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tv   [untitled]    January 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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how can you really liberalize, let's say , this whole situation of weapons, allow people more, and accordingly, so that people are really, well , responsible for the future of the country, not just like, say, well, at the moment they are responsible, and yes, how they in israel answer that they know that they either have weapons at home and they will immediately go to fight. or, let's say, they know where the nearest point is, where to get this weapon, and it's his own rifle, he's shot it, with which he accordingly knows all its features, and he will fight with it, because you understand, then here all these recipes for handing out assault rifles , well, they gave out assault rifles then, and what, and then in the quarry we went there, shot, because it was not even clear how he shoots, well , actually he... deviates to the right, left,
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up, down , all of that, well a weapon is a precision tool that you have to have, you have to set it up so that it doesn't have any flaws, and accordingly, if, well, you have to use it, if there's a danger to your country, then all these edits are more absurd, that if they are just going to destroy the sniper... the matter is to ukraine, accordingly, for this alone, these edits should all be thrown into the trash can, because snipers do a great job, accordingly, 12% of losses among russians are the work of snipers, and accordingly, at the moment, what should a sniper do with a sniper? the right is nothing, accordingly, neither a step to the right nor a step to the left with anything, neither with a rifle, nor with cartridges, and accordingly, well
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, some absurd situation, which, i don’t know, they copied from some south korea, because even in russia there are no such absurd rules regarding the possession of weapons, mr. yury, rather probably from north korea, we have literally two minutes, i would like you to talk about what the funds are currently being collected for, what you are currently purchasing, where to donate, because the work that you are doing now for sniping, it extremely important, tell me for what... we are collecting where to donate, well we are now collecting for very good super rifles, since we managed to get long-range rifles, this is a macmilen so 50 in the cadex box, we managed to attract several pieces, each of them is a super rifle, and accordingly, to as we had a record with the owner of the horizon, this very rifle was the first in the world and accordingly. for 3.5 km once
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, we got out of it, accordingly, we also got vitrex in 375 caliber, tried the actual 408 caliber, well, what do we think, we will still drive in 375, and we are also transporting a large batch of barats in 416 caliber , new berets, this is a very cool weapon, so everyone is fascinated by it, because it is very... ruthless in destroying the enemy's manpower, there are 2.5 km and so on, from a cold barrel from the first shot you you can hit, and it's very cool, also, it 's very exciting for us, because the 375 caliber, as in the 50 bmg caliber, turned out to be extremely accurate, accordingly, we are also very satisfied with it, we are trying now in sniper groups to ... that , who can pull such
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long-range, high-precision rifles and already , let's say, from the 338 caliber, he has extracted everything he could extract, we are trying to give these rifles, correspondingly of a larger caliber, and you can see that the come back alive fund is also collecting very correctly on whole groups there with cars, with everything, as we usually do, and... they collect there for 100 cadexes in 375 caliber, it is not very clear to me what this bed will show later as a result, but at least these rifles will be there, and if everything is bad, then it will be possible to rework them later, and accordingly , we are still paying great attention to the fact that any sniper group is large, it is completely defenseless if it... does not have
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its own drones, and accordingly , the ratio turns out to be from six to 10 snipers and accordingly four drone operators who are working, so... that there is constant aerial reconnaissance, and drone strikes, and it's showing very well, that's the combination, if snipers go out now without drones, then it's extremely high risk, and it's not productive when they go out, very thank you for these clear explanations about the bill, i think we will be heard, this bill will not pass as it is currently proposed, thank you very much for the... the work you are doing for our armed forces, i will remind the audience that you can report on facebook, they are listed there requisites of yuri chornomorets , by which it will be possible to purchase rifles for our armed forces, and i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was yuri chornomorets,
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he is a theologian, a volunteer and a sniper, then stay tuned to the espresso channel, where there will be a lot more new information. there are discounts on optimal 15% in the pharmacies of psylsnyk, pam and ochadnyk, there are discounts on gepargin 10% at the pharmacies psyslanyk, bam and ochadnyk, there are discounts on citric, 20% at the pharmacies psyasnyk, fam and ochadnyk. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we let's start two hours of air time. two hours of your time.
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we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets with us and what the world is about. and now, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. please, you have the word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening.
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congratulations, the program of the ukrainian service is on the air. america. me and host oleksiy kovalenko. both houses of congress have approved a new short-term resolution to fund the federal government through early march. the document has already been sent to president joe biden for approval. according to the two-stage budget resolution, one part of government agencies will receive funding until march 1, the other, including the pentagon budget , until march 8. this is already the third terminization of the full budget for 2024. the current fiscal year in... the us began on october 1 , 2023, since then lawmakers have not been able to agree on a full government budget and for the third time agreeing to temporary financing to delay the deadline of a potential shutdown. this should give congress more time to agree to full federal funding for
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the entire current year. we have good news for america, shutdown on friday. will not, because both parties worked in harmony, the government will continue to work, the work of state institutions will not be blocked, we will avoid an unnecessary disaster. through bipartisanship, the senate will vote on a short-term resolution with enough time for the house of representatives to also had time to consider this resolution today and send the document to the president long before the deadline. friday passed. today in the house of representatives, we voted on a short-term resolution that would continue to fund the government at current levels. in fact, it's just another way of saying in washington parlance that we 're not doing our job. so we are in the same situation again. we have twice already temporarily
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continued funding the government at the level of spending that nancy polosy set. we did not agree to full spending bills for the whole year, but today the senate. sent us this document, and we again agreed to another short-term resolution. at the same time, the us is continuing to agree on a legislative package that would include aid to ukraine, as well as content measures. the security of the us -mexico border and immigration reform in washington point to the possibility of using the powers of the us administration to allocate more than $4 billion worth of arms to ukraine right now. our colleague tetyana voroshko understood the situation. congratulations tanya. congratulations. tanya, what kind of money are we talking about and why does the pentagon not want it use them now? and in december 2022 , congress approved aid to ukraine in the amount of 40 billion dollars. this assistance was provided under various programs, actually. one of these programs within the framework of the presidential powers is the direct provision of equipment and military weapons, directly from
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the pentagon warehouses in ukraine, and then this money was compensated, these costs were compensated under other programs, but actually in the pentagon they say that they have run out of funding for all programs other than this one, can they to provide ukraine with weapons in the framework of its powers in the amount of more than 4 billion dollars. these experts that we talked to, or bloomberg, who also covered this topic, say that ... critically, they can do all this, the law does not prohibit it in any way, but why don't they do it? the pentagon has asked this question several times, both we and other journalists, they explain it for two main reasons: firstly, because they are not convinced, do not know whether there will be money for what is fully stocked, then giving ukraine weapons now it can harm the defense capability of the united states, well, and most importantly, we need to focus and work with congress on approving a new package of aid to ukraine, even in... the biden administration has already requested $61 billion in aid to ukraine from congress. tanya, you talked to
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various experts who say that the pentagon should still have access to these funds. what is their reasoning? well, one of those experts is scott kalinen, who is the director of government relations for the organization together, they are engaged in fact, lobbying in favor of ukraine, suggests that these calculations of the pentagon, they are wrong, of course, there is a small risk of not replenishing these stocks, but there is. it is small, but the risk for ukraine and for world security in case of non-delivery of weapons, even if only for a certain period of time, is extremely high. let's listen. the biggest risk is that putin will achieve some success on the battlefield, kill more ukrainian civilians, if not even gain an advantage on the front lines, but also there is a risk that putin will feel a weakness in this... determination, even if they wait 3-4 weeks. it also creates disunity in
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transatlantic relations between shat and our european allies. this raises doubts in the minds of our ukrainian partners that the us is ready to support them. putin thinks he can outmaneuver us simply by continuing the war, although he can't win on the battlefield, he can win in the halls of congress and in washington by breaking the will. invest in us defense. we had almost 900 billion dollars in defense appropriations.
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they are not going to risk the defense of the united states. especially when it undermines this almost antiquated notion that the republican party is good for defense, it's good for the defense industry , and that it supports the military. in my opinion, the biden administration very often sees excuses where there are none, and that's what they 're seeing here. they see reasons in the question. the escalation of the russian-ukrainian war, in the question of the disintegration of russia, in the understanding of what a ukrainian victory is. and at the same time, says widma, even if this decision is made, it will only be a temporary measure, it can cover, maybe one or two months, that is, it will not be a solution to the issue, and that is exactly why another expert, also a former high-ranking official of the soviet defense, mike allen said in an interview with my colleague yulia ramolenko, that the administration is doing the right thing in principle, because if they... use their powers for 4.2 billion dollars, with this they can relieve the pressure on congress,
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accept a new aid package. this would eliminate an urgency we want congress to feel. we want them to look at the allocated funds and come to the conclusion that the ministry of defense is right. we have announced many transfers for ukraine, they will still take weeks, in some cases months. in order to achieve something, we need it urgently, so i think it's good that the administration clearly understands where they are, a few budget powers are left to be transferred to ukraine and to do it maximally. tanya, what do the democrats and republicans in congress think about this topic, as well it is possible to evaluate the embassy of ukraine in the usa. and i got the impression that they are not willing to communicate on this topic. the only one who, let's say , agreed with the opinion of these first two experts is roger vickers, he said in an interview with bloomberg, he is a republican, the head
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of the committee of the senate armed services committee, he said that it could be done if in december. if the negotiations will continue, but of course it is better to accept a new package, and about the same, the democrat jim costa already said in an interview with my colleague kateryna lytsinova, let's listen, if we need to temporarily take some military supplies from the us military to supply to ukraine and show europe and the rest of the world that we continue to support ukraine, i hope that happens sooner rather than later. but i hope we don't have to use american military stockpiles because congress will finally deliver in the next few weeks the additional funding we've promised to ukraine, israel, and humanitarian aid. and the opinions of other congressmen, congressmen, senators came down to the fact that it is still worth it, how important it is to pass the new aid package, that the negotiations are ongoing, that it is such
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a democratic process, and as, for example, marcy kaptur, a democrat, told my colleague kateryna lizanova, and this bill, according to her calculations, is likely a vote will be taken by mid-february, if it is taken, it will be voted on, and what is interesting is what mrs. ambassador of ukraine shahsan markarov said, she also agrees with this opinion that accepting the new package is priority, but she also drew attention to the fact that the physical supply of military weapons and equipment to ukraine is still ongoing. there are a lot of selections that were made in the summer, especially under the usaai program, which were approved. thank you very much tanya, tetyana baroshko was in touch with us. for several weeks now, there has been an aggravation of the political
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confrontation in poland. radical and quick actions of the new leadership of the country, aimed at cleaning the power in poland from the old elite. provoked a confrontation, which moved from the parliament hall to the street, about what is happening in poland now and what the changes in warsaw may lead to, myroslav ongadze, the director of the voice of america in eastern europe, tells. poland has become a political battleground after the new government moved quickly to replace the leadership of key institutions, regain control of public television and reverse divisive changes to the justice system. poland and the european union. currently, the opposition law and justice or peace party, which has ruled poland for eight years, opposes the changes, disrupting the work of parliament and organizing protests in the streets. last week , supporters of the opposition marched to the prime minister's office, led by their leader yaroslav kaczynski. if we are to win,
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we must change this government. they are even in power for an incomplete month. ladies and gentlemen. "we must stop this government, which started implementing this plan, and at the appropriate moment, with the help of ballot papers , change it and change it in such a way that they do not return, because this is not the polish government. the former president of the european commission, donald tusk, headed the center-right the coalition that ended the rule of the law and justice party by winning the elections last october. winning thanks to the promise "to restore the rule of law and democratic institutions. tusk, now the prime minister of poland, promised to change the direction of poland, restore civil rights, boost the economy and improve relations between warsaw and brussels. aleksandra karasinska, editor-in-chief of forbes women in poland says , that members of the old guard are unwilling to relinquish control.
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we've had eight years of the very right conservative of the nationalist government and the old elite are surprised by the election result, because they do not want to give up power, but there was a popular vote, this is democracy, we have a new government, we have a majority in the parliament, and of course they will rule. the first personal meeting between the president and prime minister of poland took place this week. although the two leaders conducted themselves professionally as colleagues, relations between president andrzej duda, a former member of peace, and prime minister donald tusk are strained. tuspo promised to return poland to european liberal democracy and promised voters that his government would prosecute politicians and former members of peace accused of wrongdoing. at the same time , the polish president remains loyal to his former party, steadfastly defending his former colleagues from prosecution. jacyk kuharczyk, president of the institute of public affairs in warsaw, says that the new leadership
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is fulfilling the promises made to its supporters during the elections. donald tusk and his government have essentially made it their priority, at least to begin the process of repairing the broken institutions, and the first institution was public television, and then the prosecutor's office, because... these are the key institutions to actually hold the former ruling party accountable for the abuses of power that took place during their two terms . there is obviously a backlash from party supporters that we are seeing now. the goal of the new opposition is to disrupt the sessions of the parliament and make it impossible for the parliament to adopt the budget, said michal bronyatovsky, editor-in-chief of politico poland "if this happens, although i think it is very unlikely, the president will have the constitutional right to dissolve the parliament and call new elections. jacyk kuharczyk believes
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that calling new elections would be a big mistake for duda and his followers. the situation seems shaky, but i think , that the opposition, which is trying to destabilize the situation, has very little chance of success, assuming that the parliament really will be dissolved." that would be a big mistake by the president, i think president duda will set himself a trap if he really tries call early elections. polish society is deeply divided, and the current crisis is seen as a test of its western-style democratic system, a time of growing populism in europe. marislava gongadze, voice of america, warsaw. these days , a conference of mayors of american cities is taking place in washington. one of the panel discussions at the event was about how american and european mayors can come together to support ukraine.
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lviv mayor andriy sadovyi came to the usa for the conference. ostapyarsh spoke with them about how cooperation at the city level can strengthen international support for ukraine and what experience of american ukrainian communities can be valuable for western partners. mr. andrii, i congratulate you, thank you. what, who is joining this conversation, you have now come to washington for the conference of mayors of american cities, tell us a little about what this event is about and why you came, for what purpose are you here in washington at this conference? i haven't been to america for a long time, during the war there were always doubts about whether it was worth it, but here i understood one simple the truth: this cooperation between states is the foundation, but what a city can give to another city, the city will not give to the state. and that is why building cooperation with cities in the united states is my task, i would generally like every ukrainian city to have a partner in the united states, and this would be
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very useful, because we, for example, now have very high-quality cooperation with european cities , there we are helped by vilnius, and brussels, and reykjavik, there are vysborg, freiburg, polish cities, kdansk, wroclaw, but... now, for example, a new initiative, we met the mayor of liverpool, and he, together with the mayor of manchester, andrew, founded a community unbroken cities with us, and we want to involve american cities now, and what kind of initiative, such unbroken cities, what are they looking at, we we are building an ecosystem of humanity unbrowken in lviv, these are operations of the highest level, these are rehabilitation, socialization, production of prostheses. it's housing for the wounded, it's mental health, it's unbroken sport, unbroken art, and when we show it all to our
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colleagues, they say, wow, that's possible, right? you are doing it so cool, and we would like to have more information, we would like to join in working together, and today we have cities, partners who are with us in every direction, for example, the government of flanders, it helps us build... the actual system for people who have undergone torture, does the city of viewsburg help with mental health, and liverpool is a famous city, manchester is one of the coolest cities in great britain, by the way, the mayor of manchester came with us to washington , we work together with him in the conference, and when, for example, i'm talking to the mayor of washington , yeah, okay, and when the mayor of manchester talks about unbroken with me, and the mayor of washington hears it, other... the mayors of american cities listen to it, well, it has a much bigger effect, so you know, 1+1 is not two, it is sometimes 10 and 100 and more, and one of the topics of this conference
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i talked about... i was watching the program and it was exactly what you are saying, how the mayors of the cities of the usa and britain can unite and to help rebuild, to support ukraine, you said a little about it, and you know, we often talk about support at the level of governments, weapons support, budgetary support, so it can help, and we know those things that ukraine needs now, but how can urban communities, specifically, let's say, washington, chicago, or european cities, can help as well. to their sister cities or just to partner cities, of course they will not send weapons, yes, but what can this be about, so you understand, the american government, it is very sensitive to the mood in society, cooperating with cities, with city mayors, they have connection with people, and thus we we are building this synergy, which gives a greater opportunity for the government to support the ukrainian government, this is one thing, well, another... thing is
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definitely, you know, the first contact, it already gives strength, gives energy, and very often, i am not i never ask for any resources, i ask for ideas, for supervision, and when we sit down together, we start talking, common ideas, common thoughts are born, i want to talk a little about ukrainian issues, today the news was that the deputy head of the president's office, well, from the point of view from a security point of view, this issue is quite sensitive, i would like... to in general, aviation has returned to ukraine, because a country that does not have aviation is losing a lot, and conversations are being held at different levels, and this is real, for this, of course, it is necessary to move the air defense system from the polish side a little to the ukrainian territory, there is not much there it is necessary to put 70 km in a row, and plus the corresponding ones still have to be done
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at the international level, but when i talk about it. with the americans, and they say: yes, we are thinking about it, and we are ready to help you with it, that is, these ideas that we have appeared last year, they are already lying on the warmed ground, and i believe that this year air traffic will be restored, the world, ukraine, 2024, yes, for this we need more air defense systems, some other things, this is a comprehensive approach , this is... the strengthening of air defense, so that we understand, this will not close the issue of one airfield or the other, it will already close the zone there within a radius of 70-100 kilometers, and this is an opportunity both for production and for greater security for people, of course, that appropriate insurance funds are needed, well, this is the minimum it is necessary to start there with a billion dollars, because no airline will fly if it does not have a guarantee to cover insurance
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risks, from the point of view of... construction, but it is possible in the world , and it is. that is, it is a complex system, it works complex, and i i believe that this year we will fly. you can watch the full version of the interview with andriy sydov on voice of america youtube in ukrainian. and we will continue. andriy parikh, an american cinematographer and director of ukrainian origin, was nominated for an emmy award category outstanding direction. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the filmmaker uses every opportunity to tell about what is happening in the homeland of his maternal ancestors
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. why is it important to him? and how the ukrainian community of new york helped him reach the top of american cinema, he told iryna solomko and pavlo terikhov in pairs. in his wardrobe, the famous and successful cinematographer-director and director andrii parikh has three embroidered dresses. tube, which on the evening of january 15, he released the stage amy, 30 his grandmother gave him years ago. he is up for the emmy statuette for the second time. for the first time in 2020, he received the award for the best director. in the cult american series the heirs, he was nominated again this year along with two other directors of the series. as you saw, the stage had three directors. before the winners were announced, we decided that regardless of who won, the three of us would go up on stage to support each other. we worked on this project for four years. parakh is happy for the victory of his colleague, he admits that he prepared his own victorious


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