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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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ministry of defense 0800 211381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today we have on the air people's deputies of ukraine oksana savchuk, ivana klympush tsinsadze and oleksandr merezhko. we are talking about the results of davos and how the world perceives ukraine, how the world perceives putin, including, and how the world reacts to the challenge. who are on the side of the russian federation, an aggressive country waging war against ukraine, today the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergey lavrov stated that president zelensky allegedly refuses to hold elections in ukraine during the war, as he is trying with all his might to hold on to power. let's listen to what lavrov said. the question of elections arose.
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heard that the west is strongly recommending zelensky to hold such elections, apparently counting on the fact that the election campaign and the vote itself will allow zelensky to be brought a little in line with the interests of the west, because he is increasingly fighting back. zelensky publicly stated that he will not organize any elections because there is a war going on. well it resembles, you know, another staging and reflects only the wishes of this person and his wards, like everyone else. are known to hold on to power as much as possible, well, this was said by a person who has been the minister of foreign affairs for 20 years, and the president for more than 20 years, well, in fact , the president of the russian federation is vladimir putin, and there are no elections at all, there is only the re-election of putin, here he comments our elections ms. oxano, no elections or during elections, during war? and well
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, it is not known how long the war will last, or that creates problems in order for society to communicate there, for the authorities to communicate, or in some way to raise the question of whether a new parliament is needed, whether a new president is needed, or whether new local self-government bodies are needed, because in 2020 we had that elected throughout ukraine, i looked at 400 representatives... opz, a party that is banned in ukraine, there are also a lot of questions here, and who, who, who is, who is in the authorities, not only in the highest authorities, but also in the local elections, who won and who who is now deciding the issues regarding financing , local budgeting, land allocation , and many, many issues that concern local communities, please, well , look, first of all... if we have
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the next elections, and most likely, they are now in such an actual phase of the war that we have now, they are from the safe, exclusively for security reasons, it is very difficult to conduct them, and no one still understands, but how should those who left and how many ukrainians vote, so if we say, are we ready yet, by the way, there are a number of questions, what can we do about improving the electoral law, passing the lustration law, because let's be honest and say that if we have the next election, some of these peddlers, dyed foxes will change their hats and they will try to join other parties, so such legislative initiatives as lustrations about preventing all representatives of pro-russian parties. who took any actions against
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the sovereignty of ukraine, i believe that they are correct and they should be voted on in the parliament if we really think about the next election of those people who should be represented on the ballots, and people should elect them, and also, as for dialogue, i will tell you honestly, we need a more honest dialogue with ukrainian society. today , i am convinced, we have to show... give ukrainian society the numbers, how many ukrainians died in this war, how many were wounded, how many were captured, and these things do not need to be hidden, i am convinced that we have to say this because people are fooling themselves, people think that these numbers are much bigger somewhere, people they are afraid, but what will the new law on mobilization be there, because everything, as it was incompetently done now with the registration of the bill at the end of december and... all the tricks
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that were offered to people, they screwed people up very much, and that's why in fact this year, we have, first of all, such , you know, strategic tasks, to change... we are approaching a little bit, to take off the rose-colored glasses on the single marathon, to simply stop this single marathon, er, the deception of ukrainian society, because it does not work, and those that are there, they still don't understand that it doesn't work, you have to it is completely honest to look everyone in the eye and say what we have, how we will continue to do and what we will strive for, but this seems to me to be the problem of this government, we just need to... grow up in some issues and understand that people much wiser, they cannot be fooled by anything and continue to do the strategically important things that you and i talked about even at the beginning, mobilize all resources and distribute them correctly, i don’t even want to say the word human resource, because i
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still don’t like the word resource, but we have also to understand that we really have qualified people, some of them went to the front, some of them we need to understand... where they are, what their mission is, how they will work for this country, because we really have a war and we have to defend ourselves, and that , how you and i will be able to work effectively, whether the government really wants to leave the lost walls and get closer to the people, this is the choice of the current government, i advise them to do it, because to expel, by the way, the very key thing, if we say that we are cleaning ourselves up, well, let's be honest, we in the parliament could already... and the committee could consider the amendments on the ban of the moscow patriarchate, we could already accept it, although in the second reading, and b, we could finally excommunicate these fifth columns of moscow, who straightened their shoulders, who constantly give additional votes, and feel very
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comfortable, if you will say now, but there will be elections tomorrow and we will already get rid of these pro-russian forces in local councils, regional councils, and in the verkhovna rada. well, you know, i'm afraid that it's not such a clear-cut decision for all people, there are still those who will say, so what, they well, the parliament votes on such good laws, so we still have to make sure that these people cannot switch to it in the future, thank you, thank you ms. oksana, mr. oleksandr, european solidarity once initiated the creation of a government of national unity and discussed it quite actively the question and... the context of the events in ukraine, then when the events began to unfold in israel, how they quickly formed a unity government on october 7, 2023, could the creation of such a government be a way out of this situation, when there are no elections, but all the strength
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that are in the country, they should unite for one to defeat the russian federation, or do you consider such a possibility that such a government can? be? well , theoretically, it could be, but to be honest, i am personally satisfied with the current composition of the cabinet of ministers, and by the way, if you look at this composition and count who is the representative of the servant of the people party, it will turn out that it is not so there are already many, there are representatives of different political forces, and, well, i don't know if you can call it a government of national unity, but at least now, as far as i understand, after all... this government is functioning and there are, you know, such, as the americans say, if it works doesn't fix it, that is, if it works, why fix it. thank you, ms. ivanna, can the current government of shmyhal be called the government of national unity. by the way, i
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just saw the news today that shmyhal is going somewhere to negotiate something, i suddenly remembered that we have prime minister of ukraine shmyhal, although there were a lot of... conflicts, well, for example, with the polish carriers or with slovak ones, and from fico, to fico he goes, he will to talk to fico, and it seemed to me that shmyhal should be much more active, but to his credit he has been the prime minister of ukraine for the fourth year already, i think he can even set a record, because in my memory he has been in ukraine for so long , it seems that no one was the prime minister. let me try the thesis, starting. from lavov, lavrov is definitely not a person who tells the truth during all the decades he has been in this position, so of course he could be turned back, and what do these have in common there, every few years, people come to
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the polling station in the russian federation with real elections with practices that the country should have, to which the country should correspond. which claims, well, at least for membership in the osce, in which it still remains the russian federation, this is the first. second, regarding the elections in ukraine, according to the constitution, the elections of the verkhovna rada. cannot take place until martial law is over, and similarly there are other parts of the constitution, other articles of the constitution, which speak about what they themselves have, in which it is a democratic, open , transparent way to hold elections in ukraine, and all this is absolutely impossible under the conditions of martial law, and moreover, the law on martial law is prohibited. there is a possibility of holding any elections, so it is not for lavrov to talk about the fact that someone is imposing on us, or
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someone is obliging us to hold elections during martial law, there are no such signals from the west, and i can say this responsibly. the other thing is that yes, indeed, when there are no elections, and when we cannot provide them anything close to democratic standards of elections during. martial law, when some of the people's rights are limited, when we have, well, a single propaganda telethon that destroys the presence of any, any representatives of political forces who have a different opinion from the ruling party's, and on which only, except in slots of the public invite representatives of the opposition, which is what access to the media can be about today. moreover, i believe that we should return to
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the idea of ​​a government of national unity, president zelensky could start by at least to meet with the leaders of the political forces that are represented in the parliament, this was the first step on the path of unity, he is the only president of ukraine who met with the leaders once during his entire tenure. political forces of other factions in the parliament, and this was on february 24, this is not unity. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we will assume that this was a prologue to your talks regarding the government of national unity, ivanna klympush-tsintsadze, oleksandr moreshko and oksana savchuk were guests of our studio today. during our program we conducted a survey, we are your friends, asked about this, is the president responsible for corruption in the ministry? defense of ukraine. let's look at the results of the survey: 92% - yes,
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8% - no, these are the results of the survey on television, on youtube, 89% yes, 11% no. friends, it was the verdict program, it was hosted by serhii rudenko. i say goodbye to you, i wish you good health, take care of yourself and your relatives. goodbye. when the great invasion began, denis was probably one of the first to break into our dungeon. denys was among those brave people who met this challenge with open eyes. in the end, tragedy struck. i frankly say a tragedy, he went into life young, working
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for the state, running, flying forward to our victory.
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congratulations, the end of last week, the beginning of this week,
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there was quite such a significant event in russia, the first big protest this year and... well , i would say the first big protest in russia in a very long time, the interest of this story is that, well rather, it can be said that all the processes that usually escalate in russia before any elections, with all the artificiality and such, you know , virtuality of these elections, all the same , some speeches begin, some, you know, attempts to convey something to the authorities begin. well, this time such protests took place in bashkirtostan, excuse me, and it all looked like this, let's see, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, stand up,
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what to share, what to share? well, that is, they beat people there and detained about 20 people, and in fact they threw snow
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there, people tried to get into a fight with something else, well, that is, well... such people really, well, the protests are quite serious, and all this erupted after the verdict of the eco-activist fail alsynov, who was recognized as an extremist and sent to prison for four years. the reason for his arrest was his speech in april of the 23rd year at a protest in the village of ishmurzino against gold mining on the irandyk mountain range. then the activist said that the new arrivals can leave bashkiria, but the bashkirs have nowhere to go. when the case came to court, in fact, why all these protests turned out to be so massive, the judge gave fail alsynov more
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the sentence than the prosecutors demanded, well, even here is such a story, i.e. higher. then the prosecutors asked, they asked to give him a settlement somewhere, well, something like that is enough, and they gave him four years, in fact, a colony, and all this they also invented some such absolute case that it was as if it was inciting international enmity, and that was all this incitement of inter-ethnic enmity was based on the translation there of the phrase taka hara karakhalyk. which means, well, ordinary people, well, just ordinary people, there are poor people, and which from the authorities, the expert translated as, literally there, well there are churks there, blacks are like that, although this is not, well, completely untrue, that is , it is just some kind of slurring of the local language,
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well, actually, these protests have been taking place since last week, even in the past, you... were the first, when you were just gathering to announce the verdict, people have already gathered, this is just the beginning of these speeches, and after that they tried to arrest those people who are supposed to be the organizers of these protests, already when the verdict was passed, it happened on january 17, then in general everything was already very bad there, the internet was turned off there, all entrances were blocked to the court where the sentence was pronounced. people there abandoned their cars, came on foot, all these clashes took place, they threw snowballs at the security forces' cars and even beat someone there with a stick. shot at nato, well, in short, this, this was something in general that went beyond all limits, well, actually, all these protests continue,
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again, i repeat, they still continue in essence, they are not suppressed to the end , there continues this whole plot and this whole story, and what do you think, did at least a word about it was said somewhere on russian television, well, absolutely on federal channels. the words are neither in the news nor in any conversations, as if this simply does not exist at all, despite the fact that , in fact, everyone is aware , all these conversations are going on in telegram channels, and they are even developing there, kremlin political technologists even there, well something is happening, well, for example, they closed the telegram channels, the channels of those, well, local bashkir media, which covered these protests, that is , it’s up to you how independent
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telegram is there or where telegram is controlled by the russian security forces, the fsb and so on then, you see, they very simply closed down the three biggest telegram channels and a bunch of such small bloggers were also closed down, because such complaints began to appear, let's listen, when did they start ... the fights on the street started with such complaints: i call on all fighters of bashkiria to leave the territory of ukraine and return to their homeland to protect their land and their people. while you are fighting for one man's ambition, your people are being clubbed by the national guard, return to the defense of your land. in response, russian political technologists rolled out several films with fighters, but what... it's interesting that if this woman is saying this with an open face, then those fighters, who are supposedly bashkir and all, they, you know, hide their faces for some reason, but
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they say some very loud words . extremists from banned organizations drug and fool our residents and try to lead them to a rally in support of file alsynov. file alsynov is the organizer and head of the extremist organization bashkor, their members. actively oppose and support russia the armed forces rejoice over the death of our soldiers in the war. file and his friends are enemies of russia. we urge you to send fail and his separatist friends to our battalion. we will re-educate them and teach them to love their homeland. we already know that the traitor alsynov was recognized as an extremist. it will not be difficult for us to find. you were also jackaled there, it's only a matter of time when we return home with victory, we will find each of you, well, what can i say,
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here i would say to normal people in bashkirtistan, it is important that these are some kind of incomprehensible, well, probably bandits, that's why what hide their face, well, so that they remain good in the ukrainian land, that's all that can be said here and probably before that... they will come anyway, and what were russian political technologists and propagandists saying at that time, well, of course, they like to talk about all kinds of mass demonstrations, mass actions, but they like to talk about them when they are not in russia, and for example, when something like this happens in germany, look at the difference, just right, how many words, fighters of the first building...
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this is a little bit wrong, we have it there the other thing, i hope that they will let us now, a fighter of the first corps of the dnr, compared to which even neo from the matrix looks like a child, he has diamond genitalia, an incredibly handsome matumat, well, unfortunately, we don’t have that, we are not ready, but the point is , that at this moment... on russian television, farmers' protests in germany were discussed very widely, and even correspondents from
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the field were involved, but... you know, in their own territory in bashkiria , for some reason they did not find correspondents who can get involved and tell what they have under their belt there it is happening, probably berlin is closer to moscow than bashkir itself, that's how you can understand it, well, here's something else that we 're going to show you now, it basically shows, you know, a rare case when something happens to russians about... . that they don't want to say, because these days it happened, they lost two very important planes for them: an a50 and an an 22, and these two planes, well , that's enough, let's say, well, artificial things, which are not many in russia, at first they told us that they shot it down themselves, then they started saying that nothing happened at all, then they found the remains of the pilots and somewhere in telegram
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channels, well, there are some, well, let's say that, warriors, some bloggers started writing there, oh, memory is clear or not, there is something like that, well, but the fact that the fact that on a broad the audience did not like it, but what they threw at the general public at that time, as if how to replace the topic, to replace the topic about the actual downed planes, this is... stories about a heroic fighter who escaped from a drone, and skabiev too, solovyov about this and will tell you that thousands of our guys at the front have such situations every day, every day, because fpvs fly, fly, they fly and fly, and let's say, such miracles don't happen often, well, frankly, such miracles really don't happen often, but it's
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just luck, you know, i was already expecting that they would tell all about it for a few days, as they they love it, then they will find a fighter, then they will reward him, give him a star, well, so far this has not developed , probably someone told them that he is either a bad fighter, or maybe some bad story, but unfortunately, they do not showed that on the same day, well, almost on the same day, something else appeared a video where literally their military ... shows a ukrainian drone at another of his colleagues there, let's say, who hid and pretended to be dead, and this one, so that, i understand, he wouldn't be shot at or something, shows, but no, it look , he's lying down, he's moving, let's throw something into him, and don't touch me, well, it's like that, you know, that's what i understand, it's coldness , absolutely
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like that, you know, he's sitting calmly, not like that fighter, because he... was running away somewhere, and this one is sitting and just pointing at his comrade, look, he is lying, moving, that well, you ignore him there, well , of course, the story ended sadly there, at first it ended sadly for one, because our drone pilots, let’s say, paid attention to this case, and then it ended sadly for the other, but alas , they did not show this to the russians, they also did not show how their fighters abandon their own when some drones fly there and run away. away, well, in short, this is a usual story like that for them, but here is the very attempt to make some, well, such, you know, just a story of luck, some kind of straight heroic epic, when you fell two airplanes, well, this is a very familiar story for russians, well, actually, and what do you say at this time, once again putin, because he went out somewhere, told that it is not an easy
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time, while you are with us. elections, he has yet to start an election campaign.


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