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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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the only possibility to point out the government's mistakes, and there can be no government without mistakes, is the media, and this is also the media that exists in the era of this absolutely senseless telethon, which in turn is such a reflection of the clan, between the self-righteous and the oligarchic, and also not enjoy public trust, so the authorities themselves should be interested in journalists expressing their opinions, criticizing those other fields. actions so that they point out to her about her wrong steps in conditions where we do not yet have a national government unity, i believe that sooner or later it will be created, that the ukrainian government will not be able to prevent either the pressure of ukrainian society or the pressure of our allies, on whom the survival of the state and the government itself depends , to be honest, but in the conditions of the government of national unity there is no , there is no strong prime minister who...could really
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lead the country in conditions when this legitimacy will already be lost, and was such a support for the parliament, which will have to take over a significant part of the functions of public administration, one way or another, here we are the government of national unity, ukrainian journalism is them, yes, apart from bigus-info, as recently as this week, and yuriy nikolov was also threatened and... notes were left on the door, but i am aware of this story, there are several telegram channels that all this is very active, i don't know how to even say, well, well, i was also in this situation, they also came to my house during the maidan of 2013-14, 10 years ago, they tried to break down the door, well no no , it's even worse than the notes to leave, picketed. they were pasting under my house
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some offensive postcards, i wasn't in kyiv then, but they held such a picket, i remember it very well, because it was also such absolute pressure on me, and it was , of course, terrible, and by the way, you know that interestingly, i also noticed then, for me it was also such an indicator that such an authority, which does this, does not enjoy any trust of the public, because when i asked my colleagues there to come at least... they cleaned all these inscriptions, which we have pasted all the surrounding doors, houses and everything else, there there was no longer a single postcard, because the people who lived there next to me, they themselves tore up everything down to the last piece of paper, this is a response to the authorities, that this is how it is with nikolov, not to repeat the mistakes of the yanukovych regime, if it is you, well it is... it is absolutely obvious, and one more point,
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because it always has a rather negative effect on the reputation of the state itself, because it legitimizes any information that journalists themselves say, a journalist can also be wrong, he can give unverified information and so on, so no no no holidays but when you are pressured with threats, it becomes absolutely clear that everything you said and will say is true, i believed that yanukovych's regime created a certain... indulgence for me for what i will say in the future, because he purely put a mark of quality on me, this is what portykov says, it is true, because we wanted to compromise him, kill him, destroy him and so on and so forth, in this regard i think that i should be grateful to that regime , who was then, well, although, although he did not have time to kill me, but our colleagues should be grateful to those who organize these sanctions for them, i think there is no greater... said
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award for a journalist and greater activation of his opportunity than to persecute in the eyes of his own audience and the world in general, a politician lowers himself, even the most high-ranking politician, including there the head of any state, and a journalist rises up, he has the opportunity to really engage in a duel with such a politician who uses such actions and destroy him, even at the cost of his own life, the prime minister of malta, during whose premiership was killed this known the journalist who investigated his, well, corrupt actions of the government, he lost his position and the opportunity to return to a political career, leonid kuchma, in fact, after what happened to giorgii hanadzich, he was a completely different person, his reputation is always. robert fitza, he's now
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back in power, but he and many of his associates have effectively lost power in a situation where they believed they were... absolutely unchallenged leaders after the murder of a journalist who spoke about corruption abuses , i i'm sure that this will definitely work out for him in the future, this situation will not go anywhere, and i can cite a huge number of such examples, so if you want to create a trap for yourself, in which you will get into, and from here you will not get out, please pursue journalists, it will be much easier for all of us. to close the castle in this trap so that you all sit there and can no longer squirm, and that is why president zelenskyi is doing absolutely right when he gives the order to investigate this, this is exactly the reaction of the head of a civilized state, just a moment, us the audience can see with you now, all our colleagues
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too, it is not known who is behind the telegram channels, how big a problem this is for ukrainian journalism, this anonymity and , one might say, impunity, well... this is generally a huge problem that exists in today's world of news , lack of verification of news, what i always say is that if i see an anonymous news that no one can refer to, it is not news at all, the news for it should always be more than just there, i am not saying that it should be photo, witnesses, well, how does it happen in an investigative case? and explanation, but there must be someone who takes responsibility for this information. we tend to read the news now and it's absolutely amazing stuff, from people who just really don't introduce themselves. and i
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don't think there's anything wrong with people reading it because it's like reading fairy tales. an important problem is that they believe in these fairy tales, as do adults, parents and grandparents. and grandmothers believe in santa claus, that is, in principle, this can be called a sign of schizophrenia, well, that is, when you are five or four years old, you believe that now santa claus will come and bring you a present, or saint nicholas, now, but these telegram channels are more like santa clauses than saint nicholas, i apologize, there santa does not smell like saint nicholas, and he does not smell like saint nicholas, and he does not smell like nicholas, but like grandfathers by frost stinks, because this is the russian technology of anonymous news, whatever we say there, we just inherited it, but when you are an adult, you must understand that this does not happen, that there is no news that is not
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confirmed by anything , and when he tries to discuss it with me, you know, anonymous the telegram channel did not write, well putin wrote in the refrigerator, patrushev is sitting on the refrigerator and eating sausage. professor valery solovei , a recent acquaintance from moscow life, at least takes the courage to present the fact of putin's death himself, this is an act, we do not trust professor solovei with this information, and we do not know in which refrigerator, with which yogurts, sausages and volodymyr volodymyrovych is among the cheeses, i think that with non-sanctioned ones, russian with russian, but you remember there was such a one. cheese with russian, yes, but at least there is a professor solovy, with whom you can talk about it, and my colleagues talk with him about it, yes, you can see him on the air, it allows
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you to think about something, especially when professor solovy talks about this body of putin directly from moscow, without leaving from the refrigerator, well, it's serious, i'm joking of course, but to a certain extent it's the same, you know, others. absolutely the situation, and here we simply receive news from people who are unknown to anyone, these people seem to come to the president's office for some kind of duel between the people and say, well, we have to deal with them to talk, they are a source of information, not a source, there is no such thing as anonymous information, because there is some anonymous channel that is controlled, possibly from the office, and there is an anonymous pseudo-ukrainian channel, i will not name them now. electronic , which are controlled by the administration, the administration of the president of russia, and they also spread completely false news about what is happening in ukraine, but the number of people who can believe this news, in principle, can be compared to the number of people who believe
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news from ukrainian anonymous telegram channels, that is, in fact, you create conditions for russian propaganda, because if a person in principle... believes in anonymous, he can believe in anonymous, which is created by your enemy, also under the guise of, uh, ukrainian telegram channel, just another . name, and it is very dangerous, because in principle the very fact of the existence of anonymous news in a country whose very existence is not yet complete, because it is at war, is a threat to national security, national security in the broadest sense of the word, a threat to existence itself of the ukrainian state, and i think that sooner or later it will work, we will see not that... what problems from the work of all these
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telegram channels, the main task, which is to write once again how wonderful this or that official is in our country , how bad our poroshenko is, conditional, is there anyone else, and we will see what effect these russian telegram channels, which are masquerading as ukrainian ones, will have, also their guilt is spreading like, you know, wildfire on the steppe, and which are being told. some kind of traitor, president zelenskyi, or ukrainian representatives there leadership and so on, how they want to destroy ukrainians and therefore do not agree on peace with russia, they are already doing all this, and this is a danger, and until the moment we find a tool of struggle, we will be vulnerable, and the tool of struggle is very it's simple to explain to people that unverified news is not news, that you can't believe any fairy tales, because in principle we know. what happens next, people who believe anonymous unconfirmed news, then start watching it on television,
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like in russia, uh, and on tiktok, and on tiktok, well yeah, and this too, it's, i'd say , it's a pandora's box of news, i sometimes flip through it in front of the news, you know, sometimes the news that you know about, but it's so washed out that you don't take it for what it is anymore they were, well , of course, but you can't remove anything in tiktok? because tictok is a chinese technology, and if we clearly understand that the people's republic of china aims for ukraine to lose and russia to win, which is a fact, but it will not do it by openly delivering weapons there, but with those technologies , which she owns, you can't do anything about china, it's already banned in the united states, they don't allow it to be stored there on the phones of government officials and so on, it's absolutely the right approach, but... again , tiktok is a genius technology, i'd say
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degradation information space, because we used to say, remember when the first social networks appeared, i mean there was facebook, oh, what a horror, people read a few paragraphs, they don't read long articles, they are just dumb, well dumb, of course, not all of us are dumb like that situation, but... the amount of information itself began to shrink to some 5-7 minutes of youtube to 30 seconds of tiktok 15 not 15, turn everything over, well, people, which means that the people of the people are left with a completely distorted country , a picture of reality, of course we try to fight it on all these platforms and on the telegram platform and on the platform. current, but we must understand that we are unlikely to win in such a situation, because again, if we
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cannot organize a real dialogue with society, ukrainian, these technologies win, you can ask, but how to organize it, and trust is needed, if you and i can see each other, but the broadcast cannot be seen, if we have to choose between tiktok, telegram and telethon, i think that the telethon will lose by a landslide, we ourselves with... created and with budget funds we get a team of losers in relation to telegram and tik tok, and if we had a variety of information on television channels, if people saw that we have different media that have equal opportunities, present different facts and have different positions, people do not need to search anonymous news, and sit exclusively on the phone, and you and i are actually on our own , against the wishes of government officials. incompetent in this field, are forced
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to do what the state should want to do, that is , again, as with drones, as with military assistance, as with these cars for which people collect money, as with these armored cars, all the things that should be done the state, people do, because the state appeared, not only that it suffered a complete fiasco in connection with the understanding of the danger, two years. that's why we were told that there would be barbecues, we have a good time here, thank you as they say, but now it is experiencing the same fiasco with real supply, to the armed forces, people still have to collect something for their money. and now the same with information security, this is our enthusiasm with you, it replaces state policy wherever there should be effective state policy, people simply replace the state with themselves, it is simply a miracle that we exist, i can’t get putin out of my head in refrigerator, to be honest, and this week he is worried that, well, not the one in the refrigerator, but the one behind,
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which one is out of the refrigerator, i don’t know which one, which one of... putin is worried , putin is worried about what deports the possible deportation of russian citizens from latvia, which is already honestly signed to one russian resource, and a story with a person who has already been sent to russia, the head of the association of russia latvia , it seems that there was something like that there, the man was 75 years old, it seems, they were promoted in... all day, each quote was presented separately, however, is it possible that this russian aggression is under the pretext of protecting the russian-speaking citizens of latvia, or maybe another aggression, and it is not a russian-speaking citizen, it is a citizen of the russian federation, it is not just
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like that, and here the question always arises whether russia should insist that other states'. demanded that its citizens live on their territory, i do not think that this is exactly a reason for aggression, it is precisely russia that caught itself by the tail in this regard, because it always protected russian-speaking citizens of other countries, they usually introduced troops and when it was there most russian women, whether they were there in abkhazia or south ossetia, gave away passports, but the situation is completely different here in latvia, they gave people the opportunity to obtain latvian citizenship. to pass the exams there are quite simple for knowledge of the language, for such other things, you understand that the person who was deported has been living in latvia since 1959, huh, well, what do you think, in 50 years, maybe in 40, maybe i am confused there in dates, it was possible to study
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paldi, slabadana, i myself can pass the exam for obtaining the citizenship of the republic of latvia, do you understand? i need three days, given a certain level of latvian language there, which i just have from childhood trips to latvia. i do not believe that a person living in latvia cannot do this, i do not believe. this is the position. this person just wanted to continue living the way he lives, to believe that our migs will sit down in a robe, as they like to say. such people, and as a result of... the post-transition period, she was forced to leave the republic of latvia, well, it is such a thing, i think that russia will simply promote this as proof that it is a fortress that is surrounded by enemies, and these enemies are still tormenting and persecute the russian language population and russian citizens, you know
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that now russia is generally developing a mandatory uniform. consular registration for its citizens abroad, there will be a change in the legislation, you will be obliged to be registered and report all your data to the embassy of the russian federation in different countries, i do not know how they will ensure this, but there may be some liability measures, let's say, in case you want to come back, well, you'll just be arrested at the sheremetyevo airport, relatively speaking, for the fact that you were not... registered, everything is very serious there with these things, they are talking about latvia there, and i think that today i read that they are introducing an electronic passport for foreigners, a special one, there is a special form in which everything will be entered, immediately after your arrival in russia , and you will even have a dna sample taken. this is a return to the soviet union, no,
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there was no dna in the soviet fsb in the soviet union, believe me. you know in volodymyr vainovich's novel moscow 2042, where everyone was forced to turn in, how to say, a secondary product in special points of each citizen, so this is precisely the creation of such a utopia, but they are seriously interested in it. i don't see that the baltic countries are now threatened by an open intervention by the russian federation, but there will be hybrid attacks, well, they do it with the help of migrants. already done against poland, done against finland, russia has a large border with latvia and estonia, we just don't notice it, realistically. eh, that it is so close, but i remember very well that when i lived there in moscow, and when it was not developed air traffic, there in the first post-soviet years, it was
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faster to get there by road than to kyiv, and tallinn is also not far away, it takes four hours to go from tallinn to st. petersburg, well, imagine this distance, and now we are talking to you not about trains and not about planes, but about tanks, they quickly reach at such... distances, but i don't think that russia will go to such a conflict, but migrants, it can send to such borders, try, try to the situation, let's say , to develop in narva in estonia or in the daugavpils pils in latvia, it is possible, but on the other hand, i am closely following the situation in narva, there really were quite good pro-russian results. politicians in the last parliamentary elections, but still one way or another, here is the current leader of narva, she is a well-known politician in estonia, a person of very
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moderate views, the residents of narava voted for her, the more this conflict continues, the more people who live even in such places are predominantly not russian-speaking, this must be understood, but of the russian ethnic population, because that's all it is here that we always get confused with these terms, when the russians there say that we will protect the russian-speaking population, you see that we had a russian-speaking kharkiv there and it disappeared, and because the vast majority of the population of kharkiv - they are ethnic ukrainians, ethnic russians live in narva, these are not the same thing, and these people are still little by little turning away from some radical pro-russian slogans, they are trying to integrate into the system of the republic of estonia, because they understand that there is a war there. on the other side of the border in ivangorod, here in narva is a guarantee of peace and normal life , the same applies to dafils, if you look at the results of the local elections in daogov pilsi, i
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do not think that it is possible to organize any real forms of destabilization of this territory, i understand why putin wants to do this, putin does nothing at all does not invent anything new, putin simply takes what was created before him. the kgb is trying to translate this into real life, so there were in the last years of the soviet union, when international fronts appeared in the baltic countries, there were interfronts, interfronts of ethnic russians, they became members of parliaments, that is , they tried to really be on the political field with popular fronts, in riga, in narva, everywhere. there were these organizations, their leaders were people's deputies of the soviet union and deputies of the verkhovna rada of their republics, they were elected by the people, it's true, but simply during this
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time people were already convinced of the difference between the european riga and the soviet riga, that's simple, they are of course, putin doesn't understand this, but i'll just tell you, when i was in soviet riga, it was a city that was everything black, but the color was black, and i somehow... but for some reason i thought that this must be a beautiful, black gothic place, and then i once came to riga already at this, i would say mature age, when the robes were returned their house was these collars that were before the occupation, and it turned out that riga is a multi-colored city in general, it is absolutely, that it is a completely different city, i think, my god, how i was deceived after all, it was not supposed to be black, so are the people, a person who lives in riga, you remember, a black city, but now it is not black, he... wants to live in a black city, nobody wants to live in black city, and this is a response to all russian attempts at internal destabilization, in fact yes, and if we are already talking
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about destabilization and a possible attack, then nato is now practicing this probable attack on russia on the western countries of nato , and collected almost a record number, will collect almost a record number. number of troops, 90,000 soldiers, what signal does nato want to send to putin? and this is very correct, it should be shown that the north atlantic union is not going to relax, and that in it has enough military capabilities to take russia to its head, even with the help of conventional weapons, even if we say that we can have a conflict without the use of nuclear weapons, that the nato army is much stronger and more effective than the army. of the russian federation, i tell you honestly, dzim, this is what we should have done before the war, i wanted to say, at the beginning of the war, that nato should have already shown, this is what we should have done.
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our army should have done it before the war, our state should have done it before the war, not search some agreements with moscow , here we will come to an agreement, here we will open it here, we will open the crossing here, we will improve people's lives, here we will start a bus so that it reaches the point on the administrative border, no, we needed to buy more weapons, we needed to convince the west , because we needed this and that, we needed to concentrate the troops near the line. clashes and near all our borders with the russian federation, so that russia sees that we are ready to defend ourselves and that we, in principle, perceive relations with it as permanent military danger in principle, after 2013 , it was necessary to make this dry clear, after 2019 , to continue this line. i assure you that this was the only possibility in relations with such a country as the russian federation to prevent war. that's all. what should have been done, and nato
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simply wants to do this by and large, if you are dealing with an authoritarian country, then you have to act according to a simple formula, if you want peace, you have to prepare for war all the time, and by the way, our future, as well as the future of the country, as long as russia is like this, as it is, as long as it will be an aggressive state that will believe that everything can be solved by force, do not even doubt that there are no other recipes in... interaction with the russian federation, except for strengthening its own military potential, by the way, that is why the cold the war was cold, because the west was always ready to accept the challenge of the arms race, to place its missiles in europe, do you remember how many there were then, and now it is also echoing hysteria, but we do not need pershing in germany, russia paid the soviet union money for this movement
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of peace, they all went out to ... shouted: "god, you are putting us at such a risk, in fact, this was what was the signal to the soviet leaders, as soon as you advance, cruise missiles will immediately fly in the direction of moscow, and you don't collect, we will simply destroy everything if you want to destroy something in us, and it is from this understanding of the soviet leadership that the west can respond adequately, and the idea of ​​peaceful coexistence of states with different social order, and if the west had not been willing to resist, then such an idea would never have existed there would be a war, and now such an idea is possible, if nato shows, of course, the stronger the west, the more president putin and the president of the people's republic of china, comrade xijiang ping, will want to create a model of peaceful coexistence and competition between countries with different ideas of what the world will look like,
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the only... the proof for all these people and for all these countries is solely that they understand that they can perish themselves, because no matter how much they tell, they will all go hell they won't check it no, i’m telling you for sure, they love life and money too much to find out whether they will lead to heaven or hell, in fact they do, but let them check, thank you, mr. vitaly, for this thorough analysis, for the interesting ones, vitaly portnikov, in the saturday political club, stay with espresso, there are many more interesting things to come, the news service has prepared a news release for you, stay, subscribe to our social networks and follow espresso further. all the best.
9:00 pm
greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, iryna koval is in the studio and for your attention news, summaries week not a special operation, a war. this week, ukraine once again loudly declared: not only the civilian population of our country should suffer, but also the aggressor country. therefore, in the city of kotovsk, the tambov powder factory was attacked by drones. one of the largest manufacturers. gunpowder for all types of weapons and ammunition. the destruction is very significant, although the russians hide the consequences. the attack in klyntsy, bryansk region, became even more large-scale. there, a fire broke out at a local oil depot. four oil tanks caught fire.


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