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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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well, we are reproached for something, you, me, we are not , not anonymous people, when we do something , we do it on our own, we come out and speak, here is bohdan speaking, marina, me, you, we all come out and speak on our behalf, if we're wrong, it's our fault, if we're wrong, it's us, we're risking our reputation, and after all, we have it to risk, and these people never had it, they never... in the 14th year on vitaly portnikov, when he was literally forced, because he was not just bullied, he they opened an apartment , some people entered this apartment, they overturned everything there , they hid him under the house, it was during the revolution of dignity, he was even forced to leave, because it simply threatened him, because it simply brought him they live somewhere, he does not go with security, you know, he is like any of us, we do not have such an opportunity.
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that is, so that some unknown, again, anonymous people did not kill him, so that later zakharchenko and his adviser tatarov did not come forward and say: oh, we are not we know who they were, who cut down portnikov somewhere in the corridors, he was forced to leave the country, and now the same people are doing the same thing, and someone is surprising someone that they are doing the same thing, and what should they do , what did you all... expect from them, i want to ask. well, by the way, here is the story with portnikov, it got its continuation already during the war, when he lived in lviv and listening devices were simply installed in his apartment, and vitaliy found these devices, and as a result there was a scandal, as a result even knew this whose dictaphones or eavesdropping devices were there, but
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no one received any reaction, no answer to... why this was happening, and again, all these stories with journalists continue, it is worth recalling the story with mykhailo tkach, and that , how, in what way they tried to bully him and put pressure on him, marina and bohdan also have their own story of how they turned into the heroes of these telegram scum, because they accuse you of many things for yours. journalism, tell our viewers, maybe not everyone sees you in social media networks and on the youtube channel, and do not know about all these stories, but these are stories that indicate that these are not isolated cases, that is, when we talk about several episodes, this already speaks of a system that, which suits the current government, otherwise it wouldn't have happened, marina. look, i look at it
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philosophically and with a smile, because i don't have, for example, a telegram channel, my own in telegram, yes, i'm sorry for the tactology, but i live a stormy life there, about me there, all these telegram channels that are in the pool of the office of the president of ukraine, they draw some memes, cut out some videos , they write about bohdan there that he is a scumbag and a scumbag... and my god, you are a freshman, which i really liked, they came up with the thesis that i am engaged in abusing the president, and you know, when it concerns me, well, okay, let them do free advertising, on the contrary, it’s cool, someone will come to see what else i’m doing there, subscribers, by the way, it was added after their powerful advertising of our products in telegram channels, but when they start writing longreads about our invited... colleagues, such as, for example
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natalka sokolenko, with whom we make video cycles several times a year, to be honest, i have suspicions that these people are completely unprofessional in the field of media, in the field of political technologies, and even in the field of black pr, because there was a huge lon grit, for example, about natalka sokolenko, that she is like a prostitute, that she does not know how to do anything at all, but... and so on, and honestly, if you work somewhere in the media, if you work as a political technologist and do not know, who is natalka sokolenko, i have never seen her plots that have become important because of her plots because of his work, including that we have not turned into belarus 2.0 here, then i have, you know, an optimistic vision that these people will pour their own power down the toilet with their telegram channels , let them write, i
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like them there, they very often write in the description of their telegram channel that advertising on our channel costs 5,000 dollars, look, i don’t have that kind of money for advertising, and even if there were, i probably would i used them to produce my own content, therefore for free, we get five or six, or even 10 advertisements every day, saving the budget, well , actually, this whole story unfolding before our eyes, and we are participants in this story, in fact, it shows that journalists still have during the war in... their role as people who do their job decently and have to defend themselves, because there will be no other way, the commission on journalistic ethics published a statement about the pressure on ukrainian investigative journalists, calling it is
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a dangerous threat to democracy the future of the country. the commission on journalistic ethics considers it unacceptable for journalists to resort to suicide amid threats and pressure. refused to cover hot topics, only bringing the culprits to real responsibility will be able to stop the shameful campaign of intimidation of journalists and devaluation of their work. olya, when they talk about real responsibility and bringing to justice, here is the commission of journalistic ethics, who are they talking about in general, and in what way they will bring whom to justice is unclear, because actually you... the same problem as the people who work around the president's office, they have as many as 50 advisers, yes, they are so many people with such a negative reputation that they don't even mention their names, so as not to to discredit the office of the president, because it will turn out that these are people
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i know, who are known in some journalistic environment only because they regularly work for some kind of garbage, or participate in anti- ukrainian activities, cooperate with russians, with some , with some russian ones propagandists, well, there are a lot of such people , and all of them, they, well, they all work there unofficially and at the same time receive budget funds, that is, there is this very system they have some kind of, well, well, well, well, well, well, you know , absolutely some kind of strange, i don't see how there is this all. to what, it’s all absolutely, well, you can say it as much as you want, because you know, well, they always wave their hands, they didn’t do it as long as a person named tatarov sits there, as long as people who
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are involved in cooperation with the yanukovych government sit there , you can't talk about anything at all, the only indicator, the only one, when they won't work there, then we can... it will be possible to talk at least about something before that, no matter what anyone says, it doesn't matter at all, they they won't work there when yermamak won't work there, and yermak won't work there when zelensky won't work there, that is, you can conduct whatever you want, i'm saying that all sequences are logical, but as long as they are there, no one will be there will not be punished, they will all continue to do their own thing, except as they are to catch is simple, i don’t know... to pull the skin to the surface, show it from all sides, say that we caught them, here they are, this is the only option, but this, as you understand, is already going a little beyond the scope of some such well, literally, legal methods of some kind, well, unfortunately, we have entered a
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very strange phase, the kyiv prosecutor's office has started criminal proceedings for obstructing the work of investigative journalist yuriy nikolov after he was arrested ... -e tried to get unknown people with forecasts, with threats, and in principle, that's it marina already mentioned that financial times published an article on the front page today about the pressure on journalists, we will now see the screen, we see this publication, and here british journalists are writing about all these unique cases that... happen in to ukraine by journalists, and nikolov himself wrote about what they wrote too much in their publication, saying that when it comes to the future of ukraine and the future financing of the ukrainian state during this war, it means both the united states
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of america and great britain, still, well the authorities should pay attention to this, the question is whether they are paying attention to these publications and whether they will be. publications as a marker for our western partners, marina, and well, considering that we now have a large package of financial assistance from the united states of america at kona in the amount of'. 51 billion dollars and great britain is our faithful ally and partner, how far these markers will now be decisive for freedom of speech and for the attitude towards journalists for people living in the civilized world. well, let's analyze how they are not very responsible for us states, the leaders of which are not very friendly to us, have been speculating on the issue for several months now, that ukraine is apparently not a democratic state. of the examples that come to my mind now, it is viktor orban, for example, he directly
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said there, look, ukraine is not a democratic country, there is no freedom of speech, that is, why do we have the european union there to allocate money to help them, and he has "appeared such a faithful associate of fitso, despite the fact that this person was suspected in the past of organizing the murder of his journalist and local, well by the will of a local voter, he got power again, and he also pumps up anti-ukrainian sentiments so much that ukraine is not a democratic enough country, but most importantly, let's not forget that the united states of america has now entered the election phase, and they already have an internal politics is in a prominent place, and representatives of, for example, the radical wing of the republican party, who screw up their voters, who screw up... hear statements from various media that ukraine is not democratic the state, there is no freedom of speech, there is generally
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a zelensky nazi, who simply holds everyone in food gloves, and to be honest, if i were a voter of some ohio district in a small town and had never heard of ukraine until now, i could think: oh look, the financial times comes out with the following headline: zelenskyy stifles freedom of speech, terrorizes opposition media. so can my ruling deputy, when he says this on the television or on the fox news channel, that is why there are such serious nuances, unfortunately, volodymyr oleksandrovich zelensky is in pursuit of being the most beautiful, the most intelligent and having the highest rating in ukraine, he makes huge mistakes in his activities, in his positioning in communication with society, ironically... what made him the president, it is now effectively deprives him of his presidency, he has lost this
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sense of how to communicate with ukrainians, he had it in 2019, that is why he so triumphantly won these presidential elections, and now he has mistake after mistake, and for zelensky this will definitely end it is deplorable, but we must endure so that it does not end deplorably for ukraine, because there are very... many interested people, not to prepare their own defense, not to review what they have with troops on your territory, and believe in the rhetoric of these people, these political figures hear such things that maybe, well, ukraine is not democratic enough, maybe we will leave it in the field of view of the russian federation, if nato does not fight with russia there, we will drag out some extra 10 years of peace there, in my opinion a political career is enough. it is very unhealthy trends, i am very sorry that the powerful team of the president's managers does not
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take into account these black clouds that are thickening not only over the president, but also over ukraine. about this powerful team and its actions, we will continue our conversation after a short break on our channel, stay tuned. kratov contains natural components that are gentle. tests your heart, kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart there are discounts on optimal of 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain and reduces swelling. and improves the mobility of the joints with dolgit cream, which you want to lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and
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bifidobacteria. everything worked out. normolact and everything will work out. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10%. in pharmacies you will find plantain and savings. this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us there right now, please. like this video so that it is trending on youtube, and take part in our survey, today we we ask whether the russian rebellion threatens the putin regime. if you vote on youtube, it's pretty simple, yes, no, or write your comment below this video, if you're sitting in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think
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the russian rebellion threatens putin's regime 0800-211 -381, no, 080 2113. 72, all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. let me remind you that today we have in the studio the best journalists of ukraine, this is olga len and maryna danyliuk yarmaleeva. unfortunately, the connection with bohdan butkevich was interrupted, we cannot restore quality communication, but i hope that bohdan will definitely take part in our next programs. well, since we have already started talking about how and in which. the way the government communicates with journalists or whether it tries to communicate , it is also worth mentioning how the government communicates with businessmen, with those people who are responsible for the investment climate and attracting funds to the ukrainian state, here is a recent example of how this happened, this is the story of igor
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mazepa, the founder of the investment company concordd capital. and he was detained on the ukrainian-polish border in connection with a case that has been there for 12 years. the businessman writes that the suspicion concerns the allocation of some land for two, a little more than 2 hectares, someone there calculated that this operation caused losses to the state of 7 million hryvnias, today the prosecutor's office tried to choose a preventive measure for him in court. asked for a deposit of 700 million uah, despite the fact that the case is for 7 million uah, and this surprised ihor mazepa, and a deposit for his brother was also demanded 500 million hryvnias.
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it is interesting that all this happened against the background of the davol world economic forum, where zelensky spoke, where he convinced our western partners to help ukraine fight the russian federation, here is the story with mazepa, of course the court must decide there whether mazepa is guilty or not. well, because in a legal state, it should probably be like that, but against the background of the war, against the background of the help that we are waiting for in ukraine, an absolutely logical question arises, in general, but where, where are these investment nannies, about whom did zelensky ever speak? where are these ee guides for those who have money and are ready to carry this money to ukraine, as ulya corresponds, with the general situation in general, what, what, what we are observing, because this is one of the episodes that we are discussing today , but they also form these episodes into certain puzzles, and these puzzles give us some kind of picture
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of what is actually happening in the internal politics of... ukraine with businessmen, journalists, by the way, from the opposition. well, in general, i can't judge what the real deal is with mazepa, because well, i just don't studied this issue, if i'm serious, i can't say anything, but the fact that it's gone now, well, now we really have a very dangerous situation regarding the support of ukraine in the united states of america, regarding the allocation to us. the necessary funds, weapons, everything, and suddenly all these strange cases begin to pile up, this case for that, a hit on journalists, a hit on business, something. and you know, well, i quite consciously understand that if zelensky surrounded himself with people who have been promoting the russian
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agenda here for years, and then he announced something to everyone, remember, we still discussed this, that after february 24 they all switched to the side of ukraine, and we strongly doubted that this was possible, and now, when it arose... there was such a, you know, critical here is some kind of hacking situation, suddenly this whole bunch of people become active and do clearly anti-ukrainian things, then we just, well, you don't have to be a strong conspiracy theorist to somehow suspect that this is not a random story, that it's just all that hidden agency that was sitting here , but it has now become more active, that is, the russians... two years they could not do anything, they could not break the resistance of ukraine in any way, well, they waited for such a critical moment and now began to activate things that could
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reduce the support of ukraine abroad, i appreciate it that way, all these people, they are just that they are doing it absolutely deliberately, they are doing it for the benefit of russia, they are not doing it for any other reasons, absolutely, and there is no need to tell that they are doing it in order to keep zelensky in power, i think they also want zelensky in power. in principle unimportant, because in this way they absolutely destroy zelenskyi's image abroad in the first place, and these are the headlines that we showed, well, they show that this is not their goal, whatever they tell zelensky himself, there is nothing to do with it in order to somehow cement zelensky's power, and it will not be cemented, it will simply end with the fact that even during the war there will be demands to immediately hold a presidential... will eventually breed hands, they will say, listen, well , this cannot be tolerated any longer, we
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have to solve it somehow, if the president's office, the president himself, cannot come to them, let 's then hold elections, well, what to do, well, somehow it must be changed, since it doesn't change, if nothing changes in their head, then you have to change your head, and that's not good. again, i repeat, this is not good for the country, and it is not good for zelensky, and these people are not doing it for his sake, information about mazep appeared, he was sent to custody, the court posted bail, halved 350 million dollars , well, give hryvnias anyway, well, that’s not the point, you see, it’s not even about mazep, maybe he really is terribly guilty of something there, i don’t know, i just understand the untimeliness of these actions in a case that is 12 years old lay quietly so we are talking about the fact that for 12 years this case was dragged out, as a result, this case made it to the front pages
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of the world's economic and business publications, and everyone says, well , listen, are you demanding from us or asking from us 61 billion dollars, and wait, you are there with your somehow businessmen, deal with those people who are engaged in business and give you some profit and lead. the ukrainian economy, well, i would like to say that here is another big hello to the people from concord capital, and to the business partners of the same mazepa, who at one time thought that, in principle, in the country until the 19th year, certain institutional reforms were proceeding slowly, slowly , they decided that it is enough to appoint a certain president who will fix everything on him, to furnish him with nouns, no one knows them, and then they will have happiness, it will be possible somehow in manual regime to do all this and we do not need to develop any institutions, and now
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the lack of development of institutions, the fact that you can open a case, keep it for 13 years and not close it, well, in fact, this is a problem of the legal system, because in a normal legal system you cannot open a case, keep it for 12 years, do nothing, and then hop and activate it, it means that you simply have a wrong legal. system, it's not working, it's oppressive in itself because if you open a case, you have to either bring it to court or close it if you don't you can bring to court, instead of holding, holding, holding, and then at a certain moment, when we wanted something, i don't know, there may squeeze some assets from the same mazepa, there are certain careers he has there there is something else in the headscarf, but now someone has decided to squeeze these quarries, let 's close mazepo so that he gives us these assets, well... that's how it looks, thanks, maryna, well, look, here's the story, and i'm sure , that mr. ihor
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mazepa, he is not a saint. little angel, but look, in order to base something on the beginning of zero in ukraine , it was definitely not worth being a janitor , so you can find fault with him if you wish, but there is a very serious nuance here: ah, mr. mazepa's lawyers have already said that he was caught by the law enforcement officers at the moment when he went to the world economic forum in davos , well, if you read such a professional ... biography of mr. igor mazepa, at least for the last 20 years, it is very clear that this person in finance still understands how to attract these investments, how he works what is the market? there is currency, how to attract traders to the ukrainian market here, that is, there is an understanding, probably much more than that of serhii lishchenko, who went to this forum in davos and his photos appeared there, but there is another such thing, which
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was detained in parallel with this. we got rostyslav shurma, who seems to be engaged in economic policy in the office of the president of ukraine, without having any legal authority to do so, because i will remind you that this person is not the minister of economy, is not the minister of finance, that is, he has nothing to do with the government , more, moreover, we this the person was not elected in any elections, so he represents some of the economic interests of ukraine there and travels to... the states of america to berlin and to other cities where something was decided about how much money to provide in ukraine for reconstruction is absolutely illegal. and this person, literally today , a statement appeared there, she is very sincerely worried about rostyslav shurma, that investments will come to ukraine. they said, we cannot attract investors, because it is very inconvenient for investors to travel to ukraine on these interstate roads.
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ukrzaliznytsia trains, if only we had an airport boryspil, then investors would come here in droves. apparently, mr. shurma came up with a new scheme to launder some money at the boryspil airport, and he is absolutely not interested in investors, because investors are not interested in the airport, if they are interested in investing money in ukraine, they will come here at least on airships, even on parachutes. but when they see that the head of a large... investment campaign is taken and not allowed to the world economic forum, they drag out the case, which has been for more than 10 years, they say that this person is the most raked up the ukrainian budget, it looks a little alarming and inadequate. moreover, a very interesting comment appeared today, if i'm not mistaken, on the censor website that the office of the president of ukraine is now very
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actively looking for where to get him. money, because they did not succeed in deceiving the west again and asking them to give money just for beautiful eyes, so it is obvious that we are reliving the story that happened under the late yanukovych, when the yanukovych and the arbuzovs, especially, tried to ticket all the businesses that worked for that time in ukraine. unfortunately, i can state that we are living through the era of yanukovych, but now we have to give credit. yanukovych of the old formation, there were more or less intelligent people who knew at least how to spin these schemes beautifully for the public, so that the ukrainian people did not even suspect that someone was there, well, they did not end the way they did, if there were people there, who are there really then it is also, it is just like arbuzov and his friend klymenko, olya, marina, we have to finish, but there is such a thing here, assistants. how many
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lives of ukrainians, i agree with you, marino, marina danylyuk, yarmalayeva, olga len were guests of our program today, we have to finish our program, during our program we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether the russian rebellion threatens the putin regime , so? 29% of those who took part in the television survey think so, 71% - no, we put an end to this, i wish everyone a good weekend, take care of yourself and your relatives, we will meet on monday at 8 p.m., goodbye.


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