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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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evening, we are from ukraine, let's continue, and now it's time to talk about money, oleksandr morchyvka is with me, oleksandr, please have the floor. thank you, vasyl, good evening to the audience, in the next few minutes you will find out what's new borders, i will also talk about the continuation of the program of energy-saving lamps, as well as the forecast of what will happen to the dollar in the next few weeks. everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. important information: romanian protesters blocked another checkpoint on the border with ukraine, halmeu diakovo. this was reported to the state customs service of ukraine, the roadway was blocked off with agricultural machinery, only the movement of trucks, cars and buses is restricted, this does not apply. let me remind you that this is already the third one is blocked. checkpoint on
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the ukrainian-romanian border, the situation is difficult, but the polish-ukrainian border is already free for carriers. during the first day after the release of the blockade, the border guards processed more than 2,500 trucks. according to the spokeswoman of the lviv border guard, oleksandra kuchkovska , there is a queue of approximately 170 trucks at the grebenne rava ruska checkpoint. less than a hundred cars are waiting for korchov kraków, and at the checkpoint. there are 640 furs in the medicashegin. i would like to remind you that the polish government signed a memorandum of understanding with local farmers and carriers. if their conditions are not met by march 1, they promise to resume the blockade. let's listen to the direct speech. during the previous day , more than 350 trucks entered ukraine through the krakow checkpoint. 340 trucks entered ukraine through the raavaruska checkpoint. and another 150 for departure
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to ukraine, but now there is no line, i stood for 9 hours, 9 hours and 20 minutes, the previous times i stood for nine days, then 10, on the tenth i left, it was also difficult, then to sit in the car for 10 days, very heavily. really the blocking of the border hit the export of our products, but this is not the end of the story, the crisis in the red sea caused a decrease in january exports of ukrainian agro. products, this was announced by the minister of agricultural products, agricultural policy and food of ukraine mykola solskyi. some of our goods went and are going this way to asia, china and east africa. there , the movement of ships has slowed down a lot, and it really succeeded economically, but deliveries have essentially started to recover since the beginning of the year , and goods are being delivered to foreign customers, - added the head of the ministry of agrarian policy. it is interesting that
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these terrorists, well, biden called them terrorists again, well, not biden, but the leader of the united states of america, and they are hitting on painful things, what is interesting, what is the result of this blockade of the gulf of aden, well, not a blockade, but creating problems, terrorizing , the same china suffers significantly, for example, which has been looking for northern routes for a long time, but this is its key way of exiting the mediterranean sea, well, it is clear that here, but they are hitting their pockets, well, really vasyl, in particular the company myers stated that incomes are really being lost even now... he is trying to compensate for not losing contracts and is increasing the number of air freight, because it is dangerous by sea right now, but air freight is also an increase , but contracts must be fulfilled, you are right, vasyl, well, about the increase in the price of goods for ukrainians consumers, especially those who love vegetables, in ukraine, selling prices for table beets have increased approximately from uah 12 to uah 16 per kilo, this is on average 33% more expensive than at the end of last week, this is what the platform analysts did
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eastfruit. the main reason for the noticeable increase is a significant reduction in the supply of this vegetable on the market. most farms do not have such powerful equipment at their disposal. warehouses, and stocks in such unequipped warehouses are already exhausted. trade activity in this segment is also quite high, and this spurs prices, but they still keep beets in such warehouses until the end of february, but they will also be at a high price, analysts predict, well, this vegetable will only become more expensive, so housewives and owners should it is important to take this into account also take into account: savings for the warehouse gasdam, because ukrposhta continued the program of exchanging incandescent lamps, it was implemented at the end of january last year. at present , about 7 million ledoks are available in branches - ukrposh reported, special conditions continue to apply to
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pensioners who have already used the exchange, they have the opportunity to receive up to five additional ledp. you must bring your id, passport and code. in addition, the program will continue. open to medical institutions, schools, kindergartens, polyclinics, condominium legal entities have the opportunity to receive led lamps by submitting a corresponding application on the diya portal. almost a year after the start of the initiative, ukrainians exchanged more than 33 million old lamps at ukrposhta branches, an important figure. oleksiy is in touch with us. kozierev, financial analyst of the munfin site, and we will analyze the situation on the financial market with him. good evening, good evening, well, i saw your analysis of the exchange rate today, i'm still interested, how does the national currency currently feel in relation to
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the americans? well, of course it's a year begins with such uncertainties, whether the hryvnia will strengthen, or whether ukrainians should still buy now. dollar, if they have free hryvnias, what are your analyses? well, i would say that if you look objectively at what is happening, everyone was excited that at the end of the 23rd year we saw a big growth, i was also constantly asked about it on my youtube channel, in which the question arises now, in that at that time a very large amount of funds, namely budget funds, which were calculated at the end of of the year from the budgetary organization. and for example, so the state treasury, and a lot of hryvnia funds went to the market and part of it eventually went to the foreign exchange market, i.e. some currency was bought to pay for some import contracts, or still partly it went to the cash market in the final version, that is led to
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an increase in such a situational increase in the exchange rate, you saw that it was somewhere over uah 39 , it was already almost uah 39 on the cash market, and if all ukrainians still... i remember 3650, uah 37, here 39, everyone began to panic, but, as dealers say, it is still fuel for the growth of the rate, it went down very quickly, why, because we already see that somewhere at the beginning of january there was still an increase in the rate and there was an increase in the rate at the interbank, then now the situation is already different, for example, today the interbank exchange at the end of the day was already lower than 37.70 hryvnias per dollar, this is the first, second... as far as it concerns those who are now, well, in the final version, really after all, it is primarily the actions of the national bank that affect it. we we understand that the interventions he makes every day, taking into account that he closes up to 60-70% of all currency sales to clients, and
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banks, if necessary, we understand that taking into account this situation, what course he sets his its price tags on interventions, it influences and ultimately forms the course trend. and precisely the non-cash rate of the dollar, and at the same time it affects the cash market in the final version, why? because now you know that the national bank decided to the banks in the end in the final version to sell currency, well, there he lowered all the restrictions that he had before according to the regulations on the sale of currency to the population, precisely through banks, that is, in terms of the currency position, there were still some separate restrictions there, this led to the fact that banks started playing more. an essential role in the market, and although everything is equal to the exchangers of financial companies , they are now key players in this market, but banks can also make more transactions and sales of currency on the market, and where do they take, let’s say, the cashless dollar, they take it to the interbank and
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replenish their foreign exchange position in this way, and what happens if the national bank sells them non-cash currency cheaper at the interbank, then they have to gradually... lower their exchange rates and price tags in their exchangers, well, in fact, they actually reinforce their cash registers with cash currency and sell it for cash, so on the one hand fuel will be... let's say this, hryvnia fuel has decreased somewhat since the beginning of january already, i.e. there are no budget funds in hryvnia, this reduced the demand for currency on the cashless market, in addition, the national bank was very active at the moment making interventions with, well, let's put it this way, somewhat playing with the depreciation of the exchange rate now, that is , in this case, i mean the depreciation of the dollar, well, the cash market price is also reacting, so now i look at the prospect more or less optimistically hryvnias, but... the key issue, if you look strategically, is still the news that we will have
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regarding the amount of international aid, the schedules of its receipt, and in the final version , let's say this is the financial support of ukraine now from the side our western partner oleksiy , this is exactly what i wanted to stop at, the national bank is really making interventions, that is, it is necessary to take from somewhere and give to the interbank, as far as the current gold and foreign reserves, international reserves allow to take more, but not receive more... what the government predicts from the side of international partners , shall we wait for funds to balance this potential? well, look, i want to say this, we currently have about 40.5 billion dollars in state budget, if you just look objectively at the arithmetic itself, then look, we are spending somewhere, the national bank spends an average of 600-700 million dollars, well, it has maybe 800 million dollars every week to maintain that exchange rate corridor. what is the final option for him now, well, more or less say yes for him, well
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, what is happening is so normal, if you look at the current schedule, then somewhere even, if it is 700 million we will be there every week, then it will be about 2 in a month, 8 there, he spends up to 3 billion dollars on the interbeam precisely to maintain the course, its direction in the direction which is more interesting to him now, it is on the one hand, on the other on the one hand, we remember that the international aid is somewhere, well, they were talking about... 44 to 48 billion dollars for this year, yes, it is clear that a large part of this aid is currently uncertain, although i am still sure that our western partners we will be supported, well , even if you look at it, we recently talked with analysts, there 60-70% of this aid will go, well, that’s how we estimated for ourselves, it ’s at a minimum, well, that is, somewhere there, for example, there somewhere 36 there 40 billions of dollars will be spent, in a year, i mean, if you divide it all for 12 months. on average , we have somewhere around 3.5 billion, on the other hand, the national bank spends to maintain the exchange rate, as i
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already said, somewhere up to three billion, that is, in the final version, they now have a margin of safety, let's say this, now the national bank keeps the situation under control, that is, it can influence the market very significantly, and not only at the expense of some there, let's put it this way, purely administrative mechanisms, it works now purely in the market mechanism, it simply with... at the expense of its interventions and their own pricelists, in this way he directs the course in the direction he needs now, so if i were in the place of the ukrainians, i would not worry, but i would watch very carefully precisely for the news regarding the amount of international aid, so that the strategic perspective of the hryvnia for the entire 24th year already depends on it, and the panic that plays a role in the exchange rate depends on it, thank you for the excellent analysis, for the optimists. analysis oleksiy kozarev, financial analyst of the website of the ministry of finance was in touch, well vasyl, i can only end
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the column about money during the war on this optimistic note, but you continue your great broadcast, there will be more, watch us, we thank oleksandr morchivka, all together, and we invite serhiy rudenko to the conversation, he will tell about what will be discussed in the verdict program, which starts at 8:00 p.m., serhiu, to you. good evening. good evening vasyl. in the next two hours, we will talk about corruption in the ministry of defense, about how and in what way lavrov wants to restore relations with the west, or does he not want to restore these relations. and about the results of davos 20-24, where volodymyr zelensky spoke. we will talk about all this in the next two hours. in the first part of our our program will be broadcast by journalist tetyana nikolayenko, major
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of the armed forces of ukraine igor lapin and diplomat oleksandr khara, in the second part of the program, which will start in an hour, there will be people's deputies of ukraine oksana savchuk, ivana klympush, sensadze and oleksandr merezhko. there are enough topics for conversation, since the external one was quite active during the last week. politics and international politics regarding ukraine, this is not only davos, but also the statements of emmanuel macron, the president of france, regarding the provision of long-range missiles to ukraine. and the vote in the bundestag, which, unfortunately, did not confirm the provision of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine, but, as the germans say, they will return to this issue, and of course, we will start with cotton in st. petersburg tonight and last day in sevastopol, i hope that the major of the armed forces of ukraine
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, ihor lapin, will give a description of the state in which the russian-ukrainian front is now, and to what extent the forecasts of the analysts of the institute for the study of war of the united states of america are correct , regarding a possible offensive, a massive offensive by the russians, at least the americans predicted that from january 12 to february 2 such an offensive is possible when the ground freezes, and they say the russians are ready... will they leave, are they ready they will leave, i still hope that igor lapin will tell us, and oleksandr khara and i will talk about the foreign policy results of the week, i say again, there are a lot of different events, i will not talk about something separately , i will talk about something separately, in 14 minutes you
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you will already see it all on the air, we start at 20:00, finish at 22:00, but for now... vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, serhiy, so at the 20th the verdict, well, alyona chuchenina will visit us right now, and what will she tell us about, a theater fight, i said there would be a scandal, the actor of the chernihiv theater mykola lameshko said that he was beaten by the director kostyantyn pinchuk of the dnipro opera. a message about this appeared on the theater's facebook page, which became the cause of the fight, as the participants comment on the situation, and actually what what a fight it was, lina chinina, will tell us in detail. please, you have the word. friends, my greetings. today, dnipro has become the center of a cultural scandal, or rather an uncultured one. chernihiv regional academic music and drama theater is currently on tour. so they came to dnipro, and
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were preparing for a performance in the opera and parked their bus there, and as you... they write on facebook, they could not drive into the yard due to the size of the bus, a car arrived with the director of the opera kostyantyn kostyantyn pinchuk, and he another man came out and began to demand to drive into the yard, and mykola lemeshku, the actor, began to explain that they could not drive in, and in the end this unfortunate incident happened, let's listen: two people got out of the car, the director of the pinchuk kostyantyn theater. and an unknown man, rudely demanded to drive the bus away and stop the unloading process, when their demands were not met, the director again rudely asked mykola lemeshko to call the driver. mykola said that we cannot physically drive the bus away because the road is blocked by other cars. for this, mykola received a blow in a face from the director of the pinchuk
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kostyantyn opera house. also on facebook of chernihivskyi. the theater is told that then they called the police and gave evidence, and another car drove up, with some unknown man, well, unknown to those who wrote this text, and he began, as it was said again, to threaten physical violence to everyone present, to which the national police did not react, although everything was happening in front of them, an investigation is currently underway, i contacted, first of all, the representatives of the chernihiv theater themselves, they promised me everything... about commenting on saturday, my program war and culture will be at 4:30 p.m., please watch it, but while mykola lemeshko is talking, consulting with lawyers, i also called the press service of the dnipro opera, but they asked me to call back several times again and again, and in the end they said that mr. kostyantyn was also consulting with lawyers, but now they
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have turned off the phone, i can’t get through to them, you know, so often, by the way , the participants in various scandals do when... they don’t even want to refuse from comments not to comment, they just turn off the phone, but we will, of course, monitor this situation, and now i will tell you much more pleasant news, even wonderful, because mstislav chernov's film 20 days in mariupol received a nomination for the bafta award, which is one of the most prestigious film awards. television awards in the world, two nominations at once, a documentary film and a film in a foreign language, mstislav chernov's competitors are very powerful world films, and it's great that our ukrainian film made it to such a respectable company, i hope that the film will receive at least one award, or even two, although getting to both nominations is an extremely cool result. on february 18 , we will be able to watch this ceremony, it will be available on the internet and it will be possible
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to watch, and also three, even four films will be shown in berlin at once, but the berlin film festival will start on february 15, and there they will first show the editing by roman bentarchuk, bentarchuk, you may know from his film volcano, it tells about... kherson oblast, this film won the shevchenko prize, the editorial office also talks about the kherson region, and there it is about a biologist, his name is yura, he witnesses the burning of a forest, takes photographs, comes with them to the editorial office and stays there to work, i want to quote the authors themselves, how they describe their tape, a surreal, self-critical satire on media and politics, i really want to wait for it, the main role, by the way, is played by a real person. kherson journalist dmytro bagnenko. a film called "peaceful people" by oksana karpovych will also be shown - it is a joint production of ukraine, canada and france. i will quote the abstract. the sprawling
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paintings depict the destruction caused by the war in ukraine. well, it will also be possible to hear intercepted conversations of russian soldiers with their families there. they are shocking, as the authors claim, and we know they are shocking. i really hope that they will shock as well and... who will come to see it, there will also be svetlana lishchynska's film a little stranger, which is a documentary about svetlana, a russian-speaking ukrainian herself, who explores the colonized part of her consciousness, and quoting, trying to find answers to the questions of how soviet totalitarianism and russification affected relations in her family, i think that this will be a very useful story for foreigners, and once again... demonstrate, show and describe to people who are not at all aware , that we are going through here and have been going through and how it all happened, and where did our, our, our war with
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russia begin, well, they will also show a short film of the image of the director gelip osatynsky , he is an american of ukrainian origin, it will be about the 90s, about the beginning of the 90s years, well, we are waiting for the results, we are waiting for everyone. these ceremonies are for the berlinales and for how the story of the beating of the actor in the dnipro will end. thanks to lina chechenii. well , now we will find out what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow in its various regions. natalka dyadenko is already with us. ms. natalya, good evening, i would like to speak to you. greetings, greetings to vasyl, greetings, dear viewers. now we will talk about the weather in all parts of ukraine and we will even talk about which regions are included in these parts, well, at least we will remember literally in a moment. we are talking
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about the weather that is expected for the next day, january 19, of course, in general in ukraine and in everyone. in particular, and now i want to remember which regions belong to which part of ukraine, because sometimes people get confused, and then even with claims that their part or region was not mentioned there, so let's quickly repeat such a lesson in geography, meteorology , so the western part of ukraine includes rivne, volyn, lviv, ivano-frankivsk, zakarpattia, ternopil, and khmelnytskyi regions. north part of ukraine - four regions: zhytomyr, kyiv, chernihiv. sumy let me remind you that sumy time is called the northeast, it is when the weather is allocated, for example, in the northeast, but it belongs to the northern part of ukraine. eastern part of ukraine - kharkiv, luhansk and
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donetsk regions. the central part of ukraine is large-scale. vinnytsia, kirovohrad, unfortunately, cherkasy, poltava, dnipropetrovsk have also not been completely renamed, but let's hope that it will be. and southern. odesa region, mykolayivska. kherson, zaporizhzhya and crimea. and always, when i talk about the weather, of course at the end i mention kyiv, and as someone once wrote to me, well, of course, this is the city you live in, so you talk about it often and always, i want to remind , that kyiv is the capital of ukraine, and therefore we always highlight it and emphasize what the weather will be like in the capital of ukraine. these are the parts of ukraine that we quickly remembered, now we will not confuse, i hope, and now we move on... to the examination of the magnetic activity of the earth, which in the near future there will be the next day, now for your attention, as always, the forecast chart, and from it you can see that tomorrow... well
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, a stable situation, some there, well, probably some just minimal necessary fluctuations for magnetic activity, that is, no magnetic pain is not expected tomorrow, we will not dwell on this, but we will move on to the weather in ukraine and in each part, in particular, so we traditionally start from the western regions, go clockwise, so to speak, tomorrow wet snow is expected in the west of ukraine, in the carpathians and in... transcarpathia, even heavy precipitation is possible, so dear tourists, please refrain from hiking in the mountains tomorrow, the air temperature, as you can see, is somewhere around zero, in transcarpathia it is a little higher, traditionally. in the north of ukraine, tomorrow the weather is expected to be cloudy and humid, the air temperature will fluctuate around zero, sometimes rising to +1 +2, mainly rain, but, for example, in the far north, there may be wet snow.
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it will be a little... warmer in the east of ukraine, and that's why there precipitation is mainly in the form of rain in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, and donetsk oblast, as you can see, from three to seven, from three to eight degrees tomorrow in the east of ukraine. in the central part of ukraine tomorrow, too , cloudy, humid weather with periodic rains will prevail, the air temperature will be from 2 to 5 degrees celsius, in some places even higher. in the southern part of ukraine, tomorrow will be the warmest, traditionally, of course. the air temperature there will range from 5 to 9°c, in the crimea even up to 11 to 12 to 13°c, well, as i said, cloudy, humid weather, and in in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow it is also expected to be densely cloudy, with light precipitation in the form of mainly rain, the maximum air temperature during the day will vary from 0 to 2 °c, this is the closest. the synoptic
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situation in all of ukraine and in each of its parts, in particular , i want to say in one sentence, looking ahead, that in the future in ukraine , a slight cooling is expected in most regions. as the dogs are still looking there, the dogs are looking, the police are looking. dmytro, roman krinke. the son of the detained businessman ihor hrenkevich, after whom today took place, well , the pechersky trial may still be ongoing regarding the selection of a preventive measure against him, this is a businessman who is accused of being suspected of embezzling huge sums of money from state procurement of the ministry of defense, so ihor hrynkevich is in court, so far there is no result of the court session, he is closed, a journalist tv channel dmytro didura is trying to get in, there is no access to the meeting, well , maybe some state secret
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is being voiced there, i don’t know, but what’s interesting... ihor grenkevich and his son roman grenkevich were also suspected of fraud, this that is the one, the fiance of the loser mrs. sonya morozyuk, an artist who broke off relations with him, but roman disappeared, his father is a judge, roman hrenkevich disappeared, the state bureau of investigation declared him wanted, why couldn't he be detained first, then somehow do something else , because we have senichenko, chairman of the fund, ex-chairman of the state property fund, kyrylo shevchenko, ex-chairman of the national bank, escaped. of ukraine fled, and for some reason all these suspicions were announced after these people disappeared in an unknown direction, until now they cannot be found, at least brought to responsibility, this is not an isolated case, there are still many such cases in the ukrainian, unfortunately, modern history of this great war, i hope that the dvr will certainly find roman hrenkevych and be able to be in court, this case has been considered, so far they are not called criminals, because their guilt has not been proven, but there is a suspicion, for some reason the person disappeared because of this suspicion, well, as for the court's decision, i think
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it will be known. closer to night, thank you for being with us, i will hand over the floor to serhii rudenko in just a few moments, let's see together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, and the war. and about our victory. today in the program. cotton at the base of the marines near sevastopol and the oil storage in st. petersburg. long-range weapons of the armed forces of ukraine are getting further and further. dozens of new south caesars. france announced a coalition of artillery for ukraine. umero participated remotely. meals for military personnel in kyiv universities at inflated prices. a new investigation
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of the nashi project. money.


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