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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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bags of russians, now they are trying to push ours back and still narrow the front line again, increase the area they control, keep under fire control, their artillery works constantly without stopping, by the way, here is an interesting fact from our monitors the guys who are currently working in the zaporizhia direction... the officers of the russian artillery schools, who command all these calculations and units there, have been released, well, in principle, it can be seen when the officers are trained, they want to quickly become russian, but all the same, well, they work on the line of confrontation, it’s not the same carelessness and carelessness that the russian mobs showed, maybe in the first months, they have a significant advantage in artillery, plus they... are constantly
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hunting for possible places of appearance of our equipment, and not only their intelligence works here, but also, of course, various zhduns, correctional officers, you see that they periodically detain various russian agents on the territory of the zaporizhzhia region, they attack the infantry, there are constant skirmishes, but in general they have it possible there some... there is a point of microscopic successes, at a heavy price they simply overwhelm everything in order to repel those 10-20 m, but in general our guys hold the front, do not allow the enemy to advance, and you are talking about massive artillery fire, in which they simply well , i wonder what they call such a term of shelling, and every day we record that they are shelling approximately. well
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, walk around the field and in shcherbaki and poltavka, these are all populated areas, that is, they just think that you are there, well, if you are, i mean the armed forces of ukraine are quartered somewhere or something, what is the purpose of constantly pounding and shelling all populated areas? well, i wouldn't say that it's carpet bombing, it 's a little different, so that we don't scare our... viewers, but as for the logic of their shelling, it's very simple, to destroy everything related to ukraine, they burn it and they are working, this is not a military option, when , for example, they are leveling nuts, it is not a military-tactical task for them to knock out our units there, well, for nuts, they have, first of all, it is a large population center, including a transit one, times, secondly, they could not take it two, but then...
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third, you mentioned that russia banned the symbols of aunupa, well, and the russians also know that for a long time in orihiv, on the central square, next to the state flag, a red the black flag of the banderivska oun , accordingly, they also have a headache on this topic, they are fighting here with the mythical banderians, there they are carrying out some imaginary denazification for them, so they have many reasons to destroy everything, destroy, sometimes from impotent malice that they, having a technical, quantitative, human advantage, they can’t just push the ukrainian defenders, and besides, they lost a number of territories, more than two settlements lost control over them, despite the fact that there were also crazy minefields, and they have an advantage and they were constantly shelling, so not less were forced to leave them, well, that's right... we're showing footage from
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orikhov from yesterday's shelling of a high-rise building, mr. konstantin, you mentioned that a little more trained military personnel are appearing, albeit at a rapid rate now in your directions, and about that they somehow adjust their work, what does a new tactic look like, how do they act now? well, in principle, their tactics are unchanged, first of all, they have everything aimed at them and... these months they did not waste their time, and here, by the way, we need, we need to learn from them, how not to waste time , because we would have solved a lot of problems if we didn’t waste time and didn’t do stupid work, no one needs it, firstly they have everything shot at, secondly they have aerial reconnaissance that corrects, and then they cover there with artillery, drones, hunt for...our infantrymen, by the way,
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there have been more frequent cases when they even work for our boys, who pull wounded comrades from the battlefield, that is, they... see that the boys are not fighting, that they are dragging wounded comrades, that's all one conducts resets, respectively, and their tourists, arrange ambushes together with special forces and hunt for our armored vehicles. and by the way, in your direction you are observing the same thing that we were just told from the north-eastern part of the front, that not only the intensity of use kamikaze drones. drones, but also that some more powerful, more cunning ones have appeared that bypass or break through the radio-electronic means of struggle of our slaves. how about you, you and i, yes, about a month or a half ago, we discussed the fact that modernized drones are delivered to them, and including
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that they put these anti-drone jammers on the equipment, well, i am not an expert in technical issues, that is how my guys explained it, yes they do all the time. work on errors is developing in this regard, if they were modernized, new drones would be delivered, i say, the drones are modernized there, with all these gadgets and gadgets , they put anti-drone defenses against drone defense, their volunteers constantly give them rides, they are moving forward in this regard, i must say objectively , but shaheds, how often are they actually used in positions now? so near the samisin front, we remember that at the end of the 23rd year, when there were these massive attacks, a part of the shaheds, a large part of the shaheds, did not fly as we were used to in the territory of ukraine in the rear, actually along the front line, and then there were also problems with beating,
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well, they launch shahedis with different tasks, if we analyze it like this, they may have different purposes, and with regard to the use of drones, well, there was such a thing about... against our guys there and against guys in neighboring positions, when they even stupidly beat with bansets in the trenches, from which they could not knock out a march, this once again says that they do not spare anything and just stupidly beat with everything they have, well, in general, the lancet is not intended for knocking out infantry behind the cops, it has a slightly different meaning, but the russians are already in a panic there, they will do anything to knock out our boys, because they could not push the situation there to one... to knock out our boys in one of the areas of the front, if they have, again, this is not an isolated case, on it was last week , they can’t cover or remove some position there , they fit the sunroof and just stupidly burn it under, ugh, do you and
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your brothers have any vision, for example, when the winter will pass, and well , ahead in all directions there, how they say tokmak fortress. and other things, but we have to overcome simply incredible minefields, we all the time have to hear about help from our partners, they are transferring something, they are transferring sufficiently modern and powerful anti-mines, ee heavy equipment, i don’t know in what quantities, but is there any vision, exactly, how to overcome here are these wildly mined roads that lead to the crimea. and on azov, well, look, we will carry out the tasks that will be given to us, because the orders are not discussed, this time, in relation to technical support, already more than once, and my brothers, guys from other units they said
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that demining equipment, western equipment, plus drones are very necessary, because they also play an important role in this direction, if there is technical reinforcement, well... plus training people to work on the same equipment, on the same drones, because no matter how many they bring, if you give hands to an untrained person, then there will be no point, technology plus training of specialists, well, plus other tactical moves and moments that will allow us to qualitatively perform the assigned task, set the assigned task, and the task is known, all of us clearly executed. against the enemy outside the borders of ukraine, that is, theoretically and practically, in principle , it will be possible to try to enter the corridors in those minefields, if we take into account all these requirements that you have just voiced regarding the amount of equipment and the ability to work with it, well, i would also like to,
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to cover you well from the air, that would be good , we hope for that, thank you mr. kostyantyn for participating in our broadcast for your work, kostyantyn denisov, a fighter of the legion of freedom, was with us, and i... may not share information about , what a great arrangement heating point, unfortunately in russia, or fortunately in russia? in this case, probably fortunately, because the pyre is burning, they are shouting that it is all over and ... this time a little closer, enjoy yourself, get that point of victory, which is worth paying attention to, how powerful their anti-authority sentiments are when they shout that we it's not just that we 're cold, they record clips where they all chant together, we freeze, then they say, vladimir vladimirovich addresses putin, we 'll vote for you, but we're freezing, give us another ride. neighbors to record the video as you will
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vote for putin. now we are going on a short break, for you this is the time to support our defenders, our team, then we will return, and serhiy sgurets will be with us. there are discounts for the month of may. 15% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. nothing has worked yet, not yet, constipation, oh, normolact, my dear, take normolact, normolact eliminates constipation , normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are discounts on paracetamol, donation, 10% in pharmacies, travel stores, bam and thrift stores, you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, on... ladies, how can you turn around, can't you find a comfortable position? you need to improve your
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8:44 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is it the ship district, kherson, turn on live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, story. the most important thing for him is on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people in the evening on espresso. an unusual look at the news.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, we can... imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. here we are back, now and... we will be able to look at quite serious challenges this stage of the russian-ukrainian war through the eyes and knowledge of serhiy sgurets, director of the defense express information and consulting company. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. raslav, good morning, i congratulate you. you are probably the first, if we are not mistaken, to tell about the fact that the russians used
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a very rare four-ton anti-ship missile, which is still years old from the 60s, which... of course, what they used against us, and actually we want the p-35 from that is, she is already 40-60 years old, yes, what does this indicate, they are they are taking out some of their stocks, they are modernizing them, and how threatening it all is, indeed, we first received photos of this downed missile, i emphasize that this missile was shot down, it was shot down near odesa, we analyzed it. debris , and then consulted with experts who know more about the equipment of these missiles than we do, and now we're seeing the video, and now we 're going to see this big, uh, hole in the ground from the warhead of this missile that went deep into the ground, and now let's remember what kind of rocket it is, so really, how can it be done
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conclusion, the first example of the use of the p-35 missile, which was... made in 1962 and was originally stored in the reserves of the ukrainian army, because what is the history of these missiles? in fact, there is such a soviet complex, utios, it is located not far from balaklava, there were two divisions, and when, relatively speaking, the distribution of the black sea fleet took place, we received these complexes, then there was the annexation of crimea and in... the 19th in the 14th in the 19th year, the enemy seized this territory, in the 19th year, one of the divisions, which was actually confiscated, was already restored by the armed forces of ukraine, this is a division that was located in the village of reservene, and here we make an assumption that exactly from where
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this missile was launched from a coastal stationary complex, it is as inaccurate, but powerful, as the kh-22 . there it has a range of up to 300 km, the weight of the warhead is as much as 1 ton, it could even use nuclear warheads, but it is very imprecise, but in any case this suggests that russia is trying to use any remnants of missile weapons to blows on ours cities, and it is very important that our air defense system copes with such missiles, this threat was repulsed, but the enemy still has some remnants of these missiles, so it turns out. the same cynical story, how good uncle pustavoytenko once gave the russians strategic bombers kha-555, and then we record how ukrainian missiles return to us again only in the form of an attack, but in this story, which was told by a representative of the main intelligence department vadim skibitskyi, that is, about the eyes of modernization
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cruise missiles kh-101, so far there is some confirmation that this is already a systemic and... danger, because they are systematically modernizing, or are these only isolated attempts? well , in fact, our defense express resource has also repeatedly written about the modernization of hasto-1, those who are interested can find it through a search, look at these review materials that our experts did, really from the beginning of hostilities there, the active phase of russian intervention, the russian federation bet on strikes with cruise missiles, they shot down. our air defense system and slowly the enemy will make certain adjustments to the design of his means of attack. to such innovations, we can attribute that there were added, new modules were added, which ensure the release of thermal or radio-electronic traps in order to make it more difficult to destroy these missiles with our
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air defense means, so that the enemy's designs of these missiles are complicated, but... when we if we look at the statistics of shooting down these missiles, it still remains high, and we can really conclude that all these tricks do not help our to the enemy mr. sergey, regarding another missile , shuigu demands that the range of the ovot kh-59 mk missile be immediately increased. is it possible to do it in such a relatively short time, how long does it take to somehow... change it, modernize it, and then also start mass production? well, technically speaking , this question will take a long time to answer, but here we will consider the ideological component, because somewhere around this... time last year , medvedev went to the same raduga enterprise, which manufactures russian cruise missiles, and now we see that shoigu follows the same route,
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waves his arms and says that we need our missiles to fly further than 300 km, because there is something related to those missiles that are currently showing shoiga, these 250-200 km, they say, is not enough, and here i would rather emphasize that the russians are forced... to focus primarily on strengthening our air defense, and perhaps even on the fact that f-16s with long-range means of impact will soon appear, which will make it even more difficult for the enemy to use their arsenal of all cruise missiles, but in any case we still have to do conclusion that there the enemy is trying to improve its missile attack arsenal, increasing the range of missiles is its own technical task, which the enemy could partially... increase, but on the other hand , it poses a task for our partners and for us to change the approaches to the destruction of russian industrial facilities, so that
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the foreign-made missiles that are provided to us are capable of striking the defense and industrial facilities of the russian federation in the depth of the enemy's territory, i think that all this can become very significant in a way... to minimize the risks that the russian federation is currently trying to create by gradually improving its missile programs. well, if with missiles they are concerned with distance, then with drones they want to calculate accuracy, yes, they want to hit the target precisely, and maria berlinska , a volunteer, reported that they now started using more modern fpv drones with automatic guidance, that is, the operator he brings her to a certain goal, and then they themselves. the eyes of these drones are machined, so it will be a little more difficult for our guys with this to work, do you already have information about how often such drones are used in
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ukraine, by the russians? well, this information has data for about a month, during this time the enemy has certain experimental samples using there artificial intelligence to guide drones, under drones on the final flight section, but these samples were not acquired. of a mass nature, our side also understands all these challenges, and now, in fact, developers from both sides are making efforts to give fpv drones such technological capabilities. here i am i personally conducted several interviews with our developers on the espresso channel, where the guys talk about the fact that ukrainian solutions already exist, they are being tested and they will be implemented in certain samples of fpv drones in the near future. i really hope for that. that we will be faster in this context than the enemy, and all these advantages, which the russian press is trying to talk about there, with regard to its half-drones, we will implement it on the battlefield sooner
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, but this requires closer cooperation between developers, our defense industry and by our officials because this concerns both the improvement of their povidrons and the change of approaches to working with the reb, because many questions still remain, we are now all fascinated by this... trench rebs - this is extremely important, but there are still a whole layer of activities and projects that require the support of the state , looking at the potential that already exists today in individual private companies. ugh, and if we are going to talk about drones, then we would also like to talk about ours, minister komichen says that it is ours, the ukrainian drone that flew to the oil depot in st. petersburg, and that it is 1250 km, and we have also heard before. unverified information from the russian side that it was something so wild, up to 5 m in wings and that there was some other engine, er, maybe you
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know something more, clean about these 1250 km ukrainian drones? well, this was confirmed not only by the commission, but the main intelligence agency said that there was an attack on objects in st. petersburg, where an attack was made on an oil storage. in fact, this confirms the potential of our developers, because we remember the tasks and promises of the same mentioned komyshin that we will have this year, millions of half-buckets, there will be tens of thousands of drone samples with a range of up to 500 km and thousands of samples with distances of 1000 km plus, just as i hope. that this is a confirmation that these samples are slowly moving to a serial basis, because it is precisely mass production that provides for the development of real tactics of use on the battlefield and ...
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this is very good, it's just an important question here, because the direction, i mean, firstly, it is a military district, a separate one about st. petersburg, and secondly, it is also a european one part of the russian federation, if a ukrainian drone flies 1,250 km, what conclusions should we draw about air defense. along the entire route from ukraine to st. petersburg. well, in fact, st. petersburg is the fifth millionaire to be hit by our long-range drones. what we're talking about is that increasing this, the number of targets that are subject to attack from our semi-drones, it certainly makes it more difficult for the enemy to operate an air defense system, because usually right now we see
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that there are fewer strikes on moscow because... . a lot there, the air defense system is now withdrawn from the enemy to protect the enemy's capital, but this means that russia is large enough to actually completely cover all important objects, the enemy simply cannot, and of course the ukrainian side must take advantage of this in order to to provide such an effective strategy for combating objects deep in the enemy's territory, because, i repeat, there is a certain list of goals, which... the main development said that it is primarily aimed at combating the enemy's industrial objects, energy objects and objects that affect the defense capability of the russian federation. these objects, of course , are located in the depths of the enemy's territory, but if we now have another example of strikes on st. petersburg, it indicates that this strategy, in addition to the developed theoretical base, is now gaining practical meaning due to the appearance of a really significant number of long-range systems. mr. sergey, one more thing,
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for sure. questions for you about the x101 missiles are no longer what they used to be, our police showed how they are neutralized in the kherson region, and actually there you can take a good look at them, what do you say about how much more dangerous they have become now, we have a minute and a half, well , in fact, i will repeat the thesis that now the fight against kha-101 missiles with cruise missiles is exposed to well-developed algorithms against. and from the ukrainian air defense side, when we talk about statistics, we see that there 80% plus cruise missiles are destroyed, the enemy is now accumulating, as i understand it, cruise missiles for further strikes, but i think that the effectiveness of using these cruise missiles will continue missiles on ours objects will be, well, not significant, the question is that the density of our air defense should be higher,
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what are the negotiations with our... partners and the creation of new systems in the frankensam category, which allow us to densify the air defense system to combat enemy winged aircraft , aimed at , rockets, other means of attack. yes, well, this is what we have time to talk about today, although in the future we will also ask you, mr. serhiy, about these interesting bombs that france has undertaken to supply us, because we want to understand what they are will be a stable number every month, but this... we will leave it for the next meeting, mr. serhiy, we remind our viewers, serhiy zurets, director of the information consulting company defense express, analyzed for you all the challenges of the new stage of the russian-ukrainian war. well, to st. petersburg, of course, it is steeper than to bryansk, but there is also a fire in the bryansk region, i will remind you, so there are probably no places close to ukraine where russians can be at ease. and now the moment
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of silence is approaching, the time when we remember and honor the memory of all those who died through russian invaders, both military and civilian. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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