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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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don't switch, it will be interesting later, russia's war against ukraine was one of the main topics of the international economic forum in davos, we are finishing it, the results are broadcast on bbc news ukraine, live from london, i am evgenia shedlovska. putin is a predator who is not satisfied with frozen products, president zelensky said about the possibility of a frozen conflict while speaking in davos, and called on the international community to help ukraine defeat it. was this call heard at the end of the second year of full-scale war? for ukraine, it is one of the main political ones
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there were achievements in davos even before the start of the world economic forum, when another round of international negotiations on the ukrainian peace formula took place in the swiss resort, however, again without the participation of russia, because russia objects to this formula, which also involves the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of ukraine, and punishment of war criminals, and payment of compensations. this was already the fourth meeting regarding the ukrainian peace formula, in which representatives of more than... 80 countries of international organizations took part. in general, ukrainian the authorities are trying to enlist the support of not only the usual western partners, but also the countries of the global south. in the future, the ukrainian authorities expect to hold a large international summit, at which world leaders will support such general principles of war settlement, and the place of its holding may be switzerland. russia's war against ukraine was discussed already during the economic forum, which is five days of various meetings and speeches. there were other topics for discussion. the situation in the middle
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east, the war between israel and hamas in the gaza strip, climate change, artificial intelligence, but if such international venues as davos are a conditional thermometer, a measure of support for ukraine, then what is the level of this support now? i asked about this directly from someone who was in davos, this is what the head of the ukrainian forum in the british chathamhouse , orysia lutsevich, says. the first thing to say is that davos is, after all, the world economic forum, and here, after all, the economist dominates. agenda, and there are a lot of participants who come here, they are representatives of both large companies and startups, from my the impression of communication, it seems to me that there is great interest in how the war in ukraine will develop, these three days, when discussions about ukraine took place, the hall was packed, and there were a lot of questions from the audience, a very lively discussion. the key guests of davos were us secretary of state anthony blinken, chinese premier. who, by the way, called on
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foreign companies to continue investing in his country, that is, another signal that china does not want to quarrel with the west, and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy is one of the leading guests, and here are the main points of his speech: he urged not to stop supporting ukraine, to increase military and economic support, not to reduce it, in particular to help ukraine gain air superiority, that is, to provide combat aircraft. rejected the scenario in which the war could end in a frozen conflict, reminded of attempts to do so after 2 strengthen sanctions against russia, give ukraine frozen in the west russian money for reconstruction and defense, and said that putin is the embodiment of war, in his interests numerous conflicts in the world in general, the way zelensky talked about putin, should have been a signal to listeners that it would not be possible to come to an agreement with putin. and i asked the columnist of the british chathamhouse, orisa lutsevich, how they reacted to such a speech by zelensky and , in general, to his personal presence in davos. when i asked who and which
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high-ranking guests are participating in davos, the first thing i heard was zelensky, he was definitely the number one guest, and many wanted to hear directly from him how ukraine can win this war, so on his, i don't think any of the zelenskyi's statements surprised the audience, there is definitely a group of people who still want to understand. after a difficult counteroffensive, is ukraine perhaps so tired that it is ready to go to some negotiations, and it was very important for the world community to hear directly from president zelensky that ukraine may be wounded and it is difficult for ukraine, but ukraine remains steadfast and ready continue to fight and has a strategy for victory over the russian federation. in open communications, there was a lot of talk about additional patriots systems for... how they behave effectively
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show on the battlefield and about the economic assistance that ukraine needs in order to rebuild its economy and preserve the macroeconomics'. as for russian money frozen in the west, it is about 300 billion dollars that were frozen at the beginning of a full-scale war. the ukrainian authorities want this money to be given to kyiv, whether the west will take such a step, analyzes the bbc correspondent on economic issues, faizal islam. a dark cloud of geopolitical crisis has hung over the world economy, and this is the main issue of this year's global economic... the presence of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi at the meeting of the world's largest economies is an opportunity to personally convince financiers from wall street to invest in the reconstruction of ukraine, as well as to develop and support a rather controversial scheme: the use of income from frozen
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russian sovereign assets. i managed to talk to president zelensky and ask him about this initiative and whether western diplomats support it. it is worth noting that western central bankers are somewhat more skeptical, because this can set a precedent, because it is about the most secure assets acquired by any country in the world and that they can be used in war. president zelenskyi told me that there are 300 billion dollars of frozen russian assets, they destroyed ukraine, and this money should be used. taxpayers in the west should not... give their money when the money is there. as i understand it, the european central banks are a little nervous about such a scheme, because they want to be sure that any deposits or transactions with them have that reliable and a secure foundation. also this potentially the risk
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of lawsuits. but president zelenskyi is determined and confident that the use of these frozen russian assets is the way to finance the reconstruction of ukraine. tens of billions of dollars. why are european central banks very wary of the idea of ​​doing something with russian frozen money. i also asked columnist orisa lutsevich about this, who was at the forum in davos. russian assets located in the west, assets of the russian central bank. this was also one of the main topics. her voiced by president zelenskyi, minister of foreign affairs koleva, and deputy president rostyslav. that is, it sounded everywhere , it is important that the legal and economic position represented here by ukraine and not only, because there are votes for the confiscation of these assets, as well as by british minister cameron,
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were heard here, and the arguments were such that a legal framework already exists , and in fact there is no need to change anything in international law, that this issue is exclusively political and... if there is a political will of the g7 countries, in particular great britain, as well as france, the united states, germany, belgium, where many of these assets are located, and together with the european union, this can be achieved, they communicated to the world economic community that, in fact, the risks of such a step would not be serious for the world. financial system, because in fact the global financial system has already absorbed those risks when these assets were first of all frozen after, they are not actually frozen, they are even if they are mobilized, so russia cannot use them for after the february 24 invasion,
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are western countries going to increase sanctions against russia, when, in two years of full-scale war, the russian economy has not felt much... from these western sanctions, on the contrary, the kremlin has put the economy on a war footing and has the opportunity to continue waging war, so what will happen with sanctions? there was talk about strengthening secondary sanctions on those countries that continue to serve russian banks, in particular turkey, and we see that, in connection with such risks, turkey is beginning to interrupt its connections with russian banks, this is also literal. this week's news, but ukraine strongly emphasizes the fact that there are western parts of spare parts in russian missiles, in russian weapons, and calls on the countries of the west to take measures to control exports and
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limit the access of these spare parts through intermediaries to russia, this was heard on all platforms, and i think that there are actually chances that this year will actually be the year, well, let's say, for strengthening the supervision of sanctions and closing them. perhaps not all, but significant holes through which russia crawls into the eyes of the market world technologies, that is why such a task stands, but whether it will be realistic, well , how successful it will be, we will see. during the forum in davos , both representatives of the european union and the nato secretary-general spoke about the importance of supporting ukraine. yes, jen stoltenberg said that this is not a charity, but an investment. in the security of the alliance, but in general, what is the west doing, is it ready to help ukraine when the war becomes
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protracted? few believe that putin, with the resources and ability to continue this war, will stop, we hear even today from the nato military committee that nato should prepare for war in the next 10 years, we saw such statements. of the ministry of defense of sweden, the president of poland , duda, who spoke here, also spoke about the fact that they are massively arming themselves in the event of a possible scenario of an attack by russia, so these voices, which, let's say, realistically assess the situation, called on european governments to simplify the regulatory framework for joint military procurement and production. weapons, because now every country is very protectionist towards its own
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military industries, and each country alone will not be able to produce enough weapons to provide them to ukraine and to defend itself, so this was one of the proposals to maximally improve the system of joint production of weapons in the transatlantic space, the nato space. euro-atlantic cooperation, that is... europe and north america, against the background of the threat from russia at the beginning of the war, it intensified, but what now? elections will be held in the united states this year, and the results will determine whether things will change american foreign policy, so one more question: does europe take the trump factor into account? that is, what will happen if trump wins the election and becomes president again? this is the politician who during his presidency criticized nato in his speeches, in private meetings, allegedly even with... said that the us will not defend european allies in case of attack, so does
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europe have a backup plan, what to do if they find themselves with aggressive russia alone? among european countries, in particular, there is such a sense of danger, of course, if trump comes, he is an unpredictable figure, and so on the contrary , they are asking themselves how they can strengthen their autonomy and their... security in the event that, say, america becomes militarized and, well, it works out, or , let's say, there will be a lot less resources to invest in the defense of europe, and will transfer them, for example, to confronting and deterring china, so there is even a plus for ukraine in this, considering these risks, the question of whether these perceived risks will actually materialize in... increased spending on the military industry, on defense, on
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training, we see, by the way, that this year will be one of the largest exercises within nato, a very large number of troops will be involved, so for now it seems to me that this is trump's risk, trump's risk in the right direction, europe is responding, and plus actually this conversation about russian assets, it can also be a certain fear. from trump, because if by the time he can become president, the issue could be legally settled so that he can't, say, suspend or block it. orysia lutsevich, an expert from the british chathamhouse about her conclusions from this year's international economic forum in davos, she did not see any fatigue from supporting ukraine, nor a desire to freeze the conflict there. well, with that i bid you farewell, next time watch ours. on monday at 9:00 pm.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the verdict program, we continue our broadcast, and in the second part of the program we ... war against journalists, slander and intimidation are underway, who and how is trying to discredit the media in ukraine, the western press already. writes about the pressure on journalists, yuri nikolov and the team of denys bigus. what's next? corruption in the ministry of defense. scandals and arrests continue. who profits from the war during zelenskyi's presidency? we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. please, in the course of our program, we are conducting a survey, and we
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are asking you to answer the question, whether the russian rebellion threatens the putin regime. uh , the events that are happening now in wuxi, is it threatened or not, and is sprawl of this rebellion may in some way prevent the putin regime from doing what it is doing. if you think that the russian rebellion is a threat to putin's regime, you can call 08021381, no, 0821382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the... program we will sum up this vote, today we have as and every friday, the journalism club, i want to introduce our guests, these are the best journalists of ukraine, olga len, the author and host of the chronicles of information war program. hello, olga. good evening. maryna danilyuk yarmalayeva is a tv presenter, author and host of censornet youtube channels and
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the bisika show. marina, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you. i am also glad to see you, my best wishes to all. bohdan butkevich, tv and radio host, author and host of censornet youtube channels and the bisika show. bohdan, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. let's, let's start with our blitz question, i understand that this is purely theoretical, we are asking about the russian rebellion and purely theoretically that it can somehow interfere or, shall we say, affect the putin's regime, but how much do we ask our... viewers, i can't help but ask you literally in a few sentences: yes, no, and what do you think about this, marina, is there a threat of a russian rebellion against putin's regime? i don't believe in russian riots, because they still have something to eat, and when the russians have something to eat, there will be no rioters. bohdan, well, maybe, i also think that the regiment,
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while they have it, is russian. we have some problems with bohdan butkevich's sound, if possible, please redial him and establish a normal connection, olya, well, i don't i think that if they don't have anything to eat, they will riot more, rather the opposite, but... there is one such interesting thing that in fact similar actions, like the one now in bashkurtostan, they had in 2021 year, and it also had to do with the election, and to some extent you can say that the attack on ukraine, the unleashing of this great war that they had in 22, had a lot
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to do with what they were trying to stop the processes that began then of real disintegration, and they blamed it on the war actually, that is, these are interdependent things were, and of course, now they already have such a thing , well, there is no possibility, because the war is already going on, so in fact, yes, it undermines the authorities, obviously the russian one, that this one riot will solve something there, no, it will not, but the fact that some interesting processes, that's how they went, thank you, olya, let's go back to our ukrainian events, because literally during the last week we witnessed... scandals around journalists, first around the investigative journalist yuriy nikolov, who wrote about abuses and corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine , unknown people came to his apartment , to the door of his apartment, when he was not there, his mother was sick, and began to knock on this door in kyiv, and began to shout that he
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was going to flee there, did not want to go to war, left offensive inscriptions on the door , and we... see now on the screen that what was happening, because they filmed it themselves, then put it in the telegram cesspools, which in one way or another are controlled by the current ukrainian authorities. journalists of biguus-info, in parallel , also came under attack, because it turns out that they have been for a whole year they recorded, listened, filmed and filmed, and the operators of this project got into... er stories about the use of narcotic er drugs, but in principle, in this situation, that's not the main thing, because if people violated. the law, of course they have to answer according to the law, but the fact that they were systematically led and did everything to turn them into drug addicts who cannot
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be trusted, well, it is absolutely obvious, we have the synchronicity of denys bigus, who said that his the team conducted its own investigation, which took place at the corporate shooting party began to be replicated and distributed in the media and on youtube, the corporate party took place in the suburban complex ukrainian village and this corporate party was observed and quite large-scale, if you believe denys bigus, let's listen to what bigus said: somewhere on december 20, a strange person comes to the complex character, he is first of all very interested in the restaurant, and then we were in... moreover, he is not interested in the menu, but where the speakers are, where the christmas tree is, things like that, and he also makes a reservation for the 26th,
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exactly the same rooms , which we are booking on the 27th we, and he also books the sauna for the 26th. on december 26, the institution's administration is observing the strangest corporate office employees just ever, the office employees themselves. they call these guests, which means that a company of 30 gloomy people sits in the restaurant, falls silent every time a waiter comes in, well, once again, in fact, to drive three dozen people to install cameras in the bedroom, and i have no doubt that in the sauna as well. marina, you are following these two stories, because i see how you are actively commenting. in their social networks and on youtube all these stories, zelenskyi says that someone is putting pressure on journalists, and he
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will never allow anyone to do this cannot be trusted, and what does one do in this situation? president zelensky, as a guarantor of freedom of speech in ukraine? well, to be honest, look, president volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyy really wanted to get on some kind of cover, on the first column, and he did it. literally today, the edition came out financial times with the headline that zelenskyy is setting up informational terror for the media in ukraine, and what happened next? we saw how literally in ... hours, the same youtube channel and the same links, which you could go to and watch this very scary corporate video of some drivers and operators
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of the tv project bigus, were deleted. it seems to me that everything is obvious, the threads led to the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. why? because we are already marking the first month that bankova has been behaving badly. our taxes where all the opposition independent media pass under the wording of attacking the government, populists, perverts and so on, so everything is obvious, volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi got his cover, and to be honest, i don't understand... why did the special services need it work directly under the president, because in every prescription of our
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western allies , two things always remain unchanged, under any regime, under any president, under any situation in ukraine, please, there must be democracy in ukraine, there must be freedom of speech, the opposition should not be touched, if something collapses from these three things, great... various problems begin, first with the authorities, and then with the whole country. it seems to me that the person who created this story, let's film the drivers and technicians of the bigus team going out on their new year's corporate party, and oh my god, they decided to try that famous, famous green sandwich, it looked absolutely right - stupid well, after denys said that there were cameras were also placed... in the hotel rooms of his female employees, and obviously in the sauna, everything looks completely idiotic, there was a number of people, operatives who...
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watched the bigus team, these are 30 employees, we understand that these are people on salaries, they had a budget for monitoring biguzenko's team, and this, by the way, also adds important questions, where do we direct the money that is currently lacking for our military industry, for example, for the same drones, but we are told about it every day , as there is a lack of money for drones, but it turns out to be filmed girls... in briefs who work in the ligus team, the state always has money for this. this story is absolutely incomprehensible, about these 30 uh guys who were there in this country house and installed cameras, and then two days later, when the bigus team left, they came there again to roll those video cameras and watch the recordings, what are they there recorded, although during the last two years
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the espresso tv channel also did. is outside t-2 and we were kicked out of the networks, and the fifth channel, and direct channels, no one can to say, actually, what happened, why did it happen, the same thing, well, i have doubts, ulyu, about whether they will find these 30 people who were there at all, even though the cars were caught on video, on video tape, and these men got there, and the question in general is, well, okay, they will find these people there, what will happen next? well, in general, i would say that the anonymity of people who work with zelenskyi is one of the biggest problems of ukraine as a whole, because look, er, when, er, here is the tracking of such a plan, yes, for personal and everything, well, first, of course,
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impresses that they have been following bigos's team for a year and all they find is this, well, you know that these are just people, well, practically, i don't know, some, well, angels practically, well, if in a year of monitoring you couldn't find anything else, well so you followed people with a really good reputation, who have nothing to say and practically nothing to reproach, but even beyond who the president's office deals with, who works with whom. who does zelenskyi work with? he works with people who did the same thing when they worked for yanukovych, absolutely the same people, that is, in who are tatarov's advisors, yes podalyak, podalyak, people who worked with yanukovych, and then wonder why it suddenly happened that these people are doing the same thing they did when they worked for yanukovych, and what, what
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does that surprise you? and what about them, they can't do anything anymore, in fact, that is, they can't do anything anymore, because if a person had a little more, well, some memory brought what they filmed with bigus, he would simply kick them out of work with kicks and said: get out of here, because you professor is unfit, because it is not possible to use, and if he did not drive them out, if he said okay, well, then something there means something wrong, well, in the broad sense of the word. and then, again, who do they hire, they hire people with such a bad reputation that these people can't come out on their own behalf and say anything, they can only anonymously monitor, dump on anonymous telegram channels, write anonymous denunciations, some anonymous people, incomprehensible young people come, anonymously plaster someone's door, that is, when they reproach you for something, no, we
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no, not anonymous people, when we do something, we do it on our own, we come out and say , this is bohdan speaking, marina, me, you, we all come out and say on our own behalf, if we are wrong, these are our mistakes, if we are wrong, we are wrong, we are risking our reputation, and we have it in the end to risk it, and these people never had it , when they attacked vitaly... kortnikov in the 14th year, when he was literally forced, well, because he was not just harassed, an apartment was opened for him, some people entered this apartment, they were all there they turned him over, they were waiting for him under the house , it was during the revolution of dignity, he was forced to even leave, because it simply threatened him, well, that he would simply be killed somewhere, he does not go around with security, you know, he is like any of us, we don't have that option.


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