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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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potentially mobilized in this situation, we are still talking about future, possible, planned capabilities, it is difficult to say that it has not yet worked, it is difficult to say , to say that it is not yet adequately protected, we see that the enemy is actively conducting cyber wars against us, and let's remember the last, let's say such a powerful attack by the enemy, that's when the defense system was destroyed. mobile communications company kyivstar and how a huge number of ukrainians were left without a connection by a huge number of banks and other state institutions and private institutions were left without communication and without the ability to transmit any information , so you can do anything, but at the same time you need to protect these things, did the authorities draw conclusions, well, from the point of view of security , first of all, the authorities had to after such a powerful.. hacker attacks by the russians
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still raise the issue and nationalize kyivstar to make it the first unified and state-owned mobile communications company, unfortunately, this was not done, that is, i ask the question, it is again the same money that goes ahead of the mind, ahead of that, what is needed in the war, is needed to do as a matter of priority, there is no such thing, so once again we see let pr, and what they will be in the form of the done for... unsecured, as for the same register of conscripts, only time will tell, well, part of the work, as for mobilization , this is this electronic register of conscripts, the mobilization law or the mobilization bill that was introduced by the government on december 25, 2023, the government withdrew, we now see that there was a closed- door discussion between the government. by people's deputies of ukraine
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with the participation of the military. why, mr. general, here in your opinion, it was not possible from the very beginning to draft such a bill that would be acceptable to the verkhovna rada, to the government, to the military, and to resolve this issue, because the military cannot wait, the front cannot wait, and mobilization cannot either to wait, well, because the question is not in the number of... and bills that are adopted, the question is in the implementation of existing laws, from my point of view as a military man and a person who took part in the mobilization of the 14th, 15th and subsequent years, i will say that the law that exists is more than working, more than able-bodied, all the powers and duties of officials, starting from the president, ending with the last head of the village council or territorial community, are clearly defined there. the number one task
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is for the government to implement the existing law, the government with all these frolics directly, a bill here, a bill there, is primarily trying to escape from responsibility for inaction in the previous years of this war, so it is better not to change anything in this law, after all, to pledge to work for everyone who is registered there, and first of all the president, which determines the terms and stages. the deadline for mobilization, unfortunately, there is no such thing, let's remember the last speech of the president, when he said, well, there are soldiers somewhere and people's deputies somewhere, our ukrainian society also perceives that somewhere someone lives separately, somewhere ukraine is fighting in the trenches , ukraine, which provides those who fight in the trenches, and somewhere those who wait, someday something, some law will work, and whether it will be popular or not, let's first still force our government to implement those laws, which already exist. i also
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have a logical question, how before that there were eight or so waves of mobilization, and there was no this big law, why is this big law needed now, and would it be possible without these stressful situations for society, there and for authorities, and in order for them to prepare one draft law there, then another, whether it was possible to get by, or whether it was possible. tossing it like a hot potato from hand to hand and tossing it to a neighbor there or a military man there or a head of government there, it is not right with from the point of view of management, what, what, how does it affect the army, in the army, how is it perceived, here are the people who fight, that is, there is the political leadership of the state, is there an army?
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the state leadership, the military leadership orders 500 thousand mobilized, and the political leadership cannot ensure the mobilization of these people, well, first of all, about 500. have you heard this figure from zaluzhny? no, i heard it from zelenyi. ah, well, i’m sorry, i’ll say that i ’m not sure that he finished reading the note, which was written to him in its entirety by the same industrious man, because there is not one, not two, not three pages, this is the first thing, and the number was clearly not 500, and even if it was 500, it was not spread over one, not two or three months, but in stages, and this manipulation is 500 at once, it is not at all for. neither society, nor in favor of the military, and politicians, emphasize again, the military wants, let them explain directly, how and why it is needed, of course it was normal, and it can be explained, but they explain to someone who has not served any a day in the army, who evaded military service, then what can we be talking about,
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it's a conversation between the deaf and the dumb, you see, they don't understand each other, mr. general , deputy chairman of the councils of the russian federation bezu today stated that russia will always be at war with ukraine, and whether it will be 10 years or 50 years will pass there, he talks about these hysterical lands of russia, although there have never been any historical lands of russia here, and there never will be, because everything that they call the east and the southeast there was mastered by ukraine. and the peoples who lived there even before the arrival of catherine ii, before elizabeth, before all these occupations, annexations from the time of russia in the 18th, beginning of the 18th century. if medvedev articulates
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the general position of russia, that they are ready to fight with us forever, then for this eternal struggle with russia. what should ukraine do? it means no no no no talk there, but in the 24th year we need this, that, that, and when an obsessive neighbor lives nearby who says: i will kill you as long as i live and as long as we are neighbors, what should do in your opinion ukraine? well, we still offered these things in the 19th year, this program, but... under presidential decree number 200 of 2019, that's all there written about raising the level of the country's defense capability, any citizen of ukraine can read it, we tentatively call it the five-step program, and in addition, you still need to understand four factors that need to be done this year, in
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24- um, it is to raise the level of work of the state, i emphasize the state, which concerns the education and training of e-mobilization potential. that every citizen of ukraine can undergo training even before he joins the ranks of the armed forces, this will raise the level of his confidence and the ability to own a weapon and the ability to behave in any combat situations, and instead of the same telethon to conduct lessons on the correct use of weapons, elements of tactical medicine, elements of topography, elements of other military subjects that every citizen must know , because we have reached... certain citizens that either we will fight or they will destroy us. so, in order not to be destroyed, we must engage in war professionally. the second thing that concerns is the preparation of our economy, the transfer economy on war rails. the third is
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the fortification equipment of the area, the ukrainian area, so that every inch, every square meter of the ukrainian land is prepared for defense, secured. the required number of these engineering facilities, and those people who will be trained could occupy them in a timely manner, and the change of certain managers in certain positions, who are professionals, who are doing pr, this is the most important thing, without destroying the military defense-industrial complex of the russian federation , the russians will be able to wage this war for a long time if we do destroy, and at the expense of our capabilities, at the expense of what the west gives us, then this war will end much faster, so draw conclusions. you have long exhausted the war and e-game directly into the ratings, do you still want to win, and the number one task is to unite as a people and still set a task, who what, how to do, because at the moment, tell me, in the last two years you heard
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a slogan that would clearly emphasize the purpose of the war, what is the purpose of our struggle on the front, what is the purpose of work in the rear, what is the general the goal for us and for our western partners, informational we are in failure, informational, we are not engaged in this at all. ukraine exists in two worlds, those who fight and those who help, those who fight and others who expect that... everything will be normal, it will not be normal, it must be clearly understood that every citizen must take part in the war , this does not mean that only to fight, first of all , to help and establish a powerful economy and provide for the needs of our soldiers, because we cannot fight quantitatively, but technically at the expense of our powerful design and engineering capabilities, we must increase our capabilities. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was serhiy krivonos, the general. armed forces of ukraine in reserve, friends, we work live on
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program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next with us is roman bezsmertny, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to belarus in 2010-11. mr. roman, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey. mr. roman, let's start our conversation with macron's statement today. the president of france announced that ukraine will receive long-range missiles, we are talking about scalp and hundreds of bombs. macron promised 40 scalps, and how many hundreds of bombs are there, well, i don’t know, maybe several hundred, it is not specified exactly whose. scalp has two radii, 250 and 560 km , 250 is for export, and 250 for the french and british armies. 560 it is not yet known which samples will reach ukraine, but missiles with a range
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of 290 km already allow the ukrainians to hit military targets on the territory of the russian federation, just a few days ago, when rishi sunak was in kyiv, in an agreement that he signed with zelensky, there is also talk of providing long-range weapons, does this mean that our western... partners, first of all, germany, first of all france and great britain, so that they decide what ukraine has, to get these long-range weapons, long-range missiles in order to destroy military facilities located on the territory of the russian federation? well, most likely this is due to the fact that in december and january, in december of last year, and in january of this year,... the world confirmed that in a duel with russia, it
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is necessary to transfer the war to the territory of the enemy , and, probably, you have also heard, like our tv viewers, that the secretary of state of the united states of america has already spoken about this, appealing to the question of what and how you are going to to win, when not to wage... a war on the territory of the enemy, just like chancellor scholz and the british prime minister, they talked about ukraine's own right to fight on the territory of ukraine, to attack objects on the territory of russia and to conduct battles on the territory of russia, therefore the fact that due to the bilateral agreement signed by president zelenskyi and reshisunak
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, the norms concerning the stormshadow, taurus, and scalp missiles are contained, which is stated by the majority and even the opposition, and the german parliament, that what the president said macron, shows that little by little... the leadership, the political leadership of the european countries and its country's elite , the establishment, they are coming to the conviction that... that ukraine desperately needs similar capabilities in order to fight and strike at the enemy's territory, and therefore , whether it will happen, say, during 2024, or whether it will happen in the next month, it has already obviously become a matter of technical
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implementation, the supply of relevant weapons. although in this situation i cannot help but recall a case, let's say, in questions the confrontation between taiwan and china, the need for taiwan to curb the appetites of mainland china in similar weapons per year, as calculated by the headquarters. and the armed forces of taiwan are somewhere around half a thousand units, ah, with the fact that the figure and the percentage of hitting the object reaches somewhere around 98, 97-98%, and here comes the figure that
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president macron is talking about, well if it will be multiplied by at least 20 or 30. it would be possible to talk about something, such statements and such intentions of our western partners, are they related they, mr. romano, with the fact that they themselves are already discussing the fact that they will have to face a war with russia, that russia can attack the baltic countries, poland, and both in germany and in poland. both in the baltic countries and in sweden they say that war with russia is possible in 3-5 years. well, you and i, mr. sergey, like some of our viewers, understood a long time ago that putin does not have a complex that stops him from wanting to strike
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nato countries, european countries, and in general, his goal is... .war, endless war, and one must agree with the statement made in davos by president zelensky that putin and war are synonymous, he cannot do without war, at the same time, ah, from my point of view, the current information wave, which takes place across europe, it solves two issues, on the one hand, in the end , the european establishment, the elite began to try to speak honestly with the european, to stop flirting with him, especially on the eve of the elections to the european parliament, because this year the elections are in june, so it starts as if when regaining consciousness, and this is the first
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secondly, ah, this information wave, it clearly makes it clear to ordinary citizens that it is not necessary to take these things lightly, and this in itself removes the question about which some people in europe and ukraine were talking about the fact that europe is tired of the ukrainian war. and it is very important that this path of honesty is found. conversations with a voter, simply with a citizen of a european country, where they explain to him who putin is, what his plans are, and how far he can go if, instead of preparing to confront this, b) not helping ukraine, and it is very important that the ukrainian media,
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that is, the ukrainian diplomatic corps, pick up, and... this rhetoric and explain the thesis that was said in davos, that in order to prevent this from happening, let's stop it now, and actually , even the secretary of state of the united states of america, antony blinken, these new year's and christmas holidays, giving several of his comments and interviews, he also emphasized that if you don't stop it, you won't. to stop him in the current situation and not defeat him, then it will be very difficult to continue talking about what... step by step, let's say yes, the implementation of his plans will be possible to oppose him in stages, well, at least this will make it difficult to oppose the plans
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of the moscow führer, therefore, it is very important, from the point of view of the actual planning of such operations, i never had a doubt that the aggressor, if he does not beat his hands and do not defeat him, but always any, any conflict, any war, it is a kind of provocative material and a foundation for further exacerbations, further captures, aggressive actions and so on, in fact - imperial ambitions of the führer of moscow, they are very far-reaching, and whoever believes that for... putin is a stop to the restoration of the soviet union in territorial powers or the russian empire, he is mistaken. nature is imperial in that
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, ah, it is very bloodthirsty, it will not stop before uh, to achieve some realistic or phantasmagoric plans for... constant aggression is important to imperial nature, because it provides internal, ah, the controllability of the situation is political, i am not saying external, from the point of view of fear, because fear paralyzes both the external mind and the internal mind, so it is obvious that on a philosophical, political, and diplomatic level... and it is obvious that the world needs to concentrate its efforts and do everything to defeat
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putin at this point, and it is not about restoring borders only , the state borders of ukraine, because everyone is already beginning to understand this, including in the world, it will only lead to respite and the search for new directions in... a gift from the kremlin, so it is good that the conversation on this topic is now starting, good looking for answers but it is very bad that in the course of this discussion , isolationist notes and positions appear, well, similar to trumpism, orbanism, fizo, slovakianism and so on, that is, these are weaknesses that are clearly visible. and in many other countries, the carriers of which there is an alternative for germany, in germany, the nazi movements, also in certain german states and so on,
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i am not saying anymore, but right-wing populist radicals or left-wing radical ones, who also add to such rhetoric , which flirts with putin, which increasingly provokes him to ichthamnet operations. mr. roman, andrzej duda, the president of poland met with volodymyr zelenskyi in davos and they talked about the future of ukraine and poland, of course, but duda believes that the process of ukraine joining the north atlantic alliance can be launched even before the end of the war. let's listen to what andrzej duda said. to win this war, and victory in this war will mean the withdrawal of the russians from the occupied lands of ukraine. any other outcome of the war would mean victory for russia.
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if russia wins this war, so be it to continue its aggressive policy. and this is extremely dangerous for the future not only of ukraine, but also for the future of europe, because if russia continues its aggressive policy, it will almost certainly attack again. and we will get another eyelash. mr. roman, is it possible to wait for the washington nato summit to at least invite ukraine to the north atlantic alliance? my belief, my firm belief, was and remains that this event was actually transmitted from vilnius to washington. the only thing that now leads me to... a little pessimistic prospects - this is the beginning of the signing of agreements
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on security guarantees. mr. serhiy, here is an interesting thing, as if there is an international agreement, but it is not submitted for ratification by the parliament, and if it is limited to a two-year period, and all this leads me to think that as a result of the complex signing of these agreements. the code not ratified by the ukrainian parliament and the parliaments of the countries with which they sign, they can prepare for us, let's say, an intermediate answer. i am trying to speak as correctly as possible now, because such agreements are not submitted for ratification by the parliament, they have, well , a very clear, very clear name, i
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take... i recommended now to those who lead this process, to those who work on it, to think about what i just said, because it is very difficult then over time, it will be necessary to explain, in fact, why such documents do not go through the ratification procedure, therefore, hoping that ukraine will still receive an invitation in washington. to nato, i draw the attention of those who are involved in this process, that it seems to me that they are somewhat confused in carrying it out, carrying out its support. mr. roman, just a few days ago, one of the potential candidates for the position of the president of the united states of america and the former president of the united states of america, donald trump, said that he can
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stop the war if he sits at the same table with putin and zelensky, and he knows how to do it, zelensky was asked, he was in davos today, he was asked about what he thinks is possible, that trump can stop the war, if he comes to power, let's hear what said zelensky, meaning he, he decided that if... no to freeze the conflict, if we allow putin to go fully into ukraine, then he will stop, because that will not happen, putin will not stop, and the question now is what will donald trump do in the usa after that, because in this case it means that europe has lost , lost and lost the biggest and most powerful.
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the army in europe, because it will lose ukraine, well, the translation is quite difficult, or the president spoke very difficult, he explained, well , the point is clear, what will trump do if putin does not stop after he comes to power and convince putin to stop, we can talk about what the united states of america will be like. the time of trump 's coming to power, to what extent the mechanisms that exist and the safeguards that exist in the united states of america will not allow trump to do what he is saying now during the rhetoric in the state primaries, first, well, there are actually answers to this question , i recommend those who want to find him to read bolton, then the room where it happened,
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i think that's what this ... is called, because donald trump has already managed to agree and resolve all issues with kim chin-in, with xi jinping. only bolton describes very well how angry trump is, and promising to solve the issue of the denuclearization of north korea and to find a solution to all issues with china, as a result, everything. this turned into trump asking that both winnipushny, kim jong-un, and the red dictator, xi jinping, buy soybeans from the united states from farmers, because the farmers would then support trump. that is, everything here is clear to me, and what trump says during the election process is this just the election process. now
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for the actual steps. fortunately, in


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