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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 9:30am-9:59am EET

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tatyana sapyan. he was allegedly declared a suspect in accordance with the procedure established by law, says the spokeswoman of the sbi, but the investigative bureau does not know where he is. according to the sdb, grenkevich jr. did not cross the border. he noted that according to the version of the investigation, all five men as part of an organized criminal group caused damage to the state budget of ukraine in the amount of almost one billion hryvnias. there is still no reaction to the accusations and search on the part of roman hrenkevich. however, he previously stated that this case was commissioned, and the grenkevych family conducted business honestly. and a day earlier. against the background of the scandal with family business of the hrenkevychs . romana's fiancee, blogger sonia moruzyuk, broke off relations with him, she announced this on her instagram. i will not be with a person who betrayed my country, - the girl wrote. tetyana sepian, communications advisor of the state bureau of investigation, joins our broadcast. my greetings to you. greetings, oleg, and greetings to all radio svoboda viewers. thank you for getting involved, but regarding the son of the businessman hrenkevich, you called on ukrainians the day before to call if you... know
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roman's whereabouts, actually, or maybe the calls have already been received and has the situation been clarified where he might be? i hope, however, that the calls are coming, and if suddenly he is hiding somewhere in someone's attic, i will allow myself to assume that, because he notes that officially, according to the sbi, he did not cross the border, so please also inform the law enforcement agencies about this, so that it will not be possible to escape from responsibility. by the way, you are absolutely correct in...noting that he was also charged with two counts of fraud and participation in and organization of a criminal group, that's enough two harsh articles, it was announced in a legal way, it remained to detain him and choose the appropriate preventive measure. mr. tetyana , let's explain in simple language what this legislative procedure actually is, how it happens, where they were looking for hrenkevich, at home, at work, and why ... for
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example, the law enforcement officers did not detain him earlier, how should this be done by law? according to the law , it is first necessary to collect evidence and facts of a legal violation, in particular according to specific articles, because you and i understand that criminal proceedings are currently in the legal field pre-trial investigations are opened based on the fact, that is, on the fact of fraud, on the fact of the creation of a criminal group, but when there is already a suspect specifically... a person who is accused, accused of one or another crime, then the criminal proceedings themselves take on a completely different form and a completely different content, so this is the next stage: criminal, we open a criminal proceeding, the investigation and the operational-investigative group collect evidence, that is, for now, when a criminal proceeding is opened, there is an assumption, when a suspicion is announced, there is already specific facts and evidence. and are chosen,
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those who are suspected , preventive measures are chosen accordingly and further operative and investigative actions are carried out, everything is absolutely, simply for our usual perception with you it can be difficult, but from a legal and legal point of view these are such complex processes that it may be difficult to understand , because it is difficult for me to explain why they were not detained earlier, in simple language, i will say, we did not have the sbi did not have the legal right at that time to have enough evidence to... to announce suspicions when the results of the examinations came, when there were the witnesses were questioned, when it became clear how it all happened, that's when all five, i remind you that five suspicions were announced under the articles of fraud and creation and participation in a criminal organization in this criminal proceeding, mrs. tetyana, actually journalism likes details, if you can talk about it, did you talk to the relatives of hrenkevich jr., maybe with his ex-girlfriend, where
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he might be, or where the investigators actually looked for him at home at work, if you can tell some such details. but such details i can't tell you, just as i sometimes understand that it hurts to know who will be detained next, or who will be charged with suspicion, but you and i must understand that there is a secret of the pre-trial investigation, and in any case , when it comes to criminal proceedings and such serious articles, then... better the investigation prefers silence when the fact is already established, for example, that new suspicions will be announced, or there will be detentions, respectively, then we can talk with you about the fact , actually to name the names of witnesses and to name the places where all this was, you and i must also understand that there must be some privacy and secrecy. ok, let's just clarify, could the sbi investigators somehow, for example, i don't know, prevent roman grymkevich from... if he is hiding, didn't
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hide, or if he escaped there, then he didn't escape, that is, there is some procedure to prevent this process, whether it is until there are legal grounds for detention and serving the suspect, is actually impossible, but... as far as i know, the operative investigative group of the sbi did absolutely everything that this did not happen, but sometimes there are extraordinary events or situations that cannot, unfortunately, be influenced. i hope that the answer to the question of where, let's say, one of the suspects is that you and i can get, let's not jump ahead and let's not, let's say, assume that he managed to escape the law. border , we hope that he is in the territory of ukraine, and he will not be able to hide from the law enforcement officers, please specify if he will not be found in the near future will find that then, and in the same continuation of this question, one more short, if possible also a short answer, the wife of hrynkevich the elder, she is there as a witness, i don’t know
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in the case, or maybe some actions will be applied to her too, what is known about this ? olezhe , i do not rule out that some of the relatives, direct and close circle, entourage, friends, acquaintances, business partners, will all be questioned, if the investigation considers it so, if they help in the process of the pre-trial investigation, we do not rule it out with you unequivocally, and one more thing we want from you too, yes, yes, have you communicated so far or not, and i am not aware of such information, and there is one more matter that you and i also want to discuss, it concerns the actual morning report of the state bureau of investigation, regarding... that, actually , which happened to businessman ihor mazepa, the day before while crossing the border, the founder of the investment company concord capital ihor mazepa was detained, this was reported in the company itself, and actually there they say that the businessman was going to davos for the world economic forum, but in the dbr,
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in fact, without naming names , it was reported this morning that the head of the company, which allegedly took possession of the lands on which... the hydrotechnical facilities of the kyiv state government are located, was detained at the border crossing during an attempt to leave the country. we are talking about a plot of land in the vyshgorod district with an area of ​​more than 7 hectares and a value of more than uah 20 million. according to the investigation, three more members of the organization were detained, including the brother of the head of this organization. the prosecutor general's office adds that the detention took place at the checkpoint shegina's pass and note that searches were conducted at the place of residence and work of the person involved. the concord capital company itself was also informed about searches. there they say that they were conducted allegedly without a corresponding court order. siiloviks allegedly broke into the office, breaking down the door, actually took all the documents related to all areas of ihor mazepa's business activity, also took personal belongings of employees working in other projects, such actions of the sbi in the company are associated with mazepa's position regarding - the pressure of security forces on business. i
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noted that representatives of ukrainian business and individual leaders of public opinion spoke out in defense of the businessman. mrs. tetyana, how can you comment on this and why this detention actually happened now? olezhe, probably because this is a criminal proceeding , we reported on it, you talked about it, fact after fact with suspicions and specific already suspected persons, the sbi is still investigating and has been conducting since the end of november last year, but in the context of these events about detention i can tell you that indeed today a preventive measure will be chosen for the detainees, and i would like to... say that suspicions have already been announced that according to article 255 - this is the leadership of a criminal community or criminal organization, 233 - this is illegal privatization of communal property, and 209 - this is the legalization or laundering of property
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obtained through criminal means, that is, there are already suspicions, the next stage will be the selection of preventive measures, well, actually when it depends on the investigation. from again i insist that from facts, from events, that's why this detention took place right now, and with regard to this particular area, when these actions took place with it, it 's a year-old, two-year-old story, if you have more details, maybe i think i can tell you a little bit of the details later more, good, and tell me, please, the actual position of the company, which was publicly voiced regarding the fact that it is related to pressure on business, how can you answer that? i think that any criminal proceedings that are related to, for example, we are talking about land of the critical infrastructure of the kyiv hydroelectric power plant. that is, on the one hand, we understand that the question arises as to how it was possible for these lands to be illegally acquired, and even more so when it concerns a hydroelectric plant, and on
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the other hand, in order for any party that is suspected, has the right to protection and generally to the dbr for the adversarial nature of the parties. that is, if there is evidence to the contrary, there is, for example, innocence, then the prosecution will provide its evidence and facts, the defense will defend itself and present its arguments. the court will already finally decide what the punishment will be and whether it will be at all, for example, purely theoretical, therefore any criminal proceedings that are investigated by the sbi itself, and you and i remember that these are top officials, high officials, and people , who, unfortunately, have limited time, but i thank you for explaining seemingly complicated things in simple language, tetyana sapyan, communications adviser of the state bureau of investigation on the most high-profile cases of recent days. well, by the end of january , the ukrainian parliament must adopt a law on lobbying, this is actually the last of the four
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requirements of the european commission that must be fulfilled in order to start negotiations on joining the european union. according to oleksandr novikov, head of the national agency for the prevention of corruption, ukraine may be included in the so-called black list of countries that do not implement anti-corruption reforms and slow down its accession to the eu if it does not pass this law. the draft law, which the council has already adopted in the first reading, should legalize the lobbying market in ukraine. according to the document, any business or business. will be able to enter into contracts for their promotions and their own promotion of their interests among legislators or state authorities . lobbyists, in their turn, will be able to participate in the writing and preparation of bills necessary for business, to be not only co-authors, but also to attend meetings of committees of the verkhovna rada. for this, a special public registry of transparency will be created, lobbyists will be entered there, after which they will be able to work legally. a fine is provided for unregistered lobbying. in essence, this law will legalize and make the meeting public lobbyists and people's deputies. who will draft the laws, the law should also address advocacy by non-governmental
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organizations, but the public sector is concerned that in practice this will exclude non-governmental organizations from the process of drafting bills. however, the head of nazk novikov and even earlier the vice-prime minister for european integration olga stefanishyna assured that they held consultations with public organizations and their work will not be affected by this law. the future law provides a list of persons who will be able to be lobbyists top officials who will not be able to be lobbyists. these are officials, deputies, mayors, military, former officials after dismissal within two years, while there are no requirements for education, experience or practical skills of lobbyists. in fact, anyone can become them, the bill also defines what cannot be promoted by lobbyists in the parliament, such as the issue of declaring a state of war, why mobilization, or court decisions cannot be lobbied. critics draw attention to the shortcomings of this bill. vitaly shabunin, head of the center opposition believes that it does not provide for the responsibility of officials in case of unscrupulous lobbying, and yulia krychenko from
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the resuscitation package of reforms noted that the draft law does not link lobbying to commercial interest, in her opinion , it should be clarified more clearly what is lobbying and what is advocacy . denys maslo, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, head of the committee on legal policy, joins our broadcast at this moment, i congratulate you. can you hear us yes yes excuse me welcome viewers welcome listeners thank you what join in, let’s briefly start with the draft law in the first reading that was passed by the ukrainian parliament, is it about healthy lobbying, or just about lobbying, how do you explain it to yourself, it, it even has a name about virtuous lobbying, this draft law, well , look, first after all, as of today in ukraine , lobbying relations are not regulated at all, yes, that is, if there are no bribes. then, in principle , anyone can convince subjects of the right
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of legislative initiative, well, in simple words, let's mps, officials, ministers, those who pass, make a decision on the adoption of this or that normative legal act or even local self-government bodies to convince that it is necessary to adopt a normative legal act in one or another form or to cancel or change it and so on, that is where the cut is bribery is... a criminal offense there, well , it does not directly apply to this, it applies when there is no direct bribe, but there is a certain influence, so that the society can understand who influences the decision-making process there is a regulatory legal act in the country in whose interests it operates, because for this we have to regulate the lobbying procedure, lobbying procedures are regulated differently in different countries, probably the most... it is seriously regulated in the united states of america, of course, quite serious regulation
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there is in canada, there is regulation in great britain, there is regulation in the european union, but in the european union there, well, probably still more or less, more precisely, the issue of lobbying is regulated, at the same time, according to the statement of the european commission, it seems two months ago, they said that they are going to seriously revise the regulation of decision-making influence procedures. within the european union, well, in order to ensure departure from various countries, including the aggressor country, its proxies there of companies related to them and so on, the procedures are adopted. and accordingly, in ukraine we also have to regulate lobbying procedures, the draft law introduced by the government and which was recommended and adopted in the first reading establishes such procedures, it is not detailed enough, it is most likely basic after all, the draft law is supposed to regulate lobbying procedures, we have the task of creating a culture and market of a certain lobbying in ukraine
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, so that it is transparent, so that society understands, data is published in... reporting in the relevant register and so that people get used to it that there are civilized procedures, the only thing is that they should be open, clear and transparent. please tell me, if i understand correctly, there should be a second reading of this draft law sometime soon, what changes were adopted during the finalization process with what, perhaps, is known to you, and what will be considered in the second reading? look, immediately after almost immediately after our interview with you, yes, including, we will have a meeting of the working group. which is working on the development of this draft law, we have not even finished the deadline for submitting proposals for the second reading of january 24 , what are your key comments, it is important, here is what you will propose to change, we have a definition of the issue of lobbying, in we have a serious question whether the definition of advocacy is needed in the draft law, because there are different positions, and even from the public sector,
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the public sector is different, someone believes that it is necessary, someone believes that it is not necessary. here is the issue of monitoring the activities of those who will be lobbyists, these are the main key issues, others, well, they are more technical, let’s say so, but for the public sector there is some clarification, an exact promise, that is actually for their work it will not affect, and those initiatives that have, for example , public organizations, which they want to advocate in the future in order to change somehow life is better in society, they will listen to them, the deputies actually and these initiatives will also have the right to life, that is... will it not have a negative effect on the work of the public sector? look, in my working group , many public organizations are represented and participate, the work of the legal policy committee is completely open, and everyone listens to the opinions and the public sector, but you will understand, it is also a different public sector, for example, public the organization may be for i don't know there for propaganda here
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arson, and there may be a public organization for the ban. tobacco field, and it is very important that, you know, excluding all the possible norms that relate to the activities of public organizations, so that we do not lose the meaning of the relevant bill at all and that real lobbyists do not simply mask themselves under the sign of a public organization, actually continuing to influence the adoption decisions, while not falling under the regulation of this draft law, the most difficult thing is to go through and accept such... definitions in order not to to lose the meaning of this draft law, so that it is not completely empty, and in order not to hinder the activities of those public organizations that do not receive money for the promotion of one or another of someone's interests, mostly the interests of the private sector, or even private interests, i thank
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you for this, we are currently working on it, this is a topic that i am still thinking about, they will repeatedly talk about it on the air, the topic of lobbying itself, this is one of the requirements, i will remind... the commission to adopt this bill on the way to the european integration of ukraine, denys maslov, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, head of the committee on legal policy, guest of our broadcast, we discussed the bill on lobbying, which was already passed by the ukrainian parliament in the first reading. the people's drone project by victory drones was launched in ukraine. ukrainians can learn to create fpv drones right at home. to do this, you need to register and complete online training. there they promise to teach how to assemble, solder and... configure an fpv drone, then engineers and pilots will test it and hand it over to the military. learning itself free, but you will have to pay for the tools and materials yourself, and the components for the production of the drone cost on average from 10 to 15 00 uah. after the announcement of the start of the project by the minister of digital transformation of ukraine mykhailo fedorov, discussions began about the effectiveness of such an approach, saying that this
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work should be checked and, if necessary , redone, whether it is worth it and why the state cannot provide the army with autonomous drones. to understand the details of why this initiative was launched in ukraine at all, we the day before, they actually talked with the initiators and those related to this case. what is the people's drone initiative, and how will it work, we will talk about it with our guest, maria berlinska, she is the head of the aerial intelligence support center and the founder of the victory drones project. i congratulate you, i congratulate you, yes indeed, we, who work at victory brones, are clearly the people’s fpv project, but this is only one of our initiatives, there are many others, of course, but this initiative has been very actively discussed in the last few days, in particular in... network, no it's a secret that it also spawned memes and so on, so i would like to know more about how it will work and what is the main purpose of this popular drone? look, it
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won't work, it's already working, in fact, this initiative just became more famous because the minister of digitalization mykhailo fedorov wrote about it, but the initiative has been working since october, and it's been there for 2.5 months, and already.. . almost 200 people have already been trained, today is the release of the fourth batch, and in each batch, on average , 500-600 people complete their training, and already hundreds of drones transferred, so it cannot be said that how it will work, it already works in practice, it gives results, drones are tested by our military, engineers, pilots, directly to the front, if we build a chain from the time when... there is a questionnaire, which is filled out by a person who wants to take part in the people's drone project by the time this drone is already sent to the front line, how everything happens, where these components
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come from, how long the training takes, and some other such nuances, perhaps very, very simply, a person registers for a course, we we conduct an inspection in order not to teach the enemy, but at the same time it is necessary to understand that we do not give, you know, some, well, that is , some super knowledge that is not available on the internet, and unfortunately, when people come to me and tell me, is there no you there is someone not among these thousands of people there some means some means conditionally well i don't even know if you will just give it on the air you know at the front we called it a very obscene word okay if there are or are there no russian saboteurs roughly speaking and we answer that look in fact unfortunately we would see as russians are studying and, unfortunately, everything in them is significant. better , and believe me, that is, for us, we still take a lot from them and learn for ourselves, and it is normal to learn from the enemy, they learn from us, we learn from them, so in the direction of ftv, well, i can definitely say that we
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there is something to learn, they have training programs, they train their people how to pilot these drones and how to assemble them, that is why we do not give any super secret information, the big advantage is simply that our engineers advise, you understand, you can ... watch this video on youtube, but if you don't mind, well, if you can’t, you can’t ask , then it’s much more difficult for you, and due to the fact that our engineers consult, explain, tell directly every day, it has its effect, so people register, are checked, after that they have lectures in the evening, here they are they go in the evenings, listen to lectures, can ask questions in zoom, but they are added to a closed community, where they can also ask questions, display a photo of their ration, how they soldered. eh, experienced engineers comment on what needs to be better, what is needed, what was enough, what was not enough and so on, well, fpv the drone is a league designer, that is, if it is conscientiously assembled, well assembled, then everything
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will be fine, then, after that, actually there are lectures on the topics of antennas, there are lectures on the topics of repeaters, there are lectures on the topic of batteries, and much more , then those who gathered. zones, well, we give a complete list of components, people don’t need to look for them on their own, there are ready-made sets, which is important to take, yes, such a standard assembly, absolutely standardized, and after that , a person moves along this standard assembly together with our engineers, after that at will a person can send his drone, we always warn that an untested drone is not considered there. that is, the kind that can be sent to the fob, after that the drones are tested, that is, they are also re-checked , let’s say, by the relevant employees, er
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, let’s say , so that there is nothing superfluous, so that there are no explosives and so further, we cooperate with the authorities, with the fact that, well, not even with the authorities, with the services there, yes, for example, with the same dsns, so that there is nothing superfluous, and after that, if everything is fine, it goes to the fund. report photos are taken, which means that people receive feedback from the military, when they receive feedback that we are there, your drone is cool, we work on it, there, well, this inspires people very much, it is clear that ukrainians are happy to watch these videos, you know, this meme, they like it , how it burns, and when there are videos like this, it inspires people to make more drones further, to invest resources in it, and part of people will turn into production, it will give... a booster for the industry, it will give a serious booster for the industry and that, let's say yes, it will include significantly more resources in the technology issue, because i constantly repeat,
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you know and i will repeat to you. to your viewers, that everything in war is divided into causes and effects, so when a russian tank comes out, it can cost 2-3 million dollars there, yes, but it comes out and can destroy half a city, half a block, yes, there, working out a bull once a defeat, so we saw footage of mariupol, bakhmut there and other cities of ours, that is, the consequences are hundreds of dead and wounded, payments to the families of the dead, orphans, prostheses, medicine, destroyed businesses, that's all... the consequences and consequences of this tank, which costs a couple of million dollars, in fact, hundreds of millions of dollars, but what about one drone or even five drones that cost there maybe 500-600 dollars, or cheaper or more expensive, it doesn't matter , well, that is, but within the limits, let's say, of such an order of sums , this tank is burned, then we are actually working with a reason, and i believe that all the resources of the country should now be invested in the reasons so
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that... ... to destroy this very one there, mrs. maria, and on completion within the framework of the narodnyi project, otherwise, oleg, if we do not work with the causes, we will work all our lives with the consequences, with prostheses, with payments, with immigrants and so on, we need to think several steps ahead, like on a chessboard and working to invest all resources precisely in destroying russian equipment, and you said that people are inspired when their drone is sent to the front line, for example, and from what you know, who was the youngest member of the project, the people? drone, who is the oldest, and is it a rule that at any age it is not too late to learn? i don't know, to be honest, about age, i won't lie to you, but i know that high school students are also included in the process, and i know that we also have people, well, it's just that we can see on the zoom that older people, well, once again, someone on zoom turns on the camera, and it is clear that people
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are already there, somewhere. deeply retired, that is, of absolutely any profession, of any age, from any region, from any part of the country, it can be included, even ukrainians connect from there, which have been living there in america for many years, for example, they are also interested, learn to assemble and then want to move these drones to ukraine. i thank you for informing about such an important initiative that exists in ukraine, maria berlinska, this is the founder and head of the intelligence support center and the founder of the project victory drons about the people. drone is an initiative that has been among ukrainians for the last few months, as we have heard since october, but in the last few days it has gained quite a bit of press, where you can follow our broadcast, including. freedom team morning, thank you for your attention, we wish you a peaceful weekend as much as possible, my name is oleg galiv, see you soon.
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it's 10 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna parubiy is working in the studio. three residents of the kherson region were injured by russian shelling. during the day, the enemy fired... almost half a thousand shells in the region. the russian occupiers targeted residential areas and critical infrastructure facilities. - informed the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. one person died, two more wounded as a result of enemy shelling of kupyansk in kharkiv region. muscovites shelled the city.


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