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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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well, we continue the conversation with ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the sbu, 2004/2015, and leonid polyakov joined us, he is a senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine, an officer of the freedom legion, currently he joined us from the kupyansk-lyman region, congratulations gentlemen, once again. congratulations, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to the company, that's why we will immediately start the conversation with what is actually happening in this kupyan-liman direction, because the enemy has become more active there, especially in the direction of siverskyi donets and the zherebets river, which flows into siverskyi donets, the enemy is trying to break through the front in several areas in this area, it seems that such actions are taking place in the direction.
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from plovshchanka to makiivka, where the russians are trying to get right to the zherebets river and the makiivka-nevsky road, and there they even managed to advance in the western direction with such a little wedge, well, the enemy actually attacked there all over duzimik, kanevske, terne, yampolivka, in addition , south of the zarichne forest, in serebryansk forestry, further south in the region of bilogorivka, there is also activity there, sir then you tell us how exactly where you are, what are the features of this activity of the russians that you have now, how it can differ from what it was and actually, what is the reason for this activity, maybe you can say, i will say for that part of the front, where i find, precisely the direction of senkivka, it is here that the enemy established a rather serious shock fist, which consists of... first of all, the landing
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brigade of the moscow army, also this is the 138th motorized rifle brigade and the ninth separate artillery brigade of the moscow army, that is also a large number are used here detachments and as for the more or less prepared units, such as the airborne assault units, also the unit, motorized rifle brigades, they are used for flanking attacks, and they try to advance in this way to the route that goes from tsinkivka to kupinska.
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node, according to kupinsky, here the matter is that we had captures, precisely from the same storm detachments, as well as some captures from other units, so by the new year they had a task, if not to completely capture all of kupinsky, kupinskolovi, because there is a rather serious transport hub there, it is... a railway, because it is for logistics that the moscow army uses the railway, and they had such plans before the new year, but as my brother from the avdiiv direction spoke recently, and also from the legion of freedom, they failed in their plans by the new year, and now they will have the task of capturing as much as possible exactly... buy kupinsk and
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avdiivka in advance of the presidential elections in moscow? well, even i see it that way. all sorts of russian warriors there experts that in the senkivka area they somehow don't do well, and to somehow advance there, something also seems to not work out, i understand that mr. leonid, it's quite good there, you still beat them, well, because we we are also not sitting still, our reserves were also pulled up, but the point is, the point is that... forces were pulled up here from other directions, for example, the same 25th airborne brigade, it was pulled up from of the kherson region, this is where the krynyk are now, these settlements, because somehow they
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also need to renew their reserves, i.e. fresh more or less prepared brigades, because right now the strategic goal for the near term. so to speak, they have their forces most of all on avdiivka and kupinsk, well, partly there on bakhnut, but on bakhmut now there are, according to my brothers, again from the legion of freedom, more or less than a thousand , well, relatively, again, tell me, are they using the technique extensively now, or are they some sort of foot assaults in small groups like it is now, what does it look like now? the fact is that the last week, she was right there the weather, so there. frosts down to -15-20 , and now that the weather has started to be positive, of course , that the advancement of technology will be difficult, and as practice shows, again, this is the practice of the winter company, on the same bakhmut, and
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the practice is again and the same kherson region, that when it is not possible to advance with heavy equipment, they use... active infantry units, well, as an example, it was wagner, so with a rifle from wagner, something similar, this is happening now under storm z, so that there , too, they consist of convicts, well, the main one part, so to speak, well, tell me, since it is expected to cool down again there, again to drop to minus 15°, it is obvious that... we can expect some such activation in your area in connection with this, well , at least at the end of this at the beginning of next week, i guess you are also preparing for this somehow, more or less, well, when there were frosts, so to speak, they used
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tanks, so as for the artillery , of course the artillery works around the clock, yes, because, well, the tactics are as follows, that is are coming... our servicemen are attacking them, yes, after that , the so-called shaft of fire is coming, already from the flanks , more or less prepared units are trying to advance from the flanks, well, again, using the same drones, there are lancets, fpv, that’s already, well, that’s already not news to anyone. thank you, thank you, mr. leonid, for joining us, thank you. and mr. ivan and i will continue this conversation, mr. ivan, that is, we can really expect an increase in these
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attempts now, because there is a concentration of russian equipment in the kupyansk direction, in avdiivsk, even there somewhere in the area concentrations are noted for the coal miner. expect a little cooling and this technique will be used? it is difficult to say, it can be involved in any direction where the russians will believe that there is a prospect there, for example, that their strike group is stronger there, it is weaker there, for example, the ukrainian defense, i.e. many, many factors, or there are no forces there , and there are ukrainian forces, but there is political will, we must advance, we must act, because time is running out, there are limits, all deadlines are there, we must fulfill them. that is, here only our intelligence can say where exactly is it being prepared, because the russians also have their own plans, like there, how to deceive the ukrainian military leadership, how to mislead, to create a win, that you advance here, but in fact do not advance here, that is, it is difficult
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to say here without knowing all information from the location, only our military, once again , and scouts know everything, well, in fact, i let you down a little in this way, but there is also activation on avdiivskyi on... right there and in the area of ​​stepovoy, and in the area of ​​vesely, but it is enough an interesting story happened there, which i also want us to discuss a little bit... one such episode is literally a combat episode, it is the use of a bradley infantry fighting vehicle against an enemy t-90m tank, a breakthrough, well, we haven’t seen such a thing, well, let’s put it this way, that an infantry fighting vehicle actually destroyed a tank, this is in the area of ​​stepovoy in the avdiyiv direction, in fact, the crew of the 403rd separate mechanized of the magura brigade, disabled the systems of the r' tank. this same tm 90m breakthrough, which putin promoted a lot, said that
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it was the best russian tank, so they were able to stop it, bmp, bmp is an infantry fighting vehicle, it is not the kind of equipment that should fight against tanks, they he was stopped, he was sent somewhere, the tower started spinning there, after that he was basically finished off by a drone, and this is an interesting story, because in general. in the last few days, it was last week , new ones have already appeared, also when the bradley infantry fighting vehicle is firing at russian armored vehicles there, this is some kind of improvement, well, the techniques on the battlefield that our fighters demonstrate, how do you generally evaluate such stories, because this is such an interesting application of bmp bradlin, and this is , in the first place, in the second place, well, it is... in principle very, very, very brave crew , very, so creative, well, let's go so boldly, defiantly,
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just a cowardly attack and see how, what a reward, they knocked out the tank, of course it was not knocked out from the point of view that it caught fire there, it all went out of order, he was shot down by the observation devices, and something there was damaged, they correctly pointed out, the tower began to spin, but nevertheless, the crew was extremely brave, drove out, attacked, not being afraid to get... a shot in return, because a tank shot and that would be a disaster for the crew, but you see, brave, that is, that's it war, there is a place for desperate acts , and there are cases when desperation is rewarded, you see, the t-90 tank, a breakthrough, there are no analogues, all matters, as putin said there, that is, he can also be beaten, that is, i will show once again that heavy equipment, that's russian, how they show off that we, our military industry, manufactures so much. what he works for, she doesn't make anything economic, her task is to go to the front, to the battlefield and burn there
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with the crew, well, that's how it actually happened, and here is of course such an interesting story that, well you see, when there is a good technique , there is a creative application of it, people, people first of all, when there are people, when they are ready to fight this battle and they know how to behave and they take risks, of course the mathematician. but if you put a tank here, there is a bp, of course, what will 100% say and no, well, there are few chances for a bmp, well , listen, here is a tank, well, how do you match it there, you can, you can, you can, you can , that is, these are the people, these are our military, who were able and risked, of course, and on the other hand , we must give credit, on the other hand, we sat well, apparently, the crew is not very well trained , that is, it is possible precisely because the equipment is constantly being destroyed, it is constantly breaking down together with the crew. then there is no way to teach those buryat probationers who sit in these tanks very well, well
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, we hope we will see more such interesting stories and at least we will be able to discuss such and such amazing cases, because, well, this is really impressive, friends, but but from this i want to turn a little to such political issues, you know , an agreement was signed on such a thing, as it were to say security cooperation with... now we have heard that a similar agreement is being prepared and will come, after the prime minister of the british sunak, the prime minister, the president of france macron will come, who will also sign a certain security agreement, we will already be with france, in fact, this series of signing agreements, well, it is already clear that this is already a certain political process that we are doing, what are we doing it for? for our security, well, i really want to believe that these agreements, they are of a nature
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, what kind of role will these bilateral agreements with european countries play, it is believed that these agreements should provide us with security at the stage while we are still at war, then some peaceful period after the war, it will also be the moment of joining nato, my personal, my personal assessment, roughly the day the war ends, plus two years and then ukraine. will become a member of the alliance, well , on average, two, maybe a little more, maybe a little less, we have a lot to do, to restore, so there is room to move, therefore, for this period of time, we need to somehow... guarantee our security thanks to such ee agreements, they are called safe assurance, and security assurance, i want to believe that they will really work, that it will not be if there is a budapest memorandum, that even despite the change of power there, i do not know great britain, in france, in other countries, they will provide us with that help, including this is also reverse assistance, in
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case, for example, there will be problems in great britain, which is unlikely so far, but probably, for example, well, as an option. ukraine must also direct its military-industrial complex, which at that moment will accelerate to a certain speed and transfer the united kingdom has shells, ammunition, and something more technological. that is, if we follow this agreement, does this mean that, for example, the countries with which we will sign this agreement, we will be able to somehow more widely buy military equipment from them, and they will be able to , well, well, as if... for us to produce or can predict it and if it will be, if it will be this technology, well, look, well, i faced the fact that in the country of western europe there is simply no technology, there is no technology at all, it would seem that this is the same alliance, and they it turns out just about drinking coffee, to meet against the background of this star, this logo, but
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there is nothing behind all this glitter, well, remember when they decided to sell leopard tanks, the spaniards say, we will give, we will give, where is it going... it turns out that everyone is not ready, they are in a semi -dismantled state, we still need time, then they started to find out there with shells, some shells, for example, for the cheetah system, these are systems that shoot down russian drones, this is a very cool thing, automatic guns, ammunition, they are manufactured under a license, well, there is a part of swiss technology, they they are blocking the transfer of these ammunition to us, oh, that is, there are such stories on... we must somehow avoid them, agree on production, on our own production, so that there is production of those stormshadow missiles on the territory of great britain, for example, so that there are no objections, for example, from france , no , but we are against it, because this is a joint, franco-british production, and france can at any moment block the transfer of these missiles, that is , a lot, a lot of work, and we must
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first of all rely on ourselves, on ourselves, not for some big guarantees, that is, they should always... leave 5-10% of the fact that the guarantees may not work, we rely only on ourselves, well, you know, we can rely on ourselves, but there are some types of weapons, well, which we will not be able to manufacture directly ourselves, well, we can we are really fast, but we need to move towards this, no patriot, but for example, let's say, when we burned down several large warehouses last time, i talked to one high-ranking official, he told me when i ... . talked about this topic, i say there are no shells, well, it's bad, it's an ass, he says: i i am asking you, we have a stockpile of these shells , we have so many shells for several years of war, it turned out that no, it turns out that so many shells were consumed by ukraine every day, how many warehouses were destroyed, that we have to start from the calculation, how many 20 thousand shots are there will be fired per day
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, so it must be this intensive, ukraine now fires 200 rounds per day, there were about 700. this was our peak with the russians firing 10,000 shells per day, so somewhere we have to calculate how many shells we should have on the basis that they independently accumulated these reserves and could wage, for example , a war there for two years, firing 20,000 shells every day, that is what we can do, so high-tech is our western friends, but small arms, cartridges for small arms are ours, it is only will do its own thing, you know, and i still very much hope that, for example, such bilateral agreements will somehow remove... the question that the equipment supplied under such agreements cannot be used on the territory of russia, because i believe that this we owe ours, we have ours, and then we can use ours and not ask, but we have it there, sometimes it ’s just physically impossible, sometimes it’s just that we have to rely on what the world has and have, other countries buy something and it’s
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only for themselves, only on yourself, otherwise we will have big, big problems, and once again , just for the last time, i will remind you that until the 14th year , the department of surplus property was part of the ministry of defense of ukraine. for a second, we sold out. after the collapse of the soviet union, 20% of the total industrial complex remained in ukraine of the soviet union. 700,000 people. the western grouping of troops, which started its echelons from germany, was in ukraine. where is it all? we are all these questions, you know, already, already, already all we have to talk about it, we have to talk about it. thank you, ours again. ended, thanks to ivan stupak, military expert, and actually, our espresso broadcast continues, news on espresso, well, we will meet with you in a week.
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there are discounts on citramon darnytsia 10% in pharmacies psyllium you and oschad there are discounts on eurofast 20% in pharmacies psyllium you and oschad. big vasyl zyma's broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zimay, we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war , serhiy zgurets is with us, and how is the world , now about what happened in the world , yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time for that , to talk about...
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natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the smart... and those who care in the evening over espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. challenging topics. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and
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each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, trump's second presidency will already be. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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yes for both yes! 15-year-old ksenia zelena, 17-year-old dmytro gorbunov and 16-year-old anastasia pokhylyuk. all of them these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region and for a long time it has not been possible to find out where they are. that is why i really hope for your help, and,
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of course,... i am mostly addressing the residents of the territories of the donetsk region that are not controlled by ukraine. i know that ukrainian tv channels are not broadcast in your country now, but maybe you are watching this program on social networks. therefore , i am asking you to look carefully at the faces of the children. ksenia zelena looks 15 years old. she has dark hair and was last seen as a girl in donetsk. dmytro gorbunov, he turned 17 relatively recently, but he looks like a guy. maybe a little older than his age. he has light blond hair and gray-blue eyes. dmytro was last seen in donetsk region in the volnovatsky district in the village of krasna polyana. and this is anastasia pokhylyuk. the girl turned 16 on september 23. she is thin, has light blond hair and looks her age. official information about nastya's disappearance came in the summer of last year, but it is quite
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possible that there is a connection with her. broke off much earlier, but this is not surprising, after all the child disappeared in the bahmud district, where the situation has been too tense for a long time. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of ksenia, dmytro or nastya, or maybe just saw these children somewhere, let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. the magnolia children's search service can be called at any time of the day using the short number. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand
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requests for... help in the search, of course, the vast majority of children have been found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and anyone can help find them . believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service section missing children of ukraine. here you can view all the photos of the missing. maybe you will recognize someone and help in the end. to find at the same time, unfortunately, children are also disappearing in the territories controlled by ukraine. and, as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers who often resort to running away because of their experiences and some unresolved problems. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. according to experts, very often it happens that the problems of teenagers
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are mirrored. problems of adults who surround them, so psychologists advise first of all to establish their own emotional comfort, then it will be much easier for an adult to help his child. take care of your psychological well-being, be attentive to yourself, because often the problems of children and teenagers are a reflection of the problems of adults who surround them, and if you feel tired and exhausted, if nothing makes you happy, something worries and scares you, if you notice that ... became less productive, more often are annoyed that you have some problems with memory, for example, with attention, with concentration, this is all an excuse for you to seek help, get this help, adjust your life, adjust your own psychological comfort and then already from a healthy, prosperous position to help your child, and perhaps at that moment this help will no longer be needed.
7:00 am
we are starting the information day on the spresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. one person died, another was injured as a result of an enemy attack on chuguiev in kharkiv oblast. late in the evening, the russians hit the city twice, - said oleg senigubov, the head of the region. he added that the deceased worked as a boiler plant operator, also due to the attack of the occupiers in chuguyev, an educational institution was damaged. enemy shaheds in the sumy oblast there in the evening
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anti-aircraft forces. four drones shot down the noah's defense.


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