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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EET

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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. destroyed homes as a result of russian shelling of orikhov in the zaporizhzhia region. during the day, the enemy carried out six airstrikes on the city. enemy bombs hit a non-residential building and a high-rise building. the entire entrance was destroyed - said the head of the region yuriy malashko. places in
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specialists are examining the blows, there is no information about the dead or injured. the russians shelled kherson, a residential building caught fire in a residential area of ​​the city, the fire was extinguished, also in the korabel microdistrict , the local boiler plant stopped working. 56 multi-apartment buildings remained without heating, almost 9,000 apartments without gas supply, reported the head of the city's military administration , roman mrochko. currently on special. the extent of damage is being studied to determine the timeline for restoration. in one of the settlements of the boryslav district of the kherson region , a russian x101 missile was found in a field, which did not detonate. the weight of the combat part of such a find is 400 kg. the police brought the ammunition to a safe for transportation state, after which it was transported to the blast site and destroyed. it was undermined in a way that not always. damage
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to the infrastructure and other objects around. practical implementation of the memorandum on demining the black sea recently signed by romania, bulgaria, and turkey may begin in the summer. this was said by the ambassador of ukraine to turkey, vasyl bodnar, during a briefing in ukrinform. the diplomat noted that romania has already implemented a tripartite memorandum, while bulgaria is going through domestic procedures. and in turkey. this document must be ratified by the parliament, therefore the turkish side is doing everything possible to carry out internal state coordination and ratification there in the next month or a half, it is most likely that the actions themselves or the departure of ships to sea will take place sometime in the summer months, and the area of ​​coverage is international inputs from actually and... conventionally
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speaking, if we draw a line from odessa to the bosphorus, today a memorial service was held in brovary for those who died as a result of the plane wreckage. let me remind you that 14 people died at that time, among them the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs, residents of breweries and others five-year-old milana. our journalists found out what is currently happening at the scene of the tragedy and whether the culprits have been punished. there was... the 10th grade locker room, the entrance, my office, the methodist's office, the accountant's office, and the nursery group's locker room. the director of the kindergarten in brovary still remembers the location of each office. on january 18, she was one of the first to come to work and was in her office. that morning, parents calmly brought their children to preschool, at that time a helicopter with the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs on board was flying to kharkiv region. around eight o'clock
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in the morning, the helicopter began to lose altitude and fell on a residential block in brovary, the main part of the helicopter on a kindergarten, a propeller near the entrance of a high-rise building. fear, fear was there for another six months, fear was always from some unusual noise, i always started to be afraid, i thought that it might happen again, i felt only fear, i didn't feel pain at that time, although i had back pain up to my liver and my head and that's all. the plane crash in the breweries took the lives of 14 people. among them are the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs
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and the entire crew of the propeller wing. later it becomes known about the dead girl milana and her mother olena ponomarenko. another 31 people, including 13 children. injured, most of them with burn injuries. seven ukrainians injured as a result of the helicopter crash in the breweries were evacuated to austria and switzerland for treatment. these countries fully paid for the treatment of the victims. one family is still there today. now, the child is currently receiving rehabilitation assistance, already after treatment he undergoes rehabilitation and also receives there, prepares for certain cosmetic procedures, well, in order to... hide the scars, two families returned, they received treatment, stayed there for about six months, returned, but they are in contact with doctors, with coordinators from austria, so they continue to receive the necessary procedures there. in november 2023, the
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attorney general's office and the sbi completed a pretrial investigation into the helicopter crash. according to the investigation, five officials of the state emergency service violated the rules of flight safety. guards reported the suspicion to the head of the aviation and aviation search and rescue department, the acting commander of the special aviation detachment, the deputy commander of flight training, the commander of the aviation squadron and the head of the security service of the special aviation detachment of the operational and rescue service of civil protection of the state emergency service of ukraine from the city of nizhyn , chernihiv region, all of them face up to 10 years of imprisonment. the case materials are open for review by the suspects and their defenders, as well as the victims and their legal representatives. after review , the materials will be submitted to the court. the sbi investigators reconstructed the day of the accident minute by minute, in the volume number of black boxes were deciphered. today
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, restoration work is actively underway on the territory of the kindergarten, the entrance to which the helicopter fell has been dismantled and a complete reconstruction of this part of the building is underway. instead communications, and the shelter in the kindergarten will be built separately, the restoration will cost uah 170 million. the doors to the school are planned to open at the end of this year. according to the new rules of the national security service, we must have a shelter today. all this is foreseen. the kindergarten is modern, new, with separate entrances for almost every one groups will be in this project. land improvement is also planned. all around the kindergartens, everything is provided today, including elevators, and for inclusion, all this is taken into account. currently, repair work on the restoration of the preschool , which suffered as a result of the plane crash in brovary, continues almost around the clock, despite the frost and bad weather, and the management and
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teachers of the kindergarten hope that by the end of the year they will again hear children's laughter within the walls of the preschool. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, tv channel espresso. in the pechersk district court of the capital, a preventive measure is chosen for three company managers who, according to the investigation's version , are involved in the ministry of defense's devices in the so-called grynkevich case. the session began with a significant delay, later at the request of the defense and the accused, the session was closed. prosecutor oleksandr levchuk explained that lviv businessman ihor hrynkevich is not in the dock today, but his son is. the guards did not detain. povitroflotsky avenue in kyiv was not divided into two parts. information about representatives of the european solidarity party denied that such a decision should have been considered today. the draft of such a decision
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was not even registered. i would like to remind you that information about the alleged division of the air force prospectus into parts and the replacement of its name was spread on the network. for two yesterday, when this information wave went away, no draft decision was registered. it is enough to open the regulations and see that this is simply an impossible option. in order to remove this issue and engage in combining our efforts in order to become stronger, to win in confrontation with our very dangerous russian ... aggressor, we hope that this issue will be removed already in the next session, no petitions, draft decisions regarding the renaming of the air force avenue to the air force were received, there are none, everything that happened in
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social media is part of political game and manipulation, that was the news at that time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, in just a few minutes you will meet: my colleague vasyl zima. there are discounts on paracetamol darnitsa. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. hello, woman, what to do when there is a liver? alohol should be taken. and for bile what? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization
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we will have time for more than a whole hour and 408 minutes to talk about the most important things and of course give more information about those events that happened today. well, we have a new collection, we are announcing it, and now i will announce it so that you can join and support our army. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling to join the fundraising for our defenders from the 141st brigade. she. performs tasks in the orihiv direction. this is zaporozhye. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment for the successful performance of combat missions. we plan to buy radios and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors, detection of drones and many other equally important, useful and important for us and unpleasant for the enemy military equipment. every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you we have already closed more than one collection, so this time too we ask for your support. you, our military, our goal is 1 million hryvnias. and let's
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listen. we ask you to join iryna kovel's collection for the needs of the 141st brigade. we really need your help. glory to ukraine. glory. well, let's get involved, let's support. our army needs ours help now, more than ever, only together we will be able to overcome the cunning, unprincipled enemy, which is the aggressor country, the russian federation. well, now we will talk about the situation in kharkiv region, today the enemy hit the kupyan community again, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so let's start, actually two, the two settlements that i identified for myself today while reading the news feed of the kharkiv region are the village of mi, well, now there is no such thing as a village of the city type, it was removed by law, well, let the village be called that. urban -type borov, this is the izyum district , a rocket also hit kupyansk, please tell
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me the details of these attacks, well, in kupyansk, there was a story about a dead woman, unfortunately, two wounded, maybe the information has changed, her there is more, please, unfortunately, there are constant assaults in the kupyan direction , and today we have, well, very bad information, that in addition to what is happening, the enemy is advancing in some areas of the front. this is confirmed by the russian telegram channels and some military personnel confirm, but we will wait, we will wait, of course, for the official information of our general staff, our... our official data, but the situation there is very difficult, at the same time, the kupyan district , the village itself, the city of kupyansk itself, is constantly fired with aerial bombs, constantly under fire, artillery, mortar fire, and every time
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an aircraft takes off in the belgorod region to take aim. in the kupinsky district , the air alarm is activated in the entire region, and we read the message that this is exactly the case the kupyan community is being hit with controlled action bombs, this is a very serious weapon, because they are very heavy, they cause very serious destruction on the front line, but very often they hit civilians, civilian houses, houses, and unfortunately, they die people. since it happened, and today , police officers, first of all police representatives, are calling, calling on the residents of kupyansk, kupyansk community to leave the settlements, to leave their homes, but only from two communities, evacuation is mandatory, well, maybe a little tell us what is a mandatory evacuation, it's when the bus arrives, the workers come out, there
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are appropriate people who should do it, according to the staff list and... they say: that's it, you have to put your things now and we're leaving, we have somewhere to take you, here is help for the first time, and please leave room, well, in fact, for hostilities, and what is the advice, again, because we see, well, today a woman died, two men were wounded, thank god, they did not die, well but if these people had left, they might be alive, unfortunately, every day there people are suffering, the concept of mandatory, mandatory and forced, evacuation is different concepts, mandatory, it is when the authorities recommend people to leave this territory, considering this territory to be in constant security, danger, therefore it is mandatory of course, this does not mean that people should leave, many people refuse to leave, they believe that this is their home,
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that this is their property, that this is their homeland. and especially these are elderly people, and in case of mandatory, so-called mandatory evacuation, they simply write a refusal and do not leave these territories, in order for people to be forcibly evicted, there must be a forced evacuation, then, as you say, people arrive and are simply forcibly evicted, but this rarely happens there, mostly it is so-called. this evacuation, but people write a refusal and stay, there are still cases, for example, there are quite a lot of them, when people still leave, and after a while they still return home, because to their home, because they cannot there, either psychologically or emotionally to endure the fact that they are forced to completely leave their
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home is very difficult, and the people who are there, they... are constantly under fire, in constant stress, but they love their home so much that the vast majority of them do not leave there, who wanted to leave, they already left a long time ago, they left there at the beginning after the de-occupation, but there is a category of the population that categorically does not accept the idea of ​​evacuation at all, of course we believe in the armed forces of ukraine, but this is a war, the situation is different. and actually, many of these people experienced the occupation, and we are now seeing the consequences of the occupation of the same izyum and other settlements of the kharkiv region, where the enemy was wreaking havoc, it is clear that if, well, i say again, it is a war, we know that the armed forces will hold back, everything will be fine , but there are always different options, people should think about it, well, but again, well, if people write a refusal, obviously they take responsibility for their lives on
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themselves, but i also wanted to ask about well in the holdonoyar district. kholodnohirskyi district, through which it flew, but the connection disappeared, now, mr. oleksand, here i wanted to ask about kholodnohirskyi district, the damage to houses, and the inscription says that there were more damaged houses, how did the cracks start to go or what, or the consequences of the blows, no , during the survey, during the surveys, there was information about 27 houses damaged, during the survey it was found that 30 houses, of which 23 houses are housing stock, and to date... it was estimated that 687 windows were broken during this impact. now the utility workers still, despite what happened, it was the day before yesterday, utility workers are still carrying out uh... well, well, sewing up windows, openings, which remained from broken glass, and are still raking out the consequences of this terrible terrorist attack, well, here is more
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information, this is just an example, yes , i would be interested in expanding it, 38 million was allocated to the owners of destroyed housing in the city of chuguyev, which was hit by the enemy, a school was destroyed there, if i am not mistaken, and in general , how much is the regional budget capable of, well, let's stop now, whether to take into account possible profits, which are included in this budget, expenses, or sufficient backlash for well, that is, safety margin in order to respond to such challenges as a damaged home, a damaged school, injuries, other things that will have to be covered, especially since we see the enemy, unfortunately, in kharkiv, kharkiv region strikes, not just strikes, but also prepares for offensive actions, well, actually carries out offensive actions, except unsuccessfully, unfortunately, the budget, as i am a member of the budget commission. of the kharkiv regional council, i very closely and thoroughly understand the figures regarding the regional budget. budget in connection with the law 10 1037 z
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due to the removal of personal income tax, the regional budget lost about uah 6 billion for the next year, and today, for example, we have drastically reduced the funding of our theaters there, and today we are already receiving messages from them that they are just plain. will be destroyed because they have no funding, we have cut all social programs significantly, we have cut everything possible, because 6 billion is a very, very large number for the budget, and there is no money for this, no money at all for recovery is there for compensation, it all needs to be done for account of the state budget, and we, for example , even today at the budget commission, we were there... considered the possibility of completing the premises in the regional hospital in order to install an mri, well, the completion of the premises
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costs 4 million, 60 million for the mri itself, these are the funds of the ncre, but in fact, you know, we have to state the fact that the country has not gone on military rails, we still do not understand that it is necessary to stop any funding for anything, although, well, an mri is needed, in a regional clinical hospital, of course, well mri is even needed so that, say, military obligations could pass, the military medical commission, or those who returned from the front with herbs of the spine there or of the chest, well, in any case , any parts of the body could also undergo this examination , it is clear that it is necessary, no, of course, but the key issue, the key message is that we must get on the military rails and spend all the budgets that we have, all the funds, to the absolute maximum extent. to war, otherwise we won't survive, it's just, well, we have no way of surviving, absolutely with you i agree, mr. oleksandr, and i believe that it will happen that way, and not without the help of
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the people of kharkiv. oleksandr skoryk, a member of the kharkiv regional council, was in touch with us, well, indeed, you read the news that the representatives of the authorities, i'm not saying who are trying to restore air connections, choose cities, well, it's important, probably, to restore air connections now, to restore them, on the other hand, terrorist attacks are possible, sabotage is possible, ... well, that is, for sure, now it is probably more important to stop enemy air traffic there on the front line of enemy aircraft and invest more in it money than launching planes from uzhhorod or , say, from ivano-frankivsk or lviv or other populated areas. and now we will talk about zaporizhzhia, there is also a lot of important information, the enemy fired at the nuts today. askada shurbekov is in touch with us, he is a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council. mr. skade, i congratulate you. congratulations. well, actually , airstrikes on orikhov, the enemy hit six, if i'm not mistaken, the entrance of a high-rise building collapsed, i didn't find any more information, it
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appeared closer to the evening, maybe you have more information in this regard, we know that the enemy has been trying to raze rikhiv to the ground for a long time, but people continue to live there, buildings continue to stand and he continues to aim at them, well, this is actually the daily practice of rikhiv, that the enemy fires guided aerial bombs, and today it was... there were six hits, actually two high-rise buildings, but the entrances were completely destroyed, fortunately, people have not lived in high-rise buildings in orichov for a long time, so there were no victims, but it should be noted that this is a systematic practice, yesterday and the day before the enemy was also there guided air bombs actually destroyed the premises of the former district police department, there was an attack on the communal economy, where communal equipment was destroyed, that is, the enemy is trying to hit us all over the remains, let's say so. due to the life activities of the people of orihiv and in fact, similar blows from them, there is no possibility to hide in shelters or bomb shelters there, because, well, from
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this type of weapon , in fact, completely... even large houses, not to mention some small houses or shelters that are there, in in any case, the basements of large houses nine floors can only become a mass grave, well, if people are not urgently unblocked, let's say they won't get out of there, well, this is actually the practice of the fact that it is a big illusion that the basements of buildings are bomb shelters, they are not bomb shelters, that rather, if the basements of residential buildings, well, my mother in kyiv is an ordinary nine-story building, there the pipes just crack and... this whole basement will turn into a swimming pool, that's all, that's all, and then from there, i want to note that there were similar strikes on orikhov earlier, in fact, one of these strikes took the lives of seven people who were at that very moment at the point of invincibility in the ukrut, that is, guided aerial bombs, they actually take the lives of orihiv residents, even those who are hiding in bomb shelters, and we understand that on a daily basis, as a rule, these strikes in broad daylight, that is , the enemy is trying to increase as much
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as possible the number of those killed among the civilians... the population, that is, this is already an established tactic, and to burn out the front-line communities as much as possible, this applies not only to orikhov, it also applies to holepole and rural communities that are on the contact line. this is related to the question, why are there planes in ukraine now, why are there more air defense systems, well , at least to drive the enemy away from populated areas near the front line, let's say, it would be very effective. they detained a gang of racketeers, a very revealing story, by the way , very brazen, there are criminals who have already... as they say, sat and for a long time came out and started doing a bad thing, maybe you will tell more about this episode and again such crime in time of war, not yet, please of course, it is certain that as a deputy of the oblast, i should be aware of all situations, and i think the peculiarity is that, in fact, the first year of the war there, probably the first period of the war , the society was very significantly consolidated, and even the level of crime, it significantly decreased in the front-line zaporizhzhia and other things.
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territories, because, well, let's put it this way, they were all united by a common danger and consolidation of efforts, but today, as with the continuation of the war, in fact, criminal elements, they are beginning to wake up, increase their activity, because for some, war is the protection of the homeland and consolidation of efforts , for some it is an opportunity to earn some easy money or to put pressure on their own residents of their city, that is why such gangs exist thanks to the effective work of law enforcement officers, in fact, the service. security of ukraine and the national police, and the arrests and in general liquidation of such groups are carried out promptly. i think that we will, unfortunately, face this in the future. it is important here that the power unit just shows a lot effective work, and it should become very much a symbol for other people who believe that war is a time to engage in crime or criminality. i think that the tolerance of society in general for any crime today is simply
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minimal, because so is the military. and representatives of the power block, they are most interested, involved in ensuring that such incidents simply do not happen, i think that this is an illusion for gangsters, yes, conditional ones, that now there are some better conditions for hiding their crimes, and just national the police and security services show their effectiveness in this direction. well, you know, here when they say that the level of crime has decreased, maybe so, in general in ukraine, but when it comes to the fact that let's get all the policemen, let's send everyone to the front, i'm not against the fact that people who there, let's say, maybe now they could be... effective at the front, how people are trained to handle weapons and there physical condition and so on, well, but we perfectly understand that there will be only a very small number of police, those who are sitting now will immediately raise their heads on through cracks and holes, well, this is a group, one served 25 years or 15, the others also committed crimes, created problems for people, well, conditional artificial problems, then they said, let's solve it for a certain amount, and then a certain amount was demanded every month, this scheme is still known there since the 90s in ukraine, so nothing new, well, but this
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is just as an example, this is just as an example... an example, why it is important, of course, also in the rear, also, well, conditionally in the rear, because now we have the strength for that , in order to respond, i would like to ask something about traitors, collaborators who are exposed and in zaporizhzhia, and in the region, and theirs, they somehow now began to show themselves very actively, well, let's say, in zaporizhzhia, a child's guard pointed russian rockets, in general, of course , a wild story, but are there really many of them, or is this not such a critical sign those people who are either waiting for russian... measures or are ready to cooperate, or provide such information as this kindergarten guard . look, we need to approach this situation systematically, the situation in the occupied territories has shown us that in fact a significant number of conditionally hostile agents, it was inhabited before the start of a full-scale invasion of the territory of ukraine, and when the territory became...


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