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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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lo partner countries, but we understand that having your own aircraft and operating at the right time in the right volume with one or another means is a completely different story than periodically receiving some limited amount of information from partner countries with a certain delay , or, for example, as we can see, this happened including, for example, satellite communication by the stalin system, when in certain areas it is provided by the decision of one or another owner in other areas, where it would be very useful for the ukrainian defense forces , or on... for and this access is unfortunately not available, mr. bohdan , the sabotage and reconnaissance group of this signal , if i understood you correctly, despite the fact that the f16 is a rather old, old model, but with all this modern equipment that you mentioned, it actually far ahead of any russian... yes, well,
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which is on, mass weaponry, uh, enemy air force, yes or no? well, look, it cannot be said that there is a big difference, but on the other hand, we understand that the aviation fleet that ukraine currently has which operates, we are talking about fourth-generation aircraft , which have to face russian aircraft, the so-called 4+ generation, that is, the su-35 and older models, of course from the point of view of... range, from the point of view of the quality of electronics, from the point of view in terms of the capabilities of the systems for detecting and destroying targets, the soviet mig-29s are weaker, they have a shorter range and less efficiency, as a rule, they have to fly for quite a long time in the range of enemy means of expression in order to get to that distance themselves , from which you can hit the enemy aircraft, if we are talking about the f-16 in this modification of myla, which is planned before the transfer of ukraine, then in fact ukraine.
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will also receive aircraft of the so-called four plus generation, that is, we will be talking about parity in the air, and perhaps even in some cases slightly better indicators, because we remember that russia often likes to overestimate the e-e in its weapons characteristics, e- er, theoretical and in numbers than those real indicators that er can be on the battlefield, so we can say that even this is rather stale modification, i would say f16, it... will allow to even out this imbalance of forces, including more effectively countering more modern russian aircraft, i.e. the su-35 and the su-30, including, perhaps even and su-57, here, but of course, it is impossible to compare with the aircraft of the generation, i.e. f-22 and f-35, to date. mr. bohdan, thank you for this inclusion, for the professional analysis, bohdan dolin, an aviation expert, manager of the aviation sector, was in touch with us, and... at the end of our
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program, we cannot but say about the main events related to crimea this week, well, first of all, the blackout in many crimean cities is connected with the disabling of a certain part of the equipment of the balaclava theses, the occupiers have repeatedly stated that ukraine is trying to attack with quadruple missiles or drones, this object , it obviously has a certain strategic importance for the energy sector of the occupied crimea, but less so it seems that the occupiers themselves are well advised not to provide the elementary benefits of civilization to the inhabitants of the peninsula, even without the involvement no, well, i don't know, assets and tools from the defense forces of ukraine. well, ayder, i want you and i to comment on one more extremely important topic, it... in my opinion,
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is very relevant and resonates, as we see, with the indigenous people of crimea. we are talking about the events in bashkurtostan, the fact is that there were meetings, rallies and riots, which i have no doubt will be suppressed, but we hope that they will make some invisible beginning of some real process. on january 17, to alsynov, this is an activist who talked about... the consequences of gold mining in the region, he used the expression karakhalyk, in turkic languages, it is used to denote ordinary people, the expertise determined it in terms of translation, as a word that i will not say on the air now, because it is not in any way, it is not possible, thank us for this not to praise, the word was translated as, as a result of one's own lack of knowledge , a person was imprisoned in fact... play
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, the residents of bashkatostan did not like it, the rallies were extremely active, people gathered near the court in the city of baymak, after the activist was sentenced to four years in prison for incitement this international ostensibly enmity, and the head of the crimean tatar people's majlis published a video on his telegram channel, calling on the residents of bashkortostan to resist the russian punitive force. rafat chubarov said: "today you show the whole world your loyalty to your land, be even closer to each other, unite with other oppressed peoples of russia. your main enemy, moscow, the kremlin, putin and his local subjects like khabirov. in bashkortostan , and chubarov calls on the soldiers of bashkortostan, who were driven to war by putin, to switch sides of ukraine in order not to commit war crimes. ayder, what is this story about for you? well , really, this is, uh, a fairly ancient turkic-speaking
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people, and the crimeans even understood a little of their language. but the problem there is that all these events are taking place on the... edge of bashkortostan, it's not ufay, it's very far from ufa, it's the eastern, eastern border, already from the non-border, there, i don't know what region there is, but there really is a majority there, i just talked to one activist of the bashkortostan national movement before our program, who is abroad, he said that this is a settlement... the vast majority of the population there are bashkorts, exactly bashkorts, that’s the right way to call this people, and the bashkorts themselves are very possessive, that is, we only know about solvat yulayev, who together with yemilyan pohachev
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once raised a rebellion against catherine ii, and there, in fact, every generation of bashkortostan raised a rebellion against the russian empire, that is, there is no need to be surprised, but that is, they were before that... well, they are absolutely suitable for protests, but in the last putin's russia did everything possible to erase any national signs, to destroy any identity, and even 20 years ago , many more people in bashkortostan spoke their native language, now, unfortunately, they hardly speak, especially in big cities , that is, putin did his job and reik did his job. there are only two schools of bashkir speakers in ufa, that is, the people are very, very dissolved by the occupiers in such a mental sense, but still , there is hope, and because this political prisoner
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is not because of that, but because the translation there is inaccurate planted, this is a formality formal reason yes, in fact he was a participant. of the national movement for a long time, and he is a well-known patriot of bashkurtostan, of his people, well , such people are called nationalists there, well, in a bad sense, and well, that is, who is not, who is not russian, is a nationalist, i don’t know, but most likely these protests will be suppressed, but you know that grain will remain anyway, and one day it will explode under certain circumstances, we will count on it, because we need to defeat russia, and from the inside, too, so ukraine is an example for the peoples of russia empire, let's hope that the beginning has been made, well, and probably finally, i can't
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help but remark that we all need to be as careful as possible, there are very few russian ships left in new russia, a lot of ships'. removed to the waters of the black sea, we record and continue to monitor the behavior of the ship group of the black sea fleet. at the same time, it is worth noting that a tarantula-type guard ship sank in sevastopol, this is reported by us, our movement of resistance to atesh. agents, and also during the reconnaissance of ships in sevastopol, discovered a drowned border guard. the ship of project 205p tarantula , it is located at the pier of the gravska bay, it was probably shot down during the attack by naval drones on the military facilities of the occupiers a few weeks ago, so we understand that the preliminary investigation very often takes several weeks, and the occupier never admits or
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confesses , how bad his affairs are so far in the occupied crimea. ayder, thank you, i will add, they would still call him a hamster. he is drawn to the ground, he is an animal and absolutely not of the sea, i’m sorry, oh , well, i don’t know if there is any logic, i immediately ask... that in our next issue of the joint project of the tv channel and the atr together, we will talk about veraber the situation that has arisen around a single, relocated, essentially from crimea higher education institution, we are the alma mater of the tavrya national university, and why now the ministry of education has the idea to actually incorporate the tavrya national university into the kyiv-mohyla academy and... what does that mean it is complete the liquidation of the university, and not only about it in the next program, but now i thank ayder
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muzhdabaev and the entire team of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, for the fact that we can do this project together. my name is khrystyna yatskiv, see you soon! this is the reality of donbas, i congratulate the fighters. in ukraine escalated in several directions at once, we visited some of them, spent one day with azov in the forests in the krymina region, including on the front line. they visited the northern section of the front in the kupyansk district. we will talk about all this in detail today. it's still dark together with the soldier azov, we advance to the position, it is a few kilometers through the forest in complete darkness. the road is illuminated only by the red
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rays of flashlights and a night vision device, so as not to lose your way, but they can still be found, night birds will see you more easily, well, the orta, for example, does not work well at night, does not want to give away its positions, well, i fell asleep, yes , yes , well, for example, we have three infantrymen here. the situation on the ground is constantly monitored from the air, relatively speaking, the military lives more actively at night.
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there are 70, well, that's 100 m already, we are leading in the position a fighter with the call sign osa, like most in azov, a young guy, but he has been fighting for almost two years, when the full scale began, the military commissariat came, they couldn’t register me, because i was 18 years old, and then i saw the recruitment above the blockade of mariupol, i even at first i didn't know that it was azov, that is, i just... went to where it would be normal, they said it was a one-way ticket, i said let's get two,
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they said we need such people, i arrived already, joined the ranks azov, well, it didn't get along with the pizderz, well, it's just war, all the affairs, well, why not has increased, and now what is not, well, it is also normal, well, just the previous sectors in comparison with this, they were such light educational exits or. in the middle of the forest, the explosions seem closer than usual, nothing stops the echo that spreads hundreds of meters around, whose drone, drone, then closer, then further, the sound of a drone is heard, this time... just before we entered here
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, the drones burned the movement there a group of 10 , let's say so, there were enemies and they worked on them, they hid and as a result they flowed here often, their drones hang and our drones work and, accordingly, so do theirs. 00 44 00 44 one fire one fire in one fire. shot, for a long time the mortars of azov remained without a target, active actions began from that side, and it is necessary to practice to suppress the activity of the enemy in the area of ​​​​responsibility
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of the unit, shot, what do you think? a forest, a wonderful forest, a forest of miracles, just like a forest, i don't like forests anymore, it's 100, 100%. the forest in terms of camouflage is a plus, in terms of work, well , like, i think, for our drones, those who correct us, it would be harder for them to find the enemy, i think, because the forests , after all, it’s a pity for them, but they find and give us an adjustment, a shot, shanghai has been fighting for less than a year, he became a mortarman right after training, he says he liked the large caliber, and we’re going, we’re going the mode, the aroma
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, which, yes, ugh, gorgeous, that’s it, they drove it, on, well , at first i didn’t have an understanding of how the 120th mortar works, how they adjust it in general, now i’m like, i’m slowly learning, i’m learning, i already have some understanding, so we are studying, not yet, i am not yet a professional soldier, well , we are studying, in any case, we will have to go to defend my homeland, and i would, when i was in civilian life, i would tell everyone, guys, i say , train, practice, study the military business, because it will come to you, because you will have to go. on mobilization or as a volunteer, you will go anyway, because no matter what, you have to, you have to, come on, come on, come on, come on, this is the landscape around us, it has been like this for a long time, is it constantly changing, how is it constantly changing ,
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that is, even if it happened that an engineer was made, arta helps, it often happens here... we don't move around there during the day, but you happen well, in the dark or at night, it's like you've memorized the road, but there the rotation goes by, you go out and there are already new trees lying on the path, and you can no longer orientate yourself more precisely, because the landscape has already changed, you've already hit trees and you get lost , it is not the same to cheer them up,
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as there is no such contact, well, we do not give them peace anymore, because they are in the advanced positions of these, they are not standing there 24/7, but they come to them often. and we see only some minimal movement, immediately everyone rushes there from the position, that is, they relax here no one gives, this is the situation, these guys from the neighboring position are working, they also
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have good visibility there, you can see the enemy trenches, that's it in short. from the moment we started in this direction, we did not give a single meter and already took a certain amount of distance, i will not say how much, but with our arrival here the situation changed, we turned the course of events in our direction. iraq began in azov as a soldier, albeit before full-scale. served in the russian police as an officer, almost two years after the war, he became an officer again and is now responsible for one of the areas on the front line in the unit in which i served. in the unit that i served in before , in the police force, when i was serving, i had guys who were talking, and lo and behold, as soon as, we
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immediately, well they are still there and nothing happened, as soon as, so immediately . we came to azov with my brother, with whom we were together in the police, and we are still serving to this day. i had a unit in which there were 65 people, two are fighting, me and my brother, well, my former unit. at dawn , the shooting begins. we all need to move, pasha needs to go, so that to advance further, you need to crouch and
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move quickly through a narrow trench. the scenery is simply apocalyptic in fact. this is what the trench looks like after the arrivals. around the forest, only the trunks of the trees remained, this is all the work of the russian artillery, it works across the territory in squares, turning everything into rubble. at the position we are met by a fighter with the call sign menus, he stepped into this observation post for the first time, he admits that it is crowded with a machine gun, but for now, as long as the light does not leave the shelter, and in general , even being in a trench is much better than just move somewhere , that is, get out there, it’s not a problem in the trench either, i won’t say that you ’re scary, you’re sitting here, that’s there, in the dugout
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it’s generally calmer, morally easier, well, i mean, it’s already completely dismantled two of my dugouts, i i was in a different position , 320 flew in there, i don’t know how we were so lucky, but all the targets remained, it’s still easier under cover, purely psychologically, out of phase... i went to war immediately after my studies, received a diploma of an automation engineer, but as he himself says, now there are more important specialties. menos' stepfather died at the beginning of the invasion. an airstrike, he was standing at a roadblock and a russian missile from an airplane hit the roadblock. he and four other people died. well, it literally was right at the beginning. in general, not all relatives understood. and my friends basically supported me, because everyone understands everything. these young people are taken here as volunteers after they have passed all the necessary standards, but even taking into account the training, it is difficult here, i will speak for myself, even though i am already, i
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will speak for myself, even though i am in all this since the 14th year, since the beginning anti-terrorist operation, i even at times, both on this rotation and on the previous one, i will tell you, there were such moments that i even thought that it was difficult, of course, of course, such an experience had not yet been, just what the guys... take, they , first of all, they are young, they are very motivated, and the average age in general, now the fighters are 23-25, they cope with everything, well, they cope with everything, let's say, well, before my first departure... i have been studying for almost four months , that is, well, preparation, and it’s every day at 6:00 a.m. rising, exercise, breakfast and classes until 1.5, then dinner and free time
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time, well, usually in our free time, we worked out, well, we helped the infantry to learn takmed, are you still fighting with your family, yes, father, brother, brother. right now in the kherson direction, father after being wounded, he became limited fit. in azov, a large part of the fighters are young people. volunteers are accepted here after they pass all the necessary standards, but even taking into account the training, it can be difficult here. dirt, a leg, and a lion's leg. did you just install it? just put it, beautiful, you need to go fast, since yellow is a potential one
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red. red is a potential black, we arrived very quickly and they did not inject tranexamic acid or anesthetize the wounded, on the way i anesthetized him and introduced the trend of the discharge itself, so that the internal, well, to reduce the internal, yellow is stable, everything is fine, because of me i think the moon will be in the woods again.
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this is generally a very sensitive topic for me, but i will say, you can not sit on the first line of defense, you can not participate in assaults, but i believe that if you are a man of this country, our grandmother ukraine, then you have no right just be away, do something, be a driver.
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they will not be able to prepare as they should, that is, if they mobilize now, since there is still a prepared reserve, they will have six months, a year there to prepare, a few dozen kilometers north of the kreminnaya forests, the ground is already densely covered with snow, the paratroopers' artillery calculation is being fired at front edge, shot. cannon, shot! regardless of the weather, artillery support must always be there, mud, snow, exciting shelling, we must work hard, because when
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the opponent will be enough. near and the shooting will begin, the battle will already be on the positions, it will be bad, it can lead to losses, so we can stop the assault group on the approaches. in the calculation of the cannon there are both mobilized and volunteers. andriy from kyiv lives near irpen, so on the first day of the full-scale invasion, he woke up to explosions in his home. i would say that even civilian life is being forgotten a little bit, i am constantly on... fire fire, the army is the army and civilian life is getting a little clogged, i am mobilized from on february 24, i.e. from the first, the very first day, i came to the military headquarters, because i had combat experience before that, and you were from the operational reserve, yes, the 15-16th year, i.e. they won back, a sufficient number of both personnel and mobilized, i.e. work, i accepted the plus.
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for example, maxim joined the army the summer before last, he is now a gunner, despite the fact that he had armor, he is an electric locomotive driver. our profession is already a military obligation, during the war we also transport trains, we transport military equipment, and military personnel, and also fuel, some kind of cargo that it is used for the army, but now these transportations have fallen that... there is no need for such , let's say, the number of drivers who can perform their duties on the railways, so i decided for myself that for the time being i will be more useful here. cannon, shot! oleksiy was served with the summons the summer before last, during his time in the army, he managed to work with both soviet and western weapons, and he is also busy.


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