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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EET

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roman and i are saying goodbye to you for a short time, but we will see you again today, stay with us and there will be news on the air, don't switch. it's 10 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. despite the destroyed net, the russian authorities are trying to hide the consequences of the night drone attack. eyewitnesses published a video that clearly shows a powerful explosion in the city of tula, 180 km from moscow. according to local reports. it sounded at the shchiglivsky val plant, where collect anti-aircraft missile complexes of tanks. and
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modernize armored vehicles. at the same time , the ministry of regional security of the russian federation announced that they shot down the drone and it did not reach the target. also, the kremlin does not confirm the successful drone attack on the terminal of novatek, the country's largest gas production company, in the village of usluga, leningrad region. the fire, which broke out at night, continues to be extinguished until now, one of the cisterns is on fire, writes the ria novosti propaganda agency. according to the information of the local dispatch service. preceded by fires, two explosions, but what caused them, no one reports. as stated in the russian ministry of defense, air defense systems successfully repelled an attack by at least five drones on the tula, smolensk and oryol regions. traditionally, no one and nothing was hurt. russia recognized the death of the commander of the il-22 plane shot down over the sea of ​​azov. major viktor klimov died from shrapnel wounds while the plane was still in the air. so.
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the co-pilot had to land the damaged il-22, writes the local crimean public. klimov is a hereditary occupier, his father sturman. let me remind you, january 14 is the day of strength defense forces of ukraine shot down one of the most expensive russian a-50 reconnaissance aircraft over the sea of ​​azov and damaged an il-22. russians wounded a 701-year-old local resident of gulyaipol in the zaporizhzhia region. during the shelling of the city with artillery. the man was in his own yard. during the day, the enemy made 95 strikes on 16 settlements, reported the head of the region yuriy malashko. two residential buildings were destroyed. damaged houses and gas pipeline. during the night, the enemy shelled vovchansk in the kharkiv region twice, hit the city with mortars and launched guided aerial bombs - said oleg sinyugubov, the head of the region. a total of 15 cities and villages of kharkiv region.
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the russians attacked in a day. the russians and the snighorivska community in the mykolayiv region were shelled, a residential building and a summer kitchen were damaged. an economic building was also on fire, the head of the region, vitaly kim, said. in addition, enemy artillery shelled the village of dmytrivka, an abandoned garage and a car. at night, the occupiers shelled the marganytsk community in the dnipropetrovsk region with heavy artillery. also. two kamikaze drones were sent there, the chairman said serhiy lysak of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration. five private houses, two outbuildings and a garage were vandalized. and in marganets itself, the power transmission line was damaged due to enemy shelling. more than 11,000 homes were without electricity. most of the lights have already been restored. fortunately , there were no casualties. the missile threat level is high. the russians were brought to battle.
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admiral esen frigate sailing into the black sea. the ship can fire up to eight caliber or onyx missiles. in total , there are eight enemy ships in the black sea. one of them - missile carrier - reported in the naval forces of ukraine. north korea is the largest supplier of weapons to russia. she handed over many artillery shells, without which moscow would have nothing to fight in ukraine. the head of the main said this in an interview with the financial times. according to him, the russian federation is also looking for weapons in other countries, because it spends more on the front than it can produce. germany will not feel a lack of weapons if it hands over tauruses to ukraine. the manufacturer of these missiles, the german company taurus systems gmbh, said that it was ready quickly to replenish stocks of long-range missiles and even expand production, - stressed the head of the reacting company. or to the statement
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of bundestag deputy johannes arlt, who said that germany cannot increase the production of taurus for its army, and therefore the delivery of missiles to ukraine is risky. the russian dictator wants to come to north korea, he said this during a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of the dprk choisonghee. according to the state media of the dprk, putin thanked north korea for supporting russia in the war with ukraine, and also expressed concerns about the actions of the united states of america and its allies against pyongyang. another 760 russian occupiers were liquidated by the armed forces. forces of ukraine, and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , almost 376 thousand invaders have died on our land. also, ukrainian defenders burned 10 enemy tanks and 11 armored fighting vehicles during the day. seven artists, one mlrs and two drones
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of operational-tactical level were struck. in addition , 14 cars and tanks and 13 units of enemy special equipment were burned. the general staff reminds. data are approximate. and operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 80 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest was in the avdiyiv direction, where the ukrainian military repelled 23 enemy attacks. the russians also tried to advance in the kupyan, maryan, and leman directions. our defenders repelled all assault attempts. our aircraft struck six areas of concentration of russians, one anti-aircraft missile complex. and one warehouse of enemy ammunition. rocket the troops hit three enemy concentration areas, one command post and one repo-occupant station. and in order for our army to become even stronger, the espresso tv channel asks you to join the gathering. soldiers of the legendary 95th
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separate airborne assault brigade need a cargo bus mercedes springter. defenders use the car to transport ammunition to settlements as quickly as possible. which destroy the russian invaders and their armored vehicles. our goal is uah 2,000. we have already collected over 145,000. there is very little left. join in, your help is extremely helpful important, because any donation will help buy a car for our defenders. you can see all the details on the screen. real crime fighting or business harassment. in ukraine, they detained an investment banker who... practiced corruption, bloomberg writes. igor mazepo is accused of illegally taking possession of land near kyiv highway. he was detained while trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border, and later mazepe's concord capital company was informed of the searches. they declared that the events took place there
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publicly support the kremlin's aggression. the ministry of culture of slovakia renews cooperation with russia and belarus. such a decision was made by the new one. known for her pro-russian position, before that there was a ban on such cultural cooperation in the country, but as explained by martina shymkovichova, i quote: there are dozens of conflicts in the world and culture should not pay for it. by the way, on august 24 , a meeting between the prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal and the head of the government of slovakia robert fico is scheduled in uzhhorod. in less than an hour i will tell you the updated one. more information can be found at on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences, then the ater will be continued by my colleagues, do not switch, stay with the espresso team.
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i welcome you, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel, the program studio zahid. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular the consequences of the davos forum, in particular for ukraine. we will also analyze an extremely dangerous signal from the kremlin, in particular, former russian president medvedev said that russia will wage war not only against ukrainian state, and against what is called ukrainianism. matthew bryza and mark fagin talk about it on our broadcast. and now it's on tv. mark feigin, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, a former member of the state duma, a famous video blogger, will work. glory to ukraine, mark, congratulations. glory to the hero, i congratulate anton, i congratulate all the viewers. well, i would not like to work as a psychoanalyst for medvedev, but he gave an extremely harsh, boorish and
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dangerous signal. well, the key story here is how seriously we should interpret what medvedev wrote, i don’t know whether from bodun or not from bodun, but in any case he outlined. the situation as the preparation of the russian federation for the so-called existential war with ukraine. it is not the first time that medvedev has published something similar and even more outrageous. let me remind you, he has recently been in touch with. from a personal point of view, this is not a fully representative opinion of the russian authorities, but medvedev is, after all, the deputy chairman of putin's security council , although he is a former member of cologne, he is the president of the russian federation, so his words, at least, should be taken more seriously, firstly, no one has it stops the kremlin does not deny his words, he is an official, not some ordinary propagandist. therefore, it is possible that medvyedov conveys
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the atmosphere of the mood that prevails in the security council in the kremlin, because he is allowed to make such a presentation. presumably, they use it to test, provoke, check the reaction that may be to such statements. yes, they are wild and completely infernal. but it is interesting for the kremlin. they like to play such a deceptive game. and what is valuable and important here, because putin himself said things no two days ago less savage. and he said that fools do not want to negotiate with us. everyone has heard these quotes that everything would have ended a long time ago, you yourself understand, this is his direct quote: we will not give back any captured territories, we are not even talking about a referendum, but we have captured and we will not give it back, and everyone in the west understands this. etc. putin also spoke about the baltic countries, which
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are expelling some agents of moscow under the threat of national security. he justified this by saying that they would protect the russian-speaking population in the same way as in ukraine, hinting at the war in the baltic states. i would say that, although not in form, but in content, what putin himself declares differs little in aggressiveness of rhetoric. regarding ukraine: first of all, in ukraine they have already waged an aggressive war and are killing people. can we expect more from them, for example, the use of nuclear weapons? it 's always a story that has a crazy explanation, but who said that the kremlin is irrational in its behavior and cannot allow for itself just such a course of events. therefore, it is worth listening to such words, you need to study them even though it's worthless. the source from which they come, after all, certain attitudes of medvedev
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are transmitted from the kremlin. the existential war for existence is already a question of interpretations, because today, too, the question arose without the use of unconventional means precisely about the threat to the existence of ukraine itself. this is exactly what the kremlin is trying to do, so you can't make any promises regarding negotiations, because the goal of negotiations with moscow is not... consolidation of the status quo, compromises, etc., but capitulation, that is, the destruction of ukraine as an international subject rights, as a sovereign state, as an independent nation. there should be no illusions here, there should be no naive expectations on this issue that moscow is ready to stop at something. no, medvedev said, we will never detach from ukraine, i read it in ukrainian and translated it. this is declared by an official of the country, who is permanently present. a member of the security council with the right of veto, a founding country of the un, which
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actually guarantees, as one of the five states, the same international security throughout the world, on a planetary scale. this should be perceived as the real position of the kremlin and its residents. well and the key story, like now, how relevant is the so-called collective action going to be , right? we listened to several extremely important speeches, in particular at the davos forum. yes, we understand that the president. macron also gave a signal, in particular, it is about supplying us with additional scalp missiles, and we understand that they have worked extremely well in their time. we understand that there is a question about money and about a joint strategy, but the key story is how seriously the west is involved in what is called military containment of the kremlin, or so in other words, we are moving along a certain palliative path, that is, the kremlin will continue to build up. the production of weapons, if not by itself, then it will be borrowed from the chinese or
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korean republics, well, when i say korean, i mean north korea, and so on and so forth. starting from the autumn, but really from the end of the winter of 2023, the situation began to change, because the american administration began to behave more cautiously. she also verbally supports ukraine, but to tell the truth, this is a delay in allocation. of 10 billion for ukraine and disputes between republicans and democrats are inspired by the worst thoughts. in contrast to this, europe , on the contrary, somehow became radicalized. only macron and scholz and some persons from the german leadership despite the decision of the bundestag to retain and not provide tauros missiles to ukraine. in addition, they generally take a fairly clear position and publicly articulate it. on the other hand, in america, as we can see, there is a strong influence of the presidential election campaign, which is already underway and will end in november 2024
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. how it affects the issue of support for ukraine. military aid, the position of countries of the west, especially washington, as the leader of the western world, has a direct influence. even the biden administration, in contrast to the republicans, behaves much more cautiously. there is information from bloomberg that sullivan will convey the position of the white house in davos. it is necessary to move into a positional stage, a defensive position for ukraine, as we understand it, until november 2024, until it is decided who... will be the master of the oval office for the next four years, a strange position for the simple reason that this is exactly what moscow wants, so that this positional and defensive change tactics and strategies, give her a break, give her an opportunity to accumulate strength, and then surely no sullivan will stop her from offensive actions, not to mention the fact that there is no plan b. well, ukraine
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will build defense structures and mine without it. to protect the 80% of the territory that remains behind kyiv, but the question is different: how will trump win the elections? rhetorical question. sullivan and the biden administration are offering some sort of plan in case that happens. maybe if trump comes, that's my point of view, maybe it is better to saturate ukraine with money and weapons as soon as possible, so that it will last for a while, until trump comes to power, after the inauguration, everyone. states with funding, with those funds that can be provided by european countries, in particular france, with their scalips and other countries, but funds are needed in any case. there are many questions, we will hear the answer to many of them
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when the senate does decide whether it will take up the issue of allocating these unfortunate 60 billion. dollars, we will understand then whether the american one is ready establishment, as before, during these two years, to support ukraine in its defense of sovereignty in this war with russia, such a question? mark, well, you very clearly outlined , so to speak, two speeds, at least two or three geopolitical speeds, on the one hand , we understand that the kremlin is counting on the american election campaign, we understand that it will be yes... far, far from simple , to put it mildly, that is, the scenarios of certain cannibalism already begin there. we understand that the kremlin is counting on a series of elections in countries of the european union, to the general weariness , yes, we remember the speech of this extremely strange provocateur slovak member of the european parliament, yes, who started talking about the brothers of the slavs, and so on, and so on,
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to reconcile, and we have certain corresponding scenarios that i very clearly counted on. the kremlin , in particular, when it comes to its preparation for various, possibly global things, about global threats, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy said recently, if you try to reduce this whole thing into a single concept, which you see now, for example, medium-term and short-term movements on the part of the kremlin, and in general, how will we properly build our, i don’t know, international communication, well... first, trump himself adds to the fire, he said that he would agree with putin, that putin is a normal dude, he is evaluated in a business-like way, and this includes the primaries in ay, where he received 51%, but this is a dangerous signal, that is, he continues, despite the situation, to publicly voice his complementary attitude towards putin. he does not try
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to silence this question, to avoid it during election campaign? no, he clearly marks it. why is it important, if suddenly he wins the elections, he will say: listen, i did not deceive you, dear voters and partners of the usa. i said during the election campaign about my position that i would come to an agreement with putin, that we would come to an agreement normally, share everything and decide. these are illusions, of course he is not going to negotiate, he is maximizing the outcome, demanding capitulation, we just don't know what trump will be ready for if he comes to the white house and... changes the strategy of the american administration, another question is whether he is able to do this? and as he himself, he himself says about it, i would agree.
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the first term from 2016 to 2020, in which he was the president of the united states. i always like the criticism of the trumpists, who say: oh, poor trump, he is not allowed anywhere , he is persecuted everywhere, and he has not only already served the term of the president for four years, he is going to sit it again, and i do not see that he is already being so kindly persecuted , not allowing him to participate in the election campaign, at least in the nomination for candidacy from republican party. therefore, in this difficult situation, after all, in the country of kyiv , it is necessary to act bolder, to try with the american establishment and trump's entourage, at least to find out finally what strategy you
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plan to follow. yes, trump will determine a lot, but he will rely on the congressional majority, which for now will be republican in the house of representatives, in particular. and what is the strategy in the us in the event that a change of power takes place, at least it was desirable. get assurances from the republican establishment, even trump's entourage, that fundamentally nothing will change strategically, that ukraine will be supported in the war with moscow, this is on the one hand, on the other hand , the situation needs to be realistically assessed, no matter who is the candidate from the republican party, biden's chances today, i don't know what will change, many things can still change , at the moment they are small, for today we have to leave it for now, well, we have a year together with the administration
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. we understand that the kremlin can to threaten, but the question of threat, the question of actual ability, is a little different. the main thing you can get from biden now is that you have to continue to fight for these 60 billion, try to convince both republicans and those. any decisions regarding the acceptance of ukraine into nato. but this will be compensation for the fact that the democrats may lose power and the situation may
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change radically. membership in nato and coverage by the collective agreement of the north atlantic alliance is, after all , compensation for all the problems that have already visible, at least until november 2024. this seems to me to be a fundamental, key point, if biden does not dare to do so, and this is a historic decision. the chances of staying for another four years are illusory, not zero, but not obvious, maybe something else will change radically, and of course, this would be some kind of compensation, creating a certain guarantee that this instrument will help ukraine defend itself in the coming months, or even years. mark, and putin, what will putin do in the current situation, what can putin do and what will he do just out of shape, i don't know why. lack of resources or certain fears that not just some bashkartostan scenario could be realized, but some additional one, well, we understand how they
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react very, very much to something like this. it is not even hidden, putin is in the expected elections. he says: the armed forces failed the counteroffensive, the entire initiative is in the hands of the russian troops, this is stated publicly. that is, he does not give up hope that some of the offensive operations will end in success. for example, maryanka, although this is a very specific operation when it is performed by the ear russian troops entered the destroyed settlement. besides, look, because they tried to advance on avdiivka. more than two months, no result. before that , there was a very acute situation with kupyansk. kupyansk is a junction, the road to kharkiv opens. i was in those places, i had the opportunity to see everything directly, i looked down on the oskol river. he was in kupyansk and in the center and in the position. it is difficult for me to imagine how much effort and resources need to be spent to take kupyansk. i suspect that it is the same in avdiivka,
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i haven't been there, i really wanted to visit, but... i suspect that it's not too easy there either: in the area of ​​the coke plant , you will put another thousand and forty people to take it all, a pyrrhic victory. perhaps it has a political connotation, he needs to show at least something before his elections on march 17. this is not to win elections. it is clear that there are no elections, he is simply drawn by these 80-85%, and it is important for him to control public opinion, that everything is not in vain. look, yes, we fight, we advance slowly, we want something and occupy, but all victims not in vain, all the expenses are not in vain, we achieve some incredible geopolitical success in the long run, protecting our defense capability and the like. so putin, of course, despite his wait-and-see attitude , is definitely preparing and will start some offensive actions in the east, maybe in the south, in the south it is more difficult, but in the east
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it is possible to assume. from the belarusian direction? no, i think he can stand the pause. what is the price? if you try to get involved again through belarus in some hostilities, there will be a problem with lukashenka. what is lukashenko afraid of? him to get mad at ukraine and belarus, actually , too, but he is afraid that ukraine will respond. ukraine already has the means to shoot at his residence, kill someone from his entourage, and no one will stand around like this... it was in february 2022, it is much easier for the ukrainian special services to carry out punitive or sabotage actions there, just kill prominent generals or responsible persons from the belarusian leadership for this, who will allow the next attack, and the defense line with belarus is very strong, because kyiv is nearby and everything is mined, so it will not be easy, but on
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kharkiv, sumy or chernihiv, here for now... the question is open, can russia launch an attack on these border cities from the territory of the russian federation? whether this can be expected is an open question. in my opinion, such an operation is more likely than an invasion from the territory of belarus. because lukashenko himself will deal with this development of events to the last, because he understands that this will not leave him any chances, he no longer has relations with the west and it is clear what his relations with the kremlin are. but with ukraine there is such an unspoken parity exists, you don't touch us, you don't allow new violence and similar horror that was, and we still endure all this. and this status quo suits lukashenka, and if this situation is to be moved, who knows, you won't be able to reach putin, but lukashenka is much easier, that's the point. therefore, i believe that everything will be much more complicated there,
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even if it happens, no... mark, well , an intimate, delicate question, i would not like to spread conspiracy theories, but oleksiy aristovych and his strange interview, strange conversation with in latin, i looked at this work and my eyes became much bigger than in latina behind the glasses, so even she couldn't stand it anymore, oleksii started turning things on the fan that just didn't... it is generally given in the concept, here you are as a person who worked with him for more than one hour on the air, i think you read oleksiy himself very well, in general, i would like to ask you what is happening with him now, in your opinion. i always, when asked questions, answer for the period when he was on my airs, then there were also some shoals, but this is not what is happening now, all one and a half years it was possible


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