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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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like this video and also vote in our poll, today we ask you if the president is responsible for corruption in the ministry of defense, yes no, please vote on youtube with two buttons, either yes or no, or write your comment below this video, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the president is responsible for the corruption of the ministry of defense, 0800-211-381, no, 080 21138. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's program, this is ivanna klympush tsintsadze, people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity faction. mrs. ivanna, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, thank you for the invitation. oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. mr.
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oleksandr, i congratulate you and thank you for coming here, and we are still waiting for the inclusion of oleksandra, oksana savchuk, thank the people's deputies of ukraine, i hope that they will join already during our program. well, ladies and gentlemen, since we are asking our viewers about the responsibility, about the political responsibility of the president for corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine, let's do it in a blitz format, you just give answers within one minute, what do you think about it, because there are a lot of scandals around. defense, there are a lot of questions about abuses, and the sums there are billions of abuses by the hrenkevychs, and billions by others different projects, that is, who is responsible, or the president is responsible, well, politically , of course, mrs. ivano, we will start with you, and you know that we are in a state of war , we are in a state of war, and this means that the supreme head...
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of course, as a person who represents the minister of defense, and these are two ministerial portfolios that actually report to the president of ukraine, the minister of defense and the minister of foreign affairs, of course, and bears political responsibility for what happens in this department. thank you, ma'am ivan, mr. oleksandr, what do you think? well, as a lawyer, i believe in legal responsibility, ie. it seems to me that it is necessary to specify that these cases should be dealt with by the relevant law enforcement agencies and the anti-corruption infrastructure that was created and proved its effectiveness. regarding political responsibility, for any politician this issue is decided at the election, that is, voters decide whether this politician is politically responsible or not by voting. thank you, mr. oleksandr, er... mrs. ivano and mr
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oleksandr, this week the world economic forum in davos took place and is coming to an end, president zelenskyi addressed the political-financial elite or the political-economic elite of the world and spoke about the danger of the russian federation and the predator putin, well he said that there is no need, no we need to freeze the conflict in ukraine, and we need to freeze it simply. assets, russian assets abroad, and that the predator putin will never be satisfied with just frozen meat, he will always want blood, and he will always seek that blood and to fight not only with ukraine, did the world hear zelenskyi in davos, mrs. ivanna, well , i think that we could not count on the fact that this... extremely
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important international platform will become some kind of breakthrough story for ukrainian diplomacy there, but the presence of president zelensky there was certainly important and correct, it is good that he is trying to continue to reach the world in different ways and in different variations, let's say, and with different metaphors, but i think the time has come for such , you know, dark and consistent and complex diplomacy, when emotional things and emotional comparisons work less, and the rational finding of common interests with one or another state works more, on the basis of which we have to further build expectations and build calculations for their help, and i would like... that of course the ukrainian
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diplomacy finally from the diplomacy of the 22nd year, which was very, very emotional for obvious reasons, we had the whole 23rd year in order to... to go on a little bit different rails, or are we there yet? i don't quite think that we rather, it seems to me that we have not moved at all, well, to such a different approach, has the world heard? unfortunately, we see with you that moods are changing in many countries of the world, including due to active work, we should not forget that russia did not stop its work, somewhere its opportunities for influence were cut a little. at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, but unfortunately, in many ways, russia has regained its influence both on the right, radical political projects in various countries, and on public opinion in many countries, and well, it continues to work with some
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by separate analytical structures through which it promotes its narratives, and all this, unfortunately, is reflected, including on er... on that er... how politicians in democratic countries react to the mood of their societies, to help ukraine , we are grateful to all those who continue to show leadership in this process, i think that these are not just statements, but the actions of other politicians, in particular, for example, the same prime minister of great britain, who came to ukraine from... a message about additional funds, a large, well, increased package military aid for this year, as well as the announcement by german chancellor mr. scholz that germany will actually double its military aid to ukraine
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in the 24th year, president macron's statements, we still do not understand what this means in financial terms, because in fact despite a lot of support. today, compared to other capable states, france does not allocate so much, if i am not mistaken, 0.02 of its gdp, today france allocates military aid to ukraine, he also talks about increasing this military help, i think that these examples feed, let's say, the world about that, and i... how to act further and how realistically our partners today assess the threat that the russian federation poses not only to us ukrainians, but in fact to everything to the free world and the global global world order as such, because
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zelensky was heard in davos, i don’t think that anything has changed after davos, and this or that phrase or metaphor again, it can somehow... somehow shake the world, but the fact that we need to knock on all doors and need to continue to do it systematically at all levels, starting with the president, government officials, parliamentarians, and our public organizations, to do it in cooperation, in such systematic coordination, then it is definitely just the duty of each of us. thank you, ms. ivano , mr. oleksandr, during davos ukraine... the delegation held a meeting on the ukrainian peace formula, and the peace formula is an initiative of president zelenskyi, a global peace summit is to be held in switzerland, during the visit of the president and the conversation with the president
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of switzerland, actually it was achieved, and well obviously, when we talk about zelenskyi's peace formula, we are not talking only about the peace formula for ukraine. it's about the european continent, it's about the world , it's about a new security system at the end of the day, because all the security precautions that were in place after world war ii and the whole system, it just collapsed on february 24, '22, when putin launched a large-scale offensive against ukraine. when we talk about ukraine's victory, when we talk about defeat. russia with our partners, do we have the same thing in mind, when we talk about the victory of ukraine and about what kind of defeat putin should suffer, is everyone ready for the defeat of putin, the fact that everyone is ready for the victory of ukraine is obvious, but is everyone ready for the defeat of putin and
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are we in the same language talk to our partners? ah, i hope that all responsible western politicians are ready to win. of ukraine and to the implementation or implementation of president zelenskyi's peace formula in terms of what is really being said, you are absolutely right here, not only about the fate of ukraine and about... russian aggression against of ukraine, it is about the future of humanity and about the global security system, about the international legal order. i believe that every western politician should be interested in restoring the international legal order. why, because it is in the interests of every country, every european, every country, for international law to protect global security and every state in the world. therefore, i am sure that... that we must first of all understand a certain minimum of victory in this way: the restoration of the international
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legal order, the european security architecture and world security, and this implies first of all, the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine and the creation of the necessary security guarantees for ukraine and any country in the world, as well as punishment, punishment and responsibility, international legal and criminal responsibility. aggressor, thank you, mr. oleksandr , oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, non-partisan, ms. oksana, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. your colleagues and ivana klympush-censad and oleksandr moreshko and i are talking about the results of our visit that we saw delegation to davos and the speech of the president of ukraine and about how the event. accepts and does he accept ukraine's proposals
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that putin is absolute evil, that putin is a predator, and this predator can attack not only ukraine, but also the baltic countries, poland and the countries of the north atlantic alliance, others, or awareness in your opinion that these are the forecasts that are being given by... the germans now, and the swedes, and the poles, and representatives of the baltic countries, that in 3-5 years europe may face russian aggression, was zelensky convincing when he spoke about the fact that now putin should receive a rebuff, a harsh rebuff, because two years have passed. of a large-scale invasion, everyone sees the scale of the war, the largest continental war since the second world war and probably
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the largest war in the world in terms of scale, casualties and destruction. yes , good evening, well, look, first of all, we understand that the udavosi forum is a place that gathers everyone, first of all, world -class politicians, experts, all those who think strategically somewhere, and even despite that, everything.. .that the topic is global warming, how it will affect the future of the world, the topic of the war was also discussed, and for ukraine, of course, it is very extremely important that we can first of all draw what conclusions for ourselves, well, that we, of course, the war is taking place on our territory, and when somewhere our european colleagues, friends, everyone... make predictions that russia may attack neighboring countries that are
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nato members, and that they need to prepare, then of course we should also show that today ukraine is doing everything possible to keep the enemy on our eastern lands, therefore that if we did not stand in the first days of the active war and did not stand since 2014, then... nato would have been at war in the 22nd year, and they should understand this, but of course, all politicians are politicians , who think strategically ahead, but there are, of course, politicians of other countries who are rather weak, rather slow, they do not want to make difficult decisions, they delay these responsible decisions, and such politicians also exist today, and we state this as a fact, of course, which is very important for us today. don't talk there, but what will happen in a year, for two, because for us, as a country, ukraine,
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which is already at war with russia today, and russia is the country that lives and feeds on the fact that it is constantly in wars, that is, it does not know how to think strategically about how to exist without warriors , without enthusiasm, and putin, who dreams of going down in history, no less than there, like katerina, friend, or stalin or others, that is, he will constantly fight, our task... to think about what we have not done in the last active two years of war in our country, stop creating certain illusions, conspiring people on a single marathon, but... to really start such a powerful training of civilians in a new way, including the acquisition of certain military skills and reformatting, that is, look, now we really began to actively buy the same drones, we understand that the guys even give us such an analysis somewhere, that after all
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, at the end of last year, they receive 40% from the state, 60% they receive from er... er population of volunteers, public funds. our task as zatvonotvortsev to do everything possible so that there are still all those gaps in the legislation that we we have to eliminate them, that is, if we eliminated the customs duty when importing certain plates for body armor, etc., then we still need to take into account components and small parts and remove them from this, because today we buy a lot of things in europe and the war in ukraine enriches including. and other countries , and we need to talk openly about this, too, because they produce more weapons, these weapons come to ukraine, we have to support our army ourselves, so summing up everything that happened in davos, i would say that we are there topics of ukraine were present, of course it is very important, the fact that we should adjust, that
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this year we should not only demand and think that we should be given, we should have our own strategy for... to be strong and then, believe me, even those nations that are still hesitating, nevertheless they will be forced to help the strong, that is why we have many challenges for ourselves, just as many challenges were on the agenda. to help, maybe their awareness that that putin is the new hitler, as the head of the foreign ministry of great britain said. david cameron will still be broader, and everyone will understand that history repeats itself, but it must be understood that the ending of this story must be the same, and that some fragments of this history must not be repeated, because i want to quote david cameron, who in in the interview, the politician
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said that putin is hitler and mentioned the events on the eve of the second world war, which cameron said. it is the same as being the minister of foreign affairs, or, it should be mind the west why try to appease the then aggressor it's like being the foreign minister or the leader of europe in the 30's we should not appease putin we should confront the evil that is his invasion the only thing we can to do is to demonstrate during this year that putin is not winning, ms. ivanna, is it enough for the world to win, to demonstrate that putin is not winning, is it enough for putin to understand that he is going to lose, and he calmed down because we we know that, well, the same dmitry medvedev, a few days ago, said that we will never calm down in the history of ukraine, and
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no matter how long the war there lasts, 10 or 50 years, we will still achieve our goal, and their goal is... the destruction of ukraine and the destruction of ukrainians, you know, i'll just go back to what you asked ms. oksana about these forecasts, various forecasts, and analytics that say that europe has there are three to five years, some say more, some say a much shorter period of time for to prepare for war with the russian federation, i think that... it should be important to realize among the leaders of the world, the free world, that in fact europe can avoid a war with the russian federation, if europe mobilizes now to the extent to help ukraine win in the russian federation federation, namely
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to defeat the russian federation, and here is this, you know, such a common denominator and... awareness of what is this defeat of russia, which also requires, well, understanding its various scenarios, possible scenarios, and before that i do not see systematic preparation by our partners, and indeed someone more determined to help ukraine and aware of all the risks that if russia succeeds in leaving something there... to freeze the conflict in ukraine or to further seize the territory of ukraine, i.e. any failure of ukraine, they will actually pave the way for the attack of the russian federation. on the countries of the north atlantic alliance, on the countries of the free world, and other colleagues are still in such a little bit
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enlightened, of course, but still certain to to a certain extent with rose-colored glasses, thinking about the fact that, well, how is it possible to somehow come to an agreement with the russian federation, although let's say the position of britain there. and just the same david cameron and so on, unfortunately, it is there, whether in the baltic countries or in the same countries of northern europe, and it is probably in the minority today compared to the settings of those countries that are still they hope that by somehow curbing putin's appetites at the moment, by curbing appetites, by not giving them the feeling of being full. there, the advantages in ukraine can be avoided the further development of this terrible conflict on a much wider regional
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level, how to reach our understanding and our awareness of the depth of this russian moral abyss and in general the psychological abyss in which it is in relation to our partners, and for me... it is difficult to say, but definitely water sharpens stone, only in us of course, every day is worth its weight in gold, when, when we knock on this door, but what we have really at the same time as explaining further continuing explaining to the world the threats that which are before them, not only before us, to continue to build up their capabilities, and here the question is that not only there should the parliament do something, because the parliament, for example, passed the law already, if i'm not mistaken, more than eight or nine months ago about the fact that in order to facilitate
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the write-off of, say, the equipment that was destroyed by the enemy, the same drones, and in the military units, the president has not signed it during this entire period of time, so here we still need to play four years, i would say, here inside country, because a... and we need a systematic understanding of our joint actions, and for this we still need the question of unity , to resuscitate and return to those approaches that prevailed in ukrainian politics at the beginning of the full-scale invasion by the russian federation at the beginning of the 22nd year, and we, unfortunately, lost this, so common. joint ability to hear each other, in particular due to the fact that, unfortunately, there is no such message from the top
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leadership of ukraine and there is no such, such a message from the authorities, and of course, we would it is also necessary to treat ourselves a little with such, with such additional demandingness, with which we are trying to treat our partners now. thank you, mrs. ivanna, oleksandr, obviously you can react to what mrs. ivanna says, because you are a representative of the monomajority and monopower, and i do not think that you are hostile to european solidarity or to other political parties, and that's all - after all, this unity, about which mrs. ivanna speaks, it is important, including for our victory, because in a different way. not maybe, well, with regard to domestic politics , you know, here i separate domestic and foreign politics a little bit, if we are talking about domestic
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politics, then of course the nature of politics is the struggle for power, including between different factions, parties, and this is completely natural and normal, the main thing is that this struggle does not interfere with the general constructive approach related to the protection of our interests and our defense capability, but rather. foreign policy, i can only emphasize that we do not have any disagreements with representatives of other factions, other parties in the parliament, that is, we form a single parliamentary-diplomatic front, and i am sure that my colleagues can confirm this, we work very fruitfully in inter-parliamentary organizations, at international conferences, and we strengthen each other, we also share experience, rich experience, "i really appreciate the position of my colleagues, and there is no doubt about it, but as for how the world perceives putin, i
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always have one." there is also one question: does anyone think that after a certain moment of time it will be possible to sit down at the transition table with putin, reach out to him, talk to him about something, why does the world not articulate its wishes clearly enough, that russia must be deputized, that russia must be demilitarized, well, that is, without which, in principle, the future of the world is impossible, well, on ... so far, i have not heard that any of the politicians, western politicians , openly expressed the view that it is necessary to return to business as usual with putin and russia, although i assume that there are still certain western forces, western politicians, it is said about some, for example, right-wing or left-wing populists who they dream of returning to business as usual with putin, only they are now afraid to openly
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express themselves about... this, although there are politicians who are trying to support, who are a trojan horse, they are called that, a trojan horse, for example, in europe , but it seems to me that there is a question of insight here, before western politicians, they thought that putin is the same politician as them, that is, they did not understand that this is a completely different mentality, that it is not about a person who protects. national interests of one's country, and it is about a war criminal, like , absolutely here the comparison with hitler, they are quite appropriate, by the way, i want to remind you that prince charles once expressed, drew this parallel with hitler, which caused outrage in the kremlin, but this is exactly the right parallel, putin is a war criminal, russia is recognized as a terrorist regime, including in
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the parliamentary assembly. europe, and we must treat putin not as a politician, not as a rational politician with whom you can conduct any negotiations, but as a war criminal, there is already a warrant for the arrest of this military criminal, it must be implemented, and russia must be treated as a terrorist regime, as a dictatorship. thank you, mr. oleksandr, ladies and gentlemen, after a short break we will return to ours. in the studio, don't switch. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of a crow. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. to get closer to the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine. glory be to the heroes.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. friends, we are live. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. as part of our program, we conduct surveys. we ask you whether the president is responsible for corruption in the ministry of defense. yes no. if you watch on youtube, everything is quite simple. choose either yes or no. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphones and vote. if you believe that the president is responsible for the corruption of the ministry of defense - 0.800
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211. 381 no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today, we have people's deputies of ukraine, oksana savchuk, ivanna klympush, tsinsadze and oleksandr mereshko on the air. we talk about the results of davos and how the world perceives ukraine, how the world perceives putin, including, and how the world reacts to challenges from outside. the russian federation, an aggressive country waging war against ukraine. today, the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergey lavrov , said that president zelensky allegedly refuses to hold elections in ukraine during the war, because he is trying with all his might to hold on to power. let's listen to what lavrov said. the issue of elections came up. the question of elections arose.


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