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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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this is just such a construction, in which there is no cabinet of ministers, no parliament of crimea, but there is, for example, a union of independent communities, communities, that is, that is, in principle, it is a more historical form, it is very similar to the german zemlyachestvo or to the french prefectures, this is a more modern form, this is mrs. larisa, you are also absolutely somewhere. in the conversations with my friends of the kremlin , such a vision also looms somewhere, we are running out of time, but actually we thank you very much that in the early hours we have this day, on the day of january 20 helped to talk from this side of the dimension about our future de-occupied ukrainian crimea, it was larisa voloshina, thank you, a short pause, and we will return to the front line, with us will be the captain of the reserve, valery prozapas. be with espresso. there are discounts
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on hepargin of 10% in the pharmacies psylansky, bam and oskad. on january 22, at 7:30 p.m., the vinyl agency will present taras chubai on the stage of the lviv opera and songs that will be sung by all of ukraine. the special guest of the concert is lvivska. men's academic choral chapel dudaryk tickets for karabask, live sound. there are discounts on strength detox, 15% in pharmacies, plantain, memory, and savings. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say.
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let's have better roads, we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world do you dream of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. when the great second began. then probably one of the first to break
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into our dungeon, it was denys. denys was among those brave people with open eyes met this challenge. in the end , a tragedy happened, frankly a tragedy. he left his life young, working for the state, running, flying forward to our victory. i'm here temporarily, soon. come home,
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live now where you are, first page. 242 days of fighting, 242 days of hell, the defense of donetsk airport, we remember those who resisted, that's exactly how it will be today, january 20...
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we will now continue the conversation with our officer, captain of the armed forces of ukraine valery prozapas, in contact with us , mr. valery, congratulations, glory to ukraine, heroes kudos, glad to see. the enemy does not need to know more than what we will talk about the southern direction, so tell us exactly in the area of ​​your responsibility what the situation looks like on the front line, that is winter, the middle of winter, and how it looks now, you are absolutely right that to detail, of course we won't do anything, we won't name locations, any tactical techniques, i just want to say that the situation here is stable. the armed forces carry out their tasks in a planned manner, we try to keep under fire control the enemy's logistics and routes and support, in addition, we do not allow him to take active counterattacking actions. of course, weather conditions
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somewhat affect the intensity, but i repeat again, modern means of reconnaissance and fire attack. they hardly suffer either from the cold or even precipitation, so we are ready 24/7, and the enemy has not lurked either, they are also trying to conduct active reconnaissance and assault operations, but all this is not on the same scale as it was, in particular on avdiivka , so i think that now such a stage is preparatory to... the next stage of the war, and but how do these three parameters look now from the side of the moscow-fascist occupier, in some eastern parts of the front , they have a significant increase in a rebs, an increase
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in the number of strike drones and, in principle, a complete lack of projectile hunger, that is why they are sometimes pounding in a ratio of 9/1, 10/1, this is for sure... the eastern front looks like this, what changes do you see on the part of the enemy this winter on the 24th, some of them have increased, some have decreased, i have never been a fan of the fact that our enemy is weak, chmobics , and that we are them let's put it in one basket, as, unfortunately, we were shown for a very long time on a single telethon, it was clear that they would change their support and their tactical actions. as early as the beginning of 2023, currently they have significantly improved air reconnaissance, they have more drones, and what about shells, although they never had any problems at all with the old model of 152nd 122nd calibers, that is,
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in summary, we can say that the enemy drew conclusions from the company of 2022 that was unsuccessful for him, was able to gain a foothold. in the occupied territories, to build an echelon defense and to transfer their economy to military lines , taking into account the fact that they are opposed by the armed forces of ukraine. on the other hand, i believe that in the long term, they will not be able to overcome their technological backwardness, but this does not mean that the matter has already been resolved, we need to increase the capabilities of the armed forces. the efforts of the armed forces alone are not enough, the state and the whole society must work, i am glad that it has finally reached many people that there will be no coffee in crimea in may of the 23rd year, and maybe even the 24th, or rather, sooner
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it was only on the 24th that the war took on the character of a resourceful, protracted one, and now it is necessary to include not heroism, but something else, calculation of the head. professionalism, and this again does not apply to the armed forces, because here it has always been enough, the whole state should be included, mr. valery, to the extent, to the extent that we can now with fire damage in the temporarily occupied southern lands certain communications that are in the direction of tokmak and melitopol on how much we have enough . them to cut supply, logistics and, in principle, to impress certain people fortifications well, this information is open, you can see this summary in the general staff and the ministry of defense, it is done regularly. and it's another matter whether we have enough
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of this, i mean, whether we can, whether we need more of this particular variety, which has shown itself effectively in the southern direction. you know that in a confrontation with such an enemy, i think that more will always be needed, because the territory is huge, and yet the forces, i repeat again, of the occupying russian army, they are ... quite decent, so of course, for in order to guaranteed to destroy their logistical links, their support, and also to constantly destroy all their front-end capabilities, that requires intensive combat work and constant firepower, influence by various means, so if they 're still there, if they're still holding the defense, respectively, that ... we didn't break their capabilities, accordingly, we need more,
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well, i think it's obvious, yes, it's just that you have to talk to military analysts from time to time, and they say, with a certain amount of long-range weapons, and aviation, plus the fact that we have also begun to develop our own developments, and if powerful western developments are correctly applied, then it is possible to break through such corridors in minefields... in stratified fields and plan, in principle, for the 24th year, certain actions in the direction of tokmak melitopol and berdyansk, but this is a theory , so when we hear such a theory here, i simply redirect it, how do you react to this, you know, i already said a long time ago that i am not a supporter of this online war, when literally everyone day some global are given or forecasts or... wishes, or even some hysterical outbursts are made that everything is lost, i
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am fortunately in the ranks of the executor, and i do not look there at the strategic level, as some analysts do, and some of them are in quotes, from what i can tell now, of course, if we had, there were more aviation and more such... firepower with great power, then of course, sooner or later i will repeat it again, it would have led to the fact that the russians could not receive this a huge front, but look, you must not think of them as idiots, they also count, they also think that in order to make counter-attacks, if possible, they need to be serious enough to break out... native space in the combat formations of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, such
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a serious strategic game has already started, and i think that they have a full array of information, well, in ukraine, if five people, i think it's a lot, that's why i try not to look at anonymous people who call themselves experts, i try to follow the official reports of the general staff and the ministry of defense. well , and accordingly perform what comes to us in the form of combat orders every day. mr. valery, and for a snack, briefly , if possible, to you, as actually in the past peaceful life, as a deputy of the zaporizhia city council, as a zaporizhia citizen, opposite zaporizhzhia, this is a unique case in the history of mankind, the largest nuclear, zaporizhia power plant was captured, there are some there are different ideas, they are carried in the form of toast wishes. after de-occupation and a nuclear-free world, but it all looks like that, but i'm looking again for some new mining and sent
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far, far away for three letters magat. you can see is there any solution, in your opinion, is there any military solution to the issue of deoccupation of the zaporizhzhia as, is it not even possible to think about it here? the military decision, as far as i was concerned, was to prevent the occupation, well, of course, it is already too late to talk about it, i believe that in general that direction was inconvenient for us... for the russians, and it will still be necessary to study why so it turned out that they literally rolled all the way to the energodar, almost without resistance, but despite that, again, at the moment, i see a comprehensive solution to this problem, well there cannot be such a military operation that could free only ayes, i believe that i do not believe this more accurately, i am convinced that the higher headquarters also think so. but , as you know, it is impossible to solve this problem, as you know, with a simple solution,
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as they like and still expect some, unfortunately, ukrainians, yes, here, unfortunately, the difference is between netflix and hollywood, with some seals there who release , here it is necessary to advance the front line comprehensively, and then the occupier will be forced to retreat alone, together with it, releasing the energy gift and zaporizhzhia as. well, we actually imagined such a logic somewhere, thank you. mr. valery, for the analysis of the current situation, valery prozapas, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, we talked about the south, about the much wider geopolitical situation around the russian-ukrainian one. war, we will talk with general ihor romanenko a little later, a short pause, and we will return. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. the gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite
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drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic. mygogo there are 10% discounts on pshik in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of fp drones. for effective hitting on the enemy and more. losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, for the approach of victory, which all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on
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them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin. and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. when the great invasion began, he was probably one of the first to break through to us. dungeon, it was denys. denys was among those brave people who met this challenge with open eyes. in the end, tragedy struck. frankly i say
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a tragedy. he went into life young. or for the state, running, flying forward to our victory, the first page of the great war. 242 days of fighting, 242 days of hell, the defense of donetsk airport, we remember those who resisted, i look at this
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the tower of the destroyed donetsk airport, i remember bukovarivska in croatia, it is not for nothing that there are so many. similar in these two wars in symbols, in symbols, exactly, which the whole world knows. our next interlocutor is now in touch with us, he was the deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2006 to the 10th year, and now the founder of the charity fund zakryye nebo ukraine, general ihor romanenko, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. mr. general, do you know where to start? i'll start with the words i trust i know my colleague. journalist yury botusov, and as a soldier he has been on this eastern part of the front for a long time, and if he writes that the situation in avdiivka is critical, the enemy has managed to get hold of several houses on the outskirts of the city, the ukrainian leadership should immediately provide reinforcements, not orders to hold on, but real strengthening. several groups of russians entered
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without any large-scale assaults, but simply entered, because there are simply not enough people and technical means to control in... all landings and approaches, this is from fresh, about that yuriy botusov from avdiivka writes: to what extent, i wanted to ask you, actually, how real is the situation on the battlefield, especially in those places, what is avdiivka, the direction of bakhmut, lemyano-kupitky, different from that glamorous tele-marathon picture, and whether this gap and... schizophrenia between reality and information will not lead to failures or collapse of the front in certain areas. the situation is quite difficult. as they say on the entire front for 1,500 km , the defense forces of ukraine are carrying out strategic and defensive operations operation, and in the last day there were no
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such indicators as 127 assault attacks per day , 127 of them in avdiivka. yes, yesterday you talked about criticality on your youtube channel. there he submitted the material and signed the very critical condition of avdiyivka, because it really is such, despite all efforts , the situation with logistics became even more complicated, and well, it is everywhere, that is, the basis of the performance of both defensive and offensive tasks, there is still logistics, but here are the regions, where and how it... is carried out the most difficult in avdiivka, in my opinion, and on the left bank, on the left bank there is a defense, that means these bridgeheads
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, which are held by our defenders, and i do not see, for example, actions regarding the expansion there, for this you need forces, means, and there are such, if, unfortunately, probably not. .. is enough for our side, and it is very difficult and all regions, well , it is possible almost from avdiivka, because this corridor, in the middle of orlivka, this road is logistical, and the movement is 24 hours a day, i am not talking about the day, when it is visible, but also at night in avdiivka is very complicated, and turning to the left bank, the dnipro river , is a difficult line in itself, and it has to be done in such conditions. the task is in the hands, well, during this day they destroyed moses, he was at the same time a blogger and an operator of unmanned aerial vehicles,
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he was quite professional, he was, as it were, one of the last to put things together, and before that he showed in detail how he destroys, that is, our boats , there are crossing areas and so on, strikes. he signed that krynyk is hell, it really is, and the problem is that it is very difficult to solve logistical issues, so if, and the situation, it is close, its task of this strategic defense operation of ours, first and foremost, is to stop the advance of the enemy, i want to draw attention to this, for this you definitely need reserves of equipment, but... personnel, and personnel, that means rapid advancement of mobilization issues, it is necessary to replenish, to have a conversation , for example, now about some de-occupation
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operations that need to be carried out there, well , maybe not a perspective, we need to have such a perspective ahead, but to fulfill it now, we need to support our defenders, and, if you count, then it will turn out from kharkiv region, kupinsk. which they rush to, because the logistics are close to them there, because it is an important railway house in general, it takes so much time, mr. igor, just in this case , reserves and mobilization are good, but it is a very long process, here it has been operational for several weeks continues, that is, this hell of the bridgehead of krynka and avdiyivka as a bridgehead should also be in reserves, as they say, for the day before yesterday. in this case, you see only one option, our general staff will be forced to transfer units from certain areas of the front from one to another,
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do we still have the opportunity to strengthen it with another reserve, without exposing other areas of the front, we understand that this is information from the headquarters, but i answer that we will say a little, but maybe we will have to go to such unpopular measures regarding. because, well, in general , only he can say this, especially with regard to overturning, and also in terms of reserves, well, that is, and in terms of reserves, what we need right now from everything that can affect it is ammunition, because the artillery performs tasks for 80 % in defeat battles, no matter what, thrones, all the rest, but 80%, and the question of when they will go there... this is really for the future, and now what is to be provided with ammunition, and the old soviet 152-caliber, which
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we would start producing there. and also naatovsky 155, in order to support, to significantly support all that is being carried out, but look, with those, with those bullets, we know that the gods of war, that is, arta could significantly fit here, and we always come across such a story, we were promised a million, they handed over 300,000 shells, we were promised more, but they said that so far they are only reaching capacity and do not have time to produce, what do you see, because we always have it? lack, shortage, i would like more, all the military say, more, more, more for arta. it's more of a political issue, we just don't like it, they don't give it in the right quantities, is there really a production problem and there's just a shortage of those shells, we just don't have anywhere else to get them? i would say in this way that there is a dynamic development of these issues, the political aspect of it is decreasing, the issue is becoming more industrial,
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as in the enterprise. the french of europe caesars are helping there with six pieces, but they will deliver 3,000 shells a month, 3,000, and the russians use 50-70,000 a day, well, that’s in better times, now it’s less, well, let it be 50, there are 30-50 and 300, well, you feel, north korea handed over 2 million ammunition, 152 of the soviet ones are still light, and europe is now, as it were... trying to strain to fulfill this, it is unlikely that the million, for which there was a deadline, expires sometime in march, well, that is, it is quite complicated, and therefore, first of all, on your own, your own so the flywheel is spinning, but we definitely need to speed up and scale up all these processes, because we have analyzed the situation with you in passing, and it is complicated, yes, mr.
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igor, we have exactly one minute. in addition, i want her to focus on the location of the downed long-range reconnaissance plane under the horizontal guidance of the a50 over azov, a new one appeared, well, that is, they replaced it, and now there is a lot of information that oh-oh-oh, this means that next sunday there will be massive combined missile attack. that thing is dispersed, you know, like ours people easily disperse it after such, or do you read the appearance of the new a50 in the same way? well, this is expected, professionally expected, because there are nine of them in general, but there are four universal ones, some of them have been knocked down, which one is to replace him, that is, but you know that with all the news events around there, the fact that they have a headache now , the end of december, five planes were shot down by something, somehow they sort things out, then, then, the situation is that out of 40 missiles, 20 did not
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fly. for some reason, they were knocked down unexpectedly, so this pair, this pair, we need a pair, because they only jointly perform the tasks that the americans have one drlv aircraft, they have a headache, they can't yet fully understand at the expense of this, and we need to use it and help so that new ones appear. by the way, they say that a50 was destroyed by frankin himself. there are no longer three, but five programs and perhaps, therefore, an integrated complex, that way, mr. igor, thank you for the analysis of the situation, igor romanenko, general and deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in the past helped us figure it all out, a very important note is that the a50 and a couple with il-22s are a real headache for their ministry of defense right now. it was almost
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9:00 a.m. and that was it. hour and minute when all of ukraine remembers all those who died in the second russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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