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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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their hosts, so the finale will be like that of the yanukovychs, but the question is, how many lives of ukrainians will we still have, i agree with you, maryna, maryna danylyuk, yarmalayeva, olga len were guests of our program today, we have to complete our program, during our program, we conducted a survey, we asked you about such things as whether there is a threat of a russian revolution. putin's regime, so 29% of those who took part in the television survey think yes, 71% no, we put an end to this, i wish everyone a good weekend, take care of yourself and your relatives, on monday at 8 p.m., see you, goodbye. the director of concord capital
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, ihor mazepa , was unable to choose a preventive measure at the pechersk metropolitan court today due to the judge's report. the businessman's defense announced his involvement. during the meeting , mazepa's lawyers voiced three requests to the court, in particular, to conduct a broadcast from the courtroom, to dismiss the prosecutor due to prejudice and violation of the presumption of innocence, and to give more time to study the case. at the same time, the prosecution stated that in sub. no suspicions asserts mazepa's guilt, and the searches of his offices on january 18 were carried out in accordance with the criminal procedure code in urgent cases. according to the statement of the investment company concord capital, law enforcement officers broke into its business center, knocking down the door, and the company was searched without a court order. according to the indictment, mazepa planned to flee the country after receiving information about the suspicion being served on him. the suspect
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ihor mazefa, according to our information and established during the pre-trial investigation, committed actions sent an attempt to avoid criminal liability and transfer from pre-trial investigation bodies. in particular, after receiving information about possible prosecution, he took measures regarding a possible attempt to leave the territory of ukraine, as he was detained yesterday directly at... checkpoints of the state border of ukraine. today, the sbi made public the details of the indictment of the head of concord capital, calling him the organizer of the scheme to expropriate the land of the critical infrastructure of the kyiv hpp. more at the end of november, law enforcement officers announced the discovery and arrest of members of a criminal organization who illegally took over 7 hectares of land on which the hydrotechnical facilities of the kyiv hpp are located. according to the sbi, we belong to this organization. almost two dozen people involved
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, including ihor mazepa and his brother. the businessman's company said that the arrest of the founder of the investment company was related to his public position regarding increased pressure from law enforcement agencies on ukrainian business owners. in june last year more than 40 entrepreneurs published a manifesto in which, among other things, it was about the wave of corruption and raider attacks. entrepreneurs, among whom was ihor mazepa, called. called on the president to intervene in this situation, now the prosecutors in the case asked for uah 700 million as a preventive measure, and this is how mazepa himself commented on it. mr. igor, what is the amount of the deposit? i'm sorry, 700 million. how can you estimate that? well, the materiality of the damages that they estimated is 7 million. well, the potential hypothetical damages that the state has suffered are 7 million, and 700 are left, so in general there
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well, it's not, well, there is no difference between the first and the second, i lead an open lifestyle, i use my phone, i use my credit card, i use my car, which is registered to me, if you know what i 'm talking about, well, you can find me in 30 seconds, and in the evening and on the eve. i was just walking around the garden, i met my friends in a restaurant, somewhere at 10 o'clock in the evening in the center, the city center, that is, it was not on the street, no, wait, well, that is, i was not hiding from anyone, nothing i did not, we will discuss the subject of the detention and trial of ihor mazepa further, serhiy fursa, an investment banker, joins the broadcast, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, the detention of ihor mazepa shook the information space in ukraine today. but maybe
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it is not so well known to the general public, why do you think this matter is important? well, this thing, i don't know why it's important, really. so far, the effect of it is negative, first of all in publications on bloomberg, where they wrote that a businessman who fought with corruption, and in principle, the entire ukrainian business perceived it not as a fight against crime, not as a fight for justice, but as an element of potential pressure and as an effort by law enforcement officers, or to play some business games, or to earn money, this is the perception of this case , such a perception of such a thing. what kind of justice, because no one judges justly or unjustly, whether there was a subject for his own investigation or not. the question is different: there is simply a catastrophic lack of trust in law enforcement officers, it is not there, and this case is perceived as an attempt to earn money. uh, can you
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explain a little bit more about investment bankers, because our viewers and listeners usually understand what bankers are, and what? the specifics of investment bankers , well, let’s face it, in principle, investment bankers as such do not exist, yes, this is such a general word, there are simply banks, banks deal with loans, deposits, banks take money from people, give loans to other people, everything, investment companies are engaged in various activities that are specifically related to investment activity, whether it is trading on the stock market or there are other attempts there to organize merger and acquisition agreements, for example, that is, it is a fairly wide range of activities that are generally included in what is called investment business, what investment companies do, well , it also happened that people who are tangential to these companies, they started to be called investment
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bankers, including, for example, you call me that, yes, just because i work in an investment company, an investment company sometimes called an investment bank, uh, uh, is there a... understanding of exactly what was engaged in concord capital, the owner of which is mr. mazepa, or in fact what you just listed, she is engaged in this, well, including this she was engaged in. concord has been on the market for a long time, somewhere since 2005, in principle, it is one of the most visible companies on the ukrainian stock market, it is quite specific, there is a high turnover of personnel, they take on the kind of work that many other companies will not do. to undertake, but yes, this is an investment business as well. ugh. what can be said about the matter related to the development of the coast kyiv reservoir, cottage towns, was this shore really a strategic territory, were there violations there in your
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opinion, from what is available in open sources from the indictment of the sbi, for example? i cannot have an opinion on this matter, because i do not understand anything here, it is not for me to judge. the only thing... i wonder what to do with conchesaska then, because it seems to me that the dam, exactly where all the most expensive houses, the most powerful people of the country are located, is the same object, and then what to do with it ? ugh, ihor mazepa, he himself said about it that he was supposed to go to davos, he was detained right at the border with ukraine, president zelensky was there, other officials called to invest in ukraine, and... and you already partially said about it, how this case, this today's court, including what signal does it send to foreign investors and partners? well , look, i wouldn't be drawn to davos because davos ends today, and going there last night was a pretty weird decision,
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but basically, how does it affect, well, basically right now no way, because there are no investments in ukraine now, as long as the war is going on, no one will invest in ukraine, we have to understand that, but these headlines... which are now published on bloomberg, this week there were also financial times headlines about the pressure on ukrainian journalists, it has a negative impact on the image of ukraine now, and it may negatively affect potential aid. we are now critically dependent on western aid, and the west helps us because we are the light side, russia is the dark side. if such things will happen, if about such things the western press will write, then actually, what is the difference between. ukraine and russia, and many will not notice, and russia's friends in the west, russia's agents in the west, will start dispersing this information, which will make it much more difficult for us to get help, or simply lead to many delays. this is not about the investment climate at the moment,
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because it cannot exist now due to the lack of actual investment, while the war continues, no one will invest. ugh. actually, i wanted to clarify, because there are a lot of things right now. ukrainian officials, including number, when they go abroad, they talk and ask their partners about post-war reconstruction, when the war ends, and actually here is the story about the arrest of one... investment bankers, if you can say so, can this have consequences in the future for rnom ukraine in reconstruction plan after the war? it's hard for me to say, basically, let's be so positive it doesn't really add, will it have a big negative impact, it's hard for me to say, just negative, yeah, now again the rejection, all the same headlines, it's just very important, why do we keep saying there about financial times and bloomberg, because that's... those sources are actually the people who make the financial decisions, and if they
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read it, it's going to be delayed, is it going to be a critical mass of these, sorry, delays, yes in people's heads, i don't i know it will affect someone, someone not, but i definitely don’t play it as a plus, uh, we already talked about the fact that the concord capital company considers it possible that this case is political, due to the fact that ihor mazepa signed this letter , do you think so and did you personally, for example, sign this letter? i did not sign this letter well, to be honest, i don’t think this case is political, ugh, but did you personally know ihor mazepa, what can you say about him as a person, if you were friends with him, i know him, i can’t say that i i am friends with him directly, i know him, well, we are not great friends, i would not like to give any personal characteristics there, because this too... in principle, we actually have a conflict of interests, because concord capital, dragon capital traditionally were the main
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competitors on the market for quite a long time, and in principle which ones ihor mazepin's human qualities are very important in this case. ugh. and what can you say then about the company. you said that she was one of the competitors, the company you work for, what is her fate in the market, is she one of the leaders? well, look, they're still alive, and that's a great achievement. for concord capital, in principle, for any company on the ukrainian stock market, again, their style of doing business was significantly different from, for example, what dragon was doing. capital has always been different, starting from that very year in 2005, when they arose, so it's different, a different style, more aggressive, they're much more flexible, they often did what no one else did, but at the same time they very often looked like the one... who is thrown into milk and it churns ingots, uh, uh, how do you think
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this case could end, given the kind of publicity and the same headlines in the world press that you said could influence the proceedings there? i don't know, well , there will be some influence, whether it will be decisive, we don't know, again, it's difficult for me at the moment to say, the background from this, from this case is very negative, will it affect the decision. the office of the president itself, which can influence the judicial system, i do not know. ugh. what is the situation with fellow bankers, maybe you talked to them today about this, and whether there is any, i don't want to talk about fear, but still about the fact that there may be some more detentions in the future. well, you see, the business reacted very negatively to this event. it's just very negative, including because of the fact that if they came to moze. to earn money and the basic version in business is that they came to it to make money, which means
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that at any moment they can go to anyone with the same goal, and it doesn't matter if you did something bad or not , if the security forces want to make money, they can come to you, and actually this stresses the business, not only is it clear that there is sympathy or some other emotional attitude towards mr. mazepa, but there is also tension from the fact that this... can continue to spread, in fact we state that during the war it increased corruption, the pressure on business has been increasing in the last year, and this is on the one hand quite a natural result of war, corruption always increases in war, and on the other hand it is quite an unpleasant story, and now what is happening with the smear shows that it is going to another more high level, that there can be a physical threat to the life, health, etc. of any person who does business in ukraine, simply because someone from the security forces decides that... this is how you can make money, that's exactly what you wanted clarify when you said about earnings
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money, it could be power structures or competitors, but you just actually said that power structures, maybe there is a version in business circles, among your colleagues, what exactly, if any, well, look, personally, no one knows who earns there and who wants to make money and is there a business conflict here, because a business conflict can be related. does not rule out that, for example, mazepa could have a business conflict, because he is known for his rather aggressive conduct of business, which is not in white gloves, let's say so, and this could ... lead to his conflict with certain partners, who could put pressure on him through the security forces in such a way that actually plus or minus is the same as the efforts of the security forces themselves to make money. uh, and is there any time for you to have some detail here that can explain something just in time for the same form in davos there? no, i don't
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think it's a related thing. ugh. thank you very much for your comment, for now. of his freedom was serhiy fursa, an investment banker, we talked about the detention and trial of igor mazepa. well, we continue to discuss the topic of detention from the trial of ihor mazepa, and i hope that roman vashchuk, business ombudsman in ukraine, is already joining eter. mr. roman, can you hear me? good evening, good evening. mr. roman, i just spoke with serhii furseyu about the court case and the detention of ihor mazepa, and they also talked about the fact that he was supposed to go to davos for the world economic forum, where president zelensky was also present, and other officials who called for investment in ukraine, in your opinion, what kind of signal can this send to foreign
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investors and partners, if, for example, mr. mazepa managed to get to da. uh, well, uh very ambiguous, to put it mildly, well, uh, ambiguous in terms of the fact that it could somehow affect investments in ukraine, you know, uh, this kind of, uh, and in such a form, uh, transactions were carried out with regard to the leading... . members of the business community obviously influence the business climate, influence how it is perceived, both in ukraine and abroad, er, and er here, i think, er, it was not all over thought out ugh. how did you personally perceive this case when you heard about it, especially during
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the economic forum in davos. well, yesterday evening i... for the first time i saw posts about this and realized that it would cause a great response here, you know, uh, officially, concord capital is not our complainant yet, uh, i don't know all the details of this case , so i will not comment on it, but i can mention that our institution... worked on the laws maska show 1, maska show-2, issued two systematic reports on the pressure of law enforcement agencies on business in 2016 and 21, and in comparison with what was recommended by us and ultimately adopted in these laws, about mask shows,
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yesterday's, current events are almost an example of how not to... do in such situations. ugh. the concord capital company in particular talks about the possible political pressure on ihor mazepa because of his signing of the letter that happened last year, can you also connect these two things? i don't have any data that would allow me to link anything here, again, let me remind you that... mr. mr. mazepa was detained at the border, it's like an urgent order, although the case has been going on for almost a decade, uh , if it is about what we have seen, again, we do not know everything, and we know what was in the media, we know what was said in court today, er, the search
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that took place in the company, it does not fall under the algorithm. which we have been promoting for years, that is, if a law enforcement agency has questions about a company, it can simply ask for materials to get them, and in the vast majority of cases, the business is happy to transfer this information to law enforcement agencies. the second step, you receive a decision on temporary access, then the company is obliged to transfer and only to how you... exceptional measure, a search, both authorized by the court, and where lawyers must be admitted, so this is all written into the law. that was in our recommendations, that's what the authorities themselves seem to have said that's how they're going to work, and so it's worrying that, that the practice here
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is going back to, not that 16, but to somewhere in 13 . mr. roman, before you we spoke with serhiy fursuyu, he said that business circles in ukraine took this whole story rather negatively and... and again in these circles they are talking about the fact that someone wanted to make money from ihor mazepa, his company, do you also think so, or is it still in your opinion, there may indeed be some, there may be true claims by the law enforcement officers against ihor mazep and several other people, again, from the very general information we have about, let's say. was an accusation, it is related to the fact that to some extent retroactively evaluates or reevaluates the nature of land developments that have taken place
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over the last decade, we have already seen this in our other complaints and investigations, that at times very selectively , all of a sudden, either expertise or then questions arise about... about things that happened a long time ago, we had one case in kyiv when we doubted who had the right to erect a fence near kyiv's kison, it turned out that it was erected back in stalin's time, so that desirable people go very far into the past, and is this a priority for a warring country that is trying to... attract investments, there are certain guarantees and constancy in the interpretation of e-e ownership of land, opportunities to build, opportunities to develop,
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necessary for an investor, well here question stands by itself. thank you very much, roman vashchuk, business ombudsman in ukraine, was on radio svoboda. thank you. an oil base in russian klyna was attacked by a ukrainian drone. this is how the governor of the bryansk region oleksandr bogamas commented on the fire in the telegram channel. according to him , the unmanned aerial vehicle was allegedly silenced by rep, during its destruction , ammunition was allegedly dropped on the territory of the klintsivka oil depot. according to preliminary information, there are no victims. the fire engulfed several tanks that had previously been breached with the help of an unmanned air defense system in the bryansk region, the ministry of defense of russia was also informed about damage and targets. also, however, it was not mentioned in the message. photos and videos of the fire and a large column of black smoke, which is visible from
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all parts of the city, have been published on social networks since the morning. train, it is reported that the fire allegedly did not affect the movement of trains when a firefighter arrived to help extinguish the fire. the oil base in klintsy belongs to the rosneft company, on may 11 of last year it was already attacked by a drone, this is how this event was commented in ukrainian gur. today, cotton is fine, and
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such events regularly occur at the military facilities of the aggressor state on the territory of the aggressor state, it is clear that when we are talking about an oil depot that is involved in supplying the occupying corps with fuel and bridging materials, in particular and not only, it complicates logistics for... for the occupiers, it disrupts the supply schedules, the support schedules, accordingly gives additional opportunities and time and increases the room for maneuver for our defenders. meanwhile , the capital of the russian autonomous republic bashkortostan in fia, several hundred people gathered to support activist fail alsynov, the former leader of the banned bashkort movement, who was sentenced to four years in prison. people gathered in response to calls for protest in... on social networks, they walked in the square and sang bashkir songs. they told the police that they were just walking. according to reports, the security forces detained several people, including a girl with a poster on which
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were s... from alsynov's speech and a person with the bashkurtostan flag. those who gathered tried to prevent the police carjacking to take the four detainees out of the square, and a fight broke out.
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we asked rim gilfanov, the director of radio liberty's tatarobashkir service, whether the protests in bashkortostan will be able to grow into all-russian protests or at least spill over into neighboring regions. rome, evaluate rome, evaluate the scale of the protest in bashkortostan, has there been anything like it in modern history, or are these the first such large-scale large-scale protests. if
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we consider the interval shorter, after the beginning of the military invasion of ukraine, i think that these protests, they are the largest, so vivid, which really attracted the attention of the whole world , but if we extend this interval a little, then in 2020, in august, larger protests took place, this is also a well-known event, when the local population, primarily the bashkir population, but also the tatar and... duvaske and mariysk rose to the defense the kushtau mountains, this is such an ancient geological formation, when there was a tropical sea in the place of this pre-ural and there was a coral reef that was preserved in the form of this mountain, but the specificity of this mountain was that, since it was limestone, it is very beautiful raw materials for the production of soda, and there is just such a company in bashkortostan, the bashkir soda company, and it has already eaten one such mountain, and there was preparation to start...
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they were already approaching, so to speak, and kushtau, received permission, made a contract rent, and when the local population saw that this company was already approaching the sacred mountain for the bashkirs, the people gathered there, they closed the road, stood in a tent city for several days, the authorities, of course , drove the rosgvardia, and omon, and local private security companies they took there participation, but all this ended with the fact that the people did not allow these developers, and the mountain was defended, and this is in the spirit of the bashkir population, and they remember it precisely as their victory, but at the same time, the local leadership, which is appointed by moscow, of course, although there were formal elections there, in russia, in today's russia, it is impossible to talk about free elections, so this leader seems to have harbored a grudge, and today's events are to some extent around mount kushtau. well, formally yes, it is considered that this is such an eco-protest, and people came to the defense.


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