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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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ministry of defense of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching live there. please like this video, don't be stingy. it is very important that this video is seen by as many people as possible. well, take part in our survey. today we ask you whether the president is responsible for the corruption of the ministry of defense. yes, no, please vote on youtube, or yes or no if you 're sitting in front of a tv. in your hands smartphone, please vote for phone numbers if you think the president is responsible for corruption in the ministry of defense, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​we will be grateful for your calls, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will we have the results of this vote, then with us ihor lapin, special agent, major of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. major, congratulations, thank you for joining our broadcast. i wish you
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health, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. major, since we are asking about corruption and about the responsibility, not in this case legal, but political responsibility of the president of ukraine, is he responsible for corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine? well , let's be honest, from the moment mr. resnikov began to perform the duties of the prosecutor, the unpromised concealment of the crime, namely the truth. there are eggs about kilograms and jackets are not so old, and so on, from that moment i think that mr. reznikov became one of, if not the leaders, then serious classmates of the criminal organization, which was built for the purpose of earning money, embezzling funds during purchases in the ministry of defense. mr. reznikov is a creature of president zelenskyi, it is president zelenskyi who submits a candidacy in order to be appointed by the parliament and... and in
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this context , no one submitted alternative candidacies, so from that moment, as soon as reznikov was caught up in this scandal, in fact political responsibility rests entirely on president zelensky, all the more so, let's remember when the first procurement scandals began, and how much longer after that, reznikov continued to perform his duties and was not suspended by any party and so on, it's about political responsibility, i... think he is responsible. thank you, mr. major. i would like to remind our tv viewers that you can vote in our survey, it is important for us to know your opinion, during the entire two hours of our broadcast today, we will vote and look at the results of this vote. mr. major, the russian port infrastructure in st. petersburg was attacked by attack drones on the night of january 18. about this reported the ministry of defense of the russian federation. attack on naftobaz in leningrad oblast. special operations
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of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, this is reported by the ukrainian media with reference to data and intelligence sources, yesterday as a result of an attack by the armed forces of ukraine on the marine training center near sevastopol, 19 servicemen were killed, this is reported by russian telegram channels, what can you do, mr. major, tell me about the need to transfer the war to the territory of russia and... ukrainian territory, which is temporarily occupied by russian, russian by the army, what is needed for this, because we see some isolated results with some frequency, which is not enough for systematic work on military objects on the territory of the enemy? well, let's be honest, if we don't transfer the war to the territory of the enemy, then they will be destroyed.
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it is the territory of ukraine, and it is already clear , israel is an example for all of us in this context, where the war came from, where the war moved, a similar story should be in the russian federation, of course, i think that we are not enough, well, of course we are not enough to finally feel the shame that is tearing apart so many ukrainians, we all see that north korea, being under sanctions for 15 years, and iran, which... people who are also under sanctions for 15 years are making rockets, and we are such a space state , and came to the beginning of a full-scale invasion from and on , in principle, you can say nothing, so i am ashamed, of course, and i am ashamed of everything, although i understand that every problem in the state of ukraine has a clear name, a name to the father, but regarding the transfer, do we have any forces and means that... we can attack
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legitimate targets on the enemy's territory, namely his energy infrastructure, connected to the military-industrial complex, and especially oil and gas - this is what allows the russians to... economically survive even during sanctions, which are currently being imposed against them , of course, this should be done where we can get, well, let's be frank, for me it would be of course a matter of principle the novorossiysk bases and oil refining companies that are in novorossiysk, because 50%, if i don't i'm wrong, the oil goes exactly there are other routes there, including other seaports, but it is winter there, there is frost, there is ice, and less people travel there. but the novorossian tankers are loading and somewhere overloading some incomprehensible greek tankers with those transponders turned off so that no one can track them. so, if they do this, then it is a legitimate goal of ukraine to sink the sails of such tankers, but the most important thing is the port
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infrastructure, which can seriously hinder the russians. let me remind the audience that over the past two years, the russians have made money from trade hydrocarbons more than 550 billion. euros , if we remember the help we received from our western partners, then the russians earned more than all the countries of europe combined, they gave us in two years, well, that's how i see it, that's why we need to do it, because economically we are russia otherwise we won’t survive, russia can fight at home, they will be patient, they will be this people , the people of ukraine will love putin and tolerate sitting in shit, because they have all the same money for the defense industry, for theirs, for the ministry of attack and for missiles and for and on shahedis to buy korean and iranian crap, and what are we going to ask for patriot systems forever, because we don't beat ballistics with anything else, that would be significant, but i really liked the story that general ben hodges gave recently, what he said, oh no it's worth it, i didn't like the first part of his
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thesis that ukrainians should not expect at the 75th nato anniversary summit that they will be invited to nato, well, i'm a realist, i also understand that they won't be, because... nato is not only military and political union. in the context, if the armed forces are ready to join nato, the political part of ukraine is not ready, because we still need to complete 100-500 different homework tasks, legislation, reform, anti-corruption, judicial, well, and on, on, on. nevertheless, the second part of ben hodges' sentence was that it would be significant if the countries of western europe, in particular the members of nato, were able to secure in order to prevent the threat of russian missiles hitting ukraine, which are bombarding ukraine , that is, what i am leading to, that is, there are already signals that shaheds, rockets are flying into the territory romania, flying through the thorium through the territory of poland and so on, that is
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, benhoj says that the air defense forces of the nato countries could take some part under their control and under their umbrella in order to ensure a flight to their territory. ukrainian land under the umbrella of the nato anti-aircraft system, it would be great, why? we would unload our air defense system, we could drop it on other areas, that's the first thing. the second point, well , the patriot system can work, well, if i'm not mistaken, depending on the modification, there is 100 km plus. so, you imagine, such the front-line, border zone for several hundreds of kilometers along the entire border with nato countries. it would be great, we could think about... building factories for the production of our already, as they say, military enterprises and so on, it would be very great, and we need to carry the war on the territory of the enemy for this, so that the western partners freed us, because you know, we give you a missile, but you don't shoot where they fire at you, well, it
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works, then you give us another 100 patriot missiles, or maybe we are one taurus let's block the launcher from which the russian shit flies out, you see, and that's it... we must not escalate the situation like this, it is now flourishing very much in europe, and i cannot understand, but where else can we escalate this situation, there is nowhere, there is only a nucleus, so in this context i believe that the western partners should rethink these lines that they have drawn for themselves and through which they supposedly cannot cross, and the statements are right there britain, france, i think, have everything to catch up on history in germany, about the taurus missiles, there was recently a vote on the supply of taurus missiles , a vote in germany, but i want to say, there is no treason yet, why, because it was a vote on a bill that was submitted by the opposition, they have another bill that has to be voted on , if i'm not mistaken, in
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the month of february, well, i could be wrong, until february 22nd they have to vote in the bundestag , yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, it would be very good if they did catch up with olaf, that... that after all, it is necessary to move this question from its place, because otherwise we will start a war only on the territory of ukraine, well, we will not export it, because our infrastructure will be destroyed and that we will forever ask for money for... er, the budget of ukraine and we will forever ask for air defense systems, patriot from our western partners, they give us endlessly they won't be, so we need to somehow cover and secure us, free the hands of the ukrainians, give them the opportunity to destroy the russian military-industrial complex everywhere. mr. major, can we accept the statement of president emmanuel macron about these 40 long- range scalp missiles flying at a distance of 205. in the export version of 560 for
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the british and french armies, as a possible step before the french give us these 40 scalps, maybe 400 of them are needed, i don’t know, maybe 4 thousand of them are needed in order to smoke out the russians there from the same crimea is occupied, or hit the airfields that are near the ukrainian territory, the voronet region there. drones are flying there, can it be considered that the west is considering such a possibility, they just don't announce it, they just said: we will give you a long-range scalp missile, and you are already there see how you will use them, well , let's be honest, 40 rockets will not do anything, if you remember the territory occupied by our ukraine, yes, that is, together with crimea, and remember that we will also think potentially about russian in general, well, what is 40 missiles, ukraine over there shoots down 150 russian missiles in one attack, that is, it is clear
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that this does not make the weather, well, but it is a start, the main thing is that our hands are not twisted later, why are you shooting at the launchers of the voronezh region, that is the main thing, so that our hands are not twisted for this, with on the other hand, let's be honest, we ourselves still have to finish that missile program, which was called peregrine falcon, borysfen, we have thunder there and so on. we must continue to do this, unfortunately, a lot of time has been lost, but we have the technology, the opportunities, so we can use these scalp missiles to help liberate our territory, already with our own production of certain things, well, to flay the russians. mr. major, one more issue is quite relevant, which was considered today in france, unfortunately i did not fly there our defense minister. rustem umerav was explained that due to some issues, security considerations, he cannot do this, but he
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participated virtually in this meeting regarding the creation of an artillery coalition to support ukraine, and french defense minister sébastien lecornu spoke about this today, and they are talking about that , that the french ministry of defense announces that this year 78 self-propelled... caesar artillery installations will be produced for ukraine, if you compare the pace with which russia is now trying to saturate its army with various weapons and pace, like europe is included, well, in a conditional arms race, because in fact europe is saying that war with russia is inevitable, and it can happen in 3-5 years, or? the european community
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is sufficiently aware that their pace is not so high yet, that putin , due to this iron, which is still there from the soviet union, he has somewhere in the urals in siberia, and due to north korea, that he is gaining momentum much faster than they prepare for war. well, let's be frank if we're talking about... about ukrainian-russian the war and about the help of the western partners , if it were not for that help, we would of course be partisans, as i have already said, maybe somewhere in the forests of the carpathian mountains or in volyn, i don't know, so of course it is very good, but the question of pace, well, let's talk again, okay, the installations are great, our bohdana, well, that's all, that is, it's the same 40 km plus, and bohdana's accuracy is very high, and her endurance is high, and this is our manufacturer, our... . places, but both for that and for that installation you need shells, you need shells,
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for long-range active -reactive projectiles, for closer range, simply 155- caliber, you understand, this is the nato standard, all the countries of western europe, together with the americans, managed to deliver 480,000 projectiles to ukraine last year, instead of the promised million, that is it's not enough , let me remind you, the russians produce about 2 million, and north korea threw them another million for two, the russians currently have parity in terms of artillery somewhere around this, it doesn't look quite parity for us at 20,000 of their two there . 3,000 of our shells, well, this is a very serious problem, i understand that last year the russians fired about 80,000 per day at ukrainian positions, that was also the case, and we experienced it all in the trenches, as they say, and survived, but once again i emphasize, a very good tactic was chosen by zaluzhnyi in the context of counter-battery combat, that is, the destruction
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of the enemy's systems, fire systems, and we destroyed them... a lot, the russians are now taking crap to the time of the second world war, it's true, their accuracy is weak, but for the account of the number, they cover with squares , they cover with squares, then the russians have dominion in the sky, the question of the buildup of weapons of the last millennium, it is of course necessary, but i still prefer to listen to the theses of the zaluzhny that we need to fight with the weapons of the 21st century, you understand, and it is precisely in this... context that i emphasize that, well , let's do it, let's make it simpler, is it possible to hit a tank that is moving 20 km away from the caesar installation, no, but is it possible to hit a tank that is moving 20 km away with a drone , well, there are such admissible drone systems which they are now making things there that can fly so far, so it is possible, so the question is,
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what more do we need, or how many shells are needed so that they get into that tank. how many drones are needed to get into that tank, and now let's look at the cost: one projectile - 3,600 €, one drone there is 500, let's say 700 €, those are a little better, better, that's all, a question of price and priorities, and a question of possibilities, and the most important thing is the issue of a technological breakthrough, the russians have already established large-scale production, the russians are already mastering artificial intelligence driven by drones , the russians are already using thermal imaging systems on... drones, night vision systems on drones, the first one to master it will be the master, well, i'm already , sorry, i'll say it simply, mr. major, the very end of our conversation, i would like to hear your opinion on these discussions that have now taken place around the mobilization bill, we have been watching for a month or three weeks now, how the bill
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that the government has tabled has been debated, then again he... in the verkhovna rada, then he came to the government again, the government is preparing again , but there are not many changes there, and it will be possible at the beginning of february, is it permissible during the war and during the need for mobilization, these long-term discussions that have open the way to mobilization, is the existing legislative framework enough to make yet another mobilization and well... in the event that it will be a hot potato or a hot potato that will be thrown in the hands of the political leadership of the state? you know, i 'll tell you so if it looks like crap and it stinks like shit, then it’s probably shit, it’s not potatoes, it’s shit that they throw from one hand to the other, as a result there is no law, but the hands have been covered up, i
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believe that today in principle the legislation, which provides for the question of mobilization, it is in principle in itself. work, the only thing is that it needs to be improved with regard to issues of authority and responsibility for evasion, it is also necessary to improve the procedure for serving subpoenas, which can be done in principle, if it is strongly desired, then by a cabinet resolution, which the employees of the tsc could be referred to, therefore, in this context, of course, this is not a bad thing , which has come out very badly now, because we had no problems with mobilization before, neither in the 16th year, nor in the 17th, until the 22nd in the spring of the th year, further, a... further, i believe that communication with society was overthrown, that the popularization of patriotism was more than the popularization of the protection of the homeland, and this is what caused what we have today: the army is becoming an army for the poor today , because the rich have the ability to pay off, have the ability to sweat, uh, have the ability
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somewhere to find some kind of armor or some kind of umbrella in some structure from which people... the army is not taken, and it is true, is there an option to get out of this crisis situation without even losing the rating of the dependent zelensky, without losing the ratings, he can say yes , this is a difficult time for the country, i am a responsible president, i take responsibility and submit my opinion as an urgent bill, and this should be done as soon as possible, i think that respect for the president in this situation will not fall, even if there are some in this bill things which will not be perceived strongly by her, what difference? here, because the army is the language of faith already at the front, and what a difference it may or may not perceive now, then i emphasize once again, it's all the same as a soldier. will support these things, because we need to be replaced by something and someone , even if there is a rotation, i am not talking about demobilization, this is generally from the realm
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of fiction, but rotation, rest, two or three months after a year people sit in trenches, i believe that it should be everywhere, because otherwise we have this war on our shoulders, the army language faith will not be enough. thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, it was a major of the armed forces of ukraine, special agent ihor lapin, friends. we are working live on the channel and also on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are watching us there now, please like this video so that it will be trending on youtube, it is very important for us, do not accumulate, like, comment on this video, and take part in our poll, we ask you if the president is responsible for corruption of the ministry of defense, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you are sitting in front of the tv and have a ... phone in your hands, you can vote if you think that the president is responsible for the corruption of the ministry of defense - 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382,
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all calls to these numbers are free, please vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next with us is oleksandr khara, diplomat, foreign and security policy expert, center for defense strategies, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey, thank you for let's start our conversation, mr. oleksandr, from the united states of america, there was information that on wednesday, the president of the united states of america, joseph biden , held a meeting with the leaders of the congress and the heads of the specialized committees, where he called for the faster unblocking of funding and further assistance for ukraine and discussed, as quoted by the american media, the strategic consequences of inaction for united ukraine. america and the world. later information appeared from the wall street journal that biden agreed to strengthen immigration policy to ensure aid to ukraine. how do you assess the prospect
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of the united states of america, rather quickly, or so that it would still be profitable for ukraine, this speed, this decision, or some kind of increased assistance. olaf scholz and germany will almost double from four to 7 billion euros at some point to compensate for this lack of funding from the united states of america and our partners are deliberately working in sync and biden is trying to compensate at the expense of germany this is a small lag for ukraine, which has occurred since the last tranche from the united states. america , well, first of all, it should be said that the europeans, thank god, old europe, at least in, let’s say, in the form
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of germany, it understands the threat from the russian federation, i think i already said this more than once on the air, it was very good research center, that is, the foreign policy council, where they said that after this war for 5-6 years and the russians... the federation will be able to attack one of the nato member countries, that is, there is an awareness that the war came to europe not only to the cradles not protected by the european union and nato, but also to our good old europe itself, and of course, what olaf scholz is doing is a response to the awareness of this threat. the second point is also extremely important from the point of view of what, as you rightly said, for the time being, while the united states. you are unable to provide us with what is necessary, well , first of all, with finances, which are then converted into weapons, into ammunition, which europe must,
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let's say, take on a certain, certain burden. the third moment is the realization that a disaster may occur with trump's arrival in the white house, not only ukraine may be left without help, but also the european allies themselves, and of course that now in european capitals they are thinking very... a lot about this, that they will do, he was left alone with the russian federation, and of course the best option is to help ukraine destroy the aggressive potential of the russian federation. going back to washington, yes, the meeting was interesting, i understand, and there are cautious and positive signals from participants the national security advisor to the president of the united states, who reformed congress, was at the meeting. in terms of what the means provided by the united states are running out in ukraine and how that will affect our ability to defend ourselves, and of course
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that... it has been used as a kind of moral pressure at least, but speaker johnson is taking the position that first we have to, for the administration to make concessions on the security of the southern border, and he said that there can be no compromises there to be, the border is american, it must go before the ukrainian one, on the other hand, the nervous reaction of one of these poor trompians. that as soon as speaker johnson tries to introduce or put such legislation to a vote, she will start the procedure to remove the speaker from this position. kevin mccartney lost office last time because this wing itself, although she didn't vote at the time, she was very critical of this kevin mccarthy, but actually there i don't remember five or six'.
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americans voted for removal, and then the democrats, well, actually in full force voted, i.e. by a nervous reaction, i see that most likely there are, let's say, certain concessions on the part of the administration, and there is an approximate understanding of what compromise can be found in order to unblock aid to ukraine. today, the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergey lavrov, said that the event is threatening, it turns out. russia with nuclear weapons, and not the other way around, and rejected the possibility of strategic negotiations with the united states of america. let's listen to what lavrov said. which is led by washington against russia, no basis not only for additional joint arms control measures and strategic risk reduction, but also for any talks with the united states in general.
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about strategic stability, we , of course, do not reject this idea for the future, nor do we reject the possibility of a political and diplomatic settlement of the existing contradictions, however, we strictly and firmly condition such a possibility on the prior full refusal of the west from a malicious course to comprehensively undermine russia's security and our interests. well, lavrov obviously, when says that we are ready for a settlement there. existing political-diplomatic contradictions, we are probably talking about returning to the ultimatum that was put forward by president putin in december 21st, and that we are ready to return to it, but this is the desire to transfer from a sick head to a healthy one, about the fact that the west threatens with nuclear weapons, and perhaps a threat in private communications, a special communication with
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the leader. russia, is it impossible, mr. alexander, what do you say? no, it is absolutely impossible, because we understand that people are unconscious sitting in washington, and in european capitals, and in paris, and in london, those who possess nuclear weapons, they understand that these weapons, weapons of deterrence, and never for, well, at least since 2014, none the united states or the european factor did not threaten the russian federation, on the contrary... russia since the 14th year has been increasingly using this rhetoric, and by the way, quite effectively, because this rhetoric restrains our western partners in what they give , what types of weapons, thank god that there is a certain evolution has taken place since the 22nd year, and you perfectly remember how we were given only skimmers and javelins, and then quietly we will have f-16
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in the ukrainian skies in the near future, or maybe already. that is, in principle , these are related things, you know, but recently putin, well, probably threw off the last fig leaf from himself, when he said that russia is not going to give up its conquests, and thus we have before us a savage, completely naked, who has a nuclear club, which is absolutely, shall we say, pointlessly brandishing it and, well, actually blackmailing the world with such things, i want to say that throughout the entire time , starting with the creation of the russian federation, i mean, after 1991, the issue of strategic security of revnagakh, it was in the first place, and precisely because of that, even at that time, the administration of bill clinton ignored the interests of ukraine as well , well, at that time we were de facto allies of the russian federation, we did not want to join the eu and nato, but they then ignored and...


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