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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like our video and also subscribe to our page, in addition, you can take part in our survey, today we ask you this, is there a threat of a russian rebellion? putin 's regime, what do you think about it, yes, no, and if you're watching us on tv, please pick up your smartphone and vote if you think putin's regime is threatened by a russian rebellion, 0.800 211 381, no 0.800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are available free of charge, call us, it is important to know your opinion, we have a participant in the russian-ukrainian war, a major of the national guard of ukraine in the reserve.
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oleksii hetman. mr. major, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. good evening. at night, ukrainian drones attacked the tambov gunpowder plant and an oil depot in klyntsy, bryansk region, where a large-scale fire broke out. sources in the ukrainian intelligence reported that in klyntsy , a military object was significantly damaged, the consequences of an attack on a powder factory being clarified major, we have been seeing for the past week. the activity of the armed forces of ukraine or the defense forces of ukraine in attacks on military facilities and critical infrastructure on the territory of the russian federation. what does this mean, we have more opportunities to attack these objects? well, i would like to believe that it became more, because these attacks increased and the range of the webs and the accuracy of the connection increased. the fact that the gunpowder plant was attacked is a very good thing, because now the world has just begun. deficit for this product, many countries
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began to produce artillery shells, because they saw how important they are in modern warfare, no one expected that this would happen, and many countries began to produce and there was a shortage of gunpowder all over the world, so if you destroy factories that are related to the production or processing of gunpowder or unloading, well, anything related to gunpowder in the russian federation, it may not be very fast, but yes... after a certain time, the russians will feel that they will lack this very component for projectile production. i want to remind you that they produce a fairly large number of shells per year, it is approximately 1.5 million, there are different estimates, let's stick to such official versions, another 1.5 million, because there is information that there are already 2 million, i don't know where it came from, 100 million, 1.5 is not the middle, but this is just such relative official information from open sources, it gives... the opportunity to fire 4100
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shots per day, well, if they stop this production, it will significantly affect their ability to fire at our positions , so it's very good. head of the main department intelligence of the ministry of defense kyrylo budanov in an interview with the british newspaper financial times announced new attacks on russian military facilities on the territory of the crimean peninsula. in parallel with this, there was information that france will provide... scalp combat missiles, well, at least 40 of them, emmanuel macron has already promised, great britain in the cooperation agreement signed last week by zelenskyi and rishchi sunak, is also provided for by this agreement that there will be long-range missiles. does this mean that the west is changing its strategy and their approaches, according to which long-range missiles were to be used. exclusively
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within ukrainian territory, it is clear that crimea is also ukrainian territory, but it is occupied, this territory is annexed, but with the receipt of these missiles that can fly 200-50-300 km, how will the situation at the front change, because crimea - this is an important logistics hub of the russian occupiers, which are located in the south, and also in the east, well, let's... start from the ultimate goal, what we want to do, we want, if in relation to crimea, we want, well, the ultimate goal in general is to de-occupy it, of course, and one of the ways , well, one of the steps, is the destruction of the kerch bridge, which transports a large number of those, well, all that is necessary, it is one of the two very important logistical arteries for the russians, the other is the volnovakha railway takmah dzhankoy, and this is the kerch bridge. how
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can it be destroyed, well, accordingly, i would like tauris missiles, it seems to me that it is this missile that we are seeing now, but they have a long range of not 500 km, though. there was talk in germany that they wanted to cut, no, that no, it’s okay, they want to reduce the range to 300 km, which won’t help us much in the long run, but other attacks on the crimea and on the kerch bridge, they are possible with the use of not scalps and not curtains, not only scalps and stormshed, we're going to get 600 missiles, 600 smart bombs, so-called guided ones, that could have a big impact. they are very, they are very powerful, there is a range of 125-250, 500 and a ton, standard, well, the basic one is 250, they are not so long-range, only 70 km, but what we are doing with the air defense of the russians we are gradually, well, let's see
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all the components that happened starting , relatively speaking, even from the towers of boyka, you can start, how the triumphs mined, their anti-aircraft missile complexes, how they mined... everything that is done in this direction, it makes it possible for our planes to fly closer to , well, those targets that are located well, well , in the south, let's say the peninsula, and to attack it in this way, so i am sure that even without taurus with those missiles that are and maybe even with pink bombs, well there is a bomb, it is an ordinary bomb, but there is added added... powder added to it they speed it up so that it can fly, well, it is a combination of a rocket and a bomb, well , they put it in the back, and in the front, there is a homing head that analyzes, well, it flies, let’s say, according to a pre-written program, it was from that class that fired and i forgot,
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that is, the plane released and flew, i understand that it is still difficult to fly 70 km to the bridge, but if we continue to cut holes in the russian air defense in crimea, and we are doing it quite a bit. if successful, then maybe even god is with him with that tauris time germany yes worried about the fact that you will give us such missiles, but they will still have no other way out, because they say that in 5-8 years russia can start a war against europe, and for the germans, for the british and for it is much better for the french to solve the problems with russia now than to... the carpathians from the attacks of russian aircraft and russian missiles, it is much better than you know, i would very much like to be able to convince our friends from germany and other countries that this it can happen that later they don't they said, like bill clinton, that it was a mistake
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when we there, well, forced, looked a little closer at ukraine and it gave up nuclear weapons, it seemed to us that without nuclear weapons, one, nuclear... ukraine in the world became less, and this does not increase the security of the country, not the country, but europe and the whole world, it turned out from the point of view on the contrary, the same is the effort to give less weapons to a warring country so that it, well, the more weapons, the more, the more more war, simply put, is just as wrong as trying to convince us that that it is necessary to hand over nuclear weapons, this led to war, failure to supply us with weapons will also lead to... the same consequences, and we don't want that 10 years later, scholzevs and anyone say: "well, damn it, we made a mistake, we just have to it was more to give weapons to ukraine in order to stop russia already in the 24th-25th year, well, i think that they are smart people and they
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will not need it like this, well, they can be convinced with such, well at least such words as vara and i are talking to you right now, this is nastya. obviously, the question arises, how well, it is very difficult to prove an axiom, but there are proofs of a theorem, you can prove this and that’s all, a person cannot argue, and when it is an axiom that you hear, then it is extremely difficult to prove it, well, especially when an axiom is based on historical already parallels, here , well, here and there is a miracle, that is, you know, well, these are five stages of perception of something, first i don't believe, then i get angry, then well and so on, well, let's get there quickly. to the fifth point to be accepted, i understand that the germans do not want war, and they do not want to believe that what about the war, well, on the other hand , why are we scolding the germans and saying how can
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they not understand, that they do not understand that this is a danger, that the war can touch them and cause a lot of trouble, if we have in ukraine it is necessary to explain to many people in... in the middle of our country, well, i mean ukhilantsov and other people who are starting to talk about the fact that maybe there is no need to fight, maybe it will settle down somehow, that is, we have people who do not.. .want to believe that the war and do not want to take an active part is not necessarily with a machine gun, in another way, we have enough of such people, what you want from a german. meanwhile, in the united states of america , it is assumed that the situation on the russian-ukrainian front has reached an impasse and may play into the aggressor's hand. the british edition of the financial times writes about this today. what do the british say that the russians aim to capture donetsk, luhansk, kharkiv, and zaporizhzhia in the summer? and kherson region, the priority is the capital. in particular, putin is mobilizing more than 400,000
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russians for this. how much, how much is this the scenario described by ff with reference to his interlocutors in the united states of america, high ranking, how possible is such a scenario? well, you know, saying you've reached a dead end, and then continuing to do so in these same articles. that the occupation of certain of our territories is possible, then yes, let 's somehow get into a dead end or the danger of occupation, because the danger of occupation is somehow not quite a dead end, well, maybe i just liked zaluzhnyi's article about the dead end, although he meant something completely different , so often these, well, no six months have passed since people started telling the same thing about the impasse in respectable publications, although then they continue about the possibility of an occupation, is it possible or not? no, here, you know, it is not so difficult to predict or
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calculate it here. the fact is that depending on what forces and means the russian federation will involve in this war, it is possible and what forces and means we have, it is possible to predict how events on the front line may develop, well here, it is not possible to say 100% accurately, because we are... a motivated army, ours the army, and well, although recently, you know, there are a lot of reasons for demotivating factors, unfortunately, we have started to appear, i mean corruption, other things, this is not our concern, for sure, well, let there be a motivated army and a demotivated army, here it is impossible to calculate exactly how on a calculator, taking into account only the input data, that is , the number of forces and means, here it is... they are calculated, who has more, who has less, because how strongly motivation and demotivation affect it, it is difficult to calculate exactly, but
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approximately it is possible , if they will be mobilized another 400 thousand, this does not mean that the army will be about a million, if we do not have half a million to stop this army, then we simply will not stop it, that's all. another issue that is currently being actively discussed in the cabinet of ministers of ukraine is the construction of... fortifications in the east, south, and , of course, in the north . 5 billion hryvnias for the construction of fortifications, mr. major, it looks like we are going on the defensive and just building these redoubts so that the russians do not pearls, they did not enter our territory quite simply, well, this is a normal situation. we have been on the defensive for two years, by and large, our offensive actions, they
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were local, had a local character and they did not last long, some were successful, some not so much, well, if we don’t, well, we have plans, this was also said by minister of defense of our country, that next year, well, not next year, this year is an attempt to de-occupy crimea or to make all the prerequisites for its de-occupation. then in the next year, in in other places we have to maintain defenses , you know, such, i wonder why it surprises anyone, well, once again, we will not build fortifications, we will simply dig in the field of trenches, and on a million-strong army of russians without mobilization on our part, well, how, how to stop it, you know , it seems to me that few people understand that the situation, you know, such words are difficult, critical, and if we do not do something... more or less radical about mobilization with weapons, then the russians may not in 3 days , and
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after some time to be in kyiv, including, well, once again, they want a million-strong army use, what should we do to stop it, what weapons , they have five times the number of artillery shots, they have more drones, they have more tanks, they have more of everything, and the quality of their weapons is much higher. more than the quality of our weapons, as we are with approximately, if you count , they have better weapons somewhere, they definitely have better weapons, somewhere we have better weapons, tanks, well, including leopards, but... if we take it as an average, then approximately the same in terms of technological capabilities, the weapons that are in our army and the weapons that are in the russian army, only they have weapons there more and more people, well, you can't stop forces that are five to 10 times more powerful with one motivation, well, you know what, so it seems to me that we need to
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stop telling people a little bit, you and i on the channels about some growth there. i heard something today 42 times , i think, well, it would be better for you to be silent already, that means you had one and it became 42 times 42 times and it should have been a thousand yes, well, something is there , it doesn’t matter what, i think that those relations are so victorious must be stopped, we are in real danger, the enemy may be in in kyiv and in lviv, so that everyone, just to make it clear, for now we hold it, but thanks to the courage, heroism, thanks to the tenacity of our people, but if they... they will add as many people as they plan, another 400 thousand , then we just don’t, the armed forces won’t be able to stop them, they simply won’t be able to, they physically won’t be able to, and then they will tell who was evading there, whether it’s worth it or not, there are some punitive, punitive ones, whether harshly or not harshly, someone were dragged out of the gym, then those who came here already rushed
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the russians will come, they won't listen to you, they didn't listen either in mariupol, or in busha, or in... they will try hard not to abuse your women and daughters and kill people who, from their point of view, look even a little bit like ukrainians , that no one understands this, well, let's continue the coffee, the gym, everything is fine, thank you, mr. major , for the conversation, it was oleksiy hetman, a major of the national guard of ukraine in the reserve, friends, we are working live on the tv channel. as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us in youtube and facebook, please like this video, write your comments under this video and vote in our poll. today we ask you the following question: does the russian rebellion threaten putin's regime. yes, no, please vote, in youtube, everything is quite simple, and yes, if you
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are sitting in front of the tv and you have a smartphone in your hands, then you can vote with the following numbers. if you think the russian rebellion threatens putin's regime 0.800-211-381, no, 0.800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free. at the end program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have yevhen dyky, a participant in the russian-ukrainian war, former platoon commander of the aidar battalion. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. to the heroes. thank you, mr. yevhen , ukrainian defenders are actively destroying enemy armored vehicles in the avdiyiv direction, only in the last 3 days the occupiers have lost 41 units, the institute for the study of war of the united states of america reports. the forecasts of american analysts from this institute indicate that that the russians are preparing a big offensive in
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the next few weeks, and this... it's about the weather, about the frost, and if the ground is frosty, then they can go on this offensive, what are the possible scenarios for the development of the situation in the east and the southern fronts, given the reports that we have and the situation that is developing in the south and east, well, if you mean what is the possible development in the coming weeks, then frankly, with... all due respect to the institute the study of war, but i cannot physically see who she is how can the russians advance in a significantly different way than they are already doing now, but i simply do not see these reserves, these resources in them, if we are talking about plus a few months, for example, the summer, it may be a different story, it will depend on how mobilization processes will continue in them and how they
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will proceed in the same way will or will not proceed in our country, but this is about a slightly further perspective. if we are talking about the coming weeks, well, they will continue the offensive actions that they are conducting even now, they absolutely have not stopped them and do not expect no frost, but what else could they do to strengthen these attacks, well, frankly speaking, i don't see, the point is that from the fact that we started at the end of last year, we can finally honestly say that we have a serious problem with personal composition, both with bc and with iron, from this you should not draw the wrong conclusion that... our enemies have everything in chocolate, but the picture is completely different: both armies are exhausted by the battles of the 23rd year, and the russians have exactly the same problems , as with us, there are also problems with personnel. with bc with iron, especially by the way, with iron, by the way, you are very correct, in fact, in the introduction to the question , you emphasized the destruction of armored vehicles near avdiivka, so it is not only there, it is
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practically everywhere, right now, well, one of our strongest points is that that we are destroying russian armored vehicles much faster than the russian defense industry has time to renew them, for example, they are flashing new ones at a ratio of about 20 for tanks. about 50 are uncanned from long-term storage warehouses, i.e. 70 cars arrive together, and during this same time they are destroyed in different months 100, 120, 150, i.e. that is the difference, it increases every month, and we can already see it even from what tanks our defenders have to destroy now, they have already gone in large enough numbers, they have already gone to the t-55 front and t-54, and i will remind you that this two-digit index is actually in... soviet tank building, it was the year of adoption, that is, all their tanks of the 80s were already burned, the tanks of the 70s are running out, and 50 machines are already coming to replace them -x, and in terms of other
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armor, by the way, it’s even worse than with tanks, you know, i never thought that i really i will see with my own eyes what i saw mataliga, for those who are not in the topic, mtlb, an army tractor, it is not a combat vehicle at all, it is exactly an army tractor for transporting goods, here and there with light bulletproof. reservation, so that i will see one day a mataliga , on which a gun turret, cut from a ship, is welded on top, well, actually, the last time this was done was during the blockade of leningrad, but this does not mean that it is easy for our defenders now, it is very difficult, and there are not enough of them, in particular, from avdiyivka today there are very unpleasant signals about this, but in the enemies are also big problems, and what they should do now to make a big offensive and what and by whom i do not see now. after the next wave of mobilization it is possible, and now the creeping offensive that is going on will continue, and even he does not think that they will be strong for long, well, for the next
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couple of weeks, they will definitely be enough, but for how long, we will see, because the same avdiyivka, for example , it is now working as such , you know, a huge scary meat grinder, and being inside the meat grinder is generally terrible, including for our defenders, but the ratio of losses is one to 10 on our benefit in this sense. the ovdiiv meat grinder is definitely very profitable for us now, and it will remain so as long as the route through orlivka is maintained. well, if, god forbid, the orcs manage to cut this route, well, then we will have to leave avdiyivka, but while the route through orlivka holds, yes, it is shot through, it is used in an extreme mode, that is, at night and not in columns, but separately by cars, but bc is going, food is going, we are taking out the wounded, accordingly, koksokhim. a reliable fortress with very good concrete floors, which, in principle, even the cabins can withstand, so this combination, while the track is working and ours are kept on the coxsack, it is objectively
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beneficial for us, because the losses that the orcs bear there are actually ten times more than ours, this not even the bahamud ratio, the bahamud ratio was one to seven, one to eight, er, here one to 10, precisely because of koksakhim, there was simply no such fortification in bakhmut, therefore... let's look even further south, let's look at the krynyk, that's the village , which consists of four streets, well, there it is there is only one russian amphibious division left, and they can’t do anything , our marines are actually kept there in numbers, we won’t even say which one, because it’s far from even a full brigade, it’s believed that there are marine brigades, well, it’s not a full brigade , this is actually closer to the battalion, but, but they are holding on, and they have not been able to dislodge them from there for four months, this is an indicator, they are the danger of that direction, they understand how critically unpleasant it is for them that our 60 km from the trench has been secured, but they are simply not
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yet able to gather enough groups to take ours out of there, that's why i don't see a big offensive now, but this little creeper, of course he will be there all the next weeks, he won't stop, then there might actually even be a pause , when they will end , but this is such a pause, there was, for example, in slobozhanshchyna in september, when from june to august, they advanced there, and they were knocked out so much that they had to take a month's break, during this month they formed a new reservists the army, yes of the 25th general military unit, and since september there has been a continuous offensive there, which has not advanced territorially, since september of last year, but it continues all the time, there every day we have to repel these attacks, but somewhere it will be for the time being ... german defense minister boris pistorius once again warned europe and the countries of the north atlantic alliance about the possible aggression of russia in a few years. in an interview
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with the tager spiegel newspaper, he stated that he wanted to wake up german society with this warning, and also demanded that the bundeswehr was ready for war. i will quote the minister of defense of germany. we must take into account that vladimir putin may one day even attack one of the nato countries. of course, we are obliged to come up with worst-case scenarios, if only to know where and what we will lack in the event of an emergency. and where we need to prepare better. our experts expect that this will become possible in 5-8 years. mr. yevgeny, can russia, given its state and capabilities of the military-industrial complex and sanctions policy, in 5-8 years to reach some level corresponding to the one that the north atlantic alliance has now. so there
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are two answers here: well, first of all, this is now being decided in ukraine, and it completely depends on how the war will end in our country. in the case of a russian victory, i completely agree with the analysis of the bundeswehr experts, this was even a couple of months before the speech of the current pistorius, when simply at the level of the expert environment they gave an assessment that in the event of a victory in ukraine, russia would need 5-6 years, to renew its fighting capacity. army to such a level that, if necessary, they would fight with nato. i agree with this assessment, absolutely, in 5-6 years, they will be able to do without war. in 5-6 years and even in 8 years , it is absolutely impossible to simultaneously wage a war of such intensity in our country and renew the combat capability of the army. but if the war ends in our country, then yes, they will take a break, and at the same time they will not go back to the peaceful rails from the military, which they entered last year,
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and in 5-6 years they will be like that... on the military rails, well, very they will even be renewed, so what? the second part of the answer, what exactly does it mean to fight with nato? the fact is that, forgive me, but fighting the bundeswehr is not such a difficult task, but fighting other europeans, as the chief diplomat of europe, joseph borel, very correctly called them, he very successfully expressed that europe has grown a bonsai army, i.e. it looks like a tree, but it grows half a meter high in a tub, it's real. about the european armies, that is, in fact, they are not combat-capable now against the russians, but from the word of mouth, no, well, the baltics will resist heroically, the poles are fighting seriously, the finns, it is certain that , well, actually, no one else is capable of anything at all, the baltics are very small in number, the finns are the same, that's why, that's why, in fact, when we are now talking about a war with nato, we assume that nato remains as it is now, where the main military
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power is the united states of america. and to fight with the american army, the russians are not ready now, but they will not be ready either in 6 years, or in eight, or in 10. the difference in technologies, well, more rather than a generation, it is already two generations, quantitatively the american army is comparable to the russian one, but qualitatively it is two generations ahead in terms of weapons, well , actually, the only experience of a direct confrontation between the russians and the americans was in the 20th year in syria. when they didn't share something there, some towers of the kremlin there , they pissed off the wagners there through diplomatic channels, they actually gave this signal that ours aren't there, so yours aren't there, the americans said, they were gone, actually the battle continued only in in the 21st century, the direct confrontation of the russians with by the americans, lasted one hour, more than 200 wagners were killed, not a single american was killed, this is the difference between russia and america, even in
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a conventional war, not to mention a nuclear war. oh, but we assume that america will fit in, and the russians hope that with trump coming to power, which they very much hope, trump will shake up nato to such an extent that, in principle, maybe even withdraw american troops from europe altogether, maybe will even leave the alliance altogether, as he threatened, but then, nato without america is a completely different story, nato without america, well, to be honest, even now it would not be able to withstand a direct blow from russia, so actually here... in order to evaluate it from a military point of view, the first question here is what will be the big geopolitics and first of all the big geopolitics of the states. well, by the way, in addition to pistorius, rob bauer, the chairman of the nato military committee, warned this week that the armed forces of the north atlantic alliance and the civilian population in the west should prepare for an all-out war with russia. let's hear what rob ba said.


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