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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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then there was no mpz, but it seems that it was called differently there, i say if you want an officer , it is not a question at all, i say, i will come to you next time as an officer. kateryna fulfilled her promise and signed a contract with the armed forces of ukraine, becoming the deputy for moral and psychological support of one of the divisions. at that time, the brigade was already performing tasks in the combat zone. we drove there for 40, 50 km at a time. the point where the mobile fire team was stationed to work with personnel, but to me, well to be honest, i didn’t like it very much, it doesn’t match my character, it doesn’t match some of my ambitions, so kateryna transferred to another position and started working in the press service of the 30th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, covered events in the svitodar arc and in pakhmut, i was very comfortable.
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because every day we didn't have a single day, not until february 24, the 22nd, not after, when we stayed at home, maybe some sunday, but it was still work with materials, we were constantly leaving, we communicated, this very cool people, soldiers, officers, sergeants, each person is such a pearl, a pearl shines, you just need to open the shell and look. at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, the brigade had already been in the combat zone for seven months. kateryna was just waiting for the rotation. these were positions near horlivka on travnevo. i took the journalists of one of the tv channels there because there was heavy shelling there. even before february 24, it was the month of january, ah,...
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the russians mercilessly beat the houses of civilians, simply destroyed, and also killed people, after a couple of days, it was the month of january, i go to that position again, i take journalists, because there was a hit in a civilian house again, and they take a puppy, a white fluffy javelin, and already when the full-scale invasion took place on february 24, everyone was running, they collected their things, hid them, handed something over there, i held the dog close to my heart so that , god forbid, he didn't run away, so that nothing would happen to him, the dog, a camera and a laptop. then the woman felt the threat of a great war. assaults, we filmed there, i don't know, straight tanks they fired point-blank, and i even filmed it, it was near the test station, you can hear it there. of the first
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frames, i put the phone on the ground, stood , waited for tanchyk to work, and there in literally three minutes the aviation worked, the tanks worked, the saw worked, our equipment worked, that is, everything happened in those three minutes. kateryna took part in the kharkiv counteroffensive, recorded the consequences of the crimes of russian troops on ukrainian territories. and now we have arrived at the position of the invincible second army of the world. and get acquainted with their best guns, this is how they look powerful, powerfully standing and rotting in the ukrainian land. we left for the units, we just filmed while the metal was still leaking from the tank, that is , it was just one after the other, we filmed as the equipment burned down, we also saw there... the bodies
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of smelly russians, it is very, very beautiful worked out, it's a very cool and powerful defense force operation, that is, it's ah , it's a resource, it's people, it's equipment, and it's information, it's very powerful, it's very cool, that is, we really, we really didn't even expect it ourselves, there was also what was most striking in the counterattack. the general picture , where the russian military was stationed for a certain time, there they put a mirror, put, attached to the boxes from under weapons, a portrait of a woman with bare breasts, put toilet paper, something was russian in them, something they stole already here, that is, exactly everyday life itself, and they also kept it there with them. old
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propaganda newspapers, i was surprised, did they take these newspapers in order to wrap food, or were they specially brought to them, because the dates did not match with fresh i am convinced that the work of the press officers of the brigade is important at the front, because they have the opportunity to be the first to see and cover combat operations and the consequences of russian actions and convey information to the whole world. inclining to the transparency of the media, we take a conventional foreign publication and look at the situation, if the situation allows them to be taken directly to the position, we bring journalists directly to the position, they film the events. are happening there, they are taking comments from our boys and girls and they are showing the world that this is really happening, the world needs to know the world should support us. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel.
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there are discounts on ice cream. 10% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. there are 20% discounts on bronchipred in pharmacies plantain you and save. 93 separate mechanized brigade cold yar is in dire need of a drone. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces in... fart for the approach of victory, which the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this ship district, kherson, live access. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new, two-hour
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format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more. connection, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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yes boy!
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when the great invasion began, he was probably one of the first to break through to us in dungeon, it was denys. denys was among those brave people who were met with open eyes. challenge, in the end there was a tragedy, frankly
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speaking a tragedy, he left his life young, working for the state, running, flying forward to our victory. congratulations, the end of last week, the beginning of this week , quite such a significant event happened in russia , the first big protest this year, and i would say, the first big protest in russia for a very long time, curious. of this story is that, well, most of all, it can be said that all the processes that usually occur in
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russia escalates before any election, despite all the artificiality and such, you know , virtuality of these elections, some speeches still begin, some, well, you know, attempts to convey something to the authorities begin, well, this time such protests took place in bashkirstani. sorry, and it all looked like this, let's see, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, damn it!
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well, that is, people were beaten there, and about 20 people were detained, and in fact they threw snow there, something else, people tried to get into a fight themselves, well, that is, such indeed, the protests are quite serious, and all this erupted after the verdict of the eco-activist file. alsynov, who was recognized as an extremist and sent to prison for four years.
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the reason for his arrest was his speech in april of the 23rd year at a protest in the village of ishmurzino against gold mining in the mountain range and randyk. then the activist said that the new arrivals can leave bashkiria, but the bashkirs have nowhere to go. and for these words , governor bashkartov himself wrote a statement against him, radii kha, moreover, he did not just write statement, when the case came to the court, actually , why were all these protests so massive, well, they turned out to be massive, then the judge gave fail alsynov a longer sentence than the prosecutors demanded, well , even this story, that is, he was asked, the prosecutors asked him to give he has a settlement somewhere, well, that is, something like this is enough, and he was given... four years in the essence of a colony, and all this was also invented by some such
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absolute case that it is like inciting inter-ethnic enmity, and all this is inciting inter-ethnic enmity was based on the translation there of the phrase taka hara karah, which means, well, ordinary people, well, just ordinary people, there are poor people a. which the expert translated from the authorities as literally there, well, the churkas want black men there, but they are like that, even though it's not, well, he absolutely did not answer. of reality , that is, it is just some kind of slurring of the local language, and actually these protests have been taking place since last week, last week was the first one, when they were just going to announce the verdict, people had already gathered, this was just the beginning of these speeches, and after that tried to arrest those people who, as it were
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as the organizers of these protests, already when you issued... it happened on january 17, then in general everything was very bad there, they cut off the internet there, blocked all the entrances to the court where the verdict was handed down, people threw their cars there, came on foot, all these skirmishes took place, they threw snowballs at the cars of the security forces and even knocked out someone with a stick, shot at the crowd, well, in short, it was something that went beyond all limits, well... well, actually, all of them the protests continue, i repeat again, they are still essentially ongoing, they are not suppressed until at the end, this whole plot and this whole story continues there, and what do you think, did they even say a word about it somewhere on russian television, well, on federal channels , absolutely not a word, neither in the news, nor in
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any conversations, as if it simply did not happen exist. in general, despite the fact that, in fact, everyone is aware that there are all these conversations going on in the telegram channels, and they are even developing there, the kremlin political technologists are even doing something there, for example, they closed the telegram channels, the telegram channels of those well, the local bashkir people who covered these protests that is, it is up to you how independent telegram is there, or where telegram is controlled by the russian security forces , the fsb, etc. because such appeals began to appear, let's listen, when the fights on the street began,
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such appeals began to leave the territory of ukraine and return to their homeland to protect their land and their people. while you you are fighting for the ambitions of one man, your people are being beaten with sticks by the omon and the national guard. return to the defense of your land. in response, the russian-russian political technologists rolled out several filmings with the fighters, but what is interesting about these, if it is a woman with an open face saying this, then those fighters who are supposedly bashkirs there. everything, you know, they hide their faces for some reason, but they say some very loud words. extremists from banned organizations drug and fool our residents, and try to lead them to a rally in support of file alsynov. fal alsynov - he is the organizer and head of the extremist organization bashkor. their members actively
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oppose russia, support the armed forces of ukraine and rejoice in the death of our soldiers in the war. file and his... friends, these are enemies of russia. we urge you to send fail and his separatist friends to our battalion. we will re-educate them and teach them to love their homeland. we already know that the traitor alsynov was recognized as an extremist. it won't be too difficult for us to find you and the jackals there. it's only a matter of time. when we return home victorious, we will find each of you well, what can i say, here i would say to the normal people in bashkortostan that it is important that these are some kind of incomprehensible , well, probably bandits, because they hide their faces, so that they remain good in the ukrainian land, that's all that can be said here, and probably they
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will come to that sooner rather than later, and what did the russian political technologists say at that time? and the propagandists, of course, they like to talk about all kinds of mass demonstrations, mass actions, but they like to talk about them when they are not in russia, and for example, when something like this happens in germany, look at the difference, just right, how many words, a fighter of the first corps of the dpr, compared to which even a neo from the matrix looks like a child diamond. genitalia, incredibly handsome matumat, let's probably start with the footage of the day, which you definitely have not seen, and it seems that such a thing does not happen, here are the footage of a video duel between the russian ... military and a drone fighter of the donetsk 1st corps of the dpr, compared to which it is a little they let us in, we have
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something else there, i hope they will let us in now. a fighter of the first corps of the dpr, compared to which even neo from the matrix looks like a child, the appearance of neo. diamond genitalia, incredibly handsome matumat, well, unfortunately, we don’t have that, unprepared, but the point is that at that moment on russian television, farmers’ protests in germany were discussed very widely, and even correspondents from the place were included there, but you know, for some reason they didn't find any correspondents on their territory in bashkiria who could get involved and... say what 's going on under their wing there, probably berlin is closer to moscow, than the bashkirs, that's how you can understand it, well, here's another thing that we
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're going to show you now, it basically shows, you know, a rare case when something happens to russians that they don't want to talk about, because the same day it happened, they lost two very important for them a50 aircraft. and here are the two planes , well, that’s enough, let’s say, well, artificial things, which are not many in russia, they first told us that they shot it down themselves, then they began to say that nothing happened at all, then they found the remains of the pilots and somewhere in telegram channels, well, some there, well, let's say this, warmongers, some bloggers began to write there, oh, memory is clear or not... that the fact that it did not go to the general public, but what they
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threw to the general public at that time the audience, as if how to replace the topic, replace the topic about the downed planes, these are stories about a heroic fighter who escaped from a drone, and here is skabiev, and solovyov about it and... they talk about these drones, well, he is in here we are, let us, let's start, probably, with the footage of the day, which you definitely have not seen, and it seems that such a thing does not happen, here are the footage video duels of the russian military, and the drone fighter of the donetsk first army corps lured an enemy fpv drone onto him, then managed to avoid the hit, the device exploded on the ground as a result, an incredible rare workshop.
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missed, our soldier got up, looked around and went about his business, it's really incredible, and it's also a reminder to all of us that thousands of our guys are in such situations at the front. to tell you, i already expected that they would be all this for a few days, as they like it, then not often, but well, it's just luck, you know, they will find a fighter, then they will reward him, they will give him a star, well, so far this has not developed, apparently someone told them... that he is either some kind of wrong fighter, or maybe some kind of wrong story, but unfortunately, they did not show, that on the same day, well, almost on the same day
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, another video appeared, where literally their military man shows a ukrainian drone at another of his colleagues there, let's say, who hid and pretended to be dead, and this one, i understand. .. it was not shot at or something, it shows, but no, look at it, it is lying, he's moving, let's throw something at him, and don't touch me, well, it's like that, you know , that's what i understand, it's cold-blooded, absolutely like that, you know, he's sitting calmly, not like that fighter, because he's somewhere was running away, and this one is sitting and just pointing at his comrade, look, he is lying, moving, why are you ignoring him there, well, and then the story ended sadly, at first for one it was sad because... because our drone pilots, let's say yes, they paid attention to this case, and then it ended sadly for another, but unfortunately, they didn’t show this to the russians
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, they didn’t show them either, the fighters abandon their own when some drones fly there and run away, well, in short, it’s a common story for them, but here’s the very attempt to make something out of something, well, you know , well, just stories of luck, some straight heroic epic, when you have two planes down, well, this is a very familiar story for russians, well, actually, what do you say at this time? once again, putin, because he went out somewhere, said that it is not an easy time, while we have elections, while he the election campaign has started, while we have elections, we need to turn around and see what people tell us, and there somehow treat criticism, not as criticism, but as mere suggestions, but he did not react to the bashkir proposals in any way, but suddenly i decided to talk about, you know, some such unexpected scraps are regular, and these are unexpected...
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of course there is no mass movement, but i just have a connection to it, i sign the relevant documents, more and more people who want to return to their homeland from those who left, it is difficult to bring up children in such conditions, which in some countries of the west today create, well , excuse me, a shared toilet for boys and girls. something like that, but it has already become something so everyday, ordinary, and many of those who once left for various reasons return or are thinking of returning, it is very difficult to live in such conditions for people with traditional, normal human values, and we will do everything to to
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save them. to preserve this cultural code of the peoples of our country, well, that is, the toilet suddenly turned out to be the main cultural code of the peoples the russian federation, well, that’s how it turns out, and people can’t live , it turns out that there are some toilets behind the scenes, oh that’s terrible, but they showed this correct toilet in vladimir’s school, let’s take a look at them, it’s gender correct... literally, well so different, there are probably no gender-neutral ones there, but that's what you say , but the main thing is that it's not gender-neutral.
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well, what do you think that this is a coincidence, yes, nothing like that, it is not a coincidence, because it was continued to be told about it, that is , it is so, it is a very important story in russian, in this i do not know, some kind of discourse, directly election, putin and general russian propaganda, inside the usa there is a struggle going on. the lawsuit was filed by representatives of the school district of the state of indiana. it was hoped that the higher court would not officially reject requests that allow trans students. use the toilet at your discretion. but
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the perverts got an unexpected turn, the supreme court closed the case, you remember that, even putin said, well, that means they have something, you know, with these toilets done and for good reason, we know, we immediately wondered why when the russian occupiers come to ukraine, they start stealing toilets, and you see, this is not for nothing, but it turns out to be the cultural code of the peoples of the russian federation, that is why they steal toilets, but how? well, if this is the main cultural cat that does the toilet, the toilet, the main cultural cat, well, putin said, after all, and putin is not the first, in fact, literally, a few days ago, this is what the governor of the leningrad region biglov started telling for some reason, who wrote suddenly such a post that there it was there somewhere in some hospital, and he wrote those who, with a machine gun in their hands, passed through...
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the ukrainianized version of donbas, well.


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