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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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dmytro gorbunov and 16-year-old anastasia pokhylyuk. all these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region, and for a long time it has not been possible to find out where they are. that is why i really hope for your help, and of course, i am mostly addressing the residents of the territories of the donetsk region that are not controlled by ukraine. i know that you do not have ukrainian tv channels, but maybe you are watching this program on social networks. please look carefully at the children's faces. ksenia zelena looks 15 years old, she has dark hair for the last time the girl was seen in donetsk. dmytro gorbunov, he turned 17 relatively recently, but the guy looks, perhaps, a little older than his age. he has light blond hair and gray-blue eyes. dmytro was last seen in donetsk region in the volnovatsky district in the village of krasna polyana. and this... anastasia pokhiluk
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turned 16 on september 23. she is thin, has light blond hair and looks her age. official information about nastya's disappearance came in the summer of last year, but it is quite possible that there is a connection with her broke off much earlier. but this is not surprising, because the child disappeared in the bakhmud district, where the situation has been too tense for a long time. if suddenly someone has information about a possible place. dmytro or nastya, or maybe you just saw these children somewhere, let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are on a temporary basis occupied territory and do not have the opportunity to call, write to...
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children's tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them. but, unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. at the same time, unfortunately, children are also disappearing in the territories controlled by ukraine. and, as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers who are often in... to
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run away because of their experiences and some unresolved problems. we discussed this topic with a psychologist and gathered a lot of advice for parents who can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. according to experts, it often happens that the problems of teenagers mirror the problems of the adults around them. therefore, psychologists advise first of all to establish one's own emotional comfort, then it will be much easier for an adult to help his child. about your psychological well-being, be attentive to yourself, because often the problems of children and teenagers are a reflection of the problems of the adults around them, and if you feel tired and exhausted, if nothing bothers you pleases, something worries and scares, if you notice that you have become less productive, that you are more often annoyed, that you have some problems with memory, for example, with attention, with concentration, this is all an excuse for you to seek help, to get this help , to fix your life, to fix...
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psychological comfort and then already in a healthy, prosperous position to help your child, and maybe at that moment this help will no longer be needed. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% at travel pharmacies. and savings, there are discounts on citric 20% at podorozhnyk pharmacies, and there are discounts on energy detox, 15% at podorozhnyk, pam and ochda pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime . of your time
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, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, sergey zgurets with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world in more detail. will speak yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please, you have a word, two hours to be informed economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, lina chechenna, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also there. events of the day in two hours, big vasyl zima's broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. 93 separate
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mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of drones. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the loss of living and... living forces of the occupier, for the approaching victory, which the whole of ukraine is waiting for, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, do not look down on the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads even better we will have a special look at events in ukraine. can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already
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approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze. political. analytics, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! freedom life, frankly and irrefutable you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. and foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays, from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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good evening, from ukraine. congratulations, dear viewers, this is a big one. great at i wanted to say a great evening to the spresso tv channel, my name is vasyl zyma and i and my colleagues together with you today we have more time than a full hour and 40 eight minutes , we will have time to talk about the most important things and of course give more information and analytics regarding the events that happened today, well and we have a new collection, we are announcing it, and now i will announce it so that you can join and support our army. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund call to join the... collection of funds for our defenders from the 141st brigades it performs tasks in the orihiv direction. this is zaporozhye. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. we plan to purchase walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes,
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drone detection detectors and many other equally important, useful and important military equipment for us and unpleasant for the enemy. every hryvnia is important and thanks to you we close. more than one collection, but this time we ask you to support our military, our goal is 1 million hryvnias, and let's let's listen, we ask you to join iryna kovel's gathering for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help, glory to ukraine, glory, well, let's join, let 's support, our army needs our help, now more than ever, only together we will be able to overcome the cunning, unprincipled... enemy, which is the aggressor country, the russian federation. well, now we will talk about the situation in kharkiv oblast. today, the enemy hit the kupyansk community again. oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. so
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, let's start, actually two, two settlements that i identified for myself today, reading the news feed of the kharkiv region, this is a village, well , now there is no such thing as an urban-type village, it is. removed by law, well, let it be the name of the urban -type village of borova, this is the izyum district, a rocket also hit kupyansk, please tell me the details of these attacks, well, in kupyansk there... there was a story about a dead woman, unfortunately two wounded, possibly information has changed, it has become more, please, unfortunately, there are constant assaults in the kupyan direction, and today we have, well, very bad information about the fact that there is an advance on some areas of the front towards the enemy, this is confirmed by the russian telegram channels and confirm some military, but we will wait, wait. of course, the official information of our general staff, our official data, but the situation there is very
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complicated, at the same time, the kupyan district, the village itself, the very city of kupyansk, is constantly under fire, with control aircraft with bombs, constantly under fire, artillery, mortar shelling, and every time aircraft fly over... the region to target the kupyansk district, the air alarm goes off in the entire region, and we read in the news that it is precisely in the kupyansk hromada controlled by atomic bombs are used , they are very serious weapons, because they are very heavy, they cause very serious destruction even on the front line, but very often they hit civilian, civilian... houses, houses, and, unfortunately , people die as it happened, and today
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, police officers, first of all police officers, are calling for the residents of kupyansk and the kupyansk community to leave the settlements, to leave their homes, but evacuation is mandatory from only two communities, well, it is possible tell us a little about what mandatory evacuation is, it's like the bus arrives, the workers leave, the appropriate people are there, who is it? has to deal with e according to the regular schedule, and they say, that's it, you have to put your things now and we're leaving, we have somewhere to take you, here's help for the first time, and please leave a place, well, actually for hostilities, and what is the advice, again, because we see, well, today a woman died, two men were wounded, thank god, they did not die, but if these people had left, they could to be alive, unfortunately , people suffer there every day, the concept of... mandatory mandatory and forced evacuation are different concepts mandatory is when the authorities
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recommend that people leave this territory, considering this territory to be in constant security, danger, so it does not necessarily mean that people should to leave, a lot of people refuse to leave, they believe that this is their home , that this... is their property, that this is their homeland, and especially these are elderly people, and in case of mandatory, so-called mandatory evacuation, they simply write a refusal and do not leave these territories, in order for people to be forcibly evicted, there must be a forced evacuation, then, as you say, people arrive and are simply forcibly evicted, but this happens in very rare... cases there, basically this is the so-called mandatory evacuation,
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but people write a refusal and stay , there are still cases, for example, there are a lot of them , it is enough when people still leave, and after a while they still return home, because to their home, because they cannot be there either psychologically, whether it's emotional, to bear the fact that they are forced to leave their home, it's very... difficult, and the people who are there, they are under constant fire, under constant stress, but they love their home so much that they the vast majority do not leave there, well, that's what i wanted to leave, they already left a long time ago, they left there at the beginning after the deoccupation, but there is such a category of the population that categorically does not accept the idea of ​​evacuation at all, of course we... believe in the armed forces of ukraine, but this is a war, the situation is different, and actually , many
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of these people experienced the occupation, and we are now seeing the consequences of the occupation of the same izyum and other settlements of the kharkiv region, where the enemy was wreaking havoc, it is clear that if, well , i say again, it is a war, we know that the armed forces of ukraine will restrain, everything will be fine, but there are always different options, people should think about it, well , but then again, well, if people write a refusal, obviously they take responsibility for their lives on themselves, i... i also wanted to ask about, well, in the holnodyarsk district , the holnodhirsk district, along which it flew and disappeared from connection now and here i wanted to ask the holnogohirskyi district. damage to houses and it is written that there were more damaged houses, how did the cracks start to go or what, or the consequences of the blows during the inspection, during the inspections there was information about 27 damaged houses, during the inspection it turned out that 30 buildings, of which 23 buildings are housing stock, and to date it has been calculated that 687 windows were broken during this impact, now
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the utility workers are still, despite what happened, it was the day before yesterday... the utility workers are still they are carrying out sash, well, sewing up windows , openings that remained from broken glass, and are still sorting out the consequences of this terrible terrorist attack, well, here is more information, this is just an example, yes, i would be interested in expanding it, 38 million has been allocated to the owners of destroyed housing in the city of chuguyev, which was hit by the enemy, the school was destroyed there, if i'm not mistaken, and in general, the budget of the region is... how capable it is, well, let's stop now, if we take into account the possible profits that are included in this budget, expenses, is there enough slack for, well, i.e. safety margin in order to respond to such challenges as a damaged home, a damaged school, injuries, other things that will have to be covered, especially since we see, unfortunately, the enemy is hitting kharkiv, kharkiv oblast, not only
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hits, but also prepares for offensive actions, well , actually conducts offensive actions, except that unsuccessfully, unfortunately... since i am a member of the budget commission of the kharkiv regional council, i very clearly and carefully understand the figures regarding the regional budget, the budget in connection with the law 10 1037 with the withdrawal of personal income tax, the regional budget lost about 6 billion hryvnias for next year, and today, for example , we drastically reduced the funding of our theaters there and today... we are already receiving messages from them that they will simply be destroyed because they have no funding, we have significantly reduced all social programs , all we cut what was possible, because 6 billion is a very, very large figure for the e-e budget, and there are no funds for this, there are absolutely no funds for
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restoration there for compensation, it all needs to be done at the expense of the state. budget, and we, for example, even today at the budget commission, we considered the possibility of completing the premises in the regional hospital in order to install an mri, well , the completion of the premises costs 4 million 60 million mri, these are the funds of the icrc, but in fact, you know, we must state the fact that the country has not entered the military rails, we have not yet we do not understand that it is necessary to stop any. financing of anything, although an mri is needed in a regional clinical hospital, of course, an mri is needed even so that, say, military obligations can be passed by a military medical commission, or those who returned from the front with spinal or thoracic injuries cells, well, in any case , any parts of the body could also undergo this examination, then it is clear that it is necessary,
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no, of course, but the key question, the key message, we must stand on military rails, and today all the budgets... we have all the funds to spend as much as possible exclusively on the war, otherwise we will not survive , we simply have no way to survive, i absolutely agree with you, mr. oleksandr, and i believe that this is how it will happen, and not without the help of kharkiv residents. oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was in touch with us, but really, you read the news that the representatives of the authorities, i'm not saying who are trying to restore air connections, choose cities, this is important, surely air connections should be restored now, restored. on the other hand, possible terrorist attacks, possible sabotage , possible ops, well, that is, well, right now, it is definitely more important to stop enemy air traffic there on the front line of enemy planes and invest more money in this than to launch planes from uzhgorod or, say, from ivano-frankivsk or lviv or others populated areas, and now we will talk about zaporizhzhia, there is also a lot of important information there, the enemy
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shelled orihiv today, askadash rubekov is in touch with us, he is a deputy of zaporizhzhia. of the regional council, mr. skade, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, well, actually, airstrikes on orikhov, the enemy hit six, if i'm not mistaken, the entrance of a high-rise building collapsed, i didn't find any more information, it appeared so close to the evening, maybe you have more information on this matter, we know that the enemy has actually been trying to raze orikhov to the ground for a long time, but people continue to live there, buildings continue to stand and he continues to aim at them, well, this is actually orikho's daily practice. that the enemy is shelling them with guided aerial bombs, and today it was six hits, in fact two high-rise buildings, well, the entrances are completely formed, fortunately, people have not lived in high-rise buildings in orichov for a long time. houses , so there were no casualties, but it should be noted that this is a systematic practice, yesterday and the day before yesterday, the enemy was also directed by air bombs, in fact , the premises of the former
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district police department were destroyed, there was an attack on the communal economy, where communal equipment was destroyed, that is, the enemy is trying to us beat all over the remains, let's say so, of traces - the life activities of the orihiv people, and in fact similar there is no way to hide in shelters or bomb shelters from their blows. because even large houses are actually completely destroyed by this type of weapon, not to mention some small houses or shelters, which are in any case the basements of large nine-story buildings, can only become mass graves, well, if there are people urgently unblocked, let’s say they won’t be taken out of there, well, this is actually the practice of the fact that it is a big illusion that the basements of buildings are bomb shelters, they are not bomb shelters, especially if the basements residential buildings, well, my mother has ordinary nine-story buildings in kyiv. there , well, the pipes will just burst and this whole basement will turn into a swimming pool, that's all, that's all, and then from there, i want to note that
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there were similar strikes on orikhov before, in fact, one of these strikes took the lives of seven people who were at this moment in the points of invincibility in ukrut, i.e. guided aerial bombs, they actually take the lives of orihiv residents, even those who are hiding in bomb shelters, and we understand that daily, as a rule, these strikes are in broad daylight, i.e. the enemy is trying to increase as much as possible the number of those killed among the civilian population, i.e. this is already an established tactic, to burn out the front-line communities as much as possible, this applies not only to orikhov, but also to gulyapole and rural communities that are on the line of contact. this is related to the question, why are there planes in ukraine now, why are there more air defense systems, well , at least to drive the enemy away from populated areas near the front line, let's say, it would be very effective. they detained a gang of rocket launchers, by the way... a one-time story, very impudent, there are criminals who , as they say, have been sitting for a long time and have come out and started doing a bad thing, maybe you
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will tell more about this episode, and again, such a crime in wartime is not a crime , please, of course, for sure, as a deputy of the oblarada, i should know about all situations, and i think the peculiarity is that, in fact , the first year of the war there, probably, the first period of the war, the society was very significantly consolidated and even the level of... in front-line zaporizhzhia and in other territories, because let's put it this way, everyone was united by a common danger and consolidation of efforts, but today, as with the continuation of the war, in fact, criminal elements, they are beginning to wake up, increase their activity, because, well, for some, war is the protection of the homeland and consolidation of efforts, and for some it is an opportunity to earn some easy money or to put pressure on their own residents of their city, such gangs. they are, and thanks to the effective work of law enforcement officers, in fact, both the security services of ukraine and the national police, they are quickly passed detention and in general liquidation of such groups. i think that,
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unfortunately, we will face this in the future. it is important here that the power block just shows very effective work, and it should become a very similar symbol for other people who believe that war is a time when you can engage in crime or criminality. i think that the tolerance of society in general for any crime. today, well, it’s just minimal, because both the military and representatives of the power bloc, they are maximally interested, involved in ensuring that similar incidents simply didn't happen, i think it's an illusion for gangsters, yes parolees, that now there are some better conditions to commit their crimes, and it is precisely the national police and security service that shows its effectiveness in this direction. well, you know, here, when they say that the crime rate has decreased, maybe so, in ukraine in general, but when it comes to saying that let's get rid of all the policemen and send them all to... the front, i'm not against people doing that , which there, let's say, maybe now could be effective at the front, as people are trained to own weapons and there physical condition and so on, well, but we understand very well that
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only the edge will happen, there are very few police, those who are now sitting in cracks and holes will immediately raise their heads, well, this is a group, one has served 25 years or 15 , others are also criminals, created problems for people, well, conditional artificial problems, then they said, let's solve it for a certain amount, and then a certain amount was demanded every month, this scheme has been known there since the 90s, in ukraine, so it's nothing new, well, but this just as an example, it's just as an example why it's important, of course, and in the rear, too, well conditionally in the rear, because now i have the strength to react, i would like to ask something about traitorous collaborators who are being exposed both in zaporizhzhia and in the region, and there are some of them, they somehow now started to show themselves very actively, well let's say, in zaporizhzhia, the guard of the grandfather's house pointed russian rockets, in general, of course , a wild story, but is it? there are many of them, is this not some kind of critical sign of those people who are either waiting for the russian measure, or are ready to cooperate, or provide such information as this kindergarten guard , look, before this situation
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it is necessary... to approach systematically, the situation in the occupied territories showed us that in fact a significant number of conditionally hostile agents, it was inhabited before the start of a full-scale invasion of the territory of ukraine, and when the territory became occupied, i mean , we saw some cities of the zaporizhia region there , that the people who were settled there for six months, a few months before the full-scale invasion, showed that in fact they were representatives of russian troops or russian special services, and we are sure that in the territory of zaporozhye, on the territory of other cities under... the controlling authorities of ukraine, unfortunately, there are still people who were at one time either recruited by the russians, or in fact simply sent by the russians, so here it depends on the efficiency, again, of the security services of ukraine, this is not the first case , when the security service exposes such fire adjusters or people who cooperate with the enemy, i actually arrest them, they will be severely punished, here you know, here we must all consolidate, i mean both the society and the power block, so that to see such people and respond in a timely manner
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to any suspicious pro... of these or other people, in order to avoid the possibility of giving, correcting such people to any actions of enemy forces. but there is also a purely human factor here, because most of the rocket attacks on zaporizhia, they were precisely on civilian infrastructure, dozens of educational institutions were affected, i mean schools, kindergartens, that is, in fact, the same institutions in which this correctional officer worked. that is, he sees these destructions from enemy strikes, but continues to adjust, the question here is to what extent in general, people are zombified and... but in general , everything related to russia has a deformed character, in fact, it is simply distorted in general any human qualities, human values, unfortunately, such people are among, say, those , who now lives in zaporizhzhia, but again, we hope that due to the effective operation of the power unit, there will be fewer such incidents, and more such people who will be exposed, well, i have two questions, one of them, well , if you know, yes, and no, then let's move on, russians
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want to track geolocations. in the inhabitants of the occupation, this is why they do not move closer to the bases of russian, russian equipment, do not introduce, or how they want to do, the digital world into the occupation, unequivocally, look, in fact, the occupiers are inventing new, new methods of controlling people, that is, this control of social networks, it is generally monitoring, in general there of internet activity, today they are trying to calculate some clusters of people there by geolocation, by ip, that is, they are trying to find methods of... control over population, why this is happening, because in fact the local population to a large extent does not agree with the occupation regime, some do quiet information actions, some do actions of direct resistance, as was the case recently in melitopol, when the cars of the collaborators were blown up, i.e. despite two years of occupation , the resistance movement continues to function, the russians are trying to come up with new, new methods to control the residents of the temporarily occupied territories, but from what we see now, none of their actions, it is
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gave... a significant effect, i will remind you that at first they wanted to make a total video recording in the large cities occupied there , such as melitopol, berdyansk, then to block any internet and messengers in general, but none of these actions, she did not, let's say, ended in success for them, we are sure that even such ip or geolocation tracking, they will not end in success for them either. thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, askadash rubekov, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, and goodbye to mr. askat, i'll be here for a second i will take before selling the word to serhiy zgurts on the internet, well, they stopped accepting belarusian bank cards for booking services, belarusians booked accommodation in poland in other cities, countries, where they wanted to come, and then suddenly money began to be returned and the reservation was canceled, as it turned out that the booking was transferred to the american stripe platform, and actually the sanctions were activated, the question here is that
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if you choose to support russia... i am not talking about the belarusians who supported ukraine with weapons in their hands is fighting on the battlefield, but they are either fighting somewhere abroad, but against the lukashenko regime against the russian regime in belarus, this is one story, but if you support the invasion, and then remind the belarusians how you received the stolen in ukraine sent things to russia with their mail , so travel, please, there are cities, chelyabinsk, there is this ust kaminogorsk, well , why go to europe, against which you spoke, supporting russian aggression against an independent european state. ukraine, well, that's how it is, as they say, early or not you come late to kasa, yes, well, not to kasa, but serhii zgurets, the director of the defense express agency, came on wednesday, leading the military summaries of the day column. serhii, please give me the floor, congratulations. greetings to our audience, greetings to you, vasyl, today we will talk about new details of the artillery coalition for ukraine, about how the enemy is being destroyed in the liman direction , a conversation with our military, and about the demining of our liberated territories,
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how much money, time and... technologies for this you need about all this.


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