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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel, we are starting the information day with news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. two months of arrest or bail. more than uah 500 million. such a preventive measure was chosen for three persons involved in the case concerning the procurement of clothing for the armed forces. these are the two heads of lviv businessman igor hrynkevich's companies and their representative. until late at night, the pechersk district court of kyiv considered the case and finally granted the prosecution's request , the prosecutor general's office reported. they added that the businessman hrenkevich himself is staying there in custody since december 29 of last year,
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the defendant and his son roman were declared wanted. as reported in the sbi, he disappeared last week, but did not cross the border. let me remind you that grenkevich's companies were one of the largest suppliers of the armed forces of ukraine. the criminal group is suspected of embezzling about 1.5 billion hryvnias. a power plant caught fire in the old russian village of belgorod region. there were power outages in some neighborhoods of the city. as petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, reported, before the scare on an explosion rang out at the power facility and the sound of a drone was heard, but the local authorities assure that this is a banal short circuit, the previous evening a large-scale blackout also occurred in the temporarily occupied crimea, kerch, yapatoria, sudak and rozdolne were completely without power, and other large cities peninsulas were in semi-darkness. traffic collapses were observed on the streets. the reason for the blackout on
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the peninsula was the emergency operation of the equipment on the balaklavskyi tess. used a rare anti-ship missile russia to attack ukraine. defense express writes about it. on the images, which were made public in the press, you can see the wreckage of the p-35 missile. it has a length of 10 m, and a weight of 4 tons. this killer iron was developed back in the 50s. of the last century, and was adopted in 1962, it could be launched from the coastal redoubt missile complex or from the underground object-100. ukrainians are receiving viral e-mails en masse. the security service of ukraine reports the dangerous mailing. letters contain files and attachments that are downloaded to the computer or phone malware.
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in this way, attackers can collect confidential data. the sbu warns users not to open files from unknown subscribers via e-mail, messengers or sms. suspended deputies, members of the banned opz, servants of the people and representatives of their satellite parties are blocking the work of the lviv territorial election commission. most of the members of the tvc do not come to the meeting. or they do not vote for the approval of new deputies, and they, accordingly, cannot begin to perform their duties. the way they behave is unscrupulous, dishonest, and let's say, to put it mildly, i don't want to offend anyone, well, the impression is that someone is sitting on someone's salary and carrying out instructions, each of the members of the commission, before to start performing his duties...
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took an oath before the members of the commission, but he took an oath for the ukrainian people and swore that he would perform these duties properly. unfortunately, for some reason , everyone forgets about this oath. i can't imagine if our serviceman or law enforcement officer, who took an oath of loyalty to ukraine, did not fulfill their duties. espress tv channel is starting a new collection for us. defenders , soldiers of the legendary 95th separate amphibious assault brigade need a mercedes sprinter cargo van. the defenders use the vehicle to deliver ammunition to the settlements as soon as possible, which destroy the russian invaders and their armored vehicles. our goal is uah 2,000. we have already collected more than 90,000. join us, your help is extremely important, because any donation will help buy a car for... our defenders. all of them
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details can be seen on the screen. preparations for the first air strike from f-16 aircraft are going according to plan, the minister said. dmytro koleba, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. he is convinced that already this year in the sky of ukraine there will be the first aerial victories with the use of american fighters. he also added that the training of pilots and engineers continues, all the countries that promised to provide planes are keeping their obligations. koleba emphasizes that ukraine's plans for this year are to gain air superiority over russia. australia has explained why it disposes of helicopters taper, which was requested by ukraine. the request for substance was received late, - said the minister of australian defense industry, pat conroy. he noted that kyiv sent a request for the transfer of decommissioned cars in december
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last year, and the decision to destroy them was made three months earlier. this comes after four australian servicemen were killed during an exercise in queensland. these helicopters are planned to be replaced by american black hawk helicopters. disposal of 45 taipen will cost about one billion euros. in the village of chubynske, in wild animals are being rehabilitated in the kyiv region. lions, porcupines, wild birds and squirrels. anyone willing can contribute to their speedy recovery. more about the residents of the center and ways to help, further in our story. wounded lions, tigers, wolves and many other wild animals. a wild animal rescue center operates in chubynskyi, kyiv region. here the tails are rehabilitated and prepared for a better life. many had to be saved from the war, including tigrul. in the fall of the 22nd, she was brought
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from kharkiv oblast. she lived in a private house in a small cage where the owner left it. the animal got to the center exhausted with a broken collarbone. it was still possible to operate on her, although it was a small risk , but thank god everything was successful, we were able to remove the pain in this joint, we saw now, she is running, recently during the next shelling she hit the lattice, got a concussion, what, of course, the entire rehabilitation rolled back a little, but now the condition. you saw it is improving, i hope we can restore it to the stage where it is can live a happy life. and this is tosha the porcupine, he entertained the circus audience all his life, and when he retired, the trainer handed him over to the center. due to
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the fact that she had to live in a small box, now tosha has a habit of walking in circles in the enclosure. when an animal is wild, they're... supposed to live in the wild under normal circumstances, but when they're put in a small cage, they're there, it's quite a lot of stress for them, they go through a lot, and so then, unfortunately, this behavior , when you plant them in a large enclosure, they still walk around like that kol, another resident of the shelter, venera from poltava region, the owners took her in when she was still small and thought she was a dog. but when the animal grew up, it turned out that venus is a she-wolf and it became very difficult to get along with her. the animal was treated at the center and will soon be on its way. she will soon go to greece, they found good conditions for her, together with another animal, together with another sheep, which we
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rescued earlier from the belarusian border. they will go together soon. among all the animals, leba live in the center. they were mainly rescued due to weather conditions, some birds are injured , others have an infection, six have already been released recently, another 11 are undergoing treatment, they were found by caring people, they were mainly rescued by the kyiv karkh animal rescue team, they are already rescuing due to unusual situations, some died there in the summer , they got them, spayed them, they don't accumulate animals in the wild animal rescue center, they provide... help and release them into nature or look for new homes, in the west of ukraine or abroad. the resettlement procedure is complex and long-lasting, at least three months. to the same animal must be healthy, because in europe diseases are indicators for euthanasia.
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we do not transfer animals to zoos, except abroad, where there are, we transfer animals where there are large enclosures, because in principle , a zoo is a zoological park, yes. then consider a zoo to be some kind of small enclosure. you can support these wild animals in any way, with donations, food, building materials, and you can also arrange guardianship, that is, help a specific animal and receive an honorary certificate. currently, there are 27 residents in the center. in general , more than a thousand animals were helped during the great war. more than two hundred were placed abroad. in addition, five ambulances operate here . help, if you see an animal in need of rescue, call
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303. kateryna galko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. this concludes the issue, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites. next, greet my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don’t switch, stay with the espresso team. good morning, welcome to the early hours of espresso. oksana and i will start from this minute to collect information for you at night from all corners and all front lines in ukrainian-russian. the general staff reports about 127 skirmishes of the war in the past 24 hours, traditionally
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in all directions the russians tried to attack somewhere, they are trying to push our defenders further from the wells from the kherson bridgehead, but our boys and girls do not give up, well, we will probably start from the south, where traditionally precisely the report attacks begin. for example, with drones , it is usually from these directions that they go to the north, to the northeast, to the northwest, this is the first time they are fighting in the odesa, mykolaiv, kherson regions, well, we will now join the conversation of the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south . serhiy brachuk is already with us, mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces, congratulations colleagues, good morning. mr. serhiu. we see that, unfortunately, the sad statistics are increasing, regarding the extreme
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drone attack in odesa, the city council says that the injured, the number has increased to five people, well, four of them are in the hospital, this is the official information we have, how the last day was and how the situation looks from your eyes, regarding the injured, the information is really like this at the moment, i hope this list is already will not be extended, five people, and two people. applied already after this shelling, unfortunately, took place, post-traumatic syndrome, elderly people, it is clear that the reaction according to the body is like this, they are cured, they are now on the road to recovery, i hope it will happen as soon as possible, as for tonight, in fact, we have a certain respite, thank god that there is such and such a military concept, as an operational pause, we understand very well that the enemy is preparing for... another shelling, that is clear, the war continues, there are routine works that are taking place at enemy airfields in the depths
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of the russian federation, they are preparing those missiles, that’s clear, and actually they are expecting a new shipment of grain, this equipment is arriving, this is weapons, first of all we are talking about shaheds, so are getting ready, we are getting ready, respectively, mobile fire groups are working , guys are training, including our fighters of the ukrainian volunteer army, we are already acting in this direction... we are protecting our southern borders, the very sky of odesa, in particular, so people had the opportunity to rest today, i hope , and actually we always get up in the morning, who sleeps, who manages to do it with thoughts about what we must do today for the armed forces, for ukraine, in order to bring our victory closer, of course, our southern direction, it remains one of the hottest ones, we are talking about the kherson direction, i understand that many are interested in livoberezh. the situation is extremely difficult, because the enemy continues its assault attacks on the left bank, we
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are holding on with extraordinary efforts, accordingly, we can only talk about some extraordinary cossack feat, it is something that is even difficult to convey in words, the enemy is now trying to save his equipment as much as possible, because there is defeats from our side, defeats are quite effective, the drone army is working, the artillery is working very effectively. well, actually we understand that these are the eyes the assault attacks of the enemy will continue in the future, but there is good news, including in parallel from the other side, there are peas. stated, as they say, he grunted information about the alleged taking of the wells, well, first of all, this settlement actually, unfortunately, no longer exists, they put their rag there, which lasted in some location exactly on the ruins of these wells, lasted for an hour, this rag, more than 50 people were killed for such spectacles, and
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actually they were forced to retreat, because neither rags nor personnel, they already i didn’t see more... and the blogger, who worked very actively as part of the russian air intelligence, used to talk very nicely in the benches about how he manages to attack with russian drones, including the evacuation of our wounded and dead across the dnipro, and actually attacked with these drones these boats, he will no longer do this, of course, mr. sergey, we can visualize your words. actually also saw this and the video, at first they saw how tricolor was eliminated on some ruins, but just for the audience to understand bridgehead in krynky, krynky is only a geographical name, now we have the opportunity to show that this is how krynky looked like a few months ago, yes, a few months ago, and now they look like this with a
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drone camera, well, in fact, some breasts are dumping garbage on... absolutely level plowed areas, this is the settlement of krynka malyovnychy, which was on the left bank of the dnieper before the war, well , we just visualized and illustrated your words, but if we are already near the karynka, do the other neighboring ones look similar populated areas and territories, what scale of destruction the russians caused on the left bank where the ukrainian bridgehead is now deployed, well, actually we are talking about the population now. point of krynka, what concerns the depth of the left bank, unfortunately, there are no our units there yet, the russians are building a very crazy defense, they are building a fortification there, and they are very actively conducting mining, very actively, they did this during the last year as well, if we we are talking about the bank of the dnipro, this is understandable, because they are afraid of the corresponding actions of the armed forces of ukraine, and now
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the practice is being applied again, including, the settlements are trying to go up there. on the dnieper on the left bank, they fire mortars at night, and then in the morning they pretend to be shelling the armed forces of ukraine, there are such facts, there are such confirmations, we cannot talk about everything now, but they cause such destruction , including, they are not so large-scale, thank you god, as in the krynks, but we understand that the krynks are already a battlefield, and actually you really showed what happened there, there is nothing there , i just don’t... at the expense of which our the guys are holding on, but they are holding on, thank you very much, i bow my head and kneel in front of those with this severity , extraordinary, mr. serhiy, to what depth and on what scale is this system of building defense lines and mining on the left bank, it is something similar with what is in the zaporozhye direction, are
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the scales still not so large? well, first of all , i already said that they... are mining the coast very actively, and this is not only happening at the beginning of this year, they have been working on this throughout the last year, there are certain corrections, of course, were made by the fact that they blew up the kakhovka hpp, if we are talking about the fact that above the dnipro, above kakhovka, i’m sorry, dnipro, the water went down, then they also exposed there, let’s say, these boundaries, the depth of which is 15, and 20 and 30 km, they are trying to dig in, and they are very...totally carrying out, let's say, so-called filtering measures there, including with the population that remained, which due to various reasons could not leave the temporarily occupied territories, so who understand very well that the information reaches the forces accordingly of defense, and then i put an end here on this matter, i simply call on all of our people to be very
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careful, because the enemy is furious, the enemy understands that everything is fine with him... here is an inglorious end, and the grudges are only the beginning, i am very i hope, but it won't happen today and tomorrow, this also needs to be understood, the situation is extremely difficult. mr. serhiy, we are already a bit spoiled by information that almost every night something happens in crimea, something that can make us happy, in parallel with russian rocket launches , there are always explosions of some kind, which they would like to control, but... always succeed, have you heard anything from sevastopol tonight? eh, well, there was indeed a warning from our side, including odeschyna, that if it was loud in our place, then they would be too... and it was dark, you see, it really was dark there, although they refer to the fact that balaklavska there were emergency shutdowns, well, we are talking about the fact that it happened in
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sevastopol, in particular at various locations, others in the crimea, including, this is the west, and this is the eastern part, i said about the south, it is not only sevastopol, in fact, there were such problems in dzhankoya, by the way, dzhankoya is often shelled at us, including, it was dark, there were these emergency shutdowns and... let it be, this is again just to really fool us, this there really was such a blackout training, it will continue, and it will continue, i will say this, it happened quite quickly, because these emergency shutdowns were quite late , the occupation authorities reacted to everything that happened, everything happened there, including trolleybuses, and mass blackout, within an hour they reported that everything was done, but ours agency, and not only our agency, reported and that was it. recorded, for example , sevastopol was still in the dark for a long time, so what will happen next, it is not about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it is already about today, including, and
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it will explode, and i immediately want to remind you again that when someone very much said until a certain time that in 2014 and fought, how could we leave crimea and leave, this is a completely different topic for today, but who told you that we left, you see, it will be even better and it will be loud, they are tarantula coffee have you already started lifting? yes, unfortunately, they started, but we understand very well that everything has its own time, and here i really put the appropriate meaning into these words, for example, yes, here is the tarantula, who knew about him, about this ship, yes, now i see this line, but several weeks have passed, that's all, it's bull-bull, so the situation is such that not everything can be done at once. to know, not to report on everything, but the partisan movements are working , in particular and also, well, actually all the others, including, there the smersh is not sleeping, but he is not
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finishing work, thank god, sergey, but the monitoring groups and our colleague andriy are writing tsaplenko actually refers to them that it has become a little quieter in the port of novorossiysk and ships have gone out to sea, there are quite a lot of admiral grigoryovy ​​frigates, patrol ships, and missile ships on the list. bayonets, amphibious ships, what kind of action is this? there is such a thing, it was yesterday that they left novorossiysk, maybe it is a training for relocating to ochmchira, to the base that they will equip there, they already have a corresponding point there, the corresponding work is starting, it can be training as well , but they are not heading towards the crimea today, at least until now there are two...carriers on combat duty, well , they are making some maneuvers, unfortunately, but i hope that too, well, let's put it this way , there is nothing wrong with it now, that's for sure , move in our direction
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, they are not going to, at least now, how many missile launchers are there in general, because yesterday they increased it to two, the total salvo there was 16 calibers, but as of now, on such a combat duty, they have one missile launcher, how many launchers, one frigate, one small missile ship of eight. calibers on ships, today is already the third day that they are on combat duty, so far they are saving on calibers, well, we talked about it a lot, logistics in sevastopol, reloading there, and this is quite dangerous for them, because unlike the russian navy babies don't sleep, mr. serhiy, thank you, serhii brachuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was on our airwaves, let's take a short break now, then we'll talk about kharkiv oblast there. and due to the presence and close proximity to the russians, they announced the evacuation of two more communities, then we will talk about it a little further. still nothing? not yet, hang on! oh,
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. "when it started a big invasion, then probably one of the first to break through to us in the dungeon, it was denys. denis was among those brave people who met this challenge with open eyes, in the end
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a tragedy happened. i frankly say a tragedy, he went into life young, working for the state, running, flying forward to our victory. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that we can be stronger only by uniting together. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for
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people to communicate with. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of people from disability of ukraine enable me ukraine. we 're back, thanks for watching espresso, thanks for donating to our defenders. let me remind you that we are collecting uah 5 million for kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar, the boys
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and girls there know how. to work with these kamikaze drones, how to fight with them, so that it is worse for the enemy, better and easier for us. well, in the meantime, we are moving to the northeastern part of the country, where it is hot enough at the front, and we have been talking about it for six months, since the enemy has concentrated considerable forces in the lemano-kupinsky direction, and has been trying to break through for several weeks now. must break through in the direction of kupyansk and move in the direction of oskol, it is clear that this is a large number of attacks from the direction of lyman igo, on the same battle for senkivka, there is a lot of information every day, but despite that, they do not forget to shoot at the civilian population, these are the events that took place in izyum, and the attacks on kupinsk itself, but now we will ask the deputy of kharkiv about all this.


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