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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, well, let’s go 16-17, well, we, first i will generally ask how the day passed, night, day, and then we will go there on january 16-17, yesterday, today they shelled nikopolshchyna, we will talk more about it, maybe let's talk, but let's start with the general security situation as of the evening of this day, and the last day in the dnipropetrovsk region, well, it's really, really, just the most uneasy danger from different sides, just 40 minutes ago... about an hour ago over the dnipropetrovsk region, over the dnipro region an air defense missile was shot down, glory to the air defense, thank you very much to our defenders, because i am sure that if the missile had not been shot down by air defense, hit, or it had not flown to the dnipro, it is not known for sure, but the consequences would not have been comforting, either in the dnipro, or in some other community, when it was directed, and if we talk about today, even before this... from a guided
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missile, the nikopol district, the nikopol and marganets communities, from shaheds, shaheds were targeted, one shahed, he was the one who hit, well, he was not there unfortunately, he was knocked down, and he got into a private car, a car there were people at that time, and people were injured, thank god, without casualties, but one person, this is a boy, he is now in a serious condition in the hospital. and the second wounded guy is in a condition, well, average so satisfactory, satisfactory condition, but medium severity, if we talk about the night, then the night also seemed restless in our country, because the shaheds over the dnipro district were also shot down, and in principle, the nikopol region was also shelled with hail even at night, i would like to ask about manganets. such a story
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appeared, i think that you are a deputy of the regional council, you may have heard about it , it is about the use of funds for reconstruction, and you know, one question is that it is important, of course , to rebuild, another question is to invest money where two days after the reconstruction ends, or the repairs are finished , and it will fly again, questions arise, so a house will be built in the front-line manganese for uah 75 million, this is provided by the news portal. kopolya shelter, well, someone writes in the comments, they have already built a certain trading point there, people spend their last money on drones, 75 million was lying here , people did not have enough money for heating, half of the residents were cheated by fraudsters, well, that is, the reaction of the citizens , what do you think, this money , by the way, how did it pass through the region, are these local funds of the local local budget, such things, well, direct in the right direction? slo and solve those
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issues, 75 million is a lot of money, which is urgent now, and not to build something that, frankly, can be destroyed or damaged again in a week, please, this is not a regional budget, it is most likely a local one, but i will not say in detail there, because the regional council is not the regional council for the nikopol region and the nikopol district allocates funds for the reconstruction and liquidation of the consequences of russian aggression, but really the construction of a new house now in... the territory of the nikopol district or, in principle , even there in the adjacent zones, which is even more so well, it costs so much, it’s really not a very reasonable expense and not the best idea, because the danger remains there, and we all understand that the danger of constant shelling, unfortunately, and different ones, even with hail, and artillery, and even shaheeds, it will be to be kept in the nikopol district until the moment when energodar is occupied, i.e. until then
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, the territory is completely open for shelling by the russian invaders, unfortunately, so as of now, of course, the windows are being repaired, or if the walls of the people there are blown away , it can be done, but what to do? although, by the way, there are , well, i personally have acquaintances who even said that it is necessary to insert windows at all, if they are knocked out again tomorrow, therefore, if a person lives there, then it is necessary to insert them, because where is this a person will to live, then allocate funds for her to live somewhere, i understand that, but for such things, because you know, they really like to say that about those mayors who may have certain antipathetic relations with certain representatives of the authorities in banking, so there they count every cobblestone, every painted sidewalk, they count everything, every bridge that was repaired there, they say, look, and despite the fact that this city can be there about kyiv, about lviv, about... other cities stand out a lot
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money for the armed forces of ukraine, literally well, today we talked with odesa, odesa also allocates 6 million for the armed forces there, that is , money is allocated, but there every penny counts, and you can spend it somewhere. millions, i will not name names, and it somehow passes the attention of the national mass media, but it did not pass our attention, i want to ask, can such phenomena be somehow prevented, it should be at the level of the cabinet of ministers or how, is it possible for someone someone has a lot of personal income tax left, they don't know where to put it, well, in this case, in nikopol region, this situation is really very strange it looks like, but then again, well, it's not a regional budget, i can't really say there, because if it's local... budgets and their distribution, well, the regional council, for example, can't influence it, the dnipro local, well also, because we still have a reform of decentralization and local budgets, well, they themselves decide when, well, plus or minus, yes, they themselves decide where exactly to spend these funds, here it is definitely a question for just local
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officials, you you know, i'll tell you a story, i have a colleague, thank god, from dnipropetrovsk region, he has a mother there, and there let's say this story too, well, near... there already on the other side, on the left side of the dnieper, the russians are planting trees, they planted everything beautifully, painted, for some time the trees disappear disappear, well, the water disappeared, well, there was water, there were trees, the water disappeared , the trees can be seen withered, they are planted somewhere , but money is allocated for all this, and then you think, and the money follows this water into dry land, such moments, simply, again, it should not happen that those mayors or those communities which someone does not like very much, i will say, i am not talking about specifically now. they want someone in power take away powers or divide their budgets through their people, then everything is counted there, a new window was put in the mayor's office , they counted, and here you can build houses, fence gardens, well, interesting information, residents of dnipropetrovsk region, i understand that
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we are talking about communities , sheltered 40,000 displaced persons during the period of the full-scale invasion of the great war, this is a large, large number of people, but is everything necessary to support, adapt, give people the opportunity to find work and somehow provide for themselves, because the war continues and how many more people will be resettled is unknown, well, if we talk about internally displaced people in dnipropetrovsk region in general, even as of now , the number in our country has almost not decreased, because more than 300,000 internally displaced people are currently living in the territory of dnipropetrovsk region , well, really. some people rent apartments there, some could even afford it there, may even buy, moved, there is a percentage, i won’t say exactly what it is, not all of them can be measured, but there are people who still live in dormitories, which local communities, by the way allocated for this in just familiar and
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private moments, but regarding resources, well , now, in principle, the situation with this is normal, it cannot be said that there is anything critical. is not enough, but here it appears, this is literally the last, the last few weeks, such an interesting question about payments for idps, because our cabinet of ministers will now, well, now it is talking about a resolution that limits some people who have registered with the eye before a certain number financial payments, then in principle they say that people will be withdrawn and idps will be left without these are the payments that some people... really count on, and they are helping them now, so please tell me, just clarify, because i don’t have such payments, i don’t claim them, thank god, but there are people who apply and don't have a job, or maybe other problems, health problems happen to people and they can't
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work, and what is the amount of monthly payments? as far as i know, it is somehow calculated individually there, well, what i know from acquaintances. personally, it's not there , it's some kind of official information from the state, something close 2,500, well, let's put it this way, it's impossible to live on it and count on only this, but if a person has this sum plus to his salary, to some other income, then, well, it's per person , well, if a family, for example, from three or four internally displaced persons, well, for a family, it is more or less the amount in principle, well , really, when there are several family members, well , at least with this money you can buy, eat, you can also buy some medicines. what is it, and it's definitely not the money that should be limited, especially since, say, the united nations organization now will allocate hundreds of millions of dollars there to continue supporting ukrainian-ukrainian immigrants who have suffered in ukraine, and for some reason they do not think that, well, it is probably not
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necessary anymore, well, they understand that despite all the criticism of the un, they understand that they should help humanitarianly, they they will do it, well , i hope that our state will too, thank you very much for joining, kateryna nemchenko, deputy of dnipropetrovsk. the regional council was in touch with us, and i will now add to the conversation serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military column results of the day sergey, good evening. good evening, greetings vasyl, greetings to our viewers. today, our question column returns. i will briefly ask, germany allocates another aid package, what will be there? indeed, this year germany promises us weapons worth up to 7 billion euros. in this new pack there are armored vehicles, there are starlinks, there are ammunition, there are drones, so this is basically what is needed in the field, hopefully it will come soon enough. and later in our column, we will talk about help from france, about new cruise missiles and precision bombs, about... the crown of the steppe and the details of that epic battle between the bradley and
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the russian tank in a conversation with our military, i hope that the connection will not let us down this time, and about the production of drones for the defense forces, what do we do, what does not come out in a conversation with our volunteers, more on that in a moment. ukraine will receive from france. consignment of weapons, the allocation of this aid package will be coordinated with the signing of a security agreement between ukraine and france during the visit of the french president to kyiv in february. about this said emmanuel macron, and according to him , an additional 40 scalp missiles will be transferred, as well as several hundred bombs. the effectiveness of the british and french stormshadow and scalp missiles, which... are actually twins used by our su-24m bombers, is well known to us, especially after
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the strikes on bays there and factories in crimea, where russian submarines, ships, means of anti-aircraft defense, other powerful targets, we really know about this what scalp can do in the air and on the ground, but what hundred bombs are we talking about, but it turns out that france has a really... extremely interesting such serial development, the transfer of which makes sense for ukraine and such a development, which is quite worthy of the announcement by the french president, it is primarily about such a high-precision hybrid of a bomb and a missile under called aasm hammer from the french company safran, it's actually such a mil-tech kit that turns ordinary unguided bombs into highly ... accurate weapons, it's somewhat similar to american jades, but
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more complex and more powerful, in fact the base is a bomb, the bombs can be different there from 250 kg up to one ton, and on this kit, it consists of two components, on the tail part of the bomb, a special such kit is attached, which provides with the presence of a jet engine. on the acceleration for this air bomb after dropping and there is a kit that provides high-precision guidance, and there this homing head can be in three different options, including there a satellite system, a thermal imaging system and a laser homing system, and actually this ee kit turns these bombs into high precision kits and they're going to be just as we expect them to be delivered to our air force, the range of such a munition is somewhere over 70 km, they can be
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fitted to our fighters and our bombers, so i think , that this will significantly expand the potential of our air forces to support our troops on sukhodil. and then we will talk about the situation on the front line, we had 98 combat clashes this day, this is... a significant number, this almost like in the summer, when there was such a hot period of hostilities with the enemy, we see that now, well, in terms of the number of combat encounters, we are returning to such a significant indicator, and a third of these combat encounters just happened in the area around avdiivka, there and stepove and other directions, where the enemy is now trying to push through, and now we will talk in more detail about the situation around avdiyivka, we will talk with our guest, dmytroz is joining us now. this is the head of the public relations service of the 47th separate unit of the mechanized brigade, which is currently protecting
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avdiivka in the steppe zone. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. congratulations. i would like, first of all, not so much to talk about the tactical situation around the settlement, we will return to that later, after all, so that you could tell in more detail about this epic battle of bradley against the russians. russian tank, because in fact the high skill of our soldiers was demonstrated, but i am sure that something remained behind the scenes of those videos that are now being discussed and... the military experts and what did the military themselves say after this battle took place? actually a very vivid episode, and we can only say one thing that now our bradley military crews first of all feel confident, they
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know the machine very well, they know its capabilities, they know what it protects and they know how... they can hit the enemy, that is why they can quite defiantly roll up and destroy the occupiers, this is the main thing, because after all, this weapon has been in our brigade for a long time, it was also used in the zaporozhye direction m2 bradleys were widely used, and now in donetsk region, where there are actually opportunities for maneuver, and here we see that the power of these bmps is demonstrated in all its glory. our crews and guys shoot with precision and move very competently, very professionally, that is, we can now claim that bradley continues to terrorize the russian army. and there are some more details, that is, in fact , there were two bradley infantry fighting vehicles on our side, and this tanchik on the russian side, and i am interested
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in why the tanchik traveled so far into the area of ​​​​responsibility of our brigade, is it possible there were some... nuances before and after, well, i think that it will not be entirely appropriate to tell the details of specific battles, because the enemy also listens to our open sources and takes 80% of the information from there, so the tactics of application precisely at such an operational level, probably, that it should remain a surprise for them, which will cause horror and response. but we deter them from such brazen attempts to advance into the territory for which they are responsible, including the 47th separate mechanized brigade near the village of stepovoy in the berdychiv district, and on the site between the coke plant and the village of stepovy, where, strictly speaking , such fierce battles are currently taking place. then, if we
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return to the very nature of the fighting, what is happening now around the steppe, or? did the enemy still reach the eastern outskirts or did he gain a foothold there, or did the entire expanse of the steppe up to the railway itself, well, it is such a gray area where the enemy cannot gain a foothold, what is the real situation there at the moment, and how are the battles taking place now actions a little further where between the steppe and kokhsohim, is the enemy trying to squeeze into this crack, trying to break through in some way. supply lines to our garrison? we live in 2025 and, accordingly, anyone who wants has access to information, dipstate, other resources provide, as a matter of fact, all these activities, and indeed, in fact, the occupiers are trying to make their way between the steppe exochemical plant, and they also enter the village of stepov, there were
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attempts to gain a foothold, our troops regularly knock them out from there, and in fact this... the area between the railway and the steppe, it's like that the zone of active hostilities, if possible , the enemy is detected and destroyed on the approach in the railway area, but they sometimes manage to break through, go further, both in small infantry groups and with the support of armored vehicles, accordingly, it is destroyed by our artillery, fpv drones and an armored car bradley, which we actually saw a few minutes ago on the screen. when we talk about the use of fividrons and the bad weather, which currently limits, as for me, the use of these means of impression, as in such conditions, our military is destroying the enemy, how is the work of artillery ensured in the conditions of the limited work of reconnaissance drones,
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in fact, the weather is very changeable, now it is freezing, we are waiting for a thaw. the forecasts should be plus for several days in a row, so it is clear that this is taken into account by both the enemy and the occupier, and accordingly, the forces and means are used that will be as effective as possible in their opinion, and from our side there is an effective countermeasure, taking into account also the weather conditions, there was a video on the network, how their half buckets even through such a literally milky fog, it is... they try to attack the means of transportation of our military and are destroyed again, but now the situation is extremely extremely difficult, and everyone manages to hold the battle line without significant changes thanks to incredible heroism and courage our servicemen, and it should not be forgotten that it is primarily people who are fighting, and
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the situation remains manageable thanks to the fact that the defense is organized very competently, and at the moment the enemy cannot break through it, although it is clear that he is trying to sharpen it avdiivka, and before that he wants to move the logistics, but he remains where he was and... again rolls in with the next waves of attacks, for which our servicemen are ready, and if we now try to assess the logistics, how it works now, do i understand that there are risks for this road from orlivka, but are there any, well, urgent needs that are needed, let's say, for our armed forces, for your brigade at the current stage, well , if we detail all this, then the enemy is obvious. .. will have redundant information which it will definitely not be useful for us, but we can say in any case that we need as many fvidrons as possible, because they now
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play a huge role in the battle and a lot of enemy manpower and equipment is also destroyed by the efrons, and we should not forget about means of rap, which can certainly protect and save lives for... ukraine, this is also extremely important, and we should not forget about it. and how do you now predict the expected actions of the enemy in your direction, is there a feeling that they are again trying to accumulate strength for, well, renewal of such massive attacks with the use of armored vehicles, as it was literally a couple of days ago east of koksokhim, what will happen in your area? undoubtedly, their goals do not change and... and the tasks that have been set, they are trying to fulfill, although we know and see, again, from a huge number of testimonies, that
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they are suffering very significant losses, they are simply experiencing crazy impressions from the servicemen of the armed forces forces of ukraine, those fields that are littered with dead russian soldiers, they have probably already flown around the world, and this cemetery of military equipment, which in front of which... turns into the outskirts of avdiyivka, it also testifies to the fact that very, very er, let's say this, not very, very unchanged remains, but this, this task before them remains unchanged, and they, for sure , that at the political level yes, they still got this task to take avdiivka, which they are currently unable to do, and above all because of the courage... ism of the ukrainian military, as well as their skill. yes, that is absolutely true. but on the other hand, on our political front for a long time, the law on mobilization will be discussed. i
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thought it would be passed much faster than it is now. so, in your opinion, in the opinion of your supporters, what would you tell our parliamentarians and legislators from the front line about this draft law, what they should do in order for the law to be passed in this way. therefore, the option that will really help our armed forces as soon as possible, well, it is clear that the later it is adopted, the later it will work, and accordingly, the later, the later those people who will be mobilized in the near future, and the need for manpower is there, it is always there, and every commander will say that he needs people, for sure, and... now i want society to take a conscious attitude to this, so that people understand that this war - this is our joint war of every citizen of ukraine, and it is impossible to separate
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the front and the rear, yes, everything must work as one mechanism, only in this way it is possible to defeat this influx of occupiers. mr. dmitry, thank you very much for your professional comments, for what you do for our country together with yours, with our comrades, and let me remind you that this... was dmytro lazutkin, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, the head of the public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently protecting avdiyivka in and holding defenses in the zone of the settlement of steppe. and then we will talk about the scaling of technological solutions about drones, dmytro lazutkin just said that we need more and more drones, which are used by our units in order to destroy the enemy, we know about the initiative of 1 million drones during this year, we know about an initiative from our partners and where latvia
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is the initiator. unites 20 countries, which also aim to ensure the production and supply of various drones for various purposes to the armed forces of ukraine, but still the main question is how we ourselves cope with the task of increasing the production of drones for the needs of the armed forces. and now we are joined by maksym sheremet, the director of the dron space company and the founder and active participant of the drone initiative mr. maxim, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear each other, good evening, good evening, are you in contact with various companies, teams that make drones themselves, trying to increase the production of these samples that the armed forces need, what are your colleagues saying about the increase in the production of fpv drones after the announcement of this initiative, is there
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progress since the beginning of the year, are we still ... and for now we are skidding before this acceleration. regarding the volume of production of fp drones, the company as a whole, and in general all manufacturers are observing a real increase in volumes. this progress, it varies. in many cases , the positive influence and fulfillment of the set goal of production , which is to increase the production of various types of attack uavs tenfold, and who is currently playing a leading role, in particular for your company from the point of view of providing optimal conditions for assistance to customers of the ministry of digital, the ministry of defense, the ministry of technology, or individual military units there, who directly order your drones, who is the main driver of expanding your capabilities, indeed, in general,
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contacts with... workers are determined by various departments, and including the ministry of defense, including the ministry of digital, in my case and in in the majority of cases, military units, they act directly, directly as customers, and what are the main problems with the scaling of production now, is there a problem with components, with personnel, with money, and by the way, how do you feel about the initiative. the minister of digital transformation on the fact that it is possible to assemble there fpv drones in domestic conditions, how feasible it is, what are the risks of such a process, if they exist, indeed, as a serial manufacturer of strike uavs, i am faced with the main two factors when scaling up my own production, these are problems with components
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, one, the second is the financial component, and the third, yes , of course, it is personnel, qualified engineering personnel, the state, it can contribute to the solution of these problems in various ways, and support the relevant industries, increasing and motivating manufacturers with various contracts with large volumes, regarding their own attitude and... issues in the production of uavs at home, the very concept of scaling, which excludes financial support, excludes training, excludes increasing volumes, increasing the resources of components and personnel, it excludes the reference process altogether. the quality of these
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components that will be at the output, that is, we are talking about the fact that fpv drones and other drones must be manufactured in specialized enterprises, where there is a certain experience, where there is staff, where there is quality control, and then at the output we will really have a sample , which is capable of performing one or another combat task. absolutely true, with an increase in serial production at launch. this is what we call conveyor production, when the approach to the production of this or that element changes radically, let it be the cheapest, the simplest camicatron to some complex shock drone, it is in the conveyor approach that this essence is revealed and...


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