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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EET

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i took people to the front, a couple of times there was a convoy , well, it came under tank fire, well, but there you can increase your speed and pass certain dangerous areas, you can do all this, on what dates was it, it was march 13, march 14 this way already cut off, i left mariupol around three o'clock in the morning, march 14 at 11 o'clock. hours in the afternoon, i know that a column went there, also took ammunition to mariupol, the column was already shot, since march 14, the city of mariupol, the entire mariupol garrison was already in full entourage, how many people did you take there? approximately 670 people, how long were you there and holding the defense? well, until april 12, from march 1 to april 12, well, the situation was.
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critically difficult, let's say so , er, yes, first there for a week, er, 10 days, well, it was possible to stay there, er, more or less, while there were old stocks of ammunition there, er- er, supplies, er, medicine, but well, you understand that every day it's getting worse and worse, worse and worse, and... how about er replenishment of all this was absent, so it was difficult, but everyone held on and everyone knew what they were holding on for , it was difficult, yes, they were wounded, they were killed, but there is no war without victims, well, without the dead, so everyone understood that, er, everyone stood, everyone was fighting. well, every
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servicewoman, including her, hoped for the best, but we understood that what was happening in ukraine depended on us, who were in mariupol, because everyone knew that russia had drawn a very large number of servicemen to mariupol and. .. and armored vehicles, and aviation, which is in principle, both from russia and the autonomous republic of crimea, which worked around mariupol, because all that was around mariupol, it could work and advance on the territory of ukraine, well, the mainland, which was not yet encircled, so we had one the way out is to hold on. mariupol
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is such, you know, the heart of this war for today, and savings. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety, melamamah b6 will help you cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest. full sleep and recovery from bhfz. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. on the border between ukraine and
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poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, that's why that there is nothing to fight about. come on help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. approximately how many people were there at the yelich factory. well, about 2,500. what
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was the most difficult moment for you personally there? when there are wounded servicemen. er, but there is nothing to help them when you have an enemy right in front of your nose, and there is nothing to hurt him, so moments like this, who did you have time to talk to there on ilichavzhe, with the commander of the brigade, with colonel baronyuk, well, we know each other quite well even in crimea, and even after the withdrawal, well, after the annexation of crimea with the colonel. well, with my comrades, most of the brigade is there, like my trainees from my battalion, chiefs of services, there are deputies and everything else, of course i was glad to see everyone and they were glad to see him, he at least lifted the mood there somehow mig, what
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words did you say to them when you were leaving, that everything would be fine, so that they would not forget who they were and from where, and if you are going to give it... you have to give it the way it is, as they were taught, that hiding in there, sitting in bunkers, being afraid of something, is not a way out of the situation, you have to defend yourself so that the enemy himself spoke for you and respected you himself, even understanding that there are quite a lot of incoming enemy forces, let's say this, you will not fight, you will not earn respect, even from the enemy, he will also understand this, he saw that there mountain people
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with military families, with civilians, with women, with children. well, it turned out to be a passage maybe two meters, and you can go from those two meters like this, like this, like this, like this, you cross people, you step over people, there were a lot of people, a lot of people , the ring got narrower, it got narrower, then it was no longer there, it was already there. . at the licha plant, not a single helicopter ever landed, all that happened was that it landed in the port or at the port, this did not happen at the licha plant, yes, once or twice the brigade received
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help, let's say so , which was transferred to azovstal, but it was a pittance, a pittance... even compared to those that were transferred to the azovstal plant, so yes, there were, but in fact no one saw them, also the evacuation of three wounded or dead, yes, it also happened, but not from the ilyich plant, somehow it happened that more of us attention was paid to azovstali and... this process had already begun there, when the food, water, food, and medicine ran out, yes, this process had already begun, when it was all running out, i found, i remember, boxes with cookies, maria, and it was all in
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mold, now i see the boys want to eat, something i only have baked maria, i dried it over a fire and rubbed it by hand. i made a type of alam flour, added a little bit of badychki, water, and i had tortillas for them, so i made them tortillas, they ate, i tell them, i say, i don’t cook such badychki at home, understand me correctly, i say, but we have to eat, no matter what, that's how we ate then, the most critical moment, when it became clear that we can't go on like this, what options were considered? and there was only one option, it was a breakthrough, or to the azal factory or in the direction of greater ukraine. which option did you choose? well, then it so happened that we
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had no communication at all, and there was little interaction between the units located in mariupol, so personally. i chose the breakthrough option, well , i understood that this, you know, is such a one chance in a thousand. but it was difficult, it was difficult for me , it was difficult for my servicemen, but everyone unanimously made such a decision, i believe that not every serviceman will go to this decision, well, when you do not communicate with him, when you do not support him, when you don't have understanding between servicemen when you don't have a military family, as i said before. er, but everyone is as one, yes, there, some stayed because
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of their morally not so good qualities, but the rest they all had because of the task they had to complete, there was supposed to be a column, er, we all had to leave , that's why we plunged into that technique, we realized that it was covered with sheets here and there, and it's real, you know, it was 50 for 50, we understood that... either i would die, or i would pass, that's it, that's it, well, this, this, this understanding was, here, sat down, we prayed, and this, we were already leaving the bunker, we, well, before that, we went out there with the man, the goat is sitting, clever, agreeable, in such a way, 5 years old, 5 years old my goat, young, beautiful, he tells me, yes... "if you don't want to, if you want to surrender, i'll surrender with you, if you don't want to, then we'll go for a breakthrough, i say,
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let's go for a breakthrough, i have the whole bulk of everything in i had in my head, i want to see the child, i want to see my mother, i just want to go home, just to see that they are alive, whole and that everything is fine, well, i will tell you briefly, went out in the direction, in the northern direction. well, in small groups, which was not noticeable to the enemy, with the task of going into the rear, well, into the rear of the enemy, and all we could do was inflict some maximum losses on him there in the space between the positions, well, let me say this, from my battalion with the first cream , the most people came out, yes, they broke through, came out and after... a week or two they started active activities again, only on the other
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side, that is, on average, the exit took about a week, no, more, more, yes, about two weeks, well, if you look at it that way according to the map, even, uh, the length of the route, well, 130 km, yes, directly, but we all understand that no one went straight. that's why when i talked with my servicemen, already after the capture, some of them walked 270, 250, well, it's not a very short way, the most terrible thing, probably, is that if they see our columns, our column alone, they will immediately throw the damn thing there and it was so steep, so it was, yes it was, we dived in shortly then and already started to leave, we are leaving the hangar, that's it. i'm just looking at the sky, and it's already a little bit darker it was more visible, here i am looking, i see how there
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is a plane flying in the distance and these fireflies are flashing, i think it’s a bugger, our exit is covered, that’s how the planes saw it, they realized that yes, well, we’re short, we’ve gone short, how much there are not even 10 kilometers , there probably aren’t even five, thank god, thank god, yes, but at that moment we didn’t know about it and we... there somehow so much more of my group stuck to the building in such a way that somehow the damn thing
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would open up there , there was such a cuvet, that's all, i just hear that it is flying sensations, well no transmission, in short, everything turns inside out like this, and even you, you are so petty against this power, which is clattering, and you can't do anything at all, you can damn well understate your silhouette as much as possible. and one day they will ask, damn it, we will ask god to save your damn poor soul somehow, how did you go out personally, with your group, which was formed there without... ten servicemen, yes, but i went out, let's put it this way, inside the battle formations , well, but, as you know, it didn't work out a bit, can you tell us a little bit about the experience of poland, well, you know,
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such an experience. uh, the experience of captivity, i don't even know how to answer this question, well, uh, it only allows you to rethink your life as a soldier. did the enemy know who you were? eh, yes, because, i think, in a week, in two, she will completely audition us. they completely understood where everyone was, the more so there were military personnel who were taken prisoner, well, who, no matter how you want it, but one, the second, the third will say something, so yes, it was known who i was and in which direction i was , were you tortured?
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you know, i haven't seen a single serviceman yet. and i didn’t hear of anyone who was not tortured, so i’ll give a short answer, but then it was about 11:00 in the evening and we gathered for a meeting, our group of 26 people gathered for a meeting and we began to discuss the rules, the rules of behavior at ours comes out, silence , we keep quiet, we don’t wait, we don’t fight, in short and so on
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, there was something like that, yes, i remember what was really funny , it was already at the end, guys, be careful, there’s a mine, and we’re like that, but nothing, you already passed, they have how strong is the propaganda that when they understand adequate, uh, hear adequate
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solutions, hear some adequate stories, they don't believe it. saying that it's a production, it's all specifically to show it to us there, us there, they just have very strong propaganda, which is, well, how many, how many people have i seen there, or not people, there is nothing adequately human, well how much here it is all for eight years of war, for how long it has absorbed them all, then i hear like spots-spots, a sound like a rodeika, they the signals give that you , we see you, we hear you, in short, and we are still going, going, and here is just a little man like this from the bushes, who are you, and where are you from, we say, we are the first separate battalion,
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we came out like from mariuppol, run , run, come in, come in, in short, it was the 68th, yes, the 68th brigade, and they were advancing like this... a landing, and there they have, well, like, well, really positions, everything is good, everyone has water, everyone has a pack of cigarettes, in short to the boys, well, in general, well, just how the relatives accepted, maybe good evening, that’s all, my god, we were ready to kiss the ground, that’s it, that’s it it was, it's simple, it's indescribable, it's just indescribable, one idea that you survived, went through all this, that's all, you saw what in general, well, i don't know how it was possible. to survive, how many people eventually left the brigade from the encirclement, about 186 people came out as foot soldiers, not about 186 people, these are the ones who left. on foot, about a thousand people were killed, probably the rest were captured
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, and thank god things got a little better with the exchanges, well, we were able to exchange quite a few of our boys and girls there, how long did you stay there, almost six months without... more critical moments there , what helped you, to leave at all, to remain sane and have some hope, to dream and think about something good, about the family, and how i will spend time with my family, when maybe someday i will. in ukraine, that's all, and if, well, as far as i communicate with the svilsky slobites who were exchanged, in principle, our thoughts, our desires
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coincide, what thought helped you to get there, what helped you, child, child, mother, well, i they just knew that i was on my way out. looks at the sun that mom looks at mom and that they know that i'm leaving and they 're waiting for me, i know that for sure, which is what you did right after you came back, spent two weeks in
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rehab, then went back to the military as one of the options. volunteer to participate in this task and as part of azov, well, we obeyed then. at that time , azov was participating , the solyanka team was also there, this is our 503rd battalion, as well as
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the airborne assault troops, and also, if i am not mistaken, the 54th azov brigade, which participated in kyiv, yes only after defense kyiv, they came here, and we are part of it. from them went to help the boys, well, as they told us, we fulfilled our task, we drew attention to ourselves when the 36th brigade broke through to zaovstal, it was then, and they simply turned their eyes away, let's say, from us, as now i remember, i had a commander at the time, a poet in charge, and he gathered us and asked who had a desire, and roughly speaking, then they raised. all hands are in the forest, but three men went to us to report, one crew went by car,
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volunteers, broke through 12 km to the rear enemy, and our task was to occupy two villages, we failed to occupy the second village, we made a lot of fire in the first one and began to pull back, well, when we started to pull back, we had very... dense cover, such as aviation, artillery, yes, they met us, let's say so, not with hugs, but as part of the people found themselves on the defensive, why, the guys decided to continue to defend, we, well, as we tried to win for a while, everyone thought that, well, such a problem, it should have been to decide something more hu...
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in march 2022, having surrounded mariupol, russian troops advanced further with the aim of seizing all of donetsk region. at that time, viktor sikoza was performing tasks together with the 503rd battalion. the defense in this direction in gladarsky began precisely from those trenches occupied there by the fighters of the 503rd battalion. achilles, deputy battalion commander. yes , then we, with our battalion... a small body, restrained the front, which should not restrain a battalion in this way, according to the so-called book, that is why we gave them serious resistance at first, as the events unfolded in zachativka, how are you were encircled, well, so you understand, somewhere we had a battalion that occupied the defense along the front, well, about kilometers, 15 to 20.
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that is, we were all stretched out in one line, the entire enemy, who concentrated on the trenches, then, under during the flight of the night bird , we, we noticed three columns that were being searched, that were supposed to move, as i understand it, in the direction of volnovakha somewhere, on average , each column had from 70 to 80 units of equipment there, our artillerymen were working, accordingly, the enemy turned around with this mass even the battle began to move towards us. we went out, i remember, it was a matter of landing meters, i don’t know , a kilometer, there was a lot of shooting , they were flying without an echelon, there were thirty flying in our direction , there the number is more accurate, the thing is that the tanks were roaring, and we were in a white sprinter with no front window, i’m saying in general, in short , if they kill me, then they will kill me, if not, then wake me up, so i wrap myself completely in a sleeping bag because
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there is no front window. i wrap myself in a sleeping bag, but i say that we were very light, a t-shirt, a fleece was dry up there, there should not be any clothes there, there was no understanding either, and that was it, after that, after that we regrouped and held the defense in yevgenivka for three days, we held it successfully, despite the fact that the enemy was also advancing on us, with provocateur, well provocateur forces, well... tytynk was five times more numerous than us what this village got, at that moment the commander of the battalion was killed, the pasha was shot down, the kingdom of heaven, well, the battalion was a bit disorganized, you can understand the moral and psychological state , after the death of kombat, all the more so, well, the battalion lived with this man, that is, used quite a powerful authority, very large a loss for the marines, very much, but its
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personnel is not what we are with... but to take revenge for pasha, for their commander, and they did not ask, on the contrary, such anger appeared in them that on the first of april, an incomplete battalion smashed two battalion of the russians, took a lot of trophy equipment, on which he is still fighting, sunday was intense, since the lathes were coming out, did you meet traitors from the 14th year from the marine corps of ukraine who went over to the side of the enemy? then on the other side of the border, of course, of course, here is the beginning of a full-scale war, somewhere at the beginning, towards the end of march , under the golden level, this is a small town in the novoseliv district, my classmate, let’s say andryushka bezlyudka, came to visit me, he himself is from cherkasy, here, well, we studied together in one company, cadets, that is, there were cadets together.


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