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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

9:30 am
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there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world do you dream of, mr. orman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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good sunday morning, well, we know that our world has increased throughout the world, although it is doubtful, a doubtful joy, but we are always happy for our guests to be in touch with us on the other side of the semi-transparent ukrainian border ukrainian activist from germany, kateryna plaksii, we are still waiting for dmytro pivovavarov, mr. kateryna, we see. glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, mrs. kateryna, very much an interesting story, you know, we want to talk with you, but i will start with hot news, because yesterday i even watched the live broadcast, i watched how the german press reacted to it, there are mainly in those eastern communist territories of the former east germany some kind of pietets and there are enough seriously voted for such a political force as auf, but... grants of any kind and
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hamburg applied for a protest, there was supposed to be a rally, 10,000 expected to turn out against them, more than 80,000 turned out, but oksana he just found here , that even doicheban, german the railway actually supported all these protesters, demonstrators, they said listen, we have representatives of more than 100 different nationalities working for us, and we must be tolerant, but are these xenophobes and racists? answered, well, and i wanted to ask you, ms. kateryna, in fact, how much is your view from the side and from the inside at the same time, how dangerous is this return of für dolchland of this alternative on a larger scale, on a larger scale, how radical are
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the sentiments, and what is the basis precisely in these, well, let's say this, about uncle adolf's lawyers, in fact, now passed large-scale protests against these right-wing radical forces and alternativeland in probably all cities of germany, at least in large cities, there were large-scale protests against this, and recently in germany there were elections, and this party, this force , it received quite a lot of votes from voters, it cannot not to embarrass, i.e. us... the moods of society are such that they are gaining popularity, such are the extra, let's say, right-wing radical forces that carry the rhetoric of intolerance, and dmytro pivovarov has already joined us, he is from erlengen in
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bavaria, congratulations, mr. dmytro, guten morgen , glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and also your opinion, because we are here... a new force, and in general i am also interested in how migrants and the descendants of migrants react to this force came back in the 50s, earlier, because we understand that in germany this process was long, of course, they react very negatively, this party, first of all its popularity... i am caused precisely by the fact that the conservatives are dissatisfied with the number of migrants in germany, and this party, it has very close ties with russia, basically the only migrants, which this party accepts well, these are precisely the migrants from russia, this is a big problem for germany, because this party, it is very
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populist, it justifies itself with freedom of speech, it justifies everything it says, and it says sometimes very terrible things, but we we all understand that this party will be the first to destroy freedom of speech and democracy in the country if it gets power. uhu, it is clear, but look, mr. dmytro, you, ms. kateryna, let him continue, you are the co-founder of the public initiative, i read the infra correctly, probably, yes, it is, the organizers of political and cultural actions in support of ukraine, we read such things on the internet, but among them there were protests against such,
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that is, what is happening, how does it all look, why are we asking them. because we have seen how local authorities in different parts of germany can get out and support the russians and drive to victory with colorado ribbons, waving russian tricolors, that is, what are the prospects for this lawsuit, what can it be? our team of activists, we fight first of all against the so-called soft power, i.e. those people who openly run around germany with tricolors, they are still perceived as marginals, but but... much more dangerous is soft propaganda, which, which is simple, it penetrates into , let's say, a person's subconscious among, among everything else, it, it is perceived, not unconsciously, but this is all postponed in
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us, and there is a lot of such propaganda, and russia , it uses soft power in germany very actively, it is various... russian cultural centers that, so to speak, use the narrative about great russian culture, the significance of russian literature , languages, and... these are of course approximate to putin, artists who simply come to europe with performances and are supposed to demonstrate the greatness of russia, its significance, the impossibility of excluding it from some political and cultural processes of the world, despite everything that russia does, and anna netrebko is one of such people like us we believe, and last year our initiative organized a... a number of protests against her speeches in germany, it was
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the laptop movement, our protests took place in bisbaden, in badenbaden and in berlin, and parallel to this there is a support team for anne in germany netrebko, who started like this, let's say attack the people who started this movement and who were the organizers of the protests. this is the family of the german conductor mikhail hütler, who is not only friends with anna natrepku, he is also acquainted with valery gergiev, he worked as his assistant, for 14 years he was a permanent guest conductor of the mariinsky theater, and his wife alesya shapavalova, an anchorwoman who just happens to manage a russian cultural center samavar in germany, and these people started legal proceedings first. with independent journalists from austria and then with our activists. first, one activist received a lawsuit, then
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another activist, and i already became the third person to receive a lawsuit, these are all civil lawsuits, each time they are looking for some reason to make claims against people, these are some statements in public space, these are posts or comments on social networks, that is, in my case, it is completely absurd, it is... a small, tiny comment, taken out of the general context, to one of the publications on facebook, and mr. mr. conductor, he claims that it is this comment, it undermines his honor and dignity, although it was a general statement about the situation surrounding the support of russian propaganda, mr. dmytro, and you can still hear your opinion, you know, it’s just that you are now actually in those places, before your time ... i had to study for an internship in journalism, and i
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noticed at the university of freiburg, as well as in stuttgart, that the further to the west, the more leftist-communist-trotskyist mush in the heads, and in this case the bet on software power, on soft power, and that's all dostaevshchyna, chekhovshchyna and ilva tastovshchyna seasoned by tchaikovsky in this only as a cover for that... this particular leftist movement, in this case, as you see further, well in your a small support group, what will you be able to break this long-standing and history of an ally in the berlin-moscow axis, stalin-hitler, this is all in the layering of the left-wing enzdap on the communist ideology of russia. do you believe that you can somehow break it all now? of course, it
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will not be done in one year, but it is possible to do, we have quite a large support group, more than 100 german organizations and intellectuals have supported our calls against nadtrepku, we have been supported by politicians, these are mayors of cities, these are deputies of federal states, these are deputies of the central parliament, they are even deputies of the european parliament, ugh, that's why support is growing, and understanding, first of all, among scientists, the understanding of the problem of these relations with russia, it is growing. it should be said that the left-wing movements, they are now very much in decline, only the right-wing movement is on the rise the afd and the left, for example, in bavaria, they simply blew the last election completely, it seems that they did not get a single seat. therefore , i think that the trend is generally very positive, and it should be noted that... two parties, they have always held on to the academic environment, to academic cities, they have
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always had a majority there, but it is precisely the academic environment that is clearly on the side of ukraine , yes, their matrix was also broken, fine, but i would still like to return to the nonetrebko movement in particular and to the issue in general culture, because we understand that germany, and in general, as well as the whole of europe and the whole world , have been fascinated by this concept of greatness for a very long time. culture, which at times turned out to be a big shill, and whether people in particular, like this conductor, like mr. hütler, like his colleagues, are they really still... blinded and fascinated by this russian culture, or is it , so to speak, just business, interest? well, this, this cannot be asserted, for sure, but what we see is that these people have great ties with russia and with people who are very close to putin, and here we still need to pay attention to those narratives that they themselves are promoting,
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for example, mr. guettler, he lost in court, a journalist. in the point that his statements, mr. hitler's statements, are consonant with russian propaganda. that is, this is a person who can publicly declare that he now supports ukraine, that his wife also supports ukrainian refugees there through this russian center, but so that you understand, this is a person who claims that ukrainian cultural policy is directed against cultures and languages ​​of other minorities, primarily against the russian language. of ukrainian culture , that is, in fact, he repeats putin's main propaganda narrative, which is, let's say , official, the official reason for the attack on ukraine, that is, that russian-speaking people are hunted down in ukraine, the same alesya shapavalova, she is in the 14th 2018, she posted
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a video on facebook and commented on it that... banderivtsieva, that is, you can understand what kind of people these are, she, she was happy about the russian annexation of crimea, but now, of course, they publicly declare that they support ukraine and they help ukrainian refugees, of course, and so that for the finale there is just such a german cherry on the gedeer cake, you know, vlyat was born, the war ended a long time ago, but what can you do, i’m talking about her... rammstein’s soloist, tyly, tyly lindemann , well, it’s his business that he takes the sweet soviet escort svetlana labada for himself, they say that he has already left, we were more interested in this option, when in the hyped til linderman shoots the rammstein clip, where he plays the role of a stalinist pioneer, and protects the sky
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with stalinist falcons , like in germany krinjatina russian-sovdepov comes in, how about it? well, this is exactly krinjatina. thiel lintemann has always built his career on shocking audiences, and i wouldn't take that too seriously. yes, and the germans, how do they perceive it, ms. kateryna? well, in principle , differently, differently, that is , you have to understand that there are also very different sections of society in germany, and there are of course people who take it seriously and support it, so to speak. and when we were fighting about against the influence of propaganda or through culture and art, we saw such a group from austria, which was called russkaya, and they also used all this symbolism, just terrible soviet, so hypertrophied, and that is, it comes across to someone, of course there is
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a part of people who do not perceive it at all, or perceive it, well, as some kind of joke , unlike our shapovals, yes unlike our lindeman shapovals, there is still a chance under the cries of hitler kaput, putin kaput somehow to save yourself, but we wish you strength, hold on, good good news, mr. dmytro, that we have a wide front of support, well, the contagion must be suppressed everywhere, even if it it is not covered by its units, but by african poets like pushkin. then calling them ukrainian composers and ukrainians, in one word, we add you and i and thank you very much for the conversation, kateryna plaksii, dmetro pivovarov were with us, these are ukrainian activists in germany and the movement without this one is useless, well useless, so useless, as i call it , that's right, and we already have our next guest, serhiy fursa, an investment banker, joins our
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air, mr. serhiy, welcome, congratulations , thank you for waiting for the fun. themselves with ours previous guests, and let's get right down to business, the european union is preparing a new package of sanctions against russia, timed, if you can say so, to the anniversary of the invasion, to the anniversary, in my opinion, of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. i understand that there will be nothing against rosatom. there will not be and never will be official sanctions against rosatom. this is a very specific topic. therefore, there will be no sanctions, see, on parosatomo. we need to understand that they do not officially impose sanctions, but many months ago in the g7 country we formed such a non-public or public, but not official pak. that they will squeeze rosatom out of the markets and simply will not formalize it officially, therefore there will be no official sanctions, what will be in the 13th package of sanctions, i have no idea, well,
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because they haven't talked about it yet, but you have to understand that all the latest packages of sanctions and all subsequent packages of sanctions will somehow focus on compliance with the previous sanctions, because all the painful sanctions that could be introduced against the russian economy have already been introduced, and now there is such a competition. eu imposes sanctions, russia begins to figure out how to circumvent these sanctions, the eu looks at this and tries to close the loopholes through which russia circumvents the sanctions, and so on in a circle every time. ugh. and let's look at our needs, that is, i understand correctly that these figures are actually announced, or at least their parameter, the deficit of the state budget of ukraine for this year should be somewhere around and even more than one and a half, that is one 1.6. hryvnias, well , this is a scary amount, the magic of big numbers, if you convert it into dollars, it's a little easier by ear, 42 billion, if in dollars, but
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looking at what the political leadership is doing in ukraine, looking at the political games that are going on in america and europe, we have a chance to get an external loan for 42 billion, so that at least overlap yes, there's actually a baseline scenario that all analysts have is that we get this money, it's not a new huge budget deficit, half the budget is in deficit, it was in 22, it was in 23, it's going to be in on the 24th of this year, this is a completely natural story, because the war - it is very expensive, uh, so this is not a new deficit, it is natural, it is expected, uh, now there really is a question only about american aid because of the politics in america during the elections, there are no questions about ukraine, it is not about ukraine, the question is about the fact that there is a link to the migration crisis, and the trumpists are not interested
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in solving the migration crisis before the election in order to keep it, so there is still an issue with american aid, but again, the base scenario includes that we will also get it, uh, mr. serhiu, such here is an interesting thing, as it seems to me, that a new one was proposed for lithuania by the minister of economy and innovation there, she said that... if you want to invest somewhere, invest money, it would be good to invest in tanks, for example about the fact that it can be something like this, people can take money as a source of funding for the defense of the state, we remember that the baltic countries have stepped up and want to be ready, to what extent did a similar algorithm work in ukraine, if not, where are the shortcomings , i am talking about these military men in particular bonds? phew, well, i don't know what algorithm there will be in lithuania, whether it will be, military bonds are ordinary government bonds, they were just called that, so did
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it work, by and large it worked, a much larger number of people, especially in the 22- in 2008 , individuals began to buy ovdp bonds, this market was usually a bank market, there were individuals, but there were not so many of them, and the number of people who began to buy bonds, ukrainian government bonds, increased significantly. on the one hand, it was a manifestation of patriotism, with on the other hand, this is really the best investment that you can think of in ukraine right now, it is for a higher level of reliability and profitability, which covers potential inflation, potential devaluation. and in general, when they started saying to us that we don't know if we will find an investment nanny for you, but let's invest in warring ukraine, that's how these real investors perceive all cases of corruption in the west. which have already become known today, all the media cases, how entire company-style harassments are organized against anti-corruption officers yanukovych 2013, in general and investors
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are informed even by those cases that are not yet open at all, i mean that the accounting chamber will still show us a lot of interesting things according to the latest checks, they announced it there, how they see... they are all watching together , plus the banker mazepa this case , which is the most recent, and they also listen to our spokespeople, who are one in the form of a shurma, and by the way, a person who correctly produces green energy, compensates the energy component in the occupied territories from the budget, yes, as they watch what shurma says, soon planes will fly from boryspil, and then the mayor of lviv sadnyi will come to washington, he says, and this year also with... between corruption, anti-corruption practices, the media and completely inadequate security things
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that he is voicing. is it official, how do investors see it? well, look, let's say, first of all, no investment while the war is going on, no one will do, it's a matter of security, it's a matter of uncertainty, so now there will be no investment, when the war is over, it will be a different conversation, is it positive basically affects the image of ukraine, the story of the attack on journalists or the arrest of mazepa, as if negative, and this is evidenced by publications in the western media, it was on the financial times, this... on bloomberg, and in such a connotation that does not play in ukraine's favor. however, again, now the role of these things should not be exaggerated, now it has little effect, because again, there will be no investment. after the end of the war, when we will again return to a situation where the greatest threat to an investor in ukraine will be the lack of the rule of law and no anti-corruption or corruption issues, then again we can say that it has become important and investors
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are paying attention to it. now, all the same, it has a greater impact on the fact of receiving or not receiving aid, on the attitude of society in general and the flight of the political class to ukraine, and this is important, of course, because we are radically dependent on western support, but now i would not talk about the impact on investors, just as we depend on the west, there are dependencies there, if we are talking about russia, china, turkey in particular, the turks and the chinese became more active, began to strengthen some restrictions and communication with russia, began to check more specifically which institutions they work with, after biden said that it is necessary to strengthen sanctions against those who help moscow, fight against ukraine. and i understand that they will find loopholes, or come to an agreement, perhaps at the next meeting between putin and erdogan, about how to get around all this, or not, we have about two
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minutes. well, look, i don't know what they will agree on, if they will try to somehow avoid american sanctions and make money, they will, but you have to understand that when sanctions are introduced, yes, of course, they always come up with a way to circumvent them, but it is necessary 100%, it is a circumvention there by 30%, by 50, by 70, as luck would have it , that's why it affects everything equally, plus every such circumvention of sanctions, it makes this process even more expensive, and therefore costly, and therefore again hits the russian side. economy, uh, in this case, do you see, we have a moment left, do you see and believe that the word will turn into action, i mean the reaction at this point, all the cases are very unnecessary for us from the point of view of prosecuting anti-corruption officials and so on, to believe that they will be able to turn the situation around and our potential investors and allies will see normal results of the investigation.
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well, let's see, again, the fact that the allies will react to this is definitely true, and we can see that the nuts were turned and the ice was thawed, it was resonant, and i think that the ukrainian authorities found the words that how to explain our friends from of the united states that it should not be done, ugh, thank you, sir serhii, for the answers, for the conversation, serhiy furse, the investment banker was with us, and regarding the money, i hope you have already supported. our fee for kamikade drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, the cold ravine, uah 5 million , we also have to pay for the investment fee, because we are investing in the future and this is the right investment, it is actually one of those correct, relevant investments and those that will definitely pay off result, so we support all details can be found on our website, as well as qr codes regularly during the broadcast
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appear, please scan. and stay with esso. roman and i are saying goodbye to you for a short time, but we will see you again today, stay with us and there will be news on the air in the future, do not switch. it's 10 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time . khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. with the internet destroyed , the russian authorities are trying to hide the consequences of the night drone attack. eyewitnesses published a video that clearly shows a powerful explosion in the city of tula, 180 km from moscow. according to local reports, he
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rang out at the shchikhlivskyi val plant, where it crashed.


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