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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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since we are asking our viewers, i can't help but ask you literally in a few sentences: yes, no, and what do you think about this, marina, is the russian rebellion threatening the putin regime? i don't believe in russian riots, because they still have something to eat, and when the russians have something to eat, there will be no rioters. bohdan, well, maybe, i also think that regiment. while they have russian power, so if you remember the soviet one, that’s a lot now, or fortunately, we’re starting, but now it’s the 81st year not earlier, we have some problems with the sound at bohdan butkevich, if possible , please re-dial him and establish a normal relationship, olya, well, i don't think that if they don't have anything to eat, they will rebel more, rather on... kicks, but there is one such interesting
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the thing is, in fact, similar actions, like the one now in bashkortostan, they had in 2021, and it was also connected with the elections, and to some extent it can be said that the attack on ukraine and the solution of this great war which they waged in 22 was largely due to the fact that they tried to stop those processes which then started real disintegration, and they stopped it with the war in fact, that is, these were interdependent things, and of course, now they already have such a thing, well, there is no possibility, because the war is already going on, so in fact, yes, it undermines the authorities, obviously the russian one, that this is one rebellion something will solve it, no, it won't solve it, but the fact that some interesting processes took place, they did, thank you, olya, let's return to our ukrainian events, because literally during the last... week we witnessed
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scandals around journalists, first around a journalist - investigator yuriy nikolov, who wrote about abuse and corruption in the ministry of defense of ukraine, unknown persons came to his apartment, to the door of his apartment, when he was not there, his mother was sick, and they began to knock on this door in kyiv and began to shout that he would escape there, doesn't want to go to war, left offensive inscriptions on... er door and we see now on the screen that what was happening, because they filmed it themselves, then put it in the telegram cesspools, which in one way or another are controlled by the current ukrainian authorities. journalists of biguus info were caught at the same time also under attack, because it turns out that for a whole year they were recorded, listened to, videotaped, filmed, and the operators of this project got caught. from the story
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about the use of narcotic drugs, but in principle, in this situation , the main thing is not this, because if people broke the law, they should, of course, be held accountable according to the law, but the fact that they were systematically led and everything was done in order to make all of them drug addicts , which cannot be trusted, well, it is absolutely obvious. we have the synchronism of denys bigus, who said that his team conducted its own the investigation that took place at the corporate party, the filming of which began to be replicated and distributed in the media and on youtube, the corporate party took place in the suburban complex ukrainian village, and this corporate party was monitored and quite... large-scale,
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if we believe denys bigus, let's hear that bigus said. somewhere on december 20 , a strange character comes to the complex, he is first of all very interested in the restaurant, and then we were in the gazebo, and he is not interested in the menu, but where the speakers are, where the christmas tree is, things like that, and he also makes a reservation for 26- those, absolutely those we book the same rooms that are on the 20th... at home, and he also books the sauna on the 26th. on december 26 , the institution's administration is observing the strangest corporate office employees just ever. and these guests call themselves office employees. it means that a company of 30 gloomy people is sitting in a restaurant, falling silent every time a waiter enters. well, once again, actually drive three dozen people to establish. cameras in
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the bedroom, and i have no doubt in the sauna as well. maryna, you are following, following this, these two stories, because i am. i see how active you are commenting on all these stories in your social networks and on youtube, zelenskyi says that someone is putting pressure on journalists and he will never allow anyone to do that, who is putting pressure on journalists, who is creating such conditions that make journalists drug addicts , dodgers and people who cannot be trusted, and what does president zelenskyi as a guarantor of freedom of speech in ukraine do to this situation? well, to be honest, look, president volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyy really wanted to get on some kind of cover, on the first column, and he is did literally today
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, the financial times came out with the headline that zelenskyy is organizing information terror against the media in ukraine, and what happened next. we saw how literally in a matter of hours the same youtube channel and the same links were deleted, which you could follow and watch this very scary corporate, who are the drivers and operators of the biguus tv project. and it seems to me that everything is obvious, the threads led to the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, why? because we are already marking not the first month that the bank... treats badly official mass media, to those mass media that are not part of the pool of the united television marathon, and to be honest, perhaps the famous monitoring for 10 million of our taxes, where all opposition independent mass media,
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pass under the wording of attacking the government, populists, mischief and so on, so everything is obvious, volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi got his cover. and to be honest, i don’t understand why the special services that work directly under the president needed it, because in every prescription of our western allies two things always remain unchanged under any regime, under any president, under any situation in ukraine. please, there should be democracy in ukraine, there should be freedom of speech, don't touch the opposition. if something collapses from these three. huge problems begin, first with the authorities, and then with the whole country. it seems to me that the person who created this story, let's film the drivers and technicians of the bigus team walking around at their new year's corporate party and: "oh my god, they're there
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decided to try that famous, famous green sandwich, it looked absolutely stupid." well, after denys said that... cameras were also installed in the hotel rooms of his female employees, and apparently everything looks completely idiotic in the sauna , there was the number of people, operatives who were monitoring the bigus team, these are 30 employees, we understand that these are people on salaries, they had a budget for monitoring the biguzenko team, and this, by the way, also adds important questions, where ... we we direct the money that is currently lacking to our military industry, for example, to the same drones, but we are told every day about how there is a lack of money for drones, but it turns out to be for taking pictures of girls in underwear who work in the bigus team, on the state always
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has this money. this story is absolutely incomprehensible, in relation to these 30 ee well-wishers who were there in this country house and installed cameras, and then what? two days later, when the bigus team left, they came there to turn those video cameras again and watch the recordings, what are they they recorded there, although, well, for the past two years, the espresso tv channel has also been outside t-2 and we were kicked out of the networks, and the fifth channel, and the direct channel, no one can say, actually, what happened, why so it happened, the same thing, well, i have doubts ulyu. as to whether they will find these 30 people who were there at all, although the cars were caught on video, on video tape, and these men got there, and the question in general is, well, okay, they
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will find these people there, what will happen next, well in general, i would say that the anonymity of people, who work with zelenskyi is... one of the biggest problems of ukraine as a whole, because look, when this is the monitoring of such a plan, yes, for personal reasons and that's all, well, first of all. the first is of course impressive that the year follows bigos's team and all they find is this. well, that means that it's just people, well basically, i don't know, some kind of angels, basically, well, if in a year of tracking you couldn't find anything else, you know, you've tracked people, really with a very good reputation, who well, there is nothing to say or reproach them practically, there is nothing, but even beyond who deals with who, who with whom? the president's office works, with whom zelenskyi works, he works with people who did the same thing when
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they worked for yanukovych, absolutely the same people, that is, who are his advisers, tatarov, yes, podalyak, podalyak, people who worked with yanukovych, and then wonder why it suddenly happened that these people are doing the same things they did when they worked for yanukovych, and why? why does this surprise you, i'm sorry, but what are they, they can't do anything anymore, in fact, that is, they are more they don't know anything, because if a person is a little more, well, if someone remembers what they filmed with bius, he would simply kick them out of work and say: get out of here, because you are unfit professors, because it can't be used, and if he didn't kick them out, if he said okay, well, then something might be wrong there, well... in the broad sense of the word, and then, again, who they hire, they they hire people
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with such a bad reputation that these people can't come out with anything on their behalf speak, they can only anonymously monitor, post on anonymous telegram channels, write anonymous denunciations, some anonymous people, incomprehensible young people come and anonymously tape someone's door, that is, when, well,... they reproach you, me, we are not, not anonymous people , when we do something, we do it on our own, we come out and say, here bohdan speak, marina, me, you, we all come out and say on our behalf, if we are wrong, it is our mistake, if we are wrong, it is we are wrong, we are risking our reputation, and we have it in the end for her sake to take risks, and such people never existed, when they attacked vitaly portnikov in... in the 14th year, when he was literally forced, because he was not just harassed,
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an apartment was opened for him, some people entered this apartment, they overturned everything there , they were waiting for him under the house, it was during the revolution of dignity, he was even forced to leave, because it simply threatened him, well, that he would simply be killed somewhere, he does not go with security, you know , he is like any of us, we don't have that opportunity. that is, so that he was not killed by some unknown, again, anonymous people, so that later zakharchenko and his advisor tatarov did not come forward and say: oh, we do not know who they were, who cut portnikov somewhere in the doorway, he was forced to leave the country, and now these same people are doing the same thing, and someone is surprising someone that they are doing the same thing, and what should they do, what did you all expect them to do? i want to ask. well, by the way, the story with portnikov got its continuation
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already during the war, when he lived in lviv and eavesdropping devices were simply installed in his apartment, and vitaly found these devices, and as a result there was a scandal, as a result of this, they even knew whose dictaphones or eavesdropping devices belonged there, but no reaction, no answer as to why it was from... no one received, and again , all these stories with journalists continue, it is worth recalling the story with mykhailo tkach, and how, in what way they tried to harass and pressure him on him, marina and bohdan also have them own story of how they become the heroes of these telegrams of errors, because they accuse you of many things for your journalistic activity. tell our viewers, maybe not everyone sees you on social networks and on the youtube
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channel, and does not know about all these stories, but these are stories that indicate that these are not isolated cases, that is, when we are talking about several episodes , this already speaks of a system that suits the current government, otherwise it would not be, marin, look, i look at it philosophically and with a smile, because i don’t have, for example , my own telegram channel in telegram, yes, i’m sorry for... but i live a turbulent life there, that’s how it is about me, all these telegram channels, which are in the pool of the office of the president of ukraine, draw some memes, cut some video, they write about bohdan there that padlyuk and okhylants, and oh my god, from the latest, which i really liked, came up with the thesis that i am engaged
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in abusing the president.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time. hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening , this is
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the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, we continue to work. live on the channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us there, please like this video so that it was trending on youtube, well , take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether the russian rebellion threatens the putin regime, if you vote on youtube, everything is quite simple, yes, no, or write your comment under this video, if you sit in front of the tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that... that the russian rebellion threatens putin's regime 0800-211-381 not 0800 211382. all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program we will pick up. the results of this vote. let me remind you that today we have in the studio are the best ukrainian journalists, olga len and maryna danyliuk yarmaleeva. unfortunately, the connection with bohdan
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butkevich was interrupted, we cannot restore quality communication, but i hope that bohdan will definitely take part in our next programs. well, since we have already started talking about how and in what way the government communicates with journalists. is trying to communicate, it is worth mentioning how the government communicates with businessmen, with those people who are responsible for the investment climate and attracting funds to the ukrainian state, here is a recent example how it happened, this is the story of igor mazepa, the founder of the investment company concordd capital, and he was detained on the ukrainian-polish border in connection with a case that... there is 12 years old, the businessman writes that the suspicion concerns the allocation of some land plot on two, a little more
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than 2 hectares, someone there calculated that this operation caused losses to the state of 7 million hryvnias, today they tried to choose a preventive measure for him in court, the prosecutor's office asked for a bail of 700 million hryvnias. despite the fact that the case is for 7 million hryvnias, and this surprised ihor mazepa very much, and bail for his brother was also demanded in the amount of uah 500 million. it is interesting that all this happened against the background of the davos world economic forum, where zelensky spoke, where he convinced our western partners to help ukraine and fight the russian federation, here is the story with mazepa, of course the court has to decide whether mazepa is guilty or not mazepa is to blame, well, because in a legal state, it should probably be like that, but against the background of the war, against the background
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of the help that we are waiting for in ukraine, an absolutely logical question arises, in general, but where, and where are these investors, about whom zelensky once spoke, where are these guides for those who have money? and are ready to carry this money to ukraine , as it corresponds, ulya, with the general situation in general, what we are observing, because this is one of the episodes that we are discussing today, but they also make up these episodes into certain puzzles, and these puzzles give us some picture of what is actually happening in the internal politics of ukraine with businessmen, journalists and, by the way, with the opposition. well, in general, i can't judge what's really going on with umazepa, because, well, i just didn’t study this issue, seriously, i can’t say anything,
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but the fact that it happened now, well, now we really have a very dangerous situation regarding the support of ukraine in the united states of america, regarding the allocation of necessary funds, weapons, everything, and suddenly all these strange things begin. a whole bunch of this case is for such a knock on journalists, a knock on business of some kind, and you know, well, i quite consciously understand that if zelensky surrounded himself with people who for years promoted the russian here the agenda, and then he announced something to everyone, you remember, we still discussed this, that after february 24, they all switched sides. of ukraine, and at that time we strongly doubted that this was possible, and now, when there was such a, you know, critical situation
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of hacking, suddenly this whole bunch of people became active and did clearly anti-ukrainian things, so just, well, don't to be a strong conspiracy theorist in order to somehow suspect that this is not a random story. that it's just all that hidden agency that was sitting here, that's her now became more active, that is, the russians could not do anything for two years, they could not break the resistance of ukraine in any way, well, they waited for such a critical moment, and now they began to activate things that could reduce the support of ukraine abroad, this is how i assess it, this whole , all these people, they just do it completely consciously, they do it for the benefit of russia, they don't do it for any other reason. absolutely, and there is no need to tell that they are doing this in order for zelensky to stay in power, i think they and in principle, zelensky is unimportant when in power, because in this way they absolutely destroy
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the image. zelenskyi abroad in the first place , and these are the headlines that we showed, well , they show, this is not their goal, so that they do not tell zelenskyi himself, there is nothing here, well , nothing to do with the fact that, somehow, cementing the government zelenskyi, but it will not be cemented, it will simply end with the fact that even during the war there will be demands to hold immediate presidential elections, it may end in the blink of an eye, and it will not be good actually. but in the end, everyone will simply throw up their hands and say: listen, well, this cannot be tolerated any longer, we have to solve it somehow, if the president's office, the president himself cannot come to them, let's hold elections then, well, what to do, well, somehow we have to then change it , since it doesn't change, if nothing changes in their head, then you have to change the head, and it's not good, again, i repeat, it's not good for the country, and it's not good for
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zelensky. and these people are not doing it for his sake, information appeared about mazep, his sent to custody, the court posted bail, halved to $350 million, hryvnias please, well, that’s not the point, you see, it ’s not even about mazep, maybe he really is terribly guilty of something there, i don’t know, i just understand the untimeliness of these actions a case that had been lying quietly for 12 years, well, it's still about the fact that for 12 years this case was not interested in anyone. and dragged out this case, as a result, this case got on the front pages of the world's economic and business publications, and everyone says, well, listen, you are demanding from are you asking us for 61 billion dollars, and wait, you are over there with your kind of businessmen, deal with those people who are engaged in business and give you some profit and lead the ukrainian economy, well , i will say that here is another big hello... to people from
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concord capital and business partners of the same mazepa, who at one time thought that, in principle, in the country until the 19th year certain institutional reforms were proceeding slowly, slowly, they decided that it was enough to appoint a certain president who was responsible for everything to loop, to furnish it nouns, which no one knows, and they will have happiness, it will be possible somehow manually. regime to do all this and we do not need to develop any institutions, and now the lack of development of institutions, the fact that you can open a case, keep it for 13 years and not close it, well, in fact, this is a problem of the legal system, because in a normal legal system you cannot open case, keep it for 12 years, do nothing, and then hop and activate it, it means that you simply have a faulty legal system, it is not working, it is repressive in itself, therefore
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what if you opened a case. you have to either bring it to court or shut it down if you can't bring it to court, not hold, hold, hold, and then at some point when we wanted something, i don't know, there might squeeze some asset out of of the same mazepa, he has certain careers in his headscarf somewhere else, but now someone has decided to squeeze these careers, let's close mazepa so that he gives us these assets, well, that's how it looks, thank you, marino. well, look, there is such a story, i am sure that mr. igor mazepa, he is not a holy little angel, but look, in order to establish something at the beginning of zero in ukraine, it was certainly not necessary to be a little angel, so you can find fault with him if you wish, but there is a very serious nuance here, and already mr. mazepa's lawyers said he was grabbed by law enforcement officers. at the
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moment when he was going to the world economic forum in davos. well, if you read such a professional biography of mr. igor mazepa, at least for the last 20 years, it is very clear that this man is in finance after all he understands how to attract these investments, how the market works , what is the currency there, how to attract traders to the ukrainian market, that is, he has an understanding, probably much more than serhiy lishchenko, who... went to this forum in davos and there his photos appeared, but here is another thing: in parallel with this detention, we got rostyslav shurma, who seems to be engaged in economic policy in the office of the president of ukraine, without having any legal authority to do so, because i will remind her that this person is not the minister of economy, is not the minister of finance, i.e she has nothing to do with the government, b.


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