an agreement in the coming days? how do experts assess these chances?
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you know, maria, this is an open question, and now with the experts we talked to earlier, they said that they still think that sometime within this month, that is, probably at the end of this month, the democrats and the republicans will still manage to reach an agreement , because they say that there is still a vast majority of congressmen and senators, will continue to support ukraine, but this border issue has become very important to republicans, despite the fact that this issue is important. and for their voters, and today john herbst, in an interview with my colleague andrii borys, this is john herbst - this is the former us ambassador to ukraine, he said that he believes that an agreement will still be reached, but for this the democrats will have to make very significant concessions. let's listen to this comment. it is quite clear that the main step of the agreement on the border is to resolve the issue of humanitarian password. and right now... it seems
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like the democrats, you know, don't want to do that, but i think eventually there will be a deal that will include that. it is difficult for the democratic party because their electorate does not like it. at the same time, most republicans also do not like the topic of the border. that's why i believe biden has both political and geopolitical reasons for making this deal. i think a compromise will be reached on both sides, but probably. well i know not only the white house no only kyiv is officially trying to actually convince the republicans to change their opinion, tell me who else is involved in these processes, negotiations or attempts to influence the opinion of congressmen who block aid to ukraine. you know, maria, we remember that at the end of last year, a lot of europeans came, european politicians, came to washington to... still
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explain from their side, and what is very important to support, to continue to support ukraine, even though the europeans themselves she is supported, and precisely all these politicians met with representatives on capitol hill , in washington today, anders fograsmeson is a former nato secretary general, and he gave an interview to voice of america today, in which he said that one of the main purposes of his visit today is to explain why it is in the national interest of the united states to ukraine won, and russia lost. let's listen. one of the purposes of my trip to washington this time is to meet with members of congress who are skeptical about continuing aid to ukraine. i will tell them that it is in the national security interests of the united states to provide ukraine's victory and russia's defeat in the war. i will tell them that the europeans are doing their part . if you look at military support. then the europeans give
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54 billion euros in military aid, the americans 44 billion euros, so in fact europe gives more than the us, but for the security of the us, it comes to sydney to attack taiwan, it will strengthen the axis of autocracies led by china, but which also includes russia, north korea and iran, and this will weaken the alliance between europe and russia. thank you, yulia, everything that is known on this wave. yulia yarmolenko talked about the negotiations between legislators and the us president in the white house. activists and public figures also help to lobby for approval of funding for aid to ukraine. for this purpose , they come to washington from various american states, ukraine and other
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european countries. my colleague kateryna lisunova found out what motivates people not related to ukraine to continue reminding the legislator about the danger posed by russia. this is robert, he is not of ukrainian origin and had no connection with ukrainian community when he first decided to come to a rally in support of ukraine near the white house in april 2022. since then, he has been going to protests every day, often robert's solo pickets. on december 7, 2023, it moved from the white house to the walls of congress, when it became clear that lawmakers may not agree to additional aid before christmas. we ... rallied in front of the white house because at that time there were many additional steps that we wanted president biden and the executive branch of the united states to take. in general, there are still many things that we wanted them to do, but today we are here in front of the capitol because first the house and then the senate. they decided that they would rather
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argue with each other for a long time than allocate additional aid to ukraine. now robert rallies outside the capitol every day, despite the freezing, sometimes snowing and raining weather. he is joined by other activists, i am personally motivated to be here by my experience, i was in the occupation when the full-scale invasion began, we were under makarov with my family and friends, and this is my motivation for everyone day to come, get up and be present. activists of the dawn public organization are based in new york, but now regularly come to washington to join the sub-congress rally. today in washington, the fate of ukraine is being decided, negotiations are underway on an aid package for... the country, that is why we came here from new york, got into our cars, actually arrived, and are present here with flags, present here with slogans that we them in the negotiations, because we want them to reach a compromise and vote on a decision for ukraine.
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americans from neighboring states, such as jeff from charlottesville, virginia, also come to the rally at the capitol. the man says that there is no connection with ukraine, but he considers it necessary to protect democracy. in their own in the city, he constantly tells friends and neighbors about the war in ukraine. i don't get to come often, but i try to talk to the families of my neighbors in the area where i live, so they know more about what's happening in ukraine and the pain people are going through while we continue our normal lives. i wanted to be here today, at least to see the ukrainians and to make sure that they know that i care. calling on american lawmakers to continue aid to ukraine is now coming to washington not only from neighboring cities and states, but also from other countries. so the french philosopher bernard henri lévy crossed the ocean to tell members of congress that the most important frontier for america now lies on the front in ukraine.
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there is only one question for freedom in the world today, will america provide $61 billion in military aid? from the answer to... this the fate of the whole world depends on the issue, freedom on the entire planet depends, the security of america's border is now between zaporizhzhia, bakhmut and kharkov. in the building of the congress, the french philosopher held a screening of his second documentary film entitled heroy slava. the author talks about the russian war in ukraine as a witness. he managed to communicate with the ukrainian military on the front line. among the viewers of the tape were congressmen from both the republican and democratic parties.
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in border issues, but they assure that they support the continuation of aid to kyiv an overwhelming majority, and the $61 billion package will be voted down one way or another. republicans. want a bill that would protect the borders of the united states, the borders of ukraine and israel, and deter a potential chinese attack on taiwan. we want all four of these questions to be together. it is not that we are against any of these points, and the people of ukraine should know that the vast majority of representatives of both parties in the united states strongly support them. meanwhile, robert says he's not going to end his protest at the capitol until ukraine receives aid agree with blue-yellow. he has been visiting government buildings in washington every day for almost 700 days. on weekdays, he reminds about
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the war in ukraine, the legislators of the congress, on weekends the president of the united states in front of the white house. kateryna lisonova, vyacheslav filyushkin and oleksii osyka, voice of america, washington. in a telephone conversation with the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, the minister of defense of ukraine, rustem umyerov, reported on the actions of the ukrainian military, which allowed the downing of the russian a50 plane over the azov region. officials also discussed the latest situation on front and preparation for the next meeting of the contact group with assistance to ukraine in the rammstein format. the meeting will be held online on january 23. austin confirmed the united states' unwavering support for ukraine's defense against russian aggression. the downing of the russian plane was a necessary victory for ukrainians, which will have symbolic significance. rafik cohen told amery about this in an interview with my colleague iryna matviychuk. an air force research expert at the rand think tank. we don't know what exactly brought down these
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planes. it could be ukrainian air defense, it could be another plane, or could it be a diversion? we don't know and we won't know until we understand the mechanics of why and how this plane was shot down. ukraine has recently had several difficult months in terms of the dynamics of hostilities. and in this sense, this is a much- needed victory. image. a50 large plane with such a plate in the mountain, it is very visible, such planes are shown in parades, so the idea of ​​destroying it is a significant victory for ukraine, it is like how ukraine sank the ship moscow at the beginning of the war, this is one of those attacks that has symbolic meaning further beyond the purely military effect. despite all the advantages of russia in aviation technology, the kremlin did not manage to achieve superiority in the ukrainian air force during the 10 years of war. and this is an incredible failure for moscow, the former commander of the us army in
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europe, retired general ben godges, is convinced of this. in an interview with iryna matviychuk, he highly praised the work of ukrainian air defense forces, and also explained how the loss of this aircraft by the russians could affect the situation on the battlefield? there are three things here. first, it is a reminder that russia still failed to achieve air superiority. even after 10 years of war. with huge advantages, they were unable to gain air superiority over ukraine or any of the occupied territories. this is an incredible failure of the russian air force. secondly, i think that this is a reflection of the quality and capabilities of ukrainian air defense. they 've been given the equipment to do more with what they've been given than anyone ever thought possible. i mean, this is an amazing talent of the ukrainian armed forces. thirdly, the loss of these capabilities by russia is significant, because it...makes it more difficult for the russian air force to coordinate to detect ukrainian air defenses, etc., but also the outcome of this situation
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is a reminder to ukraine that when ukraine gets its f-16 fighter jets, it's not just one plane. ukraine will have to figure out how it will provide command and control of these f-16s once they get them. obviously they won't have the a50 with long range radar detection or anything like that or the avax system, but they should have them. against the background of continued blocking in european partners promise that the us will continue to help ukraine and continue to support kyiv. in particular, at the world economic forum in davos, the president of the european commission, ursula fondeen, said that the eu should reach an agreement on multibillion-dollar financing of support for ukraine, and france and germany, following great britain , announced new details. further security supplies. let's talk about it with bohdan tsyupin, who joins our
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broadcast. hello bohdan, please tell me what were the last important announcements regarding from european allies regarding support for ukraine. what weapons, what security assurances will kyiv be able to get? of the recent announcements, probably the most concrete was the statement of the president of france. emmanuel macron the day before in paris, he said that france in the new package of military aid to ukraine will provide 40. scalp cruise missiles, these are missiles that are also known as the british storm shadow, he also said that it is about hundreds, as he said, of bombs, not after clarifying what it was actually about, and separately mentioned self-propelled howitzers the caesars, which he said, are very much
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expected in ukraine, and ukraine is very necessary, this is in addition to the fact that a few days ago... literally earlier, the british announced also without numbers, saying that it was about long-range missiles and separately focusing on drones in germany was informed that the new package deals with ammunition, ammunition for leopard tanks and other equipment, so each country... and these are perhaps the largest european donors to ukraine, offers something different in terms of security agreements, and we we know that france is obviously preparing to sign such a treaty that the british concluded with ukraine recently, they will probably be similar, although we will see the details later in
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early february, when mr. macron, the french president, is going to... to ukraine, he announced this, and also in davos today he laid out the rationale for his vision of what the task of france and, probably, also of other democratic countries is. first, we will do everything we can to try to keep the world together and avoid the risk of division and try to have an effective agenda, which will ensure that russia cannot. should not win in ukraine, because what is at stake is ukraine, our values, our collective security in europe, in the caucasus and in the entire region, so for this, 2024 will be a key year for europeans. we must show that we know how to provide visibility and confirm our commitment to prevent this from happening in the united states. bohdan, with such
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decisions, europe can somehow come closer to replacing american support for kyiv, which, at least for... while it is delayed, or is in unity between eu countries on this issue? there is no question of replacement, although in fact, in terms of volume , europe provides more aid to ukraine than the united states, in particular, when it comes to economic aid, financial aid, humanitarian aid, also, having actually taken in millions of ukrainian refugees, europe... provides enormous support to ukraine , but when it comes to military aid, when it comes to arms, in many ways the europeans, although serious players in this arena, so to speak, germany, in particular with its a powerful military-industrial complex,
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but there are a lot of things that the united states produces, that the united states has... and that the united states can provide to ukraine, other countries cannot provide, so still, when international leaders claim to help ukraine, they emphasize that these efforts should be collective in order to provide ukraine with the fullest possible assistance. thank you, bohdan, for collecting the most important statements from ukraine's partners in europe, he was a european correspondent voice of america therefore, to attract international business, politicians and public figures to the development of a democratic ukraine, this is the task set by the ukrainian house of udavosi, a communication platform for attracting investors and opinion leaders. which sectors of the ukrainian economy have the greatest
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potential for investors and whether there is support in the west for the idea of ​​transferring frozen russian assets to kyiv. about this. yaroslava johnson, head of an investment fund operating in ukraine and moldova, told my colleagues in the briefing program. the second year of the war, we we know, so now the attention of the world media towards ukraine has decreased somewhat, especially after the attack on israel, we see these trends, how can we interest the international audience now, what messages are working, what may not be working at the moment, according to your impressions, what can you share you know, almost everything works now because... our goal is to make sure that the world will hear what ukraine needs and at what time, and we are doing it, we have it now, if you, if you were in dabas, you you see, we have queues for everyone. to our panel, people want to see, want understand, and these are representatives of world organizations, these are not only leaders, there are companies, there are all kinds of charitable organizations,
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these are people who are interested in the situation in ukraine, because ukraine is one of the two hot spots in the world, israel is the second spot , ukraine is the first point, and they all see that those points must somehow help resolve the situation so that wars, wars do not spread and the war ends as soon as possible. certainly, ms. yaroslav, from your observations, how big a topic is actually the confiscation and transfer of russian frozen assets to help rebuild ukraine, is there support for these ideas, because we know that devoz is a place where the world's brightest, most interesting people who exchange ideas gather, do you hear this idea, support for this idea? today we had a whole panel on this topic, and there was... a lot of people came to listen, because it is now a very important question that those states that have the national money of russia in their accounts, how
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can they transfer this money, and it is obvious that there is a method some, but this method will only work, when all the states that have those accounts, it is valuable to transfer that money, that's why everyone here now hopes that in the coming months there will be some kind of mutual language between america, europe, and japan. maybe by other countries, and they decide that this money can be transferred to the goals of ukraine. what is an important component, of course, these are private funds, the funds of investors, whom ukraine definitely continues to invite, according to your observations, you communicate with them, i also know that international investors are most interested now, is it the field of reconstruction infrastructure, is it the defense sector, is it possible it or something else? well, everyone is interested, because even now it is the biggest and the biggest. the industry in ukraine, which was not affected by the war, and other industries were affected, but are also interested in reconstruction, everyone knows that reconstruction will happen someday, whether it will be in that
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year or in a year, but reconstruction will require a lot of money, a lot of resources, many companies, and these are all companies that are engaged in infrastructure, that are engaged in the production of all kinds of mechanics, these companies are all interested, they see an opportunity to make money here , you know that everyone says that the war creates new billionaires, and it would also happen here... it will also happen, people will invest money and will benefit from that war, the reconstruction of ukraine, and for the benefit of ukraine also. finally, one more question, they say that the year 2024 will be very important from the point of view of supporting ukraine, what will happen in this context, but there are also opinions that it is possible that this year ukraine will begin to be pushed to negotiate on terms that ukraine does not consider expedient, now in davos, do you have to hear such thoughts that maybe it is worth sitting down for... negotiations, even though there is an active war going on, and russia does not show any signs that they are ready for some kind of constructive negotiations? at our first panel, that issue
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was raised, and not a single panelist said that it is necessary to reach the peace table now, because they understand that peace at that stage is too early to even try, russia has shown that it does not want peace, putin said in front of the crowd that he is inclined to some... we say, but what attacks did he make, how many rockets, how many drones killed ukrainians during the holidays, you know, it is hard to imagine that this is the position of a peaceful state before negotiations, so negotiations are far from here, and it is necessary, ukraine must win war in order to reach negotiations, unfortunately. download the voice of america mobile app, the app allows you to automatically bypass blocking thanks to the built-in vpn service. read the news. watch informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. that's it
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to conclude, maria prus worked for you in the studio, and the voice of ukrainian america continues to follow the main news of the day, which is a meeting in the white house between lawmakers and president joe biden, regarding the unblocking of funding for support of ukraine from the united states. follow the news on our. website in our social networks, and also see updates tomorrow in the tv programs of the voice of america briefing and chas time. 15-year-old ksenia zelena, 17-year-old dmytro gorbunov and 16-year-old anastasia pokhylyuk. all these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories daughters and already three. time cannot find out where they are. that is why i really hope for your help, and, of course , i mostly appeal to the residents
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of territories not under the control of ukraine, to the region, i know that you do not currently have ukrainian tv channels broadcasting, but maybe you are watching this program on social networks, so please look carefully in the face of children. ksenia zelena looks about 15 years old, she has dark hair and the girl was last seen in donetsk. dmytro gorbunov, he turned 17 relatively recently. but he is a boy looks maybe a little older than his age. he has light blond hair. and gray-blue eyes. dmytro was last seen in donetsk region in the volnovatsky district in the village of krasna polyana. and this is anastasia pokhylyuk. the girl turned 16 on september 23. she is thin, has light blond hair and looks her age. official information about nastya's disappearance came in the summer of last year, but it is quite possible that the connection with her was decided much earlier. but this is not surprising, because
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the child has disappeared. in the bakhmud district, where already the situation has been too tense for a long time. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of ksenia, dmytro or nastya, or maybe just saw these children somewhere, let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators. free of charge, if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write the chatbot has a child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course,
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the vast majority of children have been found even now. everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service section missing children of ukraine. here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. at the same time, unfortunately, and on those under control. children also disappear in the territories of ukraine, and, as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers, who most often resort to running away because of their experiences and some unresolved problems. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. according to experts, very often it happens that the problems of teenagers mirror the problems of the adults around them. therefore, psychologists advise,
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first of all. establish their own emotional comfort, then it will be much easier for an adult to help their child. take care of your psychological well-being, be attentive to yourself, because often the problems of children and teenagers are a reflection of the problems of adults who surround them, and if you feel tired and exhausted, if nothing makes you happy, something worries and scares you, if you notice that became less productive that are more often annoyed that you have some problems with... memory, for example, with attention, with concentration, this is all an excuse for you to seek help, get this help, fix your life, fix your own psychological comfort, and then already with a healthy, prosperous position to help your child, and perhaps at that moment this help will no longer be needed.
12:00 am
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