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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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communications with intelligence drones, so it is perfectly clear who they are targeting, and this is a targeted attack on the civilian population on the communal services of the city of kherson. well, but the municipal services of the city of kherson, as i understood, work and work perfectly. thank you for your work, thank you for helping the residents of kherson in such a difficult time for all of ukraine and for kherson, in particular. it was oleksandr tolokonnikov, the chief. department of internal and information policy of the kherson regional military administration. well, now, how? always, on fridays, it's time to talk about what was happening in ukraine at the front. it is obvious that my colleague serhiy zgorets can tell the best about it. you know, in the beginning, when after the start of the full-scale invasion , everyone read a lot in various telegram channels, me in particular. read the same way,
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but constantly approached sergey and said that telegram channels are like this, someone wrote something, all the information is true and detailed, it comes from him, and today he will sum up what happened, as we beat the aggressor. i congratulate you, sergey, i congratulate you you, yulia, i congratulate our viewers, today we will really talk about what was happening on the front line, what consequences for the aggressor the destruction of their a50u aircraft had and about... the attempts of the russians to use old new missiles for strikes on odessa and what came of it , more on that in a moment. well, let's start. sergey, you know, i have many questions for you, but i will start with one word. the russians announced at the end of last year, some asset, a very important offensive, it was supposed to last last year, at the end of last
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year, it was going on, something it is a little bit somehow stalled or not stalled, now they are trying to either restore it or continue it, please tell me what the main goals might be and how prepared the russians are for this, well , when we talk about an offensive, about a new offensive, i think this is a certain exaggeration , because the russians began, conditionally speaking , the third such planned offensive, starting somewhere in october, when... they began attacks on avdiivka and at that time along the entire length of the front, kupin, svatov, krymina, there avdiivka, the south hostilities intensified here, and for three months they continued in fact, they are going at such a powerful pace, because if we saw about 30 combat clashes there somewhere on the new year, now we again see that the indicators have increased to almost 100 combat clashes per day, which indicates that. .. the enemy continues to try
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to put pressure on our line of defense, now we are in active defense, and when we talk about different areas of the front, in particular, well, now we see the area of ​​kupensfato kremin, here the enemy is trying to create preconditions to ensure squeezing our grouping on is the right bank of the oskil river, it has been a long-standing goal there almost all the time of the hostilities against... in them , a group is transferred there to ensure progress, but it does not actually take place there, and this area, well, remains difficult, we will talk about it in more detail , when we talk about other goals, then , of course, these are military operations around bakhmut, aimed at trying to break through to the commanding heights and then try to develop the offensive there on the kramatorsk. when we talk about
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the situation around avdiivka there, the enemy is here is trying to push our troops away from the volnovasi supply line in order to secure their railway lines, which are used by the russian group there. when we talk about the south, the enemy's goals are to outplay the results of our offensive and repel the works that our troops are receiving, that is , in fact, the situation in all these directions is predictable and understandable. the enemy has now accumulated a significant amount of forces, we understand that the number of personnel on the territory of ukraine is now 460,000, we recall that before in the first month of the war, there were 180, and now there are 460 plus 30 rosguard troops, that is, in fact , 500,000 enemies are on our territory, and at the same time we understand that the front line is almost unchanged, which speaks of a very effective defense system. although we understand
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that we need more equipment and ammunition, we need to review approaches to defensive actions, do not forget about fortifications, and many other things that are actually affecting the front line. well, look, before i ask another question, i'll go back to this, you talked about the oskil river , i think you said several times during our conversations that this river, which runs from north to south, that it is such a natural, very important barrier for us, and that just from our side, well, that is, ours are already on the other side, but if we retreat to the other side, which has very good positions there, then the question, if this is so, then the question, i understand that the russians have meat grinders, well, well , another meat grinder, well... yes, meat grinders, but why prepare another such meat grinder now? well, in any case, we are we understand, when we remember our grouping kupinsk, grabs the kremin there , which is located on the left bank of the oskil river, then conditionally speaking, that behind our backs is the oskil river, in front of us there is a river
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of foals and all this rests on the northern donetsk, actually these are water directions, they form. conditions of this theater of war. now the enemy is directing its efforts precisely to kupyansk with the aim, relatively speaking, of controlling the transport hub, which is at the top of this, this water interchange, because below there it begins, the rift is getting wider and wider, and relatively speaking, if we lose the opportunity to support our groups through kupinsk, then it actually becomes more difficult to maintain our entire group, really. we can withdraw there to the right bank of the oskil river, but it should not be done prematurely. now the strategy of the ukrainian armed forces is to hold the lines with minimal losses for themselves and with minimal, with maximum
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losses for the enemy. this is exactly what general silskyi, who is literally there, said yesterday or the day before yesterday, i was on this part of the front near kupyansk, where i held meetings with the commander. the creams of the brigades that are now receiving this section, the enemy there has been trying to move from sinkivka to kupyansk for several months in a row without success, but in fact we understand that the enemy's goal is to really try to take this section of the front under their control, and when we descend all the way down to the liman, there is also a wider section of the oskil river, there are more powerful reservoirs, and there , too... the enemy is trying to press on from below our defense, or this entire direction from kupyansk to lyman, to somehow complicate the provision of our troops, i repeat, this has been going on for a long time, the enemy has 100 thousand personnel there, constant
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attacks are taking place, but the detailing on the front line is such that the advance of the enemy is not no, now the enemy will really try to carry out sustained offensives. actions are actions with the use of manpower and equipment, but now the dynamics are such that if there is a sufficient number of reserves and the work of the artillery, i hope that the enemy will be able to to hold, in the event of a withdrawal there, in conditions where it will be simply impossible to hold these sections of the front, then in principle we really understand that the right side of oskiloe looks quite acceptable, but it is still too early to talk about it. serhii, i remember correctly that the russians reported that they had taken kupyansk for another six months. however, there were several such, shall we say, statements, i.e., as always, propaganda ran ahead of reality, and even now, conditionally, this settlement of senkivka, which is about 6-8 kilometers from kupyansk, if i am not mistaken, in this sons already
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graveyards of military equipment, although the enemy there is really breaking through to the village there, trying to enter the village there, our soldiers are knocking it out there, because the svetkivka... is a constant trap for the russian troops, although it is easy for the enemy to provide logistics there, because it is from above it is close to russia, it is possible there, well, it is easy to transfer reinforcement units, the syrian also said that new assault companies are being formed there and so on, but the dynamics related to the defense speaks of... that the sinkivka is holding back, that is very good , although there about some other directions, well, in particular, orlivka is a little further from senkivka, there is an advance of the enemy for several hundred meters, it was literally a couple of days ago, because how it happened, to put it simply, the weather was very bad, there was a strong wind, bad
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visibility at that time , drones were not used, and using such and such climatic conditions, when reconnaissance drones could not be used. could not use artillery, but they could not effectively use artillery, the enemy took advantage of this opportunity and advanced in certain areas. now counterattacks are taking place, i hope that the front line will be leveled. in those areas that are optimal for our armed forces, well, i hope that there will be more and more of these russian burial grounds there, let's talk a little about siversk, especially there were some disturbances to the south and east of it, from this city, in particular, near the villages of zolovesel and bilogorivka, has a new threat appeared for this city, well , the seversky one is important, it is actually such a bridgehead that we will get, right now, if let's look... on the map, siverskyi is right in the center, and the enemy understands that if he
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is to advance on the leman further, or relatively speaking, move there to slavyansk, to kramatorsk, then this is a pocket that is now biting into that the territory that the enemy is currently occupying is quite dangerous for the enemy, because any actions, any direction through this grouping of our troops around siversk, in principle... does not allow the enemy to carry out any far-sighted actions there using their troops, and now they are really literally on this week, they carried out a number of such powerful attacks, which were directed in two directions: one direction, this is exactly bilogorivka, and the second is on vesele, there are certain advances of the enemy at a small distance, and this is precisely directed to try to push out on... . troops from this area, but i repeat, this
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is not the first time that this is happening, now we can record a certain advance of the enemy, but in any case, it is hardly possible to say that there will be any such drastic changes systematically here, which really will allow the enemy to achieve what he wants, because in fact i think that the potential of our armed forces, despite exhausting battles, is sufficient to deter the enemy and... in this part of the front, well, we will deter further, well, since we have brave guys, and we also have good equipment, let’s talk about the equipment now, probably all our viewers have seen, because this video went viral on telegram, on youtube, how the bradleys were just killing a russian racist t-90 tank, and it happened near the village of stepov , where the armed forces for the fourth month in a row, ukraine has been holding back the influx of refugees. serhii, what is happening near avdiivka and to what extent are the bradleys helping
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us to hold back the russian offensive? well, there are quite effective actions of our armed forces near avdiivka, which have been restraining the enemy for more than three months, who are trying to bypass avdiivka from the north and south, trying to take our garrison in a pinch, they are not succeeding, and now we see that the enemy. .. then tries to move there to nabakhmutivka somewhere to the north up, tries to carry out cock attacks there, but in general, the dynamics regarding the narrowing of the ticks in the night from the rooster is such that in fact there is no enemy advance there, and exactly one of the settlements is precisely the steppe one, which is located above avdiivka in the north, and the 47th mechanized brigade holds the defense there and really... uses different types of weapons, drones, artillery and so on, and
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especially using the bradley infantry fighting vehicle, we know several such good videos, this is the one that we see the most, the longest, which shows how our bradley infantry fighting vehicles approach the russian tank and then its they begin to fire from a 25-millimeter cannon, it makes such a tight and effective aim. fire, disabling the guidance devices of this tank, then we see that something is happening in the tank, it loses control, relatively speaking, the tower begins to rotate uncontrollably, the tank crashes into a tree, and then the drones strike it and tank, where the crew is trying to run out, and then there was even a report that there the mechanic of the driver of this tank was captured. this video actually demonstrates that this technique is american, in particular bradley, they are really adapted to
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fight tanks, although everyone believes that tanks have greater protection, have a powerful gun, and in fact, if a tank hit an infantry fighting vehicle there, it would not be sweet for our fighters, but we see that at the expense of mobility, the intensity of fire from the bradley gun, we see that the tank simply does not even have time to orientate itself in the situation that is being created... on the battlefield, and this indicates that we need many more such bmps, now we have them received, if i am not mistaken, about 200 cars, despite the fact that in american army reserve. more than 3,000 of these nonsense for various modifications, so i think that if we put the supply of these samples on larger-scale approaches, then not only yavdiyivka, but other directions can show the enemy the advantages of the bradley infantry fighting vehicle over russian models of equipment, including the new tank a breakthrough, and there will be much and much more such videos, now the most important thing is that
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the american congress, congressmen unblock the provision of assistance to us and maybe they will give us that help, and why... maybe they will most likely give more bradley. sergey, i if i remember correctly, bradley is called a tank killer. yes, if we recall the history of iraq, where the actual number of destroyed t-72 tanks of the iraqi army due to the work of bradley was greater than the number of tanks that were destroyed by american abrams, there were cases when, relatively speaking, one bradley destroyed in one battle to five to five t-72 tanks, that is, in fact, this machine. adapted to be a tank killer, it has a tou gun, which at a range of several kilometers destroys, inflicts devastating a night attack on armored vehicles, and the gun is effective, because it is balanced, stabilized, they have night vision devices, and as we can see, when the bradley infantry fighting vehicle of the 47th brigade
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fired so densely that i am just repeating myself, i am sure that the russian ... the crew could not even find their way to where to run, because i think the aiming sights were taken out immediately when such a flurry of bmp fire was carried out, then he just ran away, but i want to watch such pictures again and again, and now the appeal to the american congressmen, please allocate money and give us more bradleys, you see, you probably also saw this video, so time flies, but i still have two questions for you, please tell me, after our soldiers destroyed, well, phenomenal destroyed the plane. the a50 scout , which the russians boasted about and said was simply impossible to destroy, can we say that the sky over the crimea has become porous, and that now we can do whatever we want there with our missiles? well, we used to do what we wanted with our missiles, because even at in the presence of russian air defense, our missiles reached russian submarines and
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submarines, and missile ships hiding in the bays of sevastopol, but now... the situation after the destruction of the a50 aircraft is such that today the enemy raised another a50 to make alternating flights, but where it is not in the sea of ​​azov, he is simply afraid to fly there, and the enemy made all these overflights today from the airspace of the krasnodar territory, which means that, relatively speaking, already at least 200 km away, he is less able to look at our territory, and from yes... it gives us the opportunity to plan more broadly using our foreign forces and our air force, so i think that's a good consequence of destroying the first one, and the 50th one, i think, if another one comes closer to ee on our borders, that is, you can tell this story,
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or we will have missiles that can shoot at such planes as far as krasnodar. edge, it will be soon, when the f16 appears with american missiles of certain versions, i think this work will be done in two or three at a time without problems, i really hope, well, the last one i asked you a question, the russians launched the first missile, we are all used to the fact that the missile is called ha, but this is a missile called p, the p-35 missile over odessa, our anti-aircraft, our air defense shot down this missile, but why this event is significant, well, it is not so significant... as much as it confirms the fact that the enemy is already starting to get something from the arsenals, which actually we all forgot a long time ago, this missile was put on combat duty somewhere in the 62nd year, yes, that is, it is actually well, one of the oldest samples, but here with this story with the rocket the story is that this missile is actually inaccurate,
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it is powerful enough considering the warhead, which has a weight of one ton of missiles. a couple of days ago, it was launched , as we assume, from the coastal defense complex in balaklava, there is such a reserve settlement, there is such a division, which at one time was kept by ukraine, where this launcher rises from the ground storage, launches and approaches again, enters underground, so this rocket was launched most likely for the first time since... this division, it was shot down by ukrainian air defense, which indicates that the air defense system has started to work much better over odesa, well, but in any case , we understand that now the enemy... still has a certain supply of these missiles, i hope that all they will be shot down, one way or another. well, i not only hope, i am sure that it will be the closest. we are very grateful to serhiy
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zgurets for summarizing, as always, very, very detailed. thank you yuri, i hope that next week we will also have you there will be a lot of positive news that shows the potential of our armed forces in the fight against the enemy. so in a few minutes we will have news, and before that we have a story for you: the battles for the donetsk airport, one of the fiercest in the war in eastern ukraine. ukrainian soldiers, volunteers and medics defended the resort from russian soldiers and militants for 244 days. since may 2014. in 2015, the defense of the garrison became a symbol of the indomitability and fighting spirit of our army, and its defenders were called cyborgs, on the day of the memory of the defenders
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donetsk airport, we remind you of the events that took place more than nine years ago. it is march 2014, at the donetsk airport they are playing bathovan's ode to joy, which symbolically is the anthem of the european union. on the morning of may 25, 2014, the airport stopped air traffic, and on the night of may 26 , russian security forces occupied the new terminal for the second time. the ukrainian military pushed out the enemies. the airfield came under the control of the forces of the anti-terrorist operation. on july 10, enemy fighters fired at the position of ukrainian anti-aircraft guns. one soldier died. by
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a few days later another died from his wounds. these were the first losses of the ukrainian army at the donetsk airport. the village of pisky became the stronghold of the anti-terrorist forces, through which the defenders of the airfield were supplied with ammunition. there was a rotation. in the same village... fire support artillery was returned. the day of september 28, 2014 became black. then nine ukrainian soldiers were killed, and another 20 were injured. the russian invaders fired at the positions of our soldiers in violation of the minsk agreements. however, our military continued to hold the terminals. early in october, russian occupation forces again tried to storm the airport. then 11 ukrainian soldiers died. in the same month, before putin's birthday, the russian media reported that the airport was allegedly under the control of militants, however, our defenders, fully
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surrounded, continued to defend the airport. heavy fighting for the donetsk airport took place in november as well. during the storming of the old terminal , two ukrainian defenders were killed and six were wounded. ato forces left the premises and concentrated on the territory. on january 1, 2015, pro-russian forces stormed tried to break into the new terminal, but after a fierce battle of several hours they retreated with losses, during the new year's clash a ukrainian defender was killed when an enemy grenade exploded under his feet. in the severe frost on january 7, the cyborgs holding the tower of the donetsk airport fell asleep. i wish your son a nice girl , we will marry you with a red rose in your yard, i will marry you with a handsome husband in your honor.
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russian militants fired grenade launchers at the new terminal of the weather tower's rocket artillery. through massive enemies shelling, the airport tower collapsed, namely from it, our defenders could cover the terminals from enemy shelling. ukrainian soldiers continued to heroically hold the ruins of the tower, russian special forces demanded the defenders lay down their weapons and surrender, but our boys chose to fight. on january 13 , more than 250 russian invaders were eliminated. on january 19 , the enemy blew up the new terminal for the first time. fierce fighting continued at the airport. after the second explosion, the terminal was completely destroyed. it was on january 20 that 48 people died ukrainian fighters, due to the destruction, the defenders could no longer stay there and withdrew from the position, those who did not wait for the blockade...
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were taken into russian captivity, where the ukrainians were brutally tortured, only six soldiers under the command of maksym radzanich, callsign adam, no contact continued to hold the position in the fire station between the terminal and the control tower for another two days. and we will show that we are... brothers of the cossacks. during eight months of defense , 109 fighters died at the donetsk airport. half a thousand defenders were injured. the fighting ended after the complete destruction of the old and new terminals. not a single brick of the airport remains. donetsk airport has become a symbol of insubordination. and his defenders have become entrenched in
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the nation's memory. as cyborgs, humans are stronger than concrete. back in 2011 , the largest plane in the world, a dream, landed at the donetsk airport. now ukrainians have another common desire, to see the flight of the ukrainian dream in the sky of ukrainian donetsk. good evening, we are from ukraine. i am sure that we will definitely see political ukrainian dreams in the future sky of ukrainian donetsk. all ukrainians are sure of this. well, now it's time for news on the big air. the pechersk district court chooses a preventive measure against the businessman and businessman ihor mazepa and his brother yuriy. the meetings have been going on for more than five hours. prosecutors are asking to recognize the ministry of economy as a victim in this case, and mazepa's defenders have filed a motion to dismiss
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the case. and judges due to biased attitudes. all requests of the lawyers were rejected. the prosecution requests that mazepi be remanded in custody worth with the possibility of depositing a deposit in the amount of uah 700 million. let me remind you that on january 18, the state bureau of investigation detained ukrainian businessman, the founder of the concord capital investment company ihor mazepa while crossing the ukrainian-polish border. he is accused of organizing the expropriation of land near kyiv. hes, this plot of land, which belongs to hes, supposedly belongs to hes and is supposedly a water fund, it is three, with something like a thousand hectares, and i am accused of illegal, illegal purchase of 2 hectares, not 200, but 2 hectares, and for this, the investigating prosecutor is asking for bail of 700 million dollars, and hryvnias. excuse me,
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estimating the hypothetical loss in the state at 7 million hryvnias. we then talk about the investment climate, we then talk about inviting foreign investors to ukraine after such cases. well, well, but we're moving on. the russians continue to terrorize kherson. today they struck the dnipro district. damaged multi-apartment buildings. a 60-year-old woman died in her own home, the head of the region oleksandr proku reported. 16-year-old the young man received an explosive injury and leg injury, he is being prepared for surgery. road accident with a ukrainian bus in poland. two people were injured. there are no threats to their lives, said the spokesman of the ukrainian foreign ministry, oleg nikolenko. the accident happened in the lublin voivodeship, the bus skidded at a turn. he drove onto uzbichcha and overturned. there were 26 ukrainians in the cabin. currently, the passengers have been placed
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in temporary accommodation. waiting place the carrier has already provided another bus that will take passengers to ukraine. military intelligence received a mi-2 helicopter, which is assigned for evacuation from the frontline areas. the board was purchased with funds from international benefactors and the olena zelenska foundation. the helicopter was modernized and equipped with the necessary resuscitation medical equipment, which allows doctors to provide emergency care in the air. for today. the equipment helps this helicopter carry 700 kg, its flight range is approximately 700 km, with full refueling, it can land on sites limited to landing, that is, almost from the battlefield to deliver to the hospital. the occupiers are trying to create a military zone in the temporarily occupied ukrainian territories. analysts, public...


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