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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

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but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, specialist. placement of volunteers from all over europe, here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ucray. here you
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are sitting in front of the tv, counting how many drones have flown to tula kursk and the eagle, while we are welcoming a guest to the studio, so the people's deputy and chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech yaroslav yurchyshyn visited us, we congratulate you, have a good day, please don't feel any sarcasm in my voice, but i'm just fascinated by how quickly and efficiently you can to work, only once or twice did the information spread. the scandal just broke out, the police have already identified five men who broke into the apartment of our colleague, an investigator, on the 14th week of january, exactly a week ago, yesterday they talked to him, uh, eh, how do we manage to be so successful, well, work effectively? i will even strengthen it a little, that is, if they destroy the entire top management of the police, the helicopter with the chief,
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the deputies of the ministry of internal affairs and the investigation continues for a year and they cannot say anything, then it has been a couple of days and we already know that these are military personnel the armed forces of ukraine, they don't know if there was a soldier there, but in principle they were breaking down the door, well , we don't know, we live in such a country that we can't immediately trust such official reports, what about you? well, in fact , there is no reason to distrust now, but there are a number of things that indicate that... the case simply could not be let down, or the fact that information about the alleged pressure on journalists was leaked to foreign media clearly showed that to us, well , if there are two options, either in the zaks, or in court, that is, or show real work law enforcement agencies, but so far we only have who, the executors, and actually what it is , that is, whether we or we now have answers. to the question of who started all this,
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although yuriy nikolov stated that he would have received threats directly on live broadcasts, which he attributes to the fact that the first to find out were anonymous telegram channels, which it is difficult not to suspect of sympathy to certain representatives of the authorities, how anonymous they are, as ivanov petrov sidarov would say , er, well, at least we cannot, relatively speaking, ask them who is the owner and who wrote this news. and, accordingly , prosecute for complicity, again, again, they opened the 171st point, obstruction, obstruction, but here, in my opinion, of course, lawyers will still fight here, but all the signs of an organized group, and this is point three , the responsibility is a little bigger, so there is a question, but what does public pressure, publicity, publicity show, ah...
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unfortunately, to the point that the case is reflected in foreign media, they force to show the result, and there is already a coincidence of information with the story the first conclusions, and it is very interesting what the conclusions are you have already done it yourself at the parliamentary committee, now we will hear it, but the first conclusions are already there, first of all, now the girls, and the boys, in principle say that either... they will go to the shower in a bikini or in swimming trunks, this is the first conclusion , these are the new standards of journalism , do not walk naked, because for six months you will be watched on camera, secondly, the security service very quickly recorded some information from external observation, it is already known what institution where the corporate party was, but also other things are known , because the investigation, which was conducted by bios-info, was already given a lot a lot of food for thought, a group of men,
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well, rents a large number of rooms before the new year, then after, initially to establish a service, it's crazy money, that is, in other ways. in those cases like this with an outsider, a servant, we understand what procedures are needed here, that is, there must be a certain team, a certain permission, certain structures must get approval and a budget for this, i am not talking about everything else, but the conclusions are that in similar to the way the restaurants of the fest company used to shake here in lviv at one time, what do they have time, inspiration and loot for this, to drive a huge number of men with a large number. money and engage in pressure and stupidity, and what conclusions do you draw on the committee? and now we support the fact that in the case under article 359, that is , illegal surveillance, and appear, that is, so that
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it ceases to be purely factual, and the victims appear, because in fact we understand that if it were not ephemeral were watching, but why is this necessary, so that , once again... the question arises, well, logically, yes, if in principle access to the materials is not given, then do we have guarantees that all materials will be used and will there be another development of this case, in the same case, in principle, the police also opened a case on interference in private space and obstruction. therefore, from this side too, you, well, that is, journalists, as victims, we can only accompany in this case, we are not a party to the case and that is correct, but there are victims, and they must receive convincing evidence that the investigation it is in their interests, because, unfortunately, there is
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quite often reasoned skepticism that it is possible that all these quick actions are more likely to cover the tracks, and to the security service of ukraine, which promptly... provided information that promptly removed the carriers, well, that it is their responsibility, in principle, the easiest way to show that everything is fine is to show the victims what actually happened, because to be honest, this is a huge absurdity, and about the waste of resources, if in fact the suspicions of journalists, and they talk about it out loud, ah , claim that they were involved in this our law enforcement officers. bodies, well, this raises a question not only an ethical one, yes, well, because if someone there was monitoring the victims, but from journalistic investigations, and when i am asked, yes, who could be interested in putting pressure on nikolov or bigus , well, you can
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actually just take a list of high-ranking officials, and there will be many and many of them there, so in this case, it is very important now that this is the next step and communication, why not, why... the ukrainian government has never been strong, law enforcement structures are still less strong, that is, the attitude is that , well, they are preventing us from conducting the investigation, if there is no trust in the investigation, then there will be no trust in the results either, and we are at the initial stage, if we compare, then we have good dynamics , because sometimes we had to fight for a return, well, yuriy nikolov, when he called on wednesday, because his application was registered on monday, but the application... was registered in the register of applications, well, that is, they gave a serial number and said, well, we will consider or open proceedings, and when he called the darnytsia department on wednesday, and the duty officer or the investigator simply told him: why are you in such a hurry, we have 30 days to consider your application? yura said: well, no
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matter how unhappy it was, but thank god, by the end of the week we already had open proceedings, we already have suspected perpetrators, well , let's hope... that both in this case and in in the case of the byuzes, we, well, and previously in the case of mykhailo tkach, where there are also suspects, and we receive information not only about the performers, but also about the customers, this it is critically necessary, because if we are a country that has announced that it is joining the european union, then we cannot be a country of just open affairs. we are now talking about two cases in the last week actually. and they became loud, they are talked about, and the actual movement began very quickly, everything began to be clarified, found, revealed, in particular thanks to the fact that the western media wrote about it, if only they wrote about it in ukraine, if only about it in their on facebook pages, for example
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, our colleagues wrote, well, it's not a fact that they started so intensively investigate whether you know the facts of similar, similar stories with other journalists? which simply did not reach such publicity, because they were not interested in them, they were not written about , it will be like this before the new year, our money and lviv did not react to them either, somehow nothing moved in the west after that, well, now we have, just the other day , a journalist from odesa contacted us, who discovered a maid in her car, ugh, but we are currently collecting materials so that we also have an escort, and to be honest, there are cases of new money, or cases obstructing the activities of female journalists in mykolayiv, where the case is now at the court stage, but why is it at the court stage, because she immediately promptly appeared before... and it would seem that
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there is nothing to investigate here, well, that is, there is a recorded fact of a direct threat, so but well, until the lawyer entered the case, everything dragged on, let 's conduct an examination after an examination, and did you correctly understand what was threatened to you, maybe it was not meant like that at all , maybe you... due to traumatic circumstances gave it meaning and therefore similar, well that is, they delayed it as much as possible, a good lawyer came in, in principle, the matter is now in court, the court will establish the cases there, we have a very , shall we say, delicate situation now , because the media movement, the organization of the association of journalists and media experts, notes that cases have become more frequent, with on the one hand, since 2019 , we have had a gradual decrease in the number of cases of attacks on journalists, but at the same time
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, in the 22nd year, compared to the 21st, we have a significant decrease in the number of investigations into such cases, by almost 80%, from 23 -th year we will have a committee hearing on this topic, we will invite both law enforcement officers and journalists, here it is very important for us, as a country , to understand that this is not a system, let it be there and cases often happen. exceptions to the rules , that as a rule we as a state guarantee the safety of journalists, why, because it is the fourth power, because it is society's control over power, because it is a sign of a democratic state, but if it is a system, then everything will be much worse. do you remember, mr. yaroslav, we spoke with you literally in the first days after the simply schizophrenic history of modern ukraine ended, when the parliamentary committee on freedom issues... the words will be driven by a person who committed criminal acts for the benefit of various authorities, both
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russian and hungarian, and hundreds of examples of lies, substitution of concepts were caught by journalists, after shufrych, after that we talked with you that there is a very serious challenge, because , as they say, things have been handed down, you as the head of the committee are the same, the parliamentary majority is the same, the realities are the same, the war, there is a history here that has been, oh, how many years, and i mean , when unknown heroes, and took and they cut three tv channels off the air, and no one answered for anything, accordingly, you said that you would try to figure it out and do something about it, there is also the other side of the coin, a couple of weirdos run around the verkhovna rada with mobile phones and conduct a stream , and this is called the broadcast of the verkhovna rada, broadcast...
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that is, it does not hide in the parliament, the parliament gathers under the dome and takes risks in case of air raids, but it works, at the same time , journalists are not allowed in, there is no broadcast, the rada channel has turned into an application for ivanov, petrov sidorov and development of kiryusha. tymoshenko of huge budget funds in order to shoot some krinzhatina, instead of performing the functions prescribed in the statute of the rada tv channel, here are two cases, what are you going to do with it, that the parliament has already had time to speak, who to listen to, what, what will happen, well in fact, in the case of the three channels, the simplest solution would actually be for the authorities to save the marathon, and let's say , to preserve it, well, if the face was in a... difficult situation, it's like, now, they've made a mistake to admit, and there, like in our country, it's
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love, evening appeals and accepted decision, we allow a single marathon there, those people who are most critical of it have the most trust in these channels, we have a balance of opinions, we have a finished information space, and in these two years of work, if the channels were to channels would have some serious claim, then we would already have... some consequences, because in fact, the most critical situation in all three cases, despite the fact that the court processes went in different directions, someone filed. court for the frequency divider, for the divider frequencies, someone on the dszzi, who just switched there, that channel, but both there and there in principle, we have a situation of delay and absence actually responsible, well , it cannot take and decide that they took and switched the frequencies there, and that's why it
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's a more complicated process, since kyril tymoshenko is not in the president's office... there is no unofficial curator of this idea in principle, but the biggest problem is that there is no one in charge who would simply take over would and if he could clearly say where we will move, how we will to move, because danilov directly says, well, i know that the fifth espresso should be in the national marathon, well, they have, and what doesn't, well, maybe you have a secretary, that's a question, yes, that's a question. at the same time, you also said that there is no opposition in this country, so far the question is this, but the official one, as it is the stagnation of our official positions, it is actually present. the second point, regarding, so we, well, if the committee really has enough limited functions, you can say that this is wrong, it will be well recorded there,
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but the key story, well, for us, as people who are responsible for the policy, and, for achieving the result, to find a solution. so that the channels either receive compensation for what was done wrong with them, and get frequencies, well, or if there are complaints against them, so that we hear these complaints and understand how they spread there, because, well, the issue of disconnecting channels from access is actually, well, very will quickly arise in the process of european integration, because we have to somehow argue for ourselves, it is already in the documents, our colleagues are on it, glory for god's sake... for us, at the stage when we were at the stage of european integration, we did not really emphasize, well, now we are already in the process, so now there will not be any such morleson ballets, regarding access to the verkhovna rada, indeed the number of seats in the shelters of the verkhovna rada are limited, and the launch of journalists carries security risks
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primarily for journalists, but the people are all adults. the second moment is when we say in advance that there will be a meeting of the verkhovna rada. the rocket that will fly to the verkhovna rada, well, no one can predict our neighbors, it will happen not fly directly to the verkhovna rada, but it will fly and shoot down and will, in particular , through residential quarters, that is, is there a security issue, and of course there is, but when my colleagues broadcast live, everyone sees it, and then the leadership of the verkhovna rada the councils, which neither do anything with colleagues, nor offer any format of access for journalists, say, well, you know, we have security issues, so it somehow sounds illogical. millet or cross is obtained, therefore, in this case, we follow two procedures in principle: the first is a and is premises to which access is in principle easier, because, for example, there are lipska or sadova, no matter what, the storage capacity in
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these premises is not that high, because when the verkhovna rada is in session, there must be 402 there. there must be several employees there apparatus, now there are significantly fewer of them than in peacetime, but still there are up to 50 people, well, accordingly, there are solemn delegations, journalists, and, that is, it is all the same number, but two or three people are enough for broadcasting there, they put cameras, turned on the cameras, the camera is happy, actually, the story is that the broadcast will be taught later, again for what, for security issues, and now i have a logical question, we are considering very important symbolic laws. as, for example, we will consider the law on mobilization, what danger to society is brought by the fact that we will inform society in three days, look, friends, we will consider the law on mobilization at the next meeting, we did so in our committee, we are told, well, you can't post in advance, i'm telling you what data can't be posted in advance, the time of the meeting, ok, let's not post it, the day of the meeting too, well, if you, as journalists,
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our colleagues, public activists, society are interested in what the verkhovna rada is doing. and it is desirable not to find out after the fact, but first-hand, when colleagues there say that look, we adopted such and such a law, and this law does not affect business there, it affects, well, for example, the curfew law, and responsibility for violations , is it necessary, so necessary, because in principle to influence all kinds of boho and night clubs, well, in fact, there is no how, yes, but on the other hand, this applies to everyone, do we as citizens have the right to know that we will consider this? we have the right, that is, there are certain components that can be resolved right now, and we are conducting communication in this regard, and there are certain achievements, because previously all the pages of people's deputies were closed in general, huh. well, relatively speaking, yes, that is, if you google the opzh faction there, they will give you everyone who was there, in what condition they are, where they are hiding, who is in the arab emirates, who
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is in rashka, who is from otsitki, and so on, so far sizo, but who has already been called to a concert in kabzon, you go to the page of the supreme council , and everything is closed there, they ask what about security issues, well, they somehow explained that if it is still playing on the internet, then what is the problem, that's why here there is a complex of such small things that need to be done, but what we will definitely, well, at least i want from the committee, is what the verkhovna rada is doing, it should be known, security moments must be considered to be real, well reality, because no matter what, when colleagues broadcast directly and tell what is there no one knows that we have a council every day, in principle, it starts on the same day, it starts at the same hour, and this is kind of news for everyone. our enemies do not know about this at all, well, it looks a bit funny, we have a couple of minutes, there is one more question, and it remains until three minutes of time, i wanted to tell you, in general,
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this is the question hanging in the air right now, the question of the very existence of the marathon, single marathon, and what is the fate of the petition, which was registered and sent to the government ministry by pavlo bilous himself, a member of the coordinating council of the resistance to surrender movement, was on the maidan, fought. he went as a volunteer, and he recently demobilized, and there is a petition that the funds that are currently being directed to the only news and feed, that hundreds of millions of them should be transferred to this, these are huge funds, that they, this is what this petition looks like, i can already see a lot of signatures collected there, it is not enough, we are still signing , but yes, but there is already a little, there is activity, so those funds should be directed to the purchase of uavs and pickup trucks for the armed forces of ukraine, that is, without ... our defenders for sure they can't what is the fate of this petition now? she is collecting signatures, and i really hope that when she collects signatures, the cabinet will be forced to react, but again, the final
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decision will be made, we are conscious not in the cabinet, and so now there are two directions, the first is that we are looking format as, because there is a political decision in the decision-making office, in the decision-making center , that the marathon remains at the moment, but it remains exactly until the commerce. the channels included in it, if only they were interested in it, because they are also losing their recognition , and it is very likely that soon, well, the marathon may be torn apart from the inside, yes or no, we will offer, we offer to give more information there and somehow expand the range of channels, well, for now, the discussion continues, i really hope, that we will come to an adequate solution, the petition is available, well, yes, but what is the actual situation here, we are at war and... there must be a single such communication platform, it is necessary, the experience of all countries shows, but not such krinjatina, when our defenders
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they are coming, he says he came to the rear, he turned on the only marathon, when he looked, he almost lost his mind, i am gently retelling it like this now, because completely different words were heard, and in this case here, as they say, a drowning man has a drowning man to take care of yourself, because the ratings and channels are drowning, if you already... said, but there is one thing, a bigger philosophical one, literally a minute, it turns out with us that it was not for nothing that you , according to freud, agreed to the decision-making center, the decision-making office, that's how it is yes, we live in an office-presidential republic it is written in the constitution that it is a parliamentary -presidential republic, why does this parliament allow itself to wipe its feet and deal with such stories sometimes, well , it is enough to at least look at stefanchuk's latest initiatives. our intelligent ukrainian people handed over the majority in this parliament to the president's team, and this is a majority that, in principle, could subjectivize itself and be an important player,
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or at least defend its interest, the vast majority is engaged in survival in the political sense of this sense, understanding that their perspective is only to be loyal to the office, that's why there are a lot of strange initiatives, the good ones pass very literally pull the cat by the tail. at least have the opportunity to do so until the end of the war. thank you, mr. yaroslav, for the conversation. yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine and chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech was our guest. in the meantime, we have prepared material for you, a difficult material about medicine, about the path from evacuation to the operating room. during the war with russia, doctors save our people 24/7 defenders for... during this time, it was possible to develop military surgery, and now such very complex operations are performed with modern equipment even in military hospitals in the rear and on the front lines. about the work of military surgeons.
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the leading surgeon of the military medical clinical center of the western region told paruba. let's review this material after a short break. stay with us. on january 22, at 7:30 p.m., the vinyl agency will present taras chubai on the stage of the lviv opera and songs that will be sung by all of ukraine. special guest of the concert. lviv men's academic choir chapel dudaryk karabaskom tickets, live sound. new york 19th century. this is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on mego. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. exclusively on the air
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of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. challenging topics resonance in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, attacks. pilots to moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's benefit. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10. espresso. congratulations
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on. the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. when knowledge equals life. to medical assistance. mine and explosive safety. tactical camouflage and marksmanship. rules of conduct during shelling. over 35 training topics in 17 regions of ukraine. civilian preparedness center. the project of serhiy's charity fund. were stronger, when you are ready for anything, register. he left crimea in 2014, saves ukrainian soldiers in a hospital in lviv. hryhoriy prokhorenko, leading surgeon of the military medical clinical center of the western region. he served in sevastopol until march 2014, and when the russian aggression began, he remained loyal to ukraine.
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we met. it's with the command of the russians, well, with their medics, the head of the medical service, i don't know what that group is called, but it was bigger than crimea, so i think it was the southern district or something like that, there was a georgian colonel, and when we talked with them, he said that, in principle, the situation was similar to the one that was at the collapse of the union, when everyone chose for himself. the side for which he will serve in the future and where he will stay, ukrainians in ukraine, russians in russia or vice versa, and then i was simply asked in conversation how he would behave if such a situation happened exactly and vice versa, we he was offered to go over to the side of ukraine, he remained silent and there was no further conversation on this topic.


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