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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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they say official message to official message, mr. budanov went on quotes today, all the colleagues in the workshop were open, one of them sounds that there is not a set, there is not enough personnel, both on the ukrainian side and on the side of the russian occupying forces, so we carefully take such information into account, then volodymyr zelenskyi's statement that he does not see the need to mobilize half a million. ukrainians still for the war, this is the second that we take into account, the third is from our colleague, who knows this situation for sure, because he himself as a soldier there, this is me about the fact that yuriy botusov told about the northern edge of avdiivka, where in fact it is not enough to block all the passageways and loopholes, the russian occupiers managed to enter the edge. building, seizing
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houses and all his appeals about, well, give a reserve, block it, remained only in appeals on the internet. i am collecting these three messages in a pile and i wanted to ask you and what from all this looks like, that we really do not have enough people and we need to drag like a short blanket from head to toe, from head to toe along the entire front, or how are we right? decipher here three messages, they all refer to reserves. first, i will reveal a terrible, probably secret, that ammunition and people for operations, even the american army, are not always enough. the thing is that there are always goals, there are always directions, there are always moments that always need reinforcement, that require the availability of human resources and weapons, the issue is critical. on
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the other hand, the question of applications or appeals by military personnel is good, but if, for example, the territory is already destroyed, shot, that even just to bring people there and turn them into targets, well, such an idea, yes, it is already being considered by the military command in specific directions, and the avdiiv direction is one of the central ones and reserves. in any case , there are, because, let's say, i don't know what they are there, or how critically they are lacking, well, but considering that avdiivka has been held for 3 months, and that everything has been calculated there for a long time from both sides and studied and researched, that is, the question will again arise in the expediency, in the risks for those fighters who go to specific places, because we know that it's the same again...
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the actual russian program to capture odiivka in three days turned into three months. regarding the statement of the president itself, whether it is necessary to demobilize or not, well, on the other hand , the question of numbers in general, how much to demobilize, i believe that it is inappropriate to discuss them as such at all, because it gives the enemy an understanding of the number that one wants to call up, let's say . people can be easily predicted what they will be used for, what the availability of equipment is for we may have an additional one, that is, where we can potentially, let's say, intensify our work, the fact that people need to be mobilized is clear, and here the question even stands, as far as i'm concerned, not to call up 500, 600, 400,000, for me it is a much more important question
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to prepare people who are not involved in the military right now to potentially be ready to take up arms, especially if we are waiting for this bill, which is supposed to make changes to the laws on mobilization, and military service, and about total resistance, it is actually more important here talk about how by what forces and means you prepare the same civilian population, or potential future recruiters, because again , we have to draw conclusions from two years of war. and we have to understand that the people who were called up , who were there, who were involved, now need to be reinforced, moreover, again, we all really want weapons and equipment from the allies, well, but people still need to be put on them, and in addition to the equipment, many other nuances are still needed, the same logistics, its restoration, repair bases, which, as a rule, involve many times more people. than,
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say, soldiers on the battlefield. this is where it is important to evaluate and talk about it. the question is in quantities at the same time. well, again, how many people will be able to be trained by our allies, how many will we... be able to train, just drive out a lot of people, well, that's why the numbers should be kept secret, this is my subjective opinion, the military did not voice these numbers , these figures were heard as part of an information special operation, let's drive society to hysteria and disrupt the mobilization, it continued even before the new year, we paid attention to the fact that it is impossible to do this, we see that this is a failure. the communique of communication, propaganda and everything else was rolled back, but i wanted to talk a little about numbers and about from the point of view of simple rational sense, for example, the russians say that they need to remobilize, and they can
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remobilize 25-30 thousand of their mukhasran people who are willing to go to fight in ukraine for money, if you take even official statistics. of the armed forces that the general staff makes public and multiply by 30 days of combat combat, then just that much comes out in the same on the scale of 30,000, that is, some kind of balance on the front, keeping a group of more than 400,000 occupation troops on the territory of ukraine, some kind of arithmetic we see on the other side of the front. for our part, we will make it public and will not speak now either, because the enemy is listening to us, but we... can apply logic, if in the coming weeks such a bill finally appears and it should be comprehensive from the cabinet of ministers, i.e. the ministry of defense with the participation of the general staff, and it will even be voted on and signed, maybe even introduced
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into action, this is a month, within the framework of what you always tell us about, that in our country, unlike the russians, the unprepared are not thrown into battle, so this is another couple of months of good training. therefore, it is a strategic question whether our troops, which are not rotating at the front, are now holding back a total offensive, or whether they will be able to withstand these couple of months, because this is the minimum period, we are now seeing how to move from mobilization, from law to action, therefore, i have always said, i will say, that delaying the law is a crime against ukraine, against the state of ukraine at such a time, because a number of politicians absolutely necessary for life, a law that can regulate or make changes to many laws, to many laws that will regulate and determine the way of life, provision, the same mobilization and
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regulation of the interaction of local self-government bodies, executive bodies of the military, it is absolutely necessary, unfortunately, a number of politicians have absolutely... got involved in politics and are artificially delaying the process, sometimes with completely stupid proposals, well, here again it is manipulation, abuse of regulations, and i have great hope that, apart from some political sentence in the future , law enforcement agencies will deal with this now, because we, as i see it, this is my own observation, i see that those factions that at one time inhibited military service in the reserve, which slowed down , i.e. the draft law... in fact, the law on total resistance is the same, and now somewhere they are blocking the law on mobilization, generally betting on evaders, well, i don’t know, it’s looking for its own , if you’re betting not on soldiers, on those how to support someone who refuses to defend the country, well, either you
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with them on the road, or it's kind of a weak future audience of support, in terms of actual judgments of what... how long it will take, well, let's start with, you said a month, i think it's more, because after that there will be orders , because every law, law or change in an article, it introduces a change in the order of the procedure for its implementation, terms, terms, requirements, positions, in fact, it will all be even the same financial expenses, it’s all time, and you said correctly, plus preparation, it's all time, but well, in any case... calls for mobilization in the country continue at this stage, it continues to deter the enemy, to prepare people and to, let's say, the russians despite everything that they have already been trying to seize the initiative and to go into a large-scale counteroffensive, well, these losses,
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i say again, those occupied hundreds of meters in six months with huge human losses, well , no one can think of any military purpose there. but less of us , of course, which is more often given the fact that, let's say, on a large scale, really large scale, they will be able to hold themselves there, too, somewhere in the middle, at the end. there is time in the spring, but every day it plays against us, and the sooner we can actually establish a training system for the training of people not only mobilized, but outside the military service, if we still understand what financial costs it will hold, how many employers, how to react to which reserve bench to prepare, what compensation will they receive for people called up or what? and there will be obligations for them, this is important, it is important to understand that is, every day is not in ukraine's favor
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, it's a paradox, you know, as usual, we defeated the russians at the fronts, but we always had a bad time, and for some reason those who protected them with soldiers always appeared behind us, started playing politics, i i understand that maybe some people understand and believe in us that we can still hold the enemy for a long time, and they decided to slow down... politics, but in any case, this is every day, this is human life. yes, mr. ivan, unfortunately, thoughts and memories are still relevant simon petliura. well, we won't quote them anymore, but in and and you just confirmed the same thing to us. ivan tymochko, a serviceman, head of the council of reservists of the land forces, was with us. mr. ivan, thank you, see you again on our air. well, this is the situation, in the meantime , you know, preparing for our... the continuation of the conversation just got stuck, who is it about, let me
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close so that you do not spy and i will quote to you one of the strongest world leaders in the war, who is it about who said this, but guess what, i don't know about whom, but probably about trump, because i also have my thoughts and questions about trump, about orban, the greatest leader viktor orban. this is what the americans in manchester were listening to yesterday in manchester, that in the state of nyshir, we will probably talk with our former ambassador, who knows america well, what happened, this trump, boris johnson began to support him, we will ask in a few minutes, wait, hello, woman, what to do when there is a liver, alohol is necessary. take, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural
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look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17.10 sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war. and how does the world live? two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening.
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something espresso we've got a special guest for you, and... and you'll appreciate it, because this is a man who, as a fantasy writer, wrote the kind of stuff that later became clear to our people that no, it's not fantasy, it's just deep analysis and the opportunity to analyze and show the world of the future many, many years before, i read such books by yury shcherbak, he is our former plenipotentiary ordinary ambassador of ukraine in israel, canada, and the usa, and he is in contact with our studio mr. yuriy, we are glad to welcome you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, council welcome, friends, and mr. roman, especially, i am very glad to see you. mr. yuri, we will ask about biden, trump, the united states of america and their help. biden told us to the congressmen that if you don't help ukraine,
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if you don't vote, if you don't allocate aid, then russia can achieve in a few weeks... and not everything is so bad with trump, and what can actually come from their victory, good for ukraine. what are you up to? let's remember friends, that this marleson ballet, related to the provision of aid to ukraine, has been going on for more than three months. it is a shameful ballet, because it is about very serious, global issues, and this performance is still waiting for its musketeer, who will decide when to end and in what way to end this performance, which has dragged on, so, now we
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understand very well, that trump, no matter what our friend johnson says about him. it's his business, because johnson is a conservative, and he supports trump, but as of today, trump has become the most toxic political figure of the united states, who categorically opposed the compromise that the democrats almost reached in the republic in providing aid to ukraine and israel, and... it's not just about $61 billion for ukraine. so, trump categorically opposed aid to ukraine, against compromise. he keeps saying that he will solve this problem in one day, and this is his, so,
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so formula of his behavior, very unpredictable. very aggressive, and we should not wait for ukraine to lose, and then trump will come out and say that it was all biden's fault. actually, trump is leading such a line that in order to blame biden and win the election even before trump was appointed as the main candidate of the republican party, and the second key figure: mike johnson. mike johnson is the current speaker of the house of representatives who consults with trump all the time, and he does not hide it, he is the opposite. writes about it and says about it recently in an interview , and he, it depends on him, in general, whether he will introduce this bill, in which
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a compromise was reached, and joe biden went to huge on democrats, republicans on the issue of illegal immigration from mexico, but it depends on mike johnson, whether he will put this bill on the ballot. because if he puts it, then it is, here it is shown on your screen, that's right, some american analysts call him a slippery priest, a priest, because he keeps saying that he consults the bible, well, you can imagine, i've been reading the bible for 500 years therefore, the text, and advises on behavior in relation to ukraine, is very serious here. tells the truth, because in some on some a piece of paper is written in the bible that if your name is johnson and if there is an unexpected decision
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of the american court of appeals, whether trump can be allowed or not, according to the laws, how he was removed, then in the bible it is written: wait for the court decision, after that pretend that you have been for trump all your life, or you have been waiting all your life for him to be removed from the election race, so he agrees, but the bible does not ... it is written, and today in the american press there was information that that this holy man who reads the bible all the time, mike johnson, received russian money in the 2000s, when he was a grassroots politician, there was a huge fight, a whistleblower war, and now there is such a whistleblower on mike johnson, he is threatened with a master's degree if he puts ... this bill to a vote, he is threatened with impeachment, i.e. removal from office, and this office is the third office in the united states after the president and
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the vice president, he is the third, but all the same right now we do not have certainty that he will be afraid and will not put it to the vote, what are your predictions, mr. yurii, will he dare, risk will listen to trump, because trump said that no, no, no, no vote, that is, he doesn't care about immigrants now. the main thing is that ukraine does not get anything. i, uh , i'll tell you, percentage wise, i think my personal opinion, 55% for whatever he dares to put, because the democrats have promised if he's going to be removed, his republicans, the democrats, they're supporting him, and he will remain in office, and therefore it is clearly in his interests to remain, that is, 55 for the fact that... he will introduce this law, and 45 for the fact that he will not will be put and will not be voted on, and thus we will look for other options, and
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accordingly, the biden administration will look for other options for helping ukraine. yes, mr. yurii, i still wanted to ask you, because you predicted many things in advance even when you wrote your books, here completely unexpected parallels arise. trump is not the problem, there are a number of freaks who will go to this election campaign, there are still a couple of those who do not even think that they are crazy, but they also have zero chances, with trump it is a completely different issue, not so with trump, who this is the second time he has made such outrageous statements about orban, yesterday he continued his line, his level of geopolitical speeches is the level of dr. komarovsky, who said, i will take putin, let's go fishing. let's open a beach of vodka and the war will end, this is the level of komarovsky, and now it is the level of trump, who makes america great again, and here is the question for
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you, how did it happen in america, well, in america, in a two-party democracy, where there were always strong institutional safeguards and fruf mechanisms, how they rolled to the level voters, such stupid rednecks... well, who can compete, except with viewers, voters of certain series, that's how it happened, unfortunately, this is a world trend, a trend of growing populism and growing political blackness, i don't mean the origin of people or social status, but there is such an understanding, a political scumbag who never knew what politics is, and now instead of those... wasp, who ruled america, wasp is a white american protestant, of the protestant faith, so instead of that by your side
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there is a populist mob. led by trump. trump is such a product. trump is a very toxic product, although he won the election in the state of iowa, and as the americans said, the ballet train, he saddled up, that is, the high-speed train, the bullet train, and left for the presidential candidacy, it is far from evening and we do not know , how will the election end in... gemsher, because this new anti-trump force is born now, this is a very strong, very charismatic, beautiful, intelligent woman, niki haley, and her real name is nimrata, niki rangava, she is of indian origin from her her parents are from the state of punjab, and she now heads the part of the republican party that
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they represent. testified people who graduated from universities there and so on, that is, a very bright such part, she unconditionally supports ukraine, she said that the annexation of crimea is a crime, she said that we should immediately provide assistance to ukraine, and she has an advantage over biden, if she becomes a candidate for 10%. very, meaning she has a chance to become the first woman president of the united states, the first woman of asian descent, and the first woman republican belonging to the republican party, but not trump, uh, here they show her , she, you know, she worked for many years together with our representative at the un, mr. serhiy kislytsia, i think that there is a certain kind
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... creative and communication and they discussed a number of issues, she understands foreign policy very well, and she is so very charismatic, and so the speed of the trump bullet train that he left aivah in could turn into a garbage truck if he loses the primaries primers with niki. well, everything happens for the first time obama would say, so it wouldn't be surprising if that were the case. we have one minute left, mr. yuriy, and this is a tragedy, including for americans of ukrainian origin, who have always traditionally voted for republicans, now the republican party has cracked, trump's group is smaller, but powerful, aggressive. so what do you predict that after those elections everything will go back to the traditional version
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of the two-party system, or? is it already, or is it already rolled back and there will already be some tripartite system, mr. roman, i i think you are telling the truth about the ukrainians , you say everything correctly and fairly, but i think that it will not be possible to roll back, it will be necessary to adapt to the new age of these populists, and it will be necessary to oppose them to the truth of those people who understand the external and domestic flights. who are responsible for the fate of the united states , because there will be no united states , they will perish, their world greatness will perish, and it will turn into a zone of topics, so the world order will crumble like a house of cards, as was the case in one tv series, mr. yuri, we very grateful, as always it is interesting
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to talk with you on... yuriy shcherbakt, our writer, visionary and former ambassador of ukraine to israel, the usa and canada, about the situation in the united states, its world order as a result of such political processes. in a moment, iryna koval will tell about equally important things that have happened recently in ukraine and the world, let's listen together. thank you, oksana, indeed, in just a moment i will tell you about the most important events that are known at this time, so wait. 15 o'clock in ukraine and for your attention issue news on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. a tragic shooting in the center of zaporizhia, an unknown person shot a woman twice as a result of the injuries received.


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