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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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we will be with political scientist, expert, internationalist maksym nesvitaylov. good health, mr. maksym, thank you for finding time for us. congratulations, always happy. look, it's such a simple and complicated question. davos annual gatherings, these forums, military, wartime, like now or before the war, the consequences occurred years or decades later, yes, today with... they decided to emphasize ecology, then for 3 years they gather people somewhere in tokyo or somewhere in brazil, in sao paulo or rio de janeiro, then another small meeting somewhere, then another 3-5 years passed and then they gathered at a big conference somewhere in paris and still did not come to a conclusion on what to do with this ecology, just like that... now here we go
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, the president met with those, with those, about it they said, they didn't let the russians in, and that's great , and, well, first of all, you're absolutely right, this is the nature of such liberal-democratic forums, as well as the specifics of liberal democracy in principle, it is so long-winded, procedural, bureaucratized, everything that consists of from the forums. summits, trainings, exercises, programs, grants. yes, on the same one entire industries just exist. and this year, yes, not an exception, in the same place there was a lot of talk about artificial intelligence, about the fact that mr. westerns are very concerned about what is artificial and what is artificial intelligence, what is artificial intelligence, misinformation, yes, a problem, but suddenly, and suddenly the world stopped. and
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suddenly something else, a very important question, well, it is precisely in the context of the fact that the world is moving, developing outside the context of our war and there global conflicts, but nevertheless, apart from this general preamble, which is discussed the most in the media and publicly, it is still the platform for such personal informal communication, where you can sit down and talk about the fact that, well , let's finally... these arrested russian assets, somehow we will convey, we all understand and yes, there is the legislation of the european union, all that, but there needs to be political will and approval from the biggest players, both states and transnational corporations, this seems to me to be one of the most important points, and that’s what it’s all about a glass over some good wine or champagne to discuss what russia is doing, well, now we are... tomorrow he and the rest, and
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you will think about it and give some emotional arguments that will get stuck somewhere in your head, okay , this is clear, that is, but we, we understand that even if there is a political will, a political decision and political necessity and political insistence, it will still be months, at best, about 300 billion, it is ideally months, or years, it will not happen quickly, because... ratify one by one everyone, in all the countries where this money lies, it belongs to the parliaments, it must be introduced, it is necessary, and the european elections are still ahead, in short, there is work, i draw your attention to such a philosophical position rather, you mentioned artificial intelligence, and i just yesterday evening somewhere, i don't remember, i read somewhere, what i read, i remembered my youth just like this, you know, school... well, when we were all
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fascinated by such a book, the hyperboloid of the engineer garin, and here are the british yesterday the day before yesterday they did an exam where missiles are fixed in a fraction of a second and in less than one second this beam flies out and neutralizes any missile, and they say that this is a and and a price. the price of neutralization is very ridiculous, 10 pounds , that’s a laser weapon, yes , something flies at you with a price of 100 million pounds, and you pressed a button and it went away, and you spent 10 pounds and it doesn’t fly anymore, or it flies in the wrong place, or so they say there are several options, and there is such an option that if you get it right, it explodes there in the air. so, that is, then the question arises,
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where is russia, i’m not talking about china, this is a difficult question, what was stolen, what was invented, that’s it, but where is russia in the future scientific and technical progress in any field, automotive, war, missiles, airplanes, that's where russia is in the words artificial intelligence, the hyperboloid of engineer garin, that's all where, where it is there, they have actions, they have an opportunity , well, lag behind, let's say, not just lag behind, but lag behind, let's say by less than 10 years, i'm not saying that they... are running towards each other and are about to compete with america or britain, where russia in all this, the latest? well, unfortunately, not everything is as bad there as we would like, especially if we let's start with the field of artificial intelligence, we should not forget that not only do they
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have a good programming school, but they also lured a lot of our specialists at one time, and here are all vkontakte, yandex, which we all used, telegram which... to a greater extent , they were created by the russians , er, and some part of them, either there for ideological reasons, or because of large grants, funding, remains there and works, including for the defense industry, our and foreign military experts note, well, despite of course, on all the nuances, but they have some progress, including with their, with their lancets, i am not an expert in this regard, i can only... refer to what is there in the military, for example, i read and the material, if i'm not mistaken, right there, about the fact that this is, well, such a serious and formidable weapon, which will include, well , artificial intelligence is already being used in new modifications, so here it is very necessary
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to watch it carefully and yourself not to fall behind, so that you know, we think about the fact that russia is lagging behind, but we ourselves are not lagged behind in this regard, because well... at first we were in a more advantageous position there in certain components, but then we dropped the initiative and, for example, on the same drones, russia began to overtake us, and now we already have programs that are very fast launch, there even with ideas from fedorov that let’s collect these fpvs in the house, i just don’t want it, it’s a very rough comparison, i wouldn’t like to compare such a somewhat vulgar thing with china and with great industrialization, where in every yard ... smelted metal, but something like this kind of thing, it was necessary to approach these moments a little more consistently and strategically, so that later it was not necessary to make such a fuss, therefore, of course, if you compare the capabilities of the united states of america and russia, well, they are
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incomparable, that is, there is no doubt about this, but we need also start from the position that, well, there are such setbacks as now with support... the united states, there is a delay, it will be, but there is a delay, and this window needs to be closed with something, and how far, of course, we have gone, so , that's when the prime minister of china, i will not say his name, i apologize, the embassy of the people 's republic of china, did not want to, could not, did not have time, i do not know why, got sick, the prime minister of china did not meet with... the president of ukraine , who is behind my back, his name is volodymyr zelenskyi. i would ask you like this, it 's just the distribution of powers of the chinese , that is, well, for example, if the president of china
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xi jinping, the prime minister, does not go to the economic forum, and he has the mandate to talk about the economy, and he has the mandate to talk about everything else, well, that not it's his business he can... so do you think it's okay to talk or not? and to him: well , we agreed that you don't do this? well ok i don't work out so i don't date. is this some kind of position? what do you say well, i 'm more inclined to the option that this is still a position, that china will talk about some global geopolitical issues and settlement only with the states, etc. the distribution of the sphere of geopolitical influence, they are gradually taking over this role from russia, because, well, it, like many other goodies, went to the russian federation in the legacy of the soviet union, and this
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confrontation by the state, now china has taken it upon itself, they are now interested in the war continuing as long as possible, it is directly in their geopolitical interests , that is. that's why i think that they will not take any steps to end this conflict, because, well, what is the benefit to them, but if we speak pragmatically, look, this is definitely the end now. question, but it is important, but unlike the soviet union, no matter how you treat it, it had some alliances, he was able to reach an agreement, able to negotiate, but china is not capable of agreement, in the tradition of china there is no tradition of reaching an agreement, they are so alone, so sitting, so big, strong with big muscles, if there was a non-alignment movement here, there are some countries constantly in contact with african there are some latin american countries, chile, the allende there
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, the indira gandhi in india, in short, they were alliances, china, there is no tradition for thousands of years, they have not learned to establish contacts known from europe from america, which are always in alliances, of the soviet union of the same, how likely is it that china will stand proudly and... and this will be a challenge for america, which during this time will be able to establish contacts with africa, with latin america, with asia and so on and the like . well, i would not underestimate china in this regard, because they use the technology of credit expansion extremely successfully, and then you remembered africa, africa is completely lost to china in terms of states, china bought half of all african countries, in fact, because they are sitting on unaffordable... loans, china is not just gives credit, well, when china comes out of its credit expansion, they go into
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some underdeveloped country, buy off corrupt elites, those corrupt elites take loans from china that are unprofitable for the country with insane interest rates, and also conclude agreements with chinese enterprises, for example, take a country like zimbabwe, a loan of a billion dollars for the construction of some factory with interest. there 10% per annum, 15% per annum, and then enters into an agreement with a chinese company that builds this plant, and it is not only the chinese company that builds it, and chinese workers, and here it turns out that the country is completely dependent on china for credit, and china is also building its infrastructure, on which, in fact, returning these funds, on which it also earns money, and they have already played such a trick in several in many they also recruited, recruited, and now
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they threw out that president and those prime ministers who were sitting there, a revolution, so it may not necessarily be as you describe, but it may be as i describe, so that - it happens differently, thank you very much, maksym nesvitaylov, political scientist, expert, internationalist, you just have to go to... and then talk about the united states of america. we will have a diplomat, the ambassador of ukraine to the united states and the ambassador of ukraine to france, mr. oleg shamshur, but only after 3 minutes, that is, after the advertisement. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melamamah b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6. full rest and give recovery of strength to the b6 melamah a full sleep and
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serhiy prytula charity fund project, stronger when ready for anything . sign up the first page of the great war. 242 days of fighting. 242 days of hell. defense of donetsk airport. we remember those who persevered. our program continues, you see the american and ukrainian flags behind me, that means we will talk about ukrainian-american relations, but first of all about the situation inside the united states. i hope that mr. oleg shamshur, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states, will contact us for five years from the fifth to the 10th
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year, then the ambassador of ukraine to france from the 14th to the 20th year, but in the first turn with mr. oleg... we will talk about the states, good health, mr. ambassador, good health, congratulations, i don't see you, but i hear you, that's the main thing, the main thing, and we see and hear you, that's the main thing, me at all you can clean up, because here you are the main thing, and i am such an auxiliary force, and i already see, well, look, so i have a question for you, today and yesterday, in the afternoon, information also appeared from ukrainian diplomats and... . from the former prime minister, the prime minister of britain , mr. boris johnson, that trump is not as scary as he is portrayed and as he was already portrayed in the minds of ukrainians as a negative element, and in the minds of russians as a very positive element for them, and both ukrainian and english diplomats say, no, no, no,
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is it you who think that he will be against ukraine and for russia, that he will be a whole... what do you say, there is logic in these thoughts of diplomats and generally important people, as i am definitely referring to mr. boris johnson, in that in their reaction to mr. trump's behavior? i think that what is obvious is that there is a desire, there are such english ones. in order to find out about the taste, whether putin is tasty, you have to eat it, that is, now, at least, there is no reason for optimism, because if you analyze all the statements made by trump so far in that period, when he's not the president of the united states,
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obviously they don't show a...sympathy for ukraine, i would even say a certain antipathy, secondly, what he offers as a plan to end the war very quickly, even in 24 hours, if you analyze it like this, then it will end this way at the expense of concessions from ukraine, that is, i don't see how trump will be favorable to ukraine, how? he will continue to give us the help we have received up to now, if, again, we look at his behavior during this crisis around immigration reform , around migration in general, we see that, first of all, he is doing everything to prevent
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a compromise between republicans and democrats, and the behavior of that part of the republican faction that he absolutely controls is small, very a vocal and quite influential group. pists, it is aimed at making it as difficult as possible to reach a compromise and, in the ideal version , to torpedo it, and such completely pro-trump figures as the congresswoman and green, they frankly say that in no case will go to provide aid to ukraine, and now more and more in america there is an opinion of analysts that ... a large part, certainly, at least part of the republicans do not want to reach this compromise, and in particular in order not to give biden's opportunity is to get positive,
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to score positive points in the settlement of the situation on the border, and in order to make it as difficult as possible to renew and increase aid to ukraine. that's the reality, and the fact that... maybe biden won't be so bad, well, i wouldn't get out of it, because as always one should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. well, but a candidate, and you know this better than i do, obviously, a candidate for president of the united states is quite often quite different from the same person who is president of the united states. before we remember, well, for example, the most vivid period of the american. history , at least in my head, this is the president who first called us the soviet union an evil empire, and then actually ended the cold war,
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that is, everything is quite shaky, you can’t do it here to say that we, we know for sure, you mean, well, you probably mean regina, but you have to remember that he is, he ended the cold war due to the fact that he is the west. he won this log war, don’t forget about it, well, maybe they will win now, we will win the war from the russians hot and everything will be fine, of course i would really like that, but if you look at trump, in principle, it seems to me that he doesn't even bother, as we say, to please the republican core, that's his fan base in... fan club, i would say trump, this is the basis of his support, and here the situation is the same, on the one hand, he definitely takes into account their mood, and their
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mood is neo-isolationist, unfavorable for ukraine, but on the other hand, he does everything to ensure that these moods to heat up, so that such moods increasingly take possession of the minds of the republican party as a whole, so i calculated. i wouldn't believe that what he is saying now is not what he will do. the only thing, it seems to me, that it is possible not to influence, to influence trump, is if putin’s policies and statements are somehow offensive, if putin as always overplays, it might have an effect, but again, i wouldn't count on it. one more question, very important, see. eh, the latest ratings, yes, trump is leading among the republicans, biden's ratings are falling, i can't understand here, i can imagine why trump is in such a position that he is very
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reliably winning, but considering that you know it better too, than me, the main thing in america is not foreign policy, it is domestic, everything seems to be going well in the economy, but support is being lost, there is no logic that from... this is really this is quite a peculiar situation, and it is characteristic not only of the united states, but also of other countries in the west. more and more sociologists show, pay attention to the fact that there is a real state of things, but there is its perception, and very often this perception differs from reality. if you compare the us economy with the economy of other western countries, then... it is definitely in better shape, if you look at inflation, then in principle, the latest data now show
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that it is constantly... decreasing, unemployment is at a very low level , a series was adopted important bills on the initiative of biden, but still, among a significant and according to the last poll, even a large part of americans, there is such an idea, such a mood, that the economy was better under trump, because they, first of all, compare it... the economy in what state the economy was in before the covid epidemic started and they trust, they think trump is the best economic manager, so now if you notice, biden has changed the angle of attack. rani, before it was the economy and what he called bidenomics, now the main topic is,
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the threat it poses. trump for american democracy, and to what extent , let's say, the commitment and importance of democratic principles will reign with questions about purchasing power, so that with regard to the standard of living of americans, imaginary and real, this is where, in principle , the main struggle will unfold. plus, biden is considered weak. president, the third point is the age factor, he does not look good, although , paradoxically, the americans did a study, and the prognosis for trump's life is worse than that of biden, that is, if you look at biden and remember how old they are and how old trump is, biden is basically in better shape than trump will be at his age. mr. oleg, an important question, very theoretical.
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we actually see, well, not a crisis, but such movements undermining the system of american democracy, the american institution, and here at the white house, when trump sent them, it is such an absolute wonder, oh, let's not let anyone into america, well, america is an immigrant country, and now let's not let it go, in short, there are crises, do you think america will survive through? 10, 15, 20 years like this itself, will something change, if something changes , what exactly will change, will the bicameral, two-party system change, will the bicameral parliament change, will the term of office of the president change from four there, i don't know, to five years, your version, very difficult predict, one thing absolutely, and in this i agree with you, the american system
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of governance of democracy is in crimea. and in principle, the fact that a large part of the population supports even completely unfounded statements and actions of trump indicates the state of american society. if looking at the perspective, still i believe that no matter how trump destroys american democratic institutions, they will endure, and, but i think that the most realistic ... option, and the conclusion that america itself, its society with of this crisis situation, there will be a revision of the party system, that is, i think that in the future we will see a two-party system, we will see at least the emergence of one party, just the party that obviously seems to me the most likely, it will be
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the part of the republicans who adhere to such unconscious, i would say reagan views on foreign policy, thank you, thank you, thank you, mr. oleg, excuse me, oleg sham shamshur, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states, ambassador of ukraine to france, was in touch with us, and i now i'll see who's leading the news, iryna koval is leading our news, beautiful, iryna koval, you've already seen her. so now enjoy 10-12 minutes, and forget about me for these minutes, then i will appear again. we have agreed, mr. mykola, in literally 12 minutes i will give you, i will return the ether to you, in just a moment i will tell you about the most important events at this time.


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