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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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court hearing, is it still going on? actually, congratulations, the court hearings in the pechersk district court of the city of kyiv are still ongoing, today preventive measures are being chosen for the three participants in the case, they are the heads of limited liability companies that were engaged in the supply and provision of the ministry of defense, in fact they are accomplices of the lviv businessman ihor grenkevich, who created a criminal group, about this... the sbi reports that he and the four persons involved in the case were informed of the suspicion the day before, according to the state bureau of investigation, they had harmed the state on almost a billion hryvnias. as for ihor hrenkevich himself, today he is not among those who are being remanded in custody, but i would like to remind you that he is already in custody for attempting to give a bribe since last december, regarding his son roman hrenkevich, according to... .. in this case, as we questioned
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him here in the court corridor, he says that the son is not detained, but whether he was served with suspicion, the prosecutor refused to comment, about today's meeting, please listen to the prosecutor further. to date, three have been submitted a petition for the selection of a preventive measure in relation to three suspects in criminal proceedings, among whom there are no grynevychs, therefore, today the consideration of the preventive measure is being considered. regarding the latter, it is not planned in the investigative court of the pechersk district court of kyiv. just as for the three defendants, for whom today a preventive measure is chosen for the managers of the company that made deliveries to the ministry of defense, the court hearings regarding the choice of preventive measure take place one after another, in one session a break is announced, then the suspect changes, they begin to consider the next thing and that's how it's already been going on for several hours. these meetings are held in closed session. regime, this was the decision of the court
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, it was requested by the lawyers, the lawyers of the suspects , and what the lawyers are asking for, as we talked with them here in the corridor, they say that they will ask for house arrest for their suspects, but the prosecutor's office still asks for detention in custody with the possibility of bail, what this bail might be, we do not know at the moment, i hope we will be able to ask the prosecutors already after the session is over, and... why can't zmi be in the hall court, please also listen. honorable court, taking into account the resonance of this case and the special interest in the participants of this case, as well as the main, let's say, the importance, importance and connections of the main participants in this proceeding, which, in the opinion of my client , may in some way affect the safety of his life and health i would ask the court to conduct this consideration of this criminal proceeding. at the court hearing
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, in the materials attached to the petition , there are no documents, in the opinion of the prosecution, that contain a secret, which may harm the pre-trial investigation in the future, and well, it is the prerogative of the defense if they really believe that there is some security and it is justified, so, well, we do not object, of course, the investigating judge, according to the order. paragraph six of part 27 and paragraph five of part two of article 27 considers it possible to consider this petition in a closed court session and the announcement of the court's decision will be open. well, according to the prescriptions of
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part seven of the article regarding what in the end will choose preventive measures, will this court session end today, or will it possibly be postponed to another day, we remain here to work in the pocherskyi court and will monitor more detailed information later. actually, you have the word. thank you very much, iryna, iryna sisak works in a court where preventive measures are chosen for managers of affiliated companies. with ihor hrenkevich. thank you irina. and tetyana nikolaenko, censornet journalist and representative of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense of ukraine, joins our broadcast. tatyana good evening. good evening. tatyana, please tell me how plausible the accusations of the state security bureau sound to you, that there was a criminal group, a criminal group, with five people there, and hrynkevich was in charge of them, and they implemented such a scheme. how true is this?
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it sounds similar, but really, but there are other proceedings where it is clear that more than one company took part in the schemes of grynkevych’s company, there is, if not... it seems that there is also an investigation by the sbi where it is visible, as even between companies that also took part participation in tenders the ministry of defense from others , not not where the supply of jackets and underpants is, ah, and there was money for construction goods and services, and then suddenly, somewhere at the end of the chain , a plot of land was bought with them, so it is quite possible that there really was a criminal group and all these three companies, which even in this they are a... affiliated, they are related to this family, and of course they can be considered as an organized criminal group, but the only thing is that such a story is always difficult to prove, and i don't know if there is , for example, secret investigative actions in the sbi, perhaps
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they will want to somehow involve them in this, then it would also be logical to apply the article about an organized criminal group. tatyana, do you know on what grounds this contract with hrenkevich was terminated, with companies related to one company, one contract remained with companies related to hrenkevich, as i understand it, the supply of products for the military in in the kherson and mykolaiv regions, a week ago, a representative of the ministry of defense told us that there was no reason to terminate the contract, but today they terminated it, we we see, but i did not see the document itself, that is, the document itself and... on the basis of which they broke up from the way it was explained to me that it was precisely within the framework of cooperation with the sbi, and in principle, if the property is seized, or has already been seized tradelines of retail, they are one of the participants, including the accounts chamber of not supplying goods to
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the ministry of defense, if their account assets are seized, then of course this company will not be able to supply food to our military units, accordingly our guys will suffer on... on the front, uh, but if we go back to the poor-quality clothes that grenkevich's company allegedly supplied to the armed forces of ukraine, which clothes are in question, and i have them, i can't help but remember this scandal six months ago, about low-quality jackets for servicemen, whether they are summer or winter, then it turned out that they are winter after all, tell me, are these cases somehow connected, are they two different cases, are they two different cases at the same time. in this case, it is not about some low-quality product, because in this case the product is simple not delivered, so we can't even say if it's good or bad, it was supposed to be delivered by the end of the first half of 2023, it wasn't done, so our
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guys didn't get their summer jackets on time, even if the company closed this contract, they put when our army had to wear winter jackets. the case of the reznikov jackets, as we call them, it has certain parallels, because in both cases these are direct contracts that were concluded with companies that were not suppliers in this segment the ministry of defense, and what's more, neither the company that supplied jackets in the case of the summer scandal nor the grinkekivcha company, they had specialized production, that is, none of them sew jackets, pants and underpants. and the shirt could not, and obviously it is the same as in the case of those jackets that your viewers are now seeing on the footage, this is a meeting of the investigative group and the anti-corruption committee, and it is about the same jackets that were either old or not
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winter ones, in fact, are not of very good quality, and we submitted them for examination, but in most cases these are just direct contracts that had a frankly, frankly corrupt component and in... grenkevych, most likely, they also produced either turkish or chinese goods. ugh. in them , you see, in turkey, it seems, it is such a base for sewing jackets for the armed forces of ukraine. this is the second time we mention turkish jackets in this context. we, perhaps, in fact, they also sewed them in ukraine. it just seems to me that ah, somehow all the capacities are ukrainian, they were occupied by other companies, which are usually suppliers of the ministry of defense, namely jackets. so. tatyana, but today is in the sbi. reported that will still find out whether the hrenkiewiczs had accomplices in the ministry of defense, the sbi reported that they will find out whether the ministry of defense had accomplices, and they will check the cooperation of the officials of the ministry of defense with hrenkiewicz, based on your own information or
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observations, potential hrenkevich's accomplices, are they still in the ministry of defense, or have they already been released? see how history always rests on the fact that contracts are signed. khmelnytskyi and shapovalov, and they are already in our country, as you know, and they are in sizo, and there is a certain spectrum of readers that circulates around these of this contract and... it seems that grynkevich had some connections with oleksiy reznikov, but i could not find any confirmation of this theory, so i cannot say anything. i can only add here that today we actually requested an interview or a comment from oleksiy reznikov, but so far he has not given any comments or interviews. at the end, i will just note that the sbi recently reported that grenkevich's son, roman grenkevich, a suspect in ... paradise, was declared wanted, officially he allegedly he did not cross the border , but he is being searched for, so far such news as
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of now, tanya, thank you very much, tatyana, he did not swim and did not cross on foot, but maybe he did, well, let’s see, we will follow this topic, thank you very much, tatyana nikolayenko, censornet journalist, representative of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense, and finally... a story from the front. radio liberty correspondents spent several days working with a ukrainian sniper group in the bakhmut direction in order to understand what kind of war they are waging well trained shooters. see the experience of one of them in the article by evgenia kitaeva and anna kudryavtseva. survived a week - added experience, lived another month. experience was added again. we followed orders, wherever we were sent. these were mainly assaults. when... when
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you are on an assault, you just go beyond your infantry and wait for the infantry to assault, you are ready, and when a counterattack comes in response, then you already meet the enemy, but it is also dangerous to work like that, because before their counterattack comes initially artillery shelling, aviation, all this works in your square, well, if you... how, but everything works on automation, the more experience, the more automation, you need
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to control everything, on the road, when you walk, you need to notice where your infantry is, if there is an opportunity, talk to them, find out their moral condition, it is desirable to know who is behind your back , to know who is behind your back . we know, we collected our ammunition in the evening, everyone checked again what he has, what he should carry, i as senior groups still in the evening i asked everyone if you took it, and you took it, i’m already calm, everything is in people ’s hands, in the morning we have breakfast, lunch, after dinner we don’t eat anymore, if we go for the night, we go with an empty stomach, this is also a must of course, it's easier to walk, the doctors say, it's easier when you're injured if you get hit in the stomach, but it's mostly physically easier when you're hungry, you go to work, you show up. it was precisely on hnevelsky,
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there ours were surrounded and it was necessary to break through the rear for them so that they could return. there it was 300 m, but we were saved by the fact that our artillery was working precisely at us, not at the enemy, and the enemy could not understand where i was shooting from. well, it would be foolish to shoot from where arta works, and i just... we got into position, there was a distance of up to a kilometer on the enemy's position, their sniper, he did everything right, he climbed out and crawled into the landing under the right angle, that is, i didn't see him getting into position, but then he started making mistake after mistake, he got up from one position, i didn't like it. there he moved to a different position, began to lie down again, i was simply curious, i just see that this is my colleague,
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he is wearing the same cloak, he acts like me, but only i am already in position, i can already see him, he is just going to find me, and when he was already in second place, i approached him dog , he had to get up, he got up, moved to the third position, and i still didn’t start shooting, i was interested to see how the enemy worked, it was already clear that he was wrong, again... he lay down, he lay there for hours two, stood up and began to mend his cloak, and i could see all this, judging by his movements, he was unsuccessfully going down the toilet, so i stopped crying, i already understood that if he once again ... a fairy tale, took a rifle, that's it, i'm already a car, i have many questions of life,
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the most important thing is to survive for me, my partner and a machine gunner, there are no other questions anymore, you are not distracted by anything at all. it's so scary, it's always scary, but until we manage to control fear, well, until we manage to control fear, that's all we have for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty page on the internet, like this broadcast, questions, comments, wishes, leave this video below until tomorrow. there are discounts on aquamaris of 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are 10% discounts on paracetamol darnytsia in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies.
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congratulations. at the end of last week, at the beginning of this week , a rather significant event took place in russia , the first big protest this year, and i would say the first big protest in russia for a very long time, the interesting thing about this story is that, well, rather than all this we can say that all the processes that usually escalate in russia before any election, with all the artificiality and such you know, have intensified not'. these elections, all the same, some speeches begin, some, well, you know , attempts to bring something to the authorities begin, and this time such protests took place in bashkirtostan, excuse me, and it all looked like this, let's see, freedom, freedom ,
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people, and in fact, they threw snow there, there, among other things, people tried to get into a fight themselves, well, that is, well, these are really, well , the protests are so serious, and all this broke out after the verdict of the eco-activist fail alsynov, who was recognized as an extremist and sent to play for four years. the reason for his arrest was his speech in april of the 23rd year at a protest in the village of ishmurzino against... gold mining on the irandyk mountain range, then the activist said that immigrants can leave bashkiria, but the bashkirs have nowhere to go, and for these the governor of bashkortostan himself, radii khabirov, wrote a statement on his words , moreover, he did not just write a statement when the case came to court, in fact, why did all these protests
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turn out to be so massive, then the judge gave alsynov more a sentence than the prosecutors demanded , well, even here is such a story, i.e. a bigger one, they asked him, the prosecutors asked to give him a settlement there somewhere, well, that is, something like that is enough , and they gave him four years, basically a colony, and all this was also invented some such absolutely business that it seems like inciting inter-ethnic enmity. and all this incitement of inter-ethnic enmity was based on the translation there of the phrase taka karah, which means a simple people. well, it's just ordinary people, ambitious people, what an expert from the authorities i translated it as literally
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, well, the churks are there, the blacks are like that, although this is not, well , completely untrue, that is, it is just some kind of slurring of the local language, well, actually , these protests have been taking place since last week, even last week was the first time when they were just about to announce the verdict. people have already gathered, this is just the beginning of these speeches, and after that they tried to arrest those people who are supposed to be the organizers of these protests, already when the sentence was passed, it happened on january 17, then in general everything was already very bad there, there they turned off the internet, blocked all the entrances to the court, where the verdict was handed down, people there abandoned their cars, came on foot. all these skirmishes took place, snowballs were pelted there, police cars were thrown, and someone's glass was even broken there, nato was shot there, well,
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in short, it was something that went beyond all limits, well, actually, all the protests are still going on, again i will repeat myself, they still continue in essence, they are not suppressed to the end, there continues this whole plot and this whole story, and what do you think? or at least a word about this was said somewhere on russian television , well, on federal channels, absolutely not a word, neither in the news, nor in any conversations, as if it simply does not exist at all, despite the fact that in fact everyone, well, everyone is aware of it, there is a circle around there in telegram channels all these conversations, and they are even developing, there are kremlin political technologists. even, well, there, well , they are doing something, well, for example, they closed the telegram channels, the telegram channels of those, well,
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local media, bashkir, which covered these protests, that is, it is up to you how independent telegram or telegram is there where it is controlled by the russian security forces, the fsb and so on, you see, they just shut down three of the most. well, such small bloggers were banned because such abuses began to appear, let's listen, when did the fights on the street begin, did such abuses begin. i call on all fighters of bashkiria to leave the territory of ukraine and return to their homeland to protect their land and their people. while you are fighting for one man's ambition, your people are being beaten with sticks by the omon and the national guard. return to the defense of your land.
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but they say some very loud words. extremists from banned organizations drug and fool our residents and try to lead them to... the head of the extremist organization bashkor, their members actively oppose russia, support the armed forces of ukraine and rejoice in the death of our soldiers in the war. file and his friends are enemies of russia. we urge you to send fail and his separatist friends to our battalion. we will re-educate them and teach them to love their homeland. we already know that the traitor alsynov was recognized as an extremist. it will not be difficult for us find you and there jackals. it's only a matter of
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time. when we return home victorious, we will find each and every one of you. well, what can i say, here, i would say, to normal people in bashkirtistan, it is important that these are so incomprehensible. well, probably bandits, because they hide their faces, well, so that they remain good in the ukrainian land, that's all that can be said here, and probably they will come to this sooner than all, and what were russian political technologists saying at that time and propagandists, of course they love to talk about all kinds of mass demonstrations, mass actions, but they like to talk about them when they are not in russia, and for example, when something like this happens in germany, let 's see... what's the difference, just, well, directly, how many words. a fighter of the first corps of the dnr, compared to which even. neo from the matrix
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looks like a child, he has diamond genitalia, an incredibly handsome matumat, let's probably start with the footage of the day, which you definitely have not seen, and it seems that such a thing does not happen, this is footage of a video duel of a russian military man, a fighter jet of the donetsk 1st corps, a fighter of the 1st corps of the dnr, compared to which we were allowed to do it a little differently. we have another, i hope they will let us in now. a fighter of the first corps of the dpr, compared to which even neo from the matrix looks like a child. he has diamond genitalia, and an incredibly handsome matumat. well, unfortunately, we don’t have that, i’m not ready, but the point is that at this moment on russian television, i will discuss... very
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widely the farmers’ protests in germany, and even correspondents directly from the place were included there, but you know, in your own territory in bashkiria, for some reason, they didn't find any correspondents who could get involved and tell what was going on under their side there, probably berlin is closer to moscow than the bashkirs themselves, that's how you can understand it, well, that's another thing that we are doing now. .. we will show you, this actually, in principle, shows , this is, you know, a rare case when something happens to the russians that they do not want to talk about, because it happened the other day, they lost two very important aircraft for them, an a50 and an 22, and here are both planes, well , that’s enough, let’s say, well, artificial things, which not many in russia, at first they
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told us that it was... uh, they shot it down themselves, then they started saying that nothing happened at all, then they found the remains of the pilots and somewhere in the telegram channels, well, there are some, well, let’s say this, warriors, some bloggers began to write there, oh, bright memory, isn't it bright, there is something like that, well, but the fact that the fact that it did not go to the general public, but what they threw at the general public at that time, as if replace the topic, replace the topic about these actually shot down planes, these are stories about a heroic fighter who escaped from a drone, and so skabieva and solovyov also talk about this and talk about these drones, well, if not, we have it here, give it to us, let's probably start with the footage of the day, which you definitely did not see, and it seems that such a thing does not
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happen, here are the footage of the video. in a duel between a russian soldier and a drone fighter of the donetsk first army corps , he lured an enemy fpv drone to attack him, then managed to avoid the impact, the device exploded on the ground as a result. unbelievable rare skill, the russian fighter calls fire on himself, fire is opened, he dodges, then a koverok and an fpv drone. missed, our soldier got up, looked around and went about my business, really incredible, probably, and it's also a reminder to all of us that thousands of our guys out there at the front have situations like this every day, every day, because fpvs fly and fly and fly and fly and let's say this, such miracles do not happen often, well, let's say directly, such
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miracles really do happen. not often, but it was just lucky, you know, i was already expecting that they would tell all about it for a few days, how they love it, then they would find a fighter, then they would reward him, give a star for him, well, so far this has not developed, apparently someone told them that he is either not such a fighter, or maybe some kind of story is not like that, but unfortunately, they did not show that on the same day, well, practically in these same days, another video appeared where in... literally their military man shows a ukrainian drone at another of his colleagues there, let's say, who hid and pretended to be dead, and this one, so that, as i understand it, he would not be shot at or what, it shows, but no, it looks, it is lying, it is moving, let's throw something into it there.


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