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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we bring to your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. five times since the beginning of the year, russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups have tried to enter the borders of the chernihiv and sumy regions. the situation on the northern border is stable, the accumulation of enemy forces is imperceptible, so the military command and military officials are working on improving their skills, said the commander of the united forces serhiy naev. preparation against sabotage and anti-landing reserves. fighters learn to counter the enemy with the involvement of
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lot aviation, set up explosive, engineering barriers and create observation posts. on the eastern front , national guard soldiers are taking up their positions. in one of the combat encounters, the soldiers repelled the enemy's attempt to advance and captured seven occupiers. according to the general staff, our defenders managed to repulse 18 attacks by the occupiers in the nalymanokupyansk direction over the last day. and on lymano-kup'insky and the enemy is advancing in the direction of bakhmut, at the same time the defense forces are on the defensive, fighting back and moving to attack. in the last day, more than 300 invaders were eliminated and 136 pieces of equipment were burned. volodymyr fitio, spokesman for the ground forces command of the armed forces of ukraine , noted that muscovites are actively using kamikad drones in the kupyansk-limansk region. which is not typical for this
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front line. during the day, the enemy used 54 kamikaze drones. in the direction of bakhmut, the occupiers rely more on artillery. here they are used three kamikaze drones and carried out 523 attacks. and in the taurian direction , the enemy began to actively use armored vehicles to support and disembark the infantry. does not stop airstrikes. by. for three days , the enemy conducted 38 combat encounters and carried out 924 artillery barrages. this was announced by the commander of the tavria military group oleksandr ternavskyi. defense forces hit the russian stations zoo and repeland-1. in addition, the enemy lost 41 armored vehicles, including 17 tanks. the total losses of the russian occupiers amounted to 385 people and 57 pieces of equipment. forces ukraine's defenses were destroyed. three
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ammunition depots and two more important enemy facilities. france will supply ukraine with up to 50 saffron guided aerial bombs every month until the end of 2024. and paris will increase the supply of artillery ammunition and produce 78 caesar self-propelled guns. this was stated by the minister of defense of the country sebastiyan lecornu. he also denied that the russians seized the initiative. at the front and emphasized: moscow will not win the war against ukraine. as the situation on the battlefield shows, modern artillery cannot be replaced, we must continue our efforts to improve our technological superiority, scale up ammunition production and develop our artillery capability. the draft law on the provision of taur missiles by germany to ukraine.
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remains in force, yehor cherniv, deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, said. he explained that today's vote failed due to the fact that it was a separate draft law of a part of the opposition, which it wanted to put to the vote without agreeing with the others. according to him, the draft law rejected not on the merits, but because of a violation of the procedure and an attempt to use it for narrow-party pr. the new vote will be held until february 22. let me remind you that our country has been asking germany for cruise missiles since may last year. over the past year, border guards have detected more than 3,300 attempts to escape from ukraine due to forged documents. their husbands showed them at the checkpoint, hoping that it would help them cross the border - said the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. attempts to illegally cross the border continue. border guards detain daily. violators,
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both at checkpoints and on the green area of ​​the border. if we again compare the statistics of the 23rd year and... the year, then we have a tendency to decrease, however , this is affected, of course, by the weather, in the last period we recorded a decrease in attempts to illegally cross the green area for certain, certain periods of time border, instead, for example, attempts to leave illegally using forged or falsified documents increased. romanian protesters blocked another point pass at the border. with ukraine, halmeu dyakove, the state met service of ukraine reports. the roadway was blocked by agricultural machinery, only the movement of trucks is restricted. this will not apply to light vehicles and buses. this is the third blocked checkpoint on the ukrainian-romanian border. mobile
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fire groups are an important component of ukrainian air defense, but their effectiveness is not the same during the day. for impression. it is important to see armed targets, but outdated portable missile systems are not for operation at night adapted volunteer technicians from odesa undertook to fix it, about the development that will help defend the sky. let's see further. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , mobile air defense groups equipped with portable anti-aircraft missile systems have demonstrated effective work in shooting down russian missiles and drones. but it turned out that in the dark time of the day, their capabilities are limited, and they... become practically blind, this is one of the reasons for the mass attacks of the enemy at night, itself like a needle . now with this sight, well, i say, the chances are much greater
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and there is an opportunity to work with a missile complex in general. fighters thought about various innovative solutions to attach a thermal imager to the manpads. the task was to develop a unified... bracket for the device. the main requirement is that it must be quickly installed and removed, since during the day the manpads must be equipped with an optical sight. therefore, it became necessary to develop an effective and reliable mechanism for attaching the thermal imager to the manpads in just a few minutes. the thermal imager has a four-point screw fastening, screw fastening. look, and it has such a lyre-like part. with an adapter for a picatinny bar. the engineering team that developed the fastener has already applied for a copyright for their useful invention. at the same time , benefactors appeared who supported the launch of development into mass production. for small funds,
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up to uah 300, we can carry out, we can, well, i am not afraid to say this word, modernize this stuck manpads, thanks to which it becomes. is all-weather and at any time of the day can work another group of volunteers provides air defense forces with modern thermal imagers of the latest generation. these devices make it possible to detect the approach of missiles in time even before the target appears on the screen. if a thermal sign appears and he already understands that this is his target, only then he makes a shot and he has a certain 30-40 seconds there to make a shot. well, the missile is moving very fast, in the kherson direction , with the help of manpads equipped with thermal imagers, they have already successfully shot down shaheds, there are plans to equip every anti-aircraft missile complex with a heater, then the airspace of ukraine will be as impenetrable as blackberry bushes, well, all fishermen
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know that it is impossible to break through blackberries, and every such thorn, it will be a mobile calculation with a portable one from... the first half a thousand brackets with thermal imagers have already been handed over to the anti-terrorists, another 250 are waiting for requests from the military. from odessa, arina nebokhid for espresso tv channel. espresso tv channel asks you to join the collection for our defenders. soldiers of the legendary 95th separate airborne assault brigade need a truck bus, mercedes springter. the defenders use the car for the fastest possible. delivery of ammunition to settlements that destroy the russian invaders and their armored vehicles. our goal is uah 2,000. almost 74,000 have already been collected, join us, your help is extremely important, because any donation will help buy a car for our defenders.
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you can see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv. follow us on social networks. and of course watch on youtube, and then my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskyi. the information day of the tv channel continues, there are quite a lot of events today , well, we will involve the most competent and informed experts, eyewitnesses of the events and so on, well, we are now preparing for the inclusion of our colleague tetyana vysotskaya, correspondent of espresso in european institutions, glory to ukraine, dear tetyana, congratulations , that's how i see it. so , what did you want to ask about the session
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of the european parliament, what can it bring us good? well today i want to share with you very good news, literally an hour ago there is a par resolution regarding hungary, which can really have very negative and serious consequences for viktor orbán and his. or the anti -ukrainian regime, it is said that orban, firstly, may be forced to return the 10 billion euros that the european commission gave him in december, these are unfrozen eu funds, and also in the longer term, orban may be deprived of the right to vote in the european soyuz, this is the resolution, a little more detail about the first part, it is about the fact that... orban can force to return the money, so
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the european parliament condemns the actions of the prime minister of hungary, which violate fundamental european values, and in particular his decision to block the expansion of the eu budget and the allocation of a financial package for ukraine, that is, the blocked 50 billion euros that orpan bequeathed during the summit of the european council in december 2013, also... the parliament expresses regret over the european commission's decision to unfreeze 10.2 billion euros from frozen eu funds for hungary, which, as we remember, happened literally in a day to the summit, and european deputies rightly believe that the european commission thus bribed orban and actually bought his removal of the veto on the issue of starting negotiations with ukraine regarding ukraine's membership in the eu, and in this connection the european parliament, is very important here, it
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decided to challenge the unfreezing of 10 billion euros by the european commission for hungary in the court of the european union in luxembourg, this is not a recommendation , it is not an opinion, it is a real decision, that is, literally, probably tomorrow or from monday the committee on legal issues of the european of the parliament together with the legal service of the european parliament will... prepare a lawsuit to the court of the european union, which must consider whether the european commission had legal grounds to allocate 10.2 billion euros to orban in december 2023, and if the european court decides that such grounds there were not, and in fact there are not many of them, then orban is forced to return 10 billion euros to the european budget. this is the news. what do you think, great news, but we would still like to know what is happening now with poland, because we know that
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the european commission has already rejected poland to restore the quotas for agricultural imports of ukraine , what about this in general, what does the situation look like now around all this blackmailing of polish farmers and the actual blockade of the border, we know that until march they admit that they will unblock it now, but then we understand that the blockade may resume, or at all... are european institutions talking about something in this direction and how are they going to solve this issue? this very issue was discussed yesterday at the debate in the european parliament and the european commissioner spoke before the european deputies on agricultural issues, janusz vaitsychowski, and he is a very interesting situation here, because the european commission is now deciding whether to continue duty-free trade with ukraine? agricultural products. as we know, five countries: poland, hungary, romania, slovakia, bulgaria, are in
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favor of ending duty-free trade with ukraine, because it would prevent their farmers from making profits. and, the european commission advocates the continuation of duty-free trade with ukraine, but here it is the european commissioner for rural affairs agriculture, who is a pole himself, he opposes, and that means there is still such a debate inside. of the european commission, whether or not to continue free trade with ukraine. and so janusz vaitsychowski spoke before the european deputies, and he directly said: ukraine is a problem for european farmers, he is not... there are some figures that, for example, if in 2021 agricultural imports from ukraine to the eu amounted to approximately 7 billion euros, then in 2022 it grew to 13 billion euros, and in 2023 it is somewhere around 12 billion euros, and thus janusz wojciechovskyi said that, look,
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ukraine is repurposing its supplies from the markets of africa and asia, which... russia actually blocked the black sea to the european market, and european farmers are suffering, and actually this is really a problem, because it is known that russia takes the place of ukraine in the african and asian markets, primarily it is about india and indonesia, about china, the same, and this may be a problem in the future, but nevertheless, the decision on sales. duty-free trade with ukraine yet it has not been adopted yet, discussions are ongoing, but a proposal was made by the european commissioner, which is actually very interesting in order to allow ukraine to return to its traditional markets, the european union can pay extra, compensate ukrainian
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farmers or the state of ukraine, as will be agreed, additional costs for the transit of the european territory. of the union and interesting figures were also mentioned that the european union can compensate ukraine for 30 € per ton of agricultural products to the port of constanta, and it will be to the dutch ports 55 €. but of course the question is where will the european union find the money for this? well, we understand that the european cube is actually much larger than it even seems to us. tetiano would like to ask how european deputies, european politicians in general reacted to a very strange, scandalous, rude and simply crazy statement, a statement by the slovak mep miroslav radakovsky, who promised or threatened that the slavs would unite, if the war does not stop there, and under the leadership of russia, they will almost start fighting with
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the old europeans, for the europeans, well, i do vulgar retelling, but the statement was extremely scandalous, he did it... he did it deliberately, he did it from the rostrum of the european parliament, well, the key story is how the european deputies reacted and what to hear about this odious character, and i will tell you that he is here not one such that actually almost a large part of the members of the european parliament are from slovakia, as well as from hungary, they actually promote absolutely a... anti-european, anti-ukrainian, pro-russian, pro-putin narratives from the rostrum of the european parliament, and they are paying attention now, unfortunately, not yet in the session hall of the european parliament, but they are paying attention to it on the sidelines, why, because , first of all, the election campaign for the elections to the european parliament, which will be held on june 6-8 , 2024, has begun, and actually in
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the whole european union now has the problem that such radicals, far-right or pro-russian... forces, they are beginning to win the sympathy of ordinary europeans, who are already a little tired of the war, tired of inflation, tired of the increase in prices, of the increase in the prices of public services and so on, because europe is also suffering from this, putin has broken the economic systems of all the states of the european union, and that is precisely why it is already causing great concern here in... strasbourg and in brussels, because it is not known what will be the new composition of the european parliament, or what percentage of these very radicals, pro-putinists, far-right , anti-ukrainian, anti-europeans will come to the european parliament in july, and by the way, here is the resolution that was voted today, it also contains a norm, not a norm, because it is not mandatory norm, it is a recommendation for
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the european council to implement. certain actions in order to prevent the risks that orbán could become the acting president of the european council, because we know that charles michel, the current president of the european council, is going to the european parliament elections, that is, from july 2024, the seat of the european council president will be vacant, and if the european council does not elect his successor in june, there is little time left and... it is absolutely not a fact that this will be easy this process, already in july orban will chair the european council instead of charles michel, that is, he will not just head the eu, as the state that presides over the european union, he will also preside over the eurocouncil, in this way he will block everything possible, he will meet with putin and so on, that is, the situation is very difficult, let's
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hope that european politicians are smart people and they are all wonderful understand and will think, as they say in advance, thank you, tatyana vysotska, a press correspondent was with us from european institutions, and now we're going to take a short break, after which we'll return to our studio, so stay tuned... there are 10% discounts on pshik at psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. bleeding and inflamed gums - my advice. lakalut active. lakalut aktiv actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lakalut aktiv - an action that you feel immediately. new - lacalot active++ with two-phase technology and plus active ingredients for... more active protection lacal active++. there are discounts on optimal 15% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. vinyl agency presents on january 22 at
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first aid, mine and explosive safety, tactical camouflage and marksmanship, rules of conduct during shelling, more than 35 training topics in 17 regions of ukraine, center. readiness of civilians. project of the serhiy prytula charitable foundation. stronger when ready for anything. sign up information day of the tv channel in rozpol. there are really a lot of events today. well, we will analyze and inform you. dear tv viewers. martolnyk spresso studios. tantin borkovskyi. and today, a memorial service was held in brovary for those who died as a result of the plane crash. we will remind that... then 14 people died, among them the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs, a five-year-old child, milana and her mother, who is currently at the scene of the tragedy and whether the perpetrators of
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this have been punished. our journalists tried to understand this story, so let's look at the plot: here was the locker room of the tenth group, the entrance, there were my offices, the methodical accountant's office, the nursery group's locker room, the director of the kindergarten in brovary still remembers the location of each office, on january 18 she is one of the first she came to work and was in... her office. that morning, the parents are calm children were brought to preschool, at that time a helicopter with the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs on board was flying to kharkiv region. around eight in the morning , the helicopter began to lose altitude and fell on a residential block in brovary. the main part of the helicopter for the kindergarten, spiraling near the entrance of the high-rise building.
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and the fear, the fear was there for another six months, the fear was always from some unusual noise, i always started to be afraid, i thought that it was possible again, i felt only fear, pain. people, including the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs and the entire helicopter crew. later it becomes known about the dead girl milana and her mother olena ponomarenkov. another 31 people, including 13 children, were injured. most have burn injuries. seven ukrainians injured as a result of the helicopter crash in
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the breweries were evacuated for treatment. to austria and switzerland, these countries fully paid for the treatment of the victims, one family is still there today, but the child is currently receiving rehabilitation assistance, already after treatment he undergoes rehabilitation and also receives there, prepares for certain cosmetic procedures, well, in order to to heal scars, two families returned, they received treatment, were there for about six months, returned, but they are... in contact with doctors, with coordinators from austria, so they continue to receive the necessary procedures there. in november 2023, the attorney general's office and the sbi completed a pretrial investigation into the helicopter crash. according to the investigation, five officials of the state emergency service violated the rules of flight safety. the law enforcement officers reported the suspicion to the acting head of the aviation and aviation search and rescue department.
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to the commander of the special aviation detachment, the deputy commander of flight training, the commander of the aviation squadron and the head of the security service of the special aviation detachment of the operational and rescue service of the civil protection service of the state emergency service of ukraine from the city of nizhyn-chernihiv region. all of them face up to 10 years in prison. the case materials are open for review by the suspects and their defenders, as well as the victims and their legal representatives. after review, the materials will be submitted to the court. sbi investigators restored the day by the minute accidents, including decrypted black boxes. today , restoration work is actively underway on the territory of the kindergarten, the entrance to which the helicopter fell has been dismantled, and a complete reconstruction of this part of the building is being carried out. the communications were replaced, and the shelter in the kindergarten will be built separately, the restoration will cost uah 170 million. the doors
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to... the institution are planned to be opened at the end of this year, according to the new rules of the national security service , we must have a shelter today, all this is provided, the kindergarten is modern, new, separate entrances are equipped almost every group will be in this project, landscaping of the surrounding area, gardens, elevators, and for inclusion, all this is taken into account. currently, repair work on the restoration of the preschool, which suffered as a result of the plane crash in brovary, continues almost 24 hours a day, despite the frost and bad weather, and the management and teachers of the kindergarten hope that by the end of the year they will again hear the sounds of children in the walls of the preschool. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, tv channel espresso.


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