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tv   [untitled]    January 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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yevgena yenina, this drone destroys the orks every day, destroys their equipment, and denis and yevgen made a huge contribution, along with the president, along with the leader of the drone army project mykhailo fedoriv, ​​in ensuring that we had a drone shield of our country, and therefore it is quite logical . together with this evil, of course , we understand that we ourselves, little by little , whether we want it or not, we return and dive. in the so-called middle ages, this is the experience of aggression, medieval aggression, which actually puts us on the same level now with the fighters of bohdan khmelnytskyi, there petr sahaidachnyi, others such soldiers, but these are soldiers who imitated other military units, many of them from different sides, now it’s our turn and turn to redraw... the russians, i am convinced, we
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will do it, but of course, this mark will remain in our souls very much and for a very long time, and we must understand that, well, we must not forget what we are fighting for, not only for the sake of liberating the territory, but for the sake of defending such values ​​that our people have, the values ​​of seven values, well, of our origin. and actually the wisdom and wisdom that our forefathers had and we still have help us fight today and build a new independent ukraine tomorrow. education is the strongest weapon. which is capable of changing
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the world, i am convinced that denys, despite his activities, was an educator deep in his soul. after working in the verkhovna rada, we returned to khmelnytskyi, together we taught parliamentary law, i gave lectures, he gave seminar classes, which is surprising that the exam for students was not a traditional exam, everyone had to. student to find gaps in current legislation and prepare a draft law, such extraordinary methods are typical for him, if he met you in a place, then he met you not as a teacher, but as simply not denys anatoliyovych, but mr. denys, for example, he wished that it was not him above all, and so that everyone becomes a little higher. humane pedagogy, it is mainly built on spirituality, if we know. meme
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of 10 classics of world pedagogy, four were born in ukraine, sukhomlinskyi, ushinskyi, peragov, makarenko, education has a very interesting origin according to the pedagogy, it is the disclosure of the hidden, the disclosure of education, the disclosure of what is hidden by the creator. and what is hidden by the creator? character , temperament, abilities, orientation, this is the main task of a humane pedagogue, revealing the potential of a creator, he deeply understood this, he accepted that pedagogue as his philosophy, as his way of life, he showed amazing subtlety...
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so that a person i knew this subject 100%, i played in kvn, at that time, and i thought that playing in kvn, everyone would give me some grades, just like that, everyone understood it that way, because we we are representing the university, and i didn't study anything, i came to... to retake, and i'm sculpting something there, something like that, something incomprehensible, he says: "dmytro, you will know this subject from me." i say fine. i say, and you won't put me, he says: "no, of course, i won't." if you study, i will give you a grade, if only for knowledge. but it so happened that after 13 years you even remember this subject.
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he was everywhere, he was in the process, well here in kyiv. yes, chernihiv region - yes, kherson region - yes, kharkiv region - yes, well he, he, well, he he, yes, he was at the control post every day, he looked at the maps every day, we communicated constantly, but i will honestly say that, well, i probably spoke with the commanders of the groups less often than i spoke with denis, it seems as if we and had, had. to be together all the time, about 40 helicopters began to attack the gostomil airfield, the battle continued until the afternoon, six helicopters were shot down by the guardsmen, two helicopters were forced to make a forced landing, as
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a result of the battle, about 100 russian paratroopers were killed, in fact gostomil airfield was considered by the russians as a gateway. to kyiv, but these gates were not open, around 10 o'clock in the morning in front of me, in front of the windows, these enemy rotorcraft began to enter, some, well , the number seemed to me infinite, they kept going, i began to see with open eyes that the whole space of the good was covered with such small, small with ... shiny golden pearly snow, this is such a magical state, well, magical , a battle is going on here, a war has begun, i am aware of it, and i see before my eyes this snow that covers our entire land, i then it seemed like in
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mother's womb, i.e. complete protection, protection of peace and bliss, this is for a superhuman condition, i.e. it is not... it cannot be compared with anything, i usually perceived it as the protection of a great mother, the protection of the heavenly intercessor or the mother of god, only later this image, i found a form, an understandable form of this image, i took for it the image of a veil, and of course i perceived this snow as a veil, that our land was covered, the holy one covered it with a veil, a holy veil. there were hours when such cannonades went on without interruption, it remained on our street nine people from about 200, the nearest arrival
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was 30 m from me, i thought that they had already entered our house, there was no light and heat. we lived in the temperature for three weeks. +7 , i wanted to sculpt, i had a lot of work started, but my hands were freezing and it was almost impossible, all this time i was 32 days or 31 days of occupation, i was in gostomel, there was no fear, it’s true, he was the first to go to the occupied territories, both in kyiv region and in chernihiv region, in sumy region, kharkiv region, saw... the whole tragedy that unfolded in the occupied territories, he was the first to send me photos from buche, we, in fact, together with the president , looking at these photos, understood that journalists should be taken there, when he was in buche, he says: mom, i can’t sleep, it’s not
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what sleep, he says, i can’t eat at all , it was so deep for him, i saw how he was, he was sitting, how he was... for a short time, i wondered where he got the strength to go through this every time temples, all this was visible behind the somewhat changed ego's beard, how the ego had changed moment and go on and do something again and not give up, because actually i saw him very often and very tired, but never at all never disappointed or somehow that he he he thought that everything could be bad. i suggested that it would be very cool to create an image of a veil, it has
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such an energetically important symbolism, then this image appeared at the beginning in the first hours of the war. he appeared, well, let me see him, like an artist, like sable-golden, pearly snow. and... then we already dressed in an understandable image of the saint, denis agreed with sofia of kyiv, he constantly rested here and there, after every stressful business trip, he came to sofia, to him. this faith and this sense of religiosity, it was somehow so sincere, he constantly turned to the most difficult moments, i am
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sure that he turned to the higher. sophia of kyiv was, by and large, such a place of strength for him. after the start of the war, it became the place where he could generally recover emotionally and even physically, because physical fatigue was also terrible just in those days. we looked at the territory where the entire sculpture can be placed , and such an unusual place, it is near the zaborovsky gate, there are the remains, the foundations of the church, it is called the millennium church, this church is almost the same age as sophia of kyiv, it is the 11th century, and that sculpture now fits in so well, she found own place
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masters die, leaving a memory of how early, in the bas-reliefs of sadness, they have already stopped for a moment, the apprentices have not yet become masters, and the work is not waiting, it must be done, a very strange landscape, talents go in droves. the seventh heaven bends its vanity to itself, with the masters somehow
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it's easier, they are like atlanteans, hold the sky on their shoulders, that's why there is a height, there are discounts on amicitron 20% in pharmacies for... the century is luxury, scandals and intrigues, the gilded century from hbo, watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription , turn on the aristocratic one, there are discounts on optimal 15% in pharmacies plantain, pam and oskad. exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations friends,
11:14 pm
the political club on the espresso tv channel is on the air, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause a resonance in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's win, they help to understand the present and predict the future. a second trump presidency will be terrible for the world. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 8 p.m. 10 for espresso.
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i always thought that if there were any dangerous moments, i was sure that i could feel something, that somehow i could warn, right? but these days in general. no signs, no warnings, no sensations, and both in me and in him. we saw each other that day around 12 o'clock. he was absolutely delighted that he had it. tomorrow is a business trip, so that it is a new day, a new activity, there are no signs at all that any danger may await, there is simply a breakdown into molecules, that is, it is a day when you yourself are, as it were, destroyed
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along with him. i read the news that a helicopter fell in brovary, kyiv region, and i remember i called zhenya mironenko, i say, zhenya, i say, tell me how it is, i remember his words, and he says: friend, hold on, that's it, and i realized that everything, everything, and i got together and went to... immediately to the place, to the place of death, after january 18, my life completely changed, i got the location, ran into the car and drove there to the breweries, here well , that's all there, you've already seen the scale
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of the damn tragedy, in short, the kindergarten . well, it's not only our inclusive a tragedy, well, children and parents were also affected there, someone lost a family, there, well, this, this is such a large-scale, well, colossal tragedy, i immediately came there and katya and everyone, i say, look , you will also take care of the families there, analyze who how, who suffered, so that we do not stand aside, this is denis. i definitely wouldn't have accepted it, i live with it every day, and i apologize,
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if, well, i've seen a lot of things in my life, in fact, i've been in different situations , critical, emotional and, well, enough of everything else, but sometimes it just hides, yes in fact, yes, i remember every minus about everyone, the first person who called me was yevhen yenin's wife, lyudmila, and she asked me, our husbands went on a business trip... we, however, i already felt that, well, this is some kind of abnormal question , and it’s kind of dangerous, and then she says that you know that the helicopter of the state emergency service crashed in the breweries, i also started calling denis’s colleagues, i don’t understand, but why, but they didn’t
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say anything at all, that they were dragging it out in time, it didn't work at all, i got myself together, i already in... i went there in general already on a certain stretch of the road, i called yevgeny maronenko, i asked, yevheny, tell me it's normal, that's all, he said yes, well, at that moment i already understood that now i need to be with my children, a tragic event, you know, very painful, she was for me and for my wife, she... knew him well, frankly speaking, a tragedy, this void, unfortunately, it, well, for us, at least, it is not filled with anything. i have been at the front since the 14th year, especially during this great invasion, i lost a lot of people. at a certain stage i thought i already was i'm so used to funerals that
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i'm sorry, but the loss of the minister turned out to be much more painful for me than... what i expected, probably because the minister was not just a friend, there was still some hope for him in the context of ukraine , in the context of our future, he gave some hope that these people would now begin to change these political elites, it was a little more than just the loss of a loved one. it seems to me that both yevhen and denis, when a certain large-scale aggression began, i felt that they are ready... if necessary, to give even their lives, and it is painful to watch this on the one hand, but on the other hand, it is a great pride
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and honor for ukrainians who are ready and make this great sacrifice, it is always unfair when people leave, but when such bright people come in this dark time. it kind of breaks you from the point of view of believing there that some good can win. we quietly always talked about one can go earlier, one can go later, go, i mean, see, i can't even really say die, because there was no such death for denis and me. to leave is simply to cross a border, to leave is simply to be in another space, for me actually. not now, he is alive, exactly the same as he was alive before, he is just not next to me physically, and i just understand that if we were separated for a while there after the war, then now it is
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just a separation in space, but life is further it continues, and denis thought exactly the same, and that is why it was probably not the case for him, that is, for him, this understanding is that... if would have to sacrifice even his life for a certain idea in which he believed and which he was faithful to, for him it was nature, denis and i talked many times about death in general, about the transition, about the fact that life goes on, and we discussed even such a moment that when a person dies, it is worth behaving in a very balanced way, because the spirit is a moment when he is very worried, he also does not understand, may not even understand what is happening, he needs the support of those close to him, his the most kindred people in spirit, me
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i understood that now prayer and the feeling that he was calm were the most important things, i was struck by how much they were all in the world. people, how close they are in spirit to denis, and when i already learned about what had happened, i was actually startled, startled, by the fact that in one day such bright, such good people left in such a large number, and i understood what exactly are they, they could still do a lot for the country and for many, in general, many in this country, this morning er... he shared with me in the spring, in such very light, blue clothes, and with
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an extremely light, smiling face, and when i woke up and realized that i was going to today's shooting, the first thought that came to me was what i must say or express his words to all ukrainians that everything will be fine. i have met many secretaries of state, well , a state secretary is like sysadmin in aitishniki, it is more a diagnosis than a profession, it is the most important bureaucrat of the ministry, but lupkovich was not like that, he was a very easy person, it was a model like this, denis says what needs to be done, lupkovich's task was to fix the bureaucratic machine like this. for this result to be achieved, he was a super dad, a super man, a super son, and
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a super, let's say, statesman, here's someone who didn't work with him, he was such a strong and motivated person that people were inspired, one of the best professionals of hardware affairs that i knew, a person who lived in the state, and who... crystallized himself as a professional in understanding state processes, it was very important for him not to let the minister down, as a person who was in his understood by an incredible authority , the personal secretary of denys monastyrskyi died, and tetyana shutyak, she was such a sunshine, as we called her, bright, joyful, a girl who smiled while working, well, in very difficult conditions, i really miss denys monastyrskyi. congratulations
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, together with our friends, you know, we made a decent memorial at the place of their burial, we remember each of them constantly, this is a great and unacceptable loss for the whole country, especially during the war, of course, a huge loss for every family and we all made so that such a tragedy simply does not happen again. our love story with zhanna has its beginning. and does not have its end , although it is difficult to say exactly about the beginning, because it seems that my wife and i have known each other for a very long time, it happens sometimes when you meet a person for the first time and it seems that you have known him for many years, it seems to me that i always waiting for her and finally met her, i
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remember on... the first date, how it was, it was very strange, he just suggested to go and meet the sunrise, and it's strange that i agreed, because i am not one of those people who gets up very early, but in fact it was just an amazing dawn, it was the understanding that this is your person, denys and i later shared, it is as if you recognize that person, with who did you agree to meet when you become a father? there is an unusual feeling in the hands. as if your hands become more sensitive, warmer, softer, and in general, even a little bigger. it seems that you feel every line, every unevenness on your hands and fingers. you start shaking hands less, because you you want to preserve and not spill this new feeling. it seems that you got a real jewel in your hands, which needs to be constantly
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warmed. and feed with energy, and you understand that this jewel is your child. our children loved him very much , they loved him, and the children loved him, but of all our friends, seriously, our families with whom we were friends, he saw a personality in everyone and communicated with them as a personality, i asked how you were interested on the weekend. .. just go to the forest with the children for the whole day, and he is really sincere said, and i felt that it was so, he says , i’m interested in them, i looked in my phone, it says in a circle, we went to the hydropark with the children, join, i write no, sorry, i can’t, it’s late today, and such recorded a bunch, and now i am so sorry that then this time. now
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, now, this was also our family joke, and i said that in some conversation with friends , we talked, i said that for our children , in fact, i did everything i could, and i found this for them actually the best. father in the world, everything else, i told donysov, everything else for you, well, unfortunately, it didn’t turn out like that, as i said about it, everything else was left to me, and the truth is, wings don’t need soil, there is no land, then there will be sky , if there is no field, then there will be will, there is no steam, then
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there will be clouds. this is certainly true of a bird, but what about a person, what about a person, he lives on the ground , he does not fly himself, he has wings, he has wings, these wings are not made of fluff, feathers, but of truth, virtue, trust. me, who has faithfulness in love, who has habitual passion? who has sincerity to work, who has generosity for care, who has a song or hope, or from poetry, or from a dream, man does not seem to fly, he has wings, he has wings.


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