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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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local residents not to go to the war in ukraine, when people gathered under the courthouse, the rosguards were already waiting for them there, clashes began between them, the security forces dispersed the demonstrators, using stun grenades and tear gas. the picture is good, agree, but i want you not to fall into any illusions, none of this, unfortunately, there will be no pro... sequel in russia, because they will be disbanded and they will not be released anymore, although i would like to , to come out in the future, but unfortunately there will not be, although there were such promotions it would be good if they appeared more often, so that somewhere in some city the kremians would be well burned, well, at least here it is important that they, that they got out, first, second, it is important that they were dispersed, and not that they themselves ran away, well, already they dispersed in dagestan, dispersed in this , but nothing happened, and finally in russia again... it burned and burned, well
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, it burned and burned, somehow, purely by chance , a powerful explosion rang out at the polyester factory in the city of shakhty, this is the rostov region, near the ukrainian border, he this plant manufactures various fillers, including fillers for mattresses, as a result of which at least 10 people received injuries of varying degrees of severity, currently it is not known what could have caused the explosion, but in local chats they write that it could have been caused by carelessly carried out repair work. be that as it may, and whatever the reason, instead of entering a foreign country, it would be better for them to restore order in their own, especially since the work there has not yet begun. and finally, the most interesting thing is that the plant was opened in june this year, and according to people who own it opened, they said that he should have reduced the dependence on imported goods, which are needed for production, by 60%. these
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mattresses, well, they've got what they've got. for today, i have everything in the world about ukraine section, everything is only for today, tomorrow there will be more, and there will be more in the next broadcast, so do not switch. well, thank you very much to yuri fizer for informing us about the events outside ukraine, well... i have a plot for your attention now: 17 injured, almost 25 damaged buildings, 500 knocked out windows and more than a dozen mutilated cars, such are the consequences of the missile attack in kharkiv. according to the prosecutor's office, the russian invaders fired two s-300 rockets at the sleeping area of ​​the city, one of them hit the road, the second hit a nearby building, destroying residential buildings, a private clinic and all the cars parked nearby. see more about the consequences of another crime of the russian federation in our story. in this footage
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, rescuers are trying to put out a fire in a house that caught fire after a missile hit. they were able to from the crushed apartments evacuate more than 30 people, saving their lives. and this is how this building looks in the morning. the emergency workers, who are sorting out the debris, were joined by utility workers, who are removing the debris of gutted houses. two houses facing each other and closest to the epicenter of the explosion were the most affected. this is a residential accommodation and a private clinic. oleksandr lives literally in the neighboring house and was at home at the time of the attack. he has lived in kharkiv for almost 60 years. i have lived in this area for almost a quarter, 20-25 years. mouse, nothing here
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there was never a military one, no, an educational one, a military one, something, well, it's not clear, as they say in our country, then it's over. in addition to houses , a dozen and a half cars parked nearby were hit by debris. windows were blown out in all offices, even those located in semi-basements. i was here at night, the security alarm called. they said that the flight was coming here. looked, really flown there, what can i say, nothing -4, minus the windows, and that’s all, let’s say, it’s good that it’s not here, 14 wounded people were sent at night to the hospital, most of them are in a moderate condition , but doctors are fighting for the lives of two women, today it is known that two people are in a serious condition, two more.
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or three people were treated at the scene. the police consider this russian shelling as open terror against the civilian population of kharkiv. for the tv channel. preso from kharkiv. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. svobodalai is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions. well, we're moving on, and now it's time to talk about money. oleksandr morchenko is with me. oleksandr, good evening, please. greetings viewers, good evening, vasyl, in the next few minutes you will find out
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what they are talking about these days at the davos forum, what kind of support ukraine has, also how to overcome the shadow market at ukrainian gas stations, everything i will tell you in detail in a moment, wait. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. so, how to help ukraine? european leaders today discussed the importance of providing additional support to our country at the world economic forum in davos. polish president andrzej duda said that europe should continue to support ukraine and emphasized the need for european cooperation in the field of weapons. the president of hungary katalin novak said that her country will continue to support our state, although budapest refuses provide military aid since the full-scale invasion of russia. let's listen to the direct speech. it suddenly became apparent
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that our european reserves lacked sufficient reserves to defend europe in the event of serious aggression. i have no doubt that we should strengthen cooperation in the european union. and throughout europe, it concerns not only the production of ammunition, perhaps something more, for example, the creation of a european tank or the development of european aviation at the eu level. we must always clearly explain who is the aggressor and which country was captured by another state, and we must also clearly explain that with this act russia crossed the rubicon. we must make it clear that this is a no-go zone so that something like this does not happen, that we want to try to preserve our europe after the second world war, then we must also make it clear that war is never the solution and aggression is not acceptable. well, in addition to defense policy, of course, help with specific money is also important.
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ukraine needs these funds so that kyiv does not resort to printing money to keep its own the economy is afloat in general, about it on the sidelines of the economic forum. the chief economist of the european bank for reconstruction and development, beata yavorchyk, told davos , well, she is speaking for her bank, for her financial institution, the erb plans to invest in our country from 7.5 to 15 billion euros, but these funds are planned to be invested in ukraine within 5 years. well, we really need funds, because vasyl cannot turn on the printing press under any conditions, under any circumstances . absolutely, well, for me... for me, as i speak there with the davos specialists, of course no one will bring anything specific from there in their bags, but this is what it looks like to me, you know, the conversation in the dressing room after the first half of a football match, not everything was easy, the 50 billion delay, delays from the usa, there are other difficult moments, with poland, with romania , slovakia, hungary, there were problems at
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the borders, well, the most important thing for me is that people openly talk on the sidelines of this forum, explain what can happen if this does not happen, well, and start acting for, well, the solutions on the border are somehow certain yes, there is help nime. france on weapons, i think what will happen next, and it is important that this conversation takes place, and everyone heard everyone, and everyone understood everyone, this is a platform for reflection, they received information, went to their countries, digested it, and began to work, well, the representatives received just such information, regarding the russian rosatom, who gathered at the davos forum, mykhailo gonchar, the president of the 21st century strategy center for global studies, announced this today, on one of the panels they talked about russia. which nuclear monopolist, well, we really hoped that they would be included in one of the sanctions packages restrictions on rosatom, but so far europe , according to many experts, is not ready to introduce economic restrictions, rosatom is indeed a company for the production of nuclear energy,
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the construction of reactors for nuclear power plants, but at the same time it is a company that has a full cycle of development nuclear weapons, and this... one must understand, well, in fact, by continuing cooperation with rosatom, european countries are also dragging themselves into such a yoke of risks. cooperation with the kremlin, what do you think, vasyl? well, it's hard for me to see here whether there are opportunities to diversify the supply of this nuclear fuel for european countries. on the other hand, maybe they think that this is some such painful nerve of putin that if they start to pressure here, he will start to take some inappropriate actions, again, it is difficult to understand, maybe there is no possibility of money to change this situation , not to depend on their supply, but in any case, you have to act, all problems can be solved and you can refuse any supplies with russia, it is only a question of price and the question of what you... are ready to sacrifice russia i knew, vasyl, that i am delaying , excuse me for a second, plus
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the zaporizhzhya nuclear plant is also a huge danger in the hands of russia, and here i do not know what agreements there are between them, if i am not mistaken, the ongoing construction of the joint construction by russian specialists in turechen, the nuclear power plant of atomic blocks, it continues, the cooperation of european countries continues, it seemed to me that it is really difficult to leave and break ties, that's all it takes time, but maybe i won't continue. cooperation, then it would be such a positive signal that the world is moving towards restrictions on how ukraine continued the transit with russia, well, that is, the transit continued , but it was limited in time, but time ran out and there is no longer transit there, in my opinion, but at least somewhere there it should be finished by now, well, at least it worked so far, but a decision has already been made that it will not exist, this means gas transit through ours, the vasyl transit is still ongoing, ukraine must fulfill the contract by the end of the current year. but it will end, but i am sure, also continuing the topic of energy, we will move on to fuel: are gas stations evading
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now from paying taxes to their employees, because there is indeed information from the a95 consulting group that sometimes the official rates differ by more than three times in different networks, well , various such interesting figures are given that gas stations work there for a little less than three and a half thousand hryvnias , well... it is hardly possible to survive on this money, but are there certain schemes of salaries in salaries in envelopes, we will talk about this with the director of the a95 consulting company, serhiy kuyun, on the phone, good evening, congratulations, mr. serhiy, well, my familiar the gas station attendant, even before the war, said that he earns very well, called the numbers, i won't divulge more than, well, we're joking on tv, but he kept saying that there were really a lot of tips, a lot. certain convertible salaries, which is currently happening at a time when, for example, the verkhovna
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rada is going to raise excise taxes on fuel to european rates, in particular on autogas, why are gas stations trying to somehow save by paying taxes to the treasury, you know, you are here a lot of people said on the air just now that we are there we are waiting for money from the west, they don't give us that, they don't give us much, but we don't want to... do something ourselves in order to get out of this comfort zone, in order to mobilize internal resources, it is in particular that everyone has to pay taxes, i will remind you that the state budget is the only source of funding for the army, because the western partners give money exclusively for non-military needs, and accordingly, the more taxes, the more budget there will be, the more money there will be for our army, well, i don't know , despite... the war, to me it seems that far from everyone is enough, and in particular, unfortunately, business also understands this, and we
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see that now we are analyzing the tax statistics of the largest gas stations, there are problems not only with salary taxes, there are problems with income tax, i.e. , if you look, in general, half of our networks operate without tax, without profit, well , they don't have any, they don't pay income tax, so there is no profit, but in parallel we see new gas stations. stations, we see how they reconstruct them, and this millions of dollars, that is, the question is where do you get them, if you work without profit, what do you even work for, if this money, your circulation, you can just put it in the bank and earn, well, quite good on deposits, why are you in this business , therefore, unfortunately, it must be stated that a lot of schemes are still used, and here are our experiments, they are up to... well, absurd figures, when in one industry the salaries of the same personnel
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can differ by three times, well, for example, indicate which official in the field and what de facto received on certain networks? well, we took the five largest salaries in the industry, these are the five largest networks there, she added the salaries in these five networks were two. hryvnias with tax, i.e. allowances, well, to make it clearer, the allowances people receive are around 1,800, i.e. it is for a gas station worker. station, i believe, and in general, i believe that this is a normal, adequate level, but there are only five networks, the rest of the networks are more than 40 fueling companies, they pay from 15 to the record 300 per month with tax , that is, they want to say that people in them earn money, get 10 e and 500 hryvnias
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there or even less and that people can live on this and that this is who they are. pay, well, this is absolute nonsense, this cannot be, perhaps the tax authorities should not go to a small and medium-sized entrepreneur who is engaged in some kind of processing industry, but right now is the time to direct your efforts to such networks that you have researched and bring money out of the shadows, certainly, that is, tax officials have, they are now engaged in this market a lot, we we see that there are certain successes, but this is not enough, there are obvious things that at least such an elementary analysis of the comparison with... salaries already indicates that something is wrong, and the problem is not even with salary taxes, the problem in order to pay a person extra to an adequate level, because we understand that we also conduct surveys, our research, we look at job search sites, and if someone writes there, what he has, if we see that someone declares his salary the average in the company is 8,500, so for some reason they are on the job site
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offer up to uah 2,000 for this position, that is , they still need to... or cash those 8.5 to those 20, then this cash has to be taken from somewhere, it is already taken from larger-scale schemes for evasion of income tax, tax on added value and so on, that is, this is an indicator that there is a tax evasion scheme in this business, and this business should be engaged in. thank you for the conversation, such materials should really be useful to tax officials. serhii kuyun, the director of the a95 consulting company, was on... well, vasyl, i think that the tax authorities really don't you just have to report complaints by phone, someone called that some company, or as it happened in kyiv-gum, came with inspections after the company complained that the market was flooded, chinese first-aid kits, yes, and they produced them for our soldiers of ukrainian production, you are not
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looking there, you are not looking there, here are the specific numbers for you, go to the ministry of defense first, then go to some other fields for specific studies specifically. companies. well, i will conclude with the last piece of information, important in my opinion, about trade wars, which the eu will not introduce quota for some ukrainian products at the request of poland. warsaw justified its appeal by saying that our ukrainian products are becoming a problem for the countries of western europe, and it is not only about grain. here we are also talking about poultry farms, poultry products, fruits, ukrainian sugar. the european commission was asked to introduce the restriction itself. on these goods, however, the eu, on the contrary, announced that they are preparing a draft resolution on the extension of duty-free trade with ukraine until 2025. well, it is an important decision from the european commission, but it is important that all members of the european communities followed such a decision, and did not block the borders, as you and i have seen. this was the last information, i will
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say goodbye to you. a big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come. stay with us. two ukrainian victories on melbourne courts. marto kostyuk and lesya tsurenko reached the third round of the australian open championship. in a dramatic and spectacular confrontation, kostiuk beat 25-year-old siena from belgium, eliza mertens. in the first game , marta conceded 5:7. tyset kostiuk won with a crushing score of 6:1, a little more than in half an hour. in the final game, the fate of the match was decided by a tiebreaker. mertens, despite three successful draws at the beginning, ended the match with an unforced error: 7:6 in favor of the ukrainian. i have no words. thank you for your support. i don't think i would have won this match
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without you. the australian open holds a special place in my heart. it's incredible to win against a very... very good opponent, i don't think i could ask for anything more, i 'm inspired by the ukrainian people, i know they're going through tough times right now, i hope i can be as good as elina and make them satisfied with my performance. kostyuk will play in the third round of the australian open singles competition for the third time in a row. this stage of the tournament remains a record for marta in melbourne. lesya tsurenko also repeated her personal record. in the match of the second round. the ukrainian beat the representative of spain, rebecca masarova. this was the first face-to-face meeting of the opponents. tsorenko won in two sets 63-64. in the second part , we put y' as decisive. to whom tsurenko won all four draws on masarova's serve. in the third round of the tournament with the rival tsurenko the reigning champion of the australian open, the second racket of planeta arina sabalenka from belarus will be there.
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two more ukrainian tennis players, elina svitolina and dayana yastremska, will play their matches on thursday, january 18. metalist 1925 announced the transfer of vladlan yurchenko. the club's agreement with the football player is calculated until the end of 2025. as part of the kharkiv team, the midfielder will play under number 80. he is the first newcomer to the team after the arrival of the new head coach viktor skrypnyk. in the first half of the season , yurchenko played 14 matches for poltava vorskla, scored two goals and had an assist. on january 10 , the official website of vorsklian reported that the club and the 29-year-old player reached an agreement on the termination of cooperation. so, at 7:25 p.m., yurchenko joined metalist as a free agent. denys garmash was left without a club. croatian osiyak prematurely terminated the contract with the 33-year-old ukrainian football player, known for his performances
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in kyiv dynamo. harmash became a player of the axis, which only last september. he joined this team as a free agent after leaving the capital of ukraine. since then, the player has played only four matches as part of the axis. well, i just want to add, here is the news that did not enter our airwaves, but it is important, first of all, the number of vacancies in ukraine has almost doubled, this is for people who do not have a job, or want to change their job, or have time , they lack funds, they want to find another job, so the number of vacancies has increased, you can search, see which specialists are needed right now, but i think that now specialists are needed in any fields, except in armed... forces in the ministry of defense, well, not in the ministry of defense, in these state agencies that provide people with vacancies, state employment centers, plan
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to offer unemployed ukrainians positions in the armed forces, work in the armed forces of ukraine, it is primarily not about combat work , namely about the work that can be performed by women, men, specialists who are also needed, banal sometimes you have to write something, you have to do something somewhere, there is a lot of work that also needs to be done, those who are currently doing it, let's say but they could be effective, in the combat zone in the war, they could be there, someone would take their place here, so there are opportunities, and here you know, on the one hand it is good that there are more vacancies, on the other hand we understand that people continue to go to the front, unfortunately, people continue to die, unfortunately , people continue to leave ukraine, so there are more vacancies, but people must fill them, and this is important, now, how many of us are in ukraine, we must unite, go together to our survival and victory, because we have a question there is ruba, or we, or us, we have, and about that, he will be in ukraine tomorrow, now natalka didenko will tell us in detail.
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hello everyone, dear ukrainians. you and i are talking, as usual, about the weather for the next day, what the air temperature will be, whether there will be cooling, warming, or precipitation. well, first let's talk about precipitation in general, in general, what precipitation is, what it is and where it comes from. therefore, let's turn to such dry statistics, that is, precipitation: rain, drizzle, snow, sleet, hail, hail, freezing rain, from the air, dew, hoarfrost, frost, ice, of course, there are such phenomena, freezing rain, we even observed it this winter, rain with snow, we already talked about it, sleet, and there are also such original ones, so to speak rains, such as blind rain , aka chicken rain and sometimes they even say pig rain, i haven’t heard of chicken rain, pig rain, but it happens, it’s a drop-like short-term rain on a sunny day, when suddenly there are acid rains, well, it’s clear that these are very harmful rains, colored rains, well,
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for example, when it rises somewhere high in the atmosphere is a sandstorm and wet air masses are captured and poured into other areas, far from deserts, so to speak, and this rain can be yellow in color, and i would also like to tell you about such rain, it is called animal rain, it is not it's funny, it's serious, in fact there is such rain, rain from fish, frogs, snakes is most often recorded, although these cases are described, and from the rain of birds and bats there are such more exotic ones, let's say, for example, it even happens that from jellyfish, but still after all, most of it is from fish, frogs and snakes, and most of this rain is observed after storms and tornadoes in cloudy weather, the distance, of course, from the pick-up point. of these unfortunate animals and before their fall is several kilometers, but there are known cases where rain fell from animals in clear and windless weather, which means that the animals were transported to very long distances.
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well, rain from animals is recorded on average once every two years around the world, fortunately not often, this is how rains happen, we are now moving to magnetic activity and now we will see from our prognostic traditional chart, whether there will be such a serious magnetic storm tomorrow, i want to say right away that no, it won't, there will be obvious fluctuations, but so far there is no threat, at least from the magnetic activity of the earth, and actually we are moving on to... the weather that is expected in ukraine on january 18, which will be very interesting for forecasters, for example, in particular, and variously colorful. so, we start from the western regions traditionally, and i want to say that after a frosty night in the west it will warm up to +3 - +7°, in zakarpattia and in the chernivtsi region it can be +7 +10°. mostly rain in the carpathians in vysokohirya , wet snow. in the north tomorrow
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, strong winds are expected to gale force winds. it will be frosty at night, during the day it will warm up sharply to +3-+5°, and this night snow will also turn into rain. drivers, be very attentive and careful due to such a sudden change in weather. the rain will also pass in the east of ukraine, but already in the evening. the maximum air temperature in the eastern part of ukraine will be slightly lower during the day than in ukraine in general, but nevertheless with pluses +1 +3 +1 +4° and also strong wind. in this... part of ukraine there will be wind with frequent with storm gusts up to 15-20 m/s, it will be frosty at night, it will rain in the center +4 +7° during the day, and a strong storm wind is also expected in the southern part of ukraine, well, with storm gusts, to be more precise. precipitation is more likely in the afternoon or in the evening, it is mostly rain, plus 5 + 9 in the crimea to 12-14
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degrees in some places, and in kyiv tomorrow it will be cloudy. it is interesting, but difficult weather, because the next night will be frosty, -5 -7°, during the day tomorrow it will warm up sharply somewhere to +3-4°. it is obvious that night snow will turn into rain during the day, and in the capital strong wind with storm gusts up to 15-20 m/s will also be observed. i want to reassure everyone right away, don't worry, the weather will calm down over the weekend, it will even clear up, and the air temperature will not be too low, not too high, that is... from small minuses to minor pluses, but i will repeat tomorrow, the weather is expected to be unstable, so dear meteorologists, listen more carefully to your health. it is also important to note that at the world forum in davos, in addition to everything else, they talked about such a phenomenon as disease x, it has already been discussed a lot,
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even certain panic attacks are spreading, not panic attacks, but panic moods, the head of the world health organization , tedros adhanom ghebeisus, said that this is such a metaphorical, metaphorical medical metaphor, disease x, it does not exist yet, because some are already writing, i see that the doctors are talking about it, i talked to acquaintances there, they say that what is disease x, why is it being discussed all the way to davos, all the way to the forum in davos, it is a disease that can occur, and it is clear that they say that we need to prepare, it may... be, so far there is nothing like that, they say that it may be a disease that can kill 20 times more people than kovid-19 killed, it may be so, but citizens are urged once again that there is no need to panic, this disease, this pandemic does not exist, it is not an existing pathogen, it again a medical metaphor, he is not walking the world, he is not killing millions of people right now, so this is what the world is preparing for, but since this was discussed at the economic forum in davos, i said a few words to you so that there is no such misunderstanding , what is this
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disease x, it is not a specific pathogen yet... i will say, this is a metaphor, it is something that does not exist yet, but something that should be prepared for, well, because certain organizations must also accumulate and use certain money, not all money, as they say, for the war, well, this is my opinion, ok, thank you for being with us, good evening, we are from ukraine, how am i worse than other people, those who... why do i need a country in which there will be no freedom? kateryna is an officer of the armed forces of ukraine: she has been in the army for about four years, at first she worked as a specialist in moral and psychological support, and now she covers the work of the military at the front. problem press officer, to show the truth of what is happening, that is, through the eyes of the press officer, the whole world sees those horrors.


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