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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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the territory occupied by our ukraine, yes , that is, together with crimea, and remember that we will also think about potentially russian territory in general, well, what are 40 missiles, ukraine shoots down 150 russian missiles in one attack, that is, it is clear that this does not make the weather, well but this is a kind of start, the main thing is that our hands are not twisted later, why are you shooting at the launchers of the voronezh region, that is the most important thing, that our hands are not twisted for this, on the other hand, come on. to be honest, we still have to finish that one ourselves the missile program, which was called peregrine, borysfen, we have thunder there and so on, we must continue to do this, unfortunately, a lot of time has been lost, but we have the technology and opportunities, so we can use these scalp missiles to help ourselves to liberate our territory, already with our own production of certain things, well, to peel off the russians, eh, mr. major, one more question.
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quite relevant, which was considered today in france, unfortunately, our minister of defense, rustem umyera, did not fly there , you explained that due to some issues, he cannot do this for security reasons, but he participated virtually in this meeting regarding the creation of an artillery coalition to support ukraine, and french defense minister sébastien lecornu spoke about it today. and they talk about the fact that the french ministry of defense announces that 78 caesar self-propelled artillery units will be produced for ukraine this year. if you compare the pace with which russia is currently trying to saturate its army with various weapons and the pace at which europe is included, well, in a conventional arms race. because in fact europe
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says that a war with russia is inevitable, and it may be in 3-5 years, does the european community realize enough that their pace is not so high yet, that putin at the expense of this iron, which is still there from the soviet union , he has it somewhere in the urals in siberia, and at the expense of north korea, that he is recruiting in... uberts much faster than they are preparing for war, well , let's be honest, if we are talking about the ukrainian-russian war and about the help of the west partners, if not for that help, then we would of course be partisans, as i already said, maybe somewhere in the forests of the carpathian mountains or in volyn, i don't know, so of course it's very good, but the question of pace, well, let's talk again, okay, the installations are great, our bohdana , well, that's all, that is, it's the same 40 km plus, and
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bohdana's accuracy is very high, and her endurance is high, and this is our manufacturer, our workplaces, but both for this and that installation we need shells, we need shells , for long-range active-reactive projectiles, for closer range, simply 155-caliber, you understand, this is a nato standard, all the countries of western europe, together with the americans , managed to deliver 480,000 to ukraine instead of the promised million last year. projectiles, this is not enough, let me remind you, the russians produce about 2 million, and north korea threw another million at them. today, the russians have parity in terms of artillery, something like this , it does not look quite equal for us, for 20 thousand of theirs, there are 2-300 of our shells, well, this is a very serious problem. i understand that last year the russians taught in a day about eight. 10,000 on ukrainian
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positions, that was also the case, and we experienced it all in the trenches, as they say, and survived, but i emphasize once again that the very good tactics were chosen by the commander zaluzhny in the context of counter-battery combat, that is, the destruction of enemy systems, fire systems, and we destroyed a lot of them, the russians are now taking shit from the time of the second world war, it’s true, their accuracy is weak, but due to the number they cover... squares are covered with squares, then the russians rule in the sky, the issue of building up weapons of the last millennium, it is of course necessary, but i still prefer to listen to zaluzhnyi's theses, that we need to fight with the weapons of the 21st century, you see, and it is in this context that i emphasize that let's do it this way, let's make it simpler, is it possible with caesar installations hit a moving tank 20 km away? no, but is it possible
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to hit a tank that is moving 20 km away with a drone, well, there are such admissible drone systems that are currently being manufactured there that can fly even that far, it is possible. so the question is what we need more, or how many shells are needed to get them into that tank, and how many drones are needed to get into that tank, and now we look at the cost, one shell - 3,600 €, one drone there is 500, let's say 700 €, those are a little better , better, that's all , the question of price and priorities, and the question of possibilities, and most importantly, this is the question of a technological breakthrough, the russians have already established large-scale production, the russians are already... mastering artificial intelligence, which is driven by drones, the russians are already using thermal imaging systems drone guidance , night vision systems on drones, whoever masters it first will be the master, well, i'm already , sorry, i'll just say it, mr. major, the very
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end of our conversation, i'd like to hear your opinion on these discussions that now they have developed around the bill on mobilization, we have been watching for a month or three weeks how the bill submitted by the government was discussed, then it was again in the verkhovna rada, then it came to the government again, the government is preparing again, but there are not many changes. and it will be possible at the beginning of february, is it permissible during the war and when mobilization is necessary, these are long-term discussions that should open... the way to mobilization, is the existing legislative framework sufficient to carry out another mobilization now, and in the event that it is and baked potatoes or hot potatoes that will be thrown around by the political leadership of the country, you know, i'll tell you
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this, if it looks like crap and smells like crap, it's probably crap, it's not potatoes, it's crap they're throwing around from one of the hands to the other, as a result there is no there is no law on... but hands have been smeared, i believe that today, in principle , the legislation that provides for the issue of mobilization is, in principle , working in itself, the only thing is that it needs to be improved with issues of authority and issues of responsibility for evasion, as well it is necessary to improve the procedure for serving summonses, which can be done in principle, if so desired, then also by a cabinet resolution, to which tsc employees could refer. therefore, in this context, of course, this is not a bad thing, which has come out very strongly now, because in our country. previously, there were no problems with mobilization either in the 16th year, or in the 17th year, until the spring of the 22nd year, further, further, i believe that communication with society was overthrown, that the popularization of the neighborhood was more than the popularization of the protection of the homeland , and this is what caused
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what we have today: the army is becoming an army for the poor today, because the rich have the ability to pay off, have the ability to sweat. have the opportunity to find some kind of armor or some kind of umbrella somewhere in some structure from which people are not taken into the army, and is this true, or there is an option to get out of this crisis situation, even without losing the rating to the dependent zelensky, without losing the ratings, he can say this: this is a difficult time for the country, i am a responsible president, i take responsibility and submit my opinion as an urgent bill. and this should be done as soon as possible, i think that respect for the president in this situation will not decrease, even if there are some things in this draft law that will not be perceived very well, what difference does it make, because the army is the language of faith already at the front, and what difference does it make can now perceive and may not accept it, then i emphasize once again, all
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the same, the soldiers will support these things, because we need to be replaced by something and someone, even if there is a rotation, i am not talking about demobilization, it is in general. from the field of fiction, but rotation, rest, two or three months after a year people sit in the trenches, i believe that it should be everywhere, because otherwise we have this war on our shoulders, the army, the language , the faith will not reach. thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, it was a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special agent ihor lapin. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us there, please like us. video so that it can be promoted in youtube trends, it is very important for us, do not be stingy, like, write comments under this video and take part in our survey, we are asking you about whether the president is responsible for the corruption of the ministry of defense, yes no, in youtube is quite simple, if you are sitting in front of
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the tv and have a phone in your hands, you can vote if you think the president is responsible for corruption ministry of defense 0800 211 381 no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, please vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next with us is oleksandr khara, diplomat, expert on foreign and security policy. to the center for defense strategies, mr. oleksandr, i welcome you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey, thank you for the invitation. let's start our conversation, mr. alexander, from the united states of america, there is information that on wednesday president of the united states of america, joseph biden, held a meeting with congressional leaders and heads of specialized committees, at which he called for faster unblocking of funding and further assistance for ukraine. and discussed, as quoted by the american media, the strategic
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consequences of inaction for ukraine, the united states of america and the world. later , information appeared from the wall street journal that biden agreed to strengthen immigration policy to ensure aid to ukraine. how do you assess the prospect of the united the states of america, er, quite quickly, or so it would be in ukraine. it is still profitable this speed of making this decision, did olaf scholz and germany almost double the aid from four to 7 billion euros, at some point they have to compensate for this lack of funding from the united states of america, and our partners consciously, well, work in sync, and biden is trying to compensate ukraine at the expense of germany. this is a small lag that has occurred since the time of the last
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tranche from the united states of america, well , first of all, it should be said that europeans, thank you god, old europe, at least in the form of germany, it understands the threat from the russian federation, i think i said it more than once on the air, there was a very good study of the center. er, so the foreign policy council, where they said that after this war, 5-6 years later, the russian federation will be able to attack one of the nato member countries. that is, there is an awareness that the war has come to europe not only on the outskirts there, which are not protected by the european union and nato, but also in our good old europe itself. and of course, what olaf scholz is doing is a response to the awareness of this threat. the second point is also extremely important from the point of view that, as you rightly said
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, for the time being, until the united states is able to provide us with what is necessary, well , first of all, with finances, which are then converted into weapons, ammunition, which europe has, let's say yes, to take on a certain, certain burden. the third point is the realization that a disaster may occur with trump's arrival in the white house, not only ukraine may be left without... aid, but also european allies, and of course, that now european capitals are thinking a lot about this, what they will do, was left alone with the russian federation, and of course, the best option is to help ukraine destroy the aggressive potential of the russian federation. returning to washington, the meeting was interesting, i understand, and there are cautious positive signals from there from... from the participants at the meeting was the national security adviser to the president of the united states, who briefed the congressmen
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on what means are provided by the united states states, they end in ukraine and how that will affect our ability to defend ourselves, and of course that this has been used as such a moral, at least pressure, but speaker johnson is holding the position that first the administration needs to... make concessions on the solution to the security of the southern border, and he said that there can be no compromises, the border is american, it must go before the ukrainian one, on the other hand, the nervous reaction is one of such ardent trumpian marjory green, that as soon as speaker johnson tries to conduct or put the law is, so she will start the procedure to remove the speaker from this
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position, last time kevin mccartney lost his position, because this wing itself, although she did not vote then, she was very critical of this kevin mccarthy, but actually i was not there i remember five or six republicans voted for the removal, and then the democrats actually voted in full , that is, from the nervous reaction, i see that rather... after all, there are, let's say, certain concessions on the part of the administration, and there is an approximate understanding what compromise can be found in order to unblock aid to ukraine. today, the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergey lavrov, said that the west is threatening russia with nuclear weapons, and not the other way around, and rejected the possibility of strategic negotiations with the united states of america. let's listen to what lavrov said. which is led by washington against russia,
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there are no grounds except for additional common ones. on arms control and reducing strategic risks, but also in general for any talks with the united states about strategic stability. we this idea on the future, of course, we do not reject, nor do we reject the possibility of a political and diplomatic settlement of the existing contradictions. however, we strictly and firmly condition such a possibility on the preliminary complete rejection of the measure from a malicious course to comprehensively undermine the security of russia. and our interests. well, lavrov is obvious when he says that we are ready to settle the existing political and diplomatic contradictions there, we are probably talking about returning to the ultimatum that was put forward by president putin in december 21st, and that we are ready to return to this, but here
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is the desire to transfer from a sick head to a healthy one, about the fact that the measure on... nuclear weapons, and perhaps the threat in private conversations by communication, special communication with the leaders of russia, or it is impossible, mr. alexander, what do you say, no, it is absolutely impossible, because we understand that conscious people are sitting in washington, and in european capitals, and in paris, and in london, those who have nuclear weapons, they understand, that these guns, gun control, and not once since, well, at least since... 2014 no united states or european factor has threatened the russian federation, instead, since 2014, russia has increasingly used this rhetoric, and by the way, quite effectively, because this rhetoric deters our western partners from giving , what types of weapons
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, thank god that a certain evolution has taken place since the 22nd year, and you remember very well how we were given only ... skingers and javelins, and then quietly we will soon have, or maybe already have f- 16 in the ukrainian sky. that is, in principle, these are related things. well, you know, recently putin, well, probably threw off the last fig leaf when he said that russia is not going to give up its conquests. and in this way , we have a dekun standing before us, completely naked, who has a nuclear baton, who absolutely... let's say this, brandishes it senselessly and, well, actually blackmails the world with such things, i want to say that throughout all time, starting with the creation of the russian the federation, i mean, after 91, the issue of the strategic security of revnagaga, she was in the first place, and precisely because of that, and at
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that time, the administration of bill clinton ignored the interests of ukraine as well, well, at that time we were de facto allies. the russian federation did not want to join the eu and nato, but at that time they ignored the interests of their allies in central and eastern europe, and always the issue of, let's say, control over strategic weapons, it required the russian federation to receive some concessions in the package on those key issues in the region that interested them, but the russians themselves began to destroy the system that was created, well, actually after the caribbean. since 1962 , i mean, this treaty on short and medium-range missiles, the russian federation violated it and actually forced it, forced mr. trump to terminate this agreement, on conventional armed forces in europe, the russian federation violated it and actually came from others, well, in fact, what remains is the treaty on
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strategic offensive weapons, and they are showing that they do not want to continue these... the treaty until the west makes concessions and gives russia what it wants, it is clear that it wants, it wants sphere of influence, and of course, these spheres of influence should include not only ukraine, the americans do not agree to this, although of course they would like a certain stability in relations between nuclear powers, because the russian federation and the united states own 80 percent of the world's nuclear potential, but on the other hand , you know, now... china's nuclear potential is growing, and there are already more than 300 warheads, they are building up their missile potential, and within five years they are going to bring them, well, to almost a thousand. therefore for the united states to somehow tie one's hands with the russian federation without, let's say, without including, without including china in this process of control, it makes no
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sense, because then they will lose in another, let's say, the theater of the windhoek pacific region, so it's not entirely clear why this is what mr. lavrov says, things are bad in ukraine, they cannot achieve anything, they are trying to shake the unity of that country. and those who support us, thank god that it does not succeed in europe, only slovakia and hungary are on the side of the russian federation, in fact, the rest of europe understands that it is necessary to support ukraine and not succumb to such blackmail. mr. oleksandr, you already mentioned trump, trump distinguished himself this week by once again declaring, this is not the first time he speaks about what he knows very well. putin and zelenskyi , it is not a problem for him to end the war between ukraine and russia, that he has all the tools, if he wins the
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presidential election of the united states of america, he will definitely do it, what is the point of this hussarship, well, in a different way i can not say trump and his efforts to convince everyone that he will reconcile everyone, biden cannot reconcile, he will take and reconcile, but we... understand that the price of peace that vladimir putin can go for is the recognition by ukraine, as they say, of the so -called of a new territorial reality , well, to put it simply, when ukraine will give up the territories occupied by russia, which have already been declared russian, and any such proposal from trump, in the event of his victory in the elections, will not be accepted in kyiv, eh. what to expect from trump or is it just such pre-election rhetoric, during which he wants to convince, first of all, not the world, but the americans, that he is completely different, and
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he can do everything, and it is within his power. well, you know, he's basically a demagogue, and of course this rhetoric that he's using now, it's aimed at his fans at cult members, you can't say otherwise, and they use this phrase very often: when he was president, russia did not attack ukraine and there were no conflicts of any kind, well, this is nonsense, since we have had a conflict with the russian federation since 2014, and it was not like that a large-scale invasion, but there was no end to the war, this is the first, secondly, trump tried to solve the north korean problem and met with kim jong-un, and what did it give, so there were no tests of missile systems during. so trump is a kimchi, but he hasn't surrendered his nuclear warheads, and he hasn't stopped developing missile systems, and in fact now
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he has the ability to strike the continental united states, so what trump says doesn't quite correlate, so with reality, and of course we are we can say about an alternative history that if i, when i was president, something did not happen, thanking me, of course, that is simple. speculation as such , you can expect anything from trump, because he is an unpredictable person, and he embraces it, he says that it helped him in business and it helps him actually in international politics as well, we can expect from him as a positive re things in relation to ukraine, i do not rule out such that, well, literally, i don’t know, there is a 5% probability that he will give... a day to ukrainians, to the ukrainian and russian presidents, and if thanks to or if president putin does not go
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to peace, then he will provide ukraine with the help we need. i do not rule it out, but it is unlikely, given that there are a lot of negative things associated with trump's ukraine. he believes that we helped clinton in '16, he believes that from our server territory there was interference in the ... election for hillary clinton, he, we remember, a perfect conversation with president zelensky, which caused then, means impeachment, the first impeachment, the procedure, the impeachment procedure was launched, which did not come to fruition, yes, yes, you did not remove him from power, because in the united states impeachment is somewhat different than, and that is exactly why he can be convicted under a criminal article and take a seat, that is, in the white house, that is, the united states is a slightly different country. from the point of view of rights here, but also what worries those people who understand the united states, that there are people around him who have an extremely negative
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attitude towards ukraine, that is... tucker clarkson himself, who is the mouthpiece of the russian propaganda, in fact, he is very often shown on russian television, and he advises mr. trump on foreign policy, there are other people there, so most likely, if such a black swan comes to us in the form of trump, it will certainly be difficult, but it is clear that neither the ukrainian president nor ukrainian society will agree to give up part of their own territories, and... of course, we understand what, let's say, the end of the conflict is, it will only be a pause for the next offensive on ukraine, that is, we should not freeze conflicts, by the way, i really liked the speech of our president in taos, he said that it is not the frozen conflict in ukraine, but the frozen russian assets, what is needed to stop this war, we will work with whom, who who will be, but of course i would like to see someone unconscious, joseph biden or nicky gelli,
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that's it. the choice of the american people. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation. it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook. throughout the program, we conduct surveys. we ask you whether the president is responsible for the corruption of the ministry of defense. now let's look at the interim results of the survey: 92% - yes, 8% - no. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, we continue our program today in the issue. no frozen conflicts, did the world hear zelensky about the predator putin, the results of davos for ukraine. the world is on the brink. third world. lavrov threatens nuclear escalation. is europe ready for war with russia? the ukrainian formula for peace for the whole world. coordination of wording is in progress. will the peace summit be held already this year? we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video and also vote
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in our. poll, today we ask you if the president is responsible for corruption in the defense department, yes, no , please vote on youtube with two buttons, either yes or no, or write your comment below this video if you are sitting in front of the tv , pick up your smartphone or phones and vote if you think the president is responsible for the corruption of the ministry of defense (0800-211-381, no), 08021382, all calls to these numbers are free. call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce the guests of today's program are ivana klympush tsinsadze, people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity faction. mrs. ivanna, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening. thank you for the invitation. oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, mr.


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