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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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of a shock invasion, war in cyberspace and defense in cyberspace, it was such a priority, there were very powerful attacks, these were attacks on the atm system, this was an attack on a private bank, an attack on the national bank of ukraine, these were very powerful didos attacks, this was also , so to speak, under the control of denys monastyrskyi, the work of the digital state was not disrupted, and this is the joint work of... and our teams, one of the huge threats that existed in the pre-war period and in the first, especially days of the war, is that that crime can raise head, and the fact that in fact not only riots in prisons can begin, but also looting can begin, street stories that are serious enough to deconcentrate the situation throughout the country, and the fact that it was possible to manage without any serious excesses, this is actually a huge work that was carried out by the ministry of internal affairs on the eve of the war, all thieves in law, in general, everyone
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works under the roof of the fsb, realizing that this is a very dangerous threat, they adopted the appropriate changes to the legislation, the criminal code, thanking the verkhovna rada and then also denys monastyrsky, as the head of the committee, and the president were convinced of the presence and importance of the threat, and sanctions lists were drawn up, and this whole gang, the brotherhood, was under sanctions before... the invasion, realizing that all thieves in the law, they will work on their will, what will they do, destabilization, they will do, as it was already in 2014 aunties, blocking and seizing state authorities, police stations, there ryderzhadadministration, regional administration, and everything else, riots in prisons overlapping
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dear, that was all, and we understood that there would be a team, they would carry out this team, that is why the minister of the monastery set the task of everyone from ukraine, everyone, and this task, it was fulfilled, and not only thieves are legal, the next link is behind them , who went to that position, looking at this whole gang, she was expelled from the borders of ukraine. on the 24th , everything was open. floor, office, no permits, denis was sitting surrounded by a bunch of people who ran in and out, non-stop noise, decisions about the war, it was necessary to blow up airstrips, blow up bridges, to evacuate people, the information was passed on to denis, denis called the president in order to inform him of what was happening, and this was a constant live dialogue of the entire country in one cabinet, probably one of the... first
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to break through to us in the dungeon, it was denis, he came with his wife, it was somewhere, well, if not on the 24th already at night, he appeared in our lives, this is a person who could not appear there in a week, no, well, in i generally have the feeling that he never left us, but he was just constantly there. is discounts on citramon darnytsia 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are 15% discounts on toosmayy at psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on amicitron - 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. at dinner already on february 24, i went to denys monastyrskyi's office. he said, anton, he sent it here. one audio, please listen,
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you as a media specialist, what to do with it, it was the same famous audio, russian ship go to. i am a russian warship, i suggest you lay down your arms and surrender. i said urgently that this audio should be published, this it must be done, because on the first day of the war, all of us lacked the confidence to believe that ukraine would fight. then this phrase. it became a complete brand of ukraine, it became a call that united people, it was our nopasaran, we performed not just the general functions of the ministry of internal affairs, we performed three times more functions than were generally expected for us and were allocated for our system, but he radiated the same confidence without changing his tone. and voice, but in the same
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measured manner, gave commands, reported to the president, everyone is so tense, he is the only one smiling, and it was inspiring, and you think , well, you... once the minister smiles, he probably knows something, it doesn't mean everything is so bad, and everyone started to work, but in fact, well, he understands, that at that time, but now , having a little more information, he understands that everything was very difficult, but with this behavior, he actually inspired hope, that is , he was practically our eyes on the outside. at 1:30 p.m., 100% clearance of the debris was completed and... search and rescue operation, in total, two entrances, 72 apartments were completely destroyed and a total of 230 apartments in this building were damaged, in total the number of residents lived in this apartment building was about 1,700 people, even when some kind of panic began,
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there groups entered kyiv, there was a battle, already near the ministry of internal affairs, i was just dialing him, he said: denis, you are in you can hear shots now, you can see something from the window, he says... he said, everything is calm here, now the situation in kyiv is like this, near kyiv the situation is like this, i will be there in an hour at such and such a checkpoint, i will personally check, look, make sure , i will call or write, i will say, that is, such clear communication , at the beginning of the war, it is important, because many people were shocked, stressed, confused, it caused respect, and it was very helpful in the first days of the war, the commander-in-chief there in peacetime, this is such a person there, on which there is not much ... they pay attention, and i didn’t have an armored car, well , i just didn’t have one, and even when the war started, we went to meetings in the president’s office in an ordinary car, and somehow literally
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by accident , he says, what, he says, the car is not armored, i say, no, we don't have any, because an hour, a driver ran up to me with square eyes, i tell you, like denys anatoliovych, i don't... i drove this car at all, well, it was cool, well, i drove it for a long time, because i didn't have one, and only then with we had a reservation for a car, it is like my family, everything is fine, we need some help, that is, with its load, there is asking me if i need help with my family or some household conditions, when i know that the situation there is simply extremely difficult, certainly not to my living conditions, but he in fact, i know that he was very interested in... many, in those first days of the war , he traveled everywhere even with his personal weapon, at that time everyone knew that there was information about the preparation of an assault on the government quarter. denis categorically refused not only to leave kyiv, even the government quarter, and he was sure that
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if we did not stand up, he would end his war right here in the defense of the government quarter, he was absolutely motivated to fight personally, then i asked, says denis , aren't you afraid? well, objectively, you are a person today, which you ensure, in fact, the functioning of the legal system in the state in conditions of full-scale aggression, and this creates incredibly great risks for you and for physical ones, he says: "i cannot think about myself at a time when the lord god chose for me the fate of being a minister state, and the destinies of people in this dimension depend on my decision." i don't think about myself, zhannochka, you are very strong, that's why i'm sure everything will be fine with you, i'm sure about our future meeting, i 'm absolutely sure of it, i love you all, i hug you, i called and said what's going on ,
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he didn't spend the night at home three days before that, and i left with the children, everything inside me was just tearing up because i didn't understand. how to leave denis here, but i understood that the children had to be saved, i just wrote to him on the way: "denis, please save yourself." he answered me: "now the main thing is to save ukraine." these were not some pathetic words, it was exclusively a correspondence between us. i understood that if something were to happen, in which there would be a need even for him, well, maybe he would have to die. then he was ready i want to tell even this to the children, you must follow the main basis in life, which you will
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follow. this basis can only be in the heart, in your heart. i love you, when the presidential election campaign was going on, serhiy nizhnyi, i believe, one of the trusted people of the president's persons, he invited those people to the president. whom he considered decent, who could help the president build a new country, and
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denys monastyrskyi was among them. the presidential candidate volodymyr zelenskyy then had such a pre-election campaign, this is a meeting of groups from expert, including on reforms of law enforcement agencies. they invited denys monastyrskyi, who had already worked with me for many years in the law enforcement reform committee, and of course the president saw his professionalism and expertise, and that's why denys entered. of the servants of the people party list. i met with him, he says: you know, i understand very well what i need to give up in my life. but perhaps, and if we, we all together form a single team, then i say so. this further emphasizes his sacrifice, because he knew that he would be, but he was leaving a very tough, public, political field. i believe that this is one of the best choices that have been made for the heads of committees, because he... on the one hand, he is a very professional person, he understands all the processes, the legislation there and so on, and
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on the other hand, he maintains this human view and not inside the system. when he was engaged in some regulatory and legal changes, he worked them out in detail, sometimes invited people who had a completely controversial opinion or position in relation to whether another question, but he invited them in order to hear this one differently. manitti of different positions and opinions to find the truth that can be implemented later, he started with an idea, explained why it was important, professionally prescribed it in text himself, because he possessed the appropriate level of competence and knowledge, he himself conducted dialogues at the committee level, in the hall with the leaders of the faction of groups , and that's why it was a success mode. bill 2695, the so-called drunk driving, it was a historic... bill, i want to tell you, this bill could not be passed by any chairman
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committee and not a single minister of internal affairs, we did it under the chairmanship of denys anatoliyovych, it was fantastic, i want to say that the reduction in road deaths is the merit of denys monastyrskyi, the law of loopholes in the law, which was very controversial, many... fathers , who personally knew, let's say, thieves in law, they did not want to adopt this law, denys monastyrskyi persistently pushed it through the verkhovna rada, i can say that the adoption of this law reduced the level of organized crime, this is a fact, these are statistics, you know, there were a lot of such bills, but for me i clearly know that his ideas, his vision will always be included in probably the most important law. the project adopted by this verkhovna rada is a law-making bill, it is a normative constitution, it may not
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be appreciated by ordinary people, but it accepted the idea that in a country with normative legal acts, that is, with acts that determine our future, it's just terrible, we have 1,100 normative legal acts in our country, and that's it something had to be done, and it was precisely his ideas, his vision, that formed the basis of this more fundamental law of the legislative act. this is what will forever inscribe his name in the history of rule-making in ukraine. he constantly said every time there, every day, that only culture will help to save. as a nation, as people, only culture, only the preservation of this culture, this is his, i believe that this is his continuation,
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denys, decided to paint about every house that has a historical heritage, he dug into the archive, he questioned various cultural society, he collected unique material, together we wrote the book khmelnytskyi cultural, the book was about the cultural organizations of the city of khmelnytskyi. pro-cultural objects of the city of khmelnytskyi. he took this book, came to the mayor and said that this is something our city should be proud of. let us preserve these monuments. so that none of the builders, repairmen, businessmen had the right to plunder, change the project without consent, and then the register was approved at the session of the regional city council, this is cultural heritage of the city of khmelnytskyi, this is the monument to denys monastyrsky, now
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there is a plaque above every monument of local significance. the second acquisition, of course. these are the cultural monuments of medzhibish, slavut, krasyliv there, sutkivtsi, zhvanchyk, and many others, it was necessary to study it, it was necessary to organize the local authorities, to interest them, he withdrew from the proposal to the verkhovna rada to preserve the monument in males, because it was collapsing. the roof was bad, and the verkhovna rada allocated funds to cover it.
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denis, as a person who was very interested history and really studied, researched it, i couldn't help it, everything was in a very bad condition there, everything was crumbling, everything was falling apart, at that moment there was an atmosphere of despair that all efforts to preserve and restore this fortress could not keep up with entropy, it was falling apart. in 2013, denys gathers people, completes horsemanship courses in order to be at the top there himself,
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denys took matters into his own hands. he chopped with pickaxes, cut down trees, he did all this, the first to go, the others watch and then do. denis began to create student units, who visited architectural monuments and received. in their recovery and restoration, and the activity of these student units under the leadership of denys acquired a very large scale. and today we have a lot of those volunteers, those students who come to us, continue to come, continue his
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work, and this is really a legacy, the one he left just for us. i speak honestly, despite the fact that i am a general, i served in the army for more than 30 years, i know all the weapons that exist in the world. was unsurpassed in shooting, he used assault rifles, rifles, pistols, and in our company, he was the best, i was always second for some reason, and the most important thing was that denis did it while playing, he took to shooting the maximum indicators, he took to throw a grenade there, well, from the first time, he he really liked to shoot, so did i, we
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talked a lot with him on these subjects, there on weapons, he read a lot of books. you know, i was very seriously interested in this, especially pistols and so on, it was very much his, well , admired, i would say so, i can say that due to the accepted maximum correct and tough decisions, the influence of the adversary, well, it was actually minimal, almost zero, yes, it required difficult and difficult decisions, but... denis was one of those who found the strength to make such decisions. then, denys anatoliyovych, together with yenin and the first vice-president, made a decision that... we should now distribute automatic weapons to all those who can hold them in their hands, this gave a lot of confidence to a large number of people, he called the president and said
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that there is no other way out, we have to arm ourselves population, the discussion was intense for several hours, the president also had an ambiguous attitude to this, and after a while, i remember what denis says, the president called quietly, it was... a very short phone conversation, denis hung up and said: we hand out weapons, like, let's give a command to everyone, and it seems to me that this was exactly the same catharsis of kiev's indomitability, he understood that this was a very dangerous decision at that time, and he understood that it could be criminal responsibility, if not adopted regulatory act, which will confirm the legality of his actions in the future, but he, i could see from him that he absolutely consciously took on... this responsibility and understood that at this moment it was very important, it was a violation of procedures, but it was a unique situation when it was necessary was to make people armed, and this played
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its role, when cars arrived and hundreds of people collected kalashnikov assault rifles, these shots were shown on all russian tv channels, then suddenly in russia they also began to understand that there would be no advice on the khreshchatyk, that the russians would simply shoot at streets from windows with every yard, wall and at the negotiations, when i first appeared in belarus at the first negotiations with russia, and they tried to psychologically put pressure there and say that you have no chance, we are there for, as long as we finish today's session with you , we will already be in kyiv, and i told them in response that while we are starting a conversation with you, i want to officially inform you that weapons are being distributed on the streets there, people are signing up there, that is, they did not know the exact number, of course, but they understood that i was not lying about myself. format it's true they were very shocked, surprised, when they started talking, here you are handing out vending machines, it is not known to whom, there you gave out 10 00 there, to which we calmly say, you
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are wrong, we only gave out 21 00 in kyiv, i testify to you officially, in general, we have already distributed 120-150 00 there and we continue to distribute them, and they, since it was so much from us, well, it was openly said, so that they clearly understood that it was true, even in those conditions , we... tried to record everyone , which gave us the opportunity then all the weapons that we were issued, denys anatolyovych knew about it , we entered it completely into the digital database two months later, we have all the weapons counted, all the ammunition is counted, we live in a state where, at the genetic level , any incomprehensible situation creates a sich, there is a machine gun , there is a street, my house, we are building a roadblock, well, we are building it, and no one knows what to do on it either, they have already blocked traffic and were, unfortunately, panicked, including reactions when they shot, including at people, who did not stop at painful posts, there were these tragedies, denys and i too were discussed, and then
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a government decision was made that strict control would be introduced, he actually took the lead, said that let's do it regardless of who built this checkpoint, who works at it, so that the main person should always be an employee of the ministry of internal affairs, when it did, then a kind of... this process appeared, once in the evening this idea about an army of drones was voiced, it was still spring somewhere, what a spring it was, we just ran out of shells, the idea came to us that it was necessary to move away from the barrels and raise these shells in drones in the air, and we discussed this issue one evening, and literally the next day, jenin yenin appeared at our house, who says: i say, he has seen it, he already says, it is possible, it is possible. it is possible, or maybe that day or something, they dragged us both to the training center, but here she is, like her, while everything was still going bankrupt in our offices and the concept was being carried out, there the
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matter was already in full swing, and it moved thanks to these two wonderful people who were in the process, who understood and felt exactly that here it is, this grain, which, by the way, we are unraveling even now, the russians call such drones babaiguy, because at night it makes... a certain noise that is associated with its babai. denis believed in this idea of ​​innovation, and drones are an innovative solution. and denis picked it up, together with zhenya, and they just started patronizing, let's say, in their own direction. evgeny just got carried away, he believed in it, and he about... just unbelievably immersed himself in it, unbelievably, he would come home late at night, there would be some last messages, some last calls, they were related to
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hereby. and just like that in the morning he woke up, some results, there it was some kind of incredible, incredible faith and conviction that this is what should work, it will definitely work, they already saw that in may, in june of the 22nd year , what will happen in a few years, what is happening today, and when no one believed in it, when these ideas, they may have seemed strange, we then... already started working together, investing, looking for resources, uniting partners for to develop the first drone units and even with such technologies, which in general, it seems to me, no one could even think about at that time , he took me, and other ministers there, and the president to this, you know, control center, he showed them to everyone, he infected everyone with this idea, what drones, these strike drones that can
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destroy equipment every day. that this is our asymmetric advantage in this war, because we could not compare our resources, and it was he who was really ill with this case, and thanks to this, this group is still active, and in general, this army of drones, which now led by fedorov, and it appeared there as a result of the success of denis's pilot project, he tried to somehow impose this vision of his on the military, who still do not understand. that drones are the future and that it is necessary to work with them, and you know, he did it in such a gentle manner of leadership, when with his charisma, warmth, energy he could with such a calm word, he could somehow break anyone during this conversation without force and aggression, and in this , well, that was his charisma, and when i remember him there, i remember this warmth, yes, he was like a person who radiates warmth for a year of existence.
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destroyed tanks, missile systems, salvo damage to the russians for more than a billion dollars, this is fire, rebov systems, howitzers - this is bmp, bterras, this is remote mining, this project is actively developing. and brought billions of dollars of damage to the russian federation precisely thanks to denis, because he believed in this project, he provided a platform as the national guard to start implementing this project, and this project continues to develop, they every achievement with denis anatolyovych came, invited us, we not only went, we went to their control points, looked at their achievements, what they have already
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done. they provided some personal assistance, that is, they lived with us through what was happening at the front. it was suggested that on the graves of denys monastyrskyi and yevhen yenin , the drones that were involved in them, that they would support, should be depicted in a stylized manner. one drone, which is on the grave of denys monastyrskyi, it does not have a name due to security issues, this drone was one of the first to fly to moscow, bombed the capital of arkastana, and another drone, which is called baba yaga, it is a dronecopter, it is depicted schematically at the last resting place of the remains of yevhen yenin, this drone destroys the orks every day, destroys their equipment, and
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denis and... gen made a huge contribution along with the president, along with the leader of the drone army project mykhailo fedoriv that we should have a drone shield of our country, and therefore it is quite logical. together with this evil, of course, we understand that little by little, whether we want it or not, we are returning and plunging into the so-called middle ages, this is the experience of aggression, medieval aggression, which actually puts us on a level with the fighters of bohdan khmelnytskyi, petro sahaidachnyi, and other such soldiers, but these are soldiers who remolded other military units, many from different sides, now it is our turn, and it is our turn to remold .


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