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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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reference quality of these components that will be at the output, that is, we are talking about the fact that fpv drones and other drones should be manufactured at specialized enterprises, where there is a certain experience, where there are personnel, where there is quality control, and then at the output we will really have a sample that is able to perform this or that combat task, absolutely correctly, with an increase. production by start-up is what we call conveyor production, when the approach to the production of this or that element changes radically, let it be the cheapest, simplest camikadze drone to some complex shock drone, it is in the convergent approach that this essence and... the idea of ​​mass is revealed, i will give you a simple
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example, because a year ago in the volunteer organization of which i am the founder of dronardni, we were developing exactly the same approach that mr. fedorov that a person could assemble a drone at home, only there was a slightly different approach, we provided the components ourselves, purchasing these components with volunteer funds for people who were sitting at home, instead of people buying them with their own money. own funds components, so in this approach everyone the drone was of poor quality assembly, we reassembled each drone and spent a lot of time on assembly and reassembly according to these volunteer initiatives, is such an indicator an effective ratio of serial production, no, will it help to increase it hundreds of times? took the available production capacity from
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serial manufacturers, the answer is also no, will it increase the engineering staff in ukraine, who will later go to work for manufacturers such as myself or other manufacturers, yes, it will affect the quality of such engineers, who are still needed will re-examine later, mr. maksym, how are you? enterprise as an ideologue of a volunteer organization of a drone shop , which manufactures drones, you have set yourself the indicators this year, how much do you yourself plan to increase the number of production of the same fpv drones for the needs of the defense forces? of course, the ambition is hundreds, tens of thousands, but we directly depend on the unification of the key ones. elements, which provides the task
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of integration into various complexes, reducing the lack of details, well, i can say tens and hundreds of times for myself, but reality tells us that that growth at the moment is x2, x3, x4 of that volume, which, unfortunately, i cannot publicly. to announce at the moment, but do you know examples of our companies that manufacture fpv drones using, well, for example, automated conveyor lines, is this approach even possible, or is it implemented by one or another of our companies. if we are talking about assembly, namely assembling, then yes, even in my company, some elements are manufactured by the assembly line method, but the final. installation in the finished product,
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it does not matter whether it will be a shock bepak or it will be a ground control station , it is done by hands, and is there a need, you basically said it in the unification of key components for fpv drones, there is a warhead, a detonator, initiation boards, other components, so that they are unified. in order to ensure, well, speeding up the process, how realistic is it in our conditions, when we will get different ones after all? the unification of key elements allows not only to increase the serial and mass production, but also primarily helps to ensure the effectiveness of the integration of percussion drones in the army, when units of different classes are trained at this or that... other
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complex, mr. maxim, thank you very much for these explanations, i hope that this year your company will ensure a tenfold increase in the production of drones there. this is extremely important for our armed forces. and i will remind our viewers that it was maksym sheremet, he is the head of the dron space company, as well as the founder of the drone factory initiative, which manufactures and develops various models of drones for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. these were the main military results of this era, further more international and economic news on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine, these were the military results of the day, thank you serhii zgurets, thank you to his guests, the second hour of the great ether is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information awaits you, yuliy fize
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will tell you about what was happening in the world, economic news from oleksandr morshchyvka, sports news from yevhen pastokhov and the weather with natalka didenko, all this during the next hour, now about the most important news on... in kherson, as a result of another shelling , a local resident was killed and, unfortunately, an elderly woman was injured, the regional prosecutor's office reports. the enemy covered the city with artillery fire, they targeted the private sector for about 12 hours. a 37-year-old man was on the street at the time of the attack, he died immediately. private residential buildings, garages and a car were also damaged. and, unfortunately, the number of victims in the kherson region has increased today. the occupiers killed another kherson citizen in the dnipro district of the city, a civilian vehicle was hit by enemy fire, from the received a 65-year-old driver died of injuries - reported the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudina, a few hours earlier, as a result of enemy shelling
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, a local resident died, as i mentioned earlier, and a woman, i remind you, suffered a concussion, the enemy fired artillery at the private sector. in kharkiv oblast, the occupiers killed a woman and injured two children. the russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on the village of maly borluk, kupyan district. this was announced by the head of the military administration, oleg synigubov. they hit the building administrator. as a result of the explosion a ten-year-old boy was left without a leg, and a 13-year-old girl suffered shrapnel injuries. the enemy also took aim at kupyansk itself with artillery. there, private houses, gas and water pipes were damaged. on pipes the military calls on ukrainians who live near the border with the enemy, the aggressor country, the russian federation, to evacuate immediately. as the commander of the united forces, serhiy naev, noted, this applies not only to the eastern regions, but also to the residents
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of chernihiv and sumy regions. every day , the enemy inflicts fire strikes on these territories to the point that, in order for the ukrainian military to be able to fully repulse the enemy. fire without harming our citizens, every ukrainian should listen to the parades of the military administrations - said general naev. the line of the state border with the russian federation is a line of contact, on which military operations are conducted, air strikes are carried out, there is artillery fire, attempts to establish a sabotage and intelligence group, civilians. not a place on the contact line where the fighting is going on because the wolf is trying to hit our troops and civilians. well, indeed, where hostilities are taking place, there must be military personnel who will be able to adequately respond to enemy
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fire and strike back painfully , knowing that it is much more difficult to do this with civilians nearby, and the civilians themselves suffer from this, and, unfortunately , the military, who are limited in their actions, are also under attack, so it is necessary to... listen and do what general nayev asks, there is a lack of ammunition, the ukrainian military complains that they are running out of ammunition, weapons and manpower, so it is even more difficult for them restrain the onslaught of the russians. ukraine says it does not have enough ammunition to support the desired level of attack, calls on western partners to do more to supply them fighters of the 92nd separate airborne assault brigade are holding the defense near the city of bahmud. stage , linking the weather conditions, we switched to defensive actions, our units, the enemy is constantly trying to carry out some offensive actions, the main goals for our units are counter-battery combat, tobish
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enemy artillery, or mortars, or anti-tank guns, the same self-propelled artillery, as well as our tanks in positions, often there are also infantry. the infantry is advanced, which is advanced on the rotation of the enemy's units, in the last couple of days , the enemy tried a couple of times to carry out offensive actions against our units, but they were unsuccessful. us with shells, people and equipment, we will be able to do everything, ugh , at the moment we shoot little, but there are very few shells, it has been a long time since we fired 5, 10, 20 shells a day, we really , we hope for the help of our partners in the production of ukrainian shells. they are needed already, as they say, yesterday. the ukrainian military used the frankinsam system for the first time, shooting down an enemy shahed
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from a distance of 9 km. oleksandr kamyshyn, head of the ministry of strategy and industry, told about this at a briefing in davos. he also added that all frankens air defense systems are already deployed on the battlefield. let me remind you, these are hybrid air defense complexes. they combine the latest western- style surface-to-air missiles and soviet launchers. in odesa, a driver was detained who illegally transported men of military age for border. he was looking for clients during his flights, the state border service said. the perpetrator was a 43-year-old man from odesa during an inspection of the odesa-kshshiniv regular bus he was driving, the border guards found okhilyant in the sleeping compartment for $600, they promised to take him to neighboring moldova, the driver was detained. the sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for a term
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of seven to nine years, deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years with confiscation of property. currently , the issue of selecting a preventive measure for the suspect is being resolved. the police are establishing the full range of persons involved in the crime and the number of citizens who have already managed to use the services of the perpetrator. employees of territorial centers. recruitment agencies in ukraine do not have the right to check the documents of citizens and detain them by force, this is one of the comments made by the ombudsman dmytro lubinets to the proposed version of the draft law on mobilization. he added that according to the constitution of ukraine, the military subdivisions cannot take part in restricting the rights of citizens of ukraine. this is a direct norm of our constitution. i, for example, did not understand. if we all see problems in this area of ​​activity. tsc, then why do we give them the authority to check
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documents? we have bodies that check the documents of citizens of ukraine, these are the national police, first of all, the state border service, the national guard, well, certainly not the military, but here it is worth adding that all men of legal age must come to tska, check the data, update the data, register and in any case then it will not happen. the need to stop them on the street or , god forbid, catch them somewhere in cities and villages. dozens of destroyed zoos and thousands of animals killed because of the war. despite everything , many four-legged animals can be saved. ukrainian soldiers and volunteers take them from the front line and hand them over to local zookeepers. lyubov gerashchenko will tell which of the resettled animals found a new home in the belotserki zoo and how they go through the adaptation period. terrible the consequences of the war affected not only people, but also animals. a large number of them died
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due to shelling or improper care. therefore , the military and volunteers often take animals from the front line and transfer them to different parts of the country. the white church also became a home for many destitute creatures. according to the director of the local zoo , the defenders of the 72nd brigade together with the police evacuated the pukhnastyky. at the moment, we have somewhere at night. about 20 animals of immigrants, from near bakhmut, from korakhiv, i want to say, near kherson they brought, also traveled, delivered us there and delivered a squirrel, and some animals were delivered there, i want to say a lot, at the moment we keep animal immigrants here, all these animals have their own tragic history, for example, the beautiful crane that was delivered from bahmut, probably lived with local residents. when the military found him, there were only ashes on the site of the house, and one bird remained alive.
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there were chickens and there was a lot of different birds, and there was only one beautiful crane left, because it was a boy, because the girl was killed, lay next to her, and it is not said that she doesn’t even have a leg, but she was brought here, we took her out, fed her, now she is at our place, should such animals look for a mate, there, for example, swans, because they are paired animals, of course you have to look for them, everything needs a pair. the story of the fox baha, also from bakhmut, is no less moving. she was fed by ukrainian soldiers in the trenches and trained to handle. it is now december. she is vaccinated and even has a passport, but she is walking on the street. some people don't understand because she was was trampled in a pit, some people start to complain that we mistreat little animals, well, i want to tell you, if she was brought up, lived with people in a pit, then she also only has to get used to people , which we do not let out into the wild, because that
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there are always vigils on a leash. in autumn , the male llama yasha also arrived at the zoo. kurakhovo of the donetsk region, at one time there was a horse farm there, they took a pair of ungulates together with several sheep, now the animals have gotten used to it, passed quarantine and coexist perfectly with by his neighbors, this is our front-line soldier, well , he arrived, he got used to it in just a couple of hours, they got to know our residents, that is, there were no problems. and there were no problems with him and there are none, and now they are predators a little bit , well, stress after transporting them, it happens that they don’t want to eat for a day or two, and then they get used to it, get used to their new home, there is enough space in the zoo for other migratory animals, there are notes, a dozen parrots, almost 20 decorative chickens, goats,
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as well as other small fluffy and feathered animals, in addition, visitors can... admire rabbits, chinchillas, guinea pigs, degas, peacocks and pheasants, regardless of where the animals came from and under what circumstances, the important thing is that they are now safe. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr koga, espresso, bila tserkva. well, we continue, by the way, a very good initiative, protecting animals and providing them with housing during the war, in a new city, but in the same united, indivisible and cathedral ukraine. where every city is your home. well, i'm bringing yuriy fizer, the world about ukraine, to the conversation. yury, good evening. please. good evening to you, vasyl. good evening to all who have joined us this evening. so, today, among other things, we are talking about help to ukraine. the president of poland says that ukraine should definitely be in nato, russia was once again on fire. about this and other things in
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a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. but i will start with this: we cannot allow russia to win, because the security of europe and the immediate environment of the terrorist country, that is , the baltic countries, will be put in doubt, he said this the previous evening during a press conference in the elysee palace french president emmanuel macron. at the same time , he emphasized the importance of continuing to support ukraine. according to him, paris ... a new package of military support, which will include 40 long-range scalp missiles, which we badly need, and several hundred guided aerial bombs. in addition, president emmanuel macron macron announced that the french and ukrainian authorities have already completed work on a bilateral agreement on security guarantees, which he may even sign himself
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in the near future, and for this purpose in february he plans to come to kyiv. and so that you understand, i personally think that this will be a visit similar to the visit of the prime minister of great britain rishi sunak, during which he and volodymyr zelenskyi signed an agreement, a very important agreement for us, according to which great britain is obliged it is said, well, there are certain clauses to support ukraine, and probably the french president, emmanuel macron, will come to sign and conclude such an agreement, i am waiting, and you will be the first to know what will happen there, ross. has large resources to continue the so-called of a special military operation in ukraine, united states secretary of state anthony blinken said this during a speech at a panel discussion at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland. that is why he still does not see the readiness of the kremlin, even a close prospect
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of negotiations regarding an early ceasefire in ukraine. according to the head of the american foreign policy. agencies in washington are open to such negotiations, but on one condition, namely, if moscow comes to them, further quote from mr. blinken, with good intentions on the basis of the main principles that have been called into question by its aggression, including the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of ukraine. well, you understand what the reaction will be in russia, and also mr. blinken. during the speech he said, after all, it was not during the speech, during an interview with the american tv channel cnbc, he said that, unfortunately, we do not have a magic pot from which we can draw money to support u. ..ukraine, according to him , without money, which should be unblocked by the american congress in the pentagon. pentagon, in the end, i wanted to say that it will be more difficult
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to help ukraine. the pentagon will not be able to help ukraine because there will be no money. and, by the way, today at 21:15 kyiv time, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, is scheduled to meet with representatives of both republicans and democrats. in the congress, and the main topic of this meeting will be precisely the effort to convince them, to unblock the allocation of 61 billion dollars there for the support of ukraine. this is me, by the way, as president zelensky very correctly said, he succeeded, what if putin will succeed in seizing ukraine, he will go further to europe, to nato countries, and then we will not only have to allocate money, according to the fifth article of the treaty we will have to use our troops, in fact we already saw this in 1920, seizing part of it. in ukraine, in fact, lenin and his horde, then stalin and all these guys from frunze together went to poland and it was a miracle that poland managed to fight back near warsaw, nothing new, really nothing new, but
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the lack of this money from the american congress can have negative consequences as for ukraine, as well as for the united states of america itself. unfortunately, the white house administration is not currently discussing the provision of new military aid packages. the country and all precisely because of the lack of additional funding, said john kirby, coordinator of strategic communications of the white house security council, during a virtual press briefing. according to him, washington will think about new aid packages to kyiv only after congress agrees to allocate funding for these purposes. i will remind you that the last package was sent to us on the 27th december well, in general, from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. to ukraine , the usa provided us with aid worth about 44 billion dollars. a huge amount and a huge
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amount of help, which helps us not only to resist such an influx, but also to repel and destroy this influx. therefore, unfortunately, we still need this money, and i really hope that the american congress will allocate it. maybe tomorrow morning, maybe there will be some information and... there will be, so watch in the morning, in the morning broadcast of espresso, well , in the evening, i will definitely inform you about it in rubric world about ukraine. well, the secretary general of nato is sure that the united states of america will approve this aid package for ukraine. he said this in an interview with the american tv channel cnn on the sidelines of the world economic forum in davos. and despite the controversy that is currently taking place in the american congress, he once again expressed. are confident that american lawmakers will pass this decision as soon as possible, because, according to nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, the measure should continue and
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increase arms supplies to ukraine, because only then, in his opinion, will putin understand that he will not win on the battlefield, and his war will be over. rightly said, nothing to add. so i think, i hope, that the republicans and democrats in congress do the same. they understand it simply because of certain political games, they are now delaying this process, but they will unblock it, i will just add one word from myself, you know, well, budget, there are companies in the united states of america whose capitalization reaches a trillion dollars, these are only individual companies, therefore 44 billion and hundreds, thousands of destroyed armored vehicles, aircraft, ships of the enemy and the russian armada, which could go further, well, this is a very good investment, in my opinion. and yesterday, yen stoltenberg said that this is help to ukraine, this is an investment in security, well, with all due respect, let's say to the people of afghanistan, but we saw the invested billions, weapons and the result, yes
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100%. well, more than 7 billion euros, that's exactly the kind of help we will receive this year, that is, in 2024, from germany. this was reported in the press service of the country's chancellor, olaf scholz, according to published information, he made such a decision after a conversation with... us president joe biden. the message of the german government clarifies that this year germany supplied ukraine with various types of military goods in the amount of more than 7 billion euros in berlin, they do not rule out that during this year the amount allocated to support kyiv may even increase. well, here it is also worth reminding that for... germany's aid to us since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia amounts to 25 billion euros, and thus germany ranks second among
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the countries that help. for us financially, yes and militarily, on the first is obviously the united states of america, but in general, although it can be said that this is the third rung on the second usa, but on the first - the european union, in general, they have allocated the most help to us in general. the member states of the european union will manage to agree on the allocation of financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. the president of the european commission said this during a speech in the european parliament today. according to ursela fonder, the political will for this in the eu is there, and it has been demonstrated the last summit of the european union in december last year. but at the same time, she emphasized that this is still a will that needs to be guaranteed with real money. well, mrs. funderlein expressed confidence that all 27 eu member states support the allocation of aid, but - she says, even if hungary imposes a veto, brussels will still find some option. well
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, yes, i really want to hope that they will find something like this and stick it in the nose of orban, who is muddying the waters. war fatigue, which is being talked about a lot now, is a very dangerous phenomenon, and so are we must definitely fight him, said polish president andrzej duda the night before during the forum in davos. after the meeting with volodymyr zelenskyi. he also emphasized that warsaw will continue to provide kyiv with all the necessary assistance to fight against the russian aggressor, moreover, mr. president emphasized that now it is necessary to make maximum efforts to start preparations for ukraine's accession to nato, further quote president andrzej duda. during the war, of course, this is impossible, but i believe that ukraine should receive an invitation to nato, which would start the process of discussing the ukrainian issue in separate
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national. parliaments of the alliance member countries, it is also very important for maintaining the fighting spirit of the defenders of ukraine. and it really is. well, in hungary again about our own, to our great regret, the more weapons are supplied to ukraine, the longer the war lasts, and the longer the war lasts, the more people die. the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, péter szijártó, said this in an interview with the austrian. espresso. according to him, anti-russian sanctions do not help bring the end of the war, which he habitually calls a conflict, closer. the minister again said that ukraine has already lost certain territories, the war, according to him, had to be ended yesterday at the negotiating table. according to peter sijarto, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine can be preserved only through negotiations. frankly. this position is maddening, and i
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have already told you about it more than once, stop giving weapons to ukraine, and the war, well, the war can really end in a very big it's a pity, because at some point we will be able to fight , but then we won't have weapons, we won't have money with which we can get these weapons, and then russia will be, maybe near the hungarian borders, but isn't that about it, peter szijjártó, as well as viktor orbán, have repeatedly said that they are afraid of russia getting closer to the hungarian borders. therefore, something is not very clear. well, at least dozens of wounded, well, they say about 40, several dozen people were detained, this is the result of today's protest rally of several thousand people in the city of baymak, this is bashkortostan, more while russia people gathered under the courthouse, where local activist file alsynov was sentenced to four years in prison. the verdict of the court, he seemed to incite international
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enmity. national enmity and called on local residents not to go to war in ukraine, when people gathered under the courthouse, the rosguards were already waiting for them there, clashes began between them, security forces dispersed the protesters, using stun grenades and tear gas. the picture is nice, agree, but i want you not to fall into any illusions, none of this unfortunately... there will be no continuation in russia, because they will be fired and they will not come out anymore, although i would like them to come out in the future, but unfortunately there will not be, although such actions would be good if they were more often arose so that somewhere in some city the kremlinians would be well burned, well, at least here it is important that they, that they got out, first, second, it is important that they were dispersed, and not that they themselves escaped, well, in principle.


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